Scope Issue 10 Week 2 Sem 121

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Issue 10

Week 2 Sem 121



Scope is proudly brought to you by BUSA and a dedicated group of student volunteers.

4-5. PUBLICATIONS DIRECTOR EDITOR IN CHIEF GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jorja-Lee Wallace FEATURES EDITOR | Shannan Carroll SUB-EDITOR | Bonnie Whitehead MUSIC, ARTS & REVIEWS EDITOR | Oliver Kidd SUB-EDITOR | Jonathan Dodd SUB-EDITOR | Emily McGregor SPORT EDITOR | Rebecca Thompson SUB-EDITOR | Linda Woelk PHOTOGRAPHERS Shaun Rotman Liam Byrne Stuart McKelvie SPONSORSHIP Michael ‘Papa’ Penklis

DEADLINES Space Reservation: Sunday 4pm Completed content: Monday 4pm

CONTACT Editor: jorja-lee.wallace@student. General: com Phone: 5595 4009




3. Weekly BUSA Report 4. 'Straya Day 6. Australia Day: A Beginner's Guide 7. Life as a Fresher in 121 8. The Apology 9. Bitch: Get Off The Wang 10. Thailand Tales 11. Mt Kilimanjaro

12. Photos 16. Posters 18. So Fresh 2012 20. Gamer's Life Convention Review 21. Odds & Ends 22. Music, Arts & Reviews 24. Sport 26. Posters 28. Haaaave You Met...?

COVER PHOTO: Shaun Rotman

The views and opinions expressed in Scope do not necessarily represent those of the Scope team, the Publications Director or BUSA.

20 22.




FROM THE DESK OF: MATTHEW MCLEAN THE EDUCATION GATEWAY I am pleased to announce BUSA’s latest academic initiative, the Education Gateway. The Education Gateway is your link to Bond University forms, contacts, policies, procedures and a world of important information.

editor’s report ...The sickening feeling when you realise you haven’t been to bed for 24 hours straight. F my L. As I write this the clock is ticking past 7.30am (Wednesday); just about the time my alarm went off yesterday morning. Believe me, in this weather, there is no place I would rather be than tucked up in bed listening to the rain. Unfortunately I’ve recently discovered there are just not enough hours in the day - although I’d love to know where the 25 hour convenience guy is harvesting his minutes from! I’d pay big money for them - and it’s only Week 2 (I’m sure a few friends share my sentiments - sorry Mel, Chantal, Catherine & Kristy). It is here where I shall apologise for any mistakes or oversights this week. I’m struggling to see the keyboard so I suppose that’s indicative of really just how tired I am. To quote the wisest woman I know (aka The Woman), I’m definitely “burning the candle at both ends”. But it’s worth it because we really do have an epic Scope for you this week. Issue 10 brings you information, laughs, controversy and a few different insights into your fellow Bondies. And we cannot forget the most loved section of all - the photo pages. Your mind will be blown by the Pub Crawl shots which, if you were lucky enough to be on the second crawl, are awesome. Don’t forget anyone can contribute to Scope, and we’re constantly sourcing writers! We’re also looking for a passionate and dedicated student to fill the role of Features Sub-Editor, a position which has recently become available (check out page 21 for more details). A huge thank-you to former Features Sub-Editor, James Mackechnie, for the hard work he has put into Scope over the last nine editions. Good luck for your future endeavours; we will miss you. On that note, it’s printing time! Thanks VP!!! <3 Until next week, xx


Jorja Wallace

ditor E e h t o t s r Lette e team? ck for the Scop u to say? Feedba stu e@ ac all .w Have something ja-lee the Editor at jor to ter let a nd Se nday | DUE: 4pm Mo Max 100 words

Providing a pathway to more than 100, links the Education Gateway is an essential tool for students throughout their studies at Bond. The Education Gateway is a onestop-shop online and at your fingertips. It is your portal and pipeline to all information regarding education and academic affairs at Bond University.

ENTER THE EDUCATION GATEWAY To enter the Education Gateway simply login to BondSync via the same drop-down box you use to visit Estudent and Ilearn at bond. Once you log in with your student ID and password click the ‘Organisations’ tabs and add the Education Gateway.

EXPLORE THE EDUCATION GATEWAY Now that you have access to the Education Gateway make the most of it and find what you need. You can use the Education Gateway as your academic portal to the following: • Staff Databases including Faculties, Institute, PVC (SAS), Chancellory and QTL • Off Campus Connect to access Bond Network remotely • Campus map • Faculties and Colleges links to each individual Faculty webpage as well as the Institute and BUELI • Bond University Policies including Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Policy, Student Acceptable Use of ICT Facilities Policy, First in Class Notation Policy, Tuition Fees Refund Policy, Disability Policy, Elite Athletes Policy, Review of Interim Assessment and Examination Policy and Student Development and Support Policy





• Bond University Book Shop • Academic Calendar • Printing and photocopying • Eduroam • Computer Availability • Enrolment How to Enrol and Enrolment Guide • Recommended Degree Programs from each School • Lecture Streaming • Graduation registration, eligibility and procedure • Reference Guides AGLC, Harvard, APA and Vancouver • Library and Online Resources Information, Opening Hours, Catalogue, E-Journal Portal and Course Reserve • Fees Undergraduate, Postgraduate, English Language and Preparation Course Fees • Timetable and Subjects Timetable and Subject Search • Student Exchange Information, Participating Institutions, Tuition and Funding, Application and Contact • Degrees and Courses Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Preparation, Language and Executive • Student Handbook Academic Regulations, Award Regulations, Discipline Regulations and Student Charter • Scholarships Information and Contacts • Exclusion Information Domestic Appeal Form, International Appeal Form, Academic Warning, Contact • Letters and transcripts form for letter and form for transcript • Academic Affairs Directors all FSAs and SDSA • Student Systems Ilearn, Webmail, Estudent • Program Advisers from every school • Exams and Assessment Calendar, Policies, Procedure, Review of Grade Form, Deferred Examination Form • Support for Students Study Support, Personal Support, Disability Support, Advocacy Support, Learning Support and LifeOne

‘Straya Day Elliot Moffatt

Just last week I was asked “What’s Australia Day?” and without wanting to go into the boring historical garbage about Captain Cook and the first fleet in 1788, I merely replied “It’s like all other national days.” Well, as it turns out this gentleman was French and he said his national day celebrates the storming of the Bastille (a fortressprison). Apparently not all national days are the same, I mean, why would you want to celebrate a prison break? I prefer my prisoners on the inside, it makes me feel safer. In light of this revelation this certain French gentleman inquired as to what we do to celebrate Australia Day, and whether he could join in. To answer the latter a simple “Yes!” would suffice, after all Australia Day is for everyone to celebrate, especially considering how multi-cultural we are as a nation. So for all those lucky enough to be reading this, but weren’t born within our shores, go down to your nearest beach/park and join in the festivities! The answer to “What do you do on Australia Day?” is far more involved, and as such I’d like to provide you all with a brief overview of “What to do on Australia Day”. Rules/Guide to Australia Day: - Beers, many beers. To be specific, beers that come in a can – or as we call them “tinnies”. Whilst I am not one to endorse the irresponsible consumption alcohol, they come in a cube of 30 for a reason. - The Triple J Hottest 100 is released every Australia Day. Any other playlist that you have going during the day is inferior to the



Hottest 100. Throw your iPod into the ocean, turn on Triple J and grab a tinnie. - Beach/Backyard Cricket is mandatory. Smashing said tinnies during a game of cricket is also mandatory. Not playing cricket? Excellent, you have time to smash a tinnie whilst watching your mates play cricket. - Go fishing in a tinnie (a small aluminium boat), whilst smashing a tinnie. - BBQ some meat, preferably lamb but if needed beef is an acceptable substitute. Every country has their own dish on national days, the Canadians eat poutine, the Peruvians eat guinea pigs (sick bastards), and the French eat baguettes (and we all know what that rhymes with). Got some tofu? Cool, throw it out. Tips for cooking the meat: is it black yet? No? Keep going. Where’s your tinnie?

Sure, there are a few bad eggs that ruin it for everyone else (Pauline Hanson – and I mean, what the fuck Tony Abbot. I mean “Well that’s one less boat we have to worry about” is not the correct response to the Italian Cruise Ship disaster) but they’re probably going to have a shit one anyway.



- A game of Touch Football is also mandatory. I’d suggest leaving the tinnies out of this one, however there’s a need for a tinnie break to wet your whistle. - If you know how to surf, I guess you can do that. I mean, tinnies and open beaches surprisingly don’t mix – besides, if you’re capable of surfing at any point during the day you’re doing Australia Day wrong. Decided not to surf? Excellent, grab a tinnie. - Lamingtons must be consumed. If you don’t have access to lamingtons try and have a female bake some for you. - Australian flag bikinis and board shorts are acceptable. Don’t get too excited though, this is the only day of the year you have permission to wear them. - Make a wizard stick. A wizard stick is where you keep the tinnies you have consumed and attach them end on end using duct tape. If your wizard stick is as tall as you, congratulations, you have just attained the pole vaulter status. So remember, have fun – it’s the one day you can truly enjoy having zero responsibilities and the one day where “winging it” is a legitimate plan, because something always comes up. If you don’t have plans why not swing by the blocks and hang with the natives, or at the least go to Don’s for a cheeky schooner – it’s sure to go off like a frog in a sock. If you can acquire an Australian Flag in your travels, awesome, if not, no worries. As a young country we don’t have a very unique culture, and the brandishing of Australian Flags en-masse is largely reserved for Anzac Day and Australia Day. Being Australian is about being a good bloke, so the most important thing to bring to any Australia Day bash is a sense of humour and some manners. Don’t be off put by stories of the bigots and racists that get around on Australia Day. Sure, there are a few bad eggs that ruin it for everyone else (Pauline Hanson – and I mean, what the fuck Tony Abbot. I mean “Well that’s one less boat we have to worry about” is not the correct response to the Italian Cruise Ship disaster) but they’re probably going to have a shit one anyway. A love of tinnies and bbqing dead animals is hardly unique to Australia; it’s just the way we do it that shits over everywhere else. Some of you reading this may have class on Thursday. It’s going to be awkward explaining to your tutor/lecturer next week why you didn’t go. Besides, it’s Australia Day and if you do somehow make it to class you’re obviously intoxicated and will therefore take nothing from that class (isn’t that right, Emilia?) Enjoy your day responsibly, and remember we have Whitehouse the following day (which has with it an endless supply of tinnies) so hit the waters before you crash.

Acceptable Australia Day Slang Normally Girl Guy Sausage Sandwich Argument Chat 750ml Beer Something astonishing Carton of Beer Food To leave (to do the bolt) Take away beer To arrive Can of Beer/Aluminium Boat Urinate

On Australia Day Sheila Bloke Snag Sanga Barney Chinwag Tallie/King Brown Corker/Rip snorter Slab/Ray Martin Tucker Harold Holt Roadie Rock up Tinnie Slash





Brock Phyland

Australia Day: A Beginner’s Guide DO’S

Australia Day has a rich and endearing history, and Australians all over decide to completely ignore this history and instead celebrate their nationhood, freedom and convict past with a jovial day of banter and beers.

• Start drinking at 10am. • Fill an inflatable pool up with desired liquid of choice. • Mount Australian flags to your person. • Go to the beach. • Pronounce ‘Australia’ with two syllables: ‘Straya Day’. • Barbeque at least four different animals. • Make beer can Wizard staffs. • Have Triple J’s Hottest 100 playing all day. • Sing the National Anthem. • Slimming and shelving. • Wear a singlet, footy shorts and thongs. • Back up Australia Day with Whitehouse on Friday. • Celebrate Australian superiority in sport and lifestyle. • Watch ‘Bob Hawke Skulls a beer’ ... Yes, this man led our country. • Play a game of backyard cricket. • Get your tits out ‘for the boys’.

Throw off the shackles of one university day in the favour of a few beverages, over-cooked meat on a semihygienic BBQ. Spend a day with mates and all other typical stereotypes one can think of regarding what it is to be ‘Aussie’.


• Get a Southern Cross tattoo. • Go to class. • Put Australian flags on your car (see recent news article). • Leave Australian flags on your car/person until Christmas. • Start a race-riot. • Fight with your mates. • Hook up with your sister. • Drink XXXX beer. • Claim you knew the artist ‘before they were cool’. • Make friends with salad. • Spew and pass out by 2pm. • Smoke two packets of cigs. • Soften up if it does rain. • Be violently racist or racistly violent. • Watch the movie ‘Australia’. • Disrespect the man, the legend, that is Shane Warne. • Public urination.

It’s an excuse for a public holiday, but while the majority of Australians will be basking in what is hopefully a sun-soaked day at the beach, we, the students at Bond, are forced to face the trials and tribulations of class and a regular day. But I say, nay. Embrace a diverse culture that forms bonds over sport, good humour and a laid-back attitude. Throw off the shackles of one university day in the favour of a few beverages, over-cooked meat on a semi-hygienic BBQ. Spend a day with mates and all other typical stereotypes one can think of regarding what it is to be ‘Aussie’. I’ve compiled a small list of the Do’s and Don’ts for the big day - get amongst it! DISCLAIMER: In no way do I personally endorse any illegal or frowned upon activities in the DO list, and as for the DON’Tit’s not a party until someone publicly urinates.





Life as a Fresher in 121

Jake Rischbieth

With O-Week all done and dusted, the Freshers of 121 are just settling into normal campus life. We have survived perhaps the world’s most awkward barbecue, witnessed the end of people’s ability to socially interact as a result of their sexual experiences with office chairs at the hypnosis night, and accepted that the satay chicken is a massive no-no at ‘the Bra’. We have finalised orientation, lined up for hours to get an ID photo and SAM - perhaps the best investment you can make on campus (second to sleeping with someone on BUSA, apparently). Highlights have included Jungle Party, Tight and Bright, Don’s, and our first introduction to that mystical, holy place that is Shooters SuperClub; second only to the 4am visit to Theo’s Kebab shop, albeit regrettable in the morning. The purchase of two golf clubs and a squash racquet for $4 from the local Cashies has supplied the B Block Freshers with hours of entertainment, and directly resulted in a decline in on campus Cane Toad numbers. We have recognised and accepted the correlation between becoming a uni student and stinginess. The product of this realisation has been a love affair with Coolabah - ‘sweet, fruity white’ - perhaps more affectionately known as ‘the nectar of the gods’, or just goon. Pre-drinks every Thursday typically involve goon showers, the infamous and dampening straight arm, or any of the strange American drinking games that no one else seems to understand. This is all fun and games until about 8pm, when Lou Mulligan decides to demonstrate her unwarranted authority and kick everyone over to A-Block. B%#$&.

We have finalised orientation, lined up for hours to get an ID photo and SAM - perhaps the best investment you can make on campus second to sleeping with someone on BUSA, apparently). Broadbeach and Burleigh have been frequent hangouts and the discovery of Hugo’s at Nobby’s Beach a welcome alternative to the regular cardboard served up at the Bra. Trips to the beach have traditionally ended in one of the uneducated southerners being yelled at by the lifeguards and emerging from the surf looking like a drowned possum. Pub Crawl was a life lesson. With so much hype surrounding one night, the Freshers were initially a bit apprehensive. After arriving home almost 12 hours later, with little semblance of the T-shirt we had at the beginning remaining, we cannot wait for the next one… Swimming in the lake, unnecessary nudie runs and tricking the Americans into believing just about anything (trust me, anything…) have been highlights of our first two weeks. With Whitehouse, Palaver and a host of other events in the upcoming weeks, it truly is a great time to be a Fresher. Last week’s Scope article by Andew Dennis, ‘If I were a fresher again…’ has become somewhat of a bible for the Fresher cohort of Semester 121. We have met so many new people, been left amused and just a little confused by Spud and his seemingly impromptu speeches. We have spilt goon on almost every inch of our common room floor, been locked out of our corridor at 5am, and been yelled at five times in eight days by our Senior Res Fellow. Yet, we have loved every single minute.





The Apology

Julia Steele

In everything we do and everything we think, we are only looking out for ourselves.

and this was a trip to push MY boundaries. Excerpt from conversation with four year old Shinni from Kalumburu: Shinni: I’ve been to Kununurra before! Julia: Really?! When? Shinni: I went to go see my Dad in jail! Julia: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhright

Some philosopher said something along those lines a really long time ago (yeah, I passed CEVs, what of it). Last year, I had an epiphany. I’m egotistical. Everything I do and everything I have done in the past has been to benefit the number one, most important person on this planet of seven billion people: me. Up until this epiphany, I was in denial. I do community service because I’m helping people less fortunate, yay! But, then I realised, I did community service so it will appear I’m not a self-centred biatch on my resume and, let’s be honest, my marks aren’t going to get me that Bond scholarship.

Only a rare few of us can honestly say they do kind acts for others without any intention of self-benefit. Even the word “I” is capitalised – is this necessary? Apple didn’t think so.

Only a rare few of us can honestly say they do kind acts for others without any intention of self-benefit. Even the word “I” is capitalised – is this necessary? Apple didn’t think so. Being egotistical is human nature and it is what makes us human beings. It’s true because that one philosopher said so.

HOWEVER (yes, this story has a somewhat happy ending), two days after returning from Kununurra, I found myself desperately trying to concentrate while writing a CEVs essay and… well, I just couldn’t. I burst out crying right in the A-Block common room, making ridiculous gurgling, gasping noises like a seal stuck in a vacuum. This crazed panic attack was one of absolute hopelessness and confusion. I felt completely hopeless sitting there trying to write philosophy while kids I’d played with days ago, went home to gambling, drugs and drinking with such a limited outlook for their future, other than waiting for another Centrelink payment and then gambling it away again. LIFE IS NOT FAIR (Cliché? Yes, but so, so true). The other side of this panic attack was due to my confusion over how much this trip affected me. Why did I care so much? What had these kids done to me?!!?! I did not sign up for this!!

Last year I saw an email advertising the Kununurra Youth Program and jumped for joy at an opportunity to go see WA for free… Oh, and help at-risk, disadvantaged and impoverished Aboriginal children. That was EXACTLY my train of thought. Me first. How could this trip benefit me? What could I get out of helping Aboriginal kids? How awesome is this going look on my resume, aw yeeah! The other students on this trip were different. These were the rare few, the Jacqui Haggers of the world who are superhuman and literally do kind things for others, just cuz. This is the apology… I went on the KYP trip knowing I was different to these other super humans and I’m sorry to the other KYP members for fooling them even for a moment that my intentions were purely to help indigenous kids. Because, as I stepped into that humid, blistering Kununurra heat I knew this was just another chapter of MY life



Yes, I’m egotistical. But, if you also have this same epiphany, you must realise, no one is perfect. Kindness is also a part of human nature.




Jayde De Bondt

It’s not every day that you meet an evil slut. Or should they even be called that? I mean, when men ‘sleep around’ they are Gods, kings, players, or even Homie G’s. Women, well, the terms become a little more derogatory. It’s unfair, isn’t it?! So, to put all genders on a level playing field and satisfy the feminist within me, I will rephrase:

There is a line that needs to be drawn and, although it may be invisible, it should never be crossed.

It’s not every day that you meet an evil player! Realistically, how many ‘players’ can you think of who aren’t nice people? They just enjoy sex, which, at times, can be crushing for those who are on the other end of their illustrious conquests. There is a line that needs to be drawn and, although it may be invisible, it should never be crossed. Specifically, a player should never knowingly go for another person who is taken… or at least seems to be taken. But I think that for some players this is a challenge (otherwise known as the evil player) - targeting people’s vulnerabilities within their relationships in order to get their sexual satisfaction. Selfish, right? Yes. Sadly, though, these types of players usually do not discriminate between friends or strangers. This really gets up my goat (yes, up my goat). Why? Well, for me - and most other people I know - “Friends are the family we choose for ourselves”. Sure, this means you may bicker, fight over who gets the front seat in the car on the way to Burleigh, disagree about politics or legitimately not care, but ultimately, you would also do anything for each other. I guess my main goal of this rant is to inspire people who lack courage or conviction to stick up for those close to them. When your friends are that close, you protect them. It is at this point in my extremely one-sided argument that I imagine hearing cries from the lone evil player in the bra: “but what about the other person… you knowthe one who cheated on his/her partner with me?” Well, they shouldn’t be forgotten. I am sure they will be sworn at, abused and kicked to the curb in due time, but it’s the evil player’s manipulation (or sexual deviance) that really brings them down. People then perceive their actions as unforgiveable, even overshadowing the act of cheating itself. The lesson learnt is: a person can only lie to your face so many times before you realise it is all just that, one big lie. So maybe, just maybe, if you ever come across such a rare specimen (the evil player) and you don’t have the smarts to be eloquent, or the skills to be witty - the only words you really need to utter are: “Bitch: get off the wang”





Thailand: the swing between zen and shebang! AnneMie Decatte

I must have been born under a lucky star, as I spent the last three weeks of the uni Christmas break in tropical Thailand. It was all a bit of a last minute operation. I had several invitations from friends and family persuading me to spend the festive season with them, wining and dining over in Europe, being a skiing snowbunny in the US, enjoying cocktails while cruising in the Pacific, or perhaps just staying in Australia. Too many choices never lend a helping hand to making a swift final decision.

We watched the sunset almost every day from a different beach, and came to the conclusion that we were truly blessed to experience this varicolored natural motion picture. Anyhow, early December, I was chatting on Skype to one of my dear European girlfriends, whom I had not seen for over two years. She told me that she would be in Thailand over the Christmas holidays for quite some time, undertaking an intense theoretical and practical yoga course. Since I am very interested in anything to balance heath and working/university life, I finally decided to head to ‘the land of Smiles’, Siam - also known as Thailand. Coincidently, I would just arrive on time to witness my friend’s graduation ceremony from yoga school. So, I was all excited by the sound of this ‘zen-holiday’ after a hectic semester. I had planned my trip from Brisbane to Bangkok, where I intended to stay for a couple of days before traveling through to the Koh Pangan, located in the South in the Gulf of Thailand. Upon arriving in Bangkok, I immediately picked up the busy vibe of the city life: taxies everywhere, stationary traffic, food stalls and markets literally everywhere! Another good friend of mine has lived and worked in Bangkok now for a few years and she offered me a guided tour. We went to one of the local food markets where they also have mini cooking stations on the street. It all looked very fast and furious, with people (mostly locals, but a few Westerners) pushing and pulling to get their orders in. Finally, it was our turn. I ordered one of the authentic Tom Yum soups as my friend had recommended and paid 1.20AUD. I could not believe my ears… The verdict on the food was a 12 out of 10 and I decided there and then that the restaurant in my hotel would not see much of me, as the food at the street markets was nice and so cheap.


Two days later I took the night train to the South. Then a two-hour trip on a fast catamaran brought me to Koh Pangan, where my friend was waving from the pier to welcome me. When putting my foot on land, I felt that this place was totally different from Bangkok. A sense of peace and zen radiated from this island, and after a short motorbike ride we arrived in the yoga retreat where my friend had been staying and studying for a month and a half. I was immediately introduced to all her co-yogis, who seemed to be really friendly and very healthy people. They told me that tonight was a huge night on the island - after all, it was the 31st of December, New Year’s Eve. In Haad Rin, about 15 kilometres away, the famous Full Moon Party was about to kick off. Everyone was super enthusiastic and we started to get ready. For the Full Moon Party, everyone gets dressed up in really flashy, almost fluorescent colours; some paint their bodies with yellow, orange and pink paint, and others take it a step further by adding a mask or wig. After a really challenging and adventurous mountainous drive, we arrived at Haad Rin Beach, where we paid $3 to enter the party. It was indeed an incredible experience, this Full Moon Party, the place where youngsters from all over the world gathered to celebrate the count down to the New Year! Young Thai boys were performing routines on the beach with burning sticks when the fireworks commenced. Everyone was laughing and having the time of their lives. Alcohol was sold in colourful mini buckets, which I thought was very different and interesting. Mostly, a mixture of spirits was poured into the bucket together with three or four straws and friends then shared it with each other. Everyone was dancing and having fun and, before we knew it, it was time to head back to the yoga retreat. The rest of the holiday we spent doing yoga, catching up on funny stories from the past, looking at the now and glancing at what the future may hold. I was blown away by the beauty of nature. The colours were so intense and the food was so fresh, pure and flavourful. We watched the sunset almost every day from a different beach, and came to the conclusion that we were truly blessed to experience this varicolored natural motion picture. I can honestly say that during this holiday, I have rediscovered another part of myself and have come back to Australia as a new person! I suggest to everyone who has not yet visited the Land of Siam, to put it on their to-travel-to list!


Mt Kilimanjaro

Nikki Freeman

Like any travel holiday, the build up of anticipation and excitement is only ever outnumbered by the unavoidable long hours spent on planes and in airports. For me, this was 38 hours all up my stylish zip-off hiking pants and heavy trekking boots serving as a constant reminder of where I was going and what I was about to do. Destination: Tanzania. Activities: climb Kilimanjaro. For those who do not know, Mt Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain, or, as the locals more romantically refer to it: the rooftop of Africa. To hike it you do not need any real mountaineering skills, ropes, or ice axes, merely strong lungs, hearts (corny I know), and legs to trek the near six kilometre vertical rise above sea level. I was joined by 10 companions, which included my sister and brother-in-law, backpackers, and a seasoned bunch of enthusiastic hikers. However, this was just the tip of the human iceberg. The rest of the group consisted of 42 porters and six guides who were all exceptional in both their strength and passion. The hike from day one through to nine was simply picturesque; many areas, much to my delight, could be likened to the set of “Lord of The Rings”. Each day we would hike for a minimum of six hours, and after seven days of doing so, we had finally reached the night before summit. Now, the only cool climate I had recently spent time in prior to my trip was that of the Bond library, so my shock at the near freezing temperatures when we were woken at midnight to begin our trek to summit required four layers of pants, five layers on top, three layers of socks, two layers of gloves and, finally, a beanie. But the eight hour near-vertical hike to the first ridge point was indescribably beautiful. Our path was lit by starlight and, to my amazement, shooting stars every three minutes. The only sound was that of the guides singing and the crunching of boots and hiking poles


The hike from day one through to nine was simply picturesque; many areas, much to my delight, could be likened to the set of "Lord of The Rings". striking gravel and ice. We watched the sun rise from our first checkpoint and, after three more hours, we finally reached summit. It was here we were able to take in the surrounding views, which included Kenya, glaciers, and snow blankets. Leaving Tanzania with an immense feeling of satisfaction and stiffness, I had the great pleasure of contrasting my nine days spent ‘roughing it’ on the mountain with a weeks stay at a game reserve, Ulusaba, in South Africa. The daily routine here was sunup and sundown safaris in a convertible Land Rover to places where we would go off-roading to observe wild game which included Africa’s ‘big five’. One particular night, we sat observing a hunting party of lionesses and their cubs interacting with the three reigning lion brothers. Our trackers’ spotlight illuminated them as they lay only metres from the car, and I can honestly say there is nothing quite as awakening as hearing a lion’s roar at such close proximity, and feeling it reverberate through you. The trip as a whole was nothing short of amazing and, whilst I’m no stranger to travel, this truly was an experience of a lifetime.



Photographers: Liam Byrne | Stuart McKelvie | Shaun Rotman | Kent Hosakawa (BCGS)

Events: Illegally Bond | Club Sign on Day | Pub Crawl: Revenge of the Nerds | Gamer’s Convention




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Get to know your new HSA for 2012 - So Fresh!

President: Alan White Degree: Law/Arts/Communications/Business/Commerce/BUSA About me: After being born in Melbourne and attending an all-girls school – I have loved every minute of my time at Bond. I love playing in Bond’s Aussie Uni Games team and after having been on the 2010/2011 HSA, the 2009/2010 BUSA and most recently the 2010/2011 BUSA as Vice President as well as being the current Chair of the Student Philanthropy Council, I’m your not-so-fresh President of the 2012 HSA!

Vice-President: Ash Peplow-Ball Degree: International Relations/Communications About me: Raised in Adelaide, I made the move to Bond after receiving a Vice-Chancellor’s scholarship and have lived in the damp-walled blocks ever since. I have sat on the Freshman Council and am currently the President of BUUNSA. Fun fact: My great-uncle invented the plastic straw. Seriously.

Treasurer: Tawanda Biti Degree: Law/International Relations About me: I was born and raised in Zimbabwe and moved to Australia in 2006. In my six semesters at Bond I have been on the SPC, treasurer for BIRO and am currently the project leader for Tap Collective, an effort aiming to increase accessibility to clean water in third-world countries. Fun fact: I love baking - my specialty is vanilla caramel cupcakes.

Secretary: Alice Rose Degree: Law/International Relations About me: I’m a Gold Coast local and currently in my seventh semester. In my time at Bond I have been a mentor for the Oaktree Foundation, a carer for Bond Children’s Holiday Camp and currently serve as the Vice-President of BIAS. Fun fact: In my first semester I tripped down the ‘thinking steps’ and fractured my foot.



Social Director: Pat Moss Degree: International Relations (Business) About me: I’ve been at Bond for a year and spent two great semesters living at the Blocks. I love party preparation and thinking outside the square with activities. I once brought six tonnes of snow to my place and held a snowboard competition and after party… my parents were not impressed. Fun fact: I’m going to Las Vegas this weekend for a friend’s birthday.

Academic Affairs Director: Connor McBain Degree: Law/Arts About me: I moved to Australia in 2000 from Scotland and graduated in 2010. I started at Bond last semester and have already gotten involved in student life - I’ve had my first article in Scope, survived my first moot and am currently sitting on the Freshman Council and BUUNSA. Fun fact: My ideal job would be Director of Communications/Press Secretary to a government, but don’t talk to me about politics because I’ll never shut up.

Publications Director: Kristie Megg Degree: Law/Arts About me: Originally from Sydney, I swapped living on a six-lane road for something a little quieter. Now in my seventh semester, I have been involved in various aspects of Bond life such as volunteering as an AIME mentor and facilitating the SPC publication. Fun fact: I’m half Armenian.

Competitions Director: Amy Reid Degree: Law/Arts About me: Since starting at Bond in 112, I have enjoyed living on campus and becoming involved in campus life. I have been a Student Ambassador, an AIME mentor and participated in the Northern University Games and Res Wars. Fun fact: When I was little I wanted to be an opera singer or the first Australian female PM.

Sponsorship Director: James Pointon Degree: International Relations About me: After graduating from school I began working at a property law firm as a contract administrator. During my time at Bond I have become involved in student life, participating in the SPC Kununurra trip and been a carer for Bond Children’s Holiday Camp. Fun Fact: When I buy something, I never pick the first thing – I always take the second thing in the row.

Special Interests: Ellen Scobie Degree: Law/Arts About me: Now in my fourth semester, I have been involved in the weekly Res Wars, Freshman Council and BUUNSA. The highlight of my time at Bond was working with Save the Children on the SPC Kununurra Youth Program. Fun fact: I eat my Weet-Bix with vegemite and margarine.

Promotions Director: Bella Baldwin Degree: Law/Film & TV About me: I’m Bella Baldwin (alternatively you could call me ranga or ridiculously good looking in the right light) and 121 will be my 10th semester. Whilst at Bond I have competed in the Northern and Australian University Games in netball. I also served as the BUSA Promotions Director for the 2010/11 term. Fun fact: Because I grew up on a farm, my dad taught me how to drive all the machinery. You name it, I can drive it. In fact, I think I’m the only person to have ever operated heavy machinery wearing Nine West wedges...



My Journey with the Bond Casual Gaming Society and the Gamer’s Life Convention It’s Sunday night. I’m tired, my feet are killing me and everything in the last 72 hours seems like a blur. I’m relieved to know things went far better than I had originally expected. Attendance was good, no incidents and everyone around me was so happy with how the weekend went. <Rewind 48 hours>

Jason Zhe

we’ll focus on the attendee’s enjoyment and we’ll build the community and it may even grow into an annual event. I want to create this event, but I can’t do it myself. I’ve worked with you all for a long time and you guys are the best people I know, I can’t promise you anything in return but will you work with me on this project?” I say as I introduce the plan to my team. <Rewind to 2009>

I can’t believe the day is here, what my team and I have been working on for the last seven months is finally here. Gamer’s Life Convention, Gold Coast’s first anime and gaming convention, to be held in no other place than our home, Bond University. My team was prepared and present, the venues and activities were all set. There was a huge crowd waiting at the front door. “Time to open the doors”, I thought as I slowly let the crowd in.

At that point, money didn’t matter. Even with a ton of debts on due on Monday, I didn’t care. I was so proud of my team and too happy to stop smiling. It was all worth it. The event was only a first year event and thus would still be nothing compared to Gencon or Supanova, but I was sure that we had a great event waiting for attendees. As I walked around during the day and chatted with attendees, I received a general consensus that people were having a great time. The vendors in the exhibitor halls had some cool stuff at good prices, and the cosplayers had excellent costumes. Cosplay chess, karaoke, trivia night and a ton of gaming stuff was enjoyed by all. Not to mention to top it all off, we also hosted a major league gaming pro circuit, with Australia’s top players competing in a radically transformed sports hall. With the event finally underway I felt so much better than I had the last couple of days. <Rewind another 48 hours> “Jason, you can’t do this, Jason you can’t do that, we may even have to cancel the event”. Again I receive a grilling from the university. It had been a long week and I even mentally broke down at one point for the first time in years. I have such a great event planned, but it feels like they’re doing all they can to stop me from hosting it the way I envision. Why did I even start this project, I can’t believe I would fail here even though my friends and team supported me for so long. <Rewind seven months ago>

“Hey Christian, there’s no gaming club at Bond, let’s start one, we’ll start off small and continue to grow it, who knows how big it’ll become” <Back to Sunday Night> As I sat on the esky, feeling tired, in pain and pretty light headed, I could make out my team sharing stories with each other. “I got to play against Australia’s international team today and I learnt so much”, “did you see that guy with the cool costume?”, “Jason… we should do this again next year, everyone told me that it was so good and they would love to see it become an annual event.” Thinking about it, I gave up so much for this event. I put in time, effort and money while other people were studying, working, playing and sleeping; ultimately to barely break even. But I realized that cleaning per hour might be $57, carpet hire might be $5000 but to create an event that has and will continue to positively contribute to your community… priceless. Not only that, throughout the entire weekend, I saw what my team had become, I was amazed that they learned and developed just as much as I had. At that point, money didn’t matter. Even with a ton of debts on due on Monday, I didn’t care. I was so proud of my team and too happy to stop smiling. It was all worth it. I didn’t write this article to brag about how our event was the biggest student event ever run at Bond university, but to let all readers out there know, that your student club can grow and do something amazing - but only if you put in the time and effort and persevere through all the administrative processes. With Compulsory Student Unionism just around the corner, it’s now more important than ever to set your ambitions high, work hard and make those goals a reality. I think the future of Bond’s student culture is bright. We have plenty of good people, we just need the courage and dedication to work hard and achieve something great and I hope ultimately one of you readers can inspire the next generation to achieve something great. Until then, good luck and have fun!

“… It’s going to be great, we’ll have all these great events and




HOT Puddle jumping BUFC campus trainings

scope The Scope team is now seeking applications for the position of:

FEATURES SUB-EDITOR This role requires the successful candidate to source, write and edit submissions to Scope on a weekly basis. Applicants should actively read Scope; and be passionate, reliable, resourceful and confident. Students who apply should also possess the ability to regularly meet deadlines, and positively balance other commitments. Editing skills are essential. If you’re interested in joining the Scope team in this capacity, please send a cover letter and resume (maximum two pages) to Jorja at

4pm Monday the 30th of January (Week 3). Applications close at

Applications sent after this time will not be considered.

Re-opening of Tuesday nights at CBD ‘My First Hardcore Song’ Sticky toffee pudding Hot chocolate Singing in the rain Pub Crawl teachers So Fresh 2012 Lamb on Australia Day NOT Rain Holes in gumboots Walking to class in the rain Surprise puddles Inappropriate bus drivers and security guards Broken umbrellas


SPRING FESTIVAL 2012 Organised by ALSS and CSA DATE: February 3rd (Friday of Week 3) TIME: 6:30pm VENUE: Princeton Room The annual BIAS Social Justice Trip is organised DRESS CODE: Traditional or Cocktail as a not-for-profit event that aims to assist in the $30 SAM, $45 NON-SAM. education of Indigenous boys attending the St Theresa Agricultural College in far North Queensland. It’s a non-alcoholic cultural event, and a ticket gets you a Chinese cuisine buffet dinner, martial arts and To be considered for the trip, become a member dragon dancing performances, a chance to win the of BIAS on BondSync and click on the Social Jus- lucky draw prize and a fireworks display at the end tice link in the files tab. Fill out the application and to welcome in the Chinese New Year.! email it to the BIAS president Gemma at gemma. Send an email to with all the relevant details (name, goods/services, contact number etc.), plus your student ID (so we can verify Applications close on Friday the 3rd of Feb at that you’re a student). 6pm. Don’t miss out on this fabulous opportunity. We look forward to seeing your application and MAXIMUM 50 WORDS good luck. DEADLINE: 4PM MONDAY EACH WEEK SCOPE

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Walking on Bond’s orange pavers in thongs when it’s raining RICOH




SKYRIM Over the course of the last ten years, we have seen the rise of one of the gaming industry’s most innovative and dedicated gaming developers, Bethesda. In comparison to other developers and producers such as EA and Treyarch, Bethesda certainly doesn’t have such a hefty list of big name games. However by way of proving that size doesn’t matter in life, Bethesda has given birth to one of the most famous gaming sagas of all time, The Elder Scrolls series. With the release of the fifth chapter of Bethesda’s most famous labour of love, Skyrim stands as one of the most epic tales ever told through the gaming medium. As the gamer, you create your hero or heroine and follow them through the Nordic land of Skyrim amidst one of the most profound revolutions in the Elder Scrolls universe. The rebel Stormcloak soldiers battle the Imperial army for control of the region, and all the while a race of dragons believed to be extinct resurface, and ravage the land further as the war rages on. The central story mode of ‘campaign’ is one that simply cannot be finished in under 20 hours of play, and when the side quests and ‘general distractions’ are taken into account, a

total gaming time bordering 150 hours is to be expected... at the very least! I myself have clocked 90 hours on the game, and as I am quite prone to distractions such as killing, stealing, smithing or enchanting things, I have yet to finish the main story line... Poor effort much? The mind bending attention to detail that has been paid to this game is (for want of abetter word) ridiculous. Just ridiculous. Bethesda has created an entirely new world from scratch not missing a beat. If I had to find one fault with the game it would be that the release date was smack bang in the middle of my University degree, and I find myself incapable of playing it for lengths at a time for fear of failing my subjects due to lack of study. A word of warning: do not start playing this game until the holidays. Or otherwise you might find yourself cave-trolling your way through Uni and talking to your professors about killing Dragons and setting fire to Draugr where you would otherwise be talking about the laws of physics or the elements of a contract.

The Black Keys - El Camino (2011) If you haven’t heard “Lonely Boy” off the recently released El Camino (2011) album by the Black Keys, then you should probably close bail from your Entrepreneurship lecture, sprint home, sit your ass down on your bed, plug in El Camino and hang out with your friend Mary Jane, and let them sweet blues tunes heal your soul.


Founded in Ohio 2001, the Black Keys have released a massive, 7 albums of pure rock and roll-blues bliss that will make your ears cry… trust me, it’s possible. Although I do have a soft spot for Brothers (2010-2011) and The Big Come Up (2001-2002), El Camino takes the cake. Why? Listen to “Gold on the Ceiling”, track number three on the album, whilst cruising around in your Toyota Corolla and you will understand why. (Trust me, you will feel like you are driving around in the Pope Mobile


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with hydraulics and sub woofers, with the S.W.A.T. team on your tail). After over 10 years since the Black Keys began, and seven albums perfecting their blues-rock sound, I think I can safely say that Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney are absolute rock legends. You will like El Camino by the Black Keys if; 1. You have a soul. 2. You have ears 3. You have a good music taste 4. If you like Pope Mobiles and hydraulics in the same sentence. 5. If you like shweet blues, or you have a broken heart. Froth Rating (1 – poor, 10 – frothing from every place imaginable): 9

TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY I went to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy because the trailer seemed pretty legit. It may have been because I wasn’t paying too much attention during the first ten minutes while I destroyed one of the greatest hot dogs ever eaten, but more likely – this was one of the most confusing movies I have ever watched. Reviewing something that you didn’t understand is always hard, because you don’t know whether your criticism is well directed or not. For example, I think that the story bouncing from the end to the start to the middle to the start was way too confusing with so many old, similar-looking, Englishmen.

But, how do I know? Maybe it made sense to those privy to a more mechanical mind. Nevertheless, I was confused. Just when you thought you knew what was going on, and you’d worked out what the English guy whispered to the Hungarian guy, something happens that makes your translation unnecessary. I was in constant backlog of understanding what just happened. I said, ‘wait, what?’ about thirty-five times. The movie surrounds a mole in the circus. And by circus, I mean that at the end of the movie I assumed whenever they said ‘circus’ they meant British Intelligence Service.


So there is a mole, but no one knows who it is. There’s like five guys who have meetings in a secret room all the time, and by the way that the tension was building I think you were supposed to be guessing which one of them it was. I guessed… wrongly. Anyway the movie is actually pretty fantastically shot, and – not to be a film snob – it really helps keep your mind from focussing on just how confused you really are. The story travels around Europe, from London to Istanbul. There is quite a bit of gore at points in the movie, but it is extremely limited in its time on screen. When it came to the ending of the movie, I thought I knew what was going on. When we spoke afterwards, my friends made me aware that I really didn’t. We all had different ideas about what had happened. I’d say it was in want of a second watch, except I really don’t want to do that. It was a bit too long.

parts that I understood were really interesting. My main issue with the movie though, was that apart from possibly at the very start and at the very end, the tension never really amounted to anything. I was kind of frustrated with that. Anyway, I’d say that if you are into English accents and drawn out, realistic storylines based around increasingly confusing plot twists, go and see the movie. My main issue was that really no one ever ups and shoots the other guy. ESPECIALLY when they deserve it. In saying that, it was good. Though I bet the book was better… you’d have time to absorb the information. 3/5

I thought that there was some excellent acting, and the


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Marryum Kahloon

Looking for some sporting motivation?

From the group that brought you Catch Ya Later and the rib crackingly hilarious Bond Freshman Survival Guide, it appears that a new event is on the horizon…. Rumour has it that your Freshman Council, in an ultimate attempt to mimic world class universities in the UK and the USA, is planning a rite of passage that these sandstone walls have never before seen. Are you ready? Are you prepared? Are you sure that you can handle it? Get ready Bondies for our very first NEARLY NAKED MILE. Coming soon to a building near you. P.S: Enjoy the visuals P.P.S.S: I’d probably start going to the gym soon… for both our sakes ;)


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Bond’s Volleyball club gets the ball spinning Linda Woelk Despite being right in the middle of the stress of final exams, Bond’s Indoor Volleyball girls team took on the challenge to fight for third place in the Social League in Southport. After months of Tuesday training sessions and the effort that was put into the Thursday games the team succeeded to come third in the playoffs. This is the first semesterly competition that the squad entered, which is a good way to show off Bond girls’ power and talent, ranging from years of experience to our newbies. The team had already made Bond proud during the AUGs, when some of the Indoor girls shone in the beach playoffs and secured the gold medal. A massive thank-you must go to Gloria Viciaro and Cintia Silvia who kindly drove the team members to the game every Thursday. The competition was a great way to put the technical skills learned in the Tuesday sessions into practice and although a lot of team members started off quite insecure, by the end many were confident players.

the title. This semester, the club is looking to increase its participation in similar tournaments. Volleyball fans can expect some exciting events and activities this semester. Apart from preparing a team for NUGs, teams will be taking part in a weekend competition here on the coast against Brisbane and other clubs from this region. Later on in the semester the beach volleyball and indoor volleyball club will battle it out in the sand and on the court in a friendly match. The highlight this semester will be a weekend trip to Toowoomba where a mixed team of boys and girls will hopefully bring home the title of ‘The Clash of the Titans’. This will be a great chance to not only show off what we have learned in our training sessions, but also continue bonding as a team. If you are a Volleyball addict, fan or enthusiast, but unsure about the competition, then just join us for a training session (every Tuesday 4pm-6pm in the sports hall). If you have any further questions, please send me an email:

Continuing on this success, the Indoor Volleyball Club will be taking part in this competition again this semester and with a little bit of luck and new members, Bond Volleyball will also be able to register an all mens team, which according to what we have seen this semester, would have a good chance on

Studying and training becoming too big a hurdle? Sally-Ann Davies With a catchy slogan and an extremely helpful team, the Bond University Student Associations’ initiative of the Bond Elite Athlete Support Program (BESP) has been formally cemented into the array of support available to the multi-talented athletic students here at Bond. The backbone of the policy is to provide a consistent and equal approach for athletes managing their training and competition commitments with their academic requirements whilst at University. The policy works in cohesion with Bond University currently standing as a member on the Australian Sports Commissions Elite Athlete Friendly University Agreement (EAFUA) that provides guidelines for flexible study loads. In the past, students have had difficulty in requesting time off from studying for training and competition especially due to the nature of Bond’s intensive three-semester year increasing the strain on student-athletes. With the Elite Athlete Status that has been created, provisions have been enforced on a faculty wide basis in an effort to assist students in reaching a balanced pursuit of their, at times, conflicting goals through more flexible academic regulations.

The backbone of the policy is to provide a consistent and equal approach for athletes managing their training and competition commitments with their academic requirements whilst at University. SCOPE

So if you are a student at Bond, old or new, and you are playing sport at an Elite level that is recognised by the Australian Institute of Sport or State Institutes and Academies then make yourself known to the team trying to help you! After checking in with myself, Sally Ann Davies as your contact on BUSA, you will be getting yourself in contact with Hayley McDermott who is the nominated staff contact as the General Manager of Student Experience. The guidelines allow for students study workload to be monitored and can be adjusted to maintain a realistic balance between the demands of both pursuits. So take advantage of the policy that this team at Bond has created for you, to enhance and encourage your endeavours into sport, whether it be badminton or rugby, AFL or netball. Jump onto BondSync and fill out the Elite Sports Program Application form on the BUSA page, to get on board for the remainder of your degree, be it one semester or two years, meet some other Student-athletes at the Athlete Brunch later on in the semester and continue the expansion of a very specialised group within this university group! It’s here now and it’s here for the long run so that you’ve got someone to get you over the hurdle of juggling all the necessary commitments once the ball really gets rolling this semester. Until we meet, I hope the festive season hasn’t reined in training too much and the very best for any upcoming events - Be it sporting trials or early semester quizzes!!

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H A A A A VE Y O U M E T . . . ? Ideal date location and companion? Do you call a snail without a shell naked or homeless? What food would you be and why? What is your study motto? A genie grants you three wishes - what are they and why?

Name: Age: Degree: Beginning Semester: Hometown: FB Relationship Status: Star Sign:

Do you judge other people for their past indiscretions? If you could swap bodies with anyone at Bond for a day, who would it be and why? Choose: never washing your bed sheets again, or never washing your towel again. Weirdest place you’ve had a sexual encounter?

NEXT WEEK: Nominate yourself or dob in someone else to

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