Shades Of The Departed - December Issue

Page 24

CHRISTMAS 1956 Do you remember what you wrote to Santa when you were Sive years old? Well, I don't either, but ‐‐ knowing the date of the following photo, and knowing our baby sister was born very shortly after New Year's Day 1957 ‐‐ this image suggests the contents of a letter to me, and this is what I imagine I might have penciled ‐‐ IF I actually knew how to print when I was Sive. Dear Santa I am taking dancing lessons & I would like to


have a pretty ballerina doll. My sister wants a baby doll because Mommy is having a new

It is December 1958 in a small town in

baby & my sister won't be the baby any more.

central Texas. The local newspaper is

We will leave cookies & milk for you.

preparing for their annual holiday edition featuring hundreds of letters to Santa. The


jolly fellow is scheduled to arrive on Saturday for a visit with the local children. In a little two‐bedroom house on a dirt road, the Mom is brushing the 2‐year‐old's short blond hair while the older girl with the long dark curls practices her printing skills as only a 5‐year‐old can do. The photographer from the newspaper arrives at the house before the oldest sister gets home from school, and quickly snaps a few shots while the two little girls make their lists for Santa.

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