2019-05-12 traditional bulletin

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Gift –&– Responsibility May 12, 2019 9:30 a.m., Sanctuary

Is God’s grace something that happens in an instant, or is it something that takes a lifetime to receive and comprehend? Biblically, the answer is both, as Jesus invites people to believe and be saved in an instant, yet Paul exhorts us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.



PRELUDE | Imperial March, Opus 32 Edward Elgar, composer; George Martin, arranger | Dr. Jonathan M. Gregoire, organist

*CALL TO WORSHIP Mothers come in many different forms, and today we celebrate them all! Thank God for mothers! Everyone here is either a son or a daughter. Thank God for my mother! For those women who have joined God in Heaven and whom we miss dearly here on earth. Thank God for the mothers of the past. For every woman who is working day and night to raise her children right now. Thank God for the mothers of today. For all the women who are expecting, but aren’t quite mothers yet! Thank God for the soon-to-be-mothers. For the women who took in others’ children through adoption and foster care. Thank God for the mothers with hearts so big. For those women who have lost a child to death and must carry on. Thank God for the mothers who are so strong. For all the women who have desperately wanted to have children of their own, but chose instead to mother everyone else. Thank God for the mothers in spirit. We thank you, Lord, for the women who have influenced our lives in so many ways. We pray that we will honor them in everything we do. Amen. *OPENING HYMN | For the Beauty of the Earth 92 | DIX 1



For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies;


Refrain: Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.

For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child, friends on earth and friends above, for all gentle thoughts and mild; (Refrain)


For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, hill and vale, and tree and flower, sun and moon, and stars of light; (Refrain)

For thy church, that evermore lifteth holy hands above, offering up on every shore her pure sacrifice of love; (Refrain)


For thyself, best Gift Divine, to the world so freely given, for that great, great love of thine, peace on earth, and joy in heaven: (Refrain)

For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart and mind’s delight, for the mystic harmony linking sense to sound and sight; (Refrain)

*Please rise in body or spirit. 2

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy +catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. OPENING PRAYER Good and Gentle God, we pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all the women who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life and in creating beauty in the life around them. You who became human through a woman, grant to all mothers the courage they need to face the uncertain future that life with children always brings. Give them the strength to live and to be loved in return, not perfectly, but humanly. Give them the faithful support of spouse, family, and friends as they care for the physical and spiritual growth of their children. Give them joy and delight in their children to sustain them through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give them the wisdom to turn to you for help when they need it most. Amen. WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS

We Offer Our Prayers ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



We Offer Our Gifts


OFFERTORY | Be Thou My Vision Dan Forrest, composer | Chancel Choir Men’s Ensemble; Phillip Haworth, conductor

We Hear God’s Word


Gift –&– Responsibility Rev. Kim Meyers

+In this instance, catholic means universal. 3

We Go in God’s Name


INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP *CLOSING HYMN | Amazing Grace 378 | Amazing Grace 1 Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.

4 The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures; he will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures.

2 ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 5 and grace my fears relieved; how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed. 3

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the veil, a life of joy and peace.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares, 6 When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, I have already come; we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise ‘tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, than when we’d first begun. and grace will lead me home.

*BENEDICTION POSTLUDE | Allegro assai vivace (Organ Sonata No. 1, Op. 65) Felix Mendelssohn, composer | Dr. Jonathan M. Gregoire, organist

CRUX Worship Series | Through May 25/26 | We tend to look for the satisfaction of conclusive answers. Yet, much of life persists as a mystery. Big questions of faith and life usually aren’t resolved with either/or arguments. For example, can Jesus be fully divine and yet fully human? How can Christians be in the world and yet not of the world? While we see problems from limited perspectives, Christ sits at the center. In every big question, don’t just reinforce the usual positions. Look for Jesus, even in the apparent contradictions. When you find the cross, you find the crux of the matter.

“He wills that we take ourselves with great strength to the faith of holy Church and find there our most precious mother in comfort and true understanding with the whole communion of blessed ones. For a person by himself can frequently be broken, as it seems to himself, but the whole body of holy Church was never broken and never shall be, without end. Therefore it is a sure thing, a good thing, and a gracious thing to will meekly and powerfully to be fastened and joined to our mother, holy Church - that is Christ Jesus.” — Julian Norwich 4


Need Prayer? No need is too big or too small for God. If you need help in this area of your life, our pastors and Prayer Team are available to pray for you. Please send your Prayer Request as directed below.


Birth | Ethan Anshel Brusilow, son of Kyle and Christie Brusilow and grandson of David and Becky Brusilow (May 1) Weddings | Alex Daigle and Chloe Scott (May 4) | Jared East and Holly Hague (May 11) Sympathy | The Swafford Family in the death of Joanne Swafford (May 4) | Hal, Nancy, Michelle and Jennifer Kurkowski in the death of father and grandfather, Roy Kurkowski (May 5) | Ann Kline in the death of her husband, Jim Kline (May 6) Long-Term Care | Nancy Cates, Dan Cox, Glennys Damewood, John Elder, Mary Eubanks, John Hamilton, Carol Murphy, Jeff Simmons and Betty White


You may share a joy, a concern or a sorrow by visiting our website at standrewumc.org/ prayer or by calling our prayer line at 214-291-8044. Your requests are lifted up by our pastors and Prayer Team each week.

WHY I GIVE The St. Andrew community shares why they give to the ministries of the church. For the positive impact the church makes in so many people’s lives.

ST. ANDREW PERMANENT ENDOWMENT Established by St. Andrew in 2011, the Permanent Endowment allows members and friends of St. Andrew to keep the light of Christ’s love shining brightly at the church, supporting the ministries and missions of St. Andrew for generations to come. Gifts to the Permanent Endowment, which we call Forever Gifts, are invested, not spent. Earnings from these investments support: • Establishment of new ministries of St. Andrew, including planting new churches. • Scholarships to educate and train future pastors and leaders from within the St. Andrew family. • Major upgrades and emergency needs of permanent facilities on campus. standrewumc.org/endowment 5

GROUPS | standrewumc.org/news Women’s Spiritual Growth Group | 1st/3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m., Room 120 | Fight Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg. This DVD study teaches us how to use joy to fight life’s battles. Contact Dawn Conner, dawnmikeconner@gmail.com. Childcare request, contact Defae Weaver, dweaver@standrweumc.org. standrewumc.org/adults United Methodist Women | Visit a group this year. All are welcome. standrewumc.org/women Rachel Group | Tomorrow, 6:30 p.m., Dinner at Lekka’s, 17606 Preston Rd, Dallas Contact Kathy Henson, 972-979-0856 PALS (People with Active Lifestyles) | Wednesdays (Except First of Month), 10:00 a.m. Room 131 | Senior adults connect through educational, cultural, and social opportunities. Contact Allison, ajean@standrewumc.org. standrewumc.org/pals MAY 15 | Clark Gardens Botanical Park, Weatherford, TX. Bus leaves St. Andrew at 10:00 a.m. 22 | Discovering our Labyrinth, led by Holly Blais, St. Andrew Student Ministry Associate Director 29 | Game Day Career Care Ministry | Mondays, 7:00-9:00 p.m., Room 131 | This free, weekly support/ coaching group helps those who are out of work or “mis-employed” and seeking a career change. New Member Orientation at 6:00 p.m. in Room 133. standrewumc.org/support “A Little Deeper” Book Club | Wednesday, May 15, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Room 126 | Our book discussion in May is I Always Loved You by Robin Oliveira. A light lunch will be served and please bring your own drink. All are welcome. standrewumc.org/adults United Methodist Men’s Breakfast | Second Saturday of Every Month, 8:00-10:00 a.m., Room 126 | United Methodist Men (UMM) endeavors to awaken, inspire, challenge, train, and support men as they strive to become more Christ-like in their daily living. standrewumc.org/men Scripture FIT | Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m., Andy’s Place | A fun aerobic workout for women to contemporary Christian music that will energize your body and soul. Bring yourself and a friend; no registration required. Contact Patti Loftin, patti@scripturefit.com. Childcare available; contact Defae, dweaver@standrewumc.org. standrewumc.org/adults Prayer Shawl Ministry | Third Tuesday of Every Month, 10:00 a.m., Room 120 | Prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted for individuals experiencing devastating illness or loss. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, we can teach you. You may also knit or crochet on your own and donate shawls to the ministry. Contact Cathy Goddard, goddardcc@yahoo.com.

CRUX Art by Diana McKnight 6

GET INVOLVED | standrewumc.org/news

Young Adults Podcast Club | Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m., Room 237 | Listen to a different podcast each week and discuss together throughout the summer. We welcome all young adults (20s/30s) to join.

Student Summer Activities | Grow your faith alongside friends in worship, recreation, and more! See the 2019 Summer Guide for a full schedule. standrewumc.org/students

VBS and Science Camp | VBS - June 3-6; Science Camp - July 15-19 | Learn how God is good when life is wild, at this year’s Vacation Bible School – “Roar!” Explore the five senses through hands-on experiments at Science Camp. Register online. standrewumc.org/News/VBSRegistration

Family Ministries | Wherever you are in your faith journey, Family Ministries would love to walk alongside you. From birth through college age, children and students at St. Andrew feel Christ’s love, find a spiritual home, and explore God’s calling in their lives. standrewumc.org/family

Promotion Sunday | June 2 | All children attend their new small groups! Parents, be on the lookout for their new classrooms.

Connection Groups | New Series, Through May 26 | In Connection Groups, we explore practical ways to apply sermon series to our daily lives. New groups have recently formed! Contact Allison Jean, ajean@standrewumc.org to get involved. standrewumc.org/connectiongroups 7

Whether today is your first day to attend, or you’ve been a longtime member, learn about who we are as a church in our three Starting Point classes. You’ll tour the campus, meet church members, and have your questions answered. You don’t have to attend in any particular order. Starting Point classes are usually the first three Sundays of each month, 9:30 a.m. in Room 131. standrewumc.org/starting-point

Young Adults Rangers Game | May 19 Take in an afternoon with friends at Globe Life Park as the Rangers face the St. Louis Cardinals. Cost is $35 and includes transportation. Deadline to register is today. standrewumc.org/News/Rangers

Student Mission Trip Registration Oklahoma City, June 9-15 | We will serve communities in the Oklahoma City area during the day, and grow together with worship and small groups at night. standrewumc.org/News/ StudentMissionTrip

St. Andrew United Methodist Church 5801 W. Plano Parkway | Plano, TX 75093 | 972-380-8001 | standrewumc.org

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