affordable insurance pawtucket

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affordable insurance pawtucket affordable insurance pawtucket Related

What car ins is the cheapest? in california...? What car ins is the cheapest? in california...? DMV proof of insurance? ok so im 16 and i live in california the dmv wants proof of insurance for my drivers test, my dad added me to his policy but the insurance card says his name on it but im included in his policy so can i just show them the card with his name on it?" My insurance is like $300 a I just got a free quote from but my insurance is still a little high...what can I do to lower it to like $75 a month or is that not realistic? Insurance for a 17 year old? Hello I'm a 17 year old male that lives in Palm Springs, California that is curious to know how much insurance would cost for these cars. 1.) 1999 Porsche 911 Carrera 2.) 2005 Nissan 350Z 3.) 1999 Jaguar XK8 4.) 2007 Infiniti G35 5.) 2005 BMW 545i If you can help me by giving an estimate would help greatly. Thank you, Asker" "Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?" Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?" Car insurance canceled my policy. i got in an accident and then paid the money. they accepted the money and? then refused to cover the accident. i was told since they accepted the money and didn't make me open a new policy with a new down payment. and didn't give me my money back more Another pregnancy insurance question? we live in california, and we need insurance very soon, what is the household income limit to get assistance for a pregnancy" Can a car insurance company change my price mid policy?

I have already made 2 payments on my policy, and now the insurance company had me call for some sort of interview. At the end they said they need to review the policy and will get back to me. Can they change my price mid policy? I figured they would have to wait until my policy was up for renewal since I've already made payments, and they sent their notice after my first payment was made. However, the woman on the phone said that my premium may change. Is there some sort of legal statement saying they can't change my premium mid policy?" Car insurance question? Im 16 and about to get my license. For a first car, I'm looking to get a used 04-06 Pontiac Grand Prix. Of course, I want to get the V8 GXP trim compared to the base V6 trim. But my parents say that the insurance on a V8 for a 16 year old male driver would be rediculous, which I know. But how much more would it be to insure a V8 Grand Prix compared to a V6? And would taking a defensive driving course or something make a considerable difference? Thanks for any advice." Will my children from a previous relationship get my husbands insurance? basically myself and my 2 children were on food and medical assistance and i am now off it, i will be starting to get new insurance through my husbands work and so will our child in common...but i have 2 children from a previous relationship. im not sure if they will need to have my insurance or if they will still qualify for the government medicaid since there father pays child support." Insurance on Drivers License? How do you get insurance on just your drivers license? Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke? Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke? How much does car insurance cost per month? I'm turning 16 and getting my license and need to tart saving up. IDK if it matters but this is my car: 2000 Mazda 626 What is the cheapest uk motorcycle insurance company? ... am 19 in 1 hour xD and i wanna start riding legally i got the other parts done i just need cheap insurance recommendations, tell me please uk only" Who insures a teenage driver when the parents are divorced? We are getting ready to add my stepson to our auto insurance. He does not have a car yet, but when he does get one it will be in his father's name. His mother as far as I know has no auto insurance. She drives a car that belongs to her parents and I

assume they insure it. This is the living situation and what is in place legally at this time. The mother is the primary custodian of the child. However, he resides at our house 85% of the time. My husband has educational gaurdianship so that he can attend school in our district. I have researched this and what I have found is that the parent who has primary custody is the one who adds the child to insurance. Then I also read that the parent with whom the child resides the majority of time carries the child on the insurance. I am just trying to prepare and educate myself before having to deal with the ex-wife. Money is not the issue as the child will be required to work and pay for his own insurance (our house rule). Has anyone ever dealt with anything like this?" Can I get auto insurance? I am able to use several different cars of extended family and friends. I want to be covered if anything happens to any of them. Is there a way for me to be covered without being on multiple policies. Is that even legal? Liability vs Full Coverage?? I don't know much about insurance can someone tell me how liability and full coverage insurance works? How much is a doctor visit without insurance? My friend hasn't been feeling well for a few days now and needs to see a doctor. Does anyone know how much a doctor visit would be if she went to a walk in clinic? She doesn't have any insurance. By the way we live in Miami, Fl." I need car insurance!!!!? Is there any cheap car insurance providers that are really cheap for a teenager??? How much is good car insurance for a uk driver? I am looking around at car insurance comparison websites, and I want to know if the quotes I'm getting back are reasonable. How much would a reasonable monthly insurance payment be for a UK driver with more than 15yrs experience? Also, how much would it be if you added a newly qualified driver as secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it depends on the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea of what would be a reasonable amount to expect for this, on average." How do pilot insure themselves in the USA? Is that covered by the owner of the airplane or do they need to have their own personal insurance? How long before insurance goes down?

I know teenage insurance is really high so when does it finally go down? After an accident ur insurance goes up, how long will it take for it to go back down?" Basic features of insurance? features of insurance What to do when the other person doesnt have car insurance? Back in December a friend of mine backed into my car while drinking. he did not have insurance and still does not. i told him i wouldnt do anything as long as he fixed the dent. he has still yet to fix and is trying to get away with not fixing it. what should i do? small claims court? What's the best auto insurance? What kind of insurance do you have? Is it cheap? affordable insurance pawtucket affordable insurance pawtucket Pregnancy insurance??????? im pregnant and i dont have insurance that will cover me or the baby. I am trying for medicaid and will probably qualify but barely. And i want to get married before the baby is born but again we might just barely qualify. Is there any suggestions on insurance plans or help with medicaid? Health Insurance for individuals in the Seattle are? Fifty year old healthy couple looking for some good but AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently have Regence Blue Cross and just got hit with a 30% increase. Ouch!! Hardly use it, more" "Anyone know of an affordable individual health/dental insurance plan for Brooklyn, NY?" I no longer have school insurance and my work does not offer insurance. I am looking for an affordable health/dental insurance plan in Brooklyn, New York. Is dental included in medical insurance or is that separate? I don't want to spend $600-$1000 on a premium for an HMO, but would rather spend a few hundred a month while getting a decent amount of benefits. Also, does anyone know of a comparison chart online regarding details of insurance providers including premiums and benefits. All I can find are complaint comparison charts for insurance providers. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!" What is good website to find affordable health insurance? What is good website to find affordable health insurance?

"If I got a speeding ticket in my parents car, their insurance rates with state farm will increase?" I got a speeding ticket, driving my dad's car, their insurance rates will be affected in any way?" Insurance on a 1998 Toyota Camry 16 y/old about to be 17? Ok so i need your help. I am 16 years old and about to be 17 im going back to the u.s. and have a old 1998 toyota camry waiting for me (btw yuck) ok and my parents said to drive this until my insurance lowers and theyll get me a new car by graduation which is next june. So my question is how much do you think my insurance will be? Its a fairly old car and not in a good condition and i have had 1 accident which was pretty big but not completly my fault like 60% Which is the best medical insurance ? Can any one suggest a good medical insurance company and plan What is the cheapest insurance company for a teen that's on a seperate policy? I'm getting a car in about 2 months and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company would be for someone that's a new driver with their G2. Is it true that the affordable care act will double the cost of my health insurance to meet the ACA requiremen? Double premiums and out of pocket cost my health insurance is not from exchanges What is the estimate car insurance cost for me? Hello~ I'm a 16 year old female who is looking into cars and insurance. I've made a deal with my parents, so I believe that I am getting a 2013 Kia Rio. My question is...What is a rough estimate for the insurance cost that my parents will have to pay? 16 years old Female 2013 Kia Rio I have a 3.5 - 3.8 ish GPA (Can't remember exactly) If I have to, I'll probably take a drivers ed class (Although I'd love to avoid that) I believe my family is with State Farm We live in Gilbert AZ Thank you in advance! <3" Health insurance for visitor from india? Where can I get health insurance for a parent who is undergoing dialysis in India and wants to Visit the USA for a short term. Of course they will need to continue there treatments here while visiting. But we need some kind of assistance while they are here. Does a rear view camera affect car insurance rates?

Will installing a rear view camera on my car affect my insurance rates? The reason I ask is because late last year the news media began reporting the fact that the federal government is considering mandating rear view cameras on every new vehicle sold the United States. "Cheap dental work without insurance in Oregon, Gresham?" Cheap dental work without insurance in Oregon, Gresham?" What's the difference between health and accident insurance? What's the difference between health and accident insurance? Cost of car insurance? I am a 17 year old female. No crashes, good driver. I just got enough money to buy a car, and need to pay for the insurance. I Dont know how much money that would cost. I hear its diffrent everywhere, but what is the adverage for minnesota would you say? I'd appreciate it! thanks :)" High Risk Auto Insurance - Where can I find the lowest quote online? Is there any online auto insurance website that specializes in getting the lowest rates on car insurance for high risk drivers? If so can anyone guide me to one? thanks 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS. Need Reviews & Insurance prices? Hi, im 16 I am thinking of buying a 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Mileage: 72,130 Transmission: AUTO $3,960 Is this car good for a teen? Is maintenance expensive? Will my insurance rate be higher than usual? Thank you." How can I find my neighbors home insurance company? My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover). Online car insurance quote? My husband and I are looking for ways to cut back spending. We wanted to look for better car insurance rates so we looked online and got a quote that was considerably less (about 700.00 less a year) with the same deductibles and options we already have. My question is ... has anyone done this and had good luck with it? And does this to good to be true rate increase after they real you in? And what is a good company to go with?

How can I get an inexpensive Health Insurance while having no job and on disability? I am on a workman's comp. claim which is temporary disability, I am not able to return to work for another 6-12 months. I am getting married in August and eventually would like to have children in the next year. Who will give me health insurance at a rate I can afford, and will be able to cover pregnancy in the months to come after we get married? Thanks for your help!" Looking to buy insurance? I am a small business owner. My business right now is very small, but we are looking to expand quite soon. We are a livery cab service and looking to get insurance quotes. We are located in Queens and would prefer to deal with Queens Brokerages. Please help!" "Conservatives, you're always claiming that Obama-care is the reason that insurance costs are increasing, so?" regarding the 80% increase in insurance premiums, and the 11% increase in the number of Americans who did not have health insurance coverage during the Bush presidency, was that because a magical elf traveled back in time to the year 2000 to tell insurance company executives that Obamacare was coming? Or could it be that insurance premiums have been increasing at an average rate of 8 to 11% per year for about the last 15 years and the increases we've seen in the last few years aren't indicative of costs associated with Obama-care (Which hasn't even been fully implemented yet) and Conservatives are just trying to make political hay out of cost increases that are consistent with established trends?" Renters insurance in CA? Where is a good place to shop for renters insurance?.. and how much shoul I look at paying each month?... Is it a per-person basis, like each roommate pays, or is it per houshold?" How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance? How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance? How could car insurance cost more a month than the value of the car? Yes I'm under 21, No I don't have a single ticket , or driving violation . How could insurance on a 500 dollar cherokee cost 290$ a month? In two months thats the value of the car! Its BS there has to be a way to get insurance for cheaper than that. Anybody know of any place? And please don't say Classic insurance as all of them you have to be 25 or older." affordable insurance pawtucket affordable insurance pawtucket

What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York? Particularly NYC? What is the average cost of auto insurance for a 21 year old male? if i could get a price range as well that would be great. i know it changes based on a whole bunch of other things but i would just like to know a general price range and average to budget. thank you Allied car insurance coverage? my 17 year old daughter wants to drive my car but i keep telling her that i have to add her to my insurance so if she did get into an accident the car would be covered. I went online looking for the policys that Allied car insurance had and i couldnt find the answer i was looking for... but i did some searching online and some other companies allow a person that lives within the household they would be covered, or i seen that some companies would provide coverage for new drivers and my daughter got her license about 3 months ago soo i suppose she is a new driver. The other thing i saw was that some companies put coverage only on the car but not the driver. So if anyone knows what Allied car insurance policy is, go ahead and post an answer for me, also please don't just post a link to their site and say well take a look for your self, I will be picking best answer. -Thanks" Does filing a claim raise auto insurance rate? My car was vandalized while I slept. Luckily my car shut itself off when it did not recognize the key. I filed a claim with the insurance. I had comprehensive coverage. When it was time to renew, my rates increased. What is the point of having insurance if you are discouraged from filing a claim? I thought if it was not my fault, my rates do not increase?" Question about car insurance? My husband made a dent in his car when trying to park. He now wants to fix the dent. Can car insurance cover this? How do i get cheap car insurance? im 19 and sont want 2 pay loads 4 car insurance How much will my insurance go up with one point on my license? I live in California and I have Farmers insurance, got a ticket for a speeding back in December and I didn't take traffic school so there's now a point on my ticket. Anyone know if Farmers cares about one point on the license and if so how I will be affected?" Health insurance in USA?

hello, i have few questions regarding health insurance for americans. 1- What is the average annual cost of health insurance for adults? 2- do children get free healthcare or should they be covered by the insurance? 3- who can benefit from free healthcare in america? 4- if americans pay tax how come theyre not entitled to free healthcare?" How much is car insurance on a new 911 gt2 Porsche? I am a 25 year old who recently became very successful in the automotive industry and I decided I wanted to get a Porsche. Now i know about how much it is to keep a Porsche maintained because i have worked on them but i am not sure on the insurance. Please help anyway you can. And for the record i am not getting a quote from any website because i do not feel comfortable giving away personal information to an insurance company before i decide to use them. Do you need full coverage insurance to take a driving test? How does that work? Me and my boyfriend just got a car & I still need to get my license in order to get full coverage insurance, but can I take my driving test without full coverage? I'm in a bit of a pickle here any opinions would be great! I live in California." Best health insurance for a 63 year old male? My dad retired at 62 and a half... to make a long story short, he was promised continuing health insurance from his employer but now they are saying they will only be secondary- meaning they only pay if he buys a primary. What would be a good option for health insurance for him? Unfortunately, he is a smoker and had a stroke... he is 63 and a half right now." Allstate Insurance? Pricing? I have a question, If there's 2 people registered under one car, does Allstate bump up the insurance price? Thanks" "How much would first time rider insurance cost, for an old 90 cc motorbike?" I'm 16 and when I turn 17 I plan on trying to get my provisional and pass a CBT test. My mum has an old Honda c90 90cc motorbike which she doesn't use anymore and I could have. It only goes 40mph and struggles to maintain that. I was wondering how much insurance would be though, as it is one of the major turn offs. I'd only be using it to get to my nearest town and close areas to get my experience up to help in my full test and it also lowers insurance costs apparently. But how much would it be?" Please help with this health insurance problem...? As an immigrant to the US with no job or citizenship, only holding an American Visa, and in a month to have a Green Card, what can you tell me about getting a health insurance? any information available and any websites please." Car insurance? opinions needed/welcome :)?

So i recently got a 00' nissan frontier, and my parents paid it completely with cash. I was wondering what the average cost it'd be, or what you think it'd be. info: -texas -16 Female -paid off completely -3.0+ gpa ( i know some insurance companys offer discounts for this) thanks :)" Lease- car insurance rate? What is the ball park range of car insurance for an 17 year old girl leasing an Acura TL? say 2004? "Why am I paying for Car Insurance, and why is it the Law?" Okay, I can see having a mandatory policy, or coverage plan in the event there is an accident, and someone gets hurt. That, I understand. Even though I already have health insurance, and the person that (may or may not hit me) may too have it, I still understand. But here is my real question: Every month, every year, we all pay into somthing called (car insurance), we pay, we pay, then we pay some more. So when its all said and done, and after a month, a year, whatever, why dont we get ANY of the money back that we paid, seeing as how (WE NEVER HAD AN ACCIDENT)...... I know that there will be a slew of morons who say its the law , or its to cover your butt if you get hit , and so on, and so on. Duh.... But no matter how you swing it, I've paid into it for the last 7 years, never had an accident, and I've paid thousands, so why dont I get any of that money back, what did I pay for? I can even understand a situation where we all paid for auto insurance but get a certain percentage back, but to mindlessly pay money into a machine and get nothing in return, how is this not giving money away.. Oh, and when its all said and done, imagine you pay for coverage every month, 200+, then some (fill in the blank) who dose not have insurance smashes into your car at night because he or she was drunk, you wake up in the morning, report it, your rates go up. Get hit by someone who dose'nt have insurance, your screwed, so in all honesty, whats the point. Have you every been in an accident, then tried to file a claim, its like pulling teeth. Investigators and claims agents come out of the woodwork, and did you know thier job is to find a reason to deny your cliam?" How much (on average) would private health insurance be per month for a family of three? male 40 y.o., female 36 y.o., and child." How much would i pay for car Insurance? How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 18 Years old, never been in any accident." What is the best and most affordable auto insurance? I am paying $3,099 for 2 cars.They said it is high because my 19 year old daughter is listed as a occasional driver and it's her age.My husband and I have a clean record and we more" Where can i get cheap car insurance for 20 year old?

hi, im 20 live in liverpool, just bought a ford fiesta flight 1.3 Y reg (2001) 1299cc were can i get insurance for no more than 3000 any tips on what to do aswell had my licence for 8 months" Do you need private insurance? if you have to go in a nursing home for a long time does medicare cover this,permatently or do you have to have longterm care insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 dollars every 4 months.please some answer thanks.iam 89 spouse is 86 thanks" Car insurance is abnormally expensive for me (18yrs old)? What am I doing wrong? I go on gocompare,, comparethemarket, etc. to check prices of different cars but I keep getting insurance at the price of 7,000+?! And the crazy thing is, it was for a Peugeot 2002 106 which is like 1.1 litre. which came to the lowest I found. Which was 7,000+. I fill in the details truthfully, such as locked home garage, very low miles per year, etc, but I can't seem to get cheap insurance? Everyone online says they get insured for around 2,000 on a Corsa, Peugeot 106, Citroen C1 and on like 1.4L+ cars etc. HOW TO HELL? Should I just buy my 1st car then insure it on my parents name then ask me to be put on as a named driver? My friends do that and pay around 1,000-1,200 on 1.6L cars.. Also, can you recommend me a good 1st car? (England) Thanks!" If a car is totalled who gets the insurance check? My car was totalled, I am still paying the bank for it. Does the insurance company cut the check to me or my finance company???" What does it mean when a person put you under their car insurance? my brother in law is said he would put me under his car insurance but with my license and i just dont know what that means ? does it mean i will be having the car under my name with a new insurance policy and have to pay even more since i just got my license? or does it mean the car would be just under my name but under his insurance policy ? affordable insurance pawtucket affordable insurance pawtucket Health Insurance question? Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed? Insurance on 2011 subaru STI? I'm 19 sold my truck that had become a money pit and saved about 5 grand to put down on a new car. I make about $1950 a month at my job and have been there for a year. I came across a subaru Impreza STI for the price of $29000 only has 400 miles on the car and I can afford the payments per month (around $400) I'm just curious

about insurance costs. I'm 19 been driving for 3 years no accidents and no tickets... What should I expect for insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) my insurance guy is not in til tomorrow just asking to see what you guys think How much is car insurance? I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california." Affordable health insurance? I'm nineteen years old and I don't have health insurance. I'm going to be a college student in the fall. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how I could find good, affordable health insurance? Also some help as to how the whole co-pay thing works would help out, too. I used to have a certain health insurance for people from low-income families but they just cut mine off so I need to get some. Thanks in advance!" Car registration number wont work on insurance websites? why is it that when i type in my car reg number on insurance quote websites it says.. please enter a valid registration number...? Could it mean that the car is stolen or anything? appreciate your help and advice. How many people lack health insurance? If you lack health insurance, why? If you cannot afford it, what could people around you do to help you out?" WHERE CAN I FIND SHORT TERM BIKE INSURANCE? I want to sell my 125cc bike and I want to put it through an MOT before I do sell it, to do that I need tax and to buy tax I need insurance but I don't want to buy a 12 month policy." About how much will ensureance cost me? Heyy ya'll, I'm 15 (ill be 16 next month) and I'm saving to buy a car next year! My mom says since I'm young they're going to charge me more for insurance, so what I want to know is about how much will they charge me a month since ill be 17 when I buy the the car?" Can my mom insure my car she does not own (California)? So I am 21 and have a car with a learners permit and I wont get a license until Jan. Can my mom insure the car even though her name is not on the registration until I get my license and will then be the primary driver? In this case I would only be driving with her under the learners permit guidelines. My mom would be driving the car on a daily basis to take my little sister to school and stuff because right now it's our family's only

car. In Jan. I would have the insurance put under my name and have her added as a driver. Where to find really cheap car insurance? I want to buy a $200 car mainly to run it into my friend's $200 car (kind of like playing bumper cars with real cars). I need a really cheap insurance that will basically only allow this car to be legal. I don't plan on making any claims on it or using it for anything other than playing around on private property. Only want to make it road legal. Any suggestions? I am looking for something under 50$ per month What do you recommend for cheap car insurance for a young driver? I am 18 and passed my test 3 weeks ago today when i was 17! I have a Ford Fiesta 1.1 N reg! I have done my pass plus too! The best quote i have found is 967 and that is without telling them i have done my pass plus! It was also for third party fire and theft! Can someone recommend a cheap insurance company please! Many thanks What are the cheapest insurance companies in Canada? What are the cheapest insurance companies in Canada? Car insurance canceled my policy. i got in an accident and then paid the money. they accepted the money and? then refused to cover the accident. i was told since they accepted the money and didn't make me open a new policy with a new down payment. and didn't give me my money back more Truck hits curb due to icy road..Damage is extensive. Will insurance pay? ? I was heading down a hill; the road was icy. The truck wasn't stopping properly. It slid into a curb; damaged the wheel (rim). Now, the truck swirves to the left when I drive. I thought I needed an alignment. Went to an auto shop; turns out I need to replace a control arm ($569 just in parts) and some frame pulling is needed....AND an alignment. Total cost: $1750 (with labor) I do have comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible. I just called my insurance and am waiting to hear back from a claims rep. (they said within 24 hrs); can they deny this for any reason? I really need the truck fixed soon.... Also, will my premiums increase? By a lot???" Cheapest company to insure young new drivers in England? and also cheapest cars? This time its not for me, its for my boyfriend, he's 19 and really big and broad so he wouldnt fit in something like a saxo or 106 unfortunately :( Also first time driver looking for cheap old shitty car! Quinn used to be cheapest but now quote has gone up at least 1,000!! Probably would prefer to pay monthly and am looking for third party fire and theft. Hopefully would have legal cover I have been looking for ages but since i'm not 17 yet, me getting a car instead of him is out of the question although i know it would be cheaper Thanks! :)"

Can i go on someones insurance but drive a different car to them? well i know i can be put on some kind of car insurance with someone like a family member but i herd that's only if i just drive there car. is there a way i can be put onto there insurance but Drive my own car. Or does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for young new drivers??? I've tried hundreds and there all saying around 2,500ish!!! which is ridiculous i might be young but i have a one year old and a new born child it is highly unlikely that i will be racing with friends, and putting myself in unsafe situations!!! my cars only Worth like 1000 so i refuse to pay for insurance that's costs more than my car!!!! Any kind of help would be nice!! Thank you :)" Car insurance questions - with regards to cancelling due to cheaper quote? I have a couple of questions with regards to my car insurance. First of all, if I do a search on etc, will it record a search on my credit file? I turn 25 fairly soon, and I have a feeling my insurance should probably reduce accordingly, and want to know if it's worth my while shopping around. My current insurance policy ends in October. Also, if I do decide to shop around, and find a policy cheaper than what I'm currently paying, can I cancel my existing policy before it's due to end? I'm not sure how it works with car insurance - i.e. I know, if you wanted to cancel your phone contract early, you would be liable to pay the price for the whole contract - is it the same with car insurance? or can I just cancel it whenever I like?" Insurance companies taking advantage? is there a chance that insurance companies are taking advantage of obama-care and increasing costs more than they really needed? looks like a % of insured are getting hit but what is the % of uninsured or insurance denials that are now covered? any good stories? Car insurance question? I have a 2000 Landrover, and right now I'm on my moms insurance policy and the car is in her name. I think its stupid that I have to pay insurance when the car isnt even in my name, but everytime I ask her to put it in my name she gives me some bull about it being like $200 to transfer titles and that it if its in my name ill have to get off her insurance. Is any of that true? And if so, how much does it cost to get your own policy? My insurance is 160 right now if that makes any difference. It's kinda high because I had a wreck about a year ago." Can i have two car insurance one with no car on it? i bought a car and my old insurance wouldnt let me add because i dont live with my parents anymore. now i live with my husband's family and they added my car and me to their insurance. now i have two insurance. one with no car and the other with the car. "I'm just wondering, is there anyone here who can't get health insurance?" If you do have it, how do you get it? and if you don't have it, why not? Spiritually speaking, of course"

Volvo- insurance costs and maintenance? I'm thinking of buying a used Volvo. Anyone know anything about maintenance costs or the insurance costs? First car - Cheap insurance? NOT a tiny one, such as a corsa, fiesta, polo or golf. I'm looking to pay between xx2000. I'd like something sort of saloony, in black. I WAS looking at a Hyundai Coupe. So something like that if possible. I do choose best answers!" State auto insurance vs. state of registration? I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time." What is a affordable health insurance? I need one that is cheap for 1 person. Thanks to all who answer. ? In Columbus Ohio affordable insurance pawtucket affordable insurance pawtucket

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