2 minute read

Editor's Address

Dear students,

The school year is drawing to a close and summer has officially begun (note to international students: summer is a state of mind on our little rock). This past winter, we encouraged all students to submit their material, as the purpose of The Student Paper for almost 100 years has been to lift up students’ voices - I want to thank everyone who responded to our open call. The theme of our fourth and last issue is Future, which our writers interpreted in a myriad of ways; on these pages you’ll find sci-fi-esque short stories and dreamy futurescapes, potent debates on social challenges and a wide range of think pieces regarding the near and distant future.


We know that community can be a force to be reckoned with in times of need, and we’ve seen the difference people can make when they work to better their environment, individually and collectively. Scientific innovation is a beacon of hope which can lead the way to brighter days, and there’s inspiration to be found in artistic expressions all around us that capture the human experience in all its complexity.

Let us be driven by hope as we move forward into our future. Acknowledging the challenges ahead is essential, but what is perhaps most important of all is believing that we have the power to actively participate in bettering our world.

My utmost thanks go to Alexander Jean for breathing life into the Student Paper with his beautiful graphic design, Regn Sólmundur Evu for their iconic linocuts on our cover pages this year, and Amber Lim for her lovely illustrations. Last but not least, I would like to congratulate all contributors to this year’s Paper on a job exceedingly well done - thank you for inspiring readers by sharing your artistic creations and unique perspectives.

To a brighter future.