Schilt Publishing July-December 2016 catalogue

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Schilt Publishing & Gallery July – December 2016

Design: LevievanderMeer, Amsterdam

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new titles

Elliot Ross Animal

4 Michel Huneault The Long Night/La longue nuit

Elliot Ross Other Animals

6 Maria Gruzdeva BORDER

Robert King Democratic Desert Elena Perlino Pipeline

8 Samia Halaby Drawing the Kafr Qasem Massacre 10 Majida Mouasher Contemporary Art from the 12

21 Linda Dorigo and Andrea Milluzzi Rifugio


Diana Matar Evidence

Schilt Gallery FIX Photo 2016

Jane Hilton Precious

14 Lucia Ganieva

Ilvy Njiokiktjien Slagroomtaart en Slingers

15 Cig Harvey

Lauren Fleishman The Lovers

16 Yola Monakhov Stockton

Vadim Gushchin Everyday Objects/Cultural

17 Edward Thompson




David Chancellor Hunters Sophie Zénon Roads Over Troubled Water

FotoFest Changing Circumstances Sara Davidmann Ken. To be destroyed


grey matters

Giancarlo Ceraudo Destino Final

Lucia Ganieva Ermitazhniki (GM 1)

Edward Thompson The Unseen

Chiara Tocci Life After Zog (GM 2)

Yola Monakhov Stockton The Nature of Imitation

Matthew Murray Ska (GM 3)

David Batchelder Tideland

Gesche Würfel Basement Sanctuaries (GM 4)

19 Mario Giacomelli Under the Skin of Reality

Camille Renée Devid My Other Side (GM5)

Leonard Freed After The War Was Over

Donald Weber & Arthur Bondar Barricade (GM 6)

World Press Photo 15 Dutch edition

Ananda van der Pluijm An Incomplete History

World Press Photo 16 Dutch edition World Press Photo Stories of Change World Press Photo Next #01, Next #02, Next #03 and Next #04 20 Peter Suschitzky Naked Reflections Louise Baring Emmy Andriesse Sadik Kwaish Alfraji FotoFest View From Inside Anna Fox Resort 1 Butlin’s Bognor Regis Anna Fox Resort 2 Butlin’s Bognor Regis

(GM 7) 23 Distribution

Dear friends, The endlessly festering crisis in the Middle East combined with the unabated demand in the West for increasing quantities of energy have spawned the desire to become independent of that same Middle East. The US is no longer an importer of oil but an exporter. However, this oil is fracking oil (also known as shale oil), and it is only able to be extracted from close to the ground’s surface through the use of chemicals – a process that is universally acknowledged as being harmful to our environment. And it is these chemicals that result in fracking oil being a highly explosive fluid. A fact that the population of Lac-Mégantic, a small town in Quebec (Canada), is all too painfully aware of. Because this is where, on 6 July 2013, a train transporting some eight million litres of this oil, originating from the US, became derailed and exploded. Forty-seven people died instantly and a large part of the town was completely wiped out. Quebec photographer Michel Huneault arrived in the town just twenty hours after the accident, the fire still raging. Since then he has returned regularly, getting to know many of the inhabitants, and keeping a close eye and ear on what they have had to endure. His book The Long Night/ La longue nuit is a wonderful, intimate and chilling account of the direct and indirect impact of the disaster, in which the grieving process the small town is going through and the attempts to restore normal life play a key role. This makes the book a metaphor for the consequences that ‘ordinary folk’ are confronted with after such accidents that take place regularly all over the world. The book is an important tribute for the inhabitants of, and for us it is a work that brings the problem very much close to home. Because this kind of accidents can happen almost anywhere, at any time. The relationships between the West and Russia have reached an all-time low. As was the case in the past, everything now revolves around spheres of influence, borders, expansionism and nationalism. In West Europe too, the phenomenon of borders is a hot item. After first having removed them internally to enable the free movement of persons and goods, the general sentiment now – fed by the refugee crisis, but especially by abject narrow-mindedness – is to reinstate them. At the age of 22, Maria Gruzdeva, a Russian-born photographer, set off to investigate the phenomenon of borders in her country of birth – a journey that was to last four years. The result is a project of immense proportions in which she attempts to lay bare the soul of her country by traversing major sections of the 60,000-kilometre long border, listening to the people she meets, keeping an illustrated diary, and of course taking many photographs. It became a journey in search of the function of borders, the influence of identity on the border and the border landscape, and vice versa. Her quest – characterised by the diligent and analytical work of this brilliant young talent – has resulted in a truly extraordinary and highly relevant book. 2

Schilt Publishing

And then back to the Arab world! As we described in the Spring 2016 catalogue, in addition to photography, Schilt Publishing also has a keen eye for other visual art forms, and particularly those originating from the Arab world. And this has resulted in the release of two astonishing and significant titles this autumn. Samia Halaby, the grand old lady of the Palestinian art world, is a famous artist whose work has been displayed all over the world. Somewhat out of character with the type of work she generally creates is the powerful, extremely political and naive way – naive in the positive sense, also in terms of her illustrations – in which she has visualised, and richly supplemented with text, the infamous Kafr Qasem massacre. The drama in Kafr Qasem was a merciless slaughtering by the Israeli border police of 48 innocent civilians on the West Bank, carried out on 29 October 1956, precisely sixty years ago to the day this autumn. In 2007, President Shimon Peres of Israel presented his country’s official excuses for this massacre – highly exceptional in the history of Israeli-Palestinian relations. The police officers who fired the shots were convicted but within a year they were pardoned and released. Their commanding officer was fined a symbolic amount (a few cents), despite the fact that the judges had described the orders for the slaughter as “blatantly illegal”... Schilt Publishing is proud to be publishing this essential book in collaboration with Ayyam Gallery (Dubai/Beirut/London). This is the second book that we have produced with this leading gallery, the first being the sublime monography of the work of the Iraqi-Dutch artist (and political refugee!) Sadik Kwaish Alfraji (2015). And we mustn’t forget the magnificent book entitled Contemporary Art from the Levant. Between 2000 and 20006, Majida Mouasher was the owner of the 4 Walls gallery in Amman, Jordan. In a relatively short space of time she collaborated with more than ninety artists, collecting countless works from half of them, and building an awe-inspiring private collection embracing more than sixty years of contemporary art from the Levant. In a time when tensions are running high in the Middle East, pushing relations in the world to the limits (and beyond), Mouasher rightly considered it essential to draw the public’s attention to the collection through this book and an exhibition. After all: Art can bypass conflicts and bring more and better understanding between cultures. Last but not least: Schilt Publishing & Gallery at FIX Photo 2016 in London! A big photography feast with many, many of our books, and prints from four of our finest artists. In alphabetical order: Lucia Ganieva, Cig Harvey. Yola Monakhov Stockton and Edward Thompson! As well as a secret map of very fine, small-sized prints from Sergey Chilikov… Come and visit us there from 13-22 May, see page 12-17 of this catalogue or on our web site. Maarten Schilt, April 2016

Michel Huneault The Long Night/La longue nuit July 7th, 2014, he starts the recorder. “One year after your death, the pain remains just as strong,” begins Louise. The previous year, Louise’s daughter, Andrée-Anne, who was working at the Musi-Café, was the first person reported missing after a train transporting nearly 8 million litres of shale oil exploded in downtown Lac-Mégantic. 47 people were killed instantly, making it Canada’s deadliest train disaster in almost 150 years. The explosion levelled most of the town centre, creating a 400-metre-wide area that is still inaccessible. Huneault’s project documents the aftermath of the catastrophe and is a meditation on loss and mourning.

Design: LevievanderMeer, Amsterdam ISBN 978 90 5330 876 9 Bilingual: English/French Format: 17 x 24.5 cm. (portrait) Hardback 160 pages with approx. 60 photos in

Michel Huneault arrived in Lac-Mégantic for the first time twenty hours after the explosion. He would continue visiting the community during the following year, photographing inside and outside the damaged area, renamed the red zone. In total, he spent 70 days in the community, over 14 visits, and his visits will continue. The impres-sions gathered through research and through intimate discussions with locals loomed over him while he was documenting the calm eeriness of the town, where everything had changed one fateful night at 1:15 am. Through the seasons and aftershocks, Huneault became close friends with many Méganticois, sharing the lonely ebb and flow of their emotions: pain, anger, hopes for healing and peace of mind. Their complicity soon echoed throughout the work, which became an active fragment of an evolving collective memory.

full colour World rights September 2016 £27.50 | $40 | €35


Schilt Publishing

One out of every 128 citizens of Lac-Mégantic died on July 6th, 2013. As time passed, he tried to comprehend what such a constellation of traumas and mournings means. Having worked in other postcatastrophe situations, he was interested in how the community handled the emotional burden while dealing with the more pragmatic imperatives of recovery: arranging funerals when victims’ identification takes months, battles surrounding the reconstruction (and demolition) of the historical downtown, domino expropriations affecting even more lives, the control of information, the absence of answers, the fear of the unknown, the contamination and its legacy, the constant and numbing murmur of it all. Huneault believes that grasping and representing this complex atmosphere is the key to understanding the full depth of the incident in order to be able to formulate relevant solutions to move forward. Huneault will keep going back, hopefully to find more light and healing but also up the train track toward North Dakota, to where this oil and darkness originated. Today, although Mégantic’s centre remains flattened and contaminated while the criminal investigation continues, the tracks were the first thing to be rebuilt and train traffic has resumed. While no oil is transiting here, it is passing through other North American towns every day…

Before devoting himself full time to documentary photography in 2008, Michel Huneault worked for over ten years in the international development and humanitarian field. His practice often mixes photography with audio/ video elements, he has worked in Canada (Lac-MĂŠgantic), Japan (Tohoku), Haiti (Port-au-Prince) and across Europe during the 2015 migratory crisis. His work has been shown in various venues in Canada, France, UK, USA and the Netherlands. Michel is a regular grantee of the Quebec and Canada Arts Council, and in 2015 he won the prestigious Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor prize for his long-term work on Lac-MĂŠgantic.

Maria Gruzdeva

BORDER A journey along the edges of Russia BORDER is a journey along Russia’s border, the longest national border of the world, undertaken between 2011 and the end of 2015. It spans over 60,000 km and shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and North Korea. Japan and USA both share sea borders with Russia and are just a short sea trip away. In the south, Russia also borders with Abkhazia, a partially recognised state located on the beautiful coast of the Black Sea, previously a popular tourist destination, a Soviet Riviera. From the warm regions of the Caucasus, the project takes us to the extreme cold in the north, as a Russian temporary ice base Barneo, drifting in the Arctic Ocean close to the North Pole, is also included in the series.

Design: LevievanderMeer, Amsterdam ISBN 978 90 5330 878 3 Format: 17 x 24 cm. (portrait) Hardcover 352 pages with hundreds of photos and illustrations in full colour World rights; German rights under option October 2016 £27.50 | $40 | €35


Schilt Publishing

In her rigorous project, Maria Gruzdeva united all these different geographical locations under one comprehensive study of the Russian border. The project though, is not just the result of a geographical journey from one remote location to another, but also of an intellectual journey through time, history, memory and space. When she started the project, Gruzdeva, a Russian-born photographer living away from her country of origin, began to ponder her native country’s modern identity, exploring the connection between the disturbance of territorial boundaries and identities. A complicated Soviet past coupled with the vast geography of Russia has made border territories a problematic area. Gruzdeva’s meticulous study of the borderline landscape provides us with depictions of monumental symbols and iconography, thus presenting evidence of how history is manifested in these landscapes. All these elements are representative of collective memory, the landscape portrayed in Gruzdeva’s images becoming its metaphoric embodiment. The role of such symbols in shaping the national identity is very important, they illustrate Russia at its edges, how it is shaping its identity and its relationship with the Soviet consciousness, which it seeks to both outlive and preserve. While working on the series, Gruzdeva kept travel diaries, which became an important part of the project. Systematically, Gruzdeva started filling them with stories told by people she met, her own thoughts on things she encountered on the way, and her own experiences of being at the border. These travel journals became a rich mix of facts, maps, stories, photos and collages. The result is an impressive archive – a unique collection, an existential documentation of the border. The diaries also enable us to take a look at the photographer’s working and thinking process, something that is usually left untold.

Maria Gruzdeva (1989) is a Russian-born photographer based in London. She holds a BA from Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design and an MA from London College of Communication. BORDER is a project supported by IdeasTap & Magnum Photos Photographic Award. Gruzdeva is also the recipient of the Gabriele Bazilico biennial award and was included in the Forbes 30 under 30 in the Arts category. Her work has been published previously and exhibited internationally, with group and solo shows in Russia, UK, France, Switzerland, Finland, Malaysia, She has also been featured in a number of photographic festivals, including the Festival of Political Photography.

Samia Halaby

Drawing the Kafr Qasem Massacre Essay by Salman Abu Sitta The massacre that took place on 29 October 1956 in Kafr Qasem was not the only massacre Palestinians have experienced in their long and painful history. Unlike the massacres that are associated with the Nakba, it was perpetrated after the Israeli state was established. It was deliberate, planned, calculated, a cold blooded murder against workers returning from their fields not having heard that a curfew had been imposed for their village. After the massacre, Kafr Qasem was subjected to military cordon and media prohibition, which imposed debilitating isolation after the massacre. No one was allowed in or out of the village and a tight gag order was placed on the news. Twenty-two days after the massacre, news finally reached the outside world.

Design: HvADesign, New York ISBN 978 90 5330 874 5 Format: 21 x 24.15 cm. (portrait) Hardback 216 pages with approx. 100 illustrations in full colour World rights August 2016 £30 | $50 | €45


Schilt Publishing

As a visual artist, Samia Halaby always sets herself high standards. She has aspired to ‘do the most advanced painting possible.’ But this was not the full extent of her ambition. Her credo, so eloquently expressed, is that through her art she also wanted to “support the ambition of Palestinian liberation.” The evocative drawings in this book document the atrocities of Kafr Qasem. To capture these events on paper, she gathered data in every form possible: oral testimonials, photographs, media reports, anything she could lay her hands on. Not only did she carry out archival research, she also managed to meet with survivors and conduct face to face interviews and field visits. These testaments are also included in the book. The drawings in this book provide superb examples of Halaby’s skill and artistry at figurative drawing. The emotions of anger and fear leap from the pages and enable the viewer to relive the terrible suffering endured by the inhabitants of this small Palestinian village that found itself inside the border of the newly established Israeli state in 1949.

Born in Jerusalem in 1936, Samia Halaby is a leading abstract painter and an influential scholar of Palestinian art. Although based in the United States since 1951, Halaby is recognised as a pioneer of contemporary abstraction in the Arab world. Influenced by the abstract movements of the Russian avant-garde, Halaby works with the conviction that new approaches to painting can redirect ways of seeing and thinking not only within the realm of aesthetics but also as contributions to technological and social advancement. Her work has been collected by international institutions since the 1970s, including the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Art (New York and Abu Dhabi); Yale University Art Gallery; National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.; Art Institute of Chicago; Cleveland Museum of Art; Institute du Monde Arabe; and the British Museum. Samia Halaby is represented by Ayyam Gallery.

Contemporary Art from the Levant The Majida Mouasher Collection Texts: Luit Mols Ph.D., owner of Sabiel – Research, Curating, Education and Consultancy in Islamic Art; Nada M. Shabout Ph.D., Professor of Art History at the University of North Texas and President and co-founding board member of the Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, Turkey (AMCA); H.R.H. Princess Wijdan Al-Hashemi Ph.D., President of the Royal Society of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan.

Himat Design: LevievanderMeer, Amsterdam ISBN 978 90 5330 877 6 Format: 24 x 30 cm. Hardcover 160 pages with approx. 150 images in full colour and duotone World rights September 2016 £35 | $55 | €45

Majida Mouasher owned an art gallery called 4 Walls, in Amman, Jordan between 2000 and 2006. During that time she worked with more than ninety artists, 45 of whom form the nucleus of her beautiful and important private collection comprised of contemporary art from the Middle East in general and the Levant in particular, spanning over sixty years of superb quality art. In Jordan at the time there were mostly foundations or institutions, and only very few contemporary art galleries. The artists depended mostly upon their own personal efforts and contacts in order to promote themselves. There was a vacuum that needed to be filled and a public that wanted to see contemporary art and get to know the artists. The aim of 4 Walls was to promote the artists by exhibiting and helping sell their works. During that period, Majida Mouasher consistently bought work from these artists. What makes this collection so special, is that even though it is concentrated on the Levant, it is very diverse. The artists in the collection have deep cultural roots from whatever the origin of their inspiration is; be it China, Russia, the West or their country of origin. Though many of them are now living in the diaspora, they all have in common an honest reaction to their environment, their cultural and social or historical backgrounds, their ethnic origins or political upheavals. Due to the wars and upheavals in the Middle East, people are moving across countries and to the shorelines of Europe, bringing with them new and different cultural ways. Now that the Middle East is so much in the spotlight, there is an urgency to show its contemporary art to the Western public. Art can bypass conflicts and bring more and better understanding between cultures. We need art more than ever before. We live in a time when we try to deal with our problems and try to describe our world through words, figures and logic. But to understand humans and to look at the bigger shifts – the tectonic plate shifts in the human condition, so to speak – we need to rise above, or go below, the 24/7 news cycle, and we need art to give us a different language to understand the human condition.


Schilt Publishing

Kasper Holten, Director of Opera, Royal Opera House, London

The artists in the collection and presented in this book are: Chafik Abboud Nawal Abdallah Adonis Nasr Abdul Aziz Saadi Al Kaabi Nuha Al Radi Shaker Hassan Al Said Rajwa Ali Hani Alqam Clara Amado Mohammad Al-Ameri Jamal Ashour Dia Azzawi Khaled Barakeh Kamal Boullata Diana Chamounky Hiram Charib

Hani Alqam

Ghada Dahdaleh Dodi Muhanna Durra Ismail Fattah Ghassan Ghaeb Riham Ghassib Samia Halaby Himat Farouk Kaspaulis Ammar Khammash Khalid Khreis

Khalil Ryyan

Sadik Kwaish Alfraji Halim Mahdi Fouad Mimi Mohammad Nasrallah

Ammar Khammash

Rafa’ Nassiri Joman Nimri Said Nusseibih Mahmoud Obaidi Karim Rissan Khalil Ryyan Nabil Shehadeh Rula Shukairy Samer Tabbaa

Hiram Charib

Mahmoud Taha Madiha Omar Samer Ussama (Samer Hatam) Wijdan Nazar Yahya

Ghada Dahdaleh

FIX Photo 2016 London, 13 – 22 May

Lucia Ganieva Cig Harvey Yola Monakhov Stockton Edward Thompson

& Gallery We are very proud to collaborate with L A Noble Gallery (LANG) in a new annual celebration of exemplary photography in all its forms taking place for the first time this May – FIX Photo 2016. FIX Photo is produced and curated by LANG Director Laura Noble. With events and workshops throughout and artworks and publications for sale there is something for everyone to discover. FIX Photo offers audiences the opportunity for an enlightening, enriching and inspiring journey through the diverse and tangled channels and tributaries of

Location Bargehouse Oxo Tower Wharf Bargehouse Street South Bank London SE1 9PH 020 7021 1686 Opening hours Friday 13 – Sunday 15 11.00 – 20.30 Monday 16 11.00 – 19.00 Tuesday 17 – Sunday 22 11.00 – 20.30

contemporary photography. Four wonderful artists of Schilt Gallery, Lucia Ganieva, Cig Harvey, Yola Monakhov Stockton and Edward Thompson will have their works included in the exhibition. Schilt Publishing will be present with a bookstand with a range of new releases and backlist best-sellers and

Bargehouse is owned and managed by Coin Street Community Builders For more details about FIX Photo 2016 please visit fixphoto/

special editions. During the exhibition there will be a number of book signing events with our photographers, please check our website for more details. All prints and books are also available on our website and in our gallery in Amsterdam.

Schilt Gallery


Lucia Ganieva

Dreaming Walls, #4, 2010, 46 x 34.5 cm., Digital inkjet print


Dreaming Walls #1, 2010,

Dreaming Walls #8, 2010,

46 x 34.5 cm., Digital inkjet print

46 x 34.5 cm., Digital inkjet print

Dreaming Walls, #3, 2010,

Dreaming Walls, #10, 2010,

Dreaming Walls, #18, 2010,

46 x 34.5 cm., Digital inkjet print

46 x 34.5 cm., Digital inkjet print

46 x 34.5 cm., Digital inkjet print

Schilt Gallery

Cig Harvey

The Honeymoon, Self Portrait, Grotto Bay, Bermuda (You Look At Me Like An Emergency), 2007, 35 x 35 cm., C-Type Fuji Crystal Archive

Red Riding Hood, Rockport, Maine (You Look At Me Like An Emergency), 2015, 35 x 35 cm.,

Cherries, Rockport, Maine (You Look At

C-Type Fuji Crystal Archive

Me Like An Emergency), 2007 35 x 35 cm., C-Type Fuji Crystal Archive

Screen Door, Devin, Warren, Maine (Gardening At Night), 2013 35 x 35 cm., C-Type Fuji Crystal Archive

The Birdcage, Sadie, Tennants Harbor, Maine

Teal Chaise, Scout, Rockport, Maine

(Gardening At Night), 2013, 35 x 35 cm.,

(Gardening At Night), 2014 35 x 35 cm.,

C-Type Fuji Crystal Archive

C-Type Fuji Crystal Archive

Schilt Gallery


Yola Monakhov Stockton

O (The Nature of Imitation), 2011, 50 x 40 cm., Archival Pigment Print

White Sea (The Nature of Imitation), 2013, 50 x 40 cm., Blue china (The Nature of Imitation),

Archival Pigment Print

2011, 50 x 40 cm., Archival Pigment Print

An ongoing text (The Nature of Imitation), 2011, 50 x 40 cm., Archival Pigment Print

Ivory gate (The Nature of Imitation), 2013,

Untitled (The Nature of

50 x 40 cm., Archival Pigment Print

Imitation), 2011, 50 x 40 cm., Archival Pigment Print


Schilt Gallery

Edward Thompson

The view from Rose Court (The Village from The Unseen) 2010, 40 x 50 cm., Digital C-Type

St Nicholas’s Churchyard, the Red

The River Thames (The City from

Lady, the White Lady (The Village

The Unseen) 2014

from The Unseen) 2010, 40 x 50 cm.,

40 x 50 cm., Digital C-Type

Digital C-Type

Untitled 14 (The Red Forest from

Untitled 10 (The Red Forest

The North Circular (The City

The Unseen) 2012, 40 x 50 cm.,

from The Unseen) 2012

from The Unseen) 2014

Digital C-Type

40 x 50 cm., Digital C-Type

40 x 50 cm., Digital C-Type

Schilt Gallery


SELECTED backlist

FotoFest Changing Circumstances Looking at the Future of the Planet

Sara Davidmann Ken. To be destroyed Edit and text by Val Williams

Giancarlo Ceraudo Destino Final Argentina’s Death Flights during the Dirty War

ISBN 978 90 5330 862 2

ISBN 978 90 5330 861 5

ISBN 978 90 5330 864 6

£35 | $60 | €50

£35 | $60 | €50

£30 | $50 | €45

Yola Monakhov Stockton The Nature of Imitation

David Batchelder Tideland

for a complete

Edward Thompson The Unseen An Atlas of Infrared Plates ISBN 978 90 5330 863 9

Text by Elisabeth Biondi

£50 | $75 | €65

overview of all

£30 | $50 | €45

ISBN 978 90 5330 845 5

Check our website

our titles and special editions!


Schilt Publishing

£24.50 | $40 | €30

Text by David Campany ISBN 978 90 5330 856 1

Mario Giacomelli Under the Skin of Reality Treasures from the Sassoferrato Archive Edited by Katiuscia Biondi, Marina Itolli and Catia Zucchetti With an introduction by Achille Bonito Oliva ISBN 978 90 5330 813 4 £35 | $60 | €45

15 Dutch Edition ISBN 978 90 5330 850 9 €25

16 Dutch Edition ISBN 978 90 5330 866 0 €25

Next #01 ISBN 978 90 5330 762 5 £12.50 | $30 | €19.50

Next #02 ISBN 978 90 5330 781 6 £12.50 | $30 | €19.50

Next #03 Leonard Freed After The War Was Over

Stories of Change Beyond the ‘Arab Spring’

Jewish Life in Amsterdam in the 1950s Text by Bernadette van Woerkom

ISBN 978 90 5330 823 3 £30 | $60 | €45

ISBN 978 90 5330 804 2 £12.50 | $30 | €19.50

Next #04 ISBN 978 90 5330 838 7 £12.50 | $30 | €19.50

ISBN 978 90 5330 857 8 £27.50 | $40 | €35 Dutch edition:

Leonard Freed De oorlog voorbij Joods Amsterdam in de jaren vijftig ISBN 978 90 5330 858 5 €35

Schilt Publishing


Peter Suschitzky Naked Reflections

Sadik Kwaish Alfraji

ISBN 978 90 5330 846 2

Louise Baring Emmy Andriesse Hidden Lens

£35 | $65 | €50

ISBN 978 90 5330 790 8

ISBN 978 90 5330 848 6

£25 | $45 | €35

£35 | $65 | €50

Curated by Nat Muller

FotoFest View From Inside Contemporary Arab Photography, Video and Mixed Media Art ISBN 978 90 5330 825 7 £35 | $60 | €50

Anna Fox Resort 1 Butlin’s Bognor Regis

Elliot Ross Animal Text by Manfred Zollner

Robert King Democratic Desert The War in Syria

Elena Perlino Pipeline Trafficking in Italy

ISBN 978 90 5330 803 5 £35 | $65 | €50

ISBN 978 90 5330 730 4

ISBN 978 90 5330 818 9

ISBN 978 90 5330 824 0

£30 | $60 | €40

£30 | $50 | €40

£25 | $45 | €35

Special edition

Resort 2 Butlin’s Bognor Regis

ISBN 978 90 5330 736 6

ISBN 978 90 5330 840 0

£175 | $350 | €250

Edition of 50

£35 | $60 | €50

Other Animals Text by Diana L. Daniels ISBN 978 90 5330 835 6 £30 | $60 | €40 20

Schilt Publishing

Linda Dorigo & Andrea Milluzzi Rifugio Christians of the Middle East

Diana Matar Evidence

Jane Hilton Precious

ISBN 978 90 5330 842 4

ISBN 978 90 5330 795 3

£30 | $60 | €45

£30 | $55 | €40

Ilvy Njiokiktjien Slagroomtaart en Slingers Nederland in 100 verjaardagen

ISBN 978 90 5330 843 1

Tekst: Sabeth Snijders

£29.95 | $50 | €40

ISBN 978 90 5330 847 9 €24.95 Dutch language

Lauren Fleishman The Lovers ISBN 978 90 5330 836 3

Last available copies, North America only! £32.50 | $50 | €40

Vadim Gushchin Everyday Objects/ Cultural Treasures

David Chancellor Hunters

ISBN 978 90 5330 792 2

£32.50 | $60 | €50

£35 | $65 | €49.90

Special edition

ISBN 978 90 5330 778 6

Sophie Zénon Roads Over Troubled Water

isbn 978 90 5330 801 1

A quest for the soul Une chasse à l’âme Bilder aus Kambodscha

Edition of 20 copies

ISBN 978 90 5330 696 3

£600 | $1000 | €800

£100 | $250 | €150

Schilt Publishing


Gesche Würfel is a German visual artist living and working in New York City. She received her Diploma in Urban Planning from the University of Dortmund, Germany, and her M.A. in Photography and Urban Cultures from Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. In 2007, Würfel was selected as one of the Bloomberg New Contemporaries showcasing the best emerging talent from UK art schools. Some of her recent exhibitions include solo shows at Field Projects, NYC; Wolk Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA; Civilian Art Projects, Washington, DC. Her work has been presented among others in group shows at Tate Modern, [space]; Kokerei Zollverein, Essen, Germany; and Curator’s Office, Washington, DC. Her work is included in the MIT Museum’s Collection, along with private collections in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Grey Matters 4

Lucia Ganieva Ermitazhniki

Chiara Tocci Life After Zog

Matthew Murray Ska

ISBN 978 90 5330 798 4

and other stories

£10 | $20 | €15

ISBN 978 90 5330 796 0

Text by Addie and Mitchell Vassie

Grey Matters 1

£10 | $20 | €15

ISBN 978 90 5330 812 7

£10 | $20 | €15

Grey Matters 2

£10 | $20 | €15

Grey Matters 4

Grey Matters 3

Camille Renée Devid My Other Side ISBN: 978 90 5330 839 4 £10 | $20 | €15 Grey Matters 5


Gesche Würfel

GescheWürfel’s first university degree was in Spatial Planning (from the University of Dortmund) and she spent several years afterwards working in the field of regeneration and public participation. In 2005, she moved to London to study Photography and Urban Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London where she focused more on my own visual arts practice. These experiences all shape her approach to the relationship between space, human (inter)action, and nature. In particular, she tend to investigate the physical manifestation of underlying social and urban processes by exploring notions of place as well as the relationships humans have with their environment (in urbanscapes as well as cultural and natural landscapes).

Schilt Publishing

Donald Weber & Arthur Bondar Barricade The EuroMaidan Revolt Text by Larry Frolick

Ananda van der Pluijm An Incomplete History Text by Bill Kouwenhoven

ISBN: 978 90 5330 841 7

ISBN 978 90 5330 859 2

£10 | $20 | €15

£15 | $30 | €20

Grey Matters 6

Grey Matters 7

Basement Sanctuaries

Basement Sanctuaries combines a wide range of influences. Her work is research-based and usually has a strong theoretical foundation.

Gesche Würfel Basement Sanctuaries ISBN 978 90 5330 819 6


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