1 minute read

Kindy - Henny Penny

Henny Penny

Ms Emma Schafer

In Term 2, this year, the Kindergarten students have been learning about what grows and lives on farms and why we need them. As part of our inquiry, we have enjoyed accessing the Henny Penny Hatching Chicks Program.

This program runs over two weeks. Our Kindergarten students were able to observe the eggs in the incubator hatch and see the chicks grow. During this time, our children have been able to hold the chicks and have also learnt about the life cycle of a chicken. This experience allows our students to observe the changes in the chicks and see how fast they hatch. The excitement of the children (and even some parents) each morning was palpable!

These kinds of programs help us embed inquiry-based learning in our Kindergarten Program. Through inquiry-based learning, educators and children are able to raise questions and provocations, and we are then able to investigate, research and find the answers collaboratively. This type of teaching deepens the children’s general knowledge, fosters curiosity in students, creates a love of learning and increases engagement with our Kindergarten Program. This approach to learning encourages our children to observe, question, infer and hypothesise possibilities as well as predict and investigate different outcomes. It has been a wonderful way to extend and expand the children’s prior knowledge and have some fun along the way!