What is your online bingo spirit animal

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What is your Online Bingo Spirit Animal? Have you ever been curious to know which spirit animal guides your bingo playing style? Well, in all fairness, you probably haven’t. Who thinks about things like that? With all our great tournaments, promotions, games and bonuses, there is little time to think about other things. But you must not underestimate the importance of analyzing your own bingo playing style. It can actually help you improve your strategy by playing to your strengths!

The Wolf Do you feel more comfortable playing in a team? Is our Team Bingo Smackdown your favorite tournament? Are you one of our wonderful roomies who love to share with others? Then, your spirit animal is the Wolf. Wolves are pack animals and, therefore, team players. They always share their food and know that strength lies in numbers.

The hawk The hawk is the undisputed king of the skies. It is faster and stronger than its prey, and it knows it. The hawk uses its natural ability to soar to the heavens and strike from above, swiftly and decisively. The roomies who are guided by the spirit of the hawk are those who always use the advantages they find on our website. If you always get the maximum amount of cards and deposit when you know you’ll get the biggest bonuses, the Hawk might be guiding you.

The Lion If the hawk rules the skies, the lion is king of the savannah (lions don’t really live in the jungle). They might look lazy to the untrained eye, but they are just saving their energy, knowing that whatever happens, “the lion’s share” is theirs. The bingo playing strategy of our Lion roomies relies on one principle “WIN BIG!” This is why they can usually be found ruling the bingo games in our Supernova Room or getting all the attention in the Million Dollar Party on BingoHall.

The cat This miniature lion has not lost its predatory instincts, despite living around humans for thousands of years. The part of our community that’s guided by the cat will often be found purring in the Taboo Room, or enjoying the warmth in the Fusion Room. You never know what a cat is going to do next, so you can expect this kind of bingo playing strategy from our cat-guided players.

The dolphin

The Dolphin is one of the most intelligent and playful creature in the sea. You can always find them swimming in packs, jumping around, having fun and even helping those in need. We have heard dozens of stories about wild dolphins protecting divers from shark attacks and other dangers. If you are one of our beloved cheeky bingo players, the Dolphin is your spirit animal. You’re always making your fellow roomies laugh and helping them in their hour of need.

You Decide! If you think your bingo playing style might be guided by another spirit animal, let us know about it in the comment section below! Join BingoHall today and become a part of the best online bingo community in the world.

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