Cathedral Times - August 21, 2016

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cathedral times The Weekly Newsletter of the Cathedral of St. Philip, Serving Atlanta and the World

August 21, 2016

HOMECOMING SUNDAY! (Excerpts from Dean Sam Candler’s Sunday sermon, titled “A Cloud of Witnesses!”) What a delight it is, for so many of us, to be here this morning, surrounded by the witnesses of the Cathedral of St. Philip! … Welcome to a cloud of witnesses! Welcome to “the cloud,” the “cloud of witnesses!” Clouds! … Have any of you observed the clouds this summer? Have you pondered the clouds while outdoors, maybe in your backyard, or at the park—or at the beach, or in the mountains? I have delighted in most every different type, whose various compound names often confuse me, but whose beauty always inspires and provokes me. I have seen the stratus clouds, those low-level clouds, down-to-earth. I have seen the lovely alto-type clouds—mid-level clouds often billowing into shapes of fantasy and illusion. I have strained to see the cirrus clouds—high-level clouds, lofty and high and wispy. Each type has its value, sometimes shading a hot summer day, sometimes forecasting a weather pattern, sometimes pouring tremendous rain upon a needy earth. As you may know, clouds form when water vapor coalesces around a tiny dust particle in the air. Clouds actually need small dust particles to form. Every cloud contains some sort of condensed vapor around a small piece of dust. … Since the Epistle to the Hebrews says we are surrounded by “a cloud of witnesses,” maybe the witnesses around us, in the Bible before our time—and, in our own time, right beside us—maybe all these various witnesses are just as various as the clouds in the sky. Some of us are light and airy, like high-level clouds. Some of us are dark and stormy, maybe brooding. Some of us provide nourishment with our water, raining blessing down upon others during needy times. But some of us have the potential to do great damage with our storms. Some of us are down-to-earth, and some of us are high and lofty. But every one of us starts as a particle of dust. Stardust, maybe. “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” It is water that turns us into a cloud. It is this baptismal water, which we will bless later in this service, it is this baptismal water that turns us into a cloud of witnesses. … What do you see in the clouds this morning? I see witness. I see the lovely shapes and sizes of faith, some billowing and beautiful, and some wispy and fragile, but still beautiful—all of us giving shape to faith and following Jesus, our pioneer, our perfecter, our Lord.

When he said this, all his opponents were put to shame; and the entire crowd was rejoicing at all the wonderful things that he was doing. From this week’s lectionary Luke 13:17

PROGR A MS DUR ING THE WEEK T U E S DAYS The Dean’s Men’s Bible Study: 7–8 a.m., Room 319. This group meets consistently to read and study scripture, share faith stories, and support each other in prayer. A light breakfast is available. We finish by 8 a.m. so those gathered may go into the world to carry on their ministries.

2016 CH APTER Rob Adams (Junior Warden), Mary Bondurant (Executive Committee At-Large), Josh Borden, Kate Brewer, Matt Caine, Mary Caroline Cravens (Senior Warden), Joan Gilbert, Austin Hall (Secretary), Jason Hultgren, Lindsey Hardegree, Wade Hooper, Eric Mininberg, Doug O’Bryan (Treasurer), Brad Reeves, Julie Rief, Ruth Russ, Susan Troutman, George Watson, Anne Young

CLERGY A ND SENIOR STA FF The Very Rev. Samuel G. Candler Dean Dale Adelmann, Ph.D. Canon for Music The Rev. George M. Maxwell, Jr. Vicar The Rev. C. Wallace Marsh IV Canon for Pastoral Care and Worship The Rev. Catherine Zappa Canon for Spirituality and Mission The Rev. John William Harkins III, Ph.D. Priest Associate The Rev. Todd D. Smelser Canon Associate for Pastoral Care The Rev. Theophus “Thee” Smith, Ph.D. Priest Associate The Rev. Carolynne G. Williams Canon Associate for Pastoral and Elder Care The Rev. Juan Sandoval Deacon for Hispanic Ministries

Early Morning Women’s Bible Study: 7–8 a.m., Walthour Library. Canon Cathy Zappa leads this group. Women of all ages are encouraged to join us for good fellowship and lively conversation. W E D N E S DAYS The Dean’s Women’s Bible Study: 10:45–11:45 a.m., Room 319. This group meets consistently to read and study scripture, share faith stories, and support each other in prayer. We close promptly at 11:45 a.m. in order to get to carpools and lunches! Eat Your Word Bible Study: Noon, Room 239. Canon Cathy Zappa leads this Bible study. Centering Prayer: 6:30 p.m., Lanier House Chapel. Contact Jeannie Mahood at jmahood@ T H U R S DAYS Centering Prayer: 4 p.m., Lanier House Chapel. Contact Ann Hickman, mannhick@aol. com.



Sunday, August 21, 2016 / Pentecost 14: Proper 16C

Sunday, August 21, 2016 / Pentecost 14: Proper 16C

Liturgy of the Word Lesson: Jeremiah 1:4-10 Psalm 71:1-6 Epistle: Hebrews 12:18-29 Gospel: Luke 13:10-17

7:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Mikell Chapel Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Carolynne Williams

8:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral Celebrant: The Rev. Dr. Bill Harkins Preacher: Canon George Maxwell 9 a.m.

Holy Eucharist, Mikell Chapel Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Carolynne Williams

11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral Celebrant: The Rev. Dr. Thee Smith Preacher: Canon Cathy Zappa

11:15 a.m. La Santa Eucaristía, Mikell Chapel Celebrant: Canon Wallace Marsh Preacher: Deacon Juan Sandoval

8:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Cathedral Choir (Sopranos and Altos) and Cathedral Choristers 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Cathedral Choir (Sopranos and Altos) Peter Hurford, Litany to the Holy Spirit Felix Mendelssohn, Laudate pueri Dominum

CHILDREN The Nurturing Center is open for children three and younger from 8:30 a.m. through the end of the 11:15 a.m. service each week. Beginning this Sunday, August 21, Children’s Chapel takes place during the 8:45 a.m. service as an option for parents and children who are not yet ready to experience the full liturgy together, though children are always welcome in “big” church. Children three years through third grade begin in church with their parents, follow the children’s acolytes and leaders out at the Sequence Hymn, then rejoin their parents at the Offertory. Two-year-olds attend their own chapel service, which begins at 8:45 a.m. Parents who would like their children two years old and younger to join them for communion may go pick them up from Room 227 at the Peace.


ADULT EDUCATION Next Sunday, August 28, at 10:10 a.m., the Dean's Forum and Old Fashioned Sunday School will kick off the year in a combined class in Child Hall to hear from representatives from First Step Staffing, the beneficiary of the 2017 Cathedral Antiques Show. They will give a presentation on the causes of poverty and homelessness in Atlanta. First Step Staffing works to secure sustainable income for individuals transitioning from homelessness, regardless of their ability to work, because steady and sustainable income is the only permanent, reliable path out of homelessness.

SPIR ITUALIT Y While I do incorporate technology and aspects of modernity into my prayer life by using an app called “Pray As You Go,” I find the Daily Office in the Book of Common Prayer is where I can be most deeply pulled into prayer. There’s just something about the way that these offices allow me to lose myself in their familiarity—even after a long and stressful day, “We who are wearied by the changes and chances of this life may rest in [God’s] eternal changelessness” and in the near changelessness of the Prayer Book (BCP 133). Knowing that these offices have been prayed by countless others for years, are being prayed as I pray them, and will be prayed for years to come, reminds me that prayer is bigger than just my relationship with God—but is formed by and connected to community. And there always seems to be a Prayer Book nearby. —Clayton Harrington, Seminarian If you missed previous issues, check out the Prayer Corner archive at

2017 CALENDAR RELEASE PARTY! MONDAY, AUGUST 22 | 6–9 P.M. Earlybird tickets are $65 and include a copy of the 2017 calendar, plus food, beer, live music, live auction, apron fashion show, and the only chance to see outtakes from the 2017 calendar shoot. (And there are some blush worthy outtakes!) The Farmer Fund exists to support farmers in the face of natural disaster and help keep farmers farming. It serves the farmers that feed Metro Atlanta through farmers markets, CSAs, and restaurant sales. Get your tickets at CHURCH OF THE COMMON GROUND On Sunday, September 11, Cathedral members will join Church of the Common Ground for their weekly Holy Eucharist service and for fellowship. Church of the Common Ground is an Episcopal worshipping community on the streets of Atlanta, and it is a sacred experience to worship with them. The service is at 1 p.m. in Woodruff Park downtown. Participants are asked to bring 10 sack lunches to share with Common Ground parishioners. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Canon Cathy Zappa,

HELP STOCK BCM’S PANTRY St. Anne's Guild invites you to participate in Food Drive Month at the Cathedral in August. In particular St. Anne's is seeking donations of food and/or $20 or more, which will support the work of Buckhead Christian Ministry (BCM). Make checks payable to Cathedral of St. Philip with “BCM Food Drive” on memo line. The BCM Food Pantry provides 2,000 bags of groceries to more than 1,600 people each month, and is stocked entirely with donations from the community. According to the US Department of Agriculture, one out of five children live in households without access to adequate food. To help, please stop by our table in the Atrium Sundays in August between 9:45 and 11:15 a.m.


Join the Cathedral Choir on Friday, September 16 at 7:30 p.m. in Child Hall for a fun, informal, light-hearted evening of hospitality and entertainment. Relax, and perhaps sing along, to a selection of beloved Broadway show tunes, light opera, pop and gospel. All proceeds from this fundraiser will support the Cathedral Choir's 2017 England pilgrimage, where they will serve as choir-in-residence for a week each at Salisbury Cathedral and Durham Cathedral. Pre-sale tickets are $15 per individual or $100 for a table of 8. Or, secure a reserve preferred table of 8, in the second tier closest to the stage, for $150. Front row premium tables are sold out! Buy your tickets through the music office, 404365-1050, or online at

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ENGLAND NEXT SPRING You are invited to consider joining a Roots of Anglicanism pilgrimage, April 21 – May 4, 2017. Each day will include a visit to one of England’s great, historic cathedrals or collegiate foundations—including Canterbury, Cambridge University (King's, St. John's, and Trinity Colleges), Oxford University (Christ Church Cathedral and New College), Durham, Fountains Abbey, Salisbury, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Winchester, and York Minster. We will also have an opportunity to join each institution’s worshipping community for Choral Evensong or Eucharist sung by its own resident choir. The pilgrimage will be led by Canons Dale Adelmann and Wallace Marsh. Group size is anticipated to be 25, and priority will be given to persons closely affiliated with the Cathedral. For more information, contact Canon Adelmann dadelmann@ or 404-365-1051.

CHORISTERS RESUME THIS WEEK The Cathedral Choristers and Allegro choirs are beginning to ramp up for the fall! Cathedral Choristers will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, August 24 and the Allegro Choir resumes rehearsals on Wednesday, August 31. The Choristers is our choral program for children beginning in the third grade, for boys to voice change and for girls through high school. The training scheme is based on that of the Royal School of Church Music, and aims to nurture Christian community and the musical skills necessary to reach the highest levels of excellence in sacred choral performance. For more information, go to choirs or contact Dr. Patrick Scott, ALLEGRO: MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN If you want a fun, structured activity for your child that is as educational as it is fun, Allegro is for you! Movement and music activities are perfect for child development. Music immerses the child in language, evokes movement, stimulates the brain and fosters physical coordination – all in a group setting that builds community. Using Musikgarten’s developmentally appropriate curricula for infants through second graders, Allegro offers children a joyful setting for mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social growth. Weekly classes are separated by age group, infants through 5 years old. Learn more and sign up at

CHILDR EN SIGN UP FOR GODLY PLAY! All children ages 2 (by September 1) through 5th grade are invited to Godly Play. Based on the Montessori method, Godly Play uses storytelling and creative responses to encourage children to seek and find God. Join us at the Godly Play Open House on Sunday, August 21 between 10:10 and 11 a.m. to see the classrooms and meet the teachers. Classes begin Sunday, August 28. Sign up today at Contact Lisa McNamara, or 404-365-1082, for more information.

BACK TO SCHOOL BASH Youth and Children’s Ministries are joining forces for a Back-toSchool Bash, next Sunday, August 28 from 5–7 p.m.! Families with children of all ages are invited to join us for food trucks, outdoor games, and fellowship. Bring your backpacks to be blessed. The youth will gather in the youth rooms for worship while the children bless the Godly Play classrooms. Sign up at

IMPORTANT DATES – FALL 2016 August 21 Children's Chapels Begin, Godly Play Open House August 28 Family Night and Backpack Blessing September 11 EYSeedlings Begins September 18 Family Newcomers Dinner October 3 St. Francis Sunday

YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL RESUMES THIS WEEK Sunday School for middle and high school resumes this Sunday, August 21. Register for Sunday School and EYC at Confirmation classes will not start until January. BR AVES GAME THIS SUNDAY Youth are invited to celebrate the first day of Sunday School by going to the ballpark this Sunday, August 21! We'll leave for Turner Field around 11 a.m. Sign up at youth.

EYC FAMILY NIGHT/BACK TO SCHOOL BASH All youth and their families are invited to kick off the program year with a meal and fellowship, Sunday August 28 from 5–7 p.m. at the Lanier House! We'll join forces with Children's Minstries for food trucks and games, then we'll discuss programs for the upcoming year and worship. Sign up at backtoschool.

W EEK LY SCHE DULE Middle and High School Sunday School Sundays, 10:10 –11 a.m. EYC Middle School: Sundays, 5–7 p.m. High School: Sundays, 6 –8 p.m. Middle and High School Bible Study Tuesdays, 6:45–8:15 p.m. JOIN BOY SCOUTS! Boy Scout Troop 74 is starting its 60th year at the Cathedral. The Boy Scouts want to get all boys, ages 11 to 17, into the outdoors for camping, hiking, boating, and other high adventure. For more information on Troop 74, call Troop Chairman David Burge, 404-237-2977. After all, what did you do this weekend?

CONGR EGATIONAL LIFE MEET NEW FRIENDS AT SUPER FOYERS Do you enjoy eating good food and meeting new people? Then Foyers is for you! Experience friends, food, and fellowship in small groups of 8 to 10 each month beginning with Super Foyers on Sunday, September 25 at 6 p.m. in Child Hall. This year, we'll offer a group that meets during the day for those who are unable to participate at night. Please contact Jackie Hollingsworth at 404-281-8282 or with your name, address, phone number, and email to sign up. NEWCOMERS COMMITTEE NEEDS YOU! The Newcomers Committee is in need of new members. Do you like to cook? Do you like to engage in conversation? Would you like to help welcome new members to the Cathedral? If yes, then we need you! The committee meets once a quarter at church for a brunch or dinner. Prospective new members and guests experience firsthand the welcoming spirit and warm hospitality of the Cathedral. One of our clergy provides a light-hearted narrative of life at the Cathedral and the numerous ways there are to be involved. As a member of this committee, you are guaranteed not only to enjoy the fellowship but to leave each gathering with new friends and an enriched and rejuvenated personal ministry for your life at the Cathdral! If you are interested in joining our Newcomers Committee, please contact Nancy and Max Ferguson at drlmaxwell@yahoo. com.

JOIN THE FUNER AL GUILD The Cathedral's Funeral Guild is the epitome of grace, excellence, and especially, hospitality. Join this faithful group in preparing for and hosting dozens of funerals each year, usually on weekday mornings and afternoons. Guild members may acolyte, usher, or set up the altar, and current guild members will train newcomers. For more information, contact Walker McCune, mccune.iv@

A ARP SAFE DRIVER COURSE AARP will again offer the Smart Driver Course at the Cathedral on Thursday, September 8. The course is a six-hour refresher aimed at motorists 50 year old and older. Some of the objectives of the class include understanding the effects of aging on driving; learning driving strategies that take into account the changes we experience as we age; and a number of other topics designed to make you a safer driver. At the completion of the class, you may be eligible to receive a discount on your automobile insurance policy. Class begins at 9 a.m. and will be completed by 4 p.m. There will be an hour break for lunch. Feel free to bring a lunch. The cost for AARP members is $15 and $20 for non-members. You will pay at the door by cash or check. You must bring your AARP card to receive the discount. You may sign up by calling the Information Desk at 404-3651000. If you have additional questions you may contact the course instructor, Stratton Leedy, at 404-237-8910. EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY Education for Ministry (EfM) is a program of the School of Theology of the University of the South. Participants commit one year at a time to meet weekly in seminars led by a mentor trained in studying the Bible, church history, and theology while also developing a wonderful community of members. There is a weekly lesson and study guide but no tests or papers to prepare. A few spaces are available for an EfM class that begins Tuesday, September 13. The class meets in the Lanier House on Tuesday nights, 7-9:30 p.m. For more information and enrollment forms, contact Rick Tyler, 404-3756470, or Deirdra Glover, 770-865-2141. HART READERS RETURN IN SEPTEMBER Canon Cathy Zappa and Dr. Catherine Meeks will lead a discussion of Bryan Stevenson's book, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, at the first fall meeting of the Hart Readers, Wednesday, September 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the Gould Room. The discussion of Stevenson's book is a prelude to his appearance at St. Luke's Episcopal Church on Thursday, September 29. Please RSVP to Kerith Lee, 404-237-7582 or, by September 2. The Hart Readers meet on the first Wednesday of each month to discuss contemporary books and issues. Discussions are facilitated by various clergy and lay teachers.

PR AYER S For those who are ill or recovering:

Eudelle Lanier Graham

Libby Powell

Steve Auerbach

D. Louis Gruver, Jr.

Jennifer Rankin

Julia Alston

Priscilla Beale

Ellen Gunn

Rodger Beatty

Stan Haines

Karen Bellaire

Jane Hannah

Cornelia Bird

Helen Hammond

George Bird

Caroline Hatcher

John Blair

Shirley Heermann

Marcia Block

Patricia Hentz

David Boone

Debanhi Hernandez

Josh Borden

Richard Hill

Joan Brooks

Connie Hoar

Keith Brooks

Neal Brown and family

Meredith, Adam, and Leo Bugenske Denise Carlson Josie Carlyle

Karen League

Lawrence Cowart

Jack Lyle

Jackson Culbreth

Robert Maddox

Terry Dornbush

Herb Matthews

Sarah duBignon Kitty Dukehart Mary Elrod

Rebecca Gorman Peggy Govan

Whitney Kemble Robbins Coleen Schoen

Logan Shannep

Michelle Simmons Lara Smith Sitton Bill Smith

Lyda Sorgini Joe K. Steele

Roy Unkefer

Martir Valesquez Ed Vogel

Meredith Wallace

Chandra Westafer

Caroline and John Westerhoff Stephen Williamson Dick Wilson

Marion Wilson Lu Worrell

Patricia Young

Hollis Youngner

Reilly McClain

Olivia Cave

Carol McDonald

Robert L. Foreman, Jr.

Jonna Rankine

For those who have died:

Bonnie Shields McCormack

Amy Feuss

Garry Pryor

Janie Mathis

Michelle Maxwell

Angela Ellis

Susan Gill

Dorothy Lanier Kenerly

Tommy Lanier

David Collins

Carleton Fuller

Jane Jones

Margaret Winders Kuhn

Joann Claypoole

Mary Ann Frazier


Lisa Krysiak

Andrew Clark

Van Foster

Annemarie and Ante Jazic

Kelly Kolak

Jan Childers

Jessica Flores

Dianne Griner

David McGuffin

Jeffrey Bramlett Harriet Fox

Juanita Neswick

Lorraine McKnight Jan McPherson Dick Miller

Lucius Morton Andy Nelson

Stuart Peebles Beth Pitzer

MISS A SERMON? FEAR NOT! Subscribe to the Cathedral's podcasts on iTunes or check out the sermon archives at Or worship with us LIVE online, 11:15 a.m. Sundays at

POSTMASTER: Dated Material. Please deliver by August 20, 2016 POSTMASTER Send address changes to: The Cathedral of St Philip 2744 Peachtree Road, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30305-2920 404.365.1000

C ATHEDR AL THRIF T HOUSE Treasure of the Week Great collection of Depression glass: "Iris" and Herringbone from Jeanette Glass Co., 1928–1932, 1950s, 1970s. Colonial "Knife & Fork" from Hocking Glass Co., 1934–36.

cathedral timeS (USPS-093440) is published weekly by The Cathedral of St Philip 2744 Peachtree Road, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30305-2920 Periodicals Postage Paid at Atlanta, GA

1893 Piedmont Road | 404-876-5440 Monday–Saturday, 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CATHEDRAL TIMES SUBMISSION DEADLINES: For the Sunday, August 28 issue, the deadline is Wednesday, August 17. For the Sunday, September 4 issue, the deadline is Wednesday, August 24. Please email announcement requests to the editor, Dan Murphy, at dmurphy@stphilipscathedral. org. Learn more about upcoming events, download sermons, and access contact information at

/stphilipscathedral @stphilipscathedral

To receive the Times by email, contact Janie Harris at

M I SS I O N FA I R This Sunday, August 21 10:10–11 a.m. in the Atrium

Find out how you can serve Atlanta and the world by talking with representatives of many of the Cathedral's outreach ministries and agencies with whom we partner at the Mission Fair, Sunday, August 21, at 10:10 a.m. in the Atrium. Contact Canon Cathy Zappa, czappa@ or 404-365-1043, for more information.

Newcomers Brunch Sunday, August 28 12:30–2 p.m.

at the Lanier House,

adjacent to the Cathedral on our campus New to the Cathedral or thinking about joining? Enjoy brunch and learn about adult programs at the church from Canon Wallace Marsh.


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