Shades Of The Departed - The Toys Issue

Page 1




Dressed To The Nines!

pg. 10


pg. 28

Appealing Subjects!

pg. 36


pg. 59

Penelope Dreadful!

pg. 60

The Healing Brush !

pg. 66!


pg. 72

The Well Dressed Doll

Toys, Family Memories & Junk Piles

The Appeal of Toys


A Doll’s Dreadful Adventure

Use Your Imagination

All I Want For Christmas

Watch The Birdie

pg. 16

Queen Victoria’s Dolls

pg. 46

Paper Dolls Did You Know?

pg. 42

The Toy Store Album

pg. 78

Have We Left You Wanting More?

pg. 56

Toys As Accessories In Studios Doll Collector & ArchivistfM fM

Toys in Photos Toy Museums

In Every Issue From My Keyboard Letter from the editor

The Last Picture Show

The graphic image on the back of a carte-de-visite or cabinet card

Download The Magazine

Cover Photo Discussion pg. 6

pg. 4 Back Cover





Dervla “Dare” Dreadful is the Irish writer cousin of Penelope Dreadful. While Penny is on hiatus, Dare gives us something “Dreadful” for Toys.

Maureen is author of the “To The Nines” column. Well-known as the Photo Detective she has authored many books on family history and photography.

Janine is the author of The Healing Brush Column. She also owns Landailyn Research & Restoration and is an award winning restorationist.




Denise is the author of The Future of Memories Column. She also writes iAncestor and the blog Family Matters and experiments with her iPad

Sheri wrote the “Have We Left You Wanting More?” article. She also authors the blog The Educated Genealogist.

Caroline is the In2Genealogy Columnist. She is also the author of the Family Stories blog.




Denise authors the blog, The Family Curator and gives us useful advice in ArtiFacts each month.

Craig authors the Appealing Subjects column. He also writes the blog Geneablogie.

Maven is editor/publisher of Shades Of The Departed The Magazine. She also writes the blog footnoteMaven and Shades of the Departed.


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Betty Bonnet’’s Valentine. The Lady’s Home Journal.February 1918. In the Collection of the Editor.

From The Collection of The Editor

Toys Cover

The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe ON THE COVER OF SHADES V+4% 3)='4% /D,:'% /$% ,% L,4"'% .'% ?/$/"'%

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Shades MAGAZINE | 7

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From The Collection of Michael Welch


8 Shades MAGAZINE | TOYS 2013

Photograph Courtesy of The Jeffrey Kraus Collection"

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A Date With Our Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe The three keys to dating a Carte de Visite are the card mounts, imprints and portrait images. Card Mount Square Corners Color White Plain - No Borders Thin Card .010” Height - 4” Width - 2.5“ Date: 1858 - 1866 rarely later Imprint None !00+$"4,"/)-%<4)D%'"%('*/01)%(23345(6( 7%83*$(39()"%(,1+/:/8%+8%;(!%<9=!#8*/:/8%( #+$(>#)*/3)/&?(39()"%(6?%*/8#+(>%3@<%( $1*/+-()"%(A#*(93*()"%(B+/3+1%\]^c

Portrait Image Full Length No Background Date: 1860 - 1868 rarely later Our card may date from 1858 - 1868 based on the above analysis. A ten year span, but there isn’t a great deal of information to go on. There is no photographer imprint and no information from clothing or hairstyles to assist in dating.

Darrah, William Culp. Cartes de Visite in Nineteenth Century Photography. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: William C. Darrah, 1981.

Shades MAGAZINE | 9



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Opposite “A Morning Walk,” 1898 Library of Congress LC-DIG-

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12 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013


Unidentified girl with doll, unattributed photograph, circa 1900 Collection of the Author


Shades MAGAZINE | 13

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Unidentified girl with doll, Bachrach Studio, circa 1920 Collection of the Author


14 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Shades MAGAZINE | 15

The Automatic Toy Works Catalog. 1882 Internet Archives

The Polly Baby Charmer, Advertisement in The Ferrotype and How to Make It, by Edward M. Estabrooke, 12th Edition, publ. 1903 by The Anthony & Scovill Company, New York and Chicago.

Fig. Â 5

Watch the Birdie A Brief Overview of Toys used as Accessories in Photographic Studios - by Brett Payne

he old show business maxim, often credited incorrectly to W.C. Fields, to 'never work with children or animals' might well have been a frustrated cry of the early studio photographer. Both can behave unpredictably, particularly in unfamiliar surroundings, and any proud parent knows there's only a brief window in which to get a snapshot of 'little Johnny' before his attention wanders. It would have been tricky for daguerreotypists and early wet-­‐plate practitioners to persuade young children to endure absolute stillness for the lengthy exposure time necessary. Any movement and the child's face would be smudged into anonymity Fig. 1. The techniques used for adults, such as neck clamps, didn't work as well with children. Consequently many early portraits of children will show them held Airmly on laps and between legs, in some cases attempts being made to disguise the presence of an adult, often with comical results Figs. 2,3. Smaller children were often tied to a chair with a bow around the waist. For babies, to be frank, the easiest option was for them to be asleep Fig.4.

“Children are more troublesome than chickens” George Bernard Shaw, Getting Married

Shades MAGAZINE | 17

Fig. 3 -­ Hand tinted ferrotype portrait (61 x 8 8 m m ) o f u n k n o w n c h i l d , b y unidenti]ied photographer, taken c. early to mid-­‐1870s

18 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Courtesy of the Lawrence T. Jones III Texas photography collection at Southern Methodist University,Central University Libraries, DeGolyer Library

Fig. 2 -­ Ferrotype portrait (70 x 108mm) of unknown family group, by unidenti]ied photographer, taken c.early 1880s

Collection of Barbara Ellison

Collection of the Author Collection of the Author

Fig. 1 -­ Cabinet portrait (107 x 164mm) of Rudolph & Phillipena Sabiers (of Amherst, Ohio) with child, by Chas. F. Lee of Elyria, Ohio, taken c. late 1880s

Fig. 4 -­ Carte de visite portrait (63 x 106mm) of Mary Ann Lunn (of Midway, Derbyshire) with child, by unidenti]ied photographer, taken c. early to mid-­‐1870s

Apart from furnishing the studio in as

The use of ordinary children's toys, rather

child-­‐friendly a fashion as possible, which

than purpose-­‐designed contraptions, was

often included comforting furs draped over

far more common. Since their purpose

the furniture Fig. 5, canny photographers

was "accessorize" the studio background,

used attention-­‐grabbing devices such as

as much as to pacify and keep children

the Polly Baby Charmer, a clockwork

absorbed, we often see them in the

parrot from 1903 Article Frontpiece, and

portraits. The early to mid-­‐Victorian era

the whistling, warbling brass "birdie" from

saw a rapid development in the factory

the 1920s, activated by squeezing a bulb

production of toys, and the children of

attached by rubber tube to the water-­‐Ailled

wealthier families had a profusion of

base Fig. 7. It was possibly something

choice. Since it was often the same more

similar which delighted this unusually

afAluent section of society that were having

chirpy young child in the 1880s Fig. 8,

their portraits taken from the 1840s to the

a l t h o u g h t h e J u l y 1 8 7 9 i s s u e o f

early 1860s, a wide variety can be seen in

Photographic News which reported on the

daguerreotypes, ambrotypes and tintypes

mechanical bird phenomenon, also

of that period. Photographers followed the

described a photographer using a live

tradition that portrait painters had

canary to entertain and relax his younger

e s t a b l i s h e d o v e r c e n t u r i e s a n d


embellished the surroundings, often in

As might be expected, these charming instruments rarely made it into the portraits themselves and, judging merely by the paucity of images online, few appear to have survived. This makes it difAicult to assess how commonly used they were, although the endurance of the phrase, "Watch the birdie," in popular culture is a testament to how ubiquitous they were at one time Fig. 9.

quite elaborate fashion, to add impact, i n t e re s t a n d i m p o r t a n c e t o t h e i r compositions, to the extent that a studio backdrop and its accessories might even overshadow the intended subject of the portrait. Of course children might bring their own toys to the studio, so we may never know whether this model steamboat actually plied the still waters of a local pond in 1848, or whether his sister took home the bisque or rubber-­‐headed doll Fig. 10. A more hesitant girl with a hand-­‐

Shades MAGAZINE | 19

Collection of the Author

Courtesy of Scott's Photographica Collection

The Saturday Evening Post, 9 July 1921

Fig. 7 -­ Vintage "Watch the birdie" accessory, c. 1920s

Collection of the Author

Fig. 5 -­ Cabinet portrait (108 x 169mm) of unknown child, by Gibson & Sons of Nottingham & Derby, taken c. late 1890s

Fig. 8 -­ Carte de visite portrait (63 x 101mm) of unknown child, by J.H. Lile & Co., 129 New North Road, N., London, taken c. early 1880s

20 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Fig. 9 -­ "Watch the Birdie," illustration by Norman Rockwell,

Courtesy of George Eastman House Photography Collection

Courtesy of Mitch Young's Mirror Image Gallery on Flickr

Fig. 10 -­ Sixth plate daguerreotype portrait of unknown children with boat and doll, by unidenti]ied photographer, 1848

Courtesy of San Francisco Museum of Modern Art,

Courtesy of Historical Indulgences on Tumblr

Fig. 11 -­ Sixth plate daguerreotype (70 x 83mm) portrait of unknown child with doll, holding mother's hand, by C. Evans, c. 1853

Fig. 12 -­ Daguerreotype portrait (83 x 95mm) of unknown child with hoop, by Charles Albert Marston, c. 1850

Fig. 13 -­ Ambrotype portrait of unknown child with toy train, by unidenti]ied photographer, c. early 1860s

Shades MAGAZINE | 21

made doll from the early 1850s needs the

mountains of soft curls Fig. 16. This

calming inAluence of her mother's hand to

example of a young girl standing on a chair

keep still Fig. 11, but an even younger

and clutching a doll, taken in the late

rosy-­‐cheeked child with a hoop and stick

1920s, is a Aine example of how of a

conAidently and patiently stands her

dramatic background, a simple accessory

ground unaided Fig. 12. The train pictured

and just the right pose could turn a

in an early 1860s ambrotype appears to be

mediocre picture into a Aine portrait Fig.

a simple push toy Fig. 13, but more


elaborate miniature steam-­‐powered versions were already available to those who could afford them.

Boys were shown proudly displaying buckets and spades Figs. 18 & 19, toy riAles, hobby horses Fig. 20, drums Fig. 21

The gender stereotypes assumed for adults

and boats, all lively outdoor pursuits. The

-­‐ authority, self-­‐reliance and substance for

two boys in sailor suits who visited W.W.

men, maidenly/matronly demureness and

Winter's Derby studio, about as far from

stillness for women -­‐ had equivalent

the sea that one can get in the British Isles,

conventions for children. In general, boys

almost a decade apart, carry the same

were assumed to be active, lively and

bucket and spade. It was clearly a studio

outdoors, while girls were passive,

prop that was used for many years Figs. 18

sedentary and mostly indoors, and they

& 19.

were given toys "appropriate" to those roles. The most popular toys for girls were dolls; whether in prams, in cradles, held possessively with both hands, dangling by an arm or even discarded on the Aloor, they are by far the most common of the studio accessories for children seen in old photos. A huge variety may be found, from rudimentary rag dolls Figs. 14 & 15 with tufts of wool for hair to elaborate porcelain-­‐ or bisque-­‐headed darlings with

22 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

A resourceful photographer would make use of whatever he could lay his hands on, a n d t a ke a dva n t a g e o f c h i l d re n' s propensity for fun and make believe. Some studios kept a stock of costumes and accessories to facilitate Alights of imagination. One of the most effective uses of a prop I have seen is the transformation of a piece of rope into the harness for a driver-­‐horse-­‐carriage trio, albeit with an appropriately furnished country scene, on

Collection of the Author

Courtesy of Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online

Fig. 15 -­ Gem tintype portrait of black soldier rag doll, mounted in album, by unidenti]ied photographer, c. 1863-­‐1865

Fig. 16 -­ Cabinet card portrait of unknown young girl with doll, by Ardron of Poughkeepsie, New York, c. late 1890s

Collection of the Author

Courtesy of The Cabinet Card Gallery

Fig.14 -­ Sixth plate hand-­‐coloured daguerreotype portrait of unknown child with black rag doll, by unidenti]ied photographer, c. 1852

Fig. 17 -­ Large format mounted print (135 x 173mm, trimmed) of unknown girl with doll, by Laurence Studios (various branches in England), c. late 1920s

Shades MAGAZINE | 23

Fig. 20 -­ Photograph (unknown format) of Lewis & George Hackett with toy ri]le, whip and hobby horse, by Wiley Studio of Brisbane, Australia, 21 Nov 1899

Collection of the Author

Fig. 19 -­ Carte de visite portrait (63 x 105mm) of unknown boy with bucket and spade, by W.W. Winter of Derby, England, c. 1890-­‐1891

Collection of the Author

Collection of the Author Collection of the Author

Fig. 18 -­ Carte de visite portrait (62 x 104mm) of unknown boy with bucket and spade, by W.W. Winter of Derby, England, c. 1881-­‐1884

Fig. 21 -­ Cabinet card portrait (106 x 166mm) of unknown boy with drum, by B.W. Bentley of Buxton, Derbyshire, England, c. early 1890s

Courtesy of Josef Novak and Flickr

Collection of the Author

Fig. 24 -­ Tintype portrait of two unknown children in military costumes, by unidenti]ied photographer, c. 1861

Courtesy of The Cabinet Card Gallery

Fig. 23 -­ Carte de visite portrait of two unknown children in "park" tableau, by Carl Hempel of Pössneck, Germany, c. 1880s

Courtesy of Heritage Auctions

Fig. 22 -­ Hand-­‐coloured cabinet format greetings card portrait (109 x 167mm) of three unknown children with rope, by unidenti]ied photographer, c. late 1880s-­‐ early 1890s

Fig. 25 -­ Cabinet card portrait of ]igure in Santa costume with toys, by McCormick & Heald of Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Christmas 1880

a hand-­‐coloured cabinet portrait used as a

red, blue and gold paint, to provide

birthday card Fig. 22. This far more

dramatic effect. The taller boy carries a

elaborate tableaux, complete with sail

gun, with a shot and powder belt slung

boat, boating lake, rustic wooden bench,

across his shoulder, while his friend carries

boulders, foliage and painted backdrop

what appears to be a Betsy Ross Alag. Both

created by a German photographer Fig. 23

wear patriotic rosettes on their chests,

was a reAlection the late nineteenth-­‐early

presumably intended to display support

twentieth century craze for pond boats.

for a particular cause.

The boy is Airmly in control of the toy

photographer in Boston produced this

yacht, while his sister is content to watch

extravagant and somewhat disorganized

quietly from the bench, the ubiquitous

spectacle for Christmas 1880 Fig. 25,

posy of Alowers resting demurely on her

pulling out every toy accessory in the

lap. By contrast, the painted backdrop in

cupboard to Aill the bag of a rather

this early 1860s tintype Fig. 24 has been

disheveled Santa in a clearly adult studio

crudely executed, and studio accessories

setting. I see a toy carriage, a number of

are limited to a diamond-­‐pattern carpet.

horses of various descriptions, doll's

The photographer has instead relied on

furniture, a drum, a yacht, a bucket, a

quasi-­‐military tunics and kepis with

tambourine and sheep-­‐on-­‐wheels.

Finally, a

appropriate accessories, embellished with

Brett is a geologist by training, but his passion is old photographs, the photographers who took them, the equipment and technologies they used, the people and scenes in the photos, and the stories behind them. Brett can be found on the Photo-­Sleuth Blog, solving the mysteries found in old photographs. He is also available to give talks, presentations and workshops on a wide variety BRETT PAYNE Tauranga, New Zealand of photohistorical topics. Please contact him through the Photo-­Sleuth Blog.

Brett’s Favorite Toy A succession of wheeled vehicles, including a couple of scooters, two bicycles, and then, in my second childhood (ie. 20s), a motorcycle.

26 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013


toys, family stories, & junk piles RESEARCHING FAMILY TOYS BY CAROLINE POINTER


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Forrest R. Pointer metal toy tractor; privately held by R.L. Pointer. R.L. Pointer was given the tractor by his father, Forrest R. Pointer.


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30 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

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In The Collection of R.L. Pointer


RESEARCHING MANUFACTURED TOYS X$/-:%D,-+<,3"+4'.%")*% &'/40))D$%0/C'% U*4"0'#$%D/-/,"+4'%5/$b+'%.)00@% )4%9&)")$% )<%"&'D@% 3,-%5'%+$'<+0%<)4%)+4%<,D/0*% &/$")4*%4'$',43&%,$%/"%3,-%90,3'%)+4%,-3'$")4%/-%,%$9'3/A/3%"/D'% 9'4/).%,-.@% 9'4&,9$@% '='-%/-%,%90,3'1% R)00)6/-:%,4'%$)D'%:'-'4,0% :+/.'0/-'$% 6'%3,-%+$'%")% &'09%+$%.'"'4D/-'%6&'-%,%")*%6,$%D,-+<,3"+4'.%,-.%&'09%+$%0',4-%,%0/""0'%,5)+"%/"$%&/$")4*1 N)","'%6&,"%C/-.%)<%")*%/"%/$1

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Shades MAGAZINE | 31

Google Books [Link] Google Images [Link] Wikipedia [Link] ebay [Link] Etsy [Link] YouTube [Link] Because many vintage and antique toys are collectible (and some of them highly collectible), there are quite a few websites and blogs on the Internet that can help us Aind some information about speciAic toys including how to Aind toy patent information if we are really needing speciAic information about the toy for our research. The following are some good websites with this type of information and tips: All About Old Toys [Link] Toys and Games [Link] Vintage Toys Blog [Link] If we’re still needing more information, we can always stop by our local library and look at toy collector reference books and toy history books. Searching Google (Web), Google Images, and ebay is how I determined what kind of doll this one of Myrtle’s was and what its approximate age might be. It was tedious, but necessary, to go through all of the online images as there are many types of these miniature dolls with small variations that can indicate speciAic time periods. For example, Myrtle’s doll is not shiny, has no identifying marks, has movable arms and legs, the color of the hair and the color of the features on the face are worn quite a bit, it does not have painted-­‐on socks and shoes, and the hair is molded – not life-­‐like hair. Additionally, the body and limbs seem to be hand-­‐sculpted which made me think at Airst this was a handmade toy and not a manufactured toy.

32 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

But then I found this collection of miniature bisque dolls on ebay and the baby in the middle deAinitely reminded me of Myrtle’s doll and this baby has “Japan” stamped or etched on the back. [Link] The seller suggests it’s from the 1930s. Then, I also found this other collection of miniature bisque dolls that also looked similar to Myrtle’s. Even though this ebay listing takes a guess at the date -­‐-­‐ from the 1910s to 1920s -­‐-­‐ we can’t be too sure they are correct. However, after looking at all the other variations and time periods, I’m thinking their guesses are pretty close. [Link] I feel somewhat conAident about the information for now. This doll was probably made sometime before or around Myrtle’s birth or early childhood and because of that, it may have been a toy passed down to her from her mother, or it may have been one that was maybe purchased and given to Myrtle. It was probably manufactured in Japan, or maybe even Germany. Most importantly, Myrtle’s photograph tells us she deAinitely had and played with baby dolls when she was a child. RESEARCHING HANDMADE TOYS What about the handmade toys like Toy’s handmade tractor and hoop? How do we research those types of toys? We must sit down and visit with those older family members, ask them for their toy stories, ask them about their toys, Aind out what their favorite toys were, and see if they will reveal the stories hidden in their toys. Then, record what they remember and photograph the toys if they still exist. Here are some general questions to ask them: What do you remember about the toy? How did you get the toy? Who gave the toy to you? When did you get the toy? Birthday? Some other special holiday? How often did you play with it? Did you share it?

Shades MAGAZINE | 33


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34 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

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1. Pointer family traditions regarding the nickname of Forrest R. Pointer, [Address for Private Use,] Conroe, Texas), as reported by Donald D. Pointer, brother to Forrest, 2009. Information has been verified with other events. 2. “Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haley Feted on Anniversary,” Ames Daily Tribune, 12 April 1960, p.12, col.3; digital images, ( : 30 Nov 2013). 3. “Iowa Center: Early Party,” Ames Daily Tribune, 22 Dec 1959, p.8, col. 4; digital images, ( : 30 Nov 2013). 4. Donald D. Pointer, “Autobiography,” p.3, MS, ca. 2000. Pointer Family Archives; Privately held by Caroline M. Pointer, [Address for private use,] Conroe, Texas, 2009. [Print-out from computer by author Donald D.

Inch Worm Digital Images In The Collection of the Author

Caroline Pointer, compiler (MSS notes, 2009; privately held by Pointer,


Shades MAGAZINE | 35




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Shades MAGAZINE | 37

The Automatic Toy Works Catalog. 1882 Internet Archive

,-3/'-"% ")% 5'% '0='$T% (&'$'% 9&)")$% .,"'% <4)D%

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!-%\i\^@%L,44/'%M/00/,D$%64)"'@% Z2% 5+$*% 3&/0.%

/$% ,% &,99*% 3&/0.1Z% % ()% C''9% C/.$% 5+$*% ,-.% "&'4'<)4'%&,99*@% M/00/,D% 9+50/$&'.%"&'%")D'% More elder elves making toys. The top shot appears to be in an industrial location.

38 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

7(/-%L,-%()*$% ,-.%Q)6%")% U,C'%(&'D1Z% %H&'%

/00+$"4,"'.%&)6%")%D,C'%,%5'-3&@%,%54+$&@%,-.% ,% 3&,/4@% ,$% 6'00% ,$% ,% 9/3"+4'% <4,D'% ,-.% ,%

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Except as indicated, all photographs from Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Online Catalog, http:// (last accessed 5 Dec 2013)

If you save the good you find Odds and ends of every kinds You can make some tin can toys, Just like these, little girls and boys.






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40 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

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Shades MAGAZINE | 41

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42 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013



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Black Americana photographs: Courtesy EBay, Inc., (last accessed 5 Dec 2013)

5 + * / - :%

Shades MAGAZINE | 43

Cream of Wheat Advertisement. The Modern Priscilla. July 1914. Collection of the Editor

One of the most controversial of Black Americana Collectibles.

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Shades MAGAZINE | 45

ABOVE: Daguerreotype of Queen Victoria and the Princess Royal with her doll c.1845.

Queen Victoria’s Dolls Doll Collector And Archivist

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Shades MAGAZINE | 47

Princess Victoria’s Handwriting in the book she kept listing her dolls. Reproduced in “Queen Victoria’s Dolls,” The Strand Magazine, 1892.


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48 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

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"A monthly magazine costing sixpence but worth a shilling." The Strand Magazine

Shades MAGAZINE | 49

LEFT: Photograph Used For Publication Catherine Countess of Claremont Queen Victoria’s Dolls Frances H. Low The Strand Magazine 1892

RIGHT: Illustration Catherine Countess of Claremont Queen Victoria’s Dolls Frances H. Low The Doll’s Dressmaker 1893

50 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

The handsome volume that, under the title of "Queen Victoria's Dolls," makes its appearance this month, with the gracious approval of Her Majesty, will call to the mind of many mature doll-lovers a host of happy childish recollections, in which a beloved wooden puppet was the central figure of the nursery drama. Frances H. Low (The Strand 1894)

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Chromolithograph Catherine Countess of Claremont Queen Victoria’s Dolls Frances H. Low Illustrated by Alan Wright 1894

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Chromolithograph Miss Arnold Queen Victoria’s Dolls Frances H. Low Illustrated by Alan Wright 1894

52 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

LEFT: Photograph Used For Publication Miss Arnold Queen Victoria’s Dolls Frances H. Low The Strand Magazine 1892

RIGHT: Illustration Miss Arnold Queen Victoria’s Dolls Frances H. Low The Doll’s Dressmaker 1893


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54 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

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Shades MAGAZINE | 55

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Princess Victoria’s Paper Dolls

paper dolls - did you know? U,-+<,3"+4'.% 9,9'4% .)00$% ./.-#"% &/"% "&'% $3'-'% +-"/0% \]\a@% 6&'-% HhW% R+00'4% /-% S)-.)-%94/-"'.%S/""0'%R,--*1%

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58 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Protecting An Antique Book I have a bound book of Godey’s magazines from 1862. The binding is falling apart. I keep it in a soft cloth bag. Right or wrong?

It depends? The soft cloth bag, if made from cotton or even polyester, is Aine. But, cloth does not provide support for a fragile book. If your book has a weak or damaged spine, if pages are loose, or if the covers are wobbly, a four-­‐Alap enclosure or book box might provide better long-­‐term care. These products are available from library and archival suppliers (Hollinger Metal Edge and Brodart). Whether you keep your book in a cloth bag or a box, it is important to select a suitable storage location inside your home where the temperature remains fairly cool and constant. Avoid excessive moisture and exposure to dust, pollutants, and pests. Congratulations on your treasure.

The Family Curator How To Archive Family Keepsakes: Learn How To Preserve Family Photos, Memorabilia & Genealogy Records by Denise May Levenick (Family Tree Books, 2012) Available in ebook and paperback from Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble,, and retail bookstores.



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Adapted from “A Doll’s Story” by Ernest Gilmore A Serial for The Doll’s Dressmaker, 1893.

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American Heritage. 1900 French Kodak Ad. June 1970 Collection of the Editor


use your imagination MAKING A MASTER BY JANINE SMITH

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14 image windows, but only 7 images, two film slides, one for each eye, making the View-Master a stereoscopic image.

66 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

# Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Shades MAGAZINE | ##

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68 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Hover over one of the corners of the transform selection until a double-­‐sided, curved arrow appears, then move the selection in the direction you want it.

When the image is following the direction of the window, hover over the corners again, until the double-­‐sided arrow is going straight up and down from the corner. Move the corners in until the image Aits inside the window. You can also move the image around with the cursor or the up, down, left and right arrows on your keyboard.

That’s pretty much all there is to it! Just continue to select and paste into each of the windows around the reel!

Shades MAGAZINE | 69

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photo into a gorgeous one. The iCloud synchronization makes those photos instantly accessible on the iPad for editing on a larger screen.

I already have the Hipstamatic camera app which lets me experiment using combinations of Ailm types and lens rather than the Ailters found in most apps. The retro camera workspace at Airst looked much too simple to generate anything impressive, but it wasn't long before I was experimenting with a growing collection of lenses and Ailm types.

Fortunately the digital lenses for the Hipstamatic are much cheaper than the physical ones on a standard camera and there are a number of convenient packs combining interesting lenses and Ailms. If you could see your way to stick one or two into my stocking I would be ever so grateful.

Did you have anything to do with the Flickr increase in storage limits on its free accounts to 1TB? That's more than 500,000 photos worth of storage! What a wonderful gift that was. I'll be putting it to good use with holiday photos this year. Flickr has impressive organizational tools and a number of privacy levels, making it a much more appropriate place than Facebook or Twitter for sharing those special family moments. Most mobile camera

Shades MAGAZINE | 73

and photo-­‐editing apps include export to Flickr features and the ofAicial Flickr apps now include a camera so I can capture and share with just a couple of taps. Flickr Stackr [$1.99] for the iPad is not a camera, but a great way to view photos from Flickr. With it on my iPad, I could easily set up any number of different photo presentations. Who needs football when I have family pictures to entertain everyone at our next big family function. Photogene [$0.99] is a universal app for editing photos on either my iPhone or iPad. It provides all the necessary editing tools and works directly with the photos in my photo library. It is a non-­‐destructive editor -­‐ always working with a copy and leaving the original intact. It also provides metadata editing as well as a wide-­‐range of export options to I can easily move my photos to an online photo-­‐sharing platform for backup. I'm already enjoying iPhoto [$4.99] on my iPad. It has some amazing editing tools, but what I really love is the journals feature. It lets me turn a collection of photos into a beautiful story in just a few minutes. Adding iMovie [$4.99] to my mobile apps collection would make it so easy to create and share movies on the go. Just think -­‐ I could have the highlights of the New Years Eve festivities edited and posted online in time for everyone to enjoy them with their morning coffee . . . While I do feel my photography skills are quite good, there is occasionally a keeper photo that isn't quite display quality. I've discovered there are several apps that use Ailters, color adjustments and art effects to transform a photograph into a work of art. By adding a few of these apps to my iThings, I could rescue even those few not-­‐so-­‐good photos from oblivion. The DistressedFX [$0.99] app would let me experiment with gels (color & exposure) and textures to create interesting effects and the Glaze [free with in-­‐app

74 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

purchases up to $2.99] app can turn those photos into works of art. Using both together can generate some amazing results.

Having wonderful family photos is only one part of a family historian's purpose in life. Telling stories is another. There are two very special journaling apps that I really, really must have. The Airst is the Day One app [$4.99 -­‐ iOS and $9.99 -­‐ Mac]. With it on my phone, it would be with me all the time so I could capture those moments as they happen. And, I can do it with pictures too since it includes a camera. It also date stamps each entry, geo tags it with my current location (when set) and includes the weather at that place at that time. How amazing is that?

There is one part of me that Day One can't automatically capture and that is my doodling. Fortunately there is another journaling app that will. It's called Paper [free with in-­‐app purchases up to $6.99] and it serves as a digital artist's journal. Using it I can release my inner artist by doodling, drawing and even painting. And, I can export individual pages as images to include in my Day One journals or even send them on to my my blog.

Shades MAGAZINE | 75

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Kodak Advertisement. The Youth’s Companion. Memorial Day Number 1913. Collection of the Editor


An Album of Toys In Photographs

Oh You Beautiful Dolls

From The Collection of The Editor

Carte de Visite Damaged Mount Destroyed Photographer Imprint Lillian Salter “I was always told that my great grandparents had this doll made to r e s e m b l e m y g r a n d m o t h e r. Perhaps, I’m no doll expert, but to me it rather looks like many dolls of the period.” fM

80 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

French Postcard. Hand tinted real photo postcard from a series of photographs of c h i l d r e n . Wr i t t e n o n t h e b a c k , postmarked 1911, with original Belgian postage stamp.


The C


ion of

The E


From The Collection of The Editor

Right: Card Mounted Photograph The backdrop for Olive’s Doll Photograph

82 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Above: Cabinet Card Olive Suter Born 26 December 1895 - Neligh, NE W. G. Suter, Photographer Neligh, Nebr. W.G. was Olive’s uncle You can read more about the story of this photograph here. [LINK]

Traveling Photographers & Dolls From The Collection of The Editor


Right: Unmounted Photograph Two Young Girls With Dolls One with a matching dress Poor children, the dolls look cleaner than they do.

From The Collection of The Editor

Above: Carte de Visite Young Girl With Doll B.S. Williams Traveling Photographer Iowa

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From The Philadelphia Photographer 1879

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84 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Courtesy of Nancy plaisanter~

No Dolls

OnRoller Skates

From The Collection of The Editor

Left: Cabinet Card Young Girls Roller Skating Choate Carlisle, PA. John Nicholas Choate Famous for photographs of Carlisle Indian School

Lost Your Marbles?

X("#)%(?#*0<%&(/+()"%(&)*%%)P(X)(#<Q#M&(<%#$&( )3(Q"#)(/&(Q*3+-Y(#<Q#M&()3(0#$( 83+L%*&#)/3+;()3(8"%#)/+-(#+$(<M/+-P(X( "#*$<M(%L%*(&%%(#(-#?%(39(?#*0<%&(/+()"%( &)*%%)(01)(/)(<%#$&()3(<M/+-(#+$(8"%#)/+-P J/C+*&Q/3#$/)& ,+-C.)*&A.&N$"24-+)&1-+/O$+4&")& N$-"*%&N$3-O$H&:-"#$%.)H&.)&,3)4/L>&[\\c

Right: Nitrate Negative Trampas, New Mexico. Playing marbles in the dooryard of the home of Juan Lopez, the majordomo (mayor) January 1943 Photographer: John Collier Library of Congress

86 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

Shades MAGAZINE | ##

Above: Card Mounted Photograph Young Girl And A Toy Tea Set No Photographer Information Right: Advertisement for a tea set from 1900-­‐1901 from a trade catalog.

From The Collection of The Editor

From The Collection of The Editor

Tea Time

From The Collection of The Editor

A Boy and His Horse

Above: Cabinet Card A Young Boy and A Horse Photographer: A. Hurdus 83 Canal St. New York Right: Advertisement for toy horses from 1900-­‐1901 from a trade catalog.

88 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013


From The Collection of The Editor

From The Collection of The Editor

A Few Odd Toys

A SHOVEL Above: Cabinet Card A Young Boy and A Shovel Photographer: F. W. Guerin 506 Olive St. St. Louis

A girl is soon tired of a whip, the boy exults in the use of it. Early Education. 1821

A WHIP Above: Cabinet Card Dad, A Young Boy and A Whip Photographer: Con Lindahl 919 C Street Tacoma, Wash. Charli Nelson & Carl Tacoma 1893

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Have We Left You Wanting More? Museums Just For Toys '()*+#,-%&#.*/#0"*'%1* 234)3"* I*'4$=/00'@%!)6,%oS!Nrp

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34 Shades MAGAZINE | Toys 2013

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Available Spring 2014

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Two New Magazines

February 2014


Cops & Robbers

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THE LAST PICTURE SHOW Q/$%$"+./)%/$%A/""'.%6/"&%,%3)+90'%)<% 3,D'4,$@%3&,/4$@%,-.%,%<'6%5,3C:4)+-.$1% (&'%+$+,0%,33'$$)4/'$%,4'%,5$'-"@%5+"%"&'% 90,3'%)='4A0)6$%6/"&%")*$1%()*$%,4'%,% 6)-.'4<+0%/-"4).+3"/)-@%,-.%6/"&%")*$% ,-.%[1%F1%L)4'%6)4C/-:%/-%3)-B+-3"/)-% "&'4'%/$%-)%3)D5/-,"/)-%6&/3&%%<'6% 3&/0.4'-%3,-%4'$/$"1%


Elijah B. Core, (1853-1931) a children’s portrait specialist, was the President of the PAA in 1901 and is listed with the New York City address of 572 Fifth Ave. Before setting up a studio in Manhattan at the turn of the century, Core had first been in business in Lincoln, IL from 1874-1884 and then moved to and established a business in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he maintained studios as E.B. Core & Co. at 56 W. Fifth, 1885-87; 58 W. Fifth, 1888-92; 206 W. Fourth, 1895-99. The Decatur Daily Republican of 15 March 1897, noted that Elijah B. Core, once a photographer of Lincoln, is to launch a fine photo boat at New York, to do business in coast and river towns. While running his Cincinnati studio, Core also shows up in the city directory of Newport, Kentucky, a short distance across the river from Cincinnati, where he also operated a studio at 111 Taylor in 1890 and identified as Core, Elijah B., photographer, 27 W 3rd in Newport in the 1892 directory. (2.) At around 20 years of age, Core established his first studio in Lincoln, Illinois, in 1874.

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