2019-05-26 traditional bulletin

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Sacrifice –&– Life May 26, 2019 9:30 a.m., Sanctuary

One of the most paradoxical of all of Jesus’ teachings is this: “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” How can we lose life by finding it, or find life by losing it? Consider: we spend our lives trying to find the “good life,” yet never achieve the fulfillment we seek. Jesus invites Nicodemus to be born again, but in order to be born again, we must die to the old self first.



OPENING PRAYER In the quiet sanctuaries of our own hearts, let each of us name and call on the One whose power over us is great and gentle, firm and forgiving, holy and healing...

You who created us, who sustains us, who calls us to live in peace, hear our prayer this day. Hear our prayer for all who have died, whose hearts and hopes are known to you alone... Hear our prayer for those who put the welfare of others ahead of their own and give us hearts as generous as theirs... Hear our prayer for those who gave their lives in the service of others, and accept the gift of their sacrifice... Help us to shape and make a world where we will lay down the arms of war and turn our swords into ploughshares for a harvest of justice and peace... Comfort those who grieve the loss of their loved ones and let your healing be the hope in our hearts... Hear our prayer this day and in your mercy answer us in the name of all that is holy. The peace of God be with you. PRELUDE | Nimrod from Enigma Variations Edward Elgar, composer | Dr. Jonathan M. Gregoire, organist *CALL TO WORSHIP Let us give thanks to God for the land of our birth with all its chartered liberties. For all the wonder of our country’s story: We give you thanks, O God. For leaders in nation and state, and for those who in days past and in these present times have labored for the commonwealth: We give you thanks, O God. For those who in all times and places have been true and brave, and in the world’s common ways have lived upright lives and ministered to their fellows: We give you thanks, O God. For those who served their country in its hour of need, and especially for those who gave even their lives in that service: We give you thanks, O God. O almighty God and most merciful Father, as we remember these your servants, remembering with gratitude their courage and strength, we hold before you those who *Please rise in body or spirit. 2


mourn them. Look upon your bereaved servants with your mercy. As this day brings them memories of those they have lost, may it also bring your consolation and the assurance that their loved ones are alive now and forever in your living presence. *OPENING HYMN | God of the Ages 698 | National Hymn 1

God of the ages, whose almighty hand leads forth in beauty all the starry band of shining worlds in splendor through the skies, our grateful songs before thy throne arise. Gracious God, on this Memorial Day weekend, we remember and give thanks for those who have given their lives in the service of our country. When the need was greatest, they stepped forward and did their duty to defend the freedoms that we enjoy, and to win the same for others. O God, you yourself have taught us that no love is greater than that which gives itself for another. These honored dead gave the most precious gift they had, life itself, for loved ones and neighbors, for comrades and country – and for us.

2 Thy love divine hath led us in the past; in this free land with thee our lot is cast; be thou our ruler, guardian, guide, and stay, thy Word our law, thy paths our chosen way. Help us to honor their memory by caring for the family members they have left behind, by ensuring that their wounded comrades are properly cared for, by being watchful caretakers of the freedoms for which they gave their lives, and by demanding that no other young men and women follow them to a soldier’s grave unless the reason is worthy and the cause is just. 3

From war’s alarms, from deadly pestilence, be thy strong arm our ever sure defense; thy true religion in our hearts increase; thy bounteous goodness nourish us in peace. Holy One, help us to remember that freedom is not free. There are times when its cost is, indeed, dear. Never let us forget those who paid so terrible a price to ensure that freedom would be our legacy. Though their names may fade with the passing of generations, may we never forget what they have done. Help us to be worthy of their sacrifice. O God, help us to be worthy.

4 Refresh thy people on their toilsome way; lead us from night to never-ending day; fill all our lives with love and grace divine, and glory, laud, and praise be ever thine.


*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. *DOXOLOGY WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS

We Offer Our Prayers ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



We Offer Our Gifts


OFFERTORY | Deep River Roy Ringwald, arranger | Chancel Choir

We Hear God’s Word


Sacrifice –&– Life Dr. Scott Engle and Rev. Arthur Jones

We Go in God’s Name



POSTLUDE | Crown Imperial William Walton, composer; Herbert Murrill, arranger | YunJung Lee, Larry and Susan Hauser Organ Scholar “Inasmuch, then, as the Church offers with single-mindedness, her gift is justly reckoned a pure sacrifice with God. As Paul also says to the Philippians (Philippians 4:18), ‘I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things that were sent from you, the odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, pleasing to God.’ For it behooves us to make an oblation to God, and in all things to be found grateful to God our Maker, in a pure mind, and in faith without hypocrisy, in well-grounded hope, in fervent love, offering the first-fruits of His own created things.” — St. Irenaeus 4


Need Prayer? No need is too big or too small for God. If you need help in this area of your life, our pastors and Prayer Team are available to pray for you. Please send your Prayer Request as directed below.


Sympathy Jill and Chris Church in the death of sister and aunt, Janis McCrory (May 20) Long-Term Care Nancy Cates, Dan Cox, Glennys Damewood, John Elder, Mary Eubanks, John Hamilton, Carol Murphy, Jeff Simmons and Betty White


You may share a joy, a concern or a sorrow by visiting our website at standrewumc.org/ prayer or by calling our prayer line at 214-291-8044. Your requests are lifted up by our pastors and Prayer Team each week.

WHY I GIVE The St. Andrew community shares why they give to the ministries of the church. For the constant reminder that money doesn’t have control over me and will not come between me and what I truly value.




Take advantage of one of several options when submitting your gift to St. Andrew: 1 | Drop a check or cash into the offering plate during the service. 2 | Drop off or mail your gift to the Business Office at St. Andrew, 5801 W. Plano Parkway, Plano TX 75093. 3 | Visit the website at standrewumc.org/give-now. 4 | Give via text. Simply send the keyword “STANDREW” to 73256. 5 | Give via stock. Please contact Traci Hughes in the Business Office for details at 214-291-8012. 5

GROUPS | standrewumc.org/news Women’s Spiritual Growth Group | 1st/3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m., Room 120 | Fight Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg. This DVD study teaches us how to use joy to fight life’s battles. Contact Dawn Conner, dawnmikeconner@gmail.com. Childcare request, contact Defae Weaver, dweaver@standrweumc.org. standrewumc.org/adults PALS (People with Active Lifestyles) | Wednesdays (Except First of Month), 10:00 a.m. Room 131 | Senior adults connect through educational, cultural, and social opportunities. Contact Allison, ajean@standrewumc.org. standrewumc.org/pals MAY 29 | Game Day JUNE 12 | Movie and Popcorn Day 19 | Dallas Heritage Museum; Bus leaves St. Andrew at 10:00 a.m. 26 | What’s the Ordination Process All About? Led by Rev. Allison Jean and Rev. Jimmy Decker Career Care Ministry | Mondays, 7:00-9:00 p.m., Room 131 | This free, weekly support/ coaching group helps those who are out of work or mis-employed and seeking a career change. New Member Orientation at 6:00 p.m. in Room 133. standrewumc.org/support United Methodist Men’s Breakfast | Second Saturday of Every Month, 8:00-10:00 a.m., Room 126 | United Methodist Men (UMM) endeavors to awaken, inspire, challenge, train, and support men as they strive to become more Christ-like in their daily living. standrewumc.org/men Scripture FIT | Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m., Andy’s Place | A fun aerobic workout for women to contemporary Christian music that will energize your body and soul. Bring yourself and a friend; no registration required. Contact Patti Loftin, patti@scripturefit.com. Childcare available; contact Defae, dweaver@standrewumc.org. standrewumc.org/adults Prayer Shawl Ministry | Third Tuesday of Every Month, 10:00 a.m., Room 120 | Prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted for individuals experiencing devastating illness or loss. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, we can teach you. You may also knit or crochet on your own and donate shawls to the ministry. Contact Cathy Goddard, goddardcc@yahoo.com.

Church offices are closed tomorrow in observance of Memorial Day. 6

GET INVOLVED | standrewumc.org/news

Promotion Sunday | June 2 | What an exciting time to be a kid at St. Andrew! All children attend their new small groups. Parents, be on the lookout for their new classrooms.

Student Summer Activities | Grow your faith alongside friends in worship, recreation, and more! See the 2019 Summer Guide for a full schedule. standrewumc.org/students

Sign Up for St. Andrew Emails | Stay connected with your church community. You’ll find a wealth of information in our emails from various ministry areas and groups. Sign up for whichever ones you like, any or all. standrewumc.org/stayconnected

Starting Point | Whether today is your first day to attend, or you’ve been a longtime member, learn about who we are as a church in our three Starting Point classes. You’ll tour the campus, meet church members, and have your questions answered. standrewumc.org/starting-point

Young Adults Podcast Club | Tuesdays Beginning June 11, 7:00 p.m., Room 237 Gather each week throughout the summer to discuss podcasts. We welcome all young adults (20s/30s). No registration is needed. For questions, contact Allison Jean at ajean@standrewumc.org.

Travel Ministry | Join us for a Uniworld river cruise this October along the Rhine, traveling from Basel, Switzerland to Amsterdam. Contact Kay Richardson at krichardson@standrewumc.org for more information. 7

This summer, we’re taking the next step in community service as a faith family. Spark Tank is evolving into the Kindling ministry – inspiring random acts of love in our community. Learn more on our website. standrewumc.org/kindling

Joining Day Luncheon | June 9, Noon-1:15 p.m., Festival Hall | This relaxed-setting luncheon will give you the chance to learn more about St. Andrew, meet St. Andrew staff, and get to know other new members. There will be an opportunity to join at the end of the luncheon. standrewumc.org/ News/JoiningDayLuncheon

Estate Planning Seminar | June 1, 10:00-11:30 a.m., Room 131 | Tackle the difficult topic of “what if” and learn how to navigate this decision-making process. Find peace of mind by making sure your wishes are followed. Questions? Contact Kay Richardson, krichardson@ standrewumc.org for more information. standrewumc.org/News/EstateSeminar

St. Andrew United Methodist Church 5801 W. Plano Parkway | Plano, TX 75093 | 972-380-8001 | standrewumc.org

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