Oxb6 chapter 3

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CHAPTER 3  | educational institutions

A healthy attitude to education The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta in Canada takes a creative, and memorable, approach to learning www.med.ualberta.ca

Students at the University of Alberta in Canada can expect the

to attend medical school, but at times, I did find it a little bit

unexpected. From professors performing pop songs to theatre and film

boring,’ she admits. ‘I asked myself why the teaching couldn’t

being used as teaching tools by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, it’s

be as exciting as the practice, so I developed my own lecture

an institution renowned for the quality of its at times unconventional

style, which I call “medutainment”.’

teaching and research.

Sarah’s teaching repertoire includes a beatnik poem set to

Irfan Kherani, former President of the University of Alberta Medical

jazz that describes abdominal infection, and an adapted pop song

Students’ Association, describes the teaching as ‘phenomenal’. ‘There is

with accompanying ukulele that describes the treatment of a throat

a really strong relationship between the faculty and students,’ he says,

infection. ‘The students love it,’ she enthuses. ‘After I performed the

‘and an incredible amount of student engagement.’ It’s a dynamic that

poem, 99 per cent of them got the facts correct in their exams.’

translates into results, with the students of Alberta’s first medical school achieving the top national marks in their medical licensing exams.

Acting Like Doctors

Engaging with students While Sarah’s teaching methods may sound unusual, they have proved highly effective, and she now advises her colleagues on new ways to engage with students. ‘Ultimately, I want to help patients, but it’s

his teaching licence in acting – a move that is fully supported by the

also about how fun medicine can be,’ she says. ‘There is so much

faculty. Indeed, there are strong links between the arts, the humanities

information to retain that I try to provide a memory hook in each

and medicine at the University of Alberta, as Irfan exemplifies. It’s a

lesson to help the students remember everything.’

connection that isn’t limited to simply appreciating music, theatre and

However, it remains the students’ responsibility to illustrate that

film, but that extends to such optional modules as Acting Like Doctors.

they have digested the lesson at the end of each session. To this end,

Developed by one of the university’s medical students, it uses

they are asked to ‘retell’ what they have learnt in their own fashion.

performance theatre to help students better understand the patient

Sarah recounts an example when a student used a classic detective

experience and establish better methods of care.

movie narrative to describe the death of a specific bacterium. As she

Narrative Reflective Practice is another element of the course that

explains: ‘I just want to inspire people.’

makes good use of unusual media, screening films to help students

The University of Alberta is considered one of the world’s leading

consider the impact of treatment on patients. ‘It’s very well received

public research and teaching universities with more than 39,000

by students and gives us a different lens to look at our training and

students from across Canada and more than 5,000 from 144 other

remind us why we are here,’ says Irfan. Students at the Faculty of

countries. Around 400 graduate and undergraduate programmes are

Medicine & Dentistry also have the option to add a highly respected

taught across the university’s 18 faculties. And such is the quality of

research component to their learning, known as STIR or Special

its teaching that the university has been awarded the highest number

Training In Research. It’s a programme that recognises and confirms the

of 3M National Teaching Fellowships (Canada’s top honour for teaching

university’s influential standing and reputation as a research institution.

excellence) in the country. It’s a place where, as Irfan observes,

Sarah Forgie, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the university,

‘students take ownership of their education’, and where the traditional

isn’t afraid to shake things up in the lecture hall. ‘I felt so privileged

boundaries between the arts and science are refreshingly blurred.

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Irfan is not only studying medicine, but also working towards gaining

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