Milwaukee Massacre

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Milwaukee Massacre More Blood on Psychiatry's Hands? Speaking of the Sikh Temple massacre that happened on Sunday just outside Milwaukee in the U.S., Brian Levin, the director of the Centre for the Study of Hate and Extremism based at California State University, San Bernardino, said, “The Internet has enabled social networks to usurp the monopoly that hate groups previously had. If you wanted to belong to that subculture, you had to be tied to that group. Now, you can create your own group . . . ”[T]hose who are left are the ones who have significant issues.” Just what he meant by “significant issues” is unclear, but the Christian Science Monitor, cites: “– such as social isolation, substance abuse, difficulties with women, or domestic abuse. This increases the potential for sporadic violence.” But what tends to happen nowadays to people with “significant issues,” who manifest socially dysfunctional conduct and so forth? That’s right, more often than not they end up on psych medications, particularly in the United States where the psychs and Big Pharma are having a field day as the government colludes with their efforts to drug the entire population into oblivion. And there can hardly be anyone anywhere still in possession of a working brain who does not now know the devastating effects such medications can have on the mind and the link between psychiatric drugging and violent rampages like the ones in Milwaukee and the Batman screening in Aurora. One for one, the perpetrator of such a mindless rampage was found to be on psychiatric medication at the time of his crime. The Sikh Temple massacre follows a common pattern: an individual explodes into a sudden orgy of pointless, incomprehensible and mindless violence, kills

lots of people and then turns his gun on himself. As the drugging of Americans increases, so does the incidence of such rampages and other manifestations of psychiatric derangement of the mind. This is not to say that everyone on psych meds will commit mass murder but whatever aberration was there in the person, the drugs will, as my friend the late great Dr Edward Hamlyn used to say, “set it in concrete.” So my money is on a scenario something like this: The perpetrator, Wade Michael Page, is manifestly an oddball and social misfit. Somewhere along the line this brings him into the sphere of the psychs and he is embarked upon a course of “treatment” to “manage” his bipolar disorder, depression or whatever label it is given. The so-called treatment gradually or swiftly erodes his sanity and sets his obsessions and hatreds in concrete. Eventually, as the drugs work their satanic magic, what is left of his sanity evaporates and the rest, sadly, becomes part of America’s bleak history of psychiatric mayhem. When you understand the role psychiatric drugs play in these tragedies, these seemingly senseless and inexplicable psychotic breaks become understandable – as does the way to stop them happening. The only thing then that remains a mystery is why government itself seems quite happy for this to go on happening, as evinced by its unwillingness to take action. The psychiatric link to these mass murders – and probably serial killings as well, I might add - is well known. The evidence is virtually incontrovertible. Yet government, while claiming to serve The People, ain’t listening. As The People are massacred, it takes no action to find out why - the logical, urgently needed step of conducting the proper investigation that so many people have

been demanding. So if The People don’t have government’s ear, who does? Couldn’t be the psychiatrists and Big Pharma, could it?

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