Belamun Tribune March 2012

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March 14, 2012 1

7 session 7 edition session edition



March 14 March 2012 14 2012

Belarusian Model United Nations

First Impressions Do you remember your first day of BELAMUN? Read the feedbacks from our journalists page 6-9 >>

Olga Khabibulina

@khabibulina Hey #belamun participants! Don’t forget your sunglasses! There is a real spring both in my heart and outdoors!


@mahatmaaghandi ты можешь points не написать, но issues изучить обязан! #belamun


@mahatmaaghandi #belamun молчишь на дебатах? ну так хоть в твиттере не молчи!

Egor Klimovich

@alter_Yego Мы стали более лучше делать #belamun


@shkodnica а вообще, best delegates на #belamun не твитят, а активно учавствуют в дебатах :)

Aliaksei Varavin

@alekseymorkva А я побрился ради #belamun :)


@shkodnica Беламун это как Беламун, только Беламун. #belamun

Olga Khabibulina

BELAMUN: Passed So Soon! Really, it seems that this session, the 7th one in the history of BELAMUN, passed extremely quickly! Was it better? The best? Funnier? Harder? More fruitful? It depends on you! We tried to fix the greatest impressions of this

conference, hoping you’ll share our point of view. But if you have a word to say – join our interactive discussion now or later! BELAMUN – Grow With Us! • BELAMUN Team

@khabibulina Sometimes i have a feeling that i’m missing this #belamun already)

Chris Cinnamon

@ChiChiCinnamon Поймали за то,что сидела #vk на заседании #belamun и чуть не выгнали,интересно,за твит выгонят?!))

Vika Porechina

@happy_currant Эта конфе­ рен­ция какая-то самая fruitful из всех #belamun

2 March 14, 2012

BELAMUN officially

Let’s go to a MUN in Oldenburg, Germany!

Dear friends, That is really a great challenge for everybody to be here at BELAMUN. You meet new faces, you face new problems, you probably know how to solve them but sometimes solutions are so far away from your mind. It’s far from you mind because you meet new faces, you face… It’s an unbreakable circle. It’s the circle of the abnormality (if it’s okay to say so here) because having got in MUN once you risk staying at the process forever. Only few people give up MUN and even fewer treat it seriously. The major part of “followers” is here be-

cause they want to be here and they enjoy the process. MUN is a great process. Rarely we have some strong solutions that the real World Community should keep its ears open to. At MUN we prepare for the conference, lobbying our country’s interest, implement some ideas, and compose final resolutions. Then you discuss, discuss, discuss... I envy you sometimes. I envy myself sometimes because I had the emotions never compared to something else. That is something like you are discovering anything new, making a very careful

step forward, but at the end of your discovery you know there is much must be discovered but it’s enough by now. I know at the end of the conference you’ll feel something similar to it… Friendship and fellowship. What do you know about these words? I think you have some kind of a notion to them. But the practical thing is that the real friendship and fellowship can be not only felt but can exist and start existing exactly at MUN. Enjoy BELAMUN!!! Be with us! Be as you are!!! Yours, Olga Khabibulina

The deadline for application is 20 of March. If you are 14-20 years old and are dreaming of a really hot MUN in summer (25 June- 2 July) in Germany, hurry to apply! When: 25/06-02/07/2012 Application Deadline: 20/03/2012 Where: Oldenburg, Germany How: bus to Vilnius, plane to Bremen, train to Oldenburg (the same back) In programme: 4 days’ conference (living in German families) 1 day free in Oldenburg 2 days in Bremen (living in a hostel) Contact person: Hanna Baradzina +37529 7792883, hanna.baradzina@

Belamun Tribune Official Newspaper of the Belarusian Model United Nations. Minsk, 2012 Press Team: Hanna Baradzina (Editor-in-Chief), Yury Kascien’ (Design), Nadya Popkova (Photo), Dasha Goga (Photo an d Support), Ann Pintusova (Photo and Text), Dasha Degis' (Audio-Text), Tatiana Pribolovets (PR-Text), Kaciaryna Kohyukh [+ Anton Dudko] (Creative), Olga Likhachiova (Analysis), Katsiaryna Lutskevich (Trollfaces). Contact:; +37529-779-28-83. Web-site:

March 14, 2012 3


Sustainable development: the way forward ● Olga Likhachiova

The main topic for the Students BELAMUN Conference in March is Sustainable Development. What does that mean? How do you understand that? Let’s think it over. Sustainable development is an essential requirement of our time. This notion means the development that meets the needs of the present, but without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs. In other words, humanity must learn to “live within our means,” to use natural resources without undermining them, invest money, figuratively speaking, in “insurance” - to fund programs aimed at preventing the catastrophic consequences of our own activities. A sustainable development of society provide for a rational combination of trends in the development of all spheres of human activity - social, economic and environmental, taking into account their long-term impact. It is based on social intelligence. The unity of culture, science, education and public awareness means the ability of effective governance in the future. Social instability is combined with special conditions of the historical development of each country, its traditions and mentality. For most people, the instability of society is taken primarily as an absolute ambiguity

of the situation and, consequently, the impossibility to predict the coming evens of his fate, career, elementary decisions on specific issues. The current situation in the economy has difficulties due to the consequences of the global economic crisis. There is a necessity to accept the acceleration of energy resources costs, as well as overproduction of goods in the markets and the problems of domestic products sales in other countries. At present, the success of economic development is evaluated mainly by the money supply it brings. However, the accounting system of national wealth must also take into account the full cost of environmental degradation. The researchers concluded that a significant part of our work for the progress destroys the ecological balance. It be-

came obvious that we can’t afford using the energy, forest, land, plant and animal resources, to contain urban growth and to produce industrial products like we had done it before. The implementation of sustainable development requires new forms of financial cooperation and new ways of financing projects. Individuals, banks, companies and governments should invest more rationally, thinking not only about short-term profits, but also about positive and sustainable results in the field of environmental protection in the future. Environmental protection is not just a matter of professionals. Probably there is no man who would not be connected with nature. Therefore, the responsibility for its condition for present and future generations has not only those who exploit natural resources,

but we all, citizens of the Earth. Thus, the protection of nature is a center in which we must focus all our efforts, as individuals, citizens and inhabitants of the Earth. Thus, the UN needs a more effective coordination at the global scale, individual countries and regions to solve such urgent issues as the prevention of war, the fight against the devastation, hunger, epidemics, child mortality and others. It is necessary to develop and implement sciencebased international standards, new clean technologies, programs for prevention of approach to the threshold of irreversible change. To cope with environmental problems is very difficult without more effective international education system, where a world in which we live would be the subject of education. The system of research and training should carry out the functions of education, upbringing, training and retraining of personnel of all possible environmental levels. The coming environmental catastrophe must be prevented - and this is a common issue of all people in the world. We must revive the towns and villages, which appeared in a black list of Ecology. Only a new environmental awareness of nature can save humanity from extinction, restore the blue sky, green meadows and woods, to return a forgotten freshness of our cities.

4 March 14, 2012

In Person

Founding Mothers of BELAMUN ● Darya Goga

While cakes and cookies after March 8th are still in the fridges, BELAMUN has started… This MUN is remarkable because real ladies rule it: Olga Khabibulina, Angelica Belanovskaya, Lena Viktorchyk, Olga Chebrovskaya and Hanna Baradzina. Aiming to prove that not all women-executives are so “grand and terrible”: 5 facts about 5 major «mothers» of BELAMUN-2012.

Olga Khabibulina, BELAMUN Director

Angelica Belanovskaya, BELAMUN Secretary General

About a long way: «I was a delegate, a best delegate, a Chairperson at OLMUN (Oldenburg, Germany) and SPIMUN (St.Petersburg, Russia), an MUN Director for outgoing conferences and now I’m a BELAMUN Director. The most challengeable is to be the MUN Director at the outgoing conference since you are responsible for delegates’ preparation, their behavior, representation of your Organization, delegates’ and your own health, security and financial stability... I do like being BELAMUN Director. Oh yes, I do!» About MUN as a pet:

«The responsibility in BELAMUN is like the responsibility for a pet you’ve decided to have. You can’t leave it and you can’t live without it». About male competitors: «Who will be better? It’s not the question of a gender. It’s a question of a character and perception of life. I know some women who wouldn’t cope with the responsibilities I have here. At the same time I know some men who would be the greatest BELAMUN Directors ever». Not a victim of stereotypes: «The tendency of women as leaders is the following: they are un-

reasonably strict, overserious, with bad sense of humor and a great wish to sleep more than 4 hours… Ah, yes, they do not believe both in men and people around them. They believe only in themselves. Still they are not believing but trusting themselves. Oh, year, I do know that ladies who rule BELAMUN are not the ones I described above!». About breathtaking moments: «The voice can be trembling if you have been running for about 30 minutes because many things haven’t been fulfilled».

About a MUN career: «Well, actually my MUNcareer started from one of the conferences abroad in 2009, which took place in Rostock, Germany. I participated as a delegate there. I decided to continue this kind of activity. After my successful beginning as a Chairperson in BELAMUN and several conferences in the Netherlands and Germany I applied for a position of a Chairperson in Oldenburg, Germany. Having been a Chairperson, I applied and was elected for a position of the President of the General Assembly in BELAMUN. And, finally, I was elected as Secretary General. As you can see, I have made all kind of steps up the lad-

der as a participant in BELAMUN». About similarity with agriculture: «As the proverb says, one must reap as one has sown. I can compare the responsibility in BELAMUN with the cultivation that depends on me and the whole team». About parental instinct: «Who am I to participants? Mother, definitely! Only warmth and care may create mutual understanding and respect, which will result in success. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to give everyone a carrot and stick motivation due to the fact that too much softness may cause dismissive attitude towards the preparation. Our key to

success is the ability to combine business with pleasure». About big changes on high positions: «Judging by the personal experience, I haven’t changed my character holding a high position in BELAMUN. Of course, I have changed my duties and responsibilities, but my approach and attitude to the work and people around me is the same. You will definitely make progress if you work flat out». About a real lady: «She has a strong personality, is never depressed and always stays intelligent, elegant and caring no matter what obstacles she may faced».

March 14, 2012 5

In Person

Lena Viktorchyk, BELAMUN President of the General Assembly

Olga Chebrovskaya, BELAMUN Head of Administrative Staff

Hanna Baradzina, BELAMUN Head of Press Staff

Being a delegate VS being a Chairperson: «My MUN experience started from BELAMUN-2009, where I was a delegate. Since then I worked as a Chairperson here for 3 times. Also I took part in GeMUN (Genoa, Italy) as a delegate. I like MUN. It’s always great joy and challenge for me. I tried myself in different positons. You can understand features of rules and procedures better, trying different roles». About conflicts: «I sincerely believe that all the conflicts come from misunderstanding. In

this case you should relax and try to hear the views of your opponent and find out in which moment everything tangled». About iron self-controlling: «I think everyone who took part in any MUN conference, starting from being delegate, don’t have any problem in public speaking. You have to prepare everything before the opening ceremony, and then the only thing you need to do is speaking. And the more you can tell the more they listen to you». About DIY principles: «Sometimes you can

have bad mood. But it’s your problem, and BELAMUN is not the cause, the cause is you laziness. And the only possibility to make your mood better is to do something you need. Or if there is no chance to work try to relax. Because all the problems come out of your brain». About pleasure: «I don’t feel myself niether mother no Suvorov in the Alps during BELAMUN. In our team we are partners first of all.And being Suvorov is someting very heroic... But BELAMUN is a great pleasure, don’t you think?»

About an enviable constancy: «I’m a Head of Admin Staff since 2008. Once I tried myself being a delegate, but I didn’t like it at all. So when Olga Khabibulina asked if I wanted to be a Head of Admin Staff, I agreed». About women’s superskills: «I think that a girl does my work better than man. Because I don’t think that a man

can remember so much information and tasks for the team and himself. Anyway, a guy never tried to be the Head of Admin Staff in BELAMUN.». About singing: «I don’t worry about public speaking. That’s mainly because we don’t speak – we just work. The only moment when my voice can tremble is when we’re singing an Anthem

at the closing ceremony». About top ladies fashion: «Top ladies are always strict, beautiful and on their hills! But an obligatory quality is willingness to do all the work by yourself». Dreaming about special effects: «Sometimes I wanna be a spiderman to move as quickly as he is and defeat someone very annoying».

About the passion for cooking: «Before that I was a delegate, then a Chairperson. And last year when I tried to be a Head of Press Staff I realized that it’s the job in BELAMUN that I really want to do! Here I feel myself like a mother of a very big family who is cooking a soup: that everyone will like and nobody gets poisoned with». About a hidden talent: «At all times only girls worked in Press Staff. But I myself can be a

real guy, if necessary». No third option: «Top girls are either very smart or very beautiful. Of course, it doesn’t concern BELAMUN top ladies))». About secret heroes: «No, I don’t worry about being on public. But to be honest we, Press Staff, take the floor very rarely». About deep feelings: «Being Head of Press Staff sometimes I feel myself like a head of a circus». About similarity to sea animals:

“I think that an ideal Press Staff memeber looks like an octopus: with a hand for a notebook, a pencil, a laptop, a camera, a mobile, a dictophone, and a hand of help to anybody on BELAMUN. This year the Staff are just like these do you agree with me?)” About a strange hobby: “I like to collect funny photos at each BELAMUN. Every time I feel depressed or just miss the model - I open the secret folder...)”

On the Spot

6 March 14, 2012

Human Rights Council ● Olga Likhachiova

The first day of the conference turned to be very rich and intense. Immediately after the opening speech of the OrgTeam, as well as the presentation of the Chairmen, all participants went to their committees. The Human Rights Council was attended by 11 delegates. On the agenda was posed the following issue: the children of incarcerated parents. From the very beginning of the meeting the atmosphere seemed rather tense, and it is not surprising: a lot of new people, foreign guests and the first participation. However, the chairpersons affirmed their professionalism by organizing a fascinating and at the same time a useful exercise to get acquainted with delegates. Participants were required to give their names and show some motion, but before it, they should have remembered the names and the motions of the previous partici-

pants. This was a good task to remember all the delegates, especially for foreign visitors, for whom it was really very hard not only to remember, but to pronounce the names of the participants. The debate took the form of viewpoints and voting for the decisions. The proposals were put forward mainly on changes of legislation, in relation both to the children of prisoners and their parents. Most agreed on the establishment of necessary committees for the rehabilitation, special areas for education and healthy development of the children. However, there were suggestions

which hadn’t received adequate support. “Some of the facts are almost impossible to implement” Tsumi notes, the delegate of the conference. “Most of the solutions are really comfortable and efficient, but they still require further discussion and improvement.” So what really brought the participants to choose the Human Rights Committee? Helen: “It’s a great opportunity to express your initiative and knowledge of human rights, to give your own view on the issue, to know the points of others while practicing language skills. It’s worth trying! Don’t be afraid! “

Hami: “Human Rights are in need of some promotion today. They provide for freedom of choice, which I used by selecting this particular committee. “ Tsumi: “Human rights are discussed today all over the world. Crime, violence and other violations increase from year to year. It is really important and worth discussing. “ So, the first day of the conference was very fruitful and interesting. All delegates are satisfied with their participation and look forward to the next day, which will bring them new ideas and impressions.

On the Spot

March 14, 2012 7

Environmental Commission ● Ann Pintusova Enthusiastic shouts of greeting and shy acquaintances, confident movements in a wellknown atmosphere and confused looks of inexperienced participants – this all could be seen by everyone in the hall of the Linguistic University

10 minutes before the opening ceremony of the 7th session of the BELAMUN conference. After solving the puzzle of the MSLU labyrinth the next task for 14 delegates was to introduce themselves and name the most important thing in their bags. Notebooks,

GA1: Special Political and Decolonization Committee ● Darya Degis’ The BELAMUN Working Session in Special Political and Decolonization Committee started early in the Monday morning. Chairs Natalia Kotikova and Vadim Bayanadin opened it and created a strong working atmosphere. The introduction speech was cheerful, but it also gave

a keynote on correct and productive work. Chairs introduced themselves, got acquainted the delegates with the schedule and added some very important tips like about losing badges. So, from the very beginning delegates could feel the conference mood. Lots of English and countries instead of the names – a

mp3-players, keys, passports, mobile phones, pens and memory cards – this all turned out to be dear for the participants. The morning passed in a quiet, friendly and peaceful atmosphere and the young people discussed open questions point by point. The issue of the first day was Establishing Guidelines for Abatement of Pollution from Mining Operations. And honourable delegates were unanimous in their points of view and acted like a big harmonious family. Anyhow, 10 amendments were made before lunch. And as usual, the most difficult rule to remember was “I is out of order”. Nevertheless, in a few hours “we” became a habit and didn’t cause any troubles anymore.

The situation with calmness changed after the lunch break. The male part of the house shared their enthusiastic reviews about tasty food. By the way, everyone came in time after the first short break, but in the second one a group of delegates who were late provided us with an unforgettable show. The inventive chairpersons thought up a punishment in the form of a Birthday song in honour of the delegate of Hungary who became one year older that day. In general, thanks to our smiling and supporting chairpersons, vivid and intelligent delegates and obliging administration staff the first day left us all the best expectations for tomorrow!

rather tensemode. But the challenge was accepted. The first task easily clarified the situation. The participants had the introduction floor. They should tell some words about themselves, describe their hobbies, pastime activities, likes and dislikes. And… it was the highly warm emotional moment. Under the suits were sociable people, open to new life experience and searching for new emotions. During the introduction floor honorable delegates of Belgium, China and Poland avowed that they are keen on parties and actually fond of Belamun! For the most of the delegates it wasn’t the first conference. «Modest» Pakistan mentioned his ambitions willing, charming Switzerland hinted at her being de-

termined and splendid Japan couldn’t hide special bag-pipes love… The introduction instilled the team spirit into the audience and made the atmosphere ready to the cooperation and fruitful work. Even such ambiguous questions as separatism movements and blue helmets were the points open to discussion and prepossessing to cooperation. The group divided into 2 parts and started… Points, ideas, suggestions… The discussion was vivified and each of the participants could express their own ideas. The tasty nutritious dinner was the last victorious drop in the challenge. Of course the results will be seen tomorrow, but the basis is ready: basis for lively conversation and saturated debates…

On the Spot

8 March 14, 2012

Security Council “Security is, I would say, our top priority because for all the exciting things you will be able to do with computers - organizing your lives, staying in touch with people, being creative - if we don’t solve these security problems, then people will hold back.” Bill Gates ● Tatiana Pribolovets Ready to get to know how Security Council spent the first day of BELAMUN 2012? Do not miss a word! It was an early and promising morning when the delegates from different countries gathered in MSLU to discuss issues of tremendous importance. Very soon they began to exercise their power and voted which of two topics was to be the first. That is how the run of ardent discussions started. And the first victory: the topic “Safety Intervention Policy Standards” won! Then, oops!...the delegate of the USA (Christina Letetskaya) came late. Everybody was so excited preparing to enjoy a song or a poem delivered by her. Suddenly, it turned out she was actually not

late. Amused, everybody had to accept they were so queer for official debate, that accidentally started it before 10 a.m.! The first policy statement came from the USA beginning with a quotation of Franklin D. Roosevelt and, surprisingly, the Russian Federation (Anton Vtyurin) had no point of order. Why was it a surprise? Before that moment the Russian Federation was excellent at making up various points and motions. We tried to get to the heart of the mystery. According to the official statement of the RF, there were just “some technical problems”, but some people believed the reason was much deeper. Maybe, even as deep as surfing in the Internet, while the use of all such devices as his black iPad was strictly

prohibited, who knows? Meantime, Colombia (Ivan Velentey) came, and came late. You can imagine how delighted the delegates were, because he was sure to perform something for his being late. But the chairs were so kind to give Colombia one more day for rehearsing his magnificent performance. Now everybody is looking forward to it and preparing their hands for clapping. Finally, hard and interesting work began. The delegates were ready to ask provocative questions and to give sharp answers. Sometimes, too provocative and too sharp… As the result, the first operative clause did not pass. Clapping was out of order and it felt a bit sad, taking into account that a second clause did not pass…and

a third one… But there is justice in the world! The chairs encouraged the delegates not to fail the whole clause, but to improve them with amendments. After their words that “nothing is perfect” the atmosphere of peace, harmony and understanding filled the House. Finally, clauses began to pass one by one. The first one passed with 7 votes out of 9 at 12.08 a.m. That was a victory! The house was filled with clapping and shining smiles. I could swear I even saw a few tear-drops. And…Bingo! Colombia proposed the first amendment to amendment. The fact that later it appeared to be just a single amendment did not lessen its importance. The ice was broken! After a break there happened something really outstanding. The delegates used all the possible motions and points. And sensation! Motion to Split the House! As far as we knew, it was used for the first time in the history of BELAMUN. Every delegate was supposed to give irresistible reasons for or against the Operative Clause. Finally, we got a wonderful opportunity to hear the voices of the delegates of India and Portugal. Everybody was so persuasive that I wanted to vote as well, but I utterly forgot that I did not have a placard to raise as high as I wanted. The chairs were topnotch and mesmerized the House by their gorgeous speeches. Being in the only council ruled by two male-chairs, our delegates felt really comfortable and secured. Could it be another way, when you are in Security Council?

On the Spot

March 14, 2012 9

GA2: Economic And Financial Committee “My grandfather is always repeating how he can change the world for the better!” ● Kaciaryna Konyukh At 10 o’clock in the morning GA2 started its session with a roll-call and a tricky question: “What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?” It’s funny to know what extraordinary events happened to the participants before actually being acquainted with them, and the atmosphere that was a bit strained at first, immediately melted. For someone the Student Conference 2012 turned out to be the first exciting experience of UN modeling, for others it’s the most pleasant yearly tradition not to be missed for anything in the world and some of the participants use this chance to view BELAMUN from a new angle. “It’s exciting here! Every minute I feel that I’m broadening my horizons! It’s great! It’s my first experience!”- exclaims the delegate of China during the break. Emotions are everywhere in the room of

ECOFIN. Someone is a bit nervous about the English language which all the participants should stick to. The delegate of Cuba is sleepy, but willing to joke. The delegate of Guatemala works thoughtfully on his laptop, elaborating a brandnew method of desalting water from the World Ocean. The delegates of the USA and Russian Federation are vividly discussing the future of scientists. “We don’t have clever scientists! They are not stupid, they are badly educated!” – protests the delegate of the USA. But all in all, economic and financial committee remains friendly and peaceful with delegates circulating around tables and diplomatically exchanging their points of view on the issues of the agenda. “I expected more aggressive debates, as everyone wants to become the best delegate and submit the best resolution! But everyone ap-

pears to be friendly! And the surroundings are really comfortable here”, - expresses his impressions the delegate of Guatemala. During lobbying staff members are attentively watching the process. They like when the committee works actively and are glad to transmit the first messages of the session between the delegates. Diana, staffmember, is also curious about how it all works in BELAMUN, so that she can become a skillful delegate in the future. In some two-three hours the inquisitive delegates of ECOFIN created a variety of tools aimed at financial assistance to science and technology for development and achieving integrated sustainable management of natural resources. Their clean sheets became filled with letters and symbols, depicting some energy-efficient techniques in engineering construction (houses

turning towards the sun to accumulate energy!). It was also proposed to organize a meeting where citizens can address governments with their genial ideas monthly. “My grandfather is always repeating how he can change the world for the better!” – proved the delegate of Poland. Being one of the largest committees, ECOFIN coped with the resolutions quickly and fruitfully. Though the coalition around the USA was lacking in co-submitters in the first instance, the USA were confident to use special economic sanctions to make the less developed countries support their resolution. In fact, the delegates were lobbying so hard, that honorable chairs even had to beg them to stop working and have dinner at last. The work in ECOFIN was cooperative and dynamic and couldn’t but leave everyone pleased with the results!

Useful Tips

10 March 14, 2012

Crisis + Opportunity = Crisitunity Sustainable Development: the Way Forward! The general topic of the BELAMUN Student Conference 2012 sounds impressive and solemn. The issues of Agenda for delegates are all hard nuts to crack. How to come up with effective solutions, when the word “crisis” is so universally urgent? Honorable delegates, watch “The Simpsons”, as they know the formula! ● Kaciaryna Kohyukh In Chinese, the word “crisis” (pinyin: wēijī) similarly consists of two symbols: wēi stands for “danger, fear, jeopardy”, while jī stands for “crucial point, key, chance, opportunity”. Today, the world faces what the first Chinese symbol means - the danger of collapsing economies, the jeopardy of revolutionary movements, the fear of new ecological disasters, the dread of what tomorrow is about to bring. Yet is this the first time when mankind has to withstand a crisis? The researchers enumerate nearly 20 economic crises in 19th and 20th centuries, not taking into account political, social, environmental crises that have stricken the world up to now. So humanity has always encountered critical points in its history and continues to go through them. In economics, crisis is regarded as an inevitable stage of an economic cycle, which is preceded by a boom phase and followed by a recovery phase and repeats with a certain periodicity. The same principle can be applied to other spheres. That’s how forest fires can revive the ecosystem, removing garbage and hazardous waste, giving space for the seeds of trees and making woodlands stronger and healthier. The question is how to treat a critical situation. In the midst of an economic crisis to protect yourself against the decaying currency you can convert most of your cash into gold, keep it in the basement and buy food and clothes to stay alive while the world is crashing down... and, of course, being a perfect target with all that gold and supplies, arm yourself properly! Well, panicking is easy. Panic makes you paralyzed about taking constructive decisions and finding a dignified way out. When a rock climber gets stuck somewhere in the mountains, he knows that those

who panic die there. For saving his life he shouldn’t just sit and wait to get smashed. He should either go up or go down. If he goes down and survives, then he can come back another day. It occurs that treating a situation with fear allows us to recognize a challenge, but not to handle it. In that case, opportunity remains invisible in the shade of anxiety and in order to discern it one should be not only courageous, but also creative! While governments are trying hard to cope with the burning issues, it’s high time we switched on to an effective “crisis as opportunity” mindset and saw that everything is in our hands heads. It is impossible to develop a sustainable world unless those who affect the world hold a sustainable integrated worldview. Creativity enables us able to change ourselves and to make the world change with us both in the way that the world is influenced by our changed actions and in the changed way that we experience the world. In everyday thought people often spontaneously imagine alternatives to reality when they think “if only…”. On a larger scale, the keys to creative problem solving do not differ too much. The 4 crucial creative profiles “Incubate, Imagine, Improve and Invest” are available to every individual on Earth. Creative problem solving becomes an even more significant tool when practiced by a group of people. Team creativity ensures diversity and difference of ideas and helps to evolve through exchanges of newly born concepts. But the most significant thing is that creativity simply makes the world a smaller place with vast interactions and creativity-friendly, imagination-fostering environment, where a crisis has no longer such a dire effect on the minds of people and turns into what the second Chinese symbol means – a chance!

Here is the “Six Thinking Hats” technique by Edward de Bono, designed to develop creative solutions to problems during sessions. Try it out in BELAMUN! Look at the situation objectively. Focus on the data available. What are the facts? Look at the situation emotionally. Try to walk in your opponent’s shoes as well. Use a negative perspective. Which elements of the solution won’t work and why? Use a positive perspective. Which elements of the solution will obviously work? Think creatively! What are some alternative ideas? And this one is for chairs! Do delegates cope with problematic issues? What are special traits of a creative BELAMUNer? C – curiosity R – risk-taking E – experiment & experience A – aesthetic orientation T – tolerance I – independence of judgement V – variety I – illumination T – team spirit Y – youth


BELA Memes

BELA Memes Do you like trollfaces, demotivators and other memes? Maybe you’re the author of these about BELAMUN? Whatever, just‌ laugh!) Special thanks to @heywazzupguys

March 14, 2012 11

Farewell BELAMUN 12 March 14, 2012

Check Yourself: Who Are You on BELAMUN?

by Kaciaryna Kohyukh Anton Dudko

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