Scope Issue 3 Week 8 Sem 113

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Issue 3 Week 8 Sem 113

Ccontents 3. BUSA Report 4. Are You Siri-ous? 6. Movember 7. BondSync: A Review 8. You Just Got Tagged 9. The Power of Choice 10. Photos 15. Posters 16. The Rage Train 17. Bond Classifieds

18. Music, Arts & Reviews 20. Sport 22. Posters 24. Haaaave You Met...?






















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Jorja Wallace

Ahoy there me hearties!

Before you stop reading, yes it is Mid Sem Splash this Thursday; yes you should be coming; no I am not going to speak in pirate for my Ed’s Report (let’s be honest, there’s no way I could outdo James and Yas)! I expect yallz to don (lulz) your best pirate or semen seamen costume and meet us at Don’s on Thursday night for a few cheeky bevos. It’s going to be awesome; I promise.

Check out the two new sections we’ve unveiled this week on pages 16 and 17; ‘The Rage Train’ and ‘Bond Classifieds’. If you’re looking for a laugh, and perhaps a kindred spirit, The Rage Train is for you. Flick over have a read, and perhaps roll up your Scope and use it to ‘remove the problem’ from your study area. Not that I’m inciting violence or anything...

Now to move away from the shameless promotion and onto the good bit - this Halloween edition of Scope is jampacked with treats this week (no tricks...well maybe a few), that hopefully won’t leave you with a toothache (‘coz we’re 12). Disclaimer: Scope is not responsible for any nightmares you may suffer due to the AWESOME terrifying cover.

Finally, remember that ANYONE can write into Scope on any given topic (not defamatory puhleasssse)! Send it to by 4pm of the Monday you want to be published. It’s YOUR student magazine so get YOUR voice heard! Enjoyyyyy... P.S. Mid Sem Splash - ARRRRRRRRR you comin’?


This week the boys are back in town (Did they ever leave? No one’s sure...), rolling out their opinions in full force over a wide range of topics. From Siri to Facebook to BondSync to Choice, there’s sure to be something to satiate your hunger this week. Cover photo by Shaun Rotman email us at:



FROM THE DESK OF: MATTHEW MCLEAN The past few weeks I have meet with our Faculty Deans, Pro-Vice Chancellors, the Director of Quality Teaching and Learning, the General Managers of the Career Development Centre, Admission and Student Administration. On top of this I have met with Associate Deans for Teaching and Learning, Faculty Business Managers, the Disability Support Officer and last but certainly not least the Deputy Chair of the Academic Senate.

come, students can expect to see some changes to our anonymous assessment policy, a maximum of students in seminars as well as some significant changes to the joint teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students. TEVALs From semester one, 2011 Bond has moved towards administering electronic teaching evaluations. This will be quicker, more efficient, convenient and completely confidential. These TEVALs can be completed entirely online, saving precious time in class during the end of the semester. For students this means all evaluations can be completed in the one location and at your own time. In addition a candid response can be provided and as always TEVALs are completely anonymous. Please note that since last semester the TEVAL scale has started with strongly disagree on the left hand side.

After all this I am delighted to say that Bond is blessed with academics who are genuinely interested in the student view. After all, students are the primary stakeholder of any University and if their voice is not heard then their education is not at its best.

Please note that since last semester the TEVAL scale has started with strongly disagree on the left hand side.

Student Focus Groups: Want to have your say? The Office of Quality Teaching and Learning are holding a student focus group to find out ‘What soon to be graduands feel about the graduate attributes at Bond and whether these have been met?’ Lunch and drinks are provided and attendees receive a free movie ticket. The focus group will take place on Monday November 14 in the QTL Meeting Room (1C_3_67). If you are interesting in taking part in this contact Olga on

Education and Academic Affairs Council On Friday October 28 BUSA achieved its first and flagship education policy. The policy involved establishing an Education and Academic Affairs Council that brings together the Education Pod of BUSA and all Faculty and Institute Academic Affairs Director. In years to come this Council will be pivotal in improving the education aspects of your student experience.

Until next time,

Academic Senate The Academic Senate has given in-principle support to a number of changes to academic policy. In semesters to

Matthew McLean Vice-President (Education)

r o t i d E e h t o t s r e t Let

Have something to say? Send a letter to the Editor at jorja-lee.wallace@student. Max 100 words


ArE you

Forbes got it wrong. Wired got it wrong. Hell, Gizmodo got wrong. October 4th was widely perceived to be the date that would usher in a brand new generation of iPhones to the world. Instead, the “Let’s Talk iPhone” event introduced the iPhone 4S, a rejigging of the (obsolete?) iPhone 4. Same exterior, vastly superior interior but apparently that wasn’t good enough and the blogging scene was soon ablaze with vitriolic commentary. It wasn’t uncommon to see variations of the statement; “It looks the EXACT same as a 4. This is not an upgrade, this is lame.” Apple’s stock value dropped 5% post-press conference as a result in what many regarded as a slight overreaction on the behalf of upset investors.

it appears that most people have gotten over this but why was this was even a problem in the first place?

However, journalists soon began to emerge with praise towards the new features found within the 4S. How could you not feel a sense of elation when introduced to:

If I wanted to grab a new, decent leather jacket I'D be looking at a price tag of a similar amount. Sadly, my new jacket doesn't take higher quality photos than my previous one, nor does it have a virtual personal assistant integrated into the sleeve (that'd be pretty neat though).

• A processor that had 7x the graphical capabilities than that of the previous iteration • An 8mp camera with CMOS sensor, autofocus, and face detection • Twice the storage capability • Dual antennas for more reliable coverage and faster download speeds • Three grams of complimentary smug It seemed as if a lot of the enthusiasts were in the mindset, “That’s all well and good but what’s the point in having this new fancy toy if it doesn’t look any different to the previous model?” Comparing the initial response to present sales figures,


Considering it’s been just over 15 months since the iPhone 4 was released it’s hard to annually reinvent the wheel, especially when consumers now believe there is an obligation to do so. Apple had been placed on a pedestal and their outstanding marketing skills had momentarily turned on them. People had the old and desperately wanted the new. Problem was, a widely hinted at body redesign was non-existent. So how could anyone tell that you were ahead of the plebs? They couldn’t.

I remember when my mum bought her ‘first’ iPhone a couple of years ago. The way she ecstatically swiped away at the touch screen while flaunting its devilishly good looks, I’d never seen her so fixated on an object before. Then my brother bought



Jonathan Dodd

the iPhone 4 when it was released in Australia and so began the rhetorical question crusade of, “Jon, do you want to FaceTime? Oh, that’s right, you can’t.” Fucking hilarious. That, the retina display, and the complete body redesign clearly distinguished the past from the present of Apple smartphones. People were smitten over this seemingly alien technology, inaccessible to those who were unlucky enough miss out on Apple’s slow, slow drip-feeding of hardware.

It was that sort of materialistic behaviour that Apple fed on and what drove pre-order numbers through the roof. Such is the cause of the entire subsequent, bitter backlash towards Tim Cook and co. Aside from the lacklustre (to Australians) Siri, how else can one parade their token that allows them access to the upper rungs of the social ladder? The new iPhone just wasn’t the aesthetic leap that mobile enthusiasts were hoping for that would push them forward to the early innovators category. Unless you grabbed someone and shoved his or her face towards the lower back of the device, who would know that you just dropped a grand on Jobs’ swan song. Did you want to pay $999 for something that didn’t reflect the fruitions of your – or your parents’ - labour? If I wanted to grab a new, decent leather jacket I’d be looking at a price tag of a similar amount. Sadly, my new jacket doesn’t take higher quality photos than my previous one, nor does it have a virtual personal assistant integrated into the sleeve (that’d be pretty neat though). It keeps me just as warm as last seasons however, now it has perforated leather and less overall stitching, representing the lack of chaff used to put it together.

I’m willing to pay another $900 for an item that is functionally exactly the same yet aesthetically different. It was visually distinguishable and had a greater chance of peer commentary. This is a fate that a lot of us have succumbed to when it comes to clothing. Hell, I’ve come to terms with it. My credit card is still yet to be convinced. So is that what our mobile devices are becoming? A seasonal affair, much like the jacket? God, I hope not because I sure as shit can’t afford it! It sucks that what is functionally superior in nearly every aspect – I’m looking at you, battery life - is knocked because the look is ‘stale’. Personally, I believe the handhold still has a great-looking industrial design, probably the best on the market but I guess there are those that need something a little more fresh. I hear Android is all the rage with the kids. They do, after all, now occupy more of the smartphone market share. I’m glad that this initial antagonistic crap dissipated quickly and everyone gleefully opened their wallets. Apple has sold over four million iPhones since launch. Journalists are now saying that the general public is seeing the product for what it is, a solid technological advancement from before. Apparently we’re now getting what so many are saying about the body image issues plaguing a lot of the young folk. It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Perhaps people have finally recovered from this smartphone dysphoria epidemic… Never mind… Damn it, my 3GS’s ass looks fat in this Mann Co. case.




: Hugh McFarlane

Bondsync, powered by OrgSync, is the new way for clubs and societies here at Bond to connect with their members and to keep everyone updated. For the majority out there still blankly asking what this mysterious new application is, you’ve come to the right place.

affect everyone, but nonetheless, it would be a useful feature to have. From the MT Tools menu, you can access a personal calendar, an ePortfolio and a to-do list. I know that the calendar is something we should all probably think about using, but I do wish there was integration with services such as Google Calendar and Zoho Calendar. The ePortfolio section is probably the most powerful tool in the whole service. This allows you to create what is essentially a mini resume through which you can show your interests, awards, involvements, academics, employment and recommendations. This means that you have almost all of your resume done for you through the service and you can download it to a PDF file, which you can edit using any PDF editing software (there are a whole bunch of free programs online).

When you first arrive at the Bondsync main page, you will be asked to login with your Bond username and password. This integration with the Bond Central Authentication System (the service that allows you to login to Bond services) is very useful. This means that you don’t need to make a separate login, as it is all tied in with your Bond identity. After you have logged in you will see a ‘Community Home’, which is a central location for all the public updates that the clubs and societies make. The look and feel of this is sort of a cross between a blog and Facebook. This interface will be relatively familiar, which makes it easy to use, even if you haven’t spent much time on sites like Facebook (do those people still exist?). Just by exploring, you can see a whole bunch of familiar actions, such as commenting, menus and profile pictures. In fact, the only thing missing is a ‘like’ button, but this isn’t a major problem.

When you are on the page of a club you can see the feed of posts from that club, as well as being able to post on the feed. This is so similar to Facebook that it doesn’t really need much of an explanation (unless you live under a rock…a big rock). Also on the page is a menu from which you can access other useful features such as Discussions and Events for the club, as well as Photos and Videos.

On the side of the main page is a small section called Community Events, which is a simple list of five upcoming events. This is a great feature, but it could more prominently show the club/society that is putting each event on. When you click on an event in the list, a box will appear allowing you to reply as to whether you are attending, as well as add the event to your Outlook or Google calendar. This easy export to external calendars is another useful feature, but I wish there were more designs to choose from. The box will also allow you to invite other guests or to share the event on Facebook and Twitter. Again, this social integration is good, but it should be expanded to incorporate other social tools like Google+ and Foursquare. You can also change the Community Events section to only show events from the organisations you are a part of, or only events you have RSVP’d to; making it easier to see your preferred events. From the Organisations menu you can access the clubs that you are a part of, or you can go to the list of all clubs and join as many as you want. This, while being easy, does have its problems. For example, if you are the admin of, or in the management committee of a club, it will not separate the clubs out into groups so you can readily identify those clubs. Instead, they are all clumped together, making it harder to see which groups you have a role in compared with those of which you are just a member. Yes, I know that this is a small problem that doesn’t

Just by exploring, you can see a whole bunch of familiar actions, such as commenting, menus and profile pictures. In fact, the only thing missing is a ‘like’ button, but this isn’t a major problem.

Overall, Bondsync is a service that will make it easier for Clubs and Societies to communicate with their members. It is easy to pick up and use at any time and provides a great way to see what is going on. A mobile app would be helpful, but even without it the site is still quite accessible, allowing all Bond students to take advantage of the service.

Do you have a different opinion? Send a response article to Or send a ‘Letter to the Editor’ to



Some people are addicted to smoking, others to booty, but personally, I’m in a love-hate relationship with Facebook. Facebook is like a crazy ex-girlfriend (or boyfriend, for that matter); serious sharing issues, needy, a HUGE distraction in my daily life, guilt tripping me for sex and attention, and every time we break up, I end up crawling back on my knees asking for forgiveness.

No vag on camera please! Being drunk is fun, being naked is even more fun. However, photos of you smashed at Don’s doing the helicopter might cost you your dream job (or get you your dream job, depending on the helicopter...).

I will be honest, I have been with others, but I guess nothing beats your first love. Twitter was fun for a week, Google+ is creepy and I’m too old for MySpace. Facebook has me by the balls and I have a feeling that antibiotics won’t help me this time. Facebook has been a part of our lives for a while now and practically anyone who’s not socially inadequate uses it (my parents included...), which means everything you do on it can practically be seen by anyone. As with all other aspects of our lives, rules, norms and guidelines apply and should be followed to make life easier on all of us.

break. Rule of thumb: if you have an album called “Me”, chances are that you’re self-centred, love attention and have no friends to take photos with. If you were that pretty, someone would have offered you a contract by now.

Here are some ground rules for how to behave and make Facebook more enjoyable for yourself and others:

6. Don’t add people you don’t know. Having a lot of ‘friends’ on Facebook doesn’t mean you’re popular. However, having no friends, or close to no friends, does mean you’re unpopular. Either way, having 340 friends in common doesn’t mean you’re destined to be BFFs. Rule of thumb: If you don’t say hello to each other in real life, there is no point in being Facebook friends.

1. No vag on camera please! Being drunk is fun, being naked is even more fun. However, photos of you smashed at Don’s doing the helicopter might cost you your dream job (or get you your dream job, depending on the helicopter...). Rule of thumb; don’t post anything you wouldn’t show your mother. (Assuming you have a healthy relationship with her according to which being nude and drunk is considered a bad thing).

7. Don’t like your own status or photos. That’s step one to becoming a crazy cat lady.

2. Don’t bitch about people. Not your boss, teacher (debatable) or friends. Chances are that they will most likely see it and it will backfire on you, making you look really pathetic. If you’re going to be a backstabbing bitch, do it how normal people do it: behind their back.

8. Game request = unfriended. 9. Bragging. New car, new clothes, new boobs. Yes, we are jealous and we will hate you for it. 10. Fights and personal problems aren’t meant for Facebook. Yes, it is amusing and entertaining, but we can all see it, and we all judge.

3. Facebook is not a diary. We don’t care about your feelings, what you had for dinner or that you went for a walk. Save us the misery and get a life.

Hope this helped, made you giggle, or think, “WTF, I NEED TO EDIT MY PROFILE ASAP!” Either way, remember that once it’s online, it’s going to be there forever.

4. 10 statuses in a row = unfriended. 5. 7300 photos of yourself is a bit much. We know what you look like, you know what you look like, so give us a





Andrew Dibden

So, this could very nearly be the next ‘student apathy’ article, written by someone who cares enough, about all those who don’t. But I ask myself, to what end? So, instead of another largely repetitive A4 whinge, I thought I’d try offering something a little more useful.

when only two people turn up to the first meeting. It is this very fact which has led to the problems Mr. Kiggundu and Mr. Auer are talking about. The next hurdle you will encounter is that wonderfully overcelebrated, human-defining trait: choice. What motivates our decisions? I’m not a psych student, so I couldn’t tell you. What I can say is that we all do it, and we all do it differently. Each of us is propelled about our day by choice, deciding what we want, what we need, what we can do without (the latter being the all too often neglected third cousin of the three). There are two sides to this equation (as there are with most): those running the events and those attending; each have a choice and each need to exercise this well.

Bond is small. In fact, Bond spends staggering amounts of money telling the whole world it’s small. But it’s a fact too soon forgotten by many members of the Bond community.

To those running the events: Yes, you can leave it to the market to decide whether an event is viable, but this does not mean you can stick your fingers in your ears when the market speaks up. Listen to the market; if there is low attendance, scrap the event! (I could go on about how having three Whitehouse/Palaver/Illegally Bond/Havana Nights per year is ludicrous, but I’ll save that rant for another Scope). This is not to say that all events must make a profit. We pay our SAM for a reason: to enhance our experience. As long as the options are there, it is up to us to choose: take them up, or let them pass by.

In the first Scope of the new BUSA (‘grats Jorja), we saw several articles that touched on separate threads of what is essentially the same issue. Andy Kiggundu (‘It’s Hard to Rock the Boat When You’re Sitting in a Yacht’) spoke of clubs and societies being “severely regulated and controlled”, to the point at which alcohol will need to be served at every event just to ensure attendance and funding. Liam Auer (‘Why We’re Quitting Social Media’) also spoke of the problem of advertising as a club or society, and the struggle “to grab the mind share of students” at Bond. This becomes crucial in a system in which club funding is allocated based on student membership and attendance at events. In fact, I think Mr. Auer may have hit the proverbial nail on the head when he speculated “whether the fundamental problem is too many events chasing too small of a population”.

This brings me to the other side: students. Perhaps it’s because given the right financial advisor, a large number of us wouldn’t need to do a day’s work in our lives, or maybe it’s because we’re used to being given everything? It seems students have lost the foresight to recognise the long-term benefits of seeing a guest speaker, the experience of entering a competition, or the life-long memories of time spent helping others behind a mound of free food, drink and t-shirts.

Something to remember: Bond is small. In fact, Bond spends staggering amounts of money telling the whole world it’s small. But it’s a fact too soon forgotten by many members of the Bond community. Simple stats will tell us that if your niche club or society caters to only 10% of the student population, that equates to roughly 450 people in the entire university. So, sure, you can start your Underwater Badger Racing Society, but don’t come crying to me

At the end of the day, student organisations seem to be overly focused on ‘more’: more events, more attendance, more money. When will someone ask ‘how much is enough?’ And students, if you like an event and want to see more of it, get off your ass and attend it! (You’ll thank yourself later).


WBTW & CanTeen's National

Bandanna Campaign

Photographer: Liam Byrne

MOVEMBER Season Launch Photographer: Stuart McKelvie


Havana Nights Photos supplied by the HMSA


PARTY Photographer: Shaun Rotman


THE RAGE TRAIN To Those Students... I’ve been going to Bond Uni since 093 and I can’t complain; this is the greatest university in the world. However, over the semesters, I have seen many students come and go - some for a semester, others for long periods of time. And, unfortunately, there is one group of students (who shall remain nameless) who I wish were only here for a semester. I’m talking about the group of students who are disrespectful, loud, messy, or leave their belongings lying around while they go home to cook, clean and find a cure for cancer. This is to those students in the MLC who seem to practically live there. By all means, they leave for an occasional cigarette every five minutes and to grab McDonald’s, but they come right back in, loud and overbearing as usual. Now, I’m not saying that the MLC is the place to be quiet and study I hear the occasional German Skype conversation and see the World of Warcraft and Mortal Kombat being played - but have a sense of respect and common courtesy for those around you. This is to those students and their ‘other activities’. The Multimedia LEARNING Center (and the library and Bat Labs at that) isn’t a place to hang out all day and night without doing any work whatsoever. There are those of us not here on grants and scholarships who attempt to study, but you make it extremely difficult by taking up tables and chairs to play your video games and watch your Desperate Housewives. It is also difficult to study when I hear your cackle and droning laugh every five seconds because of the new gossip you’ve just heard about so-and-so hooking up at Palaver (GASP! OMG!). This is to those students and their trash. What is with leaving your rubbish behind? It may seem like common sense, but I guess I was raised better: pick up your damn trash. My mates and I should not have to throw away your garbage, nor wade through your junk to find a proper place to sit. Moreover, there needs to be a policy in place much like there is for the computers in the MLC and library. If you leave your personal belongings sitting unattended for longer than 15 mins, I have the right to re-locate them to an area of my choosing so I can sit and actually get work done. Bonus points to myself if you walk away leaving your Facebook page open [(insert name) likes little boys].

This is to those students who sit at the glass doors knocking like an abandoned child trying to get into the orphanage. Go and activate your student card at the Security Office (next to Don’s, you know where that is) to gain access to the MLC. That way, I don’t have to pretend to ignore you when sitting at the laptop bar, or jump with excitement when I exit the building.

It is also difficult to study when I hear your cackle and droning laugh every five seconds because of the new gossip you've just heard about so-and-so hooking up at Palaver (GASP! OMG!). This is to those students who just don’t know what common courtesy is. These are all simple things by which every human being is capable of abiding. If not, I suggest looking around you to see the nasty glares you are receiving for being loud and obnoxious. But, most importantly, I am a broke uni student that has to work to pay for my tuition to go here and, therefore, I want to get the most out of this $3,000 class. Most importantly, why does the MLC have mood lighting, touch screen computers and PlayStations at every TV console?! This is why we have the Undergraduate and Postgraduate LOUNGES (whenever the BCC or Gaming Society isn’t using them). Stop impeding on my ability to study, dammit.

Something gotten up your goat this week? Need to get something off your chest? Send your 500 word (MAX) whinge to com Submissions will be kept anonymous at your request. NO personal attacks. NO defamatory or inflammatory material. DEADLINE: 4PM MONDAY EACH WEEK




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Pirates & Seamen

THE HUMANITIES STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (HSA) PROUDLY PRESENTS THE TWILIGHT SESSION MULTIPLE MY‘HSA RECOVERY POOL SESH!’ ELOMA WHEN: 16th November Feeling hungover after a massive Mid Semester TIME: 5.30pm for a 6pm start Bash? Or starving from an all nighter in the bat WHO: 2nd year med students and above labs? Or are you not doing much on a Friday WHERE: HOCA Gold Coast, Premion Place, afternoon and fancy a refreshing dip? Do you Level 9, 39 White Street, Southport love free BOOST JUICE and free BBQ’s? Did PRESENTERS: Dr Kerry Taylor & Rebecca we say FREE? Peak (RN HOCA @ Mater) COST: Free We sure did. Then come on down to Bond Pool CATERING: Light refreshments provided between 12:00 pm-2:00pm for a fun time with RSVP: by the free boost, bbq and music. There will also be 12th of November a mad hektik inter-faculty pool challenge race thingy. So get psyched for that. Kindly sponsored by Janssen-Cilag Love ya’s.



BIG MANAGEMENT COMPETITION Are you selling, looking for, interested in, run(12TH NOVEMBER - 10AM TO 3PM) ning an event etc. etc.? Then this section is for you! Do you want to gain an edge in the intensive internship and graduate recruitment process with- It’s free for all students, all you have to do is in many Consulting and Professional Service send an email to with Firms? If so, this competition is for you! It is all the relevant details (name, goods/services, recommended that contestants have undertaken contact number etc.), plus your student ID (so Strategic Management. Fantastic prizes avail- we can verify that you’re a student). able! Sign up on the ‘sign up sheets’ located on the BSA Office door or email Lewis Bourne at Bond FSAs/clubs/societies are welcome to use this section to advertise their events PROVIDED they do not spam it!!! BOND CASUAL GAMING SOCIETY MAXIMUM 50 WORDS UNILAN DEADLINE: 4PM MONDAY EACH WEEK WHEN: Saturday/Sunday TIME: 10am - 10pm WHERE: Room 1-3-69 (behind the Library) Come join us as we enjoy a massive weekend of gaming and competition. BURST PRESENTS A LITTLE BIT OF CONTROVERSY Join us as we explore controversial topics in an open forum where YOU ask the questions. WHEN: Tuesday Week 9 (08/11/11) TIME: 6.30pm WHERE: Cerum Theatre


Kate the WBTW saviour Being able to finally fill in grad forms BUFFS Winning big on the Melbourne Cup USA v ROW NOT Inappropriate Hot or Not submissions Getting arrested Dead pets Losing on the Melbourne Cup Couples who look like siblings Having multiple assignments due at once Unions forcing Qantas’ hand



BIFF 2011

The Brisbane International Film Festival is home to 135 feature films this year. Over an eleven-day period, five different venues will play host to international and local film debuts, documentaries, an array of cinema’s finest produce for the year, as well as some classics. The festival starts this Thursday, which may not seem like an adequate amount of time to get your life in order and sort through the utterly overwhelming list of films on display. Do not fret! I’ve put together a few notes on the event that will hopefully kick you in to gear and send you up to the capital city at least once. Arguably the coolest feature of the upcoming festival is the makeshift drive-in theatre being erected. Although the venue will only be used for three nights, it is certain that it will draw a crowd thanks to the limited capacity of roughly 200 cars and the films on display, most notable of which is Drive, the critically acclaimed action thriller starring the current hotness, Ryan Gosling. For those wanting to whet their horror appetite, the Tribal Theatre is hosting a 6-straight horror movie marathon. Topics include: Trophy wives caught up in a world of pornography, prostitution and brutal murders; a half-man, half-cyborg (Manborg, really?) tasked with fighting Nazi vampires led by the infamous Count Dracula; Gang wars where supremacy is established through dance move video games; and, mysterious tenants using apartments for unsightly behaviour.

If you’re keen for the classics, the festival is hosting a tribute to Arthur Penn. Penn was a critically acclaimed director throughout the 60s and 70s, working with the likes of Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Gene Hackman, Jack Nicholson, and Marlon Brando. Check out The Left Handed Gun, The Chase, Night Moves, or The Missouri Breaks. Be warned, a few of my suggestions are westerns but this really is a great opportunity to experience classic American cinema on the big screen. Lastly, if you just want to catch a few world movies during the 11 days here are a few I’d recommend: • Melancholia • Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope • A Dangerous Method • Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy • Let The Bullets Fly • This Is Not A Film (purely because of how it was made). Just to reiterate, there are 135 films being shown over the next eleven days. We’re knee-deep in study commitments and going to half of these would be nigh impossible. If you’re keen for an off beat 6 hour study break, head up to Brisbane and check at least one out. It’s a great opportunity to experience the richness of world cinema and suck in some creative inspiration. Or procrastinate. Really good to procrastinate, too.

And if that won’t suffice, just go see The Human Centipede 2.







Emily McGregor chats with Tonight Alive Sydney pop-punk band Tonight Alive have been experiencing waves of success with the release of their new debut album ‘What are you so scared of?’, multiple international and Australian tours this year, and the recent announcement that they will be part of the Soundwave line-up for 2012 (holy balllz!). Hailing from the ‘burbs in Sydney’s north-west, this pop-punk sensation has touched the hearts of many with their raw musical talent, honest, embracing lyrics, and might I add their dazzling good looks… (check their photos out and drool…). I was fortunate enough to speak to Tonight Alive last Saturday night at their Hive Show, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. Speaking of good looks, donning a tie-dye Led Zeppelin band tee and boyfriend jeans, 19-year-old lead singer Jenna McDougall, was a sight not to miss. The guys looked pretty spesh as well. (Note to self; must go to more concerts to meet more man candies…) The intimate Hive show showcased Tonight Alive’s explosive energy, multi-faceted musical skills and their ability to connect with their audience on a gamut of levels. It was so refreshing to see all band members engage with their fans during and after the show. It was clear that Jenna, Whak, Jake, Matt and Cam, really are humble, graceful and most importantly genuine people, who are more than thrilled when their fans appreciate their music and happy to talk to anyone. Even me. Tonight Alive were easy to talk to and they definitely made the trip to Brisbane more than worthwhile. Here’s how the interview went down…. Emily: First of all, we at Bond University must know, do you have an innie or an outie? Jenna: “Innie!” Jake: “More like a cave of wonders.” Whak: “I’m not really sure. I think I am the odd one out because my belly is just odd…” Emily: (laughing) So when did you start taking an interest in music? Jenna: “Well I picked up the guitar when I was 10 years old and it really just flowed from there.” Jake: “In the womb. Just kidding, I joined the school band in year 1 and played saxophone.”

Emily: When did you actually all meet and become Tonight Alive? Jenna: “I was 14 and playing drums in my school jazz band [school bands seem to be the go apparently] when I met and befriended Cameron (bassist) at a church youth music night. Cameron was already in a band and knew some of the guys. Once they went through a couple of line up changes in 2008, they asked me to try out and we have been a band ever since.” Emily: Jenna what has been the most embarrassing moment on stage? Jenna: “Oklahoma tour…. There was a drum kit set up in front of riser and I tripped over backwards, threw my hands in the air and fell on my butt in front of everyone! To make matters worse it was recorded and uploaded to YouTube [Note to self: search for video later]!” Emily: What do your order at Macca’s? Jenna: “Medium quarter pounder meal… and a McChicken burger if I am feeling good.” Jake: “McFeast but with no meat [veggo].” Emily: Best moment of stardom? Jenna: ”I wouldn’t call it stardom, but the best thing that anyone has ever said to me was that our music saved their life. I always wanted out band to have a vision and for our message to touch people. This has meant more to me than I ever imagined.” Emily: And finally, what is your message for young musicians? Jake: “Stay in school. Wait that sounds douchey. Word hard? Oh man, that’s douchey as well!” Emily: (laughing) “Come on buddy, all musicians have a message!” Jake: “I’m not a musician haha!” Jenna: “To have ambitions. To work hard for things you want, and to not waste yourself. Everyone has potential.” Obviously, Tonight Alive truly are a talented bunch of musicians. If you are interested please check their music out on their official page, their MySpace (lol haven’t heard that one in awhile!) http://www. or pick up a copy of their debut album ‘What are you so scared of?’

From left to right: Jake, Whak, Jenna, Matt and Cam


SPORT A new playground for Bondies To replace the Bungalows, Alan Finch has kindly laid a new play area for Bondies. To make the most of the new space Campus Life decided the only logical use is to play back yard cricket in the typical On v Off style. While you cricketers out there may describe the pitch as somewhat slow, accept the challenge and join us on the South Tower Lawns, Thursday week 9, at dusk (4 – 6pm) for a fun-filled few hours of mixed backyard sport and delicious BBQ delights. Sign yourself and your mates up at rec_program@bond. and we will see you there!

Bond celebrates 12 months of sport excellence Blues Awards is Bond’s night of celebration, after a big twelve months of sporting achievement. So what is Blues all about? This event focuses on recognising individual as well as NUG and AUG achievements, club excellence and the service to sport at a regional, state, national and international level. In a revised cocktail function this Friday evening, 7.30 – 9.30, come and celebrate Bond’s outstanding athletes. Whether you are a club social member, an AUG medalist, a national champion or club administrator, Blues Awards is about celebrating the achievements of every Bondy. Secure yourself a ticket for only $20 from the BUSA office or at the door until sold out.

NOT A GAME FOR LITTLE GIRLS Sometimes people say to me, “Matt, you’re a fit and handsome young modern gentleman, why on earth do you play mixed netball?” They foster hypotheses – “he must love the women in bodysuits and short skirts”- as the reasons for my infatuation with the game. Sure, on some deep seeded chauvinistic level these may have their merits; however, it’s mostly due to how ‘killer’ the Bond Netball Club really is. Now watch your feet, because I’m about to drop some knowledge. The BNC’s Tuesday night social comp has 13 teams of around 10 players each!! It only cost 5 bucks and not only do you get to play, but you also get the tasty jams provided by

the club (music, not preserves) AND a whole bunch of food and drinks at the mid semester fiesta AND killer prizes if your team wins the season or one of our other spirit prizes!! So it’s a great way to keep fit and meet new people from on and off campus. Also, the cheerleaders practice in the hall on Tuesday nights...just sayin’. We like to extend our territory past Bond as well. We have had external teams play in both local mixed and women’s comps and had a squad of around 40 mixed and female netballers travel to Northern Uni Games. Not only did we have someone kicked out of uni games for being too awesome, we also came away with a gold medal by beating Grif-tafe in the final. In conclusion, the Federal Government’s current migration policy is laughable, but nowhere near as humorous as the fun you could have if you got on board with the Bond Netball Club. Adios Amigos, Matt Hartsuyker




It’s Week 8! And that means a couple of exciting things; mid-sems are over, summer is on the way and for the next month many glorious moustaches shall grace this fine campus for a good cause. But what trumps all of these is the most competitive rivalry at Bond: the USA vs Rest of The World Basketball Showdown. The average Bondie, starting Week 8, might already be coming up with excuses to miss this - “I’m still hung-over and have no money left after Halloween and Melbourne Cup.” Not acceptable. It is it is your responsibility to scream your guts out in the name of national pride in the Sports Hall on Thursday night. Compared to USA v ROW, the Melbourne Cup will seem like a race that struggles to stop even the most easily halted of our nation’s population. If you’re American it is a chance for you to relish in patriotic pride while watching the sport that your country dominates. If you are from anywhere else in the world then this is a good opportunity to fight back against those Americans who make a night’s sleep in the AC impossible, quadruple the bar’s ordering line and fill the

MLC, Library and Batlabs with talk of their plans for Whitsunday cruises and tropical diving trips. With an NBA season lockout on the cards this year, Thursday night is your best chance to catch some real Basketball action. For the ROW team a notable inclusion is the ever-controversial Gold-Coast local Steve Hodgson who will most likely instigate a fistfight as soon as he sets foot on the court. On the US side a must watch is OC native Brett Lopez who followed in Lebron’s footsteps by taking his talents to Bond University in 103 and lead the Bond Basketball Team to a silver medal at this year’s AUGs. Despite the Australian allegiance forged over the past year he will still don a USA jersey for the most important match of the year. So whether you love Basketball, dislike Americans or are just looking for an interesting way to pre-drink before Mid-Sem Splash, make your way down to the Bond Sports Hall on Thursday night. Hope to see you there!



*earlier start time

ROW Sina Shabestary Sunaina Kakkar Jessica Ng Zoe Kaesehagen Kam (Tany) Sooch Henry (Chill) Teho Tim Neville Rhys Larson

*later start time

USA Kristen Gressly Danielle Gressly Rachel Temper Wesley Brown Kevin Kuehl Colby Munck Spencer Roy

ROW Fergus Kinnaird Chris Scarinci Matt Dettmann Jono Hawes Ryan Chan Sellek Bunn Michael Steve Ben O’brien Steve Hodgson Alex Remmelt


USA Brett Lopez Dan Dahl Nick Welle Luke Dewall Steffan Lazerow Keaton Knake Tim Karfs Kurt Schmehl

H A A A A VE Y O U M E T . . . ? Name: Mathew ( Boycy) Boyce Age: Old enough to party (um in Australia not the US I’m only 20) Degree: Slaying bulk hoes (with a little commerce - ditched law) Beginning Semester: 111 Hometown: Woolgoogoooloogooga FB Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle (Fabiano and I aren’t public yet) Star Sign: Libra, nothing funny about it, except this month many new surprises await me

Ideal date location and companion? In my room.... the internet...and tissues... Do you call a snail without a shell naked or homeless? I call him a drug addict, he probably sold it for drug money! What food would you be and why? Nothing from the Cafe Bond. Maybe ice because I’m so cool!!! What is your study motto? A durry a day keeps the fail away!!!!! A genie grants you three wishes - what are they and why? Pingas. Smokes. 12 litres of water.

Do you judge other people for their past indiscretions? Yeah, sluts....then I have a crack! If you could swap bodies with anyone at Bond for a day, who would it be and why? Any girl so I could do naked squats over a mirror. Choose: never washing your bed sheets again, or never washing your towel again. Well if you ran an ultraviolet light through my room.... probably choose neither. Weirdest place you’ve had a sexual encounter? Principal’s office; you don’t just pay to get to Bond.

NEXT WEEK: Nominate yourself or dob in someone else to

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