Stay & Play, Lake Cumberland Region, Spring/Early Summer 2013

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critical area near where the earthen section of the dam joins the concrete monolith. 5HKDELOLWDWLRQ RI WKH GDP LV ÂżQLVKHG &RPSOHWLRQ RI WKH PDVVLYH MRE ZDV FHOHEUDWHG $SULO :ROI &UHHN 'DP LV safe and Lake Cumberland remains in our future. Wolf Creek Dam is still the most monitored dam in the world. However, on-site monitoring has decreased VRPHZKDW IURP KRXUV D GD\ WR KRXUV D GD\ *HWW\ said. The dam is still monitored electronically around the FORFN *HWW\ VD\V DERXW LQVWUXPHQWV LQ WKH GDP ZRXOG DOHUW 1DVKYLOOH 'LVWULFW KHDGTXDUWHUV E\ WHOHSKRQH and e-mail in case of an abnormal reading. Wolf Creek Dam has a troubled history. Tensions PRXQWHG LQ ZKHQ DQ LQGHSHQGHQW SDQHO RI HQJLQHHUV declared the mile-long structure in high risk of failure. The dam, created atop porous limestone rock, has leaked VLQFH WKH JDWHV ZHUH FORVHG LQ 'HFHPEHU


Stay & Play

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