December 2020

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Joe Biden J

defeats Donald Trump to win presidency

oseph Robinette Biden Jr. was elected the 46th president of the United States on Saturday, November 7, promising to restore political normalcy and a spirit of national unity to confront raging health and economic crises, and making Donald J. Trump a oneterm president after four years of tumult

in the White House.

Biden’s victory amounted to a repudiation of Trump by millions of voters exhausted with his divisive conduct and chaotic administration, and was delivered by an unlikely alliance of women, people of colour, old and young voters and a

sliver of disaffected Republicans. Trump is only the third elected president since World War II to lose re-election, and the first in more than a quarter-century.

The result also provided a history-making moment for Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris of California, who

became the first woman to serve as vice president. With his triumph, Biden, who turned 78 last month, fulfilled his decades-long ambition in his third bid for the White House, becoming the oldest person elected president. A pillar of Washington who was first elected amid the Watergate scandal, and who prefers political consensus over combat, Biden will lead a nation and a Democratic Party that have become far more ideological since his arrival in the capital in 1973. He offered a mainstream Democratic agenda, yet it was less his policy platform than his biography to which many voters gravitated. Seeking the nation’s highest office a half-century after his first campaign, Biden — a candidate in the late autumn of his career — presented his life of setback and recovery to voters as a parable for a wounded country. Biden’s victory, which came 48 years to the day after he was first elected to the United States Senate, set off jubilant celebrations in Democratic-leaning cities. In Washington, people streamed into the streets near the White House and cheered as cars bearing American flags drove by honking. Source: With Inputs from NYT



PUBLISHER NOTE Dear readers, The year 2020 is almost coming to an end and somewhere deep down, we all want to step into the new year already. The month of December brings along a festive cheer like no other. With the onset of Christmas, the houses everywhere are adorned like a new bride and the air is brimming with excitement and joy. I personally feel it isn’t necessary that Christmas during the pandemic has to be dull and unusual. We can all indulge in the festive cheer and merrymaking. However, I would also like to remind you to be cautious and responsible while indulging in the festive cheer because of the risk of being infected with the virus. For you to have a happy celebration, we have a Christmas special write-up highlighting the ways in which you can safely observe the festivities and protect yourself and your loved ones while celebrating. Our special feature about Boxing Day throws some light on the significance and history of this day. The feature on Covid-19 will bust some common myths related to coronavirus that many people think are true. We also bring you tips and tricks to take care of your physical and mental wellbeing with our special articles on fitness, health and beauty. The juicy insights from the entertainment industry are sure to keep you entertained. You must check out our coverage of the local events held in and around our city to keep yourself updated about the community and its efforts. There are many more exciting reads that are going to keep you entertained throughout. The entire team behind this edition has worked relentlessly to bring forth quality content for you. I hope to stand high and rise above the expectations of our readers. I am thankful for your support and the love you have been showering on us throughout the journey. I would love to have your suggestions and recommendations to be better and grow with every upcoming edition. You can share your valuable feedback at Visit our website to get an e-copy of this magazine. Sending across warm wishes for each one of you. Love and regards, Rajesh Ansal Ansal Media Group Inc.



Ansal Media Group Inc.

eDITOR Nikita Sharma

Photo Credits Rajesh Ansal

Design-Layout Sunil Kumar

contributing writers Dr. Sifti Bhullar, Sandeep Ahuja, Prof. Avtar Singh Virdi, Nikita Sharma, Dr. Pargat Singh Bhurji, Sajan Kumar, Krishna Jeeja, Malwinder Kaur, Pooja Gupta, Vishnu Makhijani, Baidurjo Bhose, Harpreet Puri

Special Thanks To IANS, www.,,

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Christmas SPECIAL 12 Christmas amid a pandemic can still be merry.

07 5HEALTH ways to combat body odour


while running.

RELATIONSHIP 08 Family First!


Kevin Spacey denies assault allegations.

32 BOOK A 21-day immunity plan you can follow for ever.


HEALTH 48 Unwind your mind and body with

10 BEAUTY Beauty hacks for

Care & Cure.

TRAVEL 44 Exploring

outdoors in Philadelphia.



For Bollywood stars, unlock mode is holiday mode!



Everything you need to know about gallstones.

IMMIGRATION Covid-19 and Canadian immigration.



Katrina undergoes Covid test ‘with a smile’.


Learning wine etiquette DECEMBER 2020


Coronavirus: Everything you need to know

A novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, has been identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness that originated in Wuhan, China, and which has spread to several other countries around the world.

Cases The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 218 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances. The total cases across the world are reported to be around 62,712,622. The total recovered cases are 1,460,792. Recently, there has been a surge in the coronavirus cases across the world and many countries are looking towards implementing strict lockdowns. When it comes to the fatality rate and incubation period there is no concrete data. Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 (estimated ranges vary from 2-10 days, 2-14 days, and 10-14 days, during which the virus is contagious but the patient does not display any symptom (asymptomatic transmission). Vaccine Soon after Pfizer and its partner BioNTech announced early results of more than 90% effectiveness in its candidate vaccine against the new coronavirus, competitor Moderna announced an even higher level of protection — 94.5% effectiveness — in early, large-scale Phase 3 study results for its coronavirus vaccine candidate. Both vaccines rely on messenger-RNA technology, a relatively new approach. Then on November 18, Pfizer/ BioNTech announced that the effectiveness portion of its Phase 3 study was complete, showing 95% effectiveness. See a pattern here over time? Pfizer/BioNTech is set to submit its findings to the U.S. Food



and Drug Administration for “emergency use authorization” within days. Both projects report that their vaccine protects against severe and mild cases of COVID-19. COVID-19 MYTHBUSTERS FACT: Vitamin and mineral supplements cannot cure COVID-19.

distance of at least one meter from others. Fact: Water or swimming does not transmit the COVID-19 virus. The COVID-19 virus does not transmit through water while swimming. However, the virus spreads between people when someone has close contact with an infected person.

Micronutrients, such as vitamins D and C and zinc, are critical for a well-functioning immune system and play a vital role in promoting health and nutritional well-being. There is currently no guidance on the use of micronutrient supplements as a treatment of COVID-19.


FACT: People should NOT wear masks while exercising.

FACT: The likelihood of shoes spreading COVID-19 is very low.

People should NOT wear masks when exercising, as masks may reduce the ability to breathe comfortably. Sweat can make the mask become wet more quickly which makes it difficult to breathe and promotes the growth of microorganisms. The important preventive measure during exercise is to maintain physical

The likelihood of COVID-19 being spread on shoes and infecting individuals is very low. As a precautionary measure, particularly in homes where infants and small children crawl or play on floors, consider leaving your shoes at the entrance of your home. This will help prevent contact with dirt or any waste that could be carried on

Avoid crowds and maintain at least a 1-metre distance from others, even when you are swimming or at swimming areas. Wear a mask when you’re not in the water and you can’t stay distant. Clean your hands frequently, cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue or bent elbow, and stay home if you’re unwell.

the soles of shoes. FACT: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by a virus, NOT by bacteria. The virus that causes COVID-19 is in a family of viruses called Coronaviridae. Antibiotics do not work against viruses.Some people who become ill with COVID-19 can also develop a bacterial infection as a complication. In this case, antibiotics may be recommended by a health care provider. There is currently no licensed medication to cure COVID-19. If you have symptoms, call your health care provider or COVID-19 hotline for assistance. FACT: The prolonged use of medical masks* when properly worn, DOES NOT cause CO2 intoxication nor oxygen deficiency. The prolonged use of medical masks can be uncomfortable. However, it does not lead to CO2 intoxication nor oxygen deficiency. While wearing a medical mask, make sure it fits properly and that it is tight enough to allow you to breathe normally. Do not re-use a disposable mask and always change it as soon as it gets damp. Medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are flat or pleated; they are affixed to the head with straps or have ear loops. FACT: Most people who get COVID-19 recover from it. Most people who get COVID-19 have mild or moderate symptoms and can recover thanks to supportive care. If you have a cough, fever and difficulty breathing seek medical care early - call your health facility by telephone first. If you have fever and live in an area with malaria or dengue seek medical care immediately. Source: With inputs from World Health Organisation (

5 ways to combat body odour while running


weating is an inevitable part of running which will result in bad body odour. Whether you are a distance runner or a casual jogger, smelling good is something that can add a boost to your exercise. After all, no one wants to worry about body odour after the high that accompanies a great feeling run. Also, in case you thought you could only sweat in summer that is not true. With the onset of winter come the heavy layers of clothing which results in even more body odour. While sweating is your body’s natural way of regulating temperature, it is the body odour that accompanies it which can be embarrassing when interacting with fellow runners. It is bacteria that are present on sweaty skin that react with sweat and cause body odour.

Maximum odour comes out from the underarms when bacteria mixes with the sweat. Use a deodorant or preferably a Roll On directly on underarm skin, so as to control body odour right at its source. Use face wash on your face and neck post run and follow that up with splashing an alcohol based sanitizer (preferably carried in your belt bag) on your hands, armpits and neck. Instead of looking for strong fragrance deodorants, look out for deodorants with long lasting body odour control. What I personally recommend is, using deodorants or roll-ons that contain specially formulated Silver-Ions Technology that would effectively reduce odour-causing bacteria up to 99 per cent. It’s your best bet against odour, especially during long runs. By: IANS

Daniel Vaz, Marathon Coach for NIVEA Men, has some hygiene tips for you to follow when you step out for a run: Take a pre-run warm shower. It not only warms up the muscles, but it will also clean your skin off sweat. Applying soap between your toes will ensure that those areas that are potential sites for fungal infections such as Athlete’ foot, are cleansed. Wear clean running apparel that is preferably made of fabric that wicks away sweat, breathes and keeps you dry.



for a bike ride or play a game together.

Family First!

It strengthens family bonds: Families who share everyday activities together form strong, emotional ties. Studies have found that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt well to situations as a family. Share your favourite hobbies, sports, books, movies or other favourite activities.

It develops positive behaviours: Children and adolescents who spend more time with their parents are less likely to get involved in risky behaviour. Children who frequently eat with their families also usually have improved dietary intake compared to those who don’t eat as often with family members.

It encourages communication:


he fast pace of modern day family life can make it easy to forget that simply just spending time with our children is really important. Our time is one of the greatest things we can give them. The ongoing pandemic has given lots of opportunities to families to spend



When you spend time with your children you are fostering an environment for open communication. Good communication is important for your children to feel comfortable with talking about anything. Simply asking your child how their day has gone can make a big difference. time together and some good old family bonding! Here’s why you should make quality time a priority:

It builds children’s selfesteem: Children who spend time with their

parents participating in activities together build a positive sense of selfworth. When children feel that they are valued by their parents, they feel more positive about themselves. Family activities don’t have to be expensive trips out to be meaningful, the important part is just being together. You could go

It can help your children be a good friend: Children learn by example. If you are setting a good example for them by spending quality time together, they are more likely to adopt those behaviours in other relationships in their lives.

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COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE COVERAGE IN UNCERTAIN TIMES pected death, critical illness and sudden disability. This removes your financial worries and help you overcome the unprecedented times with minimum stress.


As an independent insurance advisor working through Punjab Insurance Agency, I deal with different insurance companies offering plans for different types of insurance. I can explain to you in detail, the insurance plan options and coverage that are suitable for your needs and resources. Besides, I can also help you to purchase mortgage insurance, super visa insurance, disability insurance, critical illness insurance, extended medical plans, group medical plans, RESP, RRSP, travel insurance, TFSA accounts, health and dental plans along with estate planning suitable for your needs and resources.

Sandeep Ahuja

n the present turbulent times when the entire world is grappling with the challenge of COVID-19 pandemic, there is a high degree of uncertainty about one’s physical well being. The risks associated with the disease are high and may lead to serious consequences such as death, serious illness, or prolonged disability. To save ourselves/ our family from the disastrous consequences associated with these perils, it is vital that we ensure our family’s financial protection. To help people effectively overcome the financial crisis due to the major risk factors, a prominent insurance company offers a comprehensive insurance coverage plan that provides you wholesome protection against the risk of death, disability and critical illness. Let us see how this coverage works for your practical needs.

Life Insurance Though we do hope and pray that everyone may remain safe, if unfortunately, somebody passes away due to an unexpected illness/injury, life insurance will prove an immensely beneficial tool that offers you financial protection as it lessens the sudden financial burden of the family members who can use the claim benefit to pay the funeral expenses, outstanding debts and mortgages, planned educational expenses (college education of the child) and lost income. As per your needs and financial capability, you can choose any plan out of different available options such as Term Life for 10, 20, 30, 40 years, or till age of 85 or, you can pick your term as per your mortgage or other temporary needs. The beneficiary has the liberty to use the financial assistance for any purpose as per his needs.

Critical Illness Insurance For a certain proportion of

population with compromised immune system, the disease may lead to serious health complications by exposing the individual to life-threatening illnesses. Here, critical illness insurance can prove a saviour. It is insurance protection that guarantees you payment of a tax-free lump sum benefit (full insured amount) in case you suffer from one of the 25 different types of critical illnesses (eg. heart attack, cancer, stroke, bypass surgery etc.). This benefit may be used to pay for the treatment, regular bills and, help your loved ones who may have to take time off their work to look after your physical well being. You can insure yourself for the benefit amount as per your needs/ priority/circumstance and are not bound to spend the benefit amount entirely on your medical treatment. Moreover, you can add features, as a Rider to policy, like ‘Return of premium on Death’, ‘Return of Premium on Expiry of Policy’ etc.

a valuable financial resource. The great news is that by paying a single premium, you get the 3-in-1 comprehensive coverage plan that acts as your protective shield against all the three risks viz. unex-

This article is © Copyrighted 201909-25 and can be reproduced only with prior permission.

You can call at



Disability Insurance Due to the high risk factors associated with COVID-19, if you become disabled due to the deadly disease or due to an accidental injury, you may have to stay away from work for a prolonged period of time. To compensate for your lost income and pay for the necessary monthly expenses including your mortgage payment, educational expenses of children and living expenses, disability insurance will prove DECEMBER 2020


This year, due to the ongoing pandemic and the risk it brings along to not just us but our loved ones too, it’s better to reconsider the nature of Christmas. If you are not in a highrisk group, it is not entirely crazy to meet a few people in the safest way possible. Unarguably it is the wishes and good times that we spend with our families that matters.


amid a pandemic can still be merry


o think flexibly. Consider mince pies and presents in the garden, chestnuts roasting on an outdoor fire, a bracing walk with a picnic, or even eschewing communal eating altogether – since a Christmas lunch inevitably means removing face coverings and often sitting in close proximity while chatting for prolonged periods, all activities best avoided. Here are a few tips for celebrating Christmas this year, not the traditional way but still a very merry one. Isolation before Christmas If you are ill, you should obviously stay at home. But to reduce the risk of asymptomatic coronavirus transmission, you could consider self-quarantining in the run-up to Christmas. “If you are able to completely selfisolate for 14 days beforehand then you really are very safe,” says Yardley. “Five days isn’t enough, although it is better than nothing. Ten days would be better, and 14 days better still.” Try to avoid seeing everyone at once Just because three households are allowed to form a Christmas



bubble that does not make such an event safe, particularly if your home is small. The more people you cram inside the higher the odds that one of you is unwittingly carrying the virus and the harder it is to maintain social distancing. Covid-secure your home

There are many ways of reducing the risk of transmission indoors, including disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, wearing a mask, maintaining a 2-metre distance from others, and using separate bathrooms. Ventilation is particularly important, and in well-insulated modern homes a single open window may not be enough. “What really makes a difference is having some airflow through the house, so keep the doors open and a window at the top and the bottom of the house ajar,” says Gabriel Scally, visiting professor of public health at the University of Bristol, and a member of Independent Sage. The same applies to individual rooms: keep doors and windows open. Remember home does not

mean safety Cancelling small gatherings is one of the most effective strategies for preventing the transmission of Covid-19, finds a recent study in Nature Human Behaviour. Gathering in the “safety” of your own home is particularly risky, precisely because we perceive it to be safe, warns Stephen Reicher, a professor of social psychology at the University of St Andrews. “We feel relaxed at home, and that can be dangerous because it may mean we let down our guard.” Learn how to politely say no It can be difficult to push a loved one away if they approach you for a hug or invite you indoors. To avoid seeming rude you could think through potentially awkward situations and try

to pre-empt them. “Try to frame your saying ‘no’ as an offer, rather than a rejection,” suggests Reicher. “So, don’t say, ‘don’t come near me’, but rather ‘shall I keep my distance so I don’t infect you?’ instead.” Table manners If you have the space and furniture available, consider a U-shaped table arrangement

transmission are lower outdoors, 2 metres is still the ideal minimum.

or even separate tables for different households. “Having people from different households directly facing one another isn’t a good idea,” says Linda Bauld, a professor of public health at the University of Edinburgh. Neither is playing background music, which encourages people to raise their voices and emit more droplets from their mouths. Avoid touching things that other people have touched, including shared food dishes. Ideally, guests should bring their own crockery and cutlery, and take it with them when they leave. Think carefully about who does the washing up. “Certainly, it shouldn’t be the most vulnerable person,” says Yardley. “Also remember that when the guests leave, any virus will remain in the house, so it’s best not to have the most vulnerable person hosting an event.” For additional tips on staying safe at home see the Germ Defence website, which Yardley and colleagues developed. Timing matters

contact-tracing perspective 15 minutes of sitting within 2 metres of someone indoors is the definition of “close contact”. Shorter visits are therefore better than longer visits. If you are planning to visit relatives or friends or invite in guests consider doing it in the morning rather than the afternoon or evening. It is easier to cajole people outdoors when there is daytime light, and you might be less likely to consume alcohol. “If alcohol is involved people are likely to stay longer, and physical distancing often becomes more difficult,” Bauld says. Outdoors is best but not risk-free If you are considering a traditional Boxing Day walk, try to keep your distance from other households. Although the risks of

If you are taking part in carol singing (if it is permitted under still-to-be-published government guidance) you should probably stand even further away. “Singing to each other across the garden is fine though,” Yardley says. Consider a midsummer Christmas Postponing gatherings with family or friends until the summer could be the safest strategy of all. “We could decide to love each other by keeping our distance, and then planning a bloody great party for Midsummer’s Day,” Reicher suggests. “Personally, I’ve always liked the notion of a Christmas barbie on the beach.” With inputs from: www.

The amount of time you spend indoors makes a difference to the buildup of virus in the air. From a



Boxing Day

The reason behind the celebration of

If you have lived in Canada for a few years now, chances are you’ve heard of Boxing Day a time or two. But do you know the history of Boxing Day? People living in the United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand do recognise the holiday, and as the world becomes increasingly smaller and more interconnected it behooves us all to learn about meaningful festivities celebrated around the globe.


oxing Day takes place every year on December 26th, which is of course easy to remember since it always follows Christmas. According to Vox, whenever Boxing Day falls on a weekend, however, the holiday is observed on the following Monday. Boxing Day is most commonly associated with the United Kingdom, which is why countries that celebrate it are part of the Commonwealth of nations that were formerly British colonies. (For whatever reason, Americans have opted out of this tradition!) Though the exact beginnings of the holiday aren’t completely agreed upon, there are several origin stories that help explain its significance. The BBC explains that Boxing Day got its name when Queen Victoria held the throne in the 1800s, and is borne out of the tradition of wealthy families boxing up gifts to give to the poor. Since servants of aristocrats were required to work on Christmas, the following day became the time when their employers filled up boxes with gifts, money, and Christmas leftovers for them, much like a



holiday bonus. Servants could then go home to share the gift boxes with their families. Another theory, according to, is that the name arose from alms boxes placed in churches for the collection of donations for those in need. On December 26th, clergy members would give these funds to the poor in honor of the feast of St. Stephen, a Christian martyr known for charitable acts. St. Stephen holds so much significance that in Ireland, Boxing Day is referred to as St. Stephen’s Day.

meals, drinking at pubs, or simply relaxing at home and enjoying the day off. In addition to the holiday’s emphasis on social connection, there are several other Boxing Day traditions that have evolved over the years.

While Boxing Day still has nothing to do with the sport of boxing, it has now come to be associated with watching football. The BBC notes that before the days of television, Christmas Day would feature a full schedule of football matches for fans to attend after they had eaten. During the 1950’s however, attitudes towards playing With so many competing sports on Christmas changed, and narratives, it’s difficult to know the last football match to take exactly how Boxing Day began. place on Christmas occurred in It’s clear, however, that what 1957. Since then, Boxing Day has they all have in common are become the time for sports fans themes of charity, gift-giving, and to get their fix. Another facet of celebrations, which have lived on modern Boxing Day is shopping, and is present in how this holiday is since it’s now widely known as observed today. a day for massive sales. Similar to Black Friday in the US, plenty How Is Boxing Day of shoppers will spend hours Celebrated Today? in line to snag some of the These days, Boxing Day is best discounts of the season, regarded as a time to spend supplement the Christmas gifts with family and friends, they received, or possibly even particularly those who return unwanted items. Since you couldn’t see on countries like the United Kingdom Christmas. This can and Canada include gathering for also

celebrate Black Friday, Boxing Day shopping has become slightly less popular in recent years, but is still a main celebratory fixture. Going back to its roots, charity continues to be an important aspect of Boxing Day celebrations. The Old Farmer’s Almanac explains that this includes everything from charity runs to the Boxing Day Dip, which is when adventurous participants dress in fancy clothes and take a dunk in the freezing cold sea. Finally, Boxing Day is also recognized as a day to overindulge on Christmas leftovers. Families might invite guests over for a casual lunch featuring baked Ham, Christmas cake, turkey sandwiches, roasted vegetables and other festive foods enjoyed the day before. In that sense, you might have already been celebrating the spirit of Boxing Day for years, without even knowing it! Source:



Your skin needs care in


When it comes to skincare, choosing from a plethora of products can feel downright confusing. Picking just one from rows of cleansers, toners, scrubs, moisturizers, and serums can appear a daunting task. While you spend time checking out one product after the other, the question remains the same - which skincare product is right for you?


ell, the answer depends upon the type of skin one possesses and the season of the year. While skin types can be broadly classified in dry, oily, combination, acneprone, and sensitive, the basic skin care routines throughout the season stay the same. Just a few adjustments and you’re sorted. Dolly Kumar, Cosmetic Engineer and Founder & Director at Cosmic Nutracos Solutions Pvt. Ltd., the parent company to skin care brand Skinella shares her skincare guide for all skin types. Cleansing: Cleansing your skin is the first step for any skincare routine, as it will remove any makeup, dirt, excess oils, and build-up on your skin. Double cleansing has become quite popular recently, where you use an oil-based cleanser to break down any makeup on your skin followed by foam or gel cleanser to remove everything. Those with dry skin should try not to go overboard as it can rip your skin of natural oils when using a hard cleanser. Toning: Toner helps achieve the skin’s pH balance. You can either spritz a mild toner on your face or take a small amount on a cotton pad and swipe it all over the face. A good toner tightens pores over regular use and lends an enviable glow to your skin. Exfoliation: Using an exfoliator once or twice a week will help remove dead skin cells and keep your skin looking brighter. If you have sensitive skin, a very gentle exfoliation such as a lower percentage glycolic acid would be best suited. However, don’t scrub your skin too hard or too often with an exfoliator as this can damage your skin.



Moisturising : The job of the moisturiser is to aid in hydrating and softening the skin. More specifically, finding the right formula is key here. It must nourish and restore your skin efficiently without leaving it feeling greasy or heavy. SPF: We can’t stress enough how important this step is, because SPF is the single most important treatment for your skin with major benefits, and it’s not just for the summer months. The sooner you start using sunscreen, the better your skin will look and feel in the long run. The UVA and UVB rays of the sun result in ageing, fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and of course, skin cancer, which is why wearing sunscreen must be an indispensable part of skincare. Now that we’ve covered the daily skincare routine, you may be wondering what products to add to your arsenal. This is perhaps the most important part. Although advanced digital technologies and marketing tools are working in the background to influence your purchase decisions, a user must be careful about the kinds of ingredients that go inside these

skincare products. This is where you need to be 100 percent sure that the products you choose have no harsh chemicals and contain all-natural ingredients or the power of superfoods. This means choosing skincare products the same way you will choose your platter - healthy, colourful, and nutritious. Instead of just consuming superfoods such as avocado, kale, oats, honey, goji berries, and more, which are packed with antioxidants, why not try applying them in the form of skincare? Using such products can protect your skin from the damage caused by free radicals. These radicals cause collagen breakdown, which leads to dull, saggy skin, wrinkles, and skin inflammation - which is one of the main reasons for skin sensitivity and pigmentation issues. So, give your skin the food that it needs to look its best. Here are a few tips to help you further your skincare routine via some lifestyle

changes: Eat fresh fruits and veggies: Fruit and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that help to protect skin from the cellular damage caused by free radicals, smoking, pollution, and sunlight. These pollutants can cause wrinkling and age spots. To help prevent skin damage, eat a rainbow of colourful fruits and vegetables, and aim for at least five portions a day. Drink plenty of water: Skin needs moisture to stay flexible. Even mild dehydration will cause your skin to look dry, tired, and slightly grey. You should drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Even if you’re working from home, keep a bottle of water on your desk to remind you to drink. Don’t forget that some fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, and cucumber, also contribute fluids - the added benefit is that the minerals they contain will increase the rate you hydrate your body and skin. Exercise: By getting the heart rate up and improving blood circulation, exercising can help to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin - a big antiageing secret. It keeps your skin healthy and promotes the production of collagen and new skin cells to help you with glowing skin. While you follow this daily routine, it is also equally important to eat well. It’s worth considering the possibility that alkaline foods like fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, and soy do wonders for your skin by providing your body with nutrients that maintain the pH level of your blood. By: Baidurjo Bhose



The pandemic has disrupted the everyday functioning of businesses, affecting livelihoods, operational sustainability, and profit margins. Many businesses have had to shut shop while others continue to struggle. In the post pandemic world, businesses will have to adopt new frameworks which allow for short-term growth, while building a foundation of long-term resilience.

5 ways to strengthen biz in postCOVID world for women and new



round the world women continue to enter the workforce, defying cultural and social barriers, realizing their dreams, and proving that they are as adept as men in running a business. However, the post pandemic economy will bring with it challenges, and in lieu of the same.

On World Women Entrepreneurship Day, we share some tips to ensure sustainability: Amplify virtual footprint: Remote and online working have become key factors in the stabilization of many businesses. Utilize email newsletters, videos, social media, and even interactive webinars to ensure your business remains at the forefront of your clients’ minds. If you are into product sales, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and similar social media applications are your ‘New Besties’ to help you publicise your products, reach and engage with your customers. As suppliers, customers and employees have adopted remote models, transactions have moved online, virtualizing your business existence becomes imperative in dealing with your stakeholders in the post COVID world.



Keep business updated with emerging trends: The devastating effects of COVID are not going to turn ‘normal’ automatically. It is important to stay relevant for your audience and turn around the ravages into an opportunity for your business. For example, a tailoring business which makes dresses can invest the resources in making masks and PPE kits as well. Prepare for all kinds of short-term situations, focus on the present and leverage the new avenues to sail through the current reality of things. Innovation and creativity is key: Due to the pandemic, a lot of industries have dipped enormously. The consumer is left with limited money and their buying behavior has transformed in the past months. But, to find success in these difficult times, you need to understand your customer. Sometimes, customers do not know what they want, but provided they are excited by the product -- they will welcome it. The rule remains constant for post COVID era. With innovation and creativity in product and service delivery, a lot of consumers can be pulled in your court. Stay updated with relevant information: There are several schemes catering to women at state and

central level. One needs to understand how to optimize one’s business by learning more about the schemes and understand about incubation and accelerator programs for women entrepreneurs by corporations, academia, and other stakeholders. Embellish clientele network: It is a pivotal time to enhance the client base. Put efforts into generating prospective clients and bringing in new leads. Invest in expanding and strengthening your network. Not just clients but build partnership to enhance credibility, expand market and knowledge. Also, work hard to ensure that your current clients remain loyal to you by working on your marketing strategies and messaging. Against all odds, a lot of women entrepreneurs are creating a new world with their breakthrough ideas. With these tips, we hope that this new entrepreneurial energy can take India to the next level and put women at the forefront in the post COVID world. So, get back in the game with focus, flexibility, agility, and optimism because opportunities sometimes come in the garb of a crisis. By: Puja Gupta /IANS



Everything you need to know about gallstones Dr. Pargat Singh Bhurji

MD,FRCP ( C ) Consultant Pediatrician Surrery BC


allstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder. Your gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen, just beneath your liver. The gallbladder holds a digestive fluid called bile that’s released into your small intestine. Gallstones range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. Some people develop just one gallstone, while others develop many gallstones at the same time.

Symptoms of developing gallstones: Gallstones may cause no signs or symptoms. If a gallstone lodges in a duct and causes a blockage, the resulting signs and symptoms may include: 4 Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen 4 Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the center of your abdomen, just below your breastbone 4 Back pain between your shoulder blades 4Pain in your right shoulder 4 Nausea or vomiting

It’s not clear what causes gallstones to form. Doctors think gallstones may result when: Your bile contains too much cholesterol. Normally, your bile contains enough chemicals to dissolve the cholesterol excreted by your liver. But if your liver excretes more cholesterol than your bile can dissolve, the excess cholesterol may form into crystals and eventually into stones. Your bile contains too much bilirubin. Bilirubin is a chemical that’s produced when your body breaks down red blood cells. Certain conditions cause your liver to make too much bilirubin, including liver cirrhosis, biliary tract infections and certain blood disorders. The excess bilirubin contributes to gallstone formation. Your gallbladder doesn’t empty correctly. If your gallbladder doesn’t empty



completely or often enough, bile may become very concentrated, contributing to the formation of gallstones

Types of gallstones Types of gallstones that can form in the gallbladder include: Cholesterol gallstones. The most common type of gallstone, called a cholesterol gallstone, often appears yellow in color. These gallstones are composed mainly of undissolved cholesterol, but may contain other components. Pigment gallstones. These dark brown or black stones form when your bile contains too much bilirubin.

Factors that may increase your risk of gallstones include: 4Being female 4Being age 40 or older 4Being a Native American 4Being a Mexican American 4Being overweight or obese 4Being sedentary 4Being pregnant 4Eating a high-fat diet 4Eating a high-cholesterol diet 4Eating a low-fiber diet Having a family history of gallstones

4Having diabetes 4 Having certain blood disorders, such as sickle cell anemia or leukemia 4 Losing weight very quickly 4 Taking medications that contain estrogen, such as oral contraceptives or hormone therapy drugs 4Having liver disease

Complications of gallstones may include: Inflammation of the gallbladder: A gallstone that becomes lodged in the neck of the gallbladder can cause inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). Cholecystitis can cause severe pain and fever. Blockage of the common bile duct: Gallstones can block the tubes (ducts) through which bile flows from your gallbladder or liver to your small intestine. Severe pain, jaundice and bile duct infection can result. Blockage of the pancreatic duct: The pancreatic duct is a tube that runs from the pancreas and connects to the common bile duct just before entering the duodenum. Pancreatic juices, which aid in digestion, flow through the pancreatic duct.
A gallstone can cause a blockage in the pancreatic duct, which can lead to inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Pancreatitis causes intense, constant abdominal pain and usually requires hospitalization.

Gallbladder cancer: People with a history of gallstones have an increased risk of gallbladder cancer. But gallbladder cancer is very rare, so even though the risk of cancer is elevated, the likelihood of gallbladder cancer is still very small. You can reduce your risk of gallstones if you: Don’t skip meals: Try to stick to your usual mealtimes each day. Skipping meals or fasting can increase the risk of gallstones. Lose weight slowly: If you need to lose weight, go slow. Rapid weight loss can increase the risk of gallstones. Aim to lose 1 or 2 pounds (about 0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week. Eat more high-fiber foods: Include more fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity and being overweight increase the risk of gallstones. Work to achieve a healthy weight by reducing the number of calories you eat and increasing the amount of physical activity you get. Once you achieve a healthy weight, work to maintain that weight by continuing your healthy diet and continuing to exercise. Contd. in next edition



For brides-to-be, there is no substitute to a consistent skincare routine and a well planned prebridal appointment with a dermatologist. If you haven’t done so until the last moment, these quick remedies will help you look your best on your big day.

Beauty hacks for brides-to-be

Remove makeup before bed

Acne fix

Double cleanse your face by using micellar water followed by a mild face wash to remove makeup completely before you sleep. If you are too tired by the end of the da (especially after one too many celebratory cocktails), keep alcohol-free makeup remover wipes at your bedside for a quick cleanse.

Waking up with a pesky zit is every bride’s worst nightmare. Cleanse your face every night with a salicylic acid based face wash and exfoliate gently once a week. If you do breakout, resist the urge to pick at it. Instead, use acne patches with hydrocolloid to speed up healing and conceal acne under the wedding makeup.

Chapped lips fix

Keep the frizz away

For instantly soft and lipstick-ready lips, mix sugar, coconut oil and honey and apply over lips. Leave on for 10 minutes and gently exfoliate lips with a clean toothbrush.

A tried and tested home remedy for shiny, frizz- free hair is to mix apple cider vinegar, yogurt, honey and aloe vera. Use this as a hair mask for 30-minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo for glossy strands. (Patch test for possible allergies)

De-puff eyes To avoid eye puffiness, elevate your head by using an extra pillow under the head when sleeping. This will prevent fluid pooling under the eyes. To temporarily reduce undereye puffiness, place chilled (brewed) green tea bags over closed eyes for 10mins.

Don’t experiment Last minute changes to your skin care routine might do more harm that good, since there isn’t enough time to recover from an unexpected reaction. Closer to the D-day, avoid any new products or treatments and stick to what you know suits your skin best.

Watch your diet

excessive consumption of dairy and high sugar foods will help prevent acne flares and bloating. Especially for those prone to rosacea, limiting intake of alcohol and spicy foods will ensure no redness flares.

A week prior to the wedding, avoiding

By: Puja Gupta




Cherish the biggest gift you have!


oo often, the parents who raised, nurtured, and loved us are left behind as we grow up and pursue our dreams, but if you take a little time to show your love and appreciation, both you and your parents will benefit from a renewed relationship. There are many ways to do this, but a few stand out as the best. Here are some ways to show love to your parents to help them understand how much they mean to you.

Listen to them: Everyone yearns to be listened to, and unfortunately, most of us don’t have the greatest track record when it comes to our parents. As children, teenagers, and even young adults, we don’t tend to pay nearly enough attention to what they have to say. The next time you spend a day with your parents, just listen. Let them speak, and actively engage them on whatever it is they have to say.

parents how much you love and care for them is to give them that help whenever you can.

Show your affection:

Finally, the greatest way you can show love to your parents is—that’s right—to just show love! For some people, this is the hardest thing in the world. It can be far easier to give a gift, mow a lawn, or give respect than it is to give a hug and say “I love you.” But however hard this may be, you may one day come to regret not telling your parents how much you love them. Avoid that by just doing it. Give a warm hug. Say something loving. Start getting used to openness.

Ask for advice: Ask them for advice. You know, the wisdom of ages they’ve been trying to get into your head for pretty much your entire life? Yeah, that stuff. Asking your parents for their thoughts and opinions will make them feel like the important part of your life that they are. In fact, for many parents, this would be a dream come true!

Help them out: As

your parents age, the balance of power between you and them begins to change. Instead of them taking care of you, sometimes you might find that they need your help more and more often. One wonderful way to show your

Happy Birthday Riya



Marinated Green Olives with Garlic & Rosemary Ingredients 150 grams pitted green olives (drained), 1.5 teaspoon dried rosemary, 1/2 tsp lemon zest, 4 cloves garlic (crushed), 1 pinch kosher salt, 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil.

Italian recipes for this winter Italian food is one of the few global cuisines that people are truly obsessed with. Italian food regularly features on the dining tables of most urban households, and more often than not, we fall back on pastas, pizzas and many more to satisfy our cravings for a good meal. Here are some winter recipes to make your menu more interesting.

Method: 4 Heat oil in a pan and sautĂŠ crushed garlic and rosemary. 4Add lemon zest and drained olives and sautĂŠ till aromatic. 4Cool and transfer the olives in a large bowl. 4Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate for 2-3 hours before serving. 4Serve marinated olives as an appetizer in small bowls with toothpicks.

Grilled Vegetable Pasta Salad with lemon sesame dressing

INGREDIENTS: 250 grams penne pasta, 2 small size zucchini, thinly sliced, 5 baby corns, thinly sliced, 50 grams frozen peas, few basil leaves, 2 lemons, 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon sesame seeds, 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, chili flakes (optional), salt and pepper.

Method: Squeeze lemon juice in a mason jar or a small bowl and add salt and pepper to taste. Then, add parmesan cheese along with sesame seeds and extra virgin olive oil. Give it a whisk and set it aside to be used later. Bring a big pot of water to boil and add 1 tablespoon salt to it.



While the water boils, heat a grill pan and drizzle some oil. Layer the sliced zucchini and baby corn. Allow it to cook for a couple of minutes in high heat and then ip it. If the pan is small, grill the veggies in batches. Once the water is boiled, drop the penne pasta and cook for 8 minutes or until it’s cooked to al dente. At the last minute, drop the frozen peas and allow them to soften. Keep a serving bowl ready. Once the pasta is done, drain it along with the peas and put it in the bowl along with the grilled veggies. Pour the dressing and give it a toss. Scatter some basil leaves and shave some parmesan cheese on top. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Katrina undergoes Covid test ‘with a smile’


ollywood actress Katrina Kaif has undergone a coronavirus test before commencing a shoot and shared that she did it with a


Katrina posted a video on Instagram. In the clip, the actress is seen getting a Covid-19 test. In the video, Katrina looks stunning in a pristine white dress and completed her look with minimal makeup. A voice can be heard in the background saying “always smile.”

important instructions from Danny always smile’),” she wrote alongside the image. Katrina was recently in Maldives. According to reports, she was there for a photoshoot. On the work front, the actress will next be seen in Rohit Shetty’s cop action drama “Sooryavanshi”, starring Akshay Kumar, and the horror comedy “Phone Bhoot”, costarring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ishaan Khatter.

“It’s gotta be done - testing for shoot (Maldives flag emoji) #safetyfirst (very

Source: IANS

Vaani Kapoor: Akshay Kumar can ace any genre


ctress Vaani Kapoor, who will share screen space with Akshay Kumar in the upcoming film Bell Bottom, says Bollywood superstar Akshay can pull off any role in any genre with utmost ease.

otherwise go back to my hotel room and not interact too much because I like being in my own space. But he is someone who ensured that we all sat together and have lunches/dinners and got to know each other and be involved like a close-knit family.”

“For me, Akshay sir is a superstar in every possible way. He is such an enthralling actor and I am only grateful to be sharing screen space with him. He is so fascinating as an actor. He can pull off action, comedy, romance, thriller, and be the best in everything,” Vaani said.

Vaani says she cherishes this aspect a lot, about shooting for the film. The actress is currently in Chandigarh shooting her next with Ayushmann Khurrana, titled Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui. Source: IANS

She added: “Akshay Kumar can ace any genre! He is so talented and experienced and one can only observe and learn from him all the time.” On sharing screen space with Akshay, Vaani said: “The experience has been so lovely. He couldn’t have been kinder and more wonderful than he was. He is somebody who is very friendly on set. I am someone who would



After months of staying locked up at home and with the industry yet to fully open up, our stars actors are off to vacation. Maldives seems to be the location of choice. While most are exploring exotic spots, a few have opted to mix business with pleasure while on the trip. In the case of Kajal Agarwal, the postlockdown getaway will truly be one worth cherishing for life. She is on a honeymoon vacation.


e a look at a few pictureperfect moments that the stars have been sharing with fans.

Varun Dhawan

Last month, Varun Dhawan escaped to Maldives and shared glimpses of his vacation on social media. From his time in

For Bollywood stars, unlock mode is

holiday mode!

the sea, befriending a rabbit and showing off washboard abs, his social media was a mirror to the memories he made in the island paradise. Now, he is back to work and is shooting for the film, Jug Jugg Jeeyo.

sharing stunning photos of clean beaches, palm trees and crystal clear waters. “Other than my red shorts everything else in this frame is a sight for sore eyes,” he wrote while sharing a moment from his island life in Maldives.

Taapsee Pannu

Disha Patani

Before diving into work, Taapsee dived into the blissful ocean at Maldives. She enjoyed a lot with her sisters Evania and Shagun Pannu and rumoured boyfriend Mathias Boe, and her social media feed gives a glimpse of her activity. Her recreation of the famous ‘Biggini shoot’ remix was a highlight of her holiday, and went viral on the internet.

She has accompanied her rumoured boyfriend Tiger to Maldives. Disha gave fans a sneak peak into her vacation by sharing hot pictures on Instagram.

Kajal Agarwal

Katrina Kaif

Tiger Shroff

Katrina turned her work trip to Maldives into a vacation, from posing on the beach to feeding rabbits. The actress took to Instagram and shared pictures from the beaches. “So amzinggg to be in Maldives for shoot,” she wrote as caption with the pictures, with hashtags #lovemyjob and #grateful.

It was a much-awaited break of the year, and Tiger made the most of it. He has been

Kajal and her husband Gautam Kitchlu chose Maldives for their honeymoon. The actress kept sharing romantic snapshots, from her deep sea diving experience to their underwater suite in the resort.

Kareena Kapoor Khan It is hill time for Kareena Kapoor and family, The actress along with her son Taimur joined her husband Saif Ali Khan in Dharamshala, and turned his work trip into a family vacation. Saif is shooting his next film in the hills. Kareena shared glimpses of her vacation diaries on Instagram. She posted two photographs from her walk around the hill station with Taimur riding piggyback on his father. “Always looking ahead,” Kareena wrote with the images, and gave picture credit to actor Arjun Kapoor, who is Saif’s co-star at the outdoor shoot.



Rakul Preet Singh Rakul Preet has been sharing moments from her family trip on social media. She shared a picture where she is seen soaking in the sun and a beautiful view in Maldives. She has been setting new parameters with her beachwear fashion, too! “Smell the sea, feel the sky, let your soul and spirit fly #holidaytime #selflove #waterbaby,” she wrote.

Kiara Advani Kiara went into the wild to unwind after

the lockdown. She shared an image of her day out in nature, hiking, meditating and getting back to a peaceful state of mind.

Tara Sutaria Actress Tara Sutaria went off on a holiday in Maldives with rumoured beau Aadar Jain, and her vacation diary is all about blue skies and deep blue seas. “Hello again, paradise,” Tara wrote, announcing her trip to the island. She has been keeping her fans updated about her holiday, and she shared a stunning picture of herself

in a red bikini, besides one where she is basking in the sun.

Neha Dhupia The actress took time off with her husband, actor Angad Bedi, and flew off to the Maldives in October along with their daughter Mehr. They dropped some family moments on social media. “The Sunshine and sunglass brigade,” Neha wrote on Instagram.

Farhan Akhtar Farhan found his happy place with Shibani Dandekar in Maldives. Some time back, Shibani treated her fans with an adorable picture of her with Farhan. In the image, the lovebirds can be seen enjoying pool time as they look at the breathtaking view of the azure waters of the Indian Ocean.

Source: IANS



Protect your dog:

Prevent canine



n this month’s article we will be discussing an important disease seen in canines, known as “Canine Distemper”. You may be familiar with this condition’s name, by being one of the vital vaccinations that your dog receives at his or her’s earliest visits to the vet.

If your dog is not vaccinated properly against this virus, then there are several ways that he or she can contract it. The most common mode of transmission would be directly from another infected dog. This can occur from direct contact with infected urine, saliva or blood.

Sharing a food or water bowl with a dog infected with Canine Distemper, can also give a means of contracting this virus. It can also travel from one dog to another from sneezing and coughing. Puppies and growing dogs are the most susceptible to Canine Distemper, especially those that are not properly vaccinated for it. This can be a common misunderstanding or miscommunication of occurrence when adopting a rescue dog, who is labelled to be vaccinated. However, in reality, at many times these dogs in these situations have mistakenly not been vaccinated. Mothers, who are not vaccinated and give birth, offer a high risk to passing the virus onto their offspring. If newborn puppies get infected with this virus, through these means, then the immune system can become very weak. This allows for more serious conditions and complications to occur, such as: pneumonia. Canine Distemper can cause multiple symptoms in your pet, like: coughing, sneezing, fever, lethargy, a thick mucus discharge seen from the eyes and nose, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting and depression. More characteristic signs that can be seen in infected canines are hyperkeratosis of the foot pads and nose. What this means is that the bottom of the dog’s foot pads and his nose become very hardened to the touch. If you notice any of the signs listed above being exhibited by your pet, then it is very important for you to take your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible. When it comes to the course of treatment for this condition, timing is everything. The sooner this condition is caught; the sooner supportive treatment can be established. This virus holds properties of spreading very rapidly and aggressively throughout your dog’s body. Therefore,



treating your dog according with speed and care is important. Currently, there is no specific treatment recorded for Canine Distemper. It is labelled as an incurable disease. The main medical help that your veterinarian can offer, once this condition is officially diagnosed, is supportive care and IV fluids to counteract any dehydration or underlying health problems. Antibiotics may be administered long term in order for your dog to build up his immune system overtime. This will also allow to avoid having further health complications arise. Canine distemper can very easily be prevented. There are different measures of protection that can be implemented in order to protect your dog from this virus. The most important step is to make sure you have spoken with your veterinarian about vaccinating against Canine Distemper. This is considered a core vaccination in British Columbia. If you are the owner of a puppy, then it would be wise to have him or her vaccinated at the age of six to seven weeks old. Vaccination doses will continue at three to four week intervals until the puppy is around sixteen weeks old. During this time period it is important to make sure that your puppy is not in contact with any infected dogs or any potential environments for this virus to be present. Therefore, in order to keep a clean and healthy environment in your household, it is also important to maintain good hygiene for your pet, by cleaning their kennels and possessions regularly.

By: Dr. Sifti Bhullar

Kangana preps for

‘Dhaakad’ action even as she shoots for ‘Thalaivi’


ctress Kangana Ranaut has started preparing for action scenes in her upcoming film, Dhakaad, even as she shoots for

Kangana tweeted. In Dhaakad, Kangana plays a spy. The project is helmed by Razneesh Ghai.


The actress shared an update on Twitter along with a series of pictures from her training session, and in conversation with the team of the film. “Don’t like to multitask, but in these times one needs to go back to the beginning in those days I worked like a horse,so along with filming Thalaivi I started action rehearsals with Jason NG/ @brettchanstunts for Dhakaad as well, also lovely to see my charming director @RazyGhai,”

At the moment, she is shooting for Thalaivi in the city. She plays late Tamil politician J. Jayalalithaa in the biopic. Thalaivi is an upcoming bilingual biopic of late Jayalalithaa. The film will trace the journey of the late leader from silver screen to politics. It is directed by AL Vijay, and also stars Arvind Swami, Prakash Raj, Madhoo and Bhagyashree.

Source: IANS

Big B’s message to fans amid pandemic: You are not alone


mitabh Bachchan recently encouraged fans to fight the ongoing pandemic bravely, with a message saying they are

not alone.

Big B shared a selfie on his verified Instagram account where he can be seen travelling to work in his car wearing a mask. “Off to work .. a long day like everyday .. stay safe .. you are not alone .. we are all

in this together and shall remain together to fight .. love you all,” he captioned the photo. Bachchan is currently seen on television hosting the popular television quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati and he keeps sharing work-related updates for his fans and followers on social media. “At work and a short break for a quick lunch .. at it since 6am , and if all goes well shall wrap in a few hours and then gym gym gym gym,” the actor had tweeted a few days ago. Currently, Bachchan’s kitty is full with upcoming projects like Nagraj Manjule’s “Jhund”, the Emraan Hashmi co-starrer “Chehre”, and Ayan Mukerji’s action fantasy drama “Brahmastra”, co-starring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Mouni Roy and Telugu superstar Nagarjuna. Big B also recently signed a multilingual mega production co-starring Deepika Padukone and Telugu superstar Prabhas. Source: IANS



Covid-19 and Canadian

Immigration T he novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been continually affecting the world and has brought uncertainty to every profession. The most devastating effect has

been seen on the Canadian immigration.

The country has always glorified itself in welcoming the newcomers throughout the world. But the COVID-19 has restricted

and impeded the arrival of new immigrants. The pandemic however will have lasting impacts on immigration for years to come. This could possibly take years to rebuild the Canadian economy and the welcoming attitude of the Canadians towards immigrants. Despite of the permanent damage that this pandemic has already created, the Government of Canada is still trying their best to revive the immigration cycle and overcome the unprecedented challenges of the outbreak. The government has relieved some of the travel restrictions so that not only the Canadians and Permanent Residents but the temporary residents residing in Canada can unite with their family members abroad. IRCC/ CIC has waived off the biometrics for applicants in Canada for temporary visas. Moreover they will consider the past 10 years biometrics for all the Permanent Resident applicants. Aside all this, the processing of the spousal applications (family class applicants) has been accelerated. The Government is doing its best to restore the normal immigration operations nationwide. In one of his press conferences, Federal Immigration Minister Mendicino said, “Immigration reflects who we are, who we were, and who we want to be in the future.” This clearly explicates that the Canadian government is not compromising on keeping the country a culturally diverse nation.


oil: The super ingredient for your hair


hy bother with the tiresome and expensive hunt for exotic oils, when there is a super oil, literally growing in our own backyard. Its abundantly available, its benefits are versatile, its superior among its peers’ its coconut oil.

and well-nourished hair, is increased growth and more volume. The nutrients from this powerful nut oil work like magic to strengthen the roots, accentuate the growth, and improve the health of the scalp. The end result is a head full of lustrous and bouncy locks. Bid adieu to bad hair days.

The old charm of this oil has sustained its influence for centuries, and remains a staple in most homes. Heres why.

The Magic of Preventing Greying:

Repairs Damage: The woes of pollution, styling, and a busy lifestyles are bound to take a toll on your mane. Luckily, the solution is well at hand. Hair damage can be a thing of the past with coconut oil to the rescue. Use it as a shield or a pacifier, the choice is yours. For the former, a small coin-size amount, spread across your hair, works to form a layer that protects from the heat of styling gadgets and the sun. As a repair mechanism, this same oil goes deeper than any other oil into the hair and scalp to repair and truly exhibit the concept of ‘beauty from within’.

Secret Behind Voluminous Hair: An immediate consequence of protected



Environmental factors, stress, hormonal changes, the list goes on toward the many dangers of greying. Luckily, help is around the corner. Worry no more. Grab your bottle of coconut oil and massage away to improve circulation around the scalp and simultaneously offer intensive nourishment from the outside. The combined effect is a sure shot formula toward grey hair prevention. As the dual effect takes hold, another positive side effect is hair lustre like never before. Coconut oil is your one stop shop to hair care and does the job far better than its counterparts. Apply like a serum, massage for intensive care, leave on overnight for a good old-fashioned soak -- the choice is yours and the benefits endless.

By: Puja Gupta/ IANS



Here’s a 21-day immunity plan you can follow for ever With 80 per cent of chronic disease attributable to lifestyle and linked environmental factors and within the lifestyle hierarchy, poor diet being the most important contributor, the coronavirus pandemic has not only added to our vulnerability and lack of immunity, “but also taught us to look to a brighter future,” says a new book by a leading NHS-trained cardiologist and a pioneer of lifestyle medicine.

it be mistaken as a quick-fix measure, his experience is that three weeks “is that for most people it break any habit, or for many what is a form of addiction to sugar and ultraprocessed food” - these two being the bugbear of major health issues. “Over the course of the three weeks, you will follow an eating plan, you will be required to move your body daily, carry out breathing exercises, monitor and improve your sleep habits and be seeking to reduce your stress and improve your mental well-being by making a concerted effort to nurture and celebrate time with friends and family,” Malhotra writes. Quite naturally it begins with EAT. “What has been missing from the mainstream media discussion and public health messaging surrounding the virus is that the underlying root cause of these conditions is related to lifestyle (fuelled by the environments in which we grow, live and work) and that dietary changes alone, as my own medical experience with patients has also demonstrated, could rapidly and substantially improve many of these risk factors,” Dr. Aseem Malhotra writes in “The 21-Day Immunity Plan -- How to Rapidly Improve Your Metabolic Health and resilience to Fight Infection” (Hatchette). “Beyond my observations as a medical scientist and my duties as a clinical doctor to share knowledge on the link between metabolic health and immunity,” what Covid-19 has also done is to expose areas in health systems and personal well-being “that have long been neglected, and in themselves have made us more vulnerable to such a pernicious virus”, Malhotra writes. “But in spite of the tragedy, the disturbing statistics and heartbreaking stories that have collectively gripped the world, we can draw from the lessons the virus has taught us and look to a brighter future,” he adds. Malhotra then presents his 21-day immunity plan, adding for good measure that lest



So, “Enjoy” three meals per day maximum, at least two-four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily, one small handful of tree nuts (walnuts et al) daily, at least five-seven portions of a variety of fibrous vegetables and low-sugar fruits a day, vegetables in at least two meals a day and oily fish (salmon, mackerel et al) at least three times a week. “Avoid” all added sugars, fruit juice, honey and syrups; avoid all low-quality carbohydrates and starchy foods that lack fibre; and avoid all ultraprocessed foods. “Fast” by gradually reducing the time window in which you eat from 12 hours to eight hours - ultimately aiming to fast for 16 hours a day and for your eating window to be between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. or 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Eat according to your hunger levels...if you feel you need to eat three meals in that short time frame, that’s fine, but many people get by with just two and they include some healthy snacks in between”, Malhotra advises. “Move” -- go for a brisk walk of at least 30 minutes on five days each week; you want to aim to get your heart rate within a range of 50-70 per cent of your maximum, which is related to your age; to calculate this, deduct your age from 220 - for example, if you’re aged 40 then the figure

would be 180; if you’re starting to exercise like this for the first time, then start with 10 minutes and gradually build up; do not sit for more than 45 minutes at a time - take two-minute movement breaks. “Breathe” in slowly, slowly, counting for five seconds in your head and then breathe out; another technique is to breathe in for four seconds through the nose, hold it for seven seconds, and then exhale for eight seconds; start for 10 minutes every day and then build up to 20 and even 30 minutes. “Socialise” - make an effort to increase time spent with friends and family each week; its’ not just good for mental health but also helps mitigate stress. “Sleep” a minimum of seven hours each night. Has something been left out? You bet it has! Can I consume alcohol? It’s good to have a few days completely off alcohol each week, but if you do like a tipple, then stick to the current recommended limit of 14 units (50 ml) a week and drink like they do in the Mediterranean - no more than a glass of red wine with your evening meal, which at that dose may even provide a benefit in protecting your heart. If I’m a vegetarian or vegan can I follow the 21-day plan? Yes, although if you’re vegan don’t forget you’ll likely need a Vitamin B-12 supplement. At the bottom line, what after 21 days? “If it’s going well, and you’re starting to see results, just carry on,” Malhotra writes, by “sticking to the 80/20 rule” of following the plan for at least 80 per cent of the time. “The time for action on metabolic health and investment in well-being is long overdue. If we don’t act, there may even be more misery and devastation when the next pandemic comes around,” Malhotra concludes. By: Vishnu Makhijani



Kevin Spacey denies assault allegations


isgraced Hollywood star Kevin Spacey has denied sexually assaulting actor Anthony Rapp when he was underage.

Rapp claimed in 2017 that Spacey made unwanted sexual advances towards him after inviting him to a party when he was just 14. In new court documents, Spacey has insisted that Rapp was not even present at the particular party, reports femalefirst. In a response to verified complaint, Spacey’s lawyer wrote: “Defendant admits he was in the audience for a production of ‘Precious Sons’ in approximately the late 1980s in which Plaintiff Rapp was a cast member.” “Defendant admits he briefly met Plaintiff Rapp on a few occasions at most, but Defendant’s interactions with him were peripheral and limited... Defendant denies he invited Plaintiff Rapp to any party at his home... Defendant denies Plaintiff Rapp attended any alleged party at Defendant’s home... Defendant denies that the alleged incident or any other wrongdoing alleged by Plaintiff Rapp occurred,” added the lawyer. Spacey also denied similar claims made by another individual, identified as C.D, who alleged he was raped at the age of 14 when he visited Spacey’s home after they

Mel Gibson fell in love with absurdity of ‘Fatman’ dark side, the story has a “warm beating heart”. “I was charmed by the script. It does have a dark side to it and an absurdity. It definitely travels into the absurd, but I think underlying all of it, it has a lot of good heart in it,” said Gibson, according to a report.


The 64-year-old actor plays an unorthodox Santa Claus in his upcoming comedy film, “Fatman”. He says despite having a



Spacey, 61, asserted that he wants C.D.’s anonymity to be removed. According to OK! magazine, his lawyer wrote: “(Spacey) objects to Plaintiff C.D.’s use of a pseudonym and failure to disclose his identity, even to (Spacey). Despite this improper withholding of his identity, and (Spacey’s) resulting inability to fully investigate and address the allegations, (Spacey) nonetheless makes a good faith attempt to answer the allegations in the Complaint.” “By providing this Answer, (Spacey) in no way suggests he has not been, and does not continue to be, prejudiced by Plaintiff C.D.’s anonymity. (Spacey) reserves the right to amend this Answer as deemed necessary or appropriate, including once Plaintiff C.D.’s identity is disclosed,” his lawyer stated. Spacey was accused of assault by several men in 2017, and was dropped from the “House Of Cards” show after allegations surfaced. He has mostly kept a low profile since the slew of sexual assault claims emerged, always having denied the claims. He was also removed from the completed film “All The Money In The World”, which was re-shot with actor Christopher Plummer in his role. Source: IANS

Katie Holmes opens up about her new film


ctress Katie Holmes has spoken of what attracted her to the script of her upcoming romantic drama, ‘The Secret: Dare To Dream’.

Gibson also shared that he enjoyed working with co-star Marianne JeanBaptiste. He said that she helped keep the spirits high on the set by baking cookies for the cast.

Directed by veteran Andy Tennant, the film revolves around the story of a hardworking young widow (played by Holmes), who is struggling to raise three children on her own, and how her life changes when she meets Bray Johnson (Josh Lucas). The film based on Rhonda Byrne’s 2006 self-help book, The Secret. “This project felt like such a great opportunity because the book means so much to so many people. I think that Andy crafted a beautiful story that fulfils the themes of the book, but the characters are also very much alive on their own,” Holmes said.

“She’s very warm and she imbued all the qualities of warmth and motherhood and love that Mrs Claus should have. And she was a good cook, she made cookies and so... I think it really worked great,” he said.

The cast also features Celia Weston and Jerry O’Connell. Connell shared how he reacted when he got the offer to be a part of the project. “When I first heard that they were doing a ‘Secret’ movie, I was like, I read that book! I practice those principles! And so then I actually secreted getting the role in this movie… and BOOM, here I am. It works,” he said.

“At the centre of it, it’s kind of got a warm beating heart, which is kind of nice. It just charmed me when I read it and it’s straightforward in its oddness and its simplicity,” the actor told HeyUGuys.

ctor Mel Gibson says he was attracted to his new film for its absurd quality and underlying dark edges.

met at an acting class.

Source: IANS

Source: IANS



With the current Covid-19 situation, the age-old phrase ‘Health is Wealth’, has become a rising priority for most of us.


s the fitness industry has shifted from outdoor to virtual platforms, people started working out of the comfort of their home. Thanks to the digital world, we have a choice to customise and personalise our workout routine as per our preference. While fitness enthusiasts can create their own fitness routine by combining a variety of HIIT exercises with functional training or yoga asanas, it requires a lot of intrinsic motivation to follow a set routine. Dhara Tanna, Senior Vice President, Fitternity lists down some lesser-heard exercises to break free from a monotonous workout routine: Seal Walk

Plank has always been



Creating a home workout plan with niche exercises Lying Straight Arm Banded Pull Down

the go-to exercise, but try bringing a variation to the regular plank - Seal Walk, (a plank replicating the moving of a seal) It works on shoulders muscles, rectus abdominis, triceps, and spinal erectors.

Glute Bridge Abduction

Process: Start by being in a pushup position and raise your core on the support of your hands and knees. Slowly lift and move one hand about a foot ahead and then repeat the same movement with the other hand.

Process: Find yourself an anchor which is closer to the ground and attach your resistance bands to it. Grip the Process:Begin by laying on your band in each hand and lie down back with knees bent and palms on the floor facing the ceiling. Raise your arms to eye level at your sides on the ground. Bring glutes towards the ceiling until the bands begin to stretch and continue this movement so with legs touching each other that your hands travel all the and squeeze glutes at the top. Separate your legs while they’re way down to your hips. Keep up with the momentum and return still in the air (abduction) and bring them back together while back to your starting position by controlling the resistance. they are still in the air. Return both legs back down to the While the gyms and fitness ground, as you complete one centres have begun to re-open repetition of this exercise. and many people are resuming working out at physical Banded Overhead Tricep centres, the alternate way to Press working out at home can still As the name suggests, this be fun especially with unique exercise is performed using and lesser-known exercises a resistance band and works like these. To do it right, it is towards toning the triceps. advisable to first master your form under guidance from Process: ace one end of the band experts virtually via online on the ground and step on it, classes. while stretching the other end over your head as you keep your arm close to your ear. Slowly bend By: Puja Gupta your elbow so that the hand that is raised above your head, moves back towards your shoulders. Raise back your hand over your head and stretch it as you complete one repetition. Beginners can start by performing 8-12 repetitions of this exercise.

Dead Bug

Break out of unlimited crunches and try this Dead Bug exercise that works well on your core but also protects the spine and prevents lower back pain! Process: Start by laying on your back on a padded/yoga mat. Raise your knees facing towards the ceiling and feet flat on the ground, while the arms rest over your head. Lift both your legs at a 90-degree angle from the ground, with knees in the air pointing to the ceiling and legs parallel to the ground. Bring your arms close to the ears and lift your hands so your elbows are above your shoulders with your fists facing in toward each other. Exhale as you slowly lower your right arm and left leg until they’re just above the floor. While inhaling, bring them back to the starting position. Repeat this movement with your left arm and right leg.

A great variation on the mat for your lower body - Glute Bridge Abduction. While performing the glute bridge abductions, you not only work on your glutes, but also your spine. If you want to up your workout, try doing it with a band.

Another innovative workout on the mat puts your lats, upper back, chest, and core on fire!



The festive season is here and for many of us this year is about entertaining at home, in small groups. If you are hosting a celebratory soiree, wine is an integral part of it. Master of Wine, Sonal Holland, helps you demonstrate the best wine etiquette with these simple tips. Tip 1: As a host, there is always one general rule to follow, which helps you never go wrong. Be generous with the wine you serve. Nothing is better than building great memories over a bottle of wine, so ensure you choose wisely and well. Tip 2: The festive season is a great time to experiment, when hosting intimate gatherings! We all have our tried and tested wines that we go back to, but why not expand your guest’s palettes by serving as many styles of wine as possible? When hosting a wine party at home, try to create an assortment of different bottles of wine, your guests can choose from. The beauty of wines is about enjoying the diversity of its various styles and discovering new tastes.



Learning wine

etiquette Tip 3: It’s important to invest in good quality stemware to serve wine. It’s a fact that the taste of even the most ordinary wines is enhanced when served in proper glasses. Choose clear stemware with no design or cuts. Ensure the glass has a lovely, steady base, a stem to hold the glass with, a broad base at the bottom of the bowl, and narrow rims. Keep it simple yet highquality, and you will never go wrong. Tip 4: When hosting an evening at home, chances are that some of your guests will arrive with gifts of their

own, many times, a bottle of wine. It becomes your duty to ask your guests if they would like you to open their bottle and serve the wine to the guests - often, wine-loving guests make a lot of effort to choose and bring a good quality bottle of wine to a party, and would therefore appreciate you and the rest of the guests, trying what they have brought. At other times, some guests are simply recycling bottles of wine they don’t want for themselves, so may not be comfortable with you opening their bottles at the party. Either way, it’s important that you ask

them first, to let them decide if their bottle should be opened at the party or saved for later. Tip 5: As a host, especially one who loves wines, it is absolutely fine for you to take the stage so to speak, to tell your guests a little about the wines you’ve chosen for the evening, and why. The only tip is: know when to stop. A few amusing, informational anecdotes about the bottles chosen are charming; anything more and you stand to lose your audience! By: Puja Gupta

5 common myths about diabetes Online platforms for consulting doctors witnessed an increase of 1200 percent in the number of diabetes queries since last year. This was followed by people seeking medical help for diabetes, especially after the disease came under the spotlight since the COVID-19 outbreak. For all the mothers out there, a chubby child is not a healthy child!

5. A special diet is required for diabetics This may be true in certain special cases as decided by your doctor. However, most diabetics need to follow a healthy dietary and lifestyle pattern which should be followed even by nondiabetics. What is more important is to have small frequent meals rather than 3 heavy meals, increasing fibre intake in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed food (tinned/ready to eat meals/ bakery foods), increasing water intake, ensuring adequate sleep and having a brisk walk for 30-40 minutes daily with appropriate footwear. Crash diets should not be attempted as they will do more harm than good.


hile diabetes is becoming a global health issue, it is vital to know the details as it comes with lot of myths. On ‘World Diabetes Day’, Diabetologist at Practo, an online platform to consult doctors bursts six common myths about diabetes.

1. Only older people get diabetes Earlier, diabetes occurring in children and youngsters was considered to be type 1 (juvenile/ insulin dependent) diabetes. Nowadays, an unhealthy lifestyles is causing many youngsters to develop the more common variety of type 2 diabetes. Today, it is not uncommon for teenagers or people in their 20s and 30s to be detected as being type 2 diabetic.

2. Diabetes medicines should not be taken for long as they damage kidneys Many people stop their diabetes medicines once their blood reports are normal, fearing damage by long term usage of medicines. The truth is that stopping medicines will again cause the blood sugar level to rise and an uncontrolled blood sugar may damage not only the kidneys, but also eyes, nerves, heart, liver in the long run.

Source: IANs

3. Fasting and twohour post lunch reports are within limits, I needn’t worry Your sugar level at other times of the day or on other days may not be within limits. Hence, you need to do a blood test called as HbA1c every 3 months which will tell you if you are well controlled in general over the past 3 months. Apart from that, lipid profile, kidney function tests, liver function tests, eye examination, feet examination should be done at least once a year or in some cases, more frequently, to detect any complications of diabetes at an early stage

4. Diabetes affects only those who eat more sugar Unfortunately, all Indians have a risk of developing type 2 diabetes (we are genetically more prone). However, it is not only the sugar intake but also, an unhealthy lifestyle that decides whether you will develop diabetes or not. This includes irregular meal and sleep timings, over intake of fast food/ oily food leading to weight gain, lack of adequate exercise. Healthy habits needs to be inculcated right from childhood.



A Girl in a Whirl Continued issue (Part 44)

“Look at the aunty! She has a small car but a steering wheel of a truck.”, bhaji commented sarcastically on the lady. We burst out laughing again, and we laughed our heads off. Baljit’s mom laughed so hard that she began coughing. I quickly gave her a bottle of water. She could control her cough only with great efforts. “It’s no good to make fun of old people, honey. Soon I’ll reach her age. Then you will also make fun of me.”, Baljit’s mom said. “Mom, brand name cars and assembled ones are way different from each other.”, bhaji replied. We again laughed, but very controlled. It was a beautiful journey from Surrey to Whistler. On one side, we had Columbia Mountains from which the roads were cut. On the other side, we had lovely view of Pacific Ocean. The roads were wonderfully clean, beautiful and smooth. It took us about three hours to reach Whistler.



“O’ my god! This really looks like a paradise.”, Meenu commented on the beauty of the place. All of us agreed with her. Amrit and Meenu looked very happy. I was glad to see them happy. “Bhaji, you have shown us the real paradise.”, I said to bhaji.

“Bhabi ji, there is a lot more to see in Canada. People forget to enjoy this paradise indulging in making more and more money only.”, bhaji replied. “Shall we have lunch before going to the mountain peaks by cable cars, gondolas?”, didi asked us, and all agreed. We spread bed sheets on the grassy lawn by the stream. It was hard to express the weather and surrounding beauty in words. We had brought a variety of home cooked dishes. We had lunch, and bhaji entertained us with his humorous comments on almost everyone and everything he saw around. Then we packed our stuff, threw the garbage in a garbage bin and put the necessary things back in our


“O’ god! How awesome it is all around here!”, Meenu commented while going up by a cable car. I was also seeing this area first time. The beauty of Peak-to-Peak area was also unique. We had a lot of fun there. I had no idea that Canada could be so beautiful. We reached Surrey at about 8 P.M. Bhaji took us for dinner to a south Indian restaurant. We had a great time that day. Bhaji said he wanted Meenu to work in his truckingcompany office. So, she started going there to help them. My father-in-law and I were to see an immigration lawyer to appeal in Baljit’s refusal case.

Continued in next edition

myrw rog Aqy iemiqhwn Continued issue (Part 44)

dIdI mYnUM hor vI keI kuJ dwsxf cfhuMdI sI ik mNY BfjI dI AuWcI-AuWcI bolidaF dI afvfjL suxI. dIdI ny Jwt PLon kwt idwqf. mYN hYrfn ho rhI sI ik aYny KusL imjfjL BfjI dIdI nUM ikAuN zFt rhy sn? agly idn mY jd AuWTI qF myrf isr drd nfl PLt irhf sI. myrIaF awKF PLoiVaF vFg duK rhIaF sn. myrIaF awKF hor zMUGIaF huMdIaF jf rhIaF sn. mNY bljIq dy mMmI jI nUM afpxI hflq dwsI. AunHF ikhf ik mYN bhuq pVH rhI sI. sLfied iesy kfrn mYnUM ieMj mihsUs ho irhf sI. AunHF ny mYnUM afpxy zfktr nUM ivKfAux nUM ikhf. mY zfktr kol geI. Ausny mYnUM awKF ivc pfAux leI dvfeI ilK ky idwqI. dIdI ny mYnUM sLfm nUM PLon kIqf aqy Aus koloN ieiqhfs dIaF gwlF suxn nUM ikhf. mNY ieh sB sunx dy mUz ivc iblkul nhI sI. pr dIdI tws qoN mws nf hoeI. Auh qF bolxf cflU ho geI – - hjfrF sfl pihlF aWYbEirijnl lok eysLIaf qoN kYnyzf afey. - 1000 sfl pihlF vfeIikMg lok afeIslYNz

qoN grInlYNz huMdy hoey inAuiPLnlYNz aqy lYbrfzor ivc af ky vs gey. -1600 dy sLurU ivc PLRFsIsI iewQy PLr jfxI jfnvrF dI jwq aqy mwCIaF df vpfr krn afey. -1604 qoN 1701 qk PRFsIsI ierokuafs(aWYbEirijnl) nfl lVdy rhy. aKIr sLFqI df smJOqf hoieaf. iPLr ies ielfky ivc ibRitsL afey. - 1755 qoN 1763 qk ibRitsL aqy PRFsIsIaF ivc ‘gryt awphIvl’ nF dI awT sfl dI jMg lwgI ijs ivc ibRitsL ijwq gey aqy 70% PLRFsIsI ijnHF nUM akyizan vI kihMdy hn, PLRFs vfps Byj idwqy gey. - 1776 nUM amrIkn kRFqI afeI aqy XU[aYWs[ey[ iek dysL bx igaf. AuQoN 40,000 ibRitsL jfn bcf ky kYnyzf afey. Auh qfj dy vPLfdfr lokF nUM ieMglYNz ny “XunfeItyWz aMpfiear lOieilstF” df iKqfb idwqf. - XU[aYWs[ey ny 1812 ivc XU ky (kYnyzf) ‘qy bVf jbrdsq hmlf kIqf. ieh lVfeI 1814 ivc KLqm hoeI. aKIr ieh PLYslf hoieaf ik kYnyzf XU[aYs[ey[ qoN afpxI afjfd hoNd brkrfr rwKygf. kYnyzf aqy XU[aYWs[ey[ df bfrzr 1812 dI lVfeI df hI nqIjf hY. - 1849 ivc kYnyzf dI pihlI ijMmyvfr srkfr bxfeI geI. ‘sr lUeI ihpolfeIt lf PLontyn’ PrYNc BfsLf dy hwkF df jyqU ies srkfr df pihlf mohrI bixaf. - 1867 ivc kYnyzf iek kOnPLYzyrysLn bixaf.

‘ibRitsL nfrQ amyrIkf aYkt’ ny ies nUM kfnUMnI qOr qy kOnPLYzyrysLn GoisLq kIqf. -7 nvMMbr 1885 nUM Etvf qoN lY ky vYnkUvr qk sI[pI[ (kYnyzIan pYisiPLk) rylvy iqafr kr idwqI geI. -1890vyN dhfky ivc XUkFn ivc vwzI mfqrf ivc sonf lwiBaf. -1898 ivc XUkFn nUM kYnyzf ivc sLfiml kr ilaf igaf -1927 ivc srkfr ny ‘Elz eyj isikEirtI ‘ Xojnf ilaFdI. -1940 ivc srkfr ny ‘ieMplfeymMt ienisLErMs’ Xojnf ilaFdI. -1960 vyN dhfky ivc ikAubyk ivc ‘kuafiet kRFqI’ af geI. -1965 ivc kYnyzf aqy ikAubyk pYNsLn Xojnf dy nfl mypl lIPL JMzf vI apnfieaf igaf. -1969 ivc aMgryjI aqy PRFsIsI BfsfvLF nUM brfbr df drjf dyx leI afPLIsLIal lYNgueyj aYkt pfs kIqf igaf. - 1982 ivc kYnyzIan cfrtr afPL PRIzmjL aYNz rfeIts pfs hoieaf. Continude in next issue






Sia reacts to backlash over autism portrayal in her directorial film Singer Sia has reacted to criticism she is facing over the portrayal of autism in her upcoming directorial film, Music, and asked people to watch the film before jumping to conclusions. “The movie is both a love letter to caregivers and to the autism community. I have my own unique view of the community, and felt it is underrepresented and compelled to make it. If that makes me a shit I’m a shit, but my intentions are awesome.”

Sia also pointed out that she had “cast 13 neuroatypical people, three trans folk” as “doctors, nurses and singers,” adding that it was “sad nobody’s even seen the dang movie. My heart has always been in the right place. I had two people on the spectrum advising me at all times”.

She was angry at the early criticism that she got for the film, and at one point shared: “Why don’t you watch my film before you judge it? FURY.”

One user wrote: “Several autistic actors, myself included... We all said we could have acted in it on short notice. These excuses are just that excuses, The fact of the matter is zero effort was made to include anyone who is actually autistic.”

A user commented: “Did you do any research or consult the community at all? It’s very condescending to say it would be cruel to consult a disabled actor.” To this, Sia replied: “Duh. I spent three f**king years researching, I think that’s why I’m so f**king bummed.”


he backlash against Sia started after the trailer of the film ‘Music’ was unveiled. People expressed anger for her using the term “special abilities” instead of “disabled” for people with autism, and casting a nonautistic actor in the lead role of her directorial debut. “This is totally unacceptable and there are no excuses. You should know better than to allow able-bodied & neurotypical to represent the disabled community. It’s incredibly offensive as is the infantalisation of the character. Sickened. And not even captioned. Don’t release this,” one user wrote on Twitter.

Sia responded by writing: “I actually tried working with a beautiful young girl non-verbal on the spectrum and she found it unpleasant and stressful. So that’s why I cast Maddie.” She was referring to actressdancer Maddie Ziegler who essays the title role in the film.

To this, Sia said: “Maybe you’re just a bad actor.” “Music” is slated to release in February next year. Source: IANs

In another tweet, she said: “Casting someone at (the character’s) level of functioning was cruel, not kind, so I made the executive decision that we would do our best to lovingly represent the community. … I did try. It felt more compassionate to use Maddie. That was my call.” Irish actress Bronagh Waugh did not seem too convinced. “Hi Sia, can I ask why you didn’t cast a disabled actor for this part? It’s pretty offensive the way you’ve chosen to portray this character. People with disabilities are not broken and don’t need fixing. Many of my friends have different disabilities,” Waugh tweeted. Sia responded: “I agree. I’ve never referred to music as disabled. Special abilities is what I’ve always said, and casting someone at her level of functioning was cruel, not kind, so I made the executive decision that we would do our best to lovingly represent the community.” In a separate tweet, Sia wrote: DECEMBER 2020


Exploring outdoors in Philadelphia Philadelphia, a large city in Pennsylvania, USA, is home to one of the largest urban park systems in the nation, with over 100 parks, squares, and recreation sites totaling over 10,000 acres. The green spaces both in the city and in surrounding areas present ample opportunities for visitors to spend time exploring outside, while also not venturing far from the heart of the city.




he Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau lists a few key parks, historic sites, and other outdoor experiences to seek out during your visit to Philadelphia.

Fairmount Park

Totaling over 2,000 acres when combined, Philadelphia’s East and West Fairmount Park offers visitors an abundance of biking, walking, and hiking trails as well as recreation fields to explore. The park system is also home to several museums and attractions (Philadelphia Zoo, Please Touch Museum), six historic mansions, a music venue (Mann Center for the Performing Arts), and horticultural center. Kelly Drive -- named after John B. Kelly, Jr., the brother of actress and Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly -- and MLK Jr. Drive run parallel to one another on the banks of the Schuylkill River, each with their own set of paths and picnic areas. TIP: Sections of MLK Jr. Drive are closed to auto traffic Saturdays and Sundays in April through October. Don’t miss the iconic Boathouse Row that caps the park’s eastern end (best viewed from along MLK Jr. Drive) and the beautiful grounds of the Shofuso Japanese House and Garden adjacent to the Fairmount Park Horticultural Center.

Schuylkill River Trail Winding its way through Philadelphia along the Schuylkill River, the Schuylkill River Trail serves as a recreation trail with paved lanes for biking, running, or walking, including a 2,000-foot-long Boardwalk that hovers over the river near the city’s Rittenhouse neighborhood. The trail extends from South Philadelphia through Fairmount Park along Kelly Drive. In total, the trail is 120 miles long and extends to Frackville, PA.

Parks and Squares In William Penn’s original plan for the city of Philadelphia, he envisioned five squares stationed evenly throughout the city’s grid-like system of streets. Originally intended to help prevent the spread of fires from building to building, now four of these squares e Rittenhouse, Franklin, Washington, and Logan e serve as recreation and

community spaces, each with their own unique features. The fifth square, Centre Square, is where you will now find Philadelphia’s historic City Hall e the largest municipal building in the United States e and accompanying Dilworth Park, which transforms into an outdoor ice rink and holiday market each winter.

Wissahickon Valley Park Originally considered part of Fairmount Park, the 1,800-acre Wissahickon Valley Park follows the Wissahickon Creek as it winds through northwest Philadelphia. The wooded park is home to 50 miles worth of trails, a quaint tavern and event space (Valley Green Inn), and Historic Rittenhouse Town.

Countryside of Philadelphia A short drive west from Philadelphia will bring you to either Valley Forge or Brandywine Valley. Both of these countryside destinations offer a green escape from the historic and downtown settings of Center City. In Valley Forge, visitors can explore the over 3,400 acres of Valley Forge National Historical Park -- once home to General George Washington’s encampment during the Revolutionary War -- or any number of biking trails throughout Montgomery County. Alternatively, in Brandywine Valley, visitors can find the renowned Longwood Gardens -- a sprawling botanical garden complete with lush conservatories and beautiful fountains. Heading north from Philadelphia, you can visit the Andalusia Historic House, Gardens and Arboretum - the ancestral home of the Biddle family in nearby Bucks County. By: Puja Gupta



Experts suggest care of COVID+ mothers and their newborns


infected with the virus.

any COVID-19 positive pregnant women experience mild symptoms of cold or flu. However, pregnant women who are older, overweight or have pre-existing medical conditions like hypertension and diabetes seem to develop severe diseases.

Best way to keep the baby safe in the ongoing pandemic is to practise social distancing as it will limit the risk of infection to newborn. Babies should only live with the family members who are asymptomatic. If any family member has symptoms or is a suspected of COVID then he or she should be isolated from the baby. Only take the baby out in the case of major need like check-ups as it will help in preventing the infection to a large extent.

The primary reason considered for the transmission of SARS-COV-2 to neonates is through respiratory droplets during the postnatal period when they are exposed to their mothers or caregivers with COVID infection, according to Dr Sakshi Goel Chakraborty, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology, Madhukar Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Delhi. There is no conclusive evidence to prove that the virus could be transferred from a COVID-19 positive mother to her foetus or baby after the delivery. Dr Goel further added: “For babies born to women with COVID 19, the overall outcomes are positive. According to a study, only 2-5 per cent of infants get infected through COVID-19 positive mothers.” According to Dr Sakshi Goel



Chakraborty, “COVID-19 positive mothers should be taught to practice skin-to-skin/kangaroo mother care with good respiratory hygiene. This helps to establish exclusive breastfeeding and helps the baby to develop faster and healthier. Mothers should take care of their personal hygiene as well, like washing hands before touching the baby. All the surfaces

touched by the mother should be cleaned. Also, one should always wear a medical mask, while physically contacting with the baby.” Though the virus has not been detected in breast milk of COVID positive mothers and there is no evidence of virus transmitting through it, therefore, there is a lower risk of babies getting

Said Dr Sakshi Goel Chakraborty, “As per the latest guidelines issued by WHO, a COVID positive mother should do the following things: Hands should be cleaned using soap and water especially before and after touching the baby. All the surfaces which have been touched by the mother should be cleaned using a sanitizer at regular intervals. A mother who has been coughing and must breastfeed should clean her chest with soap and water. There is no need to clean it every time before feeding but at regular intervals.” By: Puja Gupta



Unwind your mind and body with Care & Cure Harpreet Puri


Registered Physiotherapist

are & Cure Physiotherapy and Massage is more than just a physical therapy facility; it is a sanctuary for body and spirit. Situated in Surrey, their holistic approach is committed to improving lives of people from many years. With an abundance of knowledge in this specific field and expertise in physiotherapy, myotherapy, workplace programs, rehabilitation programs and sports programs, they help you to fix your dilemmas and achieve your lifestyle goals. In an industry overrun with malpractices, they promise to be honest with you. They believe in the power of bio mechanical assessments, researched clinical evidence, and most of all human empathy to make the journey simpler. Let them help take care of you.

They specialise in: Head & Neck Physiotherapy, Injury & Pain Treatment

to avoid surgery, or you simply have a dodgy shoulder, our physios will be able to assist you with a course of action. We treat post surgical rehabilitation, tendon impingement, bursitis, acute sprains and strains, postural problems, rotator cuff dysfunction, rotator cuff tears, AC joint injuries and post fracture rehabilitation.

Neck pain and headaches are commonplace among city workers, and yet treatment can help. At Care and Cure Physiotherapy Massage we use a range of techniques to relieve your symptoms and assist with establishing strategies to prevent recurrence. Your physiotherapy treatment may include mobilisation, manipulation, stretching, taping, remedial massage, and dry needling. We treat post-surgical rehabilitation, disc problems, stiffness, facet joint dysfunction, neck related headaches, postural problems, acute sprains and strains, osteoarthritis and arm pain referring from the neck.

Busy people with busy schedules frequently put up with symptoms for longer than they should. Pain, tingling or numbness around the elbow, wrist or hand can often be a sign of an over-use injury caused by overloading tendons, muscles, or sometimes neural structures. At Care and Cure physio massage, we treat tennis elbow, golfers’ elbow, post-surgical rehabilitation, post fracture rehabilitation, bursitis, post dislocation, acute sprains and strains, postural problems, and tendonitis.

Shoulder Physiotherapy, Injury & Pain Treatment

Back Physiotherapy, Injury & Pain Treatment

Shoulders can be tricky. That is why Cure & Care Physio Massage uses clear explanations to make sure you understand your injury and the reasons it came about. Whether you are recovering from surgery, trying

We provide a range of treatments to manage your back pain including manipulation, mobilisation, remedial massage, stretching, dry-needling, and taping. Preventing recurrence of back pain is a challenging task.



Elbow & Arm Physiotherapy, Injury & Pain Treatment

At Care and Cure physio massage, we treat postsurgical rehabilitation, disc problems, sciatica, stiffness, facet joint dysfunction, Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction, osteoarthritis, acute sprains and strains, postural problems, leg pain referring from the back, scoliosis, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, post fracture rehabilitation and pregnancy related back pain.

Hip & Groin Physiotherapy, Injury & Pain Treatment Differentiating between hip pain, groin pain and low back pain can be extremely difficult. Our physiotherapy appointments provide our physios with the time required to systematically assess and treat these complex problems. At Care and Cure physio massage, we treat post-surgical rehabilitation, post fracture rehabilitation, acute sprains and strains, muscle dysfunction and back pain referring into the hip or groin.

massage, we treat achilles tendon pain, plantar fasciitis, post-surgical rehabilitation, post fracture rehabilitation, acute sprains and strains, muscle dysfunction and calf tightness.

Knee Physiotherapy, Injury & Pain Treatment Knee pain is a common symptom arising either through a direct injury, such as twisting, playing football, or presenting more gradually over time. Our physios have experience in diagnosing and treating both acute knee injuries and those that have been long standing. We can also help you regain your normal range of movement, strength and balance in your knee following surgical intervention. At Care and Cure physio massage, we treat post-surgical rehabilitation, post fracture rehabilitation, acute sprains and strains and meniscus injuries.

Foot & Ankle Physiotherapy, Injury & Pain Treatment Our Physiotherapy assessment process will highlight the causes of foot and ankle pain. Once a clear diagnosis has been made, your physio will discuss a treatment plan designed to resolve your symptoms and to prevent a recurrence. At Care and Cure physio

Our therapists use evidence based effective treatments like dry needling, shockwave therapy and focused exercise therapy to support your recovery.

free space



ichry dy iqlwˆ qoˆ hmySw leI mukqI pwauxw cwhud M y ho qwˆ ApxwE ieh dysI nus^y iql ichry dI ^UbsUrqI nUM vDwaux dw kMm krdy hn[ keI vwr bhuq izAwdw iql ichry dI KUbsUrqI nUM vDwaux dI jgHw G`t vI kr idMdy hn[ ichry ‘qy izAwdw iql hox kwrn kuVIAwˆ nUM keI qrHwˆ dIAwˆ prySwnIAwˆ dw swhmxw krnw pY skdw hY[ iql ies nUM htwaux leI bhuq swry nusiKAwˆ dI vrqô krdIAwˆ hn[ bhuq swry nus^y Aijhy hn, ijnHwˆ dI vrqô nwl qusIˆ iqlwˆ nUM htw skdy ho[ A`j AsIˆ quhwnUM aunHwˆ GrylU nusiKAwˆ bwry d`swˆgy, ijnHwˆ dI vrqô krky qusIˆ ichry ‘qy pey iqlwˆ nUM htw skdy hn[

Anwnws dI vrqô Anwnws ‘c AYsIifk gux pwey jwˆdy hn[ iql htwaux leI roz Anwnws dy jUs nUM idn ‘c 2-3 vwr ichry ‘qy lgwE[ Aijhw krn nwl &wiedw hovygw[ k`cy AwlU nwl hoxgy &wiedy k`cy AwlUAwˆ dI vrqô krn nwl ichry ‘qy in^wr Awaûdw hY[ iql htwaux leI ichry ‘qy k`cy AwlU nUM rgVo[ qusIˆ cwho qwˆ ies dw pyst bxw ky vI lgw skdy ho[ kyly dw iC`lkw iql dI sm`isAw nUM dUr krn leI qusIˆ kyly dy iC`lky dI vrqô kr skdy ho[ rwq nUM kyly dy iC`lky nUM iql vwlI jgHw ‘qy bMnHo[ ies nwl iql sw& ho jwxgy[

kro ienHwˆ GrylU nusiKAwˆ dI vrqô syb dw isrkw iql htwaux leI rwq nUM syb dy isrky nwl

ichry dI mswz kro[ mswz krn qô bwAd svyr dy smŷ ichry nUM pwxI nwl sw& kr

lE[ Aijhw krn nwl kuJ idnwˆ q`k iql hlky pY jwxgy[

irmUvr nw hox ‘qy hux qusIˆ ies qrHwˆ vI auqwr skdy ho nyl pyt ˆ

By: Sajan Kumar

vwlwˆ nUM JVn qoˆ rokx leI ApxwE ieh GrylU nus^y svyry-Swm syvn krn nwl vwlwˆ dw JVnw bMd ho jwˆdw hY[ klÔjI 50 gRwm klÔjI 1 lItr pwxI ivc aubwl lvo[ ies aubly hoey pwxI nwl vwlwˆ nUM Dovo[ ies nwl vwl 1 mhIny ivc hI lMby ho jwˆdy hn[

inyl pŷt lgwaux dw SOk sB nUM huMdw hY[ nyl pŷt nwl h`Qwˆ dI KUbsUrqI hor vD jwˆdI hY[ kuJ kuVIAwˆ AijhIAwˆ vI hn, ijnHwˆ nUM roz bdl-bdl ky nyl pŷt lgwauxw cMgw l`gdw hY pr h`Qwˆ ‘qy l`igAw nyl pŷt auqwrx leI nyl irmUvr dI vrqô krnI pŶdI hY[ ies qô ibnw nyl pŷt htwauxw muSkl ho jwˆdw hY[ Aijhy ‘c qusIˆ kuJ GrylU nusiKAwˆ dI vrqô krky nyl pŷt nUM auqwr skdy ho[ AwE jwxdy hwˆ ikhVIAwˆ cIzwˆ nUM irmUvr dI qrHwˆ vriqAw jw skdw hY[ 1. Srwb nhuMAwˆ qô nyl pŷt irmUv krn leI Srwb dI vrqô kro[ Srwb dIAwˆ kuJ bUMdwˆ nUM nhuMAwˆ ‘qy pw lE iPr ies nUM sUqI k`pVy nwl swP kro[ ies qrHwˆ ibnw iksy JMJt dy nyl pŷt irmUv ho jwvygI[ 2. isrkw isrky nwl vI nyl pŷt nUM htwieAw jw skdw hY[ QoVHI



ijhw kwtn lE[ ies nUM isrky ‘c fùbo ky hOlI-hOlI nhuMAwˆ ‘qy rgVo[ Aijhw krn nwl nyl pŷt pUrI qrHwˆ nwl Cùt jwvygw[ 3. grm pwxI jy quhwfy Gr ‘c Srwb Aqy isrkw nhIˆ hY qwˆ grm pwxI nwl vI nyl pŷt nUM AwswnI nwl htwieAw jw skdw hY[ iek kolI ‘c grm pwxI lE[ ies pwxI ‘c 10 imMt leI aûglIAwˆ nUM fùbo ky r`Ko[ ies qô bwAd kwtn nwl nyl pŷt htwE[ 4. tUQpyst ieMnw kuJ krn dy bwAd vI nyl pŷt nw hty qwˆ tUQpyst dI vrqô kro[ QoVHI ijhI tUQpyst lE[ ies nUM nhuMAwˆ ‘qy rgVo[ Aijhw krn qô kuJ hI imMtwˆ ‘c nyl pŷt inkl jwvygw[ By: Sajan Kumar

suMdr Aqy AwkrSk vwl sB dI ^UbsUrqI nUM vDw idMdy hn, cwhy auh iesqrI hovy jwˆ purS[ smŷ qô pihlwˆ jykr quhwfy vwl ic`ty ho gey hn jwˆ JV rhy hn qwˆ suMdrqw ivc kuJ ADUrw ijhw l`gdw hY[ jnwnIAwˆ nUM vwl jwn qô v`D ipAwry huMdy hn[ vwl ijnHy sMGxy, kwly Aqy lMby hoxgy, aunHwˆ dI suMdrqw ivc aunwˆ hI in^wr Awaûdw hY[ iesy krky jnwnIAwˆ vwlwˆ dI dyKBwl cMgI qrHwˆ krdIAwˆ hn qwˆ ik auh hmySw leI ishqmMd, mjbUq Aqy kwly rihx[ iesy leI ienHwˆ GrylU nusiKAwˆ dI vrqô kro... Amrbyl 250 gRwm Amrbyl nUM lgpg 3 lItr pwxI ivc aubwlo[ jd pwxI A`Dw rih jwvy qwˆ iesnUM auqwr lvo[ svyry ies nwl vwlwˆ nUM Dovo[ ies nwl vwl lMby huMdy hn[ iqrPlw iqrPlw dy 2 qô 6 gRwm cUrn nUM lgpg 1 gRwm dw cOQw Bwg loh Bsm imlw ky

inMm inMm Aqy byr dy p`iqAwˆ nUM pwxI dy nwl pIs ky isr aùpr lgw lvo Aqy iesdy 2-3 GMitAwˆ dy bwAd vwlwˆ nUM Do lvo[ ies nwl vwlwˆ dw JVnw G`t ho jwˆdw hY Aqy vwl lMby vI huMdy hn[ lsx lsx dw rs k`F ky isr ivc lgwaux nwl vwl aùg Awaûdy hn[ sIqwPl sIqwPl dy bIj Aqy byr dy bIj dy p`qy brwbr mwqrw ivc lY ky pIs ky vwlwˆ dIAwˆ jVwˆ ivc lgwE[ Aijhw krn nwl vwl lMby ho jwˆdy hn[ AMb 10 gRwm AMb dI igrI nUM Awˆvly dy rs ivc pIs ky vwlwˆ ivc lgwauxw cwhIdw hY[ ies nwl vwl lMby Aqy Gxy ho jwˆdy hn[ By: Sajan Kumar



‘Sonw Sonw’ hoieAw irlIz, drSkwˆ nUM psMd Aw rhI hY Sihnwz ig`l qy isDwrQ Suklw dI AdwkwrI

isDrwQ Suklw qy Sihnwz ig`l dw most Avytf sÔg ‘Sonw Sonw’ irlIz ho cùikAw hY[ jI hwˆ drSkwˆ ies gIq nUM lY ky kwPI auqsuk sn [jy g`l krIey ies gwxy dI qwˆ auh tonI k`kV qy nyhw k`kV ny AwpxI im`TI Awvwz dy nwl gwieAw hY[ jy g`l krIey gwxy dy bol qy lY ky imaUizk tonI k`kV ny iqAwr kIqw hY [gwxy dw ipAwrw ijhy vIfIE ‘c Sihnwz ig`l qy isDwrQ Suklw dI romwˆitk kimstrI dyKx nUM iml rhI hY [ gIq nUM irlIz hoey Ajy kuJ hI smwˆ hoieAw ‘qy gwxy dy ivaUz lgwqwr v`D rhy ny[ drSkwˆ v`lô gIq nUM Brvwˆ huMgwrw iml irhw hY[ vIfIE nUM dysI imaUizk PYktrI dy XUitaUb cYnl aùqy irlIz kIqw igAw hY [ ib`g bOs sIzn 13 (ib`g bOs) iv`c, Sihnwz ig`l Aqy isDwrQ Suklw (isDwrQ Suklw) dI joVI ny kuJ Aijhw vyiKAw ijs nwl joVw pwgl ho igAw[ Sihnwz nUM Aksr ibg bOs dy Gr isDwrQ Suklw nwl AwpxI qwrI& krn leI g`l krdy dyiKAw igAw sI, pr isDwrQ Awpxy rv`eIey ivc rihMdI sI. pr tonI k`kV Aqy nyhw k`kV dy ies nvŷ gwxy ‘Sonw Sonw’ ivc Sihnwz dIAwˆ swrIAwˆ ie`Cwvwˆ pUrIAwˆ ho geIAwˆ hn[ gwxy iv`c isDwrQ Suklw zbrdsq AMdwz nwl Sihnwz dI pRSMsw krdy hoey Aqy ip`Cy pRymIAwˆ dI qrHwˆ B`jdy idKweI dy rhy hn, jdô ik Sihnwz Awpxy SYlI dw pUrw vhwA idKw rhI hY[ ib`g bOs dy Gr qô bwhr Awaux qô bwAd Sihnwz dw bhuq swrw Bwr G`t igAw hY Aqy auh ies gwxy ‘c vI iesy AMdwz’ c idKweI dy rhI hY[ qusIˆ isDwrQ Aqy Sihnwz dw ieh nvwˆ gwxw vI dyKogy[ By: Sajan Kumar

bwdSwh dy ‘Avwrw’ gIq ny ieMtrnY`t ‘qy mcweI Dmwl, rYpr ny gwxy’ c kIqw Awpxy sMGrS dw ijkr 52


j`s mwxk dy gIq “lihMgy” ny qoVy swry irkwrf, gIq hoieAw ie`k iblIAn qoˆ pwr

pMjwbI iPlm ieMfstrI ienHwˆ idnIˆ bwlIvuf nUM vI pUrI t`kr dy rhI hY[iPlmwˆ dI qulnw iv`c lokwˆ nUM pMjwbI gIq byh`d psMd Aw rhy hn[hwl hI iv`c j`s mwxk dw gIq ‘ lihMgw’ jo irlIz hoieAw sI , hux aus ny swry hI irkwrf qoV id`qy hn jI hwˆ j`s mwxk dy gIq dy ivaUj hux ie`k iblIAn qô v`D ho cùky hn[ies gIq iv`c j`s mwxk Aqy mwihrw Srmw dI KUbsUrq kYimstrI vyKx nUM imlsI sI[gIq dy iv`c mwihrw Srmw dw KUbsUrq AMdwz dy ielwvw aus dy AYkspRYSn KUb psMd Awey sn[ j`s mwxk dw gIq lokwˆ dy iv`c KUb Pyms ho cùikAw hY[ ivAwh pwrtI dy ielwvw hr Qwˆ qy ies gIq nUM suixAw jwˆdw hY, ijs dy cldy A`j dy ivaUrz dI igxqI ie`k iblIAn ho cùkI hY[ j`s mwxk dw gIq lokwˆ dy iv`c kwPI dyr qô pwpUlr hY[ies gIq dI SurUAwq ‘ieko hIl dy nwl mŶ kitAw eyk swl vy” dy bol qô SurU huMdI hY[ijs iv`c mwihrw d`sdI hY ik auh AwpxI purwxy hIl qô prySwn ho cùkI hY[auh kihMdI hY ik kdy qwˆ

SOipMg lY jwieAw kr”[ 3 imMt 23 sŶkŷf dy ies gIq iv`c SYrI nYkss ny imaUijk id`qw hY[ gIq dy AwiKr iv`c dyK skdy ho ik igPt pwaux qô bwAd mwihrw ikMnI KuS ho jwˆdI hY[gIq iv`c j`s mwxk dy nwl mwihrw Srmw dI jbrdsq bwˆifMg vyKx nUM imldI hY[ iesdy nwl hI gIq iv`c keI KUbsUrq lwkySn vyKx nUM iml rhy hn[hux q`k ies gIq nUM ie`k iblIAm ivaUj ho cùky hn jo Awpxy iv`c ie`k ihstrI hY[aùQy hI pMjwbI gIq lihMgw dy ilirks j`s mwxk ny iqAwr kIqw hY[nwl hI ies nUM kMpoj vI kIqw hY[ 25 swlw j`s mwxk pMjwbI ieMfstrI dy Pyms isMgr iv`cô ie`k hn[ j`s dy gIq lokwˆ iv`c kwPI pwpUlr hn[ies dy nwl hI aunHwˆ dw gwxw ‘ivAwh’ lokwˆ ivc bhuq mShUr hoieAw sI[ ieh lMby smŷ qô XUitaUb ‘qy tRŶf hoieAw hY, ijs nUM js stŶfrf duAwrw iliKAw igAw hY[ iesdy nwl hI ausny ies nUM gwieAw hY Aqy kMpoz kIqw hY[ By: Sajan Kumar

rYpr bwdSwh dw nvwˆ gwxw ‘Avwrw’ irlIz ho igAw hY[ ieh sÔg bwdSwh dI sPlqw dy ivckwr auqrwA-cVwA nUM drswaûdw hY[ bwdSwh ies gIq dy zrIey ieMfI sMgIq dy AKwVy iv`c rIq qlvwV nUM pyS kr rhy hn[ rIq qlvwV iek mwfl Aqy pRBwvk vI hY[ ies gIq dy lyKk Aqy sMgIqkwr bwdSwh hn[ bwdSwh Aqy rIq qlvwV ny ies gwxy ‘qy iek`Ty pySkwrI kIqI hY[ bwdSwh ny ‘Avwrw’ bwry ikhw, ‘myry qzribAwˆ ny myry duAwrw iqAwr kIqy sMgIq nUM rUp id`qw hY[ ijs smŷ qô mŶ lMiGAw hwˆ, aus nUM gwxy ivc d`isAw igAw hY[ mŶ KuS hwˆ ik mYnUM drSkwˆ v`lô ieMnw ipAwr Aqy siqkwr imilAw hY[ auh hmySwˆ auqsuk huMdy hn ik mŶ Awpxy sMgIq duAwrw kI kihxw cwhuMdw hwˆ[ ieh suxky bhuq vDIAw

hoieAw ik pRSMsk ies gIq dw bysbrI nwl ieMqzwr kr rhy hn[ jwxkwrI leI d`s dyeIey ik bwdSwh ny Xo Xo hnI isMG dy nwl sMgIq dy idRS iv`c pRvyS kIqw hY[ bwdSwh ny bwlIvùf iv`c

keI suprih`t gwxy vI id`qy hn[ bwdSwh dy qwzw gwxy ‘Awvwrw’ dw sMgIq ihqyn ny id`qw hY Aqy XU-itaub ‘qy ies nUM cMgw huMgwrw vI iml irhw hY[ By: Sajan Kumar

dwdI dy nusKy

ienHwˆ nusiKAwˆ dI Awpo Awpxy SrIr dI qwsIr muqwbk hI vrqo kIqI jwvy[

SrIr nUM grm r`Kx leI dvweI dI qrHwˆ kMm krdI hY mUlI

mlivMdr kOr

2 KjUr Aqy iek glws du`D mUlI dy ibhqr lwB lYx leI ies nUM hmySw srdIAwˆ Aqy Du`p vwly idnwˆ ‘c hI Kwxw cwhIdw hY[ dupihr qoˆ pihlwˆ mUlI nUM slwd, prOTy jwˆ sbzI dy rUp ‘c KwE[ ieh ishq leI lwBkwrI hovygw[ ies siQqI ‘c mUlI swfy srIr nUM grm r`Kx leI dvweI dI qrHwˆ kMm krdI hY[ A`j k`lH hr iek sbzI dI qrHwˆ mUlI nUM vI stor krky r`iKAw jwˆdw hY[

frweI &rUts ijvyˆ ik su`ky myivAwˆ ‘c bhuq swry AOSdI gux huMdy hn[ g`l KjUr dI krIey qwˆ ies ‘c ivtwimn, kYlSIAm, &weIbr gux huMdy hn[ rozwnw 2 KjUrwˆ du`D ‘c imlw ky pIxw ishq leI bhuq &wiedymMd huMdw hY[ ies dI vrqoˆ nwl bl`f pRY`Sr kMtrol ‘c rihx nwl ieimaUintI vDwaux ‘c shwieqw krdw hY[ nwl hI srIr nwl sbMDq keI bImwrIAwˆ hox dw ^qrw keI guxwˆ G`t jwˆdw hY[ ies qo ielwvw SUgr lYvl nUM kMtrol ‘c r`Kx leI KjUr bhuq &wiedymMd huMdI hY[ ies nUM h&qy ‘c 2 qoˆ 3 vwr Kwx nwl SUgr hox dw ^qrw G`t jwˆdw hY[ ies nwl hI ies dI vrqoˆ krn nwl idmwZ vDIAw FMg nwl kMm krdw hY[

guxguxy pwxI ‘c Sihd imlw ky pIE

Sihd iek Aijhw pdwrQ hY, jo Kwx ‘c kwPI im`Tw Aqy suAwdI huMdw hY Aqy ieh hr ikcn c AwmwnI nwl auplbD huMdw hY[ qusIˆ jwxdy hI hovogy ik Sihd srIr ‘c dvweI dw kMm krdw hY[ Sihd ivc ivtwimn ey, bI, sI, Awiern, kYlSIAm, sofIAm, PwsPors Aqy AwieEfIn vrgy q`q pwey jwˆdy hn, jo srIr dIAwˆ loVwˆ nUM pUrw krdy hn[ ieh swry q`q quhwnUM ishqmMd bxw ky r`Kdy hn[ rozwnw guxguxy pwxI ivc 1 cmc Sihd pw ky KwlI iF`f pIx nwl Bwr Gtdw hY, ien&YkSn qoˆ bcwA, kbz Aqy joVwˆ dy drd dI sm`isAw qoˆ rwhq Aqy KUn swP krn ‘c mddgwr hY[



‘ichry dI cmk’ nUM brkrwr r`Kx leI ilAwauxy zrUrI ny ieh bdlwA

jy pwrlr jwx dw nhIˆ hY smwˆ qwˆ Gr ‘c hI bxwE PyspYk dIvwlI dIAwˆ iqAwrIAwˆ kùJ idn pihlwˆ qô SurU ho jwˆdIAwˆ hn[ AijhI siQqI ivc, Gr dI sPweI Aqy kMm dy kwrn, cmVI KuSk Aqy byjwn idKweI idMdI hY[ pr QoVy smŷ dy kwrn, bhuq swrIAwˆ AOrqwˆ nUM pwrlr jwx dw mOkw vI nhIˆ imldw, AijhI siQqI ivc qusIˆ prySwn hox dI bjwey kuJ GrylU Pys pYk dI vrqô kr skdy ho[ ies leI, A`j AsIˆ quhwnUM Aijhy PyspYk bxwauxy isKwaûdy hwˆ, qwˆ jo qusIˆ kuJ imMtwˆ ivc pwrlr dI qrHwˆ cmk pRwpq kr sko[ Gr ‘c hI bxwE GrylU PyspYk 1. bysn Awtw, dhI Aqy gulwb iek ktory ivc, 1 cmcw bysn, 1 cmcw dhIˆ Aqy gulwb pwxI nUM zrUrq Anuswr imks kro[ iqAwr kIqy gey imSrx nUM ichry ‘qy lgwE jdôik ies nUM bwAd hlkw ijhw mwlS kro iPr ies nUM 10 imMt leI C`f idE[ bwAd ivc ies nUM qwzy pwxI nwl Do lE[ ieh muhwsy, jnm inSwn, ctwk, Aqy JurVIAwˆ dI sm`isAw nUM dUr krygw[ ieh ichry ‘qy cmk ilAwaux ivc vI shwieqw krygw 2. Sihd, kylw Aqy inMbU iek ktory iv`c, 1 p`ky mYS hoey kyly, 1-1 cmcw Sihd Aqy inMbU dw rs imlwE[ pyst nUM hlky h`Qwˆ nwl ichry Aqy grdn ‘qy lgwE Aqy ies nUM 15 imMt

mOsm bdlx dy nwl ik`l, iPMsIAwˆ, CweIAwˆ, tYinMg Aqy KuSk byjwn cmVI ho jwˆjI hY[ ienHwˆ swrIAwˆ sm`isAwvwˆ qô Aksr lok bhuq prySwn ho jwˆdy hn[ ies dw kwrn hY qyz Dùp, grm hvwvwˆ Aqy jIvn SYlI[ AsIˆ kI Kwˆdy hwˆ, kI pIˆdy hwˆ, ikvŷ rihMdy hwˆ ieh sB swfy cihry qô Jlkdw hY[ iesy leI izMdgI ‘c kuJ bdlwA ilAw ky AsIˆ Awpxy cihry dI cmk nUM hmySw leI kwiem r`K skdy hwˆ[ pwxI nwl dosqI srIr ‘c pwxI dI kmI dy nwl ‘fIhweIfRySn’ XwnI pwxI dI Gwt ho jwˆdI hY[ ies nwl isr drd qy c`kr Awauxy SurU ho jwˆdy hn[ ies leI quhwnUM izAwdw pwxI pIx dI bhuq loV hY[ mykA`p smyq kdy nw sOvô grmIAwˆ ‘c mykA`p sw& kIqy ibnwˆ kdy nhIˆ sOxw cwhIdw[ mykA`p l`gy rihx dy nwl quhwfI cmVI ‘qy gMdgI dI prq jMmxI SurU ho jwˆdI hY, jo iPMsIAwˆ hox dw mùK kwrn bxdI hY[ nwl hI quhwnUM CweIAwˆ vI hoxIAwˆ SurU ho jwˆdIAwˆ hn[ mOScurweIz krnw nw Bùlo AwpxI cmVI nUM qr r`Kx dI purI koiSS kro[ ies leI qusIˆ cMgI kMpnI dw mOieScurwiezr iesqymwl kr skdy ho[ ies qô ielwvw qusIˆ kdy vI snskRIn lgwauxw vI nw Bùlo[ skrb dw iesqymwl nw kro Awpxy ichry auqy srIr nUM swP r`Kx leI klIˆzr dw iesqymwl kro[ jYl bysf klIˆzr Aqy Swvr jyl sB qô shI hn[ ienHwˆ nUM vI rgVxw nhIˆ cwhIdw[

leI C`f idE[ bwAd ivc ies nUM qwzy pwxI nwl sw& kro[ ies PyspYk nUM lgwaux nwl cmVI nUM poSx imlygw, ctwk, dark circles Aqy JurVIAwˆ dUr hoxgIAwˆ[ ieh cmVI dI KuSkI nUM dUr krn ivc shwieqw krygw[ 3.inMbU Aqy cInI ies dy leI iek ktory ivc 1 cmc cInI Aqy kuJ bUMdwˆ inMbU imlwE Aqy 5 imMt leI iek pwsy r`Ko, iPr hlky h`Qwˆ nwl 5-7 imMt leI iqAwr pyst nwl ichry Aqy grdn nUM sw& kro[ bwAd ivc ies nUM qwzy pwxI nwl sw& kro[ ies nwl cmVI dy iCMidAwˆ ‘qy iek`TI hoeI gMdgI dUr ho jwˆdI hY[ tYinMg dI sm`isAw nUM dUr krn iv`c vI mdd krdI hY[ By: Sajan Kumar

G`t bjt ‘c krnI hY cMgI KrIddwrI, qwˆ ienHwˆ itps nwl kro SwipMg PwiedymMd SwipMg leI zrUrI hY ik SwipMg dI iqAwrI krn qô pihlwˆ hI aus dw bjt iqAwr kr ilAw jwvy qy PYstIvl dOrwn qwˆ ieh hor vI izAwdw zrUrI ho jwˆdw hY ik bwAd ‘c keI vwr ies nUM lY ky pCqwvw vI huMdw hY[ qwˆ ies c`kr qô bcx leI cMgw hovygw qusIˆ ienHwˆ it`ps AŶf itRks nwl inklô SwipMg kro[ Xojnw bxwE SwipMg ‘qy k`Fx qô pihlwˆ swmwn dI sUcI iqAwr kro ik quhwnUM iks leI kI qy ikMnI cIz KrIdxI hY[ sUcI iqAwr krdy smŷ ies g`l dw iDAwn r`Ko ik ienHwˆ cIzwˆ nUM pihl idMdy hoey ilKo ijs nwl shI smŷ ‘qy shI cIz KrIdI jw sky[ cIzwˆ ‘qy ikMnw Krc hovygw aus nUM joVo qy hux 1520 PIsdI G`t kr idau[ sIzn ‘c ij`Qy vI syl l`gI hovy aus dw iDAwn r`Ko[ jgHw qYA kro SwipMg qô pihlwˆ ieh qYA kro ik qusIˆ swrw swmwn ik`Qo KrIdxw hY[ ies nwl nw isrP smwˆ blik pYsw vI brbwd hox qô bcygw qy ibhqr

hovygw ik qusIˆ aunHwˆ Qwvwˆ dI sUcI bxw lvo ij`Qy quhwfI psMd dw swmwn shI ryt ‘c imldw hovy[ jdô hovy PYstIvl syl soc- smJky hI syl ‘qy auplbD swmwn KrIdo[ ies dy do kwrn hn iek qwˆ syl ‘c k`iFAw igAw swmwn purwxw huMdw hY dUjI syl Kqm hox ‘qy auh vwps nhIˆ huMdw[ Cot dw iKAwl r`Ko PYsitv sIzn dOrwn keI cIzwˆ ‘qy kuJ vI imldI hY[ Cot bwry pùCdy smŷ sMkoc nw kro[ iek hI Qwˆ kImq pùC ky KrIddwrI nw kro[ iksy dUjI Swp qô vI aus cIz dw mùl jwˆc lvo[ kRYift kwrf dy bjwey nkd PYstIvl SwipMg krn leI hmySw nkd rwSI dI vrqô kro[ kRYift kwrf nwl SwipMg nw kro ikaûik izAwdw KrIddwrI ‘qy quhwnUM kMpwaÛf ieMtRyst dyxw pYdw hY[ nwl hI jykr iksy kwrnvMS KrIdy gey swmwn nUM bdlxw hovy qwˆ quhwnUM nkdI vwps nhIˆ imlygI[ By: Sajan Kumar

sik`nkyAr tRItmYnt lE bhuq swry Aijhy qrIky hn, ijnHwˆ nUM iesqymwl krky cmVI nUM sw& Aqy klIAr r`KIAw jw skdw hY[ pwrlr jwxw hY qwˆ PySIAl jwˆ klyrIpwieMg PySIAl PweIdymMd rhygw[ kwrbn pIl tRItmŶt ieh ie`k AijhI pRikrIAw hY, ijs nwl PweIdw ausy idn nzr Awaûdw hY[ ies dw Asr vI lMby smŷ qk ichry ‘qy nzr Awaûdw hY[ ieh ie`k spYSlweIzf tRItmŶt hY[ By: Sajan Kumar



SkrkMdI dI cwt

srdI dw mOsm SurU ho igAw hY[ lok Gr ‘c qrHwˆ-qrHwˆ dIAwˆ cIzwˆ bxw ky KwˆDy hn[ ijnHwˆ ‘cô A`j AsIˆ quhwfy leI cwt dI rYispI lY ky Awey hwˆ[ qusIˆ Gr ‘c jwˆ bwhrô keI qrHwˆ dI cwt KwDI hovygI pr A`j AsIˆ quhwnUM Gr ‘c SkrkMdI dI cwt bxwauxI isKwvwˆgy[ jo Kwx ‘c bhuq suAwd huMdI hY Aqy ieh quhwfy pirvwr dy b`icAwˆ qô lY ky bzurgwˆ nUM kw&I psMd AwvygI[ ieh hY SkrkMdI dI cwt bxwaux dI rYispI... bxwaux leI sm`grI 4 kwlI imrc pwaUfr-1/4 cmc

4 4 4 4

AcwrI bYˆgn

AmcUr pwaUfr-1/2 cmc inMbU dw rs loV Anuswr qyjp`qw-1 syDw nmk suAwd Anuswr

bxwaux dI ivDI: sB qô pihlwˆ cMgI qrHwˆ pwxI nwl SkrkMdI Do lvo Aqy ies nUM pRỲSr kùkr ‘c aubwlo Aqy ies nUM 3-4 sItIAwˆ Awaux idE[ 4 SkrkMdI nUM cMgI qrHwˆ pkwaux qô bwAd ies nUM iC`l lvo Aqy hlkw k`t lvo Aqy kOlI ‘c pw lvo[ ies ‘c kwlI imrc pwaUfr, AmcUr, nmk Aqy inMbU dw rs pwE[ ies nUM cMgI qrHwˆ imks kro[ quhwfI SkrkMdI dI cwt bx ky iqAwr hY[ ies nUM qusIˆ Awp vI KwE Aqy Awpxy pirvwr nUM Kwx leI idE[ By: Sajan Kumar

ieh Swied bŶgn nUM pkwaux dy sB qô svwidSt qrIikAwˆ ivcô iek hY[ AwcwrI mswlw pMjwbI Kwxy ivc lokwˆ nUM bhuq psMd Awaûdw hY[ ies ivc iksy pRkwr dy Acwr dI vrqô nhIˆ kIqw jwˆdI[ ies ivc kyvl cuxy hoey mswilAwˆ Aqy dhI dw imSrx hY[ ies ivc klÔjI, srsô, grm mswlw Aqy AwmcUr ijvŷ mswilAwˆ dw pRXog kIqw igAw hY, jo Aksr pMjwbI Kwxy ivc pwey jwˆdy hn[ ie`Qy AsIˆ mjydwr mswilAwˆ ivc bŶgn nUM imlwieAw hY[ qusIˆ ies sbzI ivc bŶgn dI bjwey ApxI psMd dI koeI hor sbzI vI imlw skdy ho[ sm`grI - mYirnyf bxwaux leI - 1 cmc - Adrk- lsx dI pyst, 1 cmc lwl imrc pwaUfr, A`Dw cmc hldI pwaUfr, lUx -svwdwnuswr, 1 cmc qyl

Gr ‘c bxwE nwrIAl mlweI pyVw 300 A`j AsIˆ quhwfy leI nwrIAl mlweI pyVy dI rYispI lY ky Awey hwˆ[ nwrIAl Kwx ‘c suAwd hox dy nwl cMgw vI huMdw hY[ Aijhy ‘c ies nwl iqAwr miTAweI dI vrqô krnI &wiedymMd rhygI[ c`lo jwxdy hwˆ ies ^ws ifS nUM bxwaux dI rYispI... zrUrI sm`grI 4 dùD/kRIm-1/2 k`p 4 nwrIAl-1/2 k`p (kisAw hoieAw) 4 vimlk pwaUfr-2 k`p 4 KMf dw pwaUfr-1/2 k`p 4 iGE/m`Kx-1/4 k`p 4 ielwiecI pwaUfr-1/2 Cotw cmc gwrinS leI 4 kysr dy Dwgy 4 sùky myvy bxwaux dI ivDI... 1. sB qô pihlwˆ kOlI ‘c nwrIAl, dùD dw pwaUfr, KMf dw pwaUfr pw ky Awty dI qrHwˆ guMnH lE[

hor sm`grI- 1 kp bŶgn dy tukVy, qyl, 1 cmc sO&, 1 cmc srsô, 1 cmc myQIdwxw, 1 cmc klÔjI, A`Dw cmc jIrw, A`Dw cmc ihMg, 1 cmc qyl, A`Dw kp slweIsf ipAwj, 1 cmc Adrk – lsx dI pyst, 1 cmc ktI hoeI hrI imrc, A`Dw cmc hldI pwaUfr, A`Dw cmc lwl imrc pwaUfr, A`Dw cmc pMjwbI grm mswlw, A`Dw cmc AmcUr, lUx, 3/4 kp PŷitAw hoieAw dhI, A`Dw

k`p PrYS kRIm, 2 cmc brIk kitAw hoieAw DnIAw FMg :- iek fUMGy bwaul ivc bŶgn Aqy iqAwr kIqy hoey mYirnyf nUM pw ky imlw lE Aqy kuJ imMt leI iek pwsy r`K idE[ iek kVwhI ivc qyl grm kro Aqy aus ivc mYirnyt kIqy hoey bŶgn nUM cwry pwisAwˆ qô sunihry BUry rMg hox q`k ql lE[ aunHwˆ nUM qyl soKx vwly kwgz auqy k`F ky iek pwsy r`K idE[ iek Coty bwaul ivc sO&, srsô, myQIdwxw, ipAwj, zIrw Aqy ihMg nUM imlw ky iek pwsy r`K idE[ iek fUMGy pYn ivc qyl grm kro Aqy aupr iqAwr kIqw hoieAw imSrx aus ivc pw idE[ jdô bIj ctkx l`gy q`d aus ivc ipAwj, Adrk - lsx dI pyst Aqy hrI imrc pw ky aus nUM do imMt leI m`Dm A`g auqy BuMn lE[ aus ivc hldI pwaUfr, lwl imrc pwaUfr, pMjwbI grm mswlw, AwmcUr Aqy lUx pw ky aus nUM m`Dm A`g auqy do imMt leI BuMn lau[ aus ivc dhIˆ, qly hoey bŶgn Aqy PrYS kRIm pw ky hlky h`Qwˆ nwl imlw lE Aqy aus nUM m`Dm A`g auqy lgwqwr ihlwaûdy hoey 2 qô 3 imMt q`k pkw lau[ DnIey nwl sjw ky grmw grm proso[ By: Sajan Kumar

2. pYn ‘c iGE grm krky aus ‘c nwrIAl dw imSrn imlwE[ 3. ies ‘c kRIm pw ky gYs dI hOlI A`g ‘qy cMgI qrHwˆ ihlwaûdy hoey 7-8 imMt q`k pkwE[ 4. imSrn dy dwxydwr hox ‘qy ies nUM TMfw hox leI v`Krw r`Ko[ 5. iqAwr imSrn nwl mulwiem ijhw Awtw guMnH lE[ 6. hux h`Qwˆ ‘qy QoVHw ijhw iGE lgw ky imSrn nwl gol Awkwr dy pyVy iqAwr kr lE[ 7. hux ies nUM kysr, sùky myvy Aqy ielwiecI pwaUfr nwl gwrinS kro[ 8. lE jI quhwfy mlweI pyVy bx ky iqAwr hn[ By: Sajan Kumar



iek vwr jrUr kro iqrUvnMqpurm dI sYr iqrUvnMqpurm pihlwˆ iqrUAnMqwpurm dy nwˆ nwl jwixAw jwˆdw sI jo iqMn Al`g Al`g Sbdwˆ dw joV hY[ iqrU dw ArQ hY sRI, AnMqw s`pwˆ dy SRySt SySnwg qô ilAw igAw hY, ikaûik ies Qwˆ ‘qy pihlwˆ sMGxw jMgl sI Aqy ie`Qy s`pwˆ dI Brmwr sI[ jMgl ies mOky vI ies dy p`CmI ih`sy ivc mOjUd hY[ ie`Qô dy lok SySnwg dI pUjw krdy sn[ smŷ dy bIqx nwl AnMqw Sbd vnMqw ivc qbdIl ho igAw, AMqly Sbd purm dw mqlb Sihr hY[ Bwrq dy Dur d`Kx ivc ieh lMbUqrI ijhI Skl vwlw rwj kyrl p`Cm ivc Arbswgr Aqy pUrb ivc p`CmI Gwt dy ivckwr iGirAw hoieAw hY Aqy kudrqI suh`px Aqy hirAwlI p`Kô byimswl hY[ rùKwˆ l`dIAwˆ p`CmI Gwt dIAwˆ phwVIAwˆ, Plwˆ Aqy Pùlwˆ nwl BrpUr JUmdy aùcy lMmy rùK jdô Arbswgr v`lô AwaûdI A`QrI Aqy byprvwh hvw dw swhmxw krdy hn qwˆ aùqrI Bwrq v`lô igAw ienswn kudrq dy vroswey Sihr qrvŷdrm dI KUbsUrqI dw kwiel ho jwˆdw hY[ pdmwnwBwsuAwmI


igxqI AwdmIAwˆ qô v`D hY[ iqrUvnMqpurm ivc isr& do hI hotl hn ij`Qy pMjwbI Kwxw imldw hY[ kyrl dy AwdmI Srwb pIx dy SOkIn hn[ Swm nUM TyikAwˆ ‘qy lMmIAwˆ lweInwˆ dyKIAwˆ jw skdIAwˆ hn[ vYsy lok iemwndwr Aqy sihXogI suBwA dy hn[ ie`Qô dy vwsI AwpxI BwSw milAwlm nUM bhuq ipAwr krdy hn[ ihMdI jwxdy hoey vI aus ivc g`l nhIˆ krdy sgô sUby qô bwhrly lokwˆ nwl AMgryzI ivc g`l krnw psMd krdy hn[ inAwmwsBwmMdrm, eIst Port tYknopwrk Aqy knkkUnU pYlys dyKxXog Qwvwˆ hn[ iqrUvnMqpurm nUM Arb swgr ny bYkvwtrz Aqy vylI, vYlwXwxI,pvwr Aqy AMSU qygU ijhIAwˆ suMdr JIlwˆ dw qoh&w id`qw hY[ ies Sihr dy kovlm, brklw, SMgmugm Aqy vylI KUbsUrq bIc hn[ Agsqmwlw Aqy pOnmuVI ies dIAwˆ sB qô aùcIAwˆ cotIAwˆ hn ij`Qy hr smŷ msq mOsm Aqy DuMd psrI rihMdI hY[ byS`k ie`Qô dIAwˆ phwVIAwˆ ihmwcl pRdyS, kSmIr Awid dy phwVwˆ

ijMnIAwˆ aùcIAwˆ nhIˆ pr ienHwˆ dI swˆB sMBwl Aqy sw& s&weI aunHwˆ qô ikqy v`D hY[ kyrl dy vwsI cMgy pVHy ilKy Aqy imlxswr hn[ ie`Qy swKrqw dr sO &IsdI hY[ lok kwnUMn dw pwlx krnw jwxdy hn[ Awpxy Awp lweIn ivc l`g jwˆdy hn[ ie`Qô dy AwdmI DoqI kuVqw Aqy iesqrIAwˆ swVHI pihndIAwˆ hn[ nvIˆ pIVHI p`CmI dySwˆ dw ilbws pihn ky ^uS hY[ kyrl Bwrq dw ie`ko iek rwj hY ijs ivc iesqrIAwˆ dI

iqrUvnMqpurm jwx leI ryl syvw Aqy hvweI syvw dI mdd leI jw skdI hY[ ryl rwhIˆ id`lI qô ie`Qy phuMcx leI lgpg 48 GMty lgdy hn Aqy hvweI jhwz rwhIˆ ieh s&r iqMn GMitAwˆ dw hI hY[ pr ryl g`fI rwhIˆ qusIˆ lgpg swry Bwrq dI sYr kr lŶdy ho, so sYlwnIAwˆ leI ryl s&r izAwdw &wiedymMd hY ikaûik ies rwhIˆ qusIˆ kudrqI nzwry mwx skdy ho[ By: Sajan Kumar

ienHwˆ hwlqwˆ ‘c Bu`l ky vI nw kro ‘gloA’ dI vrqoˆ

koronw vwiers qô bcx leI swirAwˆ nUM mwihrwˆ v`lô ieimaUintI strwˆg krn dI slwh id`qI geI sI[ ies leI ivtwimns, imnrls, AŶtI-AwksIfŶt nwl BrpUr gloA nUM sB qô cMgw sroq mMinAw igAw hY[ ies nwl iqAwr kwVHw, jUs Awid dI vrqô krn nwl ieimaUintI bUst hox dy nwl bImwrIAwˆ dI lpyt ‘c Awaux dw Kqrw kw&I G`t huMdw hY pr iPr vI kuJ hwlwqwˆ ‘c ies dI vrqô krn qô bcxw cwhIdw[ c`lo A`j AsIˆ quhwnUM d`sdy hwˆ ik guxwˆ dI Kwn hox dy bwvjUd vI iknHwˆ siQqIAwˆ ‘c gloA dI vrqô krn nwl srIr leI nukswndwiek ho skdw hY[ ienHwˆ hwlwqwˆ ‘c gloA dI vrqô krn qô bco-

grBAvsQw ‘c nw kro gloA dI vrqô guxwˆ dI Kwn hox dy bwvjUd vI gloA grBAvsQw ‘c pIx nwl srIr nUM nukswn phuMc skdw hY[ ^ws qOr ‘qy ijnHwˆ AOrqwˆ dI ifilvrI srjrI nwl hoeI hovy jwˆ hoxI hovy qwˆ aunHwˆ nUM ies dI vrqô nhIˆ krnI cwhIdI[ Asl ‘c ies nwl bl`f SUgr lYvl G`t ho skdw hY[ nwl hI srjrI dy zKm sùkx ‘c smwˆ l`g skdw hY[ loA bl`f pRỲSr loA bl`f pRỲSr dy mrIzwˆ nUM ies dI vrqô krn qô bcxw cwhIdw hY[ izAwdw mwqrw Aqy inXimq rUp nwl gloA dI vrqô krn



gux huMdy hn[ Aijhy ‘c ies dI vrqô srIr dy nwl sikn leI vI &wiedymMd huMdI hY[ Aijhy ‘c inXimq qOr ‘qy ies dI vrqô krn nwl ichry ‘qy pey F`ldI aumr dy inSwn G`t ho jwˆdy hn[ joVwˆ dw drd kry dUr ies dI vrqô nwl joVwˆ Aqy srIr dy hor ih`isAwˆ ‘c drd hox qô Cutkwrw imldw hY[ ies leI gloA dw kwVHw inXimq rUp nwl pIE[ ies dIAwˆ p`qIAwˆ nUM grm krky s`t vwlI Qwˆ ‘qy lgwaux nwl vI lwB imldw hY[ ies nwl drd G`t hox dy nwl s`t CyqI TIk ho jwˆdI hY[

nwl loA bl`f pRỲSr dI sm`isAw v`D skdI hY[ ienHwˆ hwlwqwˆ ‘c kro gloA dI vrqô gloA ‘c ivtwimn, imnrls Aqy AŶtIAwksIfŶt gux huMdy hn[ ies dI vrqô krn nwl srIr dI pRqIroDk sm`rQw v`DdI hY[ Aijhy ‘c bImwrIAwˆ dy l`gx dw Kqrw G`t rihMdw hY[ c`lo jwxdy hwˆ ies dI vrqô iknHwˆ hwlwqwˆ ‘c &wiedymMd huMdI hY[

mOsmI bImwrIAwˆ ies ‘c mOjUd AŶtI-AwksIfŶt gux hox nwl ieimaUintI strwˆg huMdI hY[ Aijhy ‘c mOsmI srdI-zukwm, KwˆsI, buKwr Awid qô bcwA rihMdw hY[ buKwr ‘c &wiedymMd gloA nwl iqAwr kwVHy jwˆ jUs dI vrqô krn nwl buKwr G`t hox ‘c mdd imldI hY[ nwl hI ieimaUintI strwˆg hox nwl vwr-vwr buKwr dI lpyt ‘c Awaux dw ^qrw G`t rihMdw hY[ AŶtI-eyijMg gux ies ‘c AŶtI-AwksIfŶt Aqy AŶtI-eyijMg

ies qrHwˆ nwl kro vrqô aûJ qwˆ gloA dw kwVHw Aqy jUs bxw ky pIqw jw skdw hY pr hux bwzwr ‘c ies dIAwˆ golIAwˆ vI imlx l`gIAwˆ hn[ Aijhy ‘c ijnHwˆ lokwˆ dy kol kwVHw jwˆ jUs bxwaux dw smwˆ nhIˆ hY[ auh ies dIAwˆ golIAwˆ dI vrqô kr skdy hn[ By: Sajan Kumar

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E f » d Y Z I e f ³ f U Ô e X þ W X e S Y BÔQb I Y¹ffSXf ÀfeJ ·ff¿ff dI ¹ff¶ffQe ¦ffdþ

By: Sajan Kumar

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MANISH’S ZODIAC PREDICTIONS - DECEMBER 2020 Manish Kumar Arora, 91-9871062000

Aries (March 21- April 20)

You have very focused interests and you naturally and willingly work hard on something you believe in. Your instincts are most likely to be spot on. You will be able to talk things through with partners or close associates and see them in a different light.

Leo (Jul 23 - August 23)

This period signals a sea change in your world that will take time to register in your consciousness. The chameleon of karma will indeed come and go in your life as you begin to see the immutable laws of cause and effect working out. Familiar routines could be disrupted but this should be a good thing.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

This is an expansive phase where you can gain greatly through being out there, keeping a clear and positive attitude and being ready to take the chances that come. New ideas, new working associations and new social directions are keys to the future.

What's your #Astrology sign? Select your Astro sign and read below.


(April 21- March 20)

You may be restless or frustrated with who you are or where you’re going. Standing up for your own ideals and dreams would be important, and strengthens your self-esteem. If you’ve been silent, or hesitated to rock the boat, you might be amazed by how good you feel when you speak up.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 23)


(May 21-Jun 21)

This is a good time for lots of travel and also for putting time into either working at home or home projects You crave financial security, but would love to revel in edgy philosophies and experimental projects. You would enjoy a secure relationship, but often tend to devote more energy to friendships.

Libra (September 24- October 23)

You’re thinking about your values and polishing up your philosophy of life. Your charisma is boosted bringing flirtatious possibilities or a shed-load of compliments. Friends and colleagues are in a supportive mood this month, and team efforts or shared projects can boost your creative energies.

You are due to gain recognition in your professional life, and sexual and romantic satisfaction will follow close behind. Your public image and professional affairs will demand extra time. You’re getting along well with your partner/ mate, and in fact, they are a big help in the moment.



( December 22 - January 20)

This month is all about finding a balance that suits you. A busy, social time whirls around you, but you know you need private time to develop all your scintillating ideas and plans and your dreams and goals morph into something fresh and challenging.

(January 21 - February 18)

You can make a new beginning, leaving old patterns behind. There may be a powerful or dramatic process of adjustment needed but the Heavens will support the act of making it. Work should be very fulfilling though, and this is a good time to get some recognition there.

Cancer (Jun 22- July 22)

You are on top of your game this month and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. This is a period where both singles and those with partners can advance at speed with dramatic intensity. There may be beneficial news and important opportunity all coming at you.

Scorpio (Octo. 24-Nov. 22)

This is wonderful time for your creativity, and you find yourself doing a lot of behind the scenes work. For those in a partnership, opportunity may add something to your lives or change the way you’re headed. New goals can emerge through contact with new friends and interesting people.

Pisces (February 19 March 20)

You will find this to be an action packed month and there will be celebrations and other adventures on your personal agenda during this fantastic month for sex and love. Work matters would be moving forward in pleasing ways, and you will have the chance to showcase just how creative you can be. E-mail:



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