Gte3 chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Innovators in excellence


The business of ideas


British Gas

294 Designmate 295

Express Publishing


Graham Shapiro Design


Human Values Foundation


Institution of Engineering and Technology


Kites for Schools


Lanaco Information Technologies

301 Messier-Bugatti-Dowty 302

Muslim Aid


Rosberg System

The education sector has always inspired debate, discussion and innovation in its drive for excellence. This chapter profiles some of those organisations whose ideas and expertise are helping to raise standards and fuel imaginations

The business of ideas The UK’s drive to foster partnerships between universities and industry offers valuable lessons for companies and educational institutions around the world


British universities such as Cambridge are global leaders in higher education, and British inventions – from the first practical steam engine and intercity railways to television, ATMs and the World Wide Web – have shaped the modern world.

“ The long-standing problem in the UK has been transforming brilliant ideas and brilliant research into business”

This spirit of innovation still runs through the country. The Cambridge University Eco Racing team of students, for instance, has developed groundbreaking solar-

While such partnerships can come about through

powered vehicles, including the first one to cross Great Britain by travelling from

companies asking universities to work with them,

Land’s End to John O’Groats. However, such accomplishments in world-class

there is an alternative approach. “The other model

learning environments don’t always translate into successful business applications.

– which is probably easier to operate – is university

“The long-standing problem in the UK has been transforming brilliant ideas

academics themselves discovering that their activities

and brilliant research into business,” explains Business Secretary and former

have commercial value and sending them to spin-offs

Cambridge student Vince Cable. “It is a UK deficiency, and we have been trying

or campus businesses,” Cable explains. “That’s the

to address it in Government.”

way that Cambridge has developed.”

As part of its efforts, the Government asked Sir Andrew Witty, a leading figure

A great example of turning ideas into a thriving

in the pharmaceutical industry and Chancellor of the University of Nottingham,

business in this way is RealVNC. This Queen’s Award

to investigate how universities could play a more direct role in supporting a whole

for Enterprise-winning company was co-founded

range of businesses, from SMEs to major corporations. His resulting October 2013

by St Edmund’s College Fellow Dr Andy Harter, who

report produced valuable pointers, not only for the UK, but also for companies

developed the software that allows computer screens

and educational institutions around the globe. The paper placed great importance

to be controlled by remote devices.

on collaboration between industry and universities because the latter “have an extraordinary potential to enhance economic growth”.

Wider opportunities As Cable points out, however, collaboration between

Strategic partnerships

industry and academia does not need to be limited

Already, some businesses in Britain and beyond are tapping this potential through

to universities. It can also be extended to primary

strategic partnerships such as bespoke collaborative degrees and the establishment

and secondary schools, where businesses can, for

of science parks. “When I was at university, there was virtually no link between

instance, raise awareness of their industries and lay

Cambridge and the business world,” Cable says. “Universities regarded business

the groundwork for future recruitment by showing

with a certain amount of disdain. So there’s been a big change in the university

pupils that an interest in less popular subjects, such

world in recognising the benefits of being linked with business.”

as science, technology, engineering and maths,

The former President of the Cambridge Union Society explains that these

could lead to excellent career opportunities.

benefits are manifold. “It’s a source of ideas and a source of money, which

This means that the scope for partnerships

is rather important,” he says, in reference to the UK’s changing approach to

between educational institutions and businesses of all

higher education funding. “Universities are increasingly going to be self-financing

sizes is immense. It also means that all parties stand

institutions because Government isn’t able to continue to provide funding on

to reap great rewards by working together to create

the level that it used to. If universities are going to expand and develop their

an invention culture that, as Sir Andrew Witty puts it,

laboratories, then collaboration with business is one key step forward.”

“successfully translates from mind to factory”.


Hot prospects British Gas’s hands-on apprenticeship programme provides participants with a mentor, practical experience and a great route into a fast-changing industry

As the UK moves towards becoming a low-carbon economy, energy providers face a range of challenges to ensure an

“ Many of our senior managers started as apprentices within British Gas”

affordable, secure and sustainable energy supply. But big challenges can also create big opportunities.

“Participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award helps us deliver training in a rounded way and show

Apprentice academies

our apprentices that the customer experience is at

British Gas, which has some 18.5 million customers and some

the heart of what we do,” says Stephen.

10,000 engineers, has trained more than 1,000 apprentices in


the last three years. Training is delivered through six academies

Ongoing training

across the UK.

British Gas also provides its engineers with ongoing

“Our trainers have all got vocational skills, which means that

training. Many of them take up this opportunity

they can bring to life the training and contextualise it,” explains

every year, representing an annual investment for the

Stephen Goldthorpe, Head of Academies. “We have also got the

company of around £25 million. There is a flexible and

best simulated environment for training – the re-creation of a

wide range of training on offer for all parts of British

customer house giving a real-life feel.”

Gas’s business, including service and repair, central

This enables British Gas’s apprentices to put the theory they’ve

heating installation, smart metering and electrical

learnt in the classroom into practice. But the company goes one

services. The apprenticeship academies also provide

step further by also allowing trainees to accompany its engineers

mandatory Accredited Certification Scheme training,

into customers’ homes.

which each engineer has to complete every five years.

“Our training works so well because it shows our apprentices

“We regularly provide additional training for our

first-hand what we expect from our engineers and how we deliver

engineers to ensure that they are well aware of new

excellent customer service,” says Stephen. “We concentrate on

technologies, for instance, with regard to energy

the whole package – our training not only includes technical

efficiency,” says Stephen. “By using the apprenticeship

installation skills but also focuses on how to educate consumers

route, British Gas is looking to the future.

about their equipment.”

“We are developing people with the right

Every British Gas apprentice is allocated a mentor: that is,

attitude and aptitude who will be part of our business

an engineer who has been trained to understand the needs of

for a long time because of our excellent progression

a new learner. In addition, the apprenticeship scheme includes

routes,” he continues. “Many of our senior managers

the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award because British Gas believes that

started as apprentices within British Gas. In 2012,

the award’s values are aligned very nicely with its own: investing

our retention rate was 96 per cent, which just

in young people to have skills for life, building confidence,

goes to shows that British Gas makes a significant

helping out in the community and learning about teamwork

contribution to the industry, as well as to its future

and collaboration.

skills requirements.”


Eureka moments The It tools created by India’s Designmate have proved a revelation for teachers and students alike, making science subjects more engaging and accessible for all


Animation, 3D graphics and apps might not be the

This is achieved through a combination of

“The layout is designed to be as user-friendly as

traditional means to bring science subjects alive, but

simulations, experiments, educational activities,

possible, so it doesn’t require any special training,”

the latest technology from Designmate is proving

quizzes and videos covering 2,000 different topics,

Shefali says. “Teachers and students can learn how to

invaluable in teaching today’s students. For the past

within the four core subject areas. Each of these

operate the software in 10 minutes, but there is also

10 years the company, based in Ahmedabad, India,

learning resources is about four minutes long, and

support available 24 hours a day, all year round.”

has been pioneering e-learning tools to help simplify

around a quarter of all products come – which is compatible with a wide

key concepts in biology, physics, chemistry and

in 3D and with simulations common to gaming

range of operating systems – lets teachers edit

maths. Designed for pupils from kindergarten to

platforms in order to engage students’ interest.

the existing library of questions and website links

Year 12, its award-winning products are

As pupils explore subjects such as the structure

to create their own comprehensive lesson plans.

easily adaptable for different curricula, and are

of DNA, thermodynamics and animal anatomy,

In addition to, Designmate produces

now used in more than 11,000 schools worldwide.

they are presented with a series of challenges that

a vast range of educational apps and interactive

help them put their understanding to the test.

e-books. The company has also won major national

Enjoyable learning

The content can be tailored to support a variety of

and international awards, including a WSA (World

“Science is full of abstract and complex concepts that

textbooks and teaching concepts, while translated

Summit Award) for Best e-learning Product of the

require strong visualisation and exploratory tools to

texts and professional voiceovers in ten languages

Decade, among others. Indeed, with the company’s

understand, and our products make learning

– including English, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese

ever-expanding library of topics and

simpler and more enjoyable,” explains Marketing

and Russian – ensure that it is adaptable and easy

its combination of flexibility, ease of use and high

Executive Shefali Singh.

to understand.

quality, further success looks set to follow.

Express education Berkshire-based firm Express Publishing produces high-quality English language-teaching materials that enable children and adults around the world to learn with ease

With over 50 years of unrivalled experience and sales in more than 90 countries,

taught and, perhaps more importantly, how it should be taught,” confirms Alex.

Express Publishing is one of the foremost providers of English language-teaching

“Authors Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley have travelled extensively and worked in

materials. Its commitment to innovation has allowed it to bridge the gap between

classrooms worldwide to ensure Express Publishing’s approach to English language

technology and pedagogy, and forge strategic partnerships with publishers and

teaching is the most relevant to today’s needs.”

government ministries worldwide. With its award-winning books, interactive e-books

With a recent ELTon award nomination for its pre-school iPhone and Android

and whiteboards, and mobile applications, Express Publishing is favoured by learners

app, Happy Rhymes, it is clear that the company is developing its products to adapt

and teachers from nursery to university.

to a constantly changing marketplace. “We’re particularly proud of our ieBook – an offline interactive approach that combines our course material with multimedia,”

Worldwide experience

says Alex. “Authentic videos, striking graphics and interactive games serve to

Based in Newbury, Berkshire, Express Publishing has achieved its global success

enhance the learning experience.”

through an ongoing dedication to quality and a needs-based approach to teaching

One of the company’s great strengths is its ability to predict trends and

materials. “Every market is different, so there’s a need for diversity within our

produce user-friendly material that reflects those trends. “Learners are using more

materials, as everyone learns differently,” says Alex Drey, Express Publishing’s

and more technology nowadays and Express Publishing has the complete range

International Market Analyst.

of digital learning products they need,” says Alex.

As well as aiming for a high level of English language competence, the

The combination of classroom innovation, applied teaching experience and

publications are designed to respect learners’ cultural sensitivities while raising

cutting-edge technology means that Express Publishing’s products are more popular

cross-cultural awareness through up-to-date, engaging topics. Taking a holistic

than ever. With a current list of over 3,500 titles to its name, it has become a

approach to learning, Express Publishing’s products are developed to meet

formidable learning tool in the world of English language teaching, and its ongoing

learners’ academic, social and emotional needs through visual, auditory and

success is a testament to a passionate commitment to the highest standards of

kinesthetic material. “We have an excellent appreciation of what should be

teaching and learning.


Smarter by design cheshire-based marketing specialist Graham Shapiro Design ensures that its clients – who include commercial giants and educational institutions alike – have their finger on the digital pulse

The days of teachers taking registers in old-fashioned hardback books and

two Silver Heist Awards for its work with West Cheshire College, for Best Website in

students leafing through unwieldy university prospectuses are well and truly

2008 and Best FE Prospectus in 2009, respectively. It’s proof, if proof were needed,

numbered. These days, education tools and marketing materials come in the

of the quality of GSD’s work across design, traditional print and digital media.

form of everything from apps to social media campaigns.

In addition to garnering industry recognition, the firm has also created a

No one knows this better than award-winning designer Graham Shapiro, the

buzz with several new apps, including a careers pathway option for students

founding force behind Graham Shapiro Design (GSD). With a string of national and

at Blackpool Sixth Form College. “We’re taking full advantage of the digital realm

international awards to its name, the British firm works with a host of prominent

with them,” Graham says, explaining that users simply type in their career choice

commercial brands, as well as dozens of schools, colleges and universities.

to bring up their “route to success”.

Personalised campaigns

that allows teachers to take the register on their phone. Within 12 weeks of its

“GSD is a visual communication business that covers every kind of marketing

release, hundreds of schools had contacted GSD about replacing their cumbersome

solution, from graphic design, printed literature, branding and advertising through

existing systems. “The app is very quick, very user-friendly for teachers and really

to content-managed websites, mobile apps and social networking,” he explains.

secure,” says Graham. This is only the tip of the digital iceberg, in his opinion, with

In Graham’s opinion, brand awareness is as vital to the education sector as it

new technology offering ever more innovative solutions. And with the teen market

is to the global names he’s worked with, such as Samsung, Clive Christian and

a key one for many of GSD’s education clients, it’s vital that colleges and universities

Liverpool FC. Based in Nantwich, Cheshire, his core team works with a pool of

become as tech-savvy as their target audience is.

talented consultants to create personalised campaigns for everyone from Blackpool

“There will always be a call for print, but interactive prospectuses and digital

Sixth Form College to the University of Bedfordshire – with the latter enjoying a surge

magazines on tablets and apps are the way forward,” says Graham. “And in both

in enrolment figures after GSD revamped its prospectus. The company has also won

print and digital formats, we are education marketing specialists.”

The company has also launched Reggie®, one of the world’s first mobile apps



In the early 1990s, British schoolteacher June Auton developed a teaching method that has had a profound positive impact on individuals and society as a whole. Since some of her primary school pupils were struggling with negative influences in their lives, she introduced them to five core values that they could count off on one hand: truth, love, peace, right conduct and non-violence. This simple strategy quickly improved the children’s progress, so she set up the Human Values Foundation (HVF) in 1995 to supply values-based teaching resources to educational institutions. Cross-cultural values June’s programme for primary schoolchildren, entitled Education in Human Values, enables children to be calm, confident and compassionate by using class discussion, storytelling, singing, quotations, group activities and silent sitting. The range of values explored transcends cultural and religious beliefs, thereby appealing to all children.    While the HVF promotes the importance of teaching human values in schools, its practical cross-curricular programmes are superb for personal development and behaviour management, securing continuous improvements in learners’ social and emotional competences and their general well-being. In 2004, the HVF developed the Social and Emotional Education programme for children aged 12 to 14 and over. As well as silent reflection, quotations and songs, this programme uses group exercises, forums, quizzes and role play to encourage dialogue about life’s challenges and how best to manage them.    “Our programmes have an excellent impact on the quality of education,” says Rosemary Dewan, CEO of the HVF. “They help young people develop a moral compass and a positive mindset, so that they can maximise their talents and play a positive part in society and the community. If used widely in schools, they can also have a significant impact on the financial costs associated with individuals’ poor social, emotional and psychological health.”    The programmes have already been sold to more than 1,700 schools in the UK. And the HVF has also received many orders from across the world, including one from a TEFL teacher in Latvia, who delights in blending the imparting of emotional and social skills with teaching English.    Globally, the HVF helps schoolchildren develop strong values that guide their thinking, decision-making and behaviour. Not only does this ramp up their achievements, but it also gives them a sound emotional foundation on which to build the rest of their life.


Engineering the future With recent research showing that skilled engineers are in short supply in Britain, the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s role in supporting the industry has never been more vital

Recent research conducted by the Institution

showing young learners how their education can

of Engineering and Technology (IET), which has

be applied to a prosperous and tangible career.”

represented the industry for more than 140 years,

For those in higher education, the institution

has revealed a worrying skills shortage in Britain’s

has developed IET Advantage, a membership scheme

engineering sector. Gareth James, Head of the IET’s

designed specifically for students nearing the end of

Education 5–19 programme, explains that employers

their degree. Delivered over three stages, it provides

are struggling to recruit engineers with the necessary

students and graduates with support for the first six

expertise. “Without qualified technicians entering

years of their career.

the workforce,” he says, “vital infrastructure is likely

“IET Advantage aims to make the transition from

to decline over the next decade.” It’s a potential

education to employment as smooth as possible,” says

outcome that could leave the country at crisis point.

Martin Harris, Product Manager for Young Professionals

“The findings from our research have meant

Membership. “Students and graduates are able to

that engaging with and nurturing future engineers

access expert careers advice, mentorship and support

has become an organisational priority,” says Gareth.

to help them gain their professional registration – a

“The IET has worked hard to develop schemes that

crucial step towards becoming a fully fledged engineer.”

promote engineering as an attractive career prospect

The institution also accredits around 80 university

for capable and talented young people.”

engineering courses and seeks to build constructive relationships with acclaimed engineers, drawing on


Careers advice

their expertise and experience to inform its work.

The Education 5–19 programme works directly with

“The IET is an exceptional resource for engineers

schools to help ensure that the national science,

at every stage of their career,” says Martin. “We are

technology, engineering and maths curricula are

making it possible for a talented and well-resourced

relevant and useful to pupils. “So often, young people

cohort of future engineers to thrive. I would love to

leave compulsory education without knowing how

see as many capable and talented young people

to apply the skills and knowledge they have acquired,”

choose engineering as possible. I know that if they

says Gareth. “Through free activity days, careers

do so, then an array of rewarding and challenging

advice, teacher resources and scholarships, we are

opportunities awaits them.”

A flying start Kites for Schools is inspiring and educating children across Britain with the simple and joyful act of building and flying a kite

There are few activities that, generation after generation, continue to set the imagination of a child soaring quite like flying a kite. The simple pastime requires little to get off the ground – just a kite, an open space and a breath of wind – and yet it has the power to captivate for hours on end.   It’s a joyous pursuit that Karen Gamble and her husband Godfrey, founders of the UK-based company Kites for Schools, have shared with others for more than 20 years. Over the past two decades, the couple have travelled the globe, passing on their kite-building and -flying expertise, attending kite festivals and winning awards for their work. Regularly asked to conduct workshops for children, the pair hit upon the idea of producing kite kits for schools five years ago.    “Our kite kit is something that every child can make and fly,” says Karen. “And with assembling and flying a kite comes a real sense of achievement.” This is the key to the success of the company’s kits – they are a great leveller, irrespective of the abilities of an individual child. They are also award-winning: the kite kit scooped the 2012 Creative Play award for best classroom pack in the four-to-seven years category, and was highly commended in the eight-to-11 years group. Curriculum-friendly The kites, created for children aged four to 11, can be incorporated into the teaching of several curriculum subjects, including science, physical education, and art, design and technology. A traditional diamond shape, they are brightly coloured and designed to be quick to fit together and easy to launch, so that children can enjoy going outdoors and flying them.   Almost every element of the Dorset-based company’s kites is manufactured in England. As well as supplying schools around Britain, Kites for Schools exports its kits to Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the USA, and there is growing interest in the Middle East. Indeed, their appeal is universal.    “Not every child is sporty, not every child is academic, not every child is artistic,” says Karen, “but the day the children go out and fly their kites is an occasion where, for once, every child is just as good as each other. It’s quite something to see.”


Tools for schools Based in bosnia-herzegovina, Lanaco information technologies has developed innovative programs and products that are improving the standard of education across the country

Established in the 1990s, Lanaco Information

that teachers may have made. The aim is to improve

Technologies is Bosnia-Herzegovina’s foremost

access to information for all. “EduIS has already cut

system integrator and software supplier, with

the education budget by 15 per cent,” says Dragan,

around 220 employees. It is also a major player in

“and we have had a positive response from parents,

the country’s education system, thanks to two of

teachers and children alike.”

its leading projects: EduIS and Dositej. “We had two

Lanaco’s second project, Dositej, is designed to

key goals when designing them,” says Programme

encourage one-on-one learning. As part of the scheme,

Office Manager Dragan Ninic. “The first of these

the company has supplied schools with Classmate

was to reduce the cost of education – with no IT

Personal Computers (CMPCs). “Currently, more than

infrastructure, the government was unable to control

50 per cent of schools in the Republic of Srpska have

spending or manage resources. The second was to

CMPCs,” says Dragan. “In time, each teacher will have

increase the standard of education in our country.”

a laptop, and every student will have a CMPC.”   The system enables teachers to manage an


Management solutions

entire classroom, distributing individually tailored

EduIS, a cloud-based solution, helps schools and

content directly to each student’s monitor. “It is a

other official institutions to improve efficiency via

lengthy process and a huge investment,” says Dragan.

tools such as electronic class registration and financial

“We have trained more than 11,000 teachers to use

accounting. This has also enabled the government to

the system, which is fundamentally changing the way

consolidate reports, compare performance between

education functions in Bosnia-Herzegovinia’s Republic

schools and gather the necessary statistics to manage

of Srpska.”

education effectively.

With a view to the future of the company and

In addition, the project has introduced an

its innovative products, Lanaco is looking beyond its

electronic grade book to schools, which allows

domestic borders to the wider global market. The firm

teachers to monitor their students, and parents to

will be returning to London’s influential Bett Show for

keep tabs on their children’s work. By logging on

providers of education technology in 2014. And it is

to the system at home, parents can connect to a

well positioned for international expansion, with the

real-time view of their child’s performance, enabling

capacity to adapt its systems to suit the needs and

them to keep an eye on grades and read any remarks

nuances of overseas markets far and wide.

Grounded in success A world leader in aircraft landing gear, Messier-BUGATTI-Dowty’s excellent graduate and apprenticeship schemes are developing future engineering talent in the UK and beyond

Such is Messier-Bugatti-Dowty’s prominence in the

plenty of variety – currently there are craft and

functions within Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, including

aviation industry that, on average, a plane using the

technical apprentices on the programme working

a three-month international placement. Messier-

company’s landing gear touches down once every

in both operational and non-operational roles within

Bugatti-Dowty employs around 6,500 workers

2.2 seconds somewhere around the globe.

the business. The programme typically takes four

at 17 locations in Europe, Asia and the Americas,

Currently servicing more than 23,000 aircraft

years, with the technical certificate covered during

and sought-after destinations include Toronto,

worldwide, the firm has decades of aerospace

the first two, and engineering apprentices based

Singapore and China. A further five-year postgraduate

experience, working on well-known aircraft such

off site at a training centre for the first year.

scheme allows employees to continue their career

as Concorde, the entire Airbus family and the new

Although higher-level qualifications are not a

development once they have completed the initial

Boeing 787 Dreamliner. But it’s not just the company’s

requirement of the apprenticeship framework, selected

18-month programme.

impressive pedigree that makes it exceptional.

apprentices are encouraged to study a relevant HNC,

“The company also offers personal-development

“At Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, we believe that the

HND, foundation course or even a full degree, on a

training courses, such as financial awareness, and

recruitment of apprentices and graduates enriches

part-time basis, during their apprenticeship.

influencing and negotiating skills,” says Senior HR

and complements our direct recruitment activity,”

Officer Richard Jones. Graduates are well supported

says Sarah Powell, HR Officer. “And it plays a key

Graduate opportunities

in their efforts to gain chartered status, with mentors

role in ensuring we maintain and develop a highly

Excellent opportunities are available for graduates

assigned throughout the process, which can take

skilled, qualified workforce now, and in the future.”

who wish to consider a career in the aerospace

several years.

On average, the business recruits eight to

industry. An 18-month graduate scheme, specifically

As Richard concludes: “We provide our graduates

10 apprentices onto its Advanced Apprenticeship

tailored to the skills and interests of each individual

with the training they require and the experience they

Programme each year. It’s a scheme that offers

candidate, provides experience in the primary

need to become future leaders.”


Global compassion For the past three decades, humanitarian charity Muslim Aid has been tackling poverty and providing education, relief and hope to those in need

In 1985, several leading British Muslim community organisations of the day joined

effort to provide them with a secure and stable future. The charity’s work within

together to create Muslim Aid, a charity that could respond to the endemic

the UK includes education, winter relief and support for the elderly and prisoners.

humanitarian crisis in Africa. Founded on the core principles of the Islamic faith,


the charity’s work is summed up in the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad:

Sustainable solutions

“Show compassion to the dwellers of the Earth, then the One who dwells in

Central to Muslim Aid’s activities is creating long-term, sustainable solutions to

the heavens will show compassion to you.”

reduce poverty among some of the poorest communities in the world. The charity

The work of Muslim Aid is informed by an ethos of humanity, neutrality and

also helps refugees, internally displaced persons and recent returnees. From its

impartiality. Muslim Aid works with all those in need, regardless of religion, gender,

offices based in Yangon and Sittwe in Myanmar, for instance, Muslim Aid has

nationality or political opinion. The charity’s activities are broad and far-reaching.

provided emergency relief in the form of hygiene packs, mosquito nets, blankets,

In 2012, Muslim Aid responded to the ongoing humanitarian emergencies in Gaza,

clothes and non-food items to thousands of internally displaced persons in Rakhine

Syria, Myanmar and Somalia. It also provided emergency flood relief to Bangladesh,

State. In response to the Syria crisis, Muslim Aid has supported more than 3,500

India, Cambodia and Pakistan, while its ongoing projects across the globe include

Syrian refugees in Iraq, 220 households in Jordan and 2,100 families in Lebanon

education and skills training, along with the provision of fresh water, housing and

since 2012 by distributing food and non-food items.

shelter, and healthcare. Meanwhile, the charity’s income-generation projects, such

Muslim Aid has 13 field offices in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and

as its interest-free microfinance fund, have benefited communities in Bangladesh,

has delivered projects in more than 70 countries across the world. In 2010, Muslim

Somalia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia and Sudan.

Aid’s 25th anniversary was celebrated in London. As it approaches its 30th year, the

Muslim Aid’s child-sponsorship programme, the Rainbow Family, supports

charity continues to go from strength to strength in its efforts to alleviate poverty,

children in 17 countries with school fees, food, clothing and healthcare, in an

deliver education for all and provide basic amenities for those in need.

Systematic triumph Norway’s Rosberg System is revolutionising the way computers are maintained and updated in classrooms, thanks to its efficient and cost-effective School IT management system

Advances in technology have heralded a new wave of educational tools and techniques. But with its rise in schools around the world has come an escalation in the headache that is faulty or underperforming IT. Teachers waste valuable time trying to resolve problems, and IT personnel often have to be called in or devices sent away for repairs or updating. However, Rosberg System’s School IT Manager with patented Verji Share technology solves many of these issues. Simple to use and easy to update, the IT management system allows teachers to oversee the content of school PCs, laptops and tablets as never before. VerjiBox All that’s required is a main server (VerjiBox School) and a small, discreet server in each classroom (VerjiBox Classroom), which also acts as a wireless access point. Each VerjiBox contains a 500 GB hard drive through which updates can be transferred overnight, saving valuable bandwidth during school hours. In addition, the hard drive can be used as a local file-sharing source for students in the classroom.    “Many teachers don’t have IT experience, so what we’ve done is make easy-touse interface software that they can download to their mobiles, laptops or tablets, allowing them to control the students’ devices,” explains Alf Kenneth Braathen, CEO of Rosberg System. “It’s a drag-and-drop system, so they can simply go to the content section and drag all the required software to the laptops immediately.” And if there’s a problem with a teacher’s device, a remote service centre is on hand to assist, and can even access the computer screens remotely to provide timesaving solutions.   This game-changing technology epitomises the company’s values of “smart, simple and solid”. Other major patented Rosberg technologies include the Verji Connect, which securely connects all devices for a business, regardless of location, and Verji Lock, where information on a device is only accessible while the device is being used – as soon as the device hibernates the encryption keys are deleted.   The company’s systems have already proved a big success in schools across its home country of Norway, and are now being used in several countries across Latin America, including Peru and Mexico.    “With our current software, we can install our programs in schools anywhere,” says Alf. “Plus we are working hard to update the software to get it ready for the next generation: the ‘Bring Your Own Device’ system.”



152 Aditya Birla World Academy

154 Al Ain Juniors School

156 Al Ma’arifa International Private School

246 American University

212 Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

158 Amnuay Silpa School

248 Azerbaijan State University of Economics

120 Barrowford Primary School

160 Bayview Glen


162 Benoni High School

122 Brays School

292 British Gas

211 British Institute of Technology & E-commerce

124 Chiswick House School and St Martin’s College

164 Colegio Británico Cancún

166 Colegio Colombo Británico, Cali

167 Collège Charles-Lemoyne

168 Collège Durocher Saint-Lambert

170 Dar Al Fikr Schools

294 Designmate

126 Essex Primary School

295 Express Publishing

296 Graham Shapiro Design Ltd

128 The High Arcal School

297 Human Values Foundation

298 Institution of Engineering and Technology

172 Instituto Oxford

174 Instituto Politécnico Nacional

130 International School of the Stockholm Region

176 International School of Walvis Bay

173 Iqra Academy

250 Islamic Science University of Malaysia

178 Jeddah Prep and Grammar School

214 Karel de Grote University College

252 Khon Kaen University

132 King’s College, The British School of Alicante

299 Kites for Schools

180 The Koç School

254 Kokshe Academy

256 La Universidad San Francisco de Quito

300 Lanaco Information Technologies

182 Legacy School


134 Literargymnasium Rämibühl

216 Logos European College

218 Manchester School of Art – Manchester Metropolitan University

301 Messier-Bugatti-Dowty

302 Muslim Aid

191 RIMS International School and Junior College

303 Rosberg System AS

222 Samara State Technical University

192 Shalom Hills International School

184 New English School

224 Singidunum University

220 NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences

258 North-West University

186 The Oxford School

136 Parkwood E-ACT Academy

188 Pensionnat du Saint-Nom-de-Marie

138 Southwark Primary School

194 Sparrows Private School

196 Sri Emas International School

140 St Edmund’s College

142 St Eskils Gymnasium

260 Petroleum Institute

125 St George's School Group

190 Podar World Schools


262 Qatar University

198 St Peter's School, Chile

144 St Peter's School, Portugal

230 University of Economics in Bratislava

264 Suranaree University of Technology

284 University of Iringa

266 Tecnológico de Monterrey

200 Thamer International School

270 Universidad Adventista de Chile

272 Universidad de la Integración de las Américas

226 Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

228 Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo

274 Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

276 Universidade Federal de Lavras

278 Universidade Tiradentes

280 Universidade Veiga de Almeida

232 University of Lleida

234 University of Milano-Bicocca

286 University of Nizwa

236 University of Pisa

238 University of Valladolid

146 Viborg Cathedral School

202 Vidya Devi Jindal School

204 Wadi Sofia College

240 Windesheim Honours College

285 Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi

282 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia




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