Question 2

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Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social group?

Our film shows really good the changes in gender. The only thing here is we don’t have two different genders, but you can change also the stalker into a man, this wouldn’t change anything, just that is would be stereotypical and not non-stereotypical. So we showed the different ‘genders’ first of all with the clothes. The protagonist is just wearing black and this shows on the one side the darkness and the danger and on the other side this clothes are typical for stalker and everyone male or female can wear it. So again you can see we could change the stalker from female into male. Our antagonist is wearing some normal day clothes in light colours to show that this is the victim and the clothes are figure-hugging as women would wear it and she has long hair which is open the whole time in opposite to the protagonist hair, which is in a ponytail under the hood. You can not only see the different genders in the clothes you can also see it in the walking style, because when the antagonist is start running our protagonist is still walking, but with hard and long steps. This should show the strength of this person and that she is sure that she will get the victim.

We wanted that the audience see the two different characters very clear that’s why we have some things they are doing different. For example they’re movement. Our antagonist so the victim is walking in the stalking scenes really happy and soft to show that she is not noticing what is happening. This also shows the difference in the age, because the antagonist is walking really gently and sportive like a younger person, teenager. And also the clothes from the antagonist shows the age, because of the sneakers and the modern clothes. You can also see the difference when she is running, because she is running in curves and from one side to the other side and not straight and this not straight running can show the uncertainty of a teenager and that she is not sure what to do and don’t have a straight and clear mind in that moment, which is typical for teenagers.

The movement of the protagonist is different, because she is walking really straight and have strong steps. This can also show that she is older and has more constancy in her life than a teenager have. She is also planning everything this shows also some maturity, which teenagers try to get and build in their teenager years. Her walking when the girl is running in front of her is strong but not fast. She is continuing the same walk and the same movements than before. Also they have now a distance between them, because the antagonist is running and the protagonist not. This difference can also be a hint to the difference they have in their ages or their characters. And the teenager is in front, because teenager are sometimes not thinking before they do something, they just start doing it and rush things, as our antagonist. She is just start running before looking if someone is there who could help her or if there is another way where she could run.

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