Scope Issue 7 Week 12 Sem 113

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Issue 7 Week 12 Sem 113

Ccontents 3. BUSA Report 4. A Tribute to Rhino 6. CHRISTmas 7. Rationalising Christmas 8. Group Assignments 9. The Awkward Lean 10. Photos 14. Centrescreen 2011 16. Don’s goes RED 17. Movember


18. Music, Arts & Reviews 20. Sport 22. The Long Distance Relationship 23. World Aids Day/Classifieds/Hot or Not 24. Haaaave You Met? EAM

















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Shannan Carroll, Bonnie Whitehead and James Mackechnie Week 12… Jorja Wallace has cracked under the pressure of a long semester, leaving us to pick up the shreds from the printing room floor and compile them into this week’s edition. We did our best – be forgiving. This week’s Scope delves into some big issues, from the literally large Ryan Lenegan, to the great ideological debate over the meaning of Christmas. Spoiler alert: SANTA ISN’T REAL. (Soz). Speaking of the holidays, check out our guide to the most raving festivals of 2012; they’ll definitely be worth your holiday wages. Sadly, however, the sem’s not quite over yet, as your lecturers will be quick to remind you. Dead-

Cover photo by Stuart McKelvie

lines are still looming, and for any who have experienced the agony of a group assignment, this issue is for you. You’ll find your unspoken profanities expressed on page 8. Well, that said, it’s been a pleasure sharing the Publication Director’s throne, but we won’t bask in the limelight any longer. Feel free to send flowers and chocolates Jorja’s way. We’ll be sure to pass them on… maybe. In the absence of a creative three person sign off, we’ll just say… good chat. Shannan, Bonnie and James. email us at:



FROM THE DESK OF: YASMIN ZEINAB This semester has been a busy one for Recreation at Bond. We said goodbye to the outgoing BUSA and hello to a new team, who have been busy making sure Rec for next semester is the best it’s ever been!

Last, but not least, our sponsor night club for next semester… East? Love? Shooters? Platinum? Blush? Titanium? Picture? Elsewhere? Melbas?

In the past few weeks, we have been perfecting the art of Wednesday by the Water, run our very first Mid Semester Bash, become regulars at Don’s, and published the ‘Clubs Guide’, amongst other things.

Watch this space to find out more! Hopefully these updates get you through the hell that is exam week.

We have big things in stall for the coming semesters, here are a few sneak peaks.

Until next time, Yasmin Zeinab

O-WEEK REVAMP We took the O-Week calendar back to the drawing board and added some new and exciting events for next semester. We said goodbye to Toga and hello to something a little different. We don’t want to give too much away, but it’s definitely worth coming back for. Tarzan would! There is more… As much as we all loved Triva Night, we thought it was about time we bid it farwell. Wednesday night will now be host to a Campus Carnival, complete with fair floss, scary clowns and much, much more. WHAT ELSE IS IN STALL FOR 121? We locked James in a room for 48hours as a brainstorming exercise and it paid off. The themes in stall for next semester from Pub Crawl to End of Sem Bash are set to surprise and excite you all. We’ve also thrown in some new open age events to get you out and about while not consuming alcohol. As per usual, we’ve got some out of the ordinary Thursday Night at Don’s coming your way, starting this Thursday with the end of Movember and Don’s Goes Red. Come and find us at 11:30ish as we spread the BUSA love - AKA give away drink cards.

r o t i d E e h t o Letters t Do you have something to say? jajor at r ito Ed the to ter let a Send Max 100 words. Deadline: 4pm Monday. atory statements please. No personal attacks or defam




Name: Age: Hometown: Students Stats: Staff Stats:

Ryan Lenegan 24 The hills of Perth, WA Bachelor Journalism 05/06, Masters Sports Management 08/09 Sports Officer, January 2010 to December 2011

Legacy at Bond: BUSA Sports Events Director 08/09 HSMA Sponsorship 08/09 HSA Publications 05/06 Resident Fellow B Block, 081 - 093

Describe your uni experience in one word: Eye-opening. From a small town in WA, the people you meet, the vibe and the experience you take out of Bond are something I will never forget. Greatest thing about Bond? The feeling of community in all aspects of university life. What you’ll miss the most? Mainly the people. Bond would not be the same place without students and staff who do their best to improve the place, which leads to the second thing I will miss: watching the place go from strength to strength. It’s exhilarating to graduate from, and then work for, a place that is constantly striving for improvement. How has Bond changed since you started? You could fill Scope with all the visible changes at Bond, but it’s the changes ‘beneath the hood’ that will stand the test of time. Things like: The improvement of the smaller courses (outside of the powerhouses of Business and Law) The visibility of the Bond community on the Gold Coast Pride in our sporting teams and clubs Most memorable moment? There are two that I will never forget and they are both years apart. The first was getting out of the bus at midnight as a fat, pimply, 17-year-old, taking in a lit-up arch and fountain and knowing this place was going to be much more than just a ‘university’. The second was accepting the Northern Uni Games trophy this year, a culmination of a heap of hard work and working with 200-plus fantastic students. Greatest achievement? Witnessing our sports overhaul, particularly logos, uniforms and a renewed commitment to success, come together over the past two years. It’s a great feeling knowing Bond athletes have something they can look back on in 20 years and (hopefully) feel like they were there for the start of something great.


FEATURES | SCOPE Favourite sem and why? Semester 112. It’s tough to beat a semester in which Team Bond takes the field in matching uniforms, wins Northern University Games, and the Bond Bullsharks AFL team make it to the Grand Final in their inaugural year. Best event? Either the ‘old-school pub crawls’, where the alcohol laws were relaxed enough to allow leaders to drink, or the Uni Games where I was an athlete. It’s ironic that as a staff member, those are the two events I’ve had to discipline the most students, funny how things come full circle... Event you wish you’d gone to but didn’t? I never thought I’d say it, but more academic events. The discussion seminars that the likes of BIG or the FSAs put on now didn’t have enough beer flowing to pique my interest as a student. As a graduate, the skills those events could have taught me are sorely missed. Most hated subject? Principles of Economics, the only subject I had to rely on a ‘conceded pass’ after pleading with the lecturer following the final exam. It still amazes me the university trusted me with budgets as Sports Officer, my ability was clearly on my transcript to see. Best thing about being A-Block Res Fellow? Seeing friendships form over the course of a semester or two. Some of the greatest friends I made while at Bond are the guys I shared a communal bathroom/beers with in my first weeks. It’s also somewhat endearing seeing new relationships start. I know that most of them will publicly crash and burn, a thrill in itself, but the romantic in me is always cheering them on. Most disgusting/ridiculous thing you’ve had to deal with as Res Fellow? My first semester in charge, a corridor of guys invented ‘Tarzanning’: jumping from the third-floor balcony into the palm tree a few metres away and sliding down the trunk, usually after a fairly heavy drinking session. The craze didn’t last long as palm tree trunks are not smooth; removing 4-inch splinters from someone’s chest is a memory I will never forget and hope never to have to repeat. Biggest lesson you’ve learnt in your time at Bond? You can’t fake passion. There is no use doing something in life that you doesn’t make you wake up every day happy with what you are doing or how you are doing it. How would you like the Bond community to remember you? A good bloke would be plenty enough for me! I have seen some of the most driven, exceptional students go through Bond, but it’s the ones that I can sit down with and throw chat over a beer or six that I’m going to remember for years. Where do you see yourself in five years time? Hopefully on the sports event scene, travelling Australia or the world and putting into practice the lessons I’ve learnt during my time at Bond. Seeing as I will nearly be at the big 3-0 by then, it’d be nice to think I finally managed personal budgeting and have some savings to my name, but I doubt it. One piece of advice for all Bondies? It’s an old cliché but a good one: you will regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did do. I’m not saying you have to volunteer for every position or duty, knowing when to step back is just as good a value. But take a few risks, always talk to the hot guy/girl at the bar, value your friendships, and take time out to appreciate the things in life that make you happy.



The Significance of Christmas for Christians TURBO: Catherine Espiritu and Joel Borgeaud

When you think of Christmas, what are the first things you think of? Extended shopping hours? Car park disputes (because of the extended shopping hours)? Decorations? Family dinners? Ultimately, each of these things circulate around giving and receiving GIFTS, right?

MAS. So we GIVE GIFTS, BECAUSE GOD FIRST GAVE US A GIFT. Our predecessors celebrated Christ’s birth at this time of the year, and the celebration and gift-giving has continued as traditions in the Western world. So… that is the Christian view. We have also been asked to distinguish the Christian view of Christmas from other religious/ non-religious discourses.

Ever wondered why gifts became such an integral part of Christmas? Well, here is a snippet into what Christians believe about this…

Generally, Jews celebrate Hanukkah, Buddhists celebrate Bodhi Day, Muslims celebrate Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha, and the Atheistic worldview does not lend itself to any day of celebration. Despite these categorisations, many people partake in Christmas celebrations, either for family or for tradition. But, from a Christian view, there is meaning to the Christmas carols and celebrations. It is more than just a holiday break. It is acknowledgement and celebration of Jesus’ birth as God.

To a Christian, Christmas is such a great time of the year because we get to celebrate the greatest gift all… What is this supposed greatest gift? Well, we have all seen nativity scenes with baby Jesus in a manger. To a Christian, the birth of Jesus is, namely, THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL. Without His birth, then the Christian faith is futile, flawed and useless. Let’s expand on this! The Christian faith is based on this one truth: Jesus Christ = God. And Christmas is the point in history at which almighty God came as man to dwell among us. But also remained GOD. Scripture clearly shows that Jesus claimed to be God, He was worshipped as God, He was persecuted and crucified because He wouldn’t stop proclaiming his divinity, and He conquered death by rising again three days after His crucifixion; appearing both to His disciples and crowds of over 500 people at a time. The opportunity afforded by the birth of Christ (at Christmas) means that both the religious and non-religious can assess His claims and make the decision that CS Lewis so rightly describes:

To a Christian, Christmas is such a great time of the year because we get to celebrate the greatest gift all… What is this supposed greatest gift? Well, we have all seen nativity scenes with baby Jesus in a manger. To a Christian, the birth of Jesus is, namely, THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL.

“A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic -- on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg -- or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us.”

God’s incarnation as man is a distinguishing point for the Christian religion. Every major world religion is based on claims of revelation (i.e. God speaking to us through intermediaries such as Muhammad or Moses). The birth of Christ, however, goes a step further, in that God did not simply leave us with glimpses of His nature through revelation, but He actually came and revealed Himself to us in human form. His coming has enabled all of mankind to observe the existence and nature of God without the need for specific revelation by intermediaries.

Ultimately, NONE OF THIS CHRISTIAN FAITH WOULD ARISE WITHOUT CHRISTMAS i.e. the birth of Christ. Without Christmas, there would be no faith at all. In fact, if the birth of Christ was also not the coming of God, then we would have no reason to celebrate Easter for the forgiveness of our sin… And this is basically why Christmas is such a celebration for Christians. To Christians, God the Father, GAVE JESUS CHRIST TO THE WORLD AS A GIFT. Without the birth of Christ there would be no CHRIST-

Essentially, Christmas from a Christian’s point of view gives cause for celebration and gift-giving, otherwise it is becomes another routine or tradition… Ultimately, to a Christian, Christmas is such a great time of the year because we get to celebrate the greatest gift all that was given unto us all, namely, Jesus Christ.


Rationalising Christmas



A claim has been made that Christmas is more meaningful to the pious Christian than to the atheist. Such a sanctimonious, bigoted, and ‘Bible-bashing’ assertion should not be made without redress, because it typifies an unpleasant strain of arrogance, common to many religions, that should not be encouraged.

have to concede that, historically, Christmas must mean more to the robed druid performing a sacrificial ritual to the sun gods at Stonehenge than your 21st century Christian. The academic, Christopher Hitchens (in my humble opinion, more worthy of praise than any deity!), makes the antagonistic comment that Christmas is comparable to living in North Korea. He claims this with consideration that the weeks leading up to Christmas are similarly filled with glutinous 24 hour praise to the ‘Great Leader’ and his ‘Dear Son’, incessant symbolism at every corner, and conformity through mass ceremony. I suppose all that is absent from his North Korean analogy is the hand-rubbing capitalists furiously promoting their products to desperate last-minute shoppers whilst gleefully waiting upon their lucrative Christmas bonus.

The key question here is whether belief in God really does intensify the value of anything at all - an assertion that seems as extraordinarily unsubstantiated as faith itself. I consider myself not an atheist, but a rationalist - there is a key difference. As theology is the opposite of atheism, the opposite of ‘rationalism’ must necessarily be ‘anti-rationalism.’ This rationalist perspective is a good place to start if we want to truly examine the origin of celebration around Christmastime.

It is my belief that religion is not a prerequisite to intensify the joy of any festival – a claim with holds as true for Christmas as it does for marriage. In fact, I would argue contrarily that the very practice of a ‘traditional Christian’ Christmas perpetuates the teaching of junk science to our children, and, consequentially, makes a mockery of human rationality.

It is my belief that religion is not a prerequisite to intensify the joy of any festival – a claim with holds as true for Christmas as it does for marriage. In fact, I would argue contrarily that the very practice of a ‘traditional Christian’ Christmas perpetuates the teaching of junk science to our children, and, consequentially, makes a mockery of human rationality. I find it hard to believe that someone could have deeper insight into any festival than myself when they can unquestioningly accept virgin births, the age of the world being 10,000 years old, and persecution against homosexuality (to name but a few religious outrages.) So please, spare us the sanctimony. Christmas is a holiday designed for the equal enjoyment of all – secular or religious. A secular principle of tolerance and understanding can be applied from Christ’s teachings in this scenario to nullify any claim that a particular religion has superior insight and meaning than another.

Christmas falls roughly in congruence with the ‘winter solstice’, where the axial tilt of the planet leads to the shortest day of the year with the longest night. Festivals celebrating the winter solstice have occurred since the Neolithic era, which certainly predates the mythical virgin birth of a deity in the Middle East! If celebrations are made meaningful by religious association, I suppose your religious purist would


GROUP ASSIGNMENTS WHAT YOU ARE REALLY LEARNING Zacharia Bruckner This assignment is a 3,000 word, semester-long project... cool. This assignment counts for 20% of your final grade... cool. This assignment is a group project... F*CK! Group project. These words are infamous. As any student knows, the phrase ‘group project’ does not mean less work, as teachers would attest, it means sleepless nights in front of a computer surrounded by empty cans of Redbull. It means angry phone calls to people with whom you socialise with once a week in class. It means having your fantastic, HD-worthy, masterpiece of literacy marred by some poorly-worded, Wikipedia-plagiarised section of text of grade five standards that you would immediately delete out of the fear that your I.Q. would drop several points merely from reading it.

for a maximum of fifteen minutes and end with every group member saying that their assigned section of the project is going well. Of course they are telling the truth and you trust them completely... second mistake. Before you know it, week 12 has come around and you have a perfectly worded assignment section which requires only a final polish before being combined with that of your group members and ascending to the status of completed, fullyfledged, HD-worthy awesomeness. Another assignment completed with no stress or all nighters...WRONG!

You organise group meetings every week, which tend to last for a maximum of fifteen minutes and end with every group member saying that their assigned section of the project is going well. Of course they are telling the truth and you trust them completely... Then come the awkward Facebook messages, the apologyfilled texts and the “I had so much other stuff to do” excuse. And so it goes, the deadline is in 24 hours and, after much inquiry, you find that other than your carefully written section, your group’s project is virtually non-existent. Well, now that a semi-Redbull, semi-stress-fuelled all nighter is unavoidable, at least you and your group can work together, right? ...SERIOUSLY? I MEAN, ARE YOU STILL THAT STUPID? No, your group members have far more important business in Surfers involving loud music, crappy dancing, and copious amounts of alcohol, and you will be suffering alone. No matter, your group members may have deserted you, but, as every Bond student would say, “24 hours to write 3,000 words? Geez, I thought uni was meant to be a challenge!”

Of course, the initial stages of a group project are a pleasant experience; being a decent human being who doesn’t make presumptions about people, you eagerly turn to some nice strangers who seem mentally-present while in class and, after sustaining a conversation for longer than thirty seconds, form a group... and there was your first mistake (aside from enrolling in a class which has a group assignment to begin with).

And, sure enough, after a fun-filled night of using Wikipedia footnotes, swearing profusely, consuming enough caffeine to be considered a druggie, and making a Usain Bolt-speed sprint to the submission office, you get the assignment in with a massive five minutes to spare. And during your next class, your suddenly present group members pat you on the back, call you names such as ‘lifesaver’ and unashamedly walk away with a Distinction. Meanwhile, after you finish shaking your head as much from disbelief as from caffeine overdose, you walk away with a valuable lesson: in a group project, in life, TRUST NO ONE!

You organise group meetings every week, which tend to last




Ever noticed the ‘tilt’? You see it every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night. Someone whips out a camera and BOOM, every girl within frame suddenly loses her sense of balance. They arch back, pushing the vertical limit and defying gravity, but the moment the camera is back out of sight, they return to the upright position without anyone blinking an eye. Sometimes, it’s just a gentle tilt; other times, it’s a full blown Leaning Tower of Pisa that needs its own full-time engineering crew to keep them upright. My theory is that there is some link between the camera button and the female inner ear, which messes with their balance and sends them plunging backwards. Some suggest the awkward lean is a craze started by a group of struggling chiropractors who needed some extra clients. Other theorists attribute this phenomenon to an isolated alignment of the sun, moon and the planets, which directs gravity sideways causing females to bend to the side and king tides in the Bengal Sea. Perhaps it maximises ‘skinniness’, or minimises ‘fattiness’. It certainly maximises stupidity. But this craze isn’t just attributable to the female species; some metros have recently been spotted throwing in an awkward lean or two. Next time you’re out on the town, take a look around. And laugh.

NB: some photos pilfered from http://


BASIC ABC PARTY Photographer: Stuart McKelvie


WBTW Photographer: Shaun Rotman










Ola! You’ve toiled hard and dug deep and are now preparing to emerge from the wilds of Movember, hopefully unscathed. Movember ends today, it is a sad day for the face of men across the world. The razors will be out and begin the battle with the forest growing on those upper lips. As Moustache Season draws to a close, it’s important to mark the end and this week BUSA present the Mo Bro’s and Ho’s party at Dons tavern to honor your efforts. So come down dressed in honor of the hairy facial feature and celebrate the end of another fantastic year of Movember. There will even be a barber there to insist that your face is not harmed when it comes time to say goodbye. We have seen some fantastic efforts both on the growing field and on the fundraising sidelines. Stand out Mo’s include the likes of Elliot Moffat and Jordan Mortimore. On the Fundraising side of things the Andrew’s have lead the field with Dennis and Dibden raising $1,000 between themselves (a quarter of the teams earnings - $3,953). There have been a few shitty efforts with 24 people signing up and raising not even a dime. SHAMEEEEEE On the med side of things they were really kicking goals with their 58 members raising a combined total of $4,888, which puts them in first place within their own Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) competition. Donations can still be made to the Bond Uni Mo Appreciation (BUMA) team online until the 9th December so if you want to donate or even if your motivation is to bump Bond out of 7th place in the Uni Challenge, get online and donate now. Thanks for another hairy year Mo Bro’s & Mo Sista’s! Until next year . . . May the mo be with you!






To my dearest foreign colleagues, This week for Music, Arts, & Reviews, we’ve decided to put together some reviews of the festivals you may end up attending during your time at Bond. Australian music festivals are great, but they’re also different. The spectrum ranges from super low bass (verging on the brown note) with shirtless 19-year-olds who want to punch everything, to festivals so poppy you’ll need to pop that singlet back on to avoid total sun destruction. Stereosonic (4th December 2011) Stereosonic. Ah the bliss. If there’s a festival I was looking forward to reviewing, this is it. I hear the line-up is pretty epic. I recognised names like The Bloody Beetroots, Armin Van Buuren, LMFAO, Empire of the Sun etc. etc. Stereosonic is at the RNA Showgrounds. There will be singlets, people will offer you powders, you might just get punched. Stereo is a loud festival, there will be acts that you are sure just pushed play on iTunes and danced around for 45 minutes… you won’t understand why the guy next to you loves it so much. You’ll understand why when he has too much fun, poos his pants, and collapses. BUT, LIKE, WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? BUY A SINGLET. Buy a singlet, and cut the armholes so they are big. Though practical for ventilation, you’re doing it so you’re cool. The bigger the hole, the cooler you are. Also get oversized sunglasses. They’ll work too. BABE FACTOR? If there was ever a festival to keep in mind that intoxicated rambling means NO, this is it. There’ll be babes, but they’ll be off their faces. AM I MORTGAGING THE HOUSE? $143.95 ... Pretty reasonable I guess. WHAT’S THE WORST PART? There isn’t too much variation in the line-up. Festival organisers have asked them to just put their songs on a USB and all use the same iTunes. MUSIC QUALITY (1-10) DJ quality is 7. Let’s hope they bring the right aux cables. AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE? Yeah. I could refuse this one. Could be fun though if you have a surplus in funds. Splendour in the Grass (dates announced around March - Usually end of July / start of August) Splendour in the Grass is an annual festival held either in Byron Bay or in Woodford (north of Brisbane). Splendour is generally a really good time. It goes for three days now, and generally has a pretty huge line-up. Last year Kanye West and Coldplay headlined the festival. The festival dates are yet to be announced, but generally it’s at the end of July. Splendour is different from other Australian festivals in that it brings the Byron Bay feel with it wherever it is. There’s a bunch of legitimate shops, the tiki village, a huge main stage (at Woodford), and a bunch of on-site camping. Festival vibe, festival schmibe. We’re judging the festival on how many people in the crowd make you want to drown yourself in a clogged portaloo. At Splendour – not too many. Think of that alternative crowd in high school all grown up x 50,000. It’s also the one chance a year the girls get to pretend that they’ve spent the last year in a field talking to Bambi. BUT, LIKE, WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? Splendour is pretty chilled. Wear whatever. It’s an Australian festival so singlets are completely acceptable. Singlet to Skin ratio: about 3:2 (3 parts singlet : 2 parts skin). Small singlets are a little less tolerated… BABE FACTOR? Yeah, there’ll be babes. But they might just be a little too alternative. If you go back to their tent and there’s already a mosaic of Polaroids on the wall, don’t be shocked. Just run! Before you become one of them! AM I MORTGAGING THE HOUSE? If you want a cheap festival experience, this is NOT it. If you factor in accommodation, food, singlets, oversized sunglasses, drinks, and the $500 (average) ticket on top, then you’re looking at a weekend costing around $1000. WHAT’S THE WORST PART? The ticket price, it’s outrageous. Money grabbing bastards!!

MUSIC QUALITY (1-10) TBA AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE? I’d say yes. But it’s expensive. You’ll definitely have a good time, but you’ll feel the pinch too. St Jerome’s Laneway Festival (January 28th 2012) Laneway is on the 4th of January. Originally, it started in the bigger cities in actual Laneways. Brisbane is at the RNA Showgrounds. The lineup is pretty rad. M83, The Drums, Feist, Cults, Active Child(!), The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, and Yuck are all going to be there. Good times. In Brisbane the festival is in the Valley. The festival is a really good time, especially because it’s in the city, not in a field. All amenities are close, and it only goes for one day. You don’t need to ration your fun. The prices are pretty reasonable. BUT, LIKE, WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? Think ‘more hipsters than you can shake a stick at’. The irony is going to be intense. Really intense. Boat shoes, people with old style sunglasses, collared shirts tucked into rolled up jeans, completely weather-inappropriate clothing. It will all be happening. Hot weather though. There’s some practical advice. BABE FACTOR? Might as well be called babe-way festival. There will be babes. They will be alternative. You will wed them. AM I MORTGAGING THE HOUSE? $120. Pretty legit. WHAT’S THE WORST PART? The heat. Oh, the heat. Middle of summer in the middle of Brisbane. There will be NO breeze. You will get heat-stroke. MUSIC QUALITY (1-10) 9. AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE? I think this may be the pick of the festivals this year. Really good line up, cheap, good location, and a good time. GO! Falls Festival, held in two locations: Lorne, Victoria and Marion Bay, Tasmania. (LORNE (VIC) 28TH DEC - 1ST JAN MARION BAY (TAS) 29TH DEC - 1ST JAN) Lorne is sold out, but generally you can scalp a ticket. Go to eBay. The lineup is amazing: Arctic Monkeys; Fleet Foxes; The Jezabels; Crystal Castles; The Kooks; Papa vs Pretty; and Manchester Orchestra, to name a few. Victoria (for those of you making your home on the sunny GC) is a pretty long way away. Tasmania is further. This might be an issue. There is on site camping at both locations, but, like Splendour, it can be a pretty expensive time. The festival goes over New Years Eve and so is generally a huge party. BUT, LIKE, WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? It really doesn’t matter. Falls is a good time, but it might get pretty hot. BABE FACTOR? Yeah, there might be a few. General population from normal life, plus some older babes. Ye. AM I MORTGAGING THE HOUSE? All tickets to Lorne are sold out, so we don’t know. Put your negotiation skills to the test. Three day tickets sold originally for $329. Two day tickets to Marion Bay are $167. Bargain. MUSIC QUALITY (1-10) 8. AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE? It’s a long way, but a pretty amazing line-up. I’d go if I could afford to go to Victoria. Not Tasmania though. I’m not going there.



VAL REVIEWS BIG DAY OUT On the 26th of January this year, I celebrated my love for Australia by sweating profusely, dancing in my bikini in a crowd screaming “I-E-I-EI, I AM YOUR BUTTERFLY, I NEED YOUR PROTECTION, NEED MY SAMURAI’ to Die Antwoord. State of mind: blown. I love festivals, I love concerts and I love music, but this has to be one of the highlights of my entire life. The intimidating lead rapper, “Ninja”, beat dropping “DJ Hi-Tech”, and the enigmatic “Yolandi Vi$$er”, made my BDO experience to die for. However, it was only midday. There was much yet to come. I lost my shit whilst watching 70 year old Iggy Pop dance and get a hoard of absolute babes onto the stage to dance with him (the man’t got swagger, what can I say). I watched with my mouth agape as Rammstein brought a huge phallus spurting white foam over their devoted fans. I jungle danced in the night to Ratatat; caught Matt and Kim’s “Daylight” (I held Kim’s hand!!!); and held my significant other whilst Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero’s belted out “Home”. It truly was a magnificent day. The weather was perfect, the acts were fantastic and the overall atmosphere was ace. However, recently, an unfortunate turn of events stifled my love for BDO. This ‘recent event’ would be the sad, disappointing and overall shit line up for 2012. My Chemical Romance? Parkway Drive? The Amity Affliction? Tony Hawk?!? (What is he going to do? Play his skateboard?). To be honest, you are always going to encounter a band you don’t particularly like at a festival, but I actually like My Chemical Romance (depressing I know), they just don’t belong at BDO! They should be doing Soundwave, they’d tear it up! Emo, metal, punk bands do not belong at BDO. Poor form BDO, poor form. Will I be able to hear again? You will probably experience moments of partial hearing loss throughout the night and, when you go to sleep that night (if you go to sleep), your ears will ring and it will suck. BUT, if BDO proves to be as totally awesome as it was this year, the pain is more than worth it! Am I mortgaging the home? (or alternatively – value for money?) Tickets for BDO 2012 will set you back $165.00, a nice kick in the balls. However, you are paying for acts like Kanye, Kasabian, Kimbra, Girl Talk etc., so even though it’s a little pricy, it’s still affordable once you put the artists into context. Quality of Artists on a scale of 1 to 10? 6/10. For those of you who are loyal BDO fans, never fear because there are some pretty bad ass artists coming – Kanye, Kasabian, Röyksopp, Girl Talk, Kimbra, Bassnectar, Foster the People, Boy & Bear and Stonefield. Offer you can’t refuse? I would forgive you if you are choosing to give it a miss next year, but under any other circumstances, YOU SHALL NOT PASS on this glorious event!

FUTURE I vividly remember 2010. I was 17 years old and feeling the sting of pre18-hood. I couldn’t by alcohol, I couldn’t go clubbing, yet, I felt like I was twice as mature as some of the 18 year olds out there! Although, there’s one painful teenage memory that spurns them all: not being able to go to Future Music Festival (FMF) 2010. FML. The Prodigy, Franz Ferdinand, Booka Shade, Does It Offend You Yeah?, David Guetta and boyz noize all blessed FMF for one time only. And by a cruel twist of fate, god had cursed me by not allowing me to be born a year earlier. I still hadn’t completely succumbed to the pain by FMF 2011, but I have bought my ticket for FMF 2012, and I plan on making up for all of those amazing bands that I missed. Quality of artists on a scale of 1 to 10? 9/10. Swedish House Mafia, Fatboy Slim (back from the dead), tinie tempah, the Wombats, Skrillex, Die Antwoord, the Naked & Famous, The Rapture, Aphex Twin (for you electronica nerds out there), LCD Soundsystem and more. This line up is sure to tickle the fancy of any 18+ alternative, house, dub, electronica, hip hop, indie music lover. Babe factor? 10/10. With a line up like this, there will be birds everywhere. Will this be a Dance Dance Revolution? It is in my opinion that this definitely will be a Dance Dance Revolution.


Value for money? $159.15 is quite pricy, but I am sure you could scourge around and get some moolah together. Maybe busk? Is this an offer you can’t refuse? This is a life or death situation. If you choose FMF 2012, you will live. If you choose to not go FMF 2012, you will probably die. Probs.

SOUNDWAVE As a Soundwave veteran myself, this is a concert for which you can rummage through your wardrobe for your old black Lamb of God/ Marilyn Manson/Slipknot/System of a Down t-shirt, wear it once more with pride, and completely ruin it. The best part of it – you can do this all in one day. Will I be able to hear again? This is a pretty “heavy” event, so for those that are hearing/health conscious, you could be a tad nerdy and bring earplugs. I have definitely seen them before, so you won’t be alone. If you are more adventurous, prepare your ears for absolute hell afterwards. It will hurt like a bitch the next day, but you will be so happy and tired (that kind of happy-tired) that you won’t even care. Just have a quiet one the day after. Will I join a gang? Not gonna lie, you will probably encounter a gang of some sort. Whether it be a gang of goths, bikies, lads (the ones that like hardcore)… They are usually pretty friendly at Soundwave (speaking only from past experience), but it’s always safer to stick with your gang and do your own thing. Or just tag along. Quality of Artists on a scale of 1 to 10? 10/10. For those of you who are into emo, hardcore, metal, alternative, rock and roll, punk or pop punk music, this is event will get you frothing at the mouth. With artists like Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Marilyn Manson, A Day to Remember, Circa Survive, Underoath, The Used, Dashboard Confessional and System of a Down and local Scope friendly acts such as Tonight Alive and Heroes for Hire. Value for money? $164.25 is really less than you should be paying for musical legends like System of a Down, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot and the like. Consider it a bargain. Is this an offer you can’t refuse? If you are into the music, hell yes; if you are not so into the music, or you dislike piercings/explicit tattoos, this is not the place for you.

SHORE THING Who wouldn’t want to celebrate their New Years Eve on the beach, near the fireworks, in one of Sydney’s most beautiful suburbs, with Snoop Dogg. This event will surely get you in the mood for 2012, with a completely amazing line up, perfect weather and great venue. Quality of artists on a scale of 1 to 10? 9/10. Holy crap! Is this even a question? Snoop Dogg, Calvin Harris and Pendulum. Dude! Will I need to replace my bodies electrolytes? Yes. Bring money for water. Concerts get hot, it’s the middle of summer and everyone is going to get loose as a goose, so, prepare for the worst and drink (water) like a fish. Is this an offer you can’t refuse? Bondi is just outside of Sydney’s CBD, so if you are the city type and you still want to go out, it will be easy access into downtown Sydney; if you aren’t really keen on the city, you are still far enough from Sydney city to avoid all the road congestions (well, most of them) and celebrate your night with the beach and fireworks. How NYE should always be. Value for money – will I be mortgaging the house? Pretty much, it’s going to cost you $175, not including all the drinks you are going to buy there because you’ll want to get wasted on NYE, and you will have a hefty taxi fare at the end of the night if you plan to stay in surrounding suburbs. But I say “what the hell!” - it’s New Years, you were probably going to empty your wallet anyway.


SPORT Hit the pool with Bond's Water Polo Club Sarah Pascoe How do you spend your Wednesday and Thursday nights? Locked up in your room in south tower, clutching onto your last scrap of sanity whilst downloading yet another pointless iPhone application that you will never use again? Being underage for the first two semesters at Bond University, that is how I spent my first few weeks here, after the ordinary uni life settled in after an exciting O-week… Until I discovered the Bond University Water Polo Team! Now, don’t be so quick to judge, as images of hairy men with overly tight budgie smugglers spring into your mind. Although it’s not most people’s typical free time sport, it is one that can easily increase your fitness level and introduce you to some lovely people from the ‘Golden’ Coast. This year, the team has grown to new heights, with our boys doing extremely well at the recent Australian Uni Games! However, I am writing this article to shamelessly promote our sport and, hopefully, encourage more girls to come along, so that maybe

next year’s games can see a Bond’s women team too. Don’t get me wrong, currently I enjoy being one of, at most, three girls on the infamous team, but it would be nice to be able to build female numbers so that I can receive more than manly grunts when we achieve greatness. No previous experience with the sport is required; hey, if you can float that’s enough for me. Training is on Wednesdays and games are played on Thursdays (but still allow plenty of time to stumble your way to Don’s afterwards, already wet and ready to go). We even train in winter and often play Griffith, so, if nothing else entices you, join in the fun of humiliating Griff-Tafe in yet another way! We don’t bite and, unlike the images you have probably been conjuring up in your mind, our boys don’t look half as bad in their DT’s. So girls, simply contact myself or our President/ Captain/Coach (hey, we’re a small club), James Chumbley, for more information!




Linda Woelk

Hello adrenalin junkies. It’s me again. I am guessing you all remember my article in Scope Issue 4, when I reported on my debut Yoga experience. Since I would describe myself as an explorer and quite adventurous, I like to try out new things and especially different sports. This time I am sharing with you my experiences of some of the most adventurous sports ever: rock climbing and abseiling. When my friend, Marc, first approached me about the event, which was organised by the Exploration Society, I instantly said, “Yes”. At that stage I did not really know what I got myself into and I was left in the dark until I stood on the edge of a huge stonewall, ready to take the first step towards the ground. The adrenalin rush hits your entire body and your thoughts go crazy about whether to do it or not! Even though I knew I was safe, because we had our sexy helmet and safety gear on, I was still anxious when I walked closer to the edge of the stone wall and got ready to abseil. Without doing it yourself, no-one can understand how difficult it is to take this first step backwards when you know there is nothing between you and the ground, apart from some seemingly inadequate piece of rope. The stone wall that we abseiled down was 16m high and, after taking the first step, it felt amazing to walk down this huge wall. After we finished the abseiling, we swapped over to get our hands into the climbing. We learned

quickly that it was important to trust your buddy, since that person was controlling the rope your life was hanging on. After a quick introduction, we all felt quite confident and made our way up the wall, only to quickly realise that to find the right way up is not always as easy as you might think. Many of us were challenged by the task to find the right edges to step on and to use our legs rather than our arms. However, in the end, many of us got the hang of it and even one of us reached the top of one of the more advanced routes. Looking back now, I can admit though that climbing is a very tough sport and it demands not only strength, but also the work of all the muscles in your body. Some of which, I didn’t even know existed and are still reminding me of the tough way up the stonewall! After our hard work, the Exploration Society concluded the day the Aussie way - with a tasty BBQ in the park. The day really took some energy out of everyone, which was evident in the rather calm atmosphere on the bus ride home, letting everyone instantly pass out on their seats. A great thank you must go to the Exploration Society for getting us off our study table and providing us with the greatest adrenalin rush ever! Make sure you sign up next semester to be part of the next exciting activity, so that you don’t just read in absolute jealousy, but experience it firsthand. Get ready for the ultimate adrenalin rush in the January semester - the skydive!



RELATIONSHIP Shannan Carroll

We all know the story: A meets B; B likes A; acquaintanceship becomes relationship; A utters the L word; B whispers the P word: perfection. Because it’s perfect – or it would be, if A didn’t live 10,000 miles away. But he/she does. So, leisurely strolls become rapid Skype dates from random (and very public) locations around university, fingers interlace with phone chords instead of other hands, and locked lips are replicated by the formulaic XO. It might last; it might not. I suppose it depends on time, trust, and one’s strength in the conviction that love knows no bounds. But then I wouldn’t really know; I’ve never been there. I have, however, experienced that other kind of long distance relationship: the remote friend factor. When attending a university as internationalised as Bond, it is difficult not to meet someone who is visiting from abroad, whether for a semester or a degree. Harder still is avoiding friendships with the people you do meet – unless, you know, you’re socially awkward or culturally biased. It’s a different kind of story, but similarly routine: A meets B; B finds something in common with A; A finds more in common with B; A and B party at Dons together every Thursday night; A buys B a besties bracelet (or a trip to Paris, if A’s name is Helen – anybody seen Bridesmaids?). Nonetheless, the end result is the same: either A or B eventually boards a plane back to where he/she came from amidst a storm of vehement proclamations that ‘It’s not goodbye, just see you soon’, where the term ‘soon’ is distorted beyond all official denotation. This latter scenario, I can relate to - and I fear many more people will be able to say the same in a fortnight’s time, when the exchange experience for many temporary Bondies will end and (industrial action permitting, if you’re flying Qantas) the journey home will be begin. As a result, I’ve decided to offer you a few little tips and tricks on how to cope with the immediate aftershock from, and long term symptoms of, the remote friend factor. Tip 1: By a newspaper (or Google one, whatever). Yes, this seems random, but somehow it is comforting to know what’s going on over their side of the world. Tip 2: Get your head around the time zones. Nothing says ‘best friends forever’ like calling him/her at 3am on the wrong day and shouting Happy Birthday down the scratchy international line. Also, as a practical aside, if you are going to send

gifts for special occasions, think - really think - about what you’re sending. Is it really intelligent to send someone Tim Tams that cost three times as much in postage as they did per packet? Probably not. Tip 3: Be patient. When you’re used to being able to walk out of your bedroom, into your roomie’s abode, and demand instant attention, even contemporary communication services such as email can seem painfully slow. An alternative? Rediscover the classic combination of pen and paper and send a good ol’ fashioned letter. Yes, any communication will be several weeks out of date by the time it is received, but at less you don’t expect any different; a no reply through Australia Post means you can blame the system, a no reply to a Facebook comment will leave you feeling dejected. (Thanks, technology revolution and the associated expectation of instant gratification).

When attending a university as internationalised as Bond, it is difficult not to meet someone who is visiting from abroad, whether for a semester or a degree. Harder still is avoiding friendships with the people you do meet – unless, you know, you’re socially awkward or culturally biased. Tip 4: Look back at photos; you took them for a reason. At the risk of sounding melancholy, if you can’t relive the moments, relive the memories. Tip 5: If all else fails, book a holiday and visit! With four weeks break just around the corner, why not take the opportunity to see somewhere new? Try something different? You never know, a spontaneous month away may prove just as rewarding as your decision to sit next to the new guy/girl way back at the start of sem... And if that doesn’t motivate you to pack your bags, how does free accommodation work as an incentive?




This year’s theme for World Aids Day is ‘HIV is Still Here’, and when 20 people in Australia are diagnosed with HIV every week, it is clear that HIV/AIDS is not just a disease that affects the Third World, but a disease that is also ripe in developed nations. It is a disease that affects 17,500 Australians, as well as their families and friends - a disease that still needs greater awareness about prevention, and funds to find a cure. One of the greatest challenges that sufferers face is the stigma attached to the disease. Join us all week in increasing awareness of, and support for, HIV/AIDS, by purchasing a red ribbon for just $1, or taking the time to educate yourself on the facts surrounding HIV/AIDS, and sympathise with those suffering.

tunately, supportive organisations like The Global Fund remain insufficiently funded, despite the alarming global prevalence of HIV/AIDS. The Bond University United Nations Student Association aim to do our bit by raising a total of $1,000. In just two hours, we have already managed to raise $150, and we thank students and staff for their generosity. Don’s bar staff have agreed to donate the entirety of their tips to fight HIV/AIDS, so we urge you to give generously, and we look forward to seeing you dressed in red and wearing your ribbons on Thursday night! BUUNSA

The black schwans People who can play harmonica Wearing red on Thursday Eminem in Aus Hanging outside childcare centres stroking your mo Ice cream Half birthdays The Humble Bundle Games BUFC Pre-Season with Michael Puhle NOT Public displays of affection Leaving Bond friends behind at the end of the year Missing Stereosonic

World Aids Day is on the 1st of December. It is a day to improve understanding by publicising accurate information about the disease and by promoting awareness and support for sufferers. To continue this effort, Bond will be hosting Don’s Goes Red, whereby you will have the opportunity to participate in bar games to raise money for ‘The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malria’. Unfor-

Nigerian eBay scammers Hickies Ads on YouTube 10km in 2 hours Tripping over in a competition

BOND CLASSIFIEDS BOND SOCCER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Love Soccer? Want to get involved in Bond’s biggest Sporting Club? Bond University Soccer Club is calling for Nominations for the Executive Committee. Open Positions include Vice-President (Bond Soccer World Cup), Vice-President (Competition), Treasurer. For questions, information and nominations: Nominations close Friday Week 12

HOT Christmas break


Are you selling, looking for, interested in, running an event etc. etc.? Then this section is for you! It’s free for all students, all you have to do is send an email to with all the relevant details (name, goods/services, contact number etc.), plus your student ID (so we can verify that you’re a student). MAXIMUM 50 WORDS DEADLINE: 4PM MONDAY EACH WEEK



H A A A A VE Y O U M E T . . . ? Name: Rayan Klank Age: 20 Degree: Bachelor of Commerce Beginning Semester: 101 Hometown: Originally from Lebanon, born in Melbourne and lived in Saudi. You choose! FB Relationship Status: Complicated with Cassandra Ronaldson Star Sign: Pisces

Ideal date location and companion? Dinner at Hugh Jackman’s house, minus his wife and kids. (Only if he has the same body as he did in X-Men :D’’’’) Do you call a snail without a shell naked or homeless? Neither, it’s expressing its individuality. What food would you be and why? Anything made by Gordon Ramsay after he made his sous chef cry! (What?? Who wouldn’t want to see that?) What is your study motto? ‘Dance like no one is watching’. A genie grants you three wishes - what are they and why? Wish 1: Take over Bond Café and fix the bad food situation Wish 2: Ask for Carrie’s wardrobe in Sex in the City, with the entire shoe collection included in addition to mine Wish 3: Ask for more wishes and give them to people who need them

Do you judge other people for their past indiscretions? Not really, everyone has their own private life and it’s their choice to do what they want with it and I’m guessing they would have experienced their own consequences. Why bring it up again? If you could swap bodies with anyone at Bond for a day, who would it be and why? I would swap bodies with Rasheed, because I think I can do a better job with the ladies and why not shop for the fittest body while I’m at it as I am clearly the most unfit person ever. Choose: never washing your bed sheets again, or never washing your towel again. Never washing my bed sheets again because then I would shower every time before going to bed with clean towels, hence, making my bed clean. Weirdest place you’ve had a sexual encounter? Haven’t had one yet.

NEXT WEEK: Nominate yourself or dob in someone else to

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