SRHR Alliance Newsletter

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Kenya SRHR Alliance Partners Share their Stories of Success 1

Kenya SRHR Alliance Partners



Editor’s Note

Editor’s Note

WELCOME TO this inaugural edition of Ties that Bind. Stories in this publication are simply told to showcase success by SRHR alliance members.

Mark Wanjohi’s rise at the helm of WAYAN drives the promise that with dedication and commitment, we accomplish.

They are accomplishments of ordinary people achieving a lot as a result of team work and capacity building. They are also inspirational - like Livingstone Anzetse’s tale of how at 55, is enjoying his job as a community health worker, thanks to trainings offered by Support Activities in Poverty Eradication Health (SAIPEH) SAIPEH.

You can also find out how innovative AMREF Health Africa can get. The organization is winning the war against FGM by offering an alternative solution that has been accepted by the targetted community.

Caroline Agwanda, though disabled is now a mheshimiwa (Member of County Assembly - MCA) in Kisumu County representing interests of people living with disability. She has also benefited from NAYA’s trainings on budgeting and she is able to effectively lobby for budgetary allocation that prioritize sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Turn the pages and enjoy these tales by the SRHR partners as we look forward to hearing from you not only about the pieces in this publication but also your views regarding future editions. Send views and comments to:

Wisdom Corner

“The thorns which I have reap’d are of the tree I planted; they have torn me, and I bleed. I should have known what fruit would spring from such a seed.” - George Gordon Byron, English Poet

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. - Thomas Jefferson, Third US President


A Word from the Secretariat

Core Values

Mission Vision Sexual reproductive health and rights for all

To harness partnerships to promote the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights for young people, women and marginalized groups.

THE SRHR Alliance has produced this publication highlighting milestone achieved over a period spanning 3-5 years of programmatic work both in the Access Service and Knowledge (ASK) and Unite for Body Rights (UFBR). It’s our hope that the publication will make it possible to learn from the two programmes and to showcase to a broader audience within and beyond the alliance. This is expected to increase visibility of the Alliance and give an opportunity for the partners to highlight their successes. Programming for adolescent and young people’s SRHR calls for multi-stakeholder and multifaceted approaches for effective intervention. Guided by a theory of change which focuses on 3 key pillars comprising of SRH information; SRH services and an enabling environment, the Alliance brings together 17 partner organizations with comparative strengths in comprehensive sexuality education/ SRH information, SRH/HIV service provision, and advocacy to implement this theory of change expected to translate to increased uptake of SRH/ HIV services.

. Commitment to partnership . Commitment to deliver value for money . Respecttoforuphold human rights . Commitment integrity and accountability . Commitment to learning and innovation

organizations; complimenting their individual strengths and weaknesses. The strength of numbers has equally given the Alliance a greater voice in policy development and review processes. The SRHR Alliance has provided a great platform and opportunity for national and international advocacy. It has offered leverage on resource and expertise to do better programming. The partners have also benefited from capacity building of staff on various SRHR issues. As we move forward, the Alliance will continue to create visibility, stability, and strengthening networks. We feel headed for a greater impact both in terms of improving access to SRHR by our target groups and to the national and regional policy platform. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the Netherlands SRHR Alliance and its partners for providing funds and unqualified support to SRHR Alliance Kenya. We are also grateful for the leadership, guidance and strategic direction offered by National Steering Committee to the Alliance.

Working in an alliance has been affirmed as an effective way to have a bigger voice/influence in advocacy and also in fund raising. It has added value to the profile and work of the individual


SRHR Alliance in Action

SRHR Alliance in Action

SRHR ALLIANCE is a coalition of civil society organizations and institutions working to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people and women in Africa, Asia and Europe. The alliance was first established in Netherlands in 2010. In Kenya, the Alliance brings together 17 organizations comprising of Africa Alive (AA), Africa Medical Research Foundation (AMREF), Anglican Development Services (ADS) Nyanza, Centre for the Study of Adolescence (CSA), Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Child Line Kenya (CLK), Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK), Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK), Kisumu Medical Education Trust (KMET), Maximizing facts on AIDS (MAXFACTA), Nairobits Trust, Network for Adolescence and Youth of Africa (NAYA), National Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya (NEPHAK), Support Activities in Poverty Eradication and Health (SAIPEH), World Starts With Me Alumni Youth Advocacy Network (WAYAN), Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK) and UNESCO.

Key objectives of the Alliance include:

. To increase access to comprehensive sexuality

education and Sexual and Reproductive Health information among young people.

. To increase demand for and access to quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. . To create an enabling environment for the realization of the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people, women and the marginalized.

The Alliance is currently implementing the Unite for Body Rights (UFBR) Programme (2011-2015) and the Access, Services and Knowledge (ASK) Programme (2013-2015) in 15 counties with support from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Rutgers, AMREF, SIMAVI, Dance 4 life, Choice for Youth and Sexuality, IPPF, Stop AIDS Now!, and Child Helpline International. Both programmes are expected to come to an end in 2015.


SRHR Alliance in Action

SRHR Alliance Achievements

SINCE ITS inception, the alliance has reached

to over 2.2 million young people aged 10-24 with comprehensive sexuality education in 15 counties - Kisii, Migori, Kisumu, Mombasa, Kilifi, Kakamega, Kajiado, Nairobi, Kwale, Busia, Bungoma , Uasin Gishu, Siaya; and Trans Nzoia.

have engaged with an aim of supportive SRHR environment. The alliance has also trained over 21 health care providers on youth friendly services and improved access to SRHR services to over 8 million young people.

Innovative approaches used include: education through newspaper pull outs, teacher driven It has also been on the frontline in policy curriculum (World Starts With Me), digital platforms formulation and advocacy - including the (www., mass media, edutainment, review of the comprehensive reproductive helplines, IEC materials; and tele-medicine. health policy, formulation of Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework (KASF) and county budget Over 500, 000 men and women have also processes for reproductive health. been reached with sexual reproductive health information 1.6 million community leaders


Centre for the Study of Adolescence

The World Starts With Me!

CENTRE FOR the Study of Adolescence (CSA) in collaboration with Rutgers initiated an innovative and interactive Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum known as the World Starts With Me (WSWM) with the goal of supporting youths in making informed decisions on their sexual life based on comprehensive information. The program encompassed 15 lessons on age appropriate sexuality information led to the increment of reproductive health information of young people. A working group comprising teachers, adolescents (peer educators), youth and CSA staff; reached to learners in over 129 schools in Nairobi, Kisumu, Mombasa and Kwale Counties.

The group also supports the program through regular supervisory visits to schools where discussions are held on program implementation, lessons learnt, challenges faced and how to address them.

CSA is instrumental in ensuring that WSWM program is effectively implemented and the support, advice and suggestions given for program implementation contributes to the achievement of desired objectives.

The participatory approach which involved frequent visitation of the school, training of teachers, training and support of new peer educators, facilitating teacher review meetings on an annual basis enabled CSA keep track of the program implementation in the 129 schools. The group has been instrumental in ensuring that WSWM program is effectively implemented and the support, advice and suggestions given for program implementation contributes to the achievement of desired objectives. The group meets three times every year to plan for the WSWM activities, set dates for the activities and discuss successes obtained and challenges encountered.

The Centre for the Study of Adolescence is an independent non-partisan, non-profit organization established in 1988 working in the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health including HIV/AIDS. CSA advocates and implements policies and programs that enable young people to exercise choice, access to services and participate fully in activities that promote their health and well-being.




Meet Livingstone Anzetse, a community health worker making a difference in his Lubinu Village, Kakamega County. MEET LIVINGSTONE Anzetse, commonly known in his Lubinu village, Kakamega County as omusirishi omutiti (assistant community health worker). He provides information on contraceptives and monitors child immunizations. He also ensures that expectant mothers attend ante-natal care in his village. “Initially, I encountered a lot of resistance from husbands who misinterpreted my intentions,” he notes, “but later, I was able to prove to them that male community health workers can also offer quality services like their female counterparts.”

‘I was able to prove to them that male community health workers can also offer quality services like their female counterparts.’ - Anzetse

The 55 year old father of four is a beneficiary of trainings undertaken by Support Activities in Poverty Eradication Health (SAIPEH) in the area on sexual reproductive health and rights. Now working as a community health worker, Mr. Anzetse is using knowledge and skills to empower others with information on reproductive health, including contraceptives, within the community. Funded by Simavi under the Unite For Body Rights Program (UFBR), SAIPEH has reached to over 120 households in the area through community outreach initiatives. The organization has also advocated for provision of youth friendly SRHR services in health facilities in the area through community dialogue forums and door to door campaigns.

Support Activities In Poverty Eradication Health is a registered Non-governmental organization [NGO] based in Kakamega County, Western Kenya. It offers structural and sustainable support services to alleviate poverty and increase ways of bettering living standards of all members of the community, especially the orphans and vulnerable children, youth, women and the marginalized through development of strategies and initiatives at grass root level in the community that will enable these groups to be self-supportive and independent.



Maximizing on Facts to Fight HIV MAXFACTA Team pose for a photo: The organization is at the frontline in providing HIV prevention, care and support to young people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.

MOST YOUNG people are reluctant to use sexual reproductive health services offered in most public facilities, terming staff unfriendly and judgmental; leading to increased HIV infection, unplanned pregnancies, low anti-natal care, non-adherence to treatment among other issues. MAXFACTA has been on the frontline in addressing the problem by reaching the youth through community outreach campaigns. The organization has mapped existing youth friendly health facilities in Kayole/Soweto and linked young people in the area to them in a bid to improve service uptake. It has also convened community outreach initiatives that include youth forums and football tournaments to educate and sensitize the youth on sexual reproductive health matters. The efforts are paying off - more young people are now seeking information and services on sexual reproductive health in the area than before. It has also been evident that a friendly environment is key in rendering sexual reproductive health services to the youth; and that there is need to overcome cultural barriers and attitudes that hinder uptake of services especially by young people. Apart from availing information on sexual reproductive health, the organization has also waged war against stigma directed towards those infected with HIV and enhancing adherence to HIV medication.

The efforts are paying off - more young people are now seeking information on sexual reproductive health in the area than before.

MAXFACTA Maximizing Facts on AIDs (MAXFACTA)is a Community Based Organization based in Soweto, Embakasi sub-county in Nairobi that provides HIV prevention, care and support to young people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS to enable them live positively with HIV. Since its establishment in 2002, the organization has made a difference in Soweto and the neighborhood by enhancing access to information on sexual reproductive health to the youth and serving those affected and infected with HIV.



Importance of Disclosure WOFAC 2015 at 407 community health workers trained a Glance 9,383 reached by the trained community health workers through home visits

30 Youth Friendly Services units/link desks established.

99,661 youths referred for SRHR services 25,520 youths reached with various SRHR services.

21,998 youths tested for HIV

WHEN JANE (not her real name) showed up for HIV testing and counselling at Mlaleo Health Centre, counsellors noted gaps in her account and sought to have a session with her guardian. Though HIV positive and on Septrin drugs, she was not aware of her status. It also emerged that her parents had succumbed to HIV AIDS and that she was in her grandmother’s custody who had disclosed the HIV status to her. Counsellors noted that she was not only defaulting on the drugs but also wasting due to poor nutrition prompting them to put her on ARVs and initiate

counselling sessions to her guardian and caregiver. Thanks to care and support from WOFAK and Mlaleo CDF facility, Jane has not only recovered but she is also taking a lead role in sensitizing others on the importance of disclosure, adherence to HIV drugs and understanding of sexual reproductive matters. Since 2013, WOFAK has been sensitizing the community in Mombasa County – especially young people with information on sexual reproductive health through dialogues sessions and establishment of youth clubs.

Thanks to care and support from WOFAK and the Mlaleo CDF facility, Jane has not only recovered but also taking a lead role in sensitizing others on the importance of disclosure, adherence to HIV drugs and understanding of sexual reproductive matters.

WOFAK: Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK) is a national non-governmental organization founded and registered in Kenya in 1994 by a group of women most of whom had tested positive to HIV. The founding group had in mind an entity that would provide them with a forum for mutual support and empowerment.



Information is Power WAYAN Targets Youth with Information on SRHR

EXACTLY A decade ago, young boys and girls learning in Kenyan schools did not realize that a decision to voluntarily choose to enroll into an ICT based sexuality education program called the “World Starts With Me” would change their lives for better. It did – the youth could now share experiences and openly have a conversation guided by the teacher on sexuality education. Since its inception, WAYAN has reached over 2 million youth with SRH information through TV shows, newspapers, radio interviews and social media platforms. WAYAN has also been working with Kisumu county government in creating the county’s reproductive health policy that prioritizes reproductive needs of young people. A product of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Program that was rolled out in over 300

schools in the country, WAYAN Kenya also continues to advance CSE agenda by advocating for the implementation of the Eastern and Southern Africa Ministerial Commitment on CSE. With an aim of reaching over eight million young people aged 10 – 24 with SRHR information by 2020, the organization faces challenges that include lots of expectation from the youth who look up to employment opportunities upon being part of the initiative. Financial resources also hinder the roll out of the organization’s campaigns – though it capitalizes on social media platforms and building relationships with the media to reach the youth. “We have lots of testimonies from many young people whose knowledge on sexual reproductive health has been enhanced – thanks to their association with WAYAN Kenya,” observes WAYAN Kenya Coordinator Mark Wanjohi.

World Starts With Me Alumni Youth Advocacy Network is a youth-led advocacy network of youth from Nairobi, Nyanza and Central and Coastal Kenya focusing on SRHR. WAYAN was the outcome of the successful implementation of the computer-based sexuality education program WSWM in secondary schools. Through advocacy and raising awareness, WAYAN aims to improve the SRHR situation of youth in Kenya.



Avail SRH Infomation to the Youth - President Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta and National Aids Council (NACC) Director Nduku Kilonzo during the launch of All In Campaign early this year.

THE PRESIDENT spoke during the launch of ‘All In’ campaign in Nairobi early 2015 where he noted that young people should be fully empowered to fight HIV.

The directive was timely for UNESCO in its efforts to strengthen education sector’s response to HIV and AIDS in Kenya, given that only 36% children living “We now have the statistics, we need to act on with HIV have access to ART compared to adults at 78%. the statistics that we have. Indeed as to what the young “Re-examine school curriculum A new platform for action to drive people have said we need to and empower teachers to engage better results for adolescents by change our attitude towards those of our young people living encouraging strategic changes HIV,” said President Uhuru with the HIV.” - President Kenyatta in policy and engaging more Kenyatta; urging the Minister young people in the effort, All In for Education to re-examine focuses on four key areas: engaging, mobilizing and the curriculum and empower teachers to engage empowering adolescents as leaders and actors of those of our young people living with the HIV. social change; improving data collection to better The president was concerned that many young inform programming; encouraging innovative people were succumbing to the disease and directed approaches to reach adolescents with essential the Ministry of Education to work closely with the HIV services adapted to their needs; and placing Ministry of Health to ensure that all learners living adolescent HIV firmly on political agenda to spur with HIV are put on treatment in an environment concrete action and mobilize resources. devoid of stigma and discrimination.

UNESCO was created in 1945 in order to respond to the firm belief of nations, forged by two world wars in less than a generation that political and economic agreements are not enough to build a lasting peace. Peace must be established on the basis of humanity’s moral and intellectual solidarity.


Africa Alive!

Walking together to go far LAMOH MSANII/Africa Alive! PERSPECTIVE IT IS not easy being a young person and steering clear of dangers that accompany exposure to peer pressure. Many often find themselves succumbing to the pressure and engaging in acts that compromise their health. The fact that we live in a digital era with quick access and dissemination of information has not made it better. I have walked a similar road too, facing challenges that include abusing drugs, having unprotected sex and believing that the world revolves around the ‘youth axis’.

Photo: Msanii ‘reflecting’ through music

While parents and guardians continue to play a great role in guiding us, we often dismiss them as ‘old fashioned’ in our bid to prove youth power. I faced similar challenges, gave my parents a headache in their effort to shape my life. I was also unable to manage stress – stemming from monetary issues, relationship with girls, drugs and substance abuse; and the fact that HIV/AIDS was skulking within. Thanks to Youth4Life platform– I later realized that we often grope in darkness due lack of accurate information regarding our situation and how to overcome it. The site is replete with content on topics that include peer pressure, sex, HIV AIDS, care and support; and other relevant topics.

Now a peer educator who has touched lives of many as a result my exposure to Youth4life, the words of an unknown philosopher are now clear to me – that alone you go fast but together, you go far.

Now a peer educator, I have tranformed lives of others as a result my exposure to Youth4life platform, believing in the adage that alone you go fast, but together, you go far. Africa Alive! is a youth-serving organization started in 1998 with a vision to build and empower a healthier HIV/AIDS free generation of African youth. Africa Alive! seeks to promote positive behaviour change among young people through advocacy, empowerment, partnership and resource/community mobilization.


NAYA Kenya

Disability is not inability Hon. Caroline Agwanda Story

LIVING WITH disability is always associated with

reproductive health and rights, then their capacity inability in many communities especially in Africa. needs had to be built. One lady, Caroline Agwanda stands tall in her bid to Through support from CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, demystify the notion. “Since I started NAYA embarked on a series of meetings with key members of the county assembly especially That one has to be tough in the attending NAYA those in budget and health committees. fight against discrimination is a fact meetings, I have that Hon Agwanda, a nominated been able to “Since I started attending NAYA meetings, I have Member of the County Assembly make meaningful been able to make meaningful contributions in (MCA) representing persons contributions the assembly and draw to the attention of my with disability in Kisumu County in the assembly colleagues the plight of the youth and women,” knows better, having risen from a and draw to she says, adding, “If my life has changed, I the attention of humble background to be among believe the lives of the people I represent have my colleagues the topmost policy makers in the changed too.” the plight of county. the youth and Hon. Agwanda, has cut a niche as a vocal As a first time law-maker, Caroline women.” champion for the rights of the youth, women found it difficult to familiarize with and the disabled people in the county. house procedures - what hindered her ability to make meaningful Apart from sponsoring the Women, Youth, and contributions in the assembly. Persons with Disability Fund Bill 2015, she has also sponsored eleven motions to address needs of Discussions in the house, raising motions, women, youth and persons living with disability. She contributing to bills were all new experiences to her. now challenges her fellow MCAs’ to be proactive Budget making process, one of her core business as a because as the pioneers of devolution, they will be policy maker, looked like a complex process reserved judged by the foundation they laid for the counties. for rocket scientists! NAYA KENYA realized that to effectively engage members of county assembly on effective program based budgeting that prioritizes sexual and

NAYA is a youth led regional advocacy network founded in October 2001 during the Second Adolescent International Conference convened by the African Regional Office of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). NAYA aims at enhancing the capacity of youth advocates and civil society organizations (CSO’s) to advocate for comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRH&R).



KMET and Homa Bay Launch New County Strategic Plan IN APRIL this year, Homa Bay County launched a new five-year family planning strategic plan (2015-2019) that KMET helped to prepare. It was a milestone for the county with a contraceptive prevalence of 45.5% against 58% national rate and a total fertility rate of 5.2 implying that each woman is likely to give birth to five kids during her childbearing age. Advocacy for the costed strategy began in mid2015 with an Opportunity Fund award to KMET, by Population Action International. KMET supported the county goverment team in development of the strategic plan, engaging stakeholders throughout the process. In June 2015, KMET signed a memorandum of understanding with the county government, which

became the basis for creating a family planning task force led by the county’s director of health services. A situational analysis was conducted in five subcounties that helped to define priorities within the strategic plan. The Ministry of Health, county assembly leaders and partners validated the 1.8 billion shilling strategy and KMET has already secured a number of partner commitments toward its implementation. The document has been circulated to all health workers and stakeholders in the sub-counties. Immediate advocacy objectives will focus on ensuring resources are allocated for health worker trainings on long term contraceptives and contraceptive purchase during the budgeting process and that the family planning strategy is included in Homa Bay’s annual work plan.


KMET is a non-profit making organization founded in 1995 to create, establish and manage health, education and development programs; promote and manage medical institutions to provide and sustain comprehensive clinical and educational facilities and services of the highest quality throughout Kenya.


Mark Wanjohi

The Voice of the Youth HOW DID you join the World Starts With Me Program? A: I was attracted by the ICT component and participated in the program for six months. After completion, I volunteered for the network for four years. The opportunity to serve as coordinator came 2014 – and I rose to the task of advocating for SRHR issues and contributing to the network’s growth.

What difference has World Starts With Me Program made to your life? A: After graduating from the program and teaming

up with other alumni to form World Start With Me Program, I have been exposed to many opportunities as a young leader. For instance, I have contributed to global health agenda - thanks to being part of Women Deliver program that aims at mentoring over 200 young leaders all over the world in advocating for SRHR issues at global level.

How has the network grown under your Where do you see WAYAN say in 3 years to leadership? come? A: The network has engaged in a raft of activities

including holding a series of trainings with young people on SRHR matters and convening meetings with key policy makers to advocate for policy formulation and implementation. It has also grown in membership, having started off with 20 alumni in 2010; and currently 35 alumni from Nyanza, Central, Nairobi and Coastal regions.

A: I see WAYAN as the ultimate voice of young people on SRHR issues, being on the frontline in advocating for SRHR in the country, playing a key role in decision making; and policy formulation and implementation on reproductive health matters.

Mark Wanjohi, World Starts With Me Youth Advocacy Network (WAYAN) coordinator (right) poses for a photo with his colleagues. WAYAN is a national youth advocacy network made up of Alumni of the World Starts With Me (WSWM),a school based programme which has been implemented in Kenya since 2006.



How AMREF is Winning War Against FGM RECOGNIZING THE central role of the traditional leaders in enhancing lasting social change on female genital mutilation (FGM), AMREF Health Africa has engaged traditional leadership among the Maasai community in Kajiado County since 2009 to initiate

FGM messages and schools in the area to support the initiative especially during school holidays.

community-led Alternative Rite of Passage (ARP) in place of FGM through the support of the Dutch Foreign Ministry.

Postcode Lottery. It has also led to an agreement by Kajiado, Samburu and Narok county parliaments to agree on preparing Anti-FGM bills for their Counties

The community takes leadership in planning and conducting ARP ceremonies just as they do for FGM. It also contributes food and money to organize the ARPs. The girls are taken in seclusion for three days where they receive training on sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) through local facilitators trained by AMREF Health Africa .

A committee comprising Members of County Assembly (MCAs) from the three County Assemblies has been formed and will start drafting the bills in January 2016.

The success has prompted AMREF Health Africa to scale up the campaign in Samburu County and Kilindi in Tanzania - thanks to support from the Dutch

Over 7000 girls have gone through Alternative Rights of Passage since 2009. This year over 2600 girls underwent the exercise that has won support from Maasai morans and birth attendants.

AMREF Health Africa works to improving health and health care in Africa by partnering with local communities, building their capacity, strengthening health systems, research and advocacy. Its major targets are the vulnerable groups including women, children, the elderly, people with disabilities and the poor in rural and urban underserved areas.

Trainings, ARP graduation ceremonies and intense lobbying have also led to community based organizations (CBOs) in the area to integrate ARP in their programs, religious leaders to embrace anti-

From 2007, the organization has been implementing a regional multi-site Nomadic youth (10-24years) reproductive health project which covers Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania with funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through AMREF Netherlands. Under the SRHR Alliance, AMREF works in Kajiado (Magadi Division) and Loitokitok Districts and targets to reach at least 50,000 Kenyan youth with SRH information and services.



My Experience as a Peer Educator

Jacqueline Adhiambo on teens, sex and drugs rampage

DESPITE THE fact that war against HIV has been waged for long, many youths are still ignorant about basic realities concerning the disease. Remember the forty students who were arrested aboard ‘Team Cash’ bus, heading home for August holidays? Reportedly high on drugs and alcohol, they were also allegedly having sex in the vehicle. Then cases of minors going on hedonistic rampage of drugs and possibly sex - the most recent being the arrest of over 500 teens in Eldoret and 200 in Nairobi.

proved to be the secrete. Nairobits has been instrumental in my personal growth - I have not only gained much on matters concerning sexual reproductive health but also been empowered to help my peers.

Thanks to trainings offered by Nairobits, I have managed to transform lives of many other young people through trainings and sensitization forums. Thanks to trainings offered by Nairobits, I have managed to tranform lives of many other young people.

As a peer educator, I have noticed that the care-free attitude is largely to blame. Being a teenager sometimes makes one feel on the top of the world. I however chose the path of walking with others who led me through the pathways of success as an adolescent. Trainings on sexuality and sharing experiences freely with those who cared for me

rational manner.

I have witnessed them change for the better, witnessed as they transformed into responsible individuals, ready to face their challenges in a

I would like to thank Nairobits and those funding the organization’s programs for your support - you may not be aware of the significance of your initiatives! As they say, out of an acorn, an oak grows - your efforts have a greater impact to the society through individuals like me!

NairoBits Trust is a youth based organization based in Nairobi that seeks to empower marginalized youth between the ages of 15 to 24 living in the urban non-formal settlements. The organization provides the youth with training in ICT Multimedia, entrepreneurship, reproductive health and life skills with an aim of giving them chances in both formal and non formal employment sector.




CLINTON HEALTH Access Initiative (CHAI) is playing a key role in ensuring constant availability of HIV medication in the country. The organization is collaborating with key stakeholders including Ministry of Health in monitoring stock levels of HIV medication. CHAI is also enhancing adherence to HIV medication in the country especially among young people. It has devised a system that provides independent tracking of adherence by using pill count, self-reported missed pills, appointment keeping and viral load. Reminders to improve appointment keeping are generated from the system and sent through a bulk SMS system. Early Linkage to Care CHAI has mapped out all health facilities with patients still on care but not on treatment. The organization also ensures those in need of services like CD4 count and treatment are served appropriately. Aware of the fact that there are some hidden costs that can limit full access to services, effort is made to enhance access to all - especially the youth.

Family Planning The organization supports the Ministry of Health in ensuring availability of reproductive health commodities including drugs (ARVs) to health facilities. It has also collaborated with other key stakeholders in the health sector to conduct a survey aimed ensuring that available products serve choices made by the clients - especially the youth. Supply Chain Management To enhance supply chain transparency, the organization has been working with the Ministry of Health to streamline reporting on family planning commodities. CHAI is also collaborating with national and county governments to ensure that ARV and contraceptive products are available to meet demand from young people and entire public. Partnerships with both governments ensures that policy is well translated for improved practice and service provision. It also enhances sustainability of entire process.

Founded in 2002 by President William J. Clinton, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is a global health organization committed to strengthening integrated health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment for HIV/AIDS, malaria and other illnesses.


ADS Nyanza

Information is Power

How ADS Nyanza is Empowering the Community LACK OF credible, youth-friendly information on

reproductive health led to many young people indulging in unprotected sex, young teenage girls becoming pregnant while others procuring unsafe abortions in Mfangano Island, Homa Bay County.

concerned about our personal health but also our participation in matters that affected our health in the county.

We were also at the risk of contacting HIV - but the advent of Anglican Development Services (ADS) Nyanza through Access Service and Knowledge (ASK) program was a stitch in time.

For instance, we successfully lobbied for increased budgetary allocation for the Health Ministry in Homa Bay County. The county has allocated KES 260 million in its current budget for hiring new staff and acquisition of medical commodities compared to the previous year’s KES 100 million.

It all started with an SMS platform that empowered us with relevant information on sexual reproductive health - including dangers of engaging in risky sexual behavior. ADS through ASK program was not only

Thanks to ASK and ADS Nyanza’s efforts, Mfangano island facilities received 15 new staff on top of ADStrained service providers who ensure that the youth fully benefit from the services provided.

Anglican Development Services (ADS) Nyanza is a Faith Based organization serving vulnerable communities in Nyanza province. Its goal is to increase access to secure and sustainable livelihood and economic opportunities through integrated and participatory community development, capacity building and economic empowerment programs.



Empowering the Youth How FHOK is availing SRHR Information and Services to Vasity Students

CAMPUS LIFE provides mixed opportunities for young people. For some it is a period to make new friends, learn new experiences, get employed and earn an income for the first time; while to others, it is a period to indulge in drug and substance abuse. It is also during this period that majority of young people become sexually active and begin engaging in multiple sexual relationships. Lack of appropriate sexual reproductive health and rights information exposes them to unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortions, HIV, sexually transmitted infections among other ailments. Through the Access Service and Knowledge (ASK) program, Family Health Options Kenya increases uptake of sexual and reproductive health information and services by young people in institutions of higher learning. The organization has signed a memorandum of understanding with Kenyatta University, Maseno University and Masinde Muliro

University, Moi University, Sigalagala Polytechnic, Eldoret Polytechnic; and Kisumu Polytechnic for the initiative. Young people are recruited from the institutions and trained on provision of youth friendly services and comprehensive abortion care. Regular activities targeting student hostels are undertaken jointly with the respective health units. The initiative has so far reached over 7,200 students with SRHR information and services.

7,200 Number of students reached with SRHR information and services.

Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) is a local Non-Governmental organization which has been a leading service provider of sexual and reproductive health services in the country for the last five decades. It has presence in seven of the eight provinces with a strong grass roots network. FHOK has played a leading role in providing sustainable, innovative and comprehensive services.


Produced With Funding From Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

P.O. Box 19329 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya +254 20 239 8723


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