FASNY Pages 2022

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CONTENTS A Letter from the Head of School Weathering The Storm Bon Courage, M Ekotto A New Dawn, a New Day A Europe Day Celebration & A Budding Partnership Inovation at FASNY FASNY Robotics Goes Global Yo, Ho, Ho An’ A Bottle of Rum! Student Awards Sports at CongratulationsFASNYClass of 2022 FASNY Spirit Alumni Spotlight Thank You Parents Meet the Board Fun had by all at Weekend!Homecoming ON THE COVER Celebrating Excellence The Fund for FASNY 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 272129 31 35 39 41 42 43 Fun Run 33

3FASNY PAGES 2022 Head of School Francis Gianni Editors Elizabeth Ryan Director of Marketing, Communications & Public Relations Daryl Woolsey Director of Development Contributing Writers FASNY Alumni Faculty Members Contributing Photographers Elizabeth Ryan Stessie Livingston - My Lenses & Me FASNY Faculty & Staff FASNY Alumni & Parents Designer Rachel Zurheide CONTRIBUTORS

Dear Friends of FASNY, Just when we thought we had one of the strangest, most difficult school years behind us, we were surprised once again this year. Between Hurricane Ida, campus moves, and COVID-19 endlessly on our minds, we have all faced challenges both at home and at school. In the face of adversity, I was once again blown away by this community and its spirit to support each other and FASNY, allowing all to push through and keep going. With resilience and determination, not only did we push through but accomplished and celebrated many amazing things throughout the year.

Academically, our students shone once again across all divisions, learning new skills, completing exciting projects, and of course, representing FASNY at the highest level in the Brevet, French Bac exams, and the International Baccalaureate. The arts brought life back to our campuses with live performances and inspiring art shows. In STEM we excelled in math competitions, went global in robotics, got hands-on at STEM nights/ mornings, and invested in innovative new technology. Our athletics teams excelled with great wins throughout all seasons, undefeated records, and championship trophies. And perhaps most importantly, our community joined together to celebrate FASNY through the Fun Run, Homecoming, International Night, Book Fair, the Gala, Kermesse, and coffee mornings filled with conversation and bonding.

Despite uncertain times, I know whatever challenges may come our way, FASNY has exciting opportunities ahead for all of us.

None of this could have been done without the continuous dedication of our Faculty & Staff who work tirelessly every day for the benefit of our students; the same students who show passion and commitment to their learning and their extracurricular passions despite any challenges faced. Our parents, who are behind the scenes cheering us on, encouraging their children, and committing to FASNY and our Mission of nurturing creative, open-minded, critical thinkers to become lifelong learners. And to our amazing Alumni, Parents of Alumni, past Faculty & Staff members and Trustees, and all of our FASNY supporters, you continue to show us your FASNY spirit, impress us with your personal and professional achievements, and constantly pave the way for future generations of global leaders at FASNY.

Thank you for your continued support and trust, both an inexhaustible source of pride that gives us the strength to continue to move ourselves, our students, and our outstanding programs forward.



Merci pour votre soutien bienveillant et votre confiance toujours renouvelés; ils sont une source inépuisable de fierté qui nous donnent la force d’avancer et de faire briller nos élèves et nos programmes innovants. Malgré des temps incertains, je sais que quels que soient les défis qui se présenteront à nous, la FASNY saura, grâce à vous et tous ensemble, les affronter et les surmonter pour écrire les nouvelles pages vibrantes de son histoire.

Les Arts à la FASNY ont ramené la vie sur nos campus avec des concerts, pièces de théâtre, des expositions en présentiel, sans oublier notre merveilleux Gala de levée de fonds et toutes les cérémonies de fin d’année.

Nos équipes sportives ne sont pas en reste puisqu’elles ont récolté les plus beaux trophées lors des multiples compétitions organisées tout au long de l’année. On notera aussi et surtout les événements sportifs, culturels et festifs rassemblant toute notre communauté autour du « Fun Run, Homecoming, International Night, Book Fair, the Gala, Kermesse, et coffee mornings » dans une ambiance aussi conviviale que familiale.


Chers amis de la FASNY, Alors que nous pensions avoir derrière nous l’une des années scolaires les plus étranges et les plus difficiles, nous avons été surpris une fois de plus cette année. Entre l’ouragan Ida, les déménagements de campus et le COVID-19 encore dans toutes les têtes, nous avons tous dû faire face à des défis relevés tant à la maison qu’à l’école. Face à l’adversité, j’ai été une fois de plus très impressionné par notre communauté et son état d’esprit de soutien mutuel, permettant à tous d’évoluer et à FASNY de toujours Grâceprogresser.ànotre résilience et à notre détermination, nous avons su réaliser et célébrer de accomplissementsnombreuxtoutau long de l’année. A l’école, quel que soit le campus concerné, les enfants ont travaillé avec rigueur pour acquérir connaissances et compétences en s’engageant dans de nouveaux projets, tout en portant haut les couleurs de la FASNY lors des examens du Baccalauréat, du Brevet et du Baccalauréat international.

Nos parents, qui sont dans les coulisses pour nous encourager, qui stimulent leurs enfants et qui s’engagent envers la FASNY nous ont mission qui est de former des élèves créatifs, à l’esprit critique, pour devenir des apprenants tout au long de leur vie. Et vous, chers anciens élèves, parents d’anciens élèves, anciens membres du corps professoral et du personnel, administrateurs, et tous ceux qui soutiennent la FASNY, vous continuez à faire vivre l’esprit FASNY, vous brillez par vos réalisations personnelles et professionnelles, et vous ouvrez la voie aux futures générations de leaders de la FASNY.

Nos projets STEM ont excellé, en mathématiques d’abord, dans les compétitions de la zone Amérique du Nord et au-delà; en robotique ensuite, portée à un niveau inouï de compétitivité nationale et internationale par des élèves et des parents particulièrement motivés; puis avec nos fameuses matinées ou soirées STEM de retour sur place ; ou encore par la mise en place de nos deux ”innovation labs”.

Rien de tout cela n’aurait été possible sans le dévouement continu de notre corps enseignant et de notre personnel qui ont travaillé sans relâche chaque jour pour le bien de nos élèves ; ces mêmes élèves qui ont fait preuve de passion et d’engagement envers leur apprentissage, jusque dans les activités extrascolaires et ce malgré toutes les difficultés rencontrées.


While the logistical side of Hurricane Ida was a spectacular display of flexibility, creativity, and determination, it was the human side of this event that shone the brightest and showcased once again how strong the FASNY community truly is. From the very beginning, members of the community stepped up, volunteering, donating, and offering support to not only the school but to those within the FASNY family who were most in need. Consul General Jérémie Robert even traveled to campus to tour the damage and to offer his support to the school, the students, faculty & staff. Together, once again, with strength and resilience, FASNY made it through the storm and came back brighter and stronger than ever with a community united in its resolve and students, in all divisions, thriving and shining among their achievements.

That evening, Hurricane Ida ripped through the community, devastating the homes and businesses of neighbors, friends, and families. The severe flooding in Mamaroneck’s Washingtonville neighborhood caused significant damage to houses and buildings, including FASNY’s Village Campus, home to grades 4-8. The lower level of the Village Campus was submerged entirely up to the ceiling, affecting all electrical units, causing outages to the fire safety system, potential structural uncertainties, and dimin ished air quality due to sewage, oil, and ground particles within the water. For the safety and well-being of students, faculty & staff, the first day of school was put on hold as the entire community navigated the devastation both at school and at Despitehome. the personal impacts of the storm, the entire administrative team, facilities team, and Board of Trustees worked tirelessly throughout the following days to ensure that learning continued for our displaced students and that all could return to the classrooms with as little disruption as possible. Within days, Middle School students joined the High School students on the Harbor Campus in a hybrid model per division, while the Lower School students in grades 4-5 were welcomed to the Manor Campus with open arms. The previous year of pandemic creativity came in handy as offices, gymnasiums, and cafeterias were once again converted to temporary classrooms.

A few short weeks later, the Middle School students in grades 6-8 had a new temporary home to call their own in Scarsdale, on account of the generosity and support of the St. Pius Parish. In February, after five long months, thanks to the hard work of the administration, facilities team, IT team, and the entire faculty & staff, FASNY students, faculty & staff were thrilled to return to their home at 145 New Street.

On the afternoon of Wednesday, September 1, 2021 classrooms were perfectly set, faculty & staff were eager and excited, campuses were pristine and ready, and the first day of the 2021-2022 school year was upon us. No one would have ever imagined the turn the day would take and the damage that would be caused in just a few short hours.

faisait face à la dévastation, tant à l’école que chez eux. Dans les jours qui ont suivi la tempête, l’équipe administrative, celle des installations et le conseil d’administration ont travaillé sans relâche pour faire en sorte que l’apprentissage se poursuive pour nos élèves et que tous puissent retourner dans les salles de classe avec le moins de perturbations possible. En seulement quelques jours, les élèves du collège ont rejoint ceux du lycée sur le campus du port dans un modèle hybride par division, tandis que ceux des classes 4 et 5 de l’école primaire ont été accueillis chaleureusement sur le Manor Campus. La créativité de l’année précédente en matière de pandémie s’est avérée utile alors que les bureaux, les gymnases et les cafétérias ont une fois de plus été convertis en salles de classe temporaires. Quelques semaines plus tard, les élèves de la 6ème à la 8ème année du collège ont trouvé un nouveau foyer temporaire à Scarsdale, grâce à la générosité et au soutien de la paroisse Saint-Pie.

En février, après cinq longs mois et grâce au travail considérable de l’administration, de l’équipe des installations, des techniciens informatiques et de l’ensemble du corps enseignant et du personnel, les élèves et les adultes de la FASNY ont été ravis de retrouver leur foyer au 145 New Street. Si l’aspect logistique de l’ouragan Ida a été une spectaculairedémonstrationdeflexibilité, de créativité et de détermination, c’est le côté humain de cet événement qui a rayonné le plus et montré une fois de plus à quel point la communauté de la FASNY est soudée. Dès le début, les membres de la communauté se sont mobilisés en se portant volontaires, en faisant des dons et en offrant leur soutien non seulement à l’école mais aussi aux membres de la famille FASNY qui en avaient le plus besoin. Le Consul Général Jérémie Robert s’est rendu sur le campus pour constater les dégâts et offrir son soutien à l’école, aux élèves, au corps enseignant et au personnel. Une fois de plus, avec force et résilience, la FASNY a traversé la tempête et en est ressortie plus forte et plus dynamique que jamais grâce à une communauté unie par sa détermination et ses étudiants de toutes les divisions qui s’épanouissent et qui brillent par leurs réalisations.

Dans l’après-midi du mercredi 1er septembre 2022, les salles de classe avaient été parfaitement préparées, le corps enseignant et le personnel étaient enthousiastes et les campus étaient prêts pour le premier jour de l’année scolaire 2021-2022.

Personne ne pouvait imaginer la tournure que prendrait la soirée et les dégâts qui allaient être causés en quelques heures à peine. Ce soir-là, l’ouragan Ida s’est abattu sur la communauté, dévastant les maisons et les commerces de voisins, d’amis et de familles. Les graves inondations dans le quartier de Washingtonville à Mamaroneck ont provoqué d’importants dégâts aux maisons et aux bâtiments, y compris au Village Campus de la FASNY, qui abrite les classes quatre à huit. Le niveau inférieur du Village Campus s’est retrouvé entièrement submergé, affectant toutes les unités électriques et entraînant des pannes du système de sécurité incendie, des incertitudes structurelles potentielles et une diminution de la qualité de l’air en raison des eaux usées, de l’huile et des particules de terre présentes dans l’eau. Pour la sécurité et le bien-être des étudiants, du corps enseignant et du personnel, le premier jour d’école a été suspendu pendant que la communauté entière


“Thank you, Gilbert, for being there for me for the last 28 years! You have been a great inspiration with your kindness, your global mindset, and just the way you deal with daily challenges. Thank you for teaching me that Sunday mornings is a time for relaxing and having inner peace and enjoying the simple things in life.

“Gilbert, thank you for first being an energetic economics teacher, then a thoughtful soccer coach, and finally a friend. Learning from you has been one of the highlights of my education. I hope your move goes well and to see you one day in Switzerland!”

“Dear Gilbert, It is so strange to think that you will not be at FASNY next year. To me, you are so much a part of the school. I wanted you to know how much I have appreciated your kindness, your good humor, and your support throughout the years. Some of my best Fasny memories are of our conversations together when we would talk about education, books, and life. I will also always remember all of the POCC/SDLC Conferences we attended together along with our Fasny upper schoolers when we all dared to dream of an even better Fasny. One of the things I appreciate most about you is that you have always been willing to consider new ideas and thoughts. You have certainly made Fasny a better place through your efforts, and I am so glad that you have been a part of my life. I will miss you, but I am so happy for you as you begin your grand, new adventure. I wish you great joy!” - Raquel Fontaine

After more than 20 years of service to FASNY, we are saying au revoir and bon courage to Mr. Gilbert Ekotto as he takes on a new opportunity and a new home abroad. Throughout his years, Gilbert has held various important roles and greatly impacted not only the foundation and growth of our wonderful school but also the lives of numerous students. With his departure, some colleagues and former students shared some parting words. As the saying goes, don’t be a stranger, Gilbert, you always have a family at FASNY!

You took all the necessary time to reassure the students and their families that their concerns are heard and that a solution to the issue would be met. You listened to their concerns with empathy and the families very much appreciated your dedication and sound mind. Today, I am sad to see you leaving FASNY. However, I know a rewarding and challenging adventure is waiting for you in Geneva. I can’t wait to hear about your new life and how you as an educator and great friend will make an impact on these young students that you are entrusted with. I can’t wait to be there for you in your continued success. I wish you all the best!” - Marie-Claude Pepin “I just do not have words ... but I want to thank you, Gilbert for your huge support over the past 6 years!” - Meryem Elkouch “I have had the pleasure of working with Gilbert during his entire 21 years at FASNY. Gilbert’s greatest attribute is his innate ability to speak with and connect with our students. Whether as their soccer coach, their Dean, or their Division Head, he always knew how to put students at ease while, at the same, gaining their trust and drawing out the best in them. I will certainly miss Gilbert as my colleague, but, more importantly, I will miss the great times spent with my friend. Gilbert, good luck on your next adventure and thank you for everything you have done for FASNY and its students!” - David Ellinghaus

“Cher Gilbert, Merci pour ta bonne humeur et ta bienveillance. J’ai été ravie de travailler à tes côtés pendant ces 14 dernières années. Tu vas terriblement nous manquer mais je te souhaite bon vent et une belle réussite dans cette nouvelle aventure”. - Marine Heraud

Twenty-Four years ago, you entered the educational world where FASNY welcome you as a supervisor. You oversaw a club where you taught the students how to excel in soccer. Later, you became Dean of the students where you led the Diversity group. Then you were promoted and assigned to Head of the Middle school where you had a fantastic connection with the stu dents and assisted them with their curriculum. Indeed, you wore a lot of different hats at FASNY. For all those years, you were 100% dedicated to the needs and wishes of the students and parents and at the same time kept in mind the success of FASNY.

- Elliot Bolzan ’15

After an extensive search and meeting with a variety of candidates from Asia, Africa, and the Americas throughout the first half of the 20212022 school year, Dawn was chosen as the best fit for the role. Dawn is bilingual and brings to FASNY an extensive background in International and French education. Since 2016, Dawn has been the Upper School Administrator and Director of Learning with an emphasis on Student Support Services for 5th-12th Grade at Battle Ground Academy in Franklin, Tennessee. She holds multiple degrees including a Bachelor of Arts in French from the University of Trent, Canada, a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Poitiers, France, a Bachelor of Arts Honors in Education from the University of Western, Canada, a Masters of Education in Leadership from Concordia University, and is expected to finish a Post Masters Principal/ Instructional Leadership License from the University of Chattanooga this month. Her professional development studies also include extensive training and certifications in Diversity Equity Inclusion, Reading Recovery (Read 180 and System 44), Wilson Reading, TPR for Foreign Language, and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).

Dawn has previously experienced learning leadership projects at Elementary Williamson County Schools and Franklin Road Academy where she served as Coordinator and Learning Specialist for French International Students grades K-12/ Learning Specialist 9-12. Dawn also spent time in the classroom as an Elementary French Immersion Teacher in the Toronto School District. In all of these roles across all school divisions, she worked closely with teachers and students to provide guidance and rigor for proper lesson plans and curricula for French and international students. This included assisting French Expatriates to assimilate into American culture and school life. Within all of her previous roles, Dawn takes great pride in the relationships formed with both parents and students alike and in creating individualized academic plans for her students. During her tenure at Battle Ground Academy, she and her team designed a robust Learning Center to accommodate the needs of all learners, created a curriculum for the onboarding and orientation of new students, and initiated a peer tutor program for students in both the Middle and Upper School, among many other outstanding and exciting learning Dawn’sinitiatives.warm personality, as well as her professional and academic background, align naturally with FASNY’s Mission and our Core Values. Her attentiveness,enthusiasm,organizational skills, rigor, charisma, empathy, and ability to problem-solve will be a wonderful addition to writing the next chapter for the Middle School.

As FASNY says goodbye to Mr. Ekotto, a big hello is extended to the new Head of Middle School, Dawn Callahan!

Regarding her new role at FASNY, Dawn says “I am honored to serve as the new Middle School Division Head at FASNY for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. It is with great pleasure that I return to my grassroots within the French American and International Community. Creating opportunities for students to experience rigorous academic learning and success while flourishing in a bilingual and globally-centered education inspired me to pursue leadership in the independent school realm.” Welcome to FASNY, Dawn!


Dawn a participé à divers projets de leadership en matière d’apprentissage dans les écoles élémentaires du comté de Williamson et à la Franklin Road Academy, où elle a exercé les fonctions de coordinatrice et de spécialiste de l’apprentissage auprès des élèves français internationaux de la maternelle à la 12ème année et de spécialiste de l’apprentissage de la 9ème à la 12ème année. Dawn a également acquis une solide expérience pédagogique dans les salles de classe en tant qu’enseignante d’immersion en français au niveau élémentaire dans le district scolaire de Toronto. Grâce à ces différents rôles au sein de toutes les divisions scolaires, elle a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec les enseignants et les élèves afin de fournir des conseils et de la rigueur concernant les plans de cours et les programmes d’études pour les élèves français et internationaux. Elle a également accompagné de nombreux expatriés français dans leur assimilation de la culture et de la vie scolaire américaines.

Alors que la FASNY dit au revoir à Monsieur Ekotto, elle accueille chaleureusement la nouvelle directrice du collège, Dawn Callahan. Après avoir effectué une recherche approfondie et rencontré de nombreux candidats d’Asie, d’Afrique et des Amériques tout au long du premier semestre de l’année scolaire 2021-2022, la candidature de Dawn a été retenue comme étant la plus appropriée pour ce rôle. Dawn est parfaitement bilingue et apporte à la FASNY une expérience approfondie en matière d’éducation internationale et française. Depuis 2016, Dawn est l’administratrice du secondaire et directrice de l’apprentissage avec une emphase sur les services de soutien aux élèves de la 5ème à la 12ème année à la Battle Ground Academy à Franklin, dans le Tennessee. Elle est titulaire de plusieurs diplômes, dont une licence en français de l’Université de Trent, au Canada, une licence en anglais de l’Université de Poitiers, en France, une licence en éducation de l’Université de Western, au Canada, un master en leadership de l’Université Concordia, et elle devrait terminer ce mois-ci son doctorat en leadership pédagogique de l’Université de Chattanooga. Son cursus développementde professionnel comprend également une formation approfondie et des certifications en matière de diversité, d’équité et d’inclusion, de récupération de la lecture (Read 180 et System 44), de Wilson Reading, de TPR pour les langues étrangères, et socio-émotionneld’apprentissage (SEL).


De chacune de ses fonctions précédentes, Dawn tire une grande fierté des relations qu’elle a nouées avec les parents et les élèves, ainsi que de la création de plans Concernant son nouveau rôle à la FASNY, Dawn déclare : « C’est un honneur pour moi d’être la responsablenouvelledela division collège à la FASNY pour l’année scolaire 2022-2023. C’est avec grand plaisir que je reviens à mes racines au sein de la franco-américainecommunauté et internationale. La possibilité de créer des opportunités pour les élèves de faire l’expérience d’un apprentissage et d’une réussite scolaires rigoureux tout en m’épanouissant dans une éducation bilingue et internationale a été pour moi une source d’inspiration pour poursuivre le leadership dans le milieu des Bienvenueindépendantes.écoles»àlaFASNY, Dawn ! académiques individualisés. Au cours de son mandat à la Battle Ground Academy, Dawn et son équipe ont élaboré un solide centre d’apprentissage afin de répondre aux besoins de tous les apprenants. De plus, ils ont créé un programme pour l’accueil et l’orientation des nouveaux venus, et instauré un programme de tutorat par les pairs pour les élèves du collège et du lycée, pour ne citer que quelques-unes de ses initiatives d’apprentissage les plus remarquables et les plus Lapassionnantes.personnalité chaleureuse de Dawn, tout comme son parcours professionnel et académique, s’alignent naturellement avec la mission de la FASNY et nos valeurs fondamentales. Son enthousiasme, son attention, son sens de l’organisation, sa rigueur, son charisme, son empathie et sa capacité à résoudre les problèmes constituent de merveilleux atouts qui contribueront à la rédaction du prochain chapitre du collège.


On Monday, May 9, 2022, members of the FASNY administration, Board President & Vice President, select faculty members, PTA Presidents, High School student representatives Louise Charpiot ‘23 and Alice Nyuttens ‘23, and the FASNY choir celebrated Europe Day with friends at the German International School of New York. Not only did the day honor the shared European roots of both schools, but it served as a moment for the two international, bilingual schools to officially recognize a strong friendship, and partnership opportunities going forward. As Mr. Gianni so powerfully said during the ceremony, “each day that our profession as educators gives us, I will not cease, with my German counterpart and friend, as well as with all of you here present, I will not cease to work to bring us closer together, and to act together for the best of our children and for a better world.”

La cérémonie a été marquée par les discours des directeurs des deux écoles, Monsieur Gianni et Monsieur Lars Hierath, par les mots de soutien et d’encouragement du Consul Français de New York, Monsieur Jérémie Robert, et du Consul Allemand de New York, Monsieur David Gill, ainsi que par des anecdotes émouvantes soulignant l’importance d’une éducation bilingue et multiculturelle de la part des élèves des deux écoles.

The ceremony included speeches by both heads of school, Mr. Gianni and Mr. Lars Hierath, words of support and encouragement from the French Consul of New York M. Jérémie Robert, and the German Consul of New York Mr. David Gill, as well as heartwarming anecdotes of the importance of a bilingual, multicultural education from students from both schools. After a stunning performance of the anthem “Ode to Joy”, together, in German, French, and English by the combined choirs, the heads of school signed a formal cooperation. The agreement aims to strengthen the ties between the two schools to create a cultural and academic partnership; expanding the offerings in various areas of education like languages, sports, arts, sciences, and community building. For current students and for generations to come FASNY & GISNY look forward to a wonderful friendship and partnership that will benefit both schools and their communities in many ways.

Comme l’a si bien dit Monsieur Gianni lors de la cérémonie : « En tant qu’éducateur, je n’aurai de cesse, avec mon homologue et ami allemand ainsi qu’avec vous tous ici présents, de faire en sorte de nous rapprocher et d’agir ensemble pour le bien de nos enfants et pour un monde meilleur. »

Les membres de l’administration de la FASNY, le président et le vice-président du conseil d’administration, certains membres du corps enseignant, les présidents de l’association des parents d’élèves, les représentantes des élèves du lycée Louise Charpiot ‘23 et Alice Nyuttens ‘23, ainsi que la chorale de la FASNY ont célébré ce lundi 9 mai 2022 la Journée de l’Europe avec leurs homologues de la German International School of New York. Cette journée a non seulement permis d’honorer les racines européennes partagées par les deux écoles internationales et bilingues, mais elle a également été l’occasion pour celles-ci de célébrer officiellement leur forte amitié et les possibilités de partenariats à venir.

Après une remarquable interprétation de l’hymne « Ode à la joie », en allemand, français et anglais par les chœurs combinés, les chefs d’établissement ont signé un accord officiel de coopération. Ce dernier a pour objectif de renforcer les liens entre les deux écoles afin de créer un partenariat culturel et académique en élargissant les offres dans différents domaines de l’éducation tels que les langues, les sports, les arts, les sciences et la construction de la communauté. La FASNY et la GISNY se réjouissent de cette merveilleuse amitié et de ce partenariat qui profitera aux deux écoles et à leurs communautés à de multiples égards.

FASNY reaches across all subjects, departments, and divisions.

The “innovation” at



Regardless of whether a student is exploring a new art form, studying a new language for the first time, or simply thinking differently about a favorite piece of literature, students are constantly pushed to come up with new and exciting ways to learn, absorb, think, and act. While innovation is a topic of conversation that is top of mind cross-functionally, the examples of FASNY’s investment in innovation are seen most exceptionally in our technology advancements over the 21-22 school Thanksyear. to the collaboration between Division Heads, the IT Department, the Extensions Program, and the enthusiasm of teachers and students amazing strides have been made in the state-of-the-art technology programs and tools offered at AtFASNY.theHigh School, the Innovation Lab in the Science Center of the Harbor Campus received many exciting tools for students to use. 15 Veative EduPro Virtual Reality headsets with controllers were purchased. The Veative educational scope & sequence include Life Sciences, Physics, and Chemistry with applications from grades 4 - 12. Students are also enjoying the Ultimaker S5 Pro station which has best-in-class technology to inspire students in 3D printing. With applications in everything from engineering to art, in combination with TinkerCAD or AutoCAD students are already letting their imaginations go wild. Also at the Harbor Innovation Lab, you will find 2 zSpace Computers. zSpace is an immersive and interactive experience with a leading AR/VR solution, allowing students in high school can explore everything from anatomy to zoology in 3 dimensions. At the Village Campus, for students in grades 4-8, the Innovation Lab includes everything provided in the High School, except the zSpace computers. Instead, with an eye toward younger minds, LittleBits is included, especially for the after-school program. LittleBits uses block coding to teach students to build robots and understand “how things work”. In addition to LittleBits FASNY plans to include Microbits available through Birdbrain Technologies Hummingbird robotics program and Cubelits. At the Lower School, it’s all about building the foundations for technology programs and further investing in providing top-of-the-line, age-appropriate Chromebooks for students; sturdier for the youngest creative minds, and a more robust and flexible device for inquiring older students. For the youngest students at the Manor Campus, a new fleet of iPads to support their learning in a balanced classroom will be provided. For the safety and security of all, FASNY has invested in new, more secure firewalls to keep up with the changing cyber landscape, including training for high school students about staying cyber-tough while enjoying a safe experience online. At the Middle School, the partnership with the Social Institute continues, in order to provide best practices and smart thinking while navigating social Facultymedia. & staff also need top-of-the-line materials to provide the very best in teaching and learning, providing the FASNY team with a new laptop fleet leveraging Microsofts Surface Books and Macbooks to remain a device-agnostic setting where the focus is on learning. Thanks to the interest of students, faculty & staff, as well as the generosity of the FASNY community the investment in technology at FASNY inspires young minds, advances innovation and prepares our students to be confident, capable, global citizens of our ever-changing world.

Cet outil propose une expérience immersive et interactive avec une solution AR/VR de pointe, permettant aux élèves du lycée de tout découvrir, de l’anatomie à la zoologie, en trois dimensions.

Au Village Campus, le laboratoire d’innovation destiné aux élèves de la 4ème à la 8ème année, intègre tout ce qui est proposé au lycée, à l’exception des ordinateurs zSpace. Pour répondre aux besoins des plus jeunes, c’est le programme LittleBits qui est inclus, en particulier pour le programme extrascolaire. LittleBits fait appel au codage par blocs pour enseigner aux élèves à construire des robots et à comprendre « comment les choses fonctionnent ». Parallèlement à LittleBits, la FASNY prévoit d’inclure les Microbits, disponibles par le biais du programme ÀTechnologies,HummingbirdrobotiquedeBirdbrainetCubelits.l’écoleprimaire,ilconvient de poser les bases des programmes technologiques et d’investir davantage dans la mise à disposition de Chromebooks haut de gamme adaptés à l’âge des élèves, plus solides pour les esprits créatifs des plus jeunes, et plus robustes et flexibles pour les élèves plus âgés avides de connaissances. Une nouvelle flotte d’iPads sera fournie aux plus jeunes élèves du Manor Campus afin de faciliter leur apprentissage dans une classe Afinéquilibrée.degarantir la sécurité de tous, la FASNY a choisi d’investir dans de nouveaux pare-feux plus sécurisés afin de s’adapter à l’évolution du cyber-paysage, ainsi que dans une formation pour les élèves du lycée sur la façon de rester vigilant tout en profitant d’une expérience en ligne sûre. Le partenariat avec l’Institut social se poursuit au collège afin de proposer de bonnes pratiques et une réflexion pertinente lors de la navigation sur les médias sociaux.

Le terme « innovation » s’applique à toutes les matières, départements et divisions au sein de la FASNY. Qu’il s’agisse d’explorer une nouvelle forme d’art, d’étudier une nouvelle langue pour la première fois, ou simplement de considérer différemment un extrait de littérature populaire, les élèves sont constamment encouragés à trouver de nouvelles façons d’apprendre, de comprendre, de penser et d’agir. Alors que l’innovation est un sujet de conversation qui occupe une place prépondérante dans toutes les sphères d’activité, il est possible de voir des exemples illustrant l’investissement de la FASNY en matière d’innovation de manière exceptionnelle dans nos avancées technologiques au cours de l’année scolaire 21-22. Grâce à la collaboration entre les responsables de division, le département informatique et les activités extrascolaires ainsi qu’à l’enthousiasme des enseignants et des élèves, des progrès considérables ont été accomplis concernant les programmes et outils technologiques de pointe disponibles à la FASNY.

Au lycée, d’innovationlaboratoirele du centre scientifique du campus de Harbor a été doté virtuellecasqueslesfascinantsnombreuxdeoutilspourélèves.Quinzederéalité Veative EduPro équipés de contrôleurs ont été acquis. La portée et la séquence éducatives de Veative incluent les sciences de la vie, la physique et la chimie avec des applications de la 4ème à la 12ème année. Les élèves profitent également de la station Ultimaker S5 Pro qui offre la meilleure technologie de sa catégorie qui nous permettent d’inspirer les élèves en matière d’impression 3D. Grâce à des applications allant de l’ingénierie à l’art, en combinaison avec TinkerCAD ou AutoCAD, les élèves peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination. Le Harbor Innovation Lab abrite également deux ordinateurs zSpace.

Le corps professoral et le personnel comptent également sur du matériel haut de gamme afin de dispenser le meilleur de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage. L’équipe de la FASNY s’est dotée d’une nouvelle flotte d’ordinateurs portables intégrant des Surface Books Microsoft et des Macbooks, dans le but de maintenir un environnement indépendant des appareils, orienté vers Grâcel’apprentissage.àl’intérêt des apprenants, du corps enseignant et du personnel, ainsi qu’à la générosité de la communauté de la FASNY, ces investissements technologiques inspirent nos jeunes esprits, encouragent l’innovation et préparent nos élèves à devenir des citoyens du monde confiants et compétents, dans un environnement en constante évolution.

Like most other robotics teams in the area and around the globe, FASNY’s young engineers compete in the FIRST LEGO League, an international program for 9 to 16-year-old children that was created as a partnership between FIRST® and the LEGO® Group in 1998 in order to motivate in February and quickly went on to claim first place in the Regional Hudson Valley competition in March. These successes secured them a spot at the 2022 FIRST World Robotics Championship in Houston, Texas. In late April, the Green Brick Road FASNY Robotics Team arrived in Houston to compete amongst 108 teams from around the world, showcasing their skills to 35,000 attendees. After days of competition, the team finished in the top 25% of all teams. With their exciting showing at the three competitions throughout the season, team coach Dr. Gingrich remarked “The kids really came together under difficult circumstances, but they were so well


children in science and technology and help to provide valuable career and life skills. Within the league, students work with adult coaches and mentors, for the FASNY team which includes FASNY’s STEM Coordinator and teacher, Ms. Irum Kahn, and parents Dr. Jay Gingrich, Mr. Damien Boudaliez, Ms. Frederique Menzaghi, and Ms. Anne Revise. Together, with this support, all teams in the league are tasked to find innovative solutions to real-world problems as part of their research project. With a solid project and game plan in place, the Green Brick Road started the season by winning the top prize in the qualifying round of the FIRST Lego League Robotics Challenge

The 2021-2022 team, “The Green Brick Road”, is made up of Middle School students, Ahmed Fliss ’28, Lavinia Gayet ’27, Estelle Santulin ’27, Ben Street ’27, Vincent Revise ‘26, Denis Boudaliez ‘26, and Justin Gingrich ‘26. Together they have had quite the accomplished season.


After a brief, hiatus, the French-American School of New York’s robotics team was back and ready to take the world by storm!

prepared by teacher and STEM Coordinator Irum Khan and her curriculum at FASNY. That foundation of knowledge and the passion ignited by their school led the team to a very successful season.” But wait, they weren’t done Basedyet! on their Innovation Project, the team was selected independently from tens of thousands of teams in more than 110 countries as one of the 20 finalists in a worldwide Global Innovation Award competition, in St. Louis, MO at the end of June. These seven young change-makers, developed an automated “drop-box” that can accept package deliveries without any protective boxes or packaging, saving millions of trees and reducing plastic going into landfills, a project that certainly has the potential to add significant value to our world. While in St. Louis, three FASNY students were chosen for special roles in the closing ceremonies. Lavinia and Estelle took center stage to participate in a demonstration showcasing how young students could begin to innovate the next version of a train. Meanwhile, Justin was interviewed by the CEO of First Inspires regarding his experience and the future of global innovation. The entire team also had the opportunity to learn from their peers, participate in seminars, and network with industry professionals and entrepreneurs. A wonderful experience that Dr. Gingrich so perfectly captured, “there are not many first-time teams that make it to two different world championships in FIRST Robotics. The kids and their parents are to be congratulated for their hard work and perseverance.”

FASNY Live Theater made its triumphant return in April as 47 Middle & High School students proudly presented Treasure Island. Along with the excitement on the high seas, the audience was delighted with an opening performance by the 4-8th grade FASNY choir each night. Whether acting in the play, singing in the choir, or one of the many back-of-house duties, every single participant played a crucial role in bringing FASNY Theater back, bravo!



Lion’s Club Peace Poster Contest the annual Club Peace Poster Contest, were chosen by submitted to the Mamaroneck Club was chosen by the Larchmont and Mamaroneck Lions Club the the President’s Council

to continue on in

local competition. Since 2003,



7th Graders Sparrow Laffont-Mann, Olin Rupchin, and Chaymaa Amara

on Service and Civic Participation has been giving out the President’s Volunteer Service Award to individuals whose service positively impacts communities across the country and inspires those around them to take action, too. Yaas Moshtael ‘ 25 Emil Fadel ‘24 Karl Fadel ‘24 Noah Fage ‘24 Bernardo Peschard Rioboo ‘24 Alice Nuyttens ‘23 Ariana Majlessi ‘23 Balthazar Caupin ‘22 Romain Gianni ‘22 Noe Jaquenoud ‘22 Sebastien Jansen-Kollerie ‘22 Ferdinand Lemoine ‘22 Yasmine Rizk ‘22 Camille Rocca Serra ‘22 Annie Tanenbaum ‘22 President’s Volunteer Service Award


contest. Sparrow


FASNY judges to have their posters



Lifting Up Westchester Student Essay Contest


Eva Popescu ‘26 was named a Finalist in the 5th Annual Lifting Up Westchester Student Essay Contest with the theme, “What Role Does Housing Play in Influencing Your Future and the Future of Your Community?” 50 judges read, reviewed, and scored a vast amount of essays from Middle & High School students across Westchester and as a finalist, Eva’s essay ranks in the top 10% of all essays received.

Conference 15 High School students participated in the New York State Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Conference in Rochester, NY; FASNY’s first time attending. Along with 600 other students in attendance, our students participated in the many learnedcompetitionsbusiness-relatedoffered,throughavariety of workshops, and had plenty of opportunities to network at social events. Sophomores Rafael Leifert, Bernardo Perschard Rioboo, and Charlie Cooper also took home top prizes, earning them spots at the National Conference.

the 42nd Annual Photography


AWARDS Olympiades de Mathématiques Benjamin

Carriage Barn

photographs accepted


STUDENT Ashby ’26, Boudaliez ’26, and Moulard ’26 took Art Camille Dannenberg ‘23 and Joseph de Tramasure ‘25 had in Exhibition at the Art Center in New Canaan,

the top spot, ranked number 1 in all of North America, and officially ranked #2 in the world among all AEFE schools! Carriage Barn

CT. AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award FASNY won College Board’s PrinciplesComputeraccessyoungAwardFemaleComputerAP®ScienceDiversityforexpandingwomen’stoAPScience(CSP).

Center Photography Exhibition In January,

9A Chemistry Fair Rallye Mathématiques 9C ranked 1st out of 45 9th grade classes (1st overall out of 90 9th&10th classes combined) 10B&C reunion ranked 2nd out of 45 10th grade classes (3rd overall out of 90 9th&10th classes combined) 9B ranked 5th out of 45 9th grade classes (22nd overall out of 90 9th&10th classes combined).

First Place: The Chemistry of Perfume: Yaas Moshtael, Yara Rizk, Sebastian Majlessi Second Place: The Chemistry of Fireworks: Thibaud Jeandin, Chloe ThirdNarcelplace: The Chemistry of Wine; Sébastien Didda, Domitille Caze, Benjamin Manzanares Popular Vote: The Chemistry of Vitamins: Bianca Paraschiv, Tom Heraud, Joséphine Bégoc


STUDENT AWARDS Mamaroneck Artist’s Guild - Young Artists on the Rise 2022 Exhibit Mahina Reuge ‘22 Filip Rupchin ‘22 Juliette Sem ‘22 Jonah Mayral Boyle ‘23 Sophie Manzanares ‘23 Ran Xiao ‘23 Gunnar Kohl ‘25 Kenza Ouedraogo ‘25 Mahina Reuge ‘22 Course excelled!NombresAmericanandFASNY

Baptiste Rittener 8B - “prix coup de cœur” for narration

Justin Gingrich, 8B - “prix coup de cœur” for natural acting 8C Class - “prix coup de cœur” of the heart of the complicity

National Merit Scholarship Commended Student Filip Rupchin ‘22


8th grade students joined 400 students from the US, Canada, France, and Cambodia in a celebration (and competition) of French theater at the “Première Scène ‘’ FASNY students imagined, wrote, and performed a play on the theme “Mirrors and Windows” during Ms. Ha-Minh’s and Ms. Miton’s French and literature classes. At the festival they presented “The Mirror of the Past” (8A); “Selfie or not selfie” (8B); “The reflection of our actions” (8C). Inès de Calonne 8A - “prix coup de cœur” for interpretation

Course aux Nombres FASNY was Awarded 7 class medals (6B, 7B, 8C, 9C, 9B, 10C, and 10B) over a total of 21 medals given to the whole North American AEFE area. Additionally, among the Course aux Nombres Champions FASNY students across all grades excelled! “Première Scène ‘’, a festival organized by the Lycée Français de New York

The Les Diplomates Club competed against 9 other AEFE schools in the US and Canada, FASNY was selected for a special prize from the jury awarded for Humor. 6th grader, Cédric Descamps was awarded a special prize from the jury for “mention humor” of his video. Ambassadeurs en Herbe

Paul Golebiowski ‘23 - 2nd place - 400m, 1st place - Triple Jump Tom Heraud ‘25 - 3rd place800m



• Jeanne Barry ‘25 - 1st place100 Backstroke, 2nd place - 200 yard IM • Lina Golebiowski ‘25 - 2nd place - 50 yard freestyle, 2nd place100 yard butterfly

ISAL FASNYChampionshipGirls1stplace


• Arthur Pellerin ‘23 - 3rd place50 yard freestyle

Iman Tuan ‘24 -2nd place - individual girls’ race Cross SoccerCountry Boys and Girls Varsity Soccer teams both made it to ISAL Playoffs Basketball Boys and Girls Basketball made it to the playoffs. The first time in 20 years for the boys’ team!

Swimming Jeanne Barry ‘25 and Boys 200 Freestyle Relay Team advanced to the NYSAIS Championship.


• Sebastian Didda ‘25 - 2nd placeTriple Jump Paolo Gayet ‘25 - 3rd placeTriple Jump Iman Tuan ‘24 - 1st place - 800m, 2nd place - 1500m Ella Idels-Hamelle ‘23 - 3rd place - 1500m Alexandra Hilelly ‘25 - 3rd place - Shot Put Adélaïde Marie Motte ‘24 - 2nd place - Shot Put, 2nd place - Tri ple Jump, 3rd place - Long Jump Lina Golebiowski ‘25 - 3rd place - Triple Jump Girls - 3rd place - 4 x100m, 1st place 4 x400m FASNY Boys - 2nd place - 4 x 400m Paul Golebiowski ‘23 - 2nd place - 100 yard freestyle, 2nd place100 yard breaststroke Corentin Litré ‘23, Arthur • Pellerin ‘23, Paul Golebiowski ‘23, and Philippe Jansen-Kollerie ‘24 - 1st place - 200 yard freestyle relay Jeanne Barry ‘25, Lina Golebiowski ‘25, Aline Descamps ‘23, Myra Kacha ‘24 - 2nd place - 200 yard medley relay, 3rd place - 200 yard free style relay

Track & Field

ISAL Championship Medals: The girls team took 3rd place overall

Tennis Boys and Girls Tennis Teams both went undefeated in ISAL Rafael Fage ‘23 advanced and competed in the NYSAIS Championships Baseball FASNY added baseball to the list of sports offerings for the 2021 Spring Season! Rugby FASNY students joined Rye Rugby for an exciting 2021 season!


On Monday, June 6 FASNY celebrated the 47 seniors who make up the Class of 2022 as they received their diplomas and officially became FASNY’s newest alumni. It was a beautiful evening to enjoy a wonderful, enthusiastic ceremony filled with families, faculty & staff, and even some well-wishes from around the globe. Bravo to student speakers Mathieu Greco, Yasmine Rizk, Ludmilla Lebbrecht, Julia Rouzou, and Margot Willocq. Thank you to Alumni Guest Speakers Clément Mihailescu ‘12 & Antoine Pourchet ‘12 for their “nuggets of wisdom” as well as Chairman of the Board Tarek Fadel, and Mr. Gianni for their inspirational parting messages. Congratulations to Sofyan Squali-Houssaini for receiving the Arthur Remy Award. Finally, as Mr. Gianni said, “Our paths have crossed; our lives and our stories are now linked forever. In the land of education, we have traveled a path together, and what a path it has been!”





After a brief hiatus, Homecoming Weekend was back, celebrating 41 years of FASNY with current families, students, alumni, parents of alumni, friends, and Shark fans with a weekend full of special Afterevents.an all-school Blue and White Festive Friday Day, the weekend kicked off with two very special games as the Varsity Boys Soccer Team played The First Annual Emilio Alvarez Morera Memorial Game vs. Faculty, Alumni, and Parents before the Varsity Girls Soccer took on brave members of the Faculty, Alumni, and Parents as well. Both Varsity Teams showed their spirit, and their youth, as they got the Homecoming wins. The reunion continued as alumni and members of the faculty & staff joined together at Sedona Taphouse for an afternoon of conversation, catch-up, and FASNY memories.


The Fun Run was originally created in 1987 and revived in 2015 for the 35th anniversary of the school. Alumni and current students, as well as parents, faculty and staff, showed off their speed and their spirit as they ran their hearts out. Even Sharkey got in on the fun!!


The celebrations continued on a perfect fall Sunday, as the FASNY Fun Run made its triumphant return!

After more than a year of meeting virtually, the PTA Newcomers Committee welcomed new parents from the 2020-2021 and 20212022 school years in person, with open arms. Twice throughout the year, families enjoyed coffee and pastries as they got to know other members of the community. person.

Halloween Halloween traditions returned with decorated campuses and the beloved Manor Halloween Parade. Spirit, spookiness, and many superpowers were enjoyed by all!

Thanksgiving With a little help from Estelle Gourmet, FASNY students, faculty & staff brought back a favorite annual tradition, Thanksgiving Lunch. With their own lunch box, everyone got to dig in to some delicious turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn bread. The perfect send-off to Thanksgiving break, happy and full!


Newcomer’s Events

After a year-long break, International Night was back and it didn’t disappoint! An outdoor affair full of homemade delights, festive & traditional attire, and an evening full of community, joy, and celebrating FASNY’s multicultural community. Book Fair

A favorite yearly event, the PTA Book Fair returned to campus in early December. FASNY families, friends, alumni, and our extended community safely shopped for English and French books with all proceeds benefiting the FASNY PTA. La Fête des Rois On all three campuses, FASNY students enjoyed their own individual sweet piece of an apple galette thanks to Estelle Gourmet. Some Kings & Queens were even crowned upon finding the fève!

International Night


Jour de Crepe In February, the PTA helped all campuses celebrate La Chandeleur, more sweetly known as Jour des Crêpes. A crêpe truck arrived at all three campuses and each student, faculty & staff member got to delight in a post-lunch treat.

Mardi Gras

A favorite month of May, FASNY teachers were spoiled with a few public displays of affection from our PTA.

It was a really sweet Mardi Gras at FASNY as students, faculty & staff on each campus were spoiled with a variety of mini donuts to enjoy. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Teacher Appreciation Week

Another FASNY favorite, April has been officially named Green Month! This year, students in all divisions participated in a variety of activities and events to learn about protecting the environment for generations to come. Middle & High School students participated in the MeCycle Recycling challenge, Junior Fresque du Climat / Climate Collage and Ocean Fresque/Collage, workshops about ¨Greatest Climate Challenges¨ and young climate activists from the UN and zero plastic, and a guest speaker from UNICEF. Students at the Pre & Lower School were treated to visits from the Rye Nature Center. The experts taught FASNY students about composting, soil analysis, and even created a scavenger hunt in the nature center on wheels. FASNY is committed to continuing its green initiatives throughout the month of April, and the entire year.

Green Month

On a sunny June day, Kermesse was back and better than ever! Thanks to all of the volunteers, the FASNY community celebrated a day full of fun, games, treats, and sweets.



This year’s gala, “Celebrating Excellence”, was co-chaired by three FASNY parents, Nelcida M. Armand, Uwera Rwayitare Rodriguez, and Adama Ndiaye Somlay. The event highlighted the incredible work accomplished by our students, faculty, and alumni throughout the last four decades and focused on our commitment to upholding excellence. Over $760,000 was raised and will finance mission-driven innovations and projects that accelerate the learning experience of FASNY students. A record-breaking $210,000 was raised for the Olivia Tucker Scholarship Fund to support financial aid for qualified students. Co-chairs Uwera Rwayitare Rodriguez, Nelcida M. Armand, and Adama Ndiaye Somlay

This year’s FASNY gala took place in person for the first time since 2019 at Glen Island Harbour Club in New Rochelle on Sunday, May 22. The annual gala is FASNY’s largest fundraising event, during which we highlight the results of our outstanding educational program. The evening was filled with entertainment, remarks from FASNY leadership, students, alumni, board members, honorees, and a vast live and silent auction.

Cette année, le gala de la FASNY s’est déroulé en personne pour la première fois depuis 2019 au Glen Island Harbour Club de New Rochelle, le dimanche 22 mai. Le gala annuel est le plus grand événement de collecte de fonds de la FASNY, au cours duquel nous mettons en avant les résultats de notre programme éducatif exceptionnel. La soirée a été riche en divertissements et ponctuée de prises de parole marquantes de la part des dirigeants de la FASNY, des élèves, des anciens élèves, des membres du conseil d’administration et des personnes honorées ; elle a aussi donné lieu à une vaste vente aux enchères tenue en direct et par écrit. Le gala de cette année, “Célébrer l’excellence”, était co-présidé par trois parents d’élèves de la FASNY, Nelcida M. Armand, Uwera Rwayitare Rodriguez, et Adama Ndiaye Somlay. L’événement a mis en lumière le travail incroyable accompli par nos élèves, nos professeurs et nos anciens élèves au cours des quatre dernières décennies, et s’est concentré sur notre engagement à maintenir nos objectifs d’excellence. Plus de 760 000 dollars ont été collectés et serviront à financer des innovations et des projets qui enrichissent encore l’expérience d’apprentissage des élèves de la FASNY. Un montant record de 210000 $ a été collecté pour le fonds de la bourse Olivia Tucker, destiné au soutien financier des étudiants qualifiés.

Jean-Francois Bessin Clemence Delcourt and her husband Stéphane Tallien de Cabarrus have been FASNY parents since 2018. They have 3 children, Mahaut, Héloise, and Arthur, who will be in High School (Mahaut in 9th grade), Middle School (Héloise in 6th grade), and Lower School (Arthur in 4th grade) next year.

Clémence has been working with Danone since 2008 and is currently Chief Investment Officer at Danone Manifesto Ventures (DMV). DMV is the corporate venture arm of Danone, through which Danone makes investments in promising food and beverage companies and provides strategic and operational support to its portfolio companies. Prior to joining DMV in 2021, Clémence was Senior VP, Business Planning and Performance Management for Danone North America. Before arriving in New York in 2018, Clémence and her family lived in Montreal, London, and Paris, while Clémence occupied various roles within Danone as head of finance of business units as well as director within the M&A team. Prior to joining Danone, Clémence started her career in M&A at Lazard, both in Paris and NY. Clémence is a graduate of HEC Paris, having majored in Business Entrepreneurship.

Clemence Delcourt



Jean-Francois (JF) Bessin and his wife, Christine, have been FASNY parents since 2015. Their sons Julien and Raphael are respectively in grades 11 and 9 while their daughter Ludivine is in grade 4. JF and Christine have extensive international experience having left France more than 20 years ago to work and live in London, New York, and Tokyo. After 23 years at JP Morgan where JF occupied multiple senior Finance roles, he has recently joined Citigroup as the firmwide head of Financial Planning and Analysis. JF holds a joint degree in Economics and English from Paris University, a Master’s degree from ESC Rouen/Neoma, and an MBA from INSEAD. JF’s participation in the Board will provide further perspective for the French expatriate community, which is striving for an international education while keeping a strong link with the French academic excellence.


Vanessa Crosbie attended FASNY from kindergarten through 10th grade and passed her Baccalaureate at the Lycée Français de New York as FASNY did not go to 12th grade at the time. She graduated from Binghamton University with a BS in Finance. Along the way, Vanessa enjoyed a few semesters abroad while studying at the University of Bath (England) and the London School of Economics. Her corporate career started in the Private Client division at Smith Barney as a Marketing and National Accounts Associate. She then moved into compliance as a Compliance Officer in the Private Client divisions at both Bear Stearns and UBS. In 2005, Vanessa was part of an unfortunate accident involving the roof collapse of the Akrotiri ruins in Greece and subsequently had to relearn to walk with her right leg and suffered various chronic ailments. From that point on, she found greater fulfillment in volunteer capacities, more specifically, at school and in her family’s local community. As her interest in education has grown, she is currently working towards a certification in English as a Second Language (ESL). With her husband, Pierce, Vanessa is raising two future FASNY alumni, Tristan (rising 7th grade) and Sebastien (rising 6th grade). Over the years as a FASNY parent she has served as a Class Delegate for various grades, and co-Chaired Thanksgiving Day, and Kermesse Planning Committees. Vanessa has also taken part in the Newcomers Committee as an Open-House liaison and is currently a Fund for FASNY 5th grade ambassador.

Vanessa Crosbie ’94

Sherri Snelson

Sherri and her husband, Andreas Lim, have been part of the FASNY family since 2018. Their twins, Peter and Savannah, began at FASNY in Nursery and are now rising 2nd Graders. The family relocated from London in 2017 and, after researching international schools in and around NYC and learning about FASNY, moved to the Larchmont area with fingers crossed that the two energetic two-year-olds would gain admission. Sherri was raised on a dairy farm in Western North Carolina but as an adult quickly gained a love of international travel and exploration and was delighted to be offered a 2-year secondment to London in 2004. She soon went native and stayed for 13 years. While in London, she met Andreas, who was born in London but raised in Kuala Lumpur by his German mother and Chinese father. For them, FASNY offers a perfect combination of a global outlook and diversity coupled with stellar academics. Sherri brings a legal and financial background to the Board. She is a partner in the debt finance group at White & Case, specializing in fund finance and leveraged acquisition finance. She holds a B.A. with Honors in Economics from Wake Forest University, a JD with High Honors from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and an MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business. In her downtime, she enjoys reading, tennis, cycling, cooking, and spending as much time as possible at the family’s second home in Provence. She is fluent in English (both American and British) and making progress in French.

Alex Mcleod ‘09 This year, we also lost a valued member of our FASNY community, alum, and Board of Trustees member Joseph Sartre ’04 as he passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, March 6 while in GrowingFrance.upbetween Eastern Africa, New York, and France, Joseph was a student at FASNY in Middle and High school, in an era when FASNY only offered up to grade 10. However, his time on the FASNY campuses left a lasting impression. When he joined the Board in 2020 he said he was “excited to actively give back to the school that taught him core values of openness, creativity, and curiosity”.

An excitement that was palpable and impactful as a member of the Board serving on both the Pension and Development Committees, with passion and determination to help FASNY continue to grow and provide the very best in multicultural education for generations to come. As all the trustees can attest, Joseph felt an incredible love, dedication, and excitement to serve the FASNY mission and community. His enthusiasm was contagious.

Joseph was also an active alum, celebrating most recently at homecoming festivities in October. His connections with other past FASNY students and faculty members were still strong even in his last days. The entire FASNY community continues to extend sincerest condolences to his parents Patrice & Brigitte, extended family, friends, teachers, fellow trustees, and all who knew him. Joseph will be greatly missed.

Ellie Foumbi ‘98 Ellie Foumbi ‘98 took the film world by storm this year. Her first feature film “Our Father, The Devil” was presented as part of the Biennale College-Cinema section at the Venice Film Festival in September. In 2022, Our Father, the Devil “an unnerving tale about a medical worker’s tumultuous past coming back to haunt her” went on to win the 2022 Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature at the Tribeca Film Festival, as well as Best Narrative Feature at the American Black Film Festival 2022. Perhaps an Oscar is next!


Theo Jaquenoud ‘17 Theo Jaquenoud ‘17 became a published author as his article “AI Geospatial Wildfire Risk Prediction” debuted in Towards Data Science. The basis of the article is the result of a group project completed during Theo’s time at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, where he recently completed his Master’s degree. The project and subsequent findings used satellite images, meteorological data, and maps published by the USDA and U.S. Forest Service across the United States to train a model to predict wildfire hazard for the whole country on a weekly basis. Thanks to this incredible work, Theo and his col leagues are helping to protect our wildlife and communities throughout the US.

Alexandra Mcleod ‘09 took the TEDx stage at the Defense Acquisition University flagship event. Within her talk, Alex, an Advisory Manager at Deloitte, presented “Prioritizing Block Chain as a Weapon”, discussing the need to prioritize #blockchain as a tool and a weapon within the Department of CongratulationsDefense.onallof the success and the important work you are doing every day, Alex!

GIfts to the Fund for FASNY are fully tax deductible and enhance things such as FASNY’s IT infrastructure, upgrade facilities, and provide for financial aid. We are most grateful to everyone who has supported the Fund for FASNY this year and in the past. Thank you



pour la FASNY sont les moyens par lequel la FASNY peut construire au présent - et permettre à l’école de faire plus en dehors des frais de scolarité. Soutenir la FASNY, c’est rendre possible bien plus de choses pour nos élèves, nos professeurs et notre personnel. Chaque don compte, quelle que soit sa taille, et la participation de notre communauté est essentielle.

The Fund for FASNY is the means by which FASNY is able to build on the present - and allow the school to do more outside of what tuition supports. Supporting FASNY makes much more possible for our students, faculty and staff. Every gift matters, no matter the size, and participation from our community is essential.

Les dons pour le Fonds pour la FASNY sont entièrement déductibles des impôts et permettent d’améliorer l’infrastructure informatique de la FASNY, de moderniser les installations et de fournir une aide financière. Nous sommes très reconnaissants à tous ceux qui ont soutenu le Fonds pour la FASNY cette année et par le passé. Merci à tous https://www.fasny.org/giving!


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