Scope Issue 6 Week 11 Sem 113

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Issue 6 Week 11 Sem 113

Ccontents 3. BUSA Report 4. Is Marriage Obsolete in the 21st Century? 6. Breaking Yawn 7. Mature Age Students 8. Introducing Your New BSA for 2011/2012 10. Photos 16. Dear Dr. Duh... THE

17. Mooting Never Presume Anything... 18. Music, Arts & Reviews 20. Sport 23. Movember Classifieds 24. Haaave You Met... r EAM























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Jorja Wallace

What’s happening slopes!

We have entered the zone of Week 11 and the insurmountable guilt of not having done any work this semester has begun to rear its ugly head.

This edition is jam packed with odds and sodds, bits and pieces, dribs and drabs - gems of information oozing from the Bond community two weeks out from exams. We’re awesome.

But fear not because Scope is here to slap that beast back in its box. Y’am sayin’! Relax, procrrast, study smudy...

Unfortunately, you won’t be seeing my delightful face or reading my words of wisdom (read: dribble) in the Week 12 edition as I’m off to country Victoria for a few days (Kergunyah represent) for a little RnR. Lucky for you I’m leaving you in the capable hands of Shannan, Bonnie and James. I look forward to their attempt...KIDDING!

If you’re looking for an excuse to avoid the studious environment of the Library (LOL JKS), get your mits on this edition of Scope...causing controversy since two days before publication. In other news, if you ARE holding this in your hot little hands hopefully the rage it took to get the printer working doesn’t seep through and taint your day. VINTAGE Wednesday. Classic printer gags.

Cover photo by Julian Jantos

See y’allz soon - Wallace out.

JW email us at:



FROM THE DESK OF: THINESH THILLAI As the dust settles with the new PGSA Executive team, there is only one question in mind: How can we take a great thing and make it better? Hardy Awadjie, Ashley Martinez-Ferand and Joe Hartshorn have done a commendable job in cementing the presence of the PGSA over the past year. Some of the successful events they have executed include the Morning Tea, Lunch with Finch and the popular semester staple - Black & White. Bondstock’s Masterclass, which was held at Lake Café, truly showed the need for the postgraduate representation in all events.

time, as Bond University has set in motion the required separation of undergraduate and postgraduate students. If there are any academic issues that concern you, we can provide you with the avenues to get them addressed. Every semester, we offer a luncheon with the Pro-Vice Chancellor, whose main forte is student and academic support. This is an opportunity for postgraduate students to speak with Alan Finch directly regarding tutorials, university facilities, course content and much more.

As the new President of the PGSA and the Post Graduate Liaison at BUSA, it is my main goal, as well as the PGSA’s goal, to make the student experience for postgrads bigger and better. This last week truly demonstrated the potential that the PGSA has within the scope of Bond University.

As the new President of the PGSA and the Post Graduate Liaison at BUSA, it is my main goal, as well as the PGSA’s goal, to make the student experience for postgrads bigger and better. This last week truly demonstrated the potential that the PGSA has within the scope of Bond University.

The postgraduate community is a diverse one, which encompasses mature age and HDR students as well. It has often been difficult to bring these varied communities together, but the success of last week’s Morning Tea and Black & White event offer a promising future. Not only do we intend on expanding on the social needs of the PGSA, but we also plan on improving the academic experience of the postgraduate student population. As a member of the Quality Teaching and Learning committee as well as the Education and Academic Affairs Council, it is important to us to ensure that your voices are heard. It is a pivotal

Additionally, the PGSA will be holding regular forums beginning next semester to have your concerns addressed in an informal setting without any faculty intervention. This will allow us to have a candid conversation regarding various topics that may be affecting you, such as the lack of adequate childcare facilities to unfair assessments and grading schemes. Not only will your feedback improve the student experience, but it will also allow Bond to stay true to the standards that we have come to expect. If you have any questions, thoughts or feedback, feel free to contact us at You can also find us on BondSync, Facebook, and on our website at www.bondpgsa. com. Our next event is our luncheon with Al Finch on December 5th, 2011 and we hope to see you there. From the legendary desk of Thinesh Thillai (Post Grad Liaison)

r o t i d E e h t o Letters t Do you have something to say? jajor at r ito Ed the to ter let a Send Max 100 words. Deadline: 4pm Monday. atory statements please. No personal attacks or defam




What little girl doesn’t dream of her wedding day and walking down the aisle with her own prince charming, wearing an oversized wedding dress, flowers in hand, veil covering a face covered in makeup, and hair carefully placed? Only then, to go gallivanting around the country side on a honeymoon, indulging in rich desserts and partaking in ‘newlywed’ activities. I would imagine not many have put absolutely no thought into their wedding day. Obsolete | (adjective) meaning no longer produced or used; out of date. Marriage.. obsolete, WTF?! ‘Out of date’how can marriage be out of date?! The most ironic thing about all this is that, traditionally, marriage occurred to preserve wealth in families, or to keep the old folks happy, and was often the result of an arranged marriage- no, thank you! However, over the past few centuries, the pendulum has swung and people now (apparently) marry for ‘love’ and the person of their choice… well, usually. How can this union of marriage be obsolete, if the traditional marriage vows are so carefully aligned with those things that come as a result of love?

Honesty, commitment… the list goes on - but I won’t, because I don’t want to bore you all. Now, I’m not saying that this all-important piece of paper stating your love for one another is going to preserve your relationship, or make it flourish in ways otherwise not possible; not at all! But, when it comes down to it, who doesn’t want to spend months (or for some even years) carefully planning their ‘big day’.

How can this union of marriage be obsolete, if the traditional marriage vows are so carefully aligned with those things that come as a result of love? So: the planning. Well, as it goes, most people do indeed spend thousands of well earned (or their parents’) dollars on a decked-out wedding dress, reception and catering to impress their family and friends, including the long-lost cousins. However, just because some people enjoy calculating every facet of their wedding, it doesn’t mean, as some skeptics would suggest, that marriage is being entered into for the ‘wrong reasons’, thus, making it unnecessary or obsolete. Sure, for those like Kim Kardashian who entered into a grand 72 day marriage which most would say was for the fame and increased media attention, it probably is unnecessary, but for the majority of us whose life doesn’t revolve around a reality television show, this is not the case. What about this idea of making people around you happy? Well, no, not that either. In most instances these days, marriage is to be entered into by two individuals for the personal fulfillment it brings to them. If marriage is the result of ‘true love’, for happiness and commitment (vom), then let the poor people marry! For all you skeptics out there, it isn’t just (or so I’m led to believe), for the reasons of “making other people happy”, or for “impressing family and friends” with a decked-out wedding (but, lets be honest, they’re pretty sweet to attend), why can’t it be about personal fulfillment? Time to jump off this bandwagon and put it to rest: marriage is not ‘out of date’. So, long live marriage for love and fulfillment and whatever other reason you find to get married… but please, not for the fame and money!

A: No. Amanda Hobbs



A: Yes. Emily McGregor spend a few g’s on a totally awesome wedding reception, to have a perfect relationship with another. A marriage is simply a socially acceptable event that is meant to occur in one’s life for that sole purpose.

To obey?!? WTF. I would rather die alone with 99 cats than submit myself to a servile status for the rest of my life. Feminists out there should be fuming with rage at the prospect of this vow. What precisely does this service entail? Obviously, my view on marriage has been hotly disputed amongst my friends. Many say that marriage “is just something that you do in life”, “announcing your complete love for another”, and reaping all the benefits from married status (legal, social, sexual - you name it). But, what really changes when you are married? You can tell your friends that the man sitting beside you is your husband; you can flash your enormous, lustrous, fat diamond on your ring finger to passing strangers – so, those first two reasons are inept. The legal benefits argument is also irrelevant, as it is clear that large numbers of “alternative” types of relationships are blossoming in the 21st century (aka de facto relationships). These types of relationships can be recognised as legitimate relationships, gain proper insurance benefits and the like, and are available to persons in heterosexual and homosexual relationships.

The institution of marriage is obsolete in the 21st century for a gamut of reasons. First and foremost: Traditional. English. Marriage. Vows. “I _____, take thee _______, to be my lawfully wedded Husband …. [blah, blah, boring stuff] …to love, cherish and to obey, till death us do part.” To obey?!? WTF. I would rather die alone with 99 cats than submit myself to a servile status for the rest of my life. Feminists out there should be fuming with rage at the prospect of this vow. What precisely does this service entail? Am I meant to cook you lobster thermidor every evening? Be your personal masseuse? Manicure your nails? Come to bed with you when you please? I don’t think that is a bright idea buddy. It’s called R-E-S-P-E-C-T (cue Aretha Franklin).

Although these relationships do not conform to the institution of marriage, they are beckoning with real, fulfilling, legitimate love. You don’t need to be married to be happy.

Enough about feminists and Aretha Franklin, that was getting weird… On the other hand, this type of servile relationship sounds like every man’s dream. Perhaps it’s time to reconsider boys? Is that really what you are looking for in a long-term relationship with a woman? Now, you boys may humph and snicker at this observation, but if this really is the person you are willing to commit your life’s love to, maybe raise children with, grow old with, and extract the majority of your life’s happiness from, you probs don’t want a “do as I please bitch” relationship. These types of relationships are unfulfilling and probably won’t give you the right “happy ending”. I think most would want an honest, loving relationship with someone they could consider their best friend, their life partner. But, is it really necessary to be married to enjoy a firm, fulfilling and happy relationship? No, of course not. No one needs to gather a herd of family members and friends, most of whom you don’t even know that well (or only see at weddings or funerals), swear an oath to a god they don’t necessarily believe in, and


Breaking Yawn

It’s like a virus; it has spread across the world and is on everyone’s lips, or, as some say, ‘fangs’. Yes, Breaking Dawn: Part 1 and, in general, Twilight, vampires and werewolves. All I can say is…really? Yah, really! Although a self-confessed vampire fan, even I think that this whole Twilight thing has gotten way out of control. Where are the real vampire movies and books, written and directed by real professionals, not just someone who had a dream one night and thought it would be a great idea to commercialise a very demonic genre. Yes, I am talking about Stephanie Meyer. Benjamin Naday wrote earlier in the year that she “possesses the writing prowess of a ten year old…” and the books’ “language was taken out of a fifth grader’s text book.” Harsh comments? Maybe.

Karissa Straughen

- as fans dressed up in their twilight gear and took to waiting in the foyer for the numerous midnight sessions to open. Robina cinemas had to open four sessions to accommodate for the twi-hards. On another note, I was wondering whether fans were impressed with the two-part finale to the Twilight Saga, much like the recent finale to Harry Potter. Most said they were sceptical because it was going to be annoying to wait another year for the second part and it won’t get to the point of the story. Tweed resident Madilyn Smith was the minority when she said she thought it was a great idea because then there is more to watch and it allows the movies to cover nearly everything in the book.

The real issue is what has made Twilight such a craze? It is obviously not the writer's excellence, but maybe Meyer's ability to recognise that the tweenage generation craves romance, drama and "sexy, mysterious men".

The real issue is what has made Twilight such a craze? It is obviously not the writer’s excellence, but maybe Meyer’s ability to recognise that the tweenage generation craves romance, drama and “sexy, mysterious men.” So on Meyer goes, pretending to be an author and creating the largest tweenage craze since Harry Potter. She is obviously so self-obsessed that she thought it was a good idea to be an extra in her first movie (during the café scene with Bella and her Dad). When I saw her, all I could think was “wow, how narcissistic do you have to be?” Moving on from criticising someone who has made money from teenagers and onto what happened during the premiere of Breaking Dawn: Part 1. The fangfare was out and on last week when Breaking Dawn: Part 1 premiered in cinemas across the country and the world. I was out and about on the night from Event Cinemas Robina to Tweed City Hoyts Cinemas, where fans were lined up for more than two hours just to be first in the doors. A 16-year-old girl from Tweed, Rayann Flanjak, was worried that she was going to miss out on tickets to the midnight screening. “I booked my tickets in September because I didn’t want to miss out,” she said. A definite twi-hard there, but with many more teenage girls lining up at the cinemas in pyjamas and pillows to camp out for the midnight opening, I guess booking two months ahead was necessary.

The most important thing that comes out of the whole fiasco, fans crying and pushing each other in the line, is whether it was really worth the wait? I couldn’t really stay up to 3am to wait for everyone to come out of the cinemas, so I resorted to Facebook and asked my friends what they thought of the movie. Many could only say “Breaking Dawn… Oh dear”, while others related the movie to watching porn (spoiler alert), with Bella and Edward making out and having sex for the first hour, followed by a really bad birth scene. I, however, don’t know, as I am waiting for it all to calm down before I even attempt to get to the cinemas to watch it. Reviews were definitely mixed as most were excited about the movie, saying it was fantastic and everything they expected and wanted. Like all the previous movies, I guess Breaking Dawn: Part 1 is just for the absolute diehard twi-hard fans.

It was a similar story at Robina - maybe without the pillows


Mature Age Students


Recently, it has come to my attention that every time I attend a lecture (foreign concept I know, but apparently they’re supposed to enhance our learning experience), my list of ‘ThingsI-Don’t-Give-a-Shit-About’ grows alarmingly. In fact, I’m beginning to think that if I ever sat down and attempted to make this list tangible, it would be longer than a Kardashian wedding (difficult).

Bonnie Whitehead

full of rainbows and smiles so we can all just get along, aside from the problem that I live in the blocks, where any enjoyable kitchen-related activity is strictly prohibited, I really don’t see this happening until a few guidelines are laid down.

I hate to be the person who picks on a particular group right now, but look, I’m going to put it out there, and if anyone has a problem with it, I’ll point out now that maybe if you didn’t talk so much, I would have been able to hear the lecture on the illegality of defaming a particular class of individual.

Surprisingly, the contributions to this list are, for the most part, unrelated to the fact that the lecture content involves being subjected to over two centuries worth of bumbling idiots who have met disagreement with tort law. Rather, it is the endless stream of irrelevant interjections offered by overzealous students who open up a new realm of things I find painfully uninteresting.

For the sake of making my point clear, I’ll redefine ‘painfully uninteresting’ to mean that I think if I sat and listened to Friday by Rebecca Black on repeat, I would probably find it more intellectually stimulating, because at least doing that I would learn the days of the week (half of them anyway; I was too caught up on which seat to take to even think about where Tuesday fits into the scheme of things). So, who ARE these students who insist on interrupting my Facebook stalking with their dulcet tones? I hate to be the person who picks on a particular group right now, but look, I’m going to put it out there, and if anyone has a problem with it, I’ll point out now that maybe if you didn’t talk so much, I would have been able to hear the lecture on the illegality of defaming a particular class of individual.

Firstly, let’s just recognise that lecturers, as the people who sit and mark hundreds of mediocre reports on the most mundane of subjects, must have an incredibly high boredom threshold. So, realistically, if it gets to the point at which even the lecturer is telling you to shut up, you should probably just muzzle yourself then and there. Chances are if not even the lecturer can stand your pointless commentary any longer, the rest of us are picturing you with your vocal chords forcibly removed.

So, what do anecdotes about cats, bitches about ex-husbands, knowledge from previous degrees, and an inaptitude using Microsoft all have in common? They are all just some of the quintessential remarks made by our token mature age students. As much as I’d love to talk about the desire to bake a cake

Secondly, all of your teachers have consultation hours for a reason. So, feel free to verbally assault them with fruitless questions, but have the courtesy to do it in the privacy of their office, so that we don’t have to hear it and we actually get through all the PowerPoint slides on time. Finally, I couldn’t care less about your thoughts on whatever matter is at hand at the time, or how it relates to your long, hard life. If you know so much, then why the hell are you at uni again? If you really need to get so much off your chest, then here’s some advice… Go home. Put on Adele. Clutch a few of your many cats to your chest. Sob. Caress your old diplomas. Take a TAFE course on basic computer literacy. Remind yourself that you are attending uni to learn new things, not to attempt to prove to everyone you already know it all.


Disclaimer: This does not apply to all mature age students; rather, to the ones it does, you know who you are. CBF to explain further, but go to Google, read “On Being A Mature Age Student” by Terry Gygar, marvel at his insights.

INTRODUCING YOUR N 1. Are you a morning person or a night person? 2. Greatest fear? 3. What’s the meaning life?


1. Neither, when you don’t sleep you can’t tell the difference between morning and night. 2. The oversized bugs that only seem to exist in Queensland. 3. I’ll tell you after a year of being BSA President.


1. Red bill gives me wings - I’m an anytime person. 2. Obesity ... oh and spiders! 3. The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding / in all of the directions it can whiz / as fast as it can go / the speed of light you know / twelve million miles a minute and thats the fastest speed there is / so remember when your feeling very small and insecure / how amazingly unlikely is your birth / and pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space / cause there’s bugger all down here on Earth.


1. I am a morning person. 2. My greatest fear is needles. 3. This questions brings me back to Cultural and Ethical Values. I guess I could recycle the ideas of Socrates, Plato or one of those other philosophers that I have since forgot but I think that is pretty pointless. This is a question that I have given no contemplation, therefore, I have decided not to respond.


1. Considering it’s 2.18am when I’m writing this, I would say that makes me a night person for sure. 2. Being swallowed alive by an anaconda. Snakes on a Plane has scarred me for life. 3. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!


1. I burn the midnight oil and watch the sun rise... I don’t sleep? 2. I have three: fish scales, Furbys and dolls. 3. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.



NEW BSA FOR 2011/2012 JACOB COLLIER - SPONSORSHIP DIRECTOR 1. Depends on when she’s up for it. 2. Arachibutyrophobia. Google it. 3. Get shit done. Eat curry.


1. Are you a morning person or a night person? Neither, I’m a brunch man. 2. Bears... They are giant, vicious, marauding creatures. 3. Dr Suess once said, “sometimes the question is complicated, but the answer is simple”... So I’ll go with Matt Boyce’s moustache.

BEN SCARRABELOTTI - PUBLICATIONS DIRECTOR 1. Night person. 2. Being in Lizzie Harrington’s pod. 3. The pork belly at Hellenika.

BEN O’BRIEN - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 1. Morning person. 2. Heights. 3. I have no idea....


1. Uni definitely turned me into a night person. 2. Being woken up in the toilets by nightclub cleaners at 7am. 3. I don’t know, but I think there’s an app for that.

MAJELLA VAN DER WEERDEN- PROMOTIONS DIRECTOR 1. Because of Don’s…. Night. 2. Drop Bears. 3. To somehow acquire a pet chipmunk.



Photographer: Shaun Rotman


live and loud Photographer: Julian Jantos

BSA Handover Photographer: Oliver Kidd


PGSA Black & White Photographer: Liam Byrne

Futsal Tournament Photos supplied by the Bond University Soccer Club


BIG EDGE Speaker Series Photographer: Kenny Kagiah

Dear Dr. Duh.... Giving blatantly obvious answers to questions since 113 Dear Dr. Duh, I went to the BSA Handover on the weekend, and I can’t remember anything! What do I do? Dear Amnesia, Avoid all eye contact with everybody.

Dear Doctor Duh, It’s my first semester at Bond, how do I become popular? Dear Newbie, Sleep with a member of BUSA, your name may appear in their hook up jar.

Dear Doctor Duh, How do I avoid study?

Dear Dr. Duh, I’m a new female student at Bond, how do I make new friends?

Dear Avoider, Easy. You go to the Library.

Dear Friendster, Shorten that skirt babes. Alternatively, attend every Bond event, even the ones held by the Gaming Society.

Dear Doctor Duh, I am really interested in this girl at Bond. What do I do? Dear Cracker, Ask the lucky lady out on a date. Some tips: if you ask someone out on a date, have the courtesy to not need your friend to chauffer you to and from your date; actually pay for your date’s meal; and do NOT tell your date’s close friend that she has a skewed perspective of the world. Dear Doctor Duh, I just wrote a really controversial article in Scope… how do I deal with the consequences? Dear Maybe-You-Shouldn’t-Have-Written-The-Article-In-The-First-Place, Never read Scope again, you don’t want to read what people are saying about you. On that note, I probably wouldn’t go on Facebook for a while either. Dear Doctor Duh, I am really interested in becoming a cheerleader, how can I guarantee a spot on the squad? Dear Desperado, Two words: BIG TITS...LOL JK, five years cheer/gymnastics experience, the ability to follow a Cheer-tater, live and breathe cheer-tatership, and being able to live with coming 4th at Nationals after many 5:30am training sessions. Dear Doctor Duh, How do I save money at Uni?

Dear Doctor Duh, I am a member of both the Bond Christian Club and BURST, I don’t know what to do.

Dear Broke, Live in the Bat Labs, attend every event at Bond with free food (keeping in mind that Dear Judas, you may have to listen to pointless crap It’s OK; nobody knows what these clubs for 2+ hours), and don’t shower- swim in are anyway. the fountain (chlorinated once a week). Dear Doctor Duh, I am a Med student at Bond, how do I fit in? Dear Hermit, ...Bond offers Med?!?!?

Rebekah Rankine, Sophie Greig & Gabrielle Webb


Dear Doctor Duh, I keep seeing all the guys I’ve hooked up with in the Library. What do I do? Dear Bicycle, Ever heard of commando rolling your way out of awkward situations?


As broke uni students, we’d do just about anything for cash. We’d each sell you part of our liver for $500 (they do grow back, right…?). We’d gladly start a business in the lucrative escort industry just to make ends meet. Turns out we’ll even grow seedy moustaches to feel rich for a month before handing the mulah over to charity (only one of us is actually man enough to grow a moustache, but our point remains the same). However, sitting in the bat labs at 4am for our third all-nighter in a row really made us wonder if $700 was worth foregoing social interaction and tutorial participation marks for a week. The experts in the mooting world always say that your life gets put on hold during a mooting competition, but you don’t fully appreciate that warning until you’ve been preparing for a ten minute moot for the past sixty hours and Kirby’s 427th dissenting judgment isn’t making sense anymore. We realise the inaugural Miscarriages of Justice Mooting Competition was for the inexperienced mooters at Bond University and cannot compare to the external competitions that Bond mooters are involved with, but IT. WAS. HARD. Having to appear in front of up to five judges to defend a man appealing against his conviction of murder then attempt the complete opposite and prosecute him two days later is one of the more difficult, yet rewarding, experiences we’ve had during our time at Bond.

There is no appropriate way to explain the feeling of progressing through the rounds of a mooting competition. It’s a mixture of joy for obvious reasons, fear because you have to stand in front of the judges and do it all over again in the next round, relief knowing that your hard work and long hours of prepara-


Gary King & Max Davies

tion paid off, and sheer exhaustion as you slowly realise that you won’t be sleeping before your next moot. The competition was, at the end of the day, an incredible experience. For anyone we’ve scared away from ever competitively mooting by revealing the harsh reality of the (beginner’s outlook on the) mooting world, we encourage you to sign up to a moot whenever you can. The Miscarriage of Justice moot is the ideal way to determine if you’re any good at mooting to begin with and to decide whether you’d like to apply for Bond’s mooting teams in the future. The competition is geared towards newcomers, so mistakes are encouraged and the goal is to learn by actively taking part. So give it a go! You never know, it may be the leg-up you need to start a very successful mooting career at Bond University. RESULTS Winning Team: Max Davies and Gary King Runners-up: Deborah Horsley and Christina Kranz Best oralist in the preliminary round: Marryum Kahloon NESB oralist in the preliminary rounds: Lalitha Kumar

Never presume anything… AnneMie Decatte On my very first day at Bond - in fact, during the morning tea of the Business Orientation for new students - I met Maja Kindseth, who became one of my best friends. I remember the day as if it was yesterday. That morning, I went into work really early so that I was able to finish by ten thirty, race over to Bond, to make it just in time for the introduction. (Yes, it is a fact that I like to live life in the fast lane!) That Friday was a sizzling hot spring morning when I arrived at the Cerum Theater, after a short sprint across the parking lot. Having come straight from work, it dawned on me that I was wearing a suit, and all the others were not - speaking of an awkward moment… The presentation was about to start, so I had to find a seat as soon as possible. I spotted the perfect seat next to a ‘Japanese’ girl - so I thought - who looked very kind and inviting, so I made my way to sit next to her. As I had lived in Japan for a few years previously, I thought this would be the ideal opportunity to pull out some of my rusty Japanese… We made some brief chit-chat and I was very surprised to hear her speak with an American accent. Now, I was really intrigued and curious… where was this girl from?

Of course, by the time I could ask any more questions, we were split up into groups to take part in activities to get to know each other. I must admit, this was quite challenging in a suit, outside, in 30 degree heat. Once we were reunited, an announcement was made that we were all invited for lunch by the lake. A short while later, we were sitting outside, enjoying pizza with a cold drink, and chatting away like we had know each other for years. It was there and then that I found out that Maja was actually from Norway, only a few thousand kilometers away from my home country, Belgium. How weird one had to come to the opposite side of the world to meet a fellow European. We studied Public Speaking together and had a lot of fun! Since, we had many meaningful and philosophical conversations during our early morning beach walks. I guess you could say that Plato found Socrates! We both came to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason. When I told her that I was of the opinion that she was Japanese when I first met her, she burst into laughter. She then confessed to me that she thought that I was one of the tutors, since I was wearing a suit, which in turn brought a smile to my face. Maja later shared with me that she is actually from Korean decent and was adopted together with her sister Ida, who also studied at Bond University. The lesson I learned form all this is to never make assumptions and take life how it comes. Accept the windows of opportunity that present themselves to you, as you never know who you will meet, or where they are from. Nothing is as it seems!


C I S U M ARTS & S W E I V E R Death In Perugia By John Follain KARTIKA PANWAR The recent Amanda Knox trial has attracted an almost inordinate amount of interest from the international media. This being the case, a plethora of books and documentaries have emerged just in time to be Christmas stocking fillers. So if you need to read one book to get a comprehensive and impartial view of what happened after the discovery of the dead Meredith Kercher, Knox’s flat mate in Perugia, this is the book. Follain writes compellingly and intelligently about the very sad and mysterious death of the beautiful Kercher. He has meticulously researched and interviewed nearly everybody concerned with this event in order to present an impressive work about the events leading up to and following Knox’s recent acquittal by the Italian Supreme Court. The book portrays a very naive and socially uninhibited American study abroad student, Knox, living with her more staid and mature English counter part in a shared house. According to Knox’s testimony she returned to the house after Halloween and seeing a locked door to Kercher’s room raised the alarm. From there we see Knox and boyfriend, Rafaelle Sollecito, being subjected to interviews, interrogations and finally arrest by the Italian police. Then we have the full spectrum of what happens in a criminal trial: alibis, changes of testimony, a cast of colourful witnesses; contaminated evidence and some very serious ineptitude by the forensic services. This book provides to me, a lawyer, a fascinating insight into the alien inquisitorial legal system of continental countries. Here the judge has a far more active role in the proceedings as opposed to Australia’s adversarial based system. The judge cross examined Knox to resolve any grey areas in her testimony. The judge and jury together determined which evidence was produced (here it is usually the Judge alone who does this) and the theatrical performances of the lawyers are something which have to be read to be believed. At one point Knox’s lawyer during his closing address, leaned over and tweaked her cheek while tearfully declaring that such a young girl could only be innocent. Finally, Death In Perugia leaves the reader to make up their own mind about whether or not Amanda and boyfriend, Sollecito, were actually involved with the murder. I remain uncertain although thanks to the book, I am far more enlightened than before.


My Heroes By Ranulph Fiennes KARTIKA PANWAR Sir Ranulph Fiennes English aristocrat and explorer almost seems from a bygone era. He has conquered both the North and South poles unaided and Mt Everest, the only person ever to do so. He was also 65 when he scaled Everest which gives teletubbies such as myself some small measure of hope for fame in later life. Any book containing his “heroes”- people who inspired him is bound to be interesting and provocative. He has chosen an eclectic bunch- some well known, such as Claus Von Stauffenberg- instrumental in trying to assassinate Hitler and subject of the film “Valkyrie” and Paul Rusesabagina, the manager of what became known as “Hotel Rwanda” where he saved over 1000 Hutus and Tutsis from death by the militia. Others are rescued from the obscurities of history. Fiennes lists children survivors of Pol Pot’s regime in Cambodia and the plucky English missionary, Gladys Aylward for some impressive work with Chinese children in the early 1900’s. Fiennes writes well but if there is one major drawback with this book it is the unflinching detail with which he writes about the atrocities surrounding the heroes. The methods of torture inflicted upon Jews in concentration camps, the children in Cambodia under Pol Pot’s regime and later the natives of Rwanda are spelled out in specific and stomach turning detail, making it at times, difficult to read on. Nevertheless, for those with a stronger stomach this context makes the hero all the more impressive for surviving and operating in such circumstances.


Morgan M Morgansen’s Date with Destiny


I’m not usually the kind of girl that is overly excited by romantic tales. Saccharine loves stories just don’t do it for me. Why are the girls always so well put together? Why are the boys always so suave? Why is there a happy ending? More importantly, why haven’t I got that happy ending? The cynic in me just doesn’t buy it. When a friend recommended that I watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s newest short film, Morgan M Morgansen’s Date with Destiny, I was skeptical but, although not a typical romantic, I’m still female and it’s hard to stay away from Mr. Levitt. The narrative is a typical love story. Boy meets girl, subtle intimations of interest are given and not so subtle looks are passed. Thus, passion ensues. The brilliance of this film lies in its ability to lay that process bare for what it is. It begins with the “…capricitous califrag Morgan M. Morgansen [standing] in the longroom of his fourwalls, narcissising himself in the doubleglass.” (aka the womanizing Mr. Morgansen is looking at a mirror frothing over his dark handsome self). As a brazen sesquipedalian, I was in love. Rogue, swashbuckling capricious califrags are so my thing. Add convoluted satirical language and I’m sold.

Writer Sarah Daly is brilliant. Daly follows in the footsteps of giants like Douglas Adams by exposing the hypocrisy of language by breaking it down into simpler elements, laying bare the hidden truth beneath our opaque words. That succulent rare rabbit you’re about to devour? It’s actually an “unlived corpse of a bleedy babybunny”… awkward. Beyond linguistic genius, the visuals of this film are utterly delightful! A perfect mix reminiscent of the era of silent films and art noveau and a cameo by Mélèis’ Moon created an alternate Victorian reality that I’d happily inhabit. The film combines live action shots with illustrations and photomontages to create a decadent and engaging shoot. Art enthusiasts will love the background images of altered paintings; my favorite was the addition of a bleeding bunny into Goya’s Saturn Devouring his Son. An excellent film and a brilliant work of art. It’s only 5 minutes of your time and I assure you that Mr. Morgansen’s rosematic endeavors will definitely prompt a lip lifting. As for me, I’m yet to lovesplode with butterflation but in the meantime Mr. Mogansen provides a worthy substitute.

Polaroid Z340 Camera Review (Polaroid v Instagram) OLIVER KIDD Instagram: both pointless and annoying. Obviously over the past few months, or possibly years (I don’t really know because I haven’t been keeping up) Instagram has taken over the ‘arty photo market’. Congratulations world-at-large! You’ve really let this get out of hand.

are made much easier. It’s nice to see what your friends are up to in more than just a status update, but I draw the line at taking intentionally bad photos. Instagram helps out here – it’s distinguished itself from Flickr.

Where once teen girls could prance around their house taking off-centre, out of focus pictures of their cat sitting on a washing machine, gazing apathetically past the camera, they can now just use Instagram. No more legitimate photos of ‘apparently’ inebriated teenagers bum-puffing smoke out of their mouths at increasingly ambient hallway-parties. Now we’re all privy to a photo-stream of ‘alternativity’ every second we spend on an online social hub, and further, the colour is off and they’re out of focus. I’m sure you’ve all heard of Instagram, or at least have an annoying friend who uses the app (maybe you are the annoying friend). It’s an app/website that allows users to take photos that look suspiciously arty, and then upload them to Facebook / Twitter / wherever else you annoy people, and then reap the kudos you’re sure to receive.

What happens if you accidentally take a good photo? Don’t worry – you can make it obscure in Instagram. There’s no purpose apart from trying to look like you’ve gone to the effort of buying a Polaroid camera, and then uploading the photo. The inherent charm of instant photos is gone, and as such, there could be no other purpose than to propagate your newfound ‘alternativity’.

Polaroid film is expensive, and was until quite recently in very short supply. Thanks in some part to Jesse Frieden, the production of film has been kick started again. In 2010 he used two packets of Polaroid film – from the last remaining supply in the world – to take photos of five dogs wearing 5 different Lady Gaga outfits (teenage photographers eat your heart out). The project was aimed at spurring the continued production of film for vintage (now manufactured in bulk for an ever-growing consumer base) Polaroid cameras. After taking the photos, they were spotted by Perez Hilton, and within days the inevitable happened: mass exposure. Production was re-continued. Along with the amateur photography careers of oh so many teenagers (I’m hesitant to say girls). During this cluster-fuck of circumstances, the inevitable happened. An application was designed that allowed people to upload evidence of their alternate goings-on to the interweb. Terrific. But seriously, I’m all for people sharing photos. I legitimately like it. It’s entertaining, and especially when you have something you legitimately want to share with friends, things

I think that the reason people continued using Polaroid-style cameras after convenience tugged them in a more digital direction is simple: you will have something tangible to remember that moment with. Where digital cameras provide a .jpg file, Polaroid cameras instantly give you a hard copy to keep. It’s the ONE photo. You could easily scan it for safekeeping, but there’ll only ever be ONE photo. It’s a memento. Polaroids give each photo nice colouring because of the Zinc printer. It’s a trait inherent to these photos in particular. It’s overly ridiculous to take nice photos and then make them look like they were taken on a Polaroid for social points, which I can assure you you’re not getting. My point is this: the new Polaroid Z340 Instant Digital Camera does both. You can take crisp, colourful snaps, or really alternative instants for sentimental purposes. When you look back on your delusional university days in five years, it’ll be a lot more pleasant to go through a box of instant photos, rather than logging into Instagram and clicking through a bunch of digitally enhanced photos of melancholy lawn chairs. The Z340 has a 14-megapixel sensor, a 2.7-inch LCD screen, and a built in Zinc printer. It takes really nice photos, and really legitimate instants. Take that, Instagram. You officially have no purpose. Please delete yourself.


SPORT Hannah West

Res Wars opens the battlefield for one last time The final round of Res Wars for the semester saw all four residences battle it out for sports carnival glory on the Sports Fields. A slow start from a traditionally in-form AC unit gave the strong Blocks’ teams a chance to get ahead early, taking out the first few rounds of the event. A tactical use of the Joker Card by B Block in the second round saw the Bandits take double points for Captain Ball. Getting into the swing of the adapted program, AC pushed hard through the final rounds, saving their first win for the most important event of the night – the Weetbix Relay Challenge.

Six competitors were required to chomp their way through a Weetbix each, before being cleared by senior res fellow judges to tag the next competitor. Saving their Joker till the last minute, AC placed all hope on American, Sydney Lawson, in the Women’s’ 100m, who did the Red Devils proud taking out the woman’s sprinting crown. Jacob Collier made up some much needed points for A Block, shining in the men’s 100m. This semester Res wars saw lots of good competition and some exciting battles on the sports field. Make sure you don’t miss out on Res Dinner – Sign up is available on BondSync on the Campus life page. Hope to see you there.

Victory for Bus in the Rugby Grudge Match Samuel Jones

The Business Wolves secured a 17 to 7 victory over the Legal Eagles last Thursday night during the tri-annual Business v Law Rugby Grudge Match, proving once again that a law degree is just an expensive way to make your parents proud. The crowd was treated with an intensely physical game, especially upfront in the forward pack. Viko Muliaga, Law stalwart and personality, had an exceptional game securing the only try of the night for the Legal Eagles. Canadian import, Jeff Horricks, injected some speed and agility into the backline and was also one of the few players who actually studies law.

Greg Russell fired up Business with a solid defense and some strategically played balls in the backline. As always George Duddy gave the crowd something to cheer about, constantly breaking Law’s defensive line, as did Ibo Eyiden with his elusive runs down the sideline. Thank must go to Liam Auer, James Nikko and Lachlan “Spud” Turnell who were kind enough to provide sideline commentary on the night, adding to the excitement of the night. DJ Pelicopter had his hand on his deck all night, setting the mood with pre, mid and post game beats. Special mention to the pot-hole near the western try line for royally ‘screwing’ over my knee!



A Freshman’s Experience with the GC Suns Emma Hoy

Since starting at Bond there has been one think I have always kept in mind, I’m doing it for my future career, my love for sport and interest in science. Furthermore, the endless work experience opportunities at Bond University certainly helped my decision. Gold Coast, the heart of beaches, hot days, surfer boys, girls in bikinis and the GC Titans. Queenslanders pride themselves on their rugby prowess, thus many were surprised with the official entrance of the Gold Coast Suns into the AFL league just this year. Within weeks of arriving, I was fortunate enough to make contact with the Gold Coast Suns head trainer and secure a job as a sports trainer with the newly formed Australian Football League team, Gold Coast Suns. Thus, in my freshman year at Bond, I would be helping a fellow group of freshmen. Therefore, this is my opportunity to reveal the educational, interesting and embarrassing experiences from my first work experience with a sporting team. My parents always said to me “Get in there whenever you can and take a stab at doing something that is new to you”. So of course, on my first day at training with the Gold Coast Suns, when the head trainer asked me if I could please help out with drinks running, I was all for it. Little did I know that my lack of fitness and inability to learn every single one of the player’s names before arriving at the club would be such a burden. It was awkward to say the least when you have a crowd of fit, great looking players watching you run drinks out to them, only to have you then stand there, look at them blankly and say “Drink?”

I quickly moved on from the awkward first experience to the strapping rooms, where it was time to put my training skills into practise. With the help of some of the other friendly trainers, I was strapping the boys’ ankles in ‘the special Gold Coast Suns way’ within minutes and life for me was running pretty smoothly. However, despite my success in the strapping skills area, it seems to be my forte in making sure I have the most embarrassing and awkward first experiences. At the end of the players training session, my prediction that our role of cleaning out the drink bottles was far from correct. I was somewhat confronted when a large group of players remaining in nothing more than underwear stood before me in the rooms. Before I could make any further predictions, I was asked by one of the players for a rub down. With my minimal skills in massage therapy, I was helped out by one of my fellow trainers and committing to a full body rub down of one of the players! Let’s just say he was fit, tanned and really really-ridiculously good looking. Although my first week was full of embarrassment and entertainment, after getting into the swing of things down at the club, the hands on experience gained from my season with the Gold Coast Suns certainly outweighed my expectations and I look back on the season with no regrets. The new concepts and activities I was exposed to have only further enhanced my knowledge and helped direct me with where I want to take my degree when I finish at Bond University.

Sophie von Zeppelin On Saturday 19th November, 10 of the University’s Cheerleaders competed in the Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation National Championships. Placing 4th overall - may we emphasise that is the 4th BEST of Australian Universities, the squad are very happy with their efforts. No victory would be sweet without challenges, and my, did the team have their fair share. Exactly a week before the competition, the team’s coach pulled out - leaving them without a coach and with only 20 seconds of a 2.5 minute routine. Following 8 hours of practice over the weekend and another 10 hours during the week - to both choreograph and clean the routine, captain Emma Lago was just proud of the girls for making it to the competition: “We trained incredibly hard last week, with five 6am starts and another two hours in the evening most

nights. The dedication the girls displayed was remarkable, and I am so proud of the team for placing 4th. Most of the other teams had been doing the one routine for months! It just goes to show what a talented team we have.” Something to look forward to next year is that cheerleading is now an Australian University Games sport, and the winning team will go on to compete at the World University Games, in Florida. Training will resume next year, with the hopes of employing a new coach! If anyone knows anyone who may be interested, please shoot the squad an email: Thanks for all your support this year, and to the girls-enjoy a couple of weeks off!


ODDS & ENDS | SCOPE HOT Toolies Cookies Mermaids

Week 11, assessments on the mind but some glorious hair on that upper lip! Yes, its peak Movember time. I’m sure you’ve seen some seriously sensual mo’s out there. A dirty sanchez, perhaps even a few classic porn star mo’s? Whatever the mo-style I’m sure you appreciate the effort, rogaine and love gone into their grooming. And what better to complement your admiration of the mo then with the purchase of your own Bond Uni Mo Season shirt. These truly inspirational pieces of clothing can be picked up for the cheap cheap price of $15 from the BUSA office and also at Wednesday by the Water. All proceeds from the sale of the shirts will be donated to the Bond Movember team.

2nd place last week. You know what this means! It’s time to get our your notoriously large chequebook and donate liberally to the Bond team. Any donation will be of great help to our Mo-Brothers and MoSistas. As well as supporting your uni, your donation will go toward a couple of great causes in fighting prostate cancer and depression! So make sure you get online at www.movember. and check out the progress of the Bond University Mo Appreciation team!

Winning the booty shake competition SPC merch and the 2012 Grand Opening of the SPC Store Prevalence of European languages Irishmen Flange The heat NOT Schoolies Whinging Several pieces of assessment due at once

Speaking of which, Bond is currently ranked 5th in the Movember Uni Challenge, slipping a few places from our

Running out of money on your meal plan

Andrew Dennis

BOND CLASSIFIEDS EXPLORATION SOCIETY EVENT We will be going to Kangaroo Point, Brisbane, for our final event of Semester 113. Come along for an action packed day of rock climbing, abseiling and BBQ’ing! Date: Saturday 26th of November. Price: $50 (includes transport to/from Brisbane, BBQ lunch, four hours of activities and site seeing). Registration is open at: events/3716 For more information visit

Three weeks until holidays


Are you selling, looking for, interested in, running an event etc. etc.? Then this section is for you! It’s free for all students, all you have to do is send an email to with all the relevant details (name, goods/services, contact number etc.), plus your student ID (so we can verify that you’re a student). Bond FSAs/clubs/societies are welcome to use this section to advertise their events PROVIDED they do not spam it!!! MAXIMUM 50 WORDS DEADLINE: 4PM MONDAY EACH WEEK


Losing files two weeks out from exams Getting into arguments with lecturers


H A A A A VE Y O U M E T . . . ? Name: Stian Larsen Age: 21 (Mental Age: 16) Degree: Bachelor of Business Beginning Semester: 103 Hometown: North Pole (no, like seriously) FB Relationship Status: In a relationship with Thomas Bevans <3 Star Sign: Norwegian Socialite/International Superstar

Do you judge other people for their past indiscretions? Ideal date location and companion?

Anywhere with Thomas, as long as he is not on his computer playing Pokémon . . . Hint, Hint Thomas. Do you call a snail without a shell naked or homeless?

Naked and Homeless Duuuh! What food would you be and why?

Cake. Cute, sweet and delicious! Yummy! What is your study motto?

Bang the teacher. A genie grants you three wishes - what are they and why?

1. Liposuction; 2. Spending Christmas with my grandma; 3. That Thomas could clean his room.

Yes. Yes I do. If you could swap bodies with anyone at Bond for a day, who would it be and why?

My friend Isabel because she’s always mean to me making fun of my accent. I would walk around campus naked with a sign saying, “Sperm bank donation can be made here”. Choose: never washing your bed sheets again, or never washing your towel again.

Isn’t that the maid’s job? Weirdest place you’ve had a sexual encounter?

Sex? What is that? However, I saw a guy masturbate in a public toilet in Melbourne once.

NEXT WEEK: Nominate yourself or dob in someone else to

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