Rise and Fall of the European Great Powers

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THE GRAND STRATEGY OF HISTORY The Rise and Fall of the European Great Powers The Rise and Fall of the European Great Powers Dr. Simon A. Mould

Seminar Description: The European story is central to understanding the development of modern and post-modern institutions of society and culture. The seminar places emphasis on being able to convey principal themes of the European great powers, namely their cultural, economic, political, and social developments that have historically and still presently play a fundamental role in world affairs. Seminar Themes: The overarching theme of the history department is to introduce students to a theme run through all history courses: The Grand Strategy of History. This theme seeks to equip teachers and students of history to recognize a central narrative of history and understand the broad overarching approach that reveals the journey and destiny of the nations in light of God’s sovereign desire for liberty. The seminar will be presented as an unfolding story that reveals the how and the why that lie behind the very movement of history from era to era. The story will reveal a central narrative of God’s providence and man’s power that provides the means of interpreting the past and its relevancy to the present and the future. This seminar will also prepare those who teach AP European History that requires coverage from the late medieval period through the twentieth century. Seminar Goals: The goals of this seminar aim to enable the teacher to develop in students a clear understanding and critical analysis of: 1. A central narrative theme that runs through history, providing meaning and significance as students evaluate each era or movement in the story. 2. The development and application of worldviews and philosophies and their impact upon the political, social, and cultural changes throughout Europe from the late medieval period through to the postmodern era.

Course Syllabus. The Grand Strategy of History: AP European History

THE GRAND STRATEGY OF HISTORY The Rise and Fall of the European Great Powers 3. The growth of sovereign nation states with viable political, economic and security capabilities that can be used for the common good and greater liberty, or abused for tyrannical ends. 4. The introduction to original sources and authoritative secondary analysis that will deepen the student’s understanding and critical analysis of the historical narrative. Integration of Christian Faith and Biblical Worldview into Seminar Content: The seminar will integrate biblical worldview in the general assumptions and conclusions that are presented, analyzed and concluded upon. The specific biblical worldview components for the seminar seek to address the major philosophical questions of all time: 1. ONTOLOGY: – What is the nature of being human? Recognize how beliefs regarding human nature, in its fallen state or perceived optimistic state, have had significant effects on the values leaders hold toward governance, security, justice and welfare of nations throughout history. 2. EPISTEMOLOGY – How is knowledge acquired, verified and applied? Discern what historical leaders believe is true and how their worldview concerning God and the people they govern or influence often has motivated their social, political or economic agenda or policies, which either strengthen or undermine human liberty and freedom. 3. AXIOLOGY – What values must be preserved from the past and applied to the future? Preserve the values and principles that were secured sacrificially throughout history that seek to honor life, liberty, justice and freedom, and which therefore honor God. Students need to see themselves as stewards of these values that are a legacy that must be taught and defended in a world culture that has grown increasingly hostile to our Christian values and our godly heritage. 4. TELEOLOGY – Where is history is going?: Emulate the sons of Issachar (I Chr. 12:32) who understood the times and new what Israel should do. Students must be trained to think as principled and wise statesmen and women who, as Christ’s ambassadors (II Corinthians 5:20), will engage the mission of bringing Christ’s Kingdom by discipling nations (Matthew 6:10, 33; 28:19-20). The historical narrative will reveal that when the righteous are in authority, the people in a civil community will rejoice (Proverbs 29:2) as they lead with godly character and spiritual prescience that provides direction towards greater spiritual, moral, political, and economic freedoms. Seminar Outline Unit 1: The Philosophy, Purpose and Practice of History Unit 2: Medieval Origins: The Limitation of Power vs. the Pursuit of Power Unit 3: The Intellectual and Cultural Transformation of the Renaissance

Course Syllabus. The Grand Strategy of History: AP European History

THE GRAND STRATEGY OF HISTORY The Rise and Fall of the European Great Powers Unit 4: The Age of Reformation. Unit 5: Religious Wars and Power Struggles Unit 6: The Age of Absolutism and Constitutionalism Unit 7: The Eighteenth Century Quest for Power Unit 8: Philosophy, Science and Society of the Enlightenment Unit 9: The French Revolution Unit 10: The Napoleonic Era and the Congress of Vienna Unit 11: Nineteenth Century Industrialization and Revolutions Unit 12: The Age of Mass Politics and Imperial Power Unit 13: World War I and the Russian Revolution: The Perversity of Ideological Power Unit 14: The Rise of Dictatorships and World War II Unit 15: Postwar Europe: From the Cold War to the Clash of Civilizations

Course Syllabus. The Grand Strategy of History: AP European History

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