Global Science Journalism Report

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Global Science Journalism Report

Global Science Journalism Report

d) SciDev.Net Editor / Media Sector Study 2012 SciDev.Net’s Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Co-­‐ordinator, Yulye Jessica Romo Ramos, undertook a global evaluation of SciDev.Net's activities, focusing on the global South and targeting the public, private, media, NGO and research sectors. The media survey included questions relevant to this study, sharing data where appropriate. The countries of focus included: Algeria, Cambodia, Columbia, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal, Palau, the Philippines and Uganda. The questionnaires were disseminated in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Locals (mainly freelancers from the SciDev.Net network in the different countries) were hired and reported directly to the M&E Coordinator; they helped collect information either manually — handing in questionnaires and personally interviewing respondents — or directing people to an online link. The data was then sent to London and collated by SciDev.Net. This effort yielded n=361 responses. Again, there is no sense of the level of response rate in the different countries.

The above depicts a research project that spreads across years (2009-­‐2012) and whose collection methods involved a total of 3 different versions for the survey. Therefore it is important to highlight that the total number of respondents varies, in some cases significantly, which is directly linked to the nature of this project and the surveys used throughout the 4 collection periods as described in the previous sections.



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