Simalungun dalam angka 2012

Page 17

PREFACE The praise and gratefull to the presence of Almighty God, BPS Simalungun and The Regional Development Planning Board of Simalungun Regency (BAPPEDA) have finished Publication “Simalungun in Figures 2012“

Realizing the need for statistical

has increased, BPS and BAPPEDA of

Simalungun’s efforts are expected to increase variety and quality of data so that the variaty and quality of data will be more complete and accurate.

Finally we present our gratitude to all who have helped and supported us, and we hope comment and suggestion for better publication in the future.

Pematang Raya, The Regional Development and Planning Board of Simalungun Regency

Agustus 2012


Central Board of Statistic Simalungun Regency Chief,

Ir. JAN WANER SARAGIH, M.Si NIP. 19680126 199402 1 001

Drs. ASI MATANARI NIP.19640403 199103 1 005

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