Slobodanka stupar, from object to concept and beyond

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Jovan Despotović

OD PREDMETA DO KONCEPTA I DALJE... NEKOLIKO UVODNIH NAPOMENA Već u trenutku kada se pojavila na umetničkoj sceni, krajem sedamdesetih godina, Slobodanka Stupar je istovremeno pokazala dve bitne osobine koje su odredile njen kasniji stvaralački razvoj. Taj period, kraj osme decenije, u našoj umetnosti obeležen je opadanjem stvaralačke energije konceptualizma i prvim najavama slikarske obnove koja je obeležila početak osamdesetih godina. Dakle, radilo se o prelaznom periodu u kome su se preplitale dve, po svim karakteristikama, međusobno isključujuće estetičke i stvaralačke ideologije. Ta atmosfera promene zahvatila je već od prvih radova i Slobodanku Stupar, tako da od tog vremena možemo pratiti razvoj ove autorke, koji je pokazivao obe karakteristike – njihovu jasnu konceptualnu postavku, vremenom modifikovanu, koju je zadržala do danas, ali i potrebu da delo, sam umetnički rad, stalno bude materijalizovan,

FROM OBJECT TO CONCEPT AND BEYOND... A FEW OPENING REMARKS From the very moment when she appeared on the artistic scene at the end of the 1970s, Slobodanka Stupar has at the same time demonstrated two essential traits determining her subsequent creative development. That period, the end of the eight decade, has been noted down in our art as a decline of creative energies of conceptualism and a glimpse of the pictorial renewal marking the beginning of the 1980s. So, this was about a transitional period wherein two aesthetical and creative ideologies, mutually exclusive in all their characteristics, had been intertwining. This atmosphere of change had also taken hold of Slobodanka Stupar, since her very first works, thus starting from this period we can trace the development of this author displaying both characteristics – their clear conceptual staging, modified with time, which she


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