Cathedral Times – December 11, 2016

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cathedral times The Weekly Newsletter of the Cathedral of St. Philip, Serving Atlanta and the World

December 11, 2016


Whatever service you usually attend, and whoever you are, please join us this Sunday, December 11, at 10 a.m., in Child Hall, for the annual parish meeting of the Cathedral of St. Philip! At this meeting, all members—and all associate members, friends, and visitors!—gather together for common celebration. Ours is a grand community, a “great community of communities,” and this parish meeting is one opportunity for us all to gather in one place. Join us! As in recent years, we will meet in Child Hall, during the regular education hour. We will hear reports from myself and from several parish leaders. The annual Parish Report, with its complete review of the 2016 year, will also be distributed. We will also vote on the slate of Chapter nominees for the 2019 Chapter class. Our Nominating Committee, under the chairmanship of David Burge, has worked faithfully and efficiently to present a slate of six nominees. Those elected will serve a term of three years. (Please see page 4 for biographies of these nominees.) I am thankful that this Cathedral parish is blessed with many excellent parishioners who are willing to serve, and the Nominating Committee had plenty of fine nominees to choose from! But the Nominating Committee could make only six choices, and some excellent people were not selected as final nominees. Furthermore, the Nominating Committee worked to present as broad a representation of the parish as possible. We will follow our usual morning schedule of worship services in the Cathedral and Mikell Chapel. However, no adult classes will meet during the annual parish meeting. This Sunday, during our morning services, we will once again form a fantastic and fun offertory procession with our pledge cards! You should have received those pledge cards by mail in the last several weeks. Pray about your pledge this year, and pledge generously! Bring your cards to church, and then walk to the altar following the usual procession of bread, wine, and Sunday gifts. Others will join you.

“Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” From this week’s lectionary Matthew 11:3

Once again, we will develop an Episcopal Church altar call! Your pledges of financial support for the 2017 year are critical to God’s work here — and to the grace, excellence, and hospitality that this parish displays. The promise of this and every year’s stewardship campaign is that our collective effort is greater than our individual contributions. When you walk forward with your card, you are making a special offering and commitment here, and I believe God will always honor that gift, no matter what size. Large or small, we all have the opportunity to offer something to God, something that God can and will use. Of course, if you cannot make your actual pledge on this Sunday, please do join the procession anyway. We will provide special cards you can use, on which you can indicate your intention to make a future pledge. I am so thankful for each of you this year. I look forward to delivering my own parish report at the meeting, with other details, but I can tell you now what I will say: You are wonderful! Blessings and grace to all who participate in the mission and ministry of this beautiful and sacred place. See you Sunday!

La Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe




Rob Adams (Junior Warden), Mary Bondurant (Executive Committee At-Large), Josh Borden, Kate Brewer, Matt Caine, Mary Caroline Cravens (Senior Warden), Joan Gilbert, Austin Hall (Secretary), Jason Hultgren, Lindsey Hardegree, Wade Hooper, Eric Mininberg, Doug O’Bryan (Treasurer), Brad Reeves, Julie Rief, Ruth Russ, Susan Troutman, George Watson, Anne Young

CLERGY A ND SENIOR STA FF The Very Rev. Samuel G. Candler Dean Dale Adelmann, Ph.D. Canon for Music The Rev. George M. Maxwell, Jr. Vicar The Rev. C. Wallace Marsh IV Canon for Pastoral Care and Worship The Rev. Catherine Zappa Canon for Spirituality and Mission The Rev. John William Harkins III, Ph.D. Priest Associate The Rev. Todd D. Smelser Canon Associate for Pastoral Care The Rev. Theophus “Thee” Smith, Ph.D. Priest Associate The Rev. Carolynne G. Williams Canon Associate for Pastoral and Elder Care The Rev. Juan Sandoval Deacon for Hispanic Ministries




Sunday, December 11, 2016 / Third Sunday of Advent, Year A

Sunday, December 11, 2016 / Third Sunday of Advent, Year A

7:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Mikell Chapel Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Carolynne Williams


Liturgy of the Word Lesson: Isaiah 35:1-10 Psalm 146:4-9 Epistle: James 5:7-10 Gospel: Matthew 11:2-11

8:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral Celebrant: Dean Sam Candler Preacher: Canon George Maxwell 9 a.m.

Holy Eucharist, Mikell Chapel Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Carolynne Williams

11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral Celebrant: Dean Sam Candler Preacher: Canon Cathy Zappa

11:15 a.m. La Santa Eucaristía, Mikell Chapel Celebrant: Canon Wallace Marsh Preacher: Deacon Juan Sandoval 4 p.m.

Diocesan Confirmation, Cathedral Celebrant: Bishop Robert Wright Preacher: Bishop Keith Whitmore

8:45 and 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Cathedral Choir Robert Lehman, Rorate caeli Tomás Luis de Victoria, Ecce Dominus veniet

The Nurturing Center is open for children three and younger from 8:30 a.m. through the end of the 11:15 a.m. service each week. Children’s Chapel takes place during the 8:45 a.m. service as an option for parents and children who are not yet ready to experience the full liturgy together, though children are always welcome in “big” church. Children three years through third grade begin in church with their parents, follow the children’s acolytes and leaders out at the Sequence Hymn, then rejoin their parents at the Offertory. Two-year-olds attend their own chapel service, which begins at 8:45 a.m. Parents who would like their children two years old and younger to join them for communion may go pick them up from Room 227 at the Peace.

OUTR EACH TOY DR IVE 2016 B E N E FI T I N G E M M AUS H O USE A N D B U CK H E A D CH R I S T I A N M I N I S T RY Emmaus House and Buckhead Christian Ministr y (BCM) provide Christmas gifts to children in need. Last year, Emmaus House provided gifts to nearly 800 children, and BCM provided gifts to more than 900 children. Please join the Cathedral ECW in a toy drive to help these organizations provide a cheer ful Christmas to all.

HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP: DONATE GIFTS: Bring NEW, UNWRAPPED GIFTS to the bins in the Atrium from until December 19 or to the toy drive table on Sundays through December 18.

WRITE A CHECK OR GIVE ONLINE: $35 will sponsor a child; $70 two children; for $175, five children will awaken to gifts on Christmas morning! All donation amounts are appreciated. Make checks payable to “Cathedral of St. Philip – ECW Toy Drive.” Or, give by credit card online at stphilipscathedral. org/contribute or at the kiosk in the Atrium. To ensure timely deliver y, please make all monetar y donations early and by Sunday, December 11.

WRAP GIFTS: Bring your tape and scissors and join the gift-wrapping par ty at the Cathedral on Wednesday, December 14.

For a list of suggested toys, go to If a toy requires batteries, please provide them. No militar y toys, especially guns.

DONATE TO ST. VERONICA’S TOILETRY MINISTRY St. Veronica’s Guild is collecting items most of us take for granted each morning but which can help make life a little easier for those seeking help at Crossroads Community Ministries, Emmaus House, Church of the Common Ground, and Holy Comforter. Hotel size (travel size) shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes are vital to the work of these ministries. St. Veronica’s Guild seeks to support the ministries by collecting these items. In this season of thankfulness and gift giving please remember these ministries. Your contribution of unopened, travel or regular sized personal care items may be left at the Information Desk. St. Veronica’s Guild will handle the sorting and delivery to Crossroads Ministry, Emmaus House, Church of the Common Ground, and Holy Comforter. In addition to those items listed above, individual hand sanitizer, combs, socks, and diapers are also needed. For more information, contact Lucy Perry,, or Judy Bodner, 404-814-1468.

HABITAT BASKETS Come be part of the annual joyful experience of building and delivering Christmas baskets for our Cathedral Habitat families. We are building 21 this year and need your help! This has become a very popular event and you can help in any of several ways, including contributing food or monetary support, building baskets (beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday, December 16), or delivering baskets (meet at 9 a.m. on Saturday, December 17). This is something for kids and adults alike; make it a family event. Sign up in the Atrium or contact John Champion at 404-307-0817 for more details. CHRISTMAS EVE EUCHARIST WITH CHURCH OF THE COMMON GROUND As has been our tradition for several years, Cathedral parishioners will be joining Church of the Common Ground on Christmas Eve for a joyous celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Church of the Common Ground is an Episcopal worshipping community on the streets of Atlanta, and it is a sacred experience to worship with them. The Christmas Eve service begins at 1 p.m. in Woodruff Park. If you are interested in attending, please contact Canon Cathy Zappa, . To help us prepare, children and youth will decorate cookies and prepare sack lunches for Common Ground’s parishioners and homeless guests. Volunteers of all ages are invited to help! Join us in Child Hall on Thursday, December 22, from 9:30–11 a.m.

NOMINEES FOR THE CH APTER CL ASS OF 2019 The Cathedral Nominating Committee has submitted the following slate of candidates, approved by the Chapter, to be voted on by the parish at the annual Parish Meeting, which will take place on Sunday, December 11 at 10 a.m. in Child Hall.

J. M ATTHEW ANTHONY Matt has been a member of the Cathedral for over 25 years, currently serving on the finance count team and participating in Old Fashioned Sunday School. He has served as a Sunday School teacher, usher, and chair of the Stewardship Committee. An attorney, Matt is a partner at Warner Bates and member of the Georgia State Bar, Atlanta Bar, and Inn of Court. Other activities include involvement with the Lovett School and coaching youth sports. Matt and his wife Beth have four children: Matthew, Wesley, Mason, and Hendricks. C A ROL BA K ER Carol has been a member of the Cathedral for eight years and began singing in the Cathedral Choir and Schola as a staff singer over sixteen years ago. She participates in St. Veronica’s Guild, and with the Cathedral Choir she has served as the social chairman, choir rummage sale organizer, and president. Carol is a retired elementary school teacher who also was a Gwinnett County PTA president and board member of the Atlanta Schola Cantorum. A new resident of Fulton County, Carol and her husband Newell have three adult children: Jonathan, Elizabeth, and Patrick, and a one-year-old grandson, Oliver. BRIDGET BOBICK JA MES Bridget has been active at the Cathedral for 21 years. She is the owner of The James Law Firm, LLC. A member of St. Monica’s Guild, Bridget has served as their outreach chair and treasurer, volunteered with and sponsored the Cathedral Antiques Show and the Homeless Requiem, and participated in Foyers. Other activities include Atlanta Women’s Foundation, the Cathedral Preschool Parents’ Council, Jackson Elementary School PTA, Notre Dame Club of Atlanta, and the Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault, as a former board member. She and her husband David have two young children: Marianne and Brendan.

JENNIFER MCCLUR E Jenny has been a member of the Cathedral for 24 years. She participates in the Old Fashioned Sunday School, St. Anne’s Guild, and St. Catherine’s Guild. Jenny has served as a board member and chair of the Cathedral Counseling Center, volunteered for the Cathedral Antiques Show, and organized the sponsor party the last two years. Her other activities include volunteering and committee work for the Southeastern Flower Show, Botanical Garden Associates, Northside Youth Organization, Pace Academy, Westminster Schools, Club Estates Garden Club, and Lake Rabun Association Board. Jenny and her husband Alan have three adult children: Tippa, Alan Jr., and Ford. C Y RUS PHILPOTT Cy transferred to the Cathedral three years ago. He serves as an usher, volunteers at Week of Wonder, attends Sons of Thunder men’s prayer breakfasts, and has chaired the Kanuga Parish Retreat. Cy is a freelance consultant and stay-at-home dad. His other activities include Buckhead Forest Civic Association, and with the Lovett School he serves as a classroom volunteer, Cub Scout den leader, and on the True Blue Annual Fund Parent Committee. Cy and his wife Carrie have two young children: George and Anna. M ATTHEW D. R ICH A R DSON Matt has been a member of the Cathedral for ten years. He is an usher and attends the Sons of Thunder men’s prayer breakfasts. An attorney with Alston & Bird LLP, Matt serves as board member

and legal counsel for Atlanta Ronald McDonald House, and board member for Atlanta International Arbitration Society. He and his wife Allison have three young children: Reid, Grace, and Graham.

WAR DENS Mary Caroline Cravens continues her two-year term as Senior Warden. The nominating committee has selected Doug O’Bryan from the pool of current Chapter members as their nominee for Junior Warden 2017-2018.

M ARY CAROLINE CR AVENS A member of the Chapter Class of 2016, Mary Caroline accepted the Dean’s call to serve a two-year term as Senior Warden last year, and now continues in that office through 2017. She also serves as Cathedral Preschool board chair and Ricks-Wheeler Fund Committee member. She is a past St. Monica’s Guild President, has led classes in summer and regular series Old Fashioned Sunday School, and participates in the Dean’s Women’s Bible Study and Altar Guild. In the wider community, she has been involved with PAWS Atlanta (animal shelter) and Everybody Wins! (literacy program), and is currently an active Westminster parent and Tiger Cub Den Leader. A former federal law clerk and adjunct professor of African and Latin American history, with continuing passions for teaching, writing, and volunteering, Mary Caroline currently uses her Ph.D. and J.D. to care for her husband Will Sugden, and their two boys, Alex and Sam. She has worshiped at the Cathedral since 2006.

CHILDR EN CHRISTMAS PAGEANT SIGN-UPS It is time to sign up for the Christmas Pageant, held every year at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve. All children registered in Sunday School, from the 4-year-olds through fifth grade, are welcome to participate. A pageant sign-up table will be in the Atrium on Sunday, December 11. Dress rehearsal will be Sunday, December 18 at 12:45 p.m. If you have any questions, contact Sara Chapman at sarachapman@

YOUTH YOUTH SKI TRIP OVER MLK WEEKEND Middle and high school youth will be going to Sugar Mountain and staying at the Valle Crucis Conference Center in Valle Crucis, North Carolina from January 13–16. The full cost is $400, which includes two day lift tickets, rentals, lessons, lodging, transportation, meals, and a t-shirt. You can secure your space by making a $100 deposit as soon as possible. The total cost is $400. All payments are due by Friday, January 6. Register at

DOUGL AS C. O’BRYA N The Nominating Committee selected Doug as its nominee for Junior Warden 2017-2018. A member of the Chapter Class of 2017, he has served on the Executive Committee since accepting the dean’s call to serve as the 2015 and 2016 Treasurer. Doug has been attending the Cathedral for over thirteen years. He has volunteered for the Cathedral Antiques Show, Foyers, and Emmaus House Christmas drives. He is an usher, participates in the Sons of Thunder men’s prayer breakfasts, and has been involved on the Homeless Dinner and Requiem Committee since 2014. A banker at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, Doug is also active as a Pace Fall Fair volunteer, and participates in the March of Dimes March for Babies. He and his wife Andi have three daughters: Grace, Charlotte, and Sally.

LUNCH A ND LEAR N The Cathedral's Pastoral Care team and the Cathedral Counseling Center invite you to monthly “Lunch and Learn” programs in the Gould Room. The luncheons provide an opportunity to learn about pastoral and counseling topics and ways to extend support to others. RSVP online at Suggested donation is $10. Bring your lunch or purchase one from Flora & Flour in the Cathedral kitchen. PARENTING WORKS: TEENS Wednesday, December 14, noon–1 p.m. Are you interested in learning more about adolescents and parenting? Whether you are parenting a teen, know parents of a teen, or interact with teenagers, this talk will be informative. Jared Smiley, LPC, will focus on positive parenting, healthy adolescent development, and creating strong parent-child relationships.



BLUE CHRISTMAS CELEBR ATION SHINES LIGHT INTO DARKNESS For many of us, Christmas is a tough time, and can be the occasion for “feeling blue” in the midst of the culture focused on being happy and celebrating. At such times, we need to take time to acknowledge our sadness, loss, and grief. The anguish of broken relationships, of unemployment, the weariness of ill health, the pain of isolation, the loss of a loved one, and even the loss of a dear family pet—all can contribute to a feeling of being alone, of ‘feeling blue,’ in the midst of the season around us. The Cathedral invites you to join in sharing a Blue Christmas service on Wednesday, December 21, at 6:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s Chapel. We invite you to move from “feeling blue” to experiencing

SPIRITUALITY AND CREATIVITY BOOK GROUP STARTS IN JANUARY Is your creative side longing for expression? Are you wondering if you even still have a creative side?! Join us to explore our creativity using the book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert (available in paperback at the Cathedral Book Store). We’ll meet on Wednesday evenings, January 11 through February 22, 6:30 – 8 p.m. in Room 120. In addition to exploring what the book illuminates, we’ll also engage in a variety of spiritual and creative practices. Participants should provide their own book, journal, and a $10 supply fee (if possible). Other art supplies will be furnished – artistic skill is not required! We’ll use art supplies for play! The group will be facilitated by Jeannie Mahood, program

the wonder and hope of Christmas. For questions contact the Rev. Dr. Bill Harkins,, or Canon Wallace Marsh,

coordinator for pastoral care. Jeannie has a background in art therapy and graphic design. For more information or to sign up, contact her at or 404-365-1034. Please sign up in advance.

PASTOR AL CAR E PASTOR AL COMPANIONS Have you recovered from a particular crisis, illness or surgery, and would like to help others walk through their journey? If so, please sign up to be in our Pastoral Companions database. Our goal is to match people seeking support for a particular health or life crisis with someone who has already weathered that storm. If you’ve had heart surgery, breast cancer, other cancer, back surgery, financial issues, unemployment, etc., and would like to share wisdom and support with someone currently going through something similar, please contact us to register your info. Likewise, if you are experiencing a health or life crisis and would like the support of someone who’s “been there,” let us know! Please contact Jeannie Mahood, or 404-365-1034, with questions or to sign up.

STEWAR DSHIP Bring your pledge card with you this Sunday, December 11 for the 2017 pledge ingathering! I/We, pledge $ __________ to the ministry of God in Christ, through the 2017 annual operating fund. Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________ Address (if changes have been made in past year): _____________________________________________ City: _________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ____________ Home Phone:___________________ Signature: ________________________________ Signature: __________________________________ Date: _______________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________ This commitment, offered in faith, may be increased or decreased due to changing circumstances. Please return your pledge card to The Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Rd., NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. If you have questions, please contact David Rocchio at 404-365-1033 or

PR AYER S For those who are ill or recovering: Immediate Needs Sheila Stovall

Long Term Prayers Julia Ballard Priscilla Beale Llewellyn Bell Cornelia Bird George Bird John Blair Josh Borden Catherine Carson Louisa Chapman David and Ginny Collins Lawrence Cowart Terry Dornbush Sarah duBignon Kitty Dukehart Angela Ellis Mary Elrod Amy Feuss Robert L. Foreman, Jr. Barry L. Frazier Mary Ann Frazier Grace Gibson Rebecca Gorman Jennifer Ham Jane Hannah Mary Jacob Harris Caroline Hatcher Shirley Heermann

Richard Hill Connie Hoar Jane Jones Landon Lanier Tommy Lanier Karen League Elaine Lyon Robert and Aggie Maddox Reilly McClain Carol McDonald Dick Miller Stuart Peebles Beth Pitzer Brenda Pruitt Garry Pryor Jennifer Rankin Jonna Rankine Joe K. Steele Lee Stovall Roy Unkefer Cindy West Chandra Westafer Dick Wilson Hollis Youngner Family and Friends Steve Auerbach Bettina Bass Rodger Beatty Janet Bell Marcia Block David Boone

Joan Brooks Keith Brooks Meredith, Adam, and Leo Bugenske Denise Carlson Andrew Clark Joann Claypoole Rick Copeland Jackson Culbreth Ashley Debelbot and Brenda Jones Van Foster Carleton Fuller Susan Gill Peggy Govan Eudelle Lanier Graham D. Louis Gruver, Jr. Ellen Gunn Doyce Gunter Helen Hammond Gregory Hentz Debanhi Hernandez Liz Grant Hilton Alice Hoft Michael Ivy Annemarie and Ante Jazic Jon Kelly Kolak Lisa Krysiak Margaret Winders Kuhn Courtney Lamberth Janie Mathis Michelle Maxwell Garvin McClain

Michael McClelland Bonnie Shields McCormack Jan McPherson Beverly Mercer Lyn Moore Lucius Morton Andy Nelson Libby Powell James Sands Coleen Schoen Logan Shannep Michelle Simmons Lara Smith Sitton Bill Smith Lyda Sorgini Mack Brown Stevenson, Jr. David Tenenbaum Janiece Townshend Peter Veverka Ed Vogel Elizabeth Slaton Wallace Meredith Wallace Herbert “Rip” Waters Ann Weathers Caroline and John Westerhoff Marion Wilson Patricia Young

For those who have died: Jack Lyle Dana Francis White

R EQUEST FOR CHR ISTM AS ALTAR FLOWER S Please list the name (or names) as you want them to appear: In Memorial for:

In Thanksgiving for:

name(s): In Memorial for:

In Thanksgiving for:

name(s): In Memorial for:

In Thanksgiving for:

name(s): In Memorial for: name(s):

In Thanksgiving for:

Please complete the following information about you: your name(s): phone: date: Please include a check with your request, made payable to: The Cathedral of St. Philip. While any gift is appreciated, a minimum of $75 per printed line is suggested. Checks and forms should be sent to: The Cathedral of St. Philip, Attn.: Ciara Rowley, 2744 Peachtree Rd., NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. You may also make arrangements by contacting Jeannie Mahood, 404365-1034 or The Flower Guild will also be taking these requests in the Atrium on Sundays, November 27– December 18.

Sign up for pastoral care emails!

To receive notices when a Cathedral

member dies, sign up for pastoral care emails at or email Canon Wallace Marsh,

POSTMASTER: Dated Material. Please deliver by December 10, 2016 POSTMASTER send address changes to: The Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Road, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30305-2920 404.365.1000

cathedral timeS (USPS-093440) is published weekly by The Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Road, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30305-2920 Periodicals Postage Paid at Atlanta, GA

CATHEDRAL TIMES SUBMISSION DEADLINES: For the Sunday, December 18 issue, the deadline is Wednesday, December 7. For the Sunday, December 25/January 1 issue, the deadline is Wednesday, December 14. Please email announcement requests to the editor, Dan Murphy, at Learn more about upcoming events, download sermons, and access contact information at

/stphilipscathedral @stphilipscathedral

To receive the Times by email, contact Janie Harris at


Sara and Donnie Chapman invite you to the

Annual Epiphany Party Friday, January 6


7 to 9 P.M. You’re invited to celebrate Epiphany at the home of Donnie and Sara Chapman 3051 Greendale Drive, Atlanta, GA 30327 $20 per person — B.Y.O.B. R.S.V.P. by check to Sara Chapman: 404-966-6602 or

GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Christmas at the Cathedr al Saturday, December 24 – Christmas Eve

4 p.m. Children’s Christmas Pageant with Holy Eucharist Overflow seating and live streaming in Child Hall The Nurturing Center is open for children 3-years-old and younger during the Pageant. 8 p.m. Choral Prelude and Carols 8:30 p.m. Festival Choral Eucharist 11 p.m. Choral Prelude and Carols 11:30 p.m. Festival Choral Eucharist Worship with the Cathedral on WSB-TV, Channel 2, starting at 11:35 p.m.

Sunday, December 25 – Christmas Day 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Carols

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