Pathway of Hope Info

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Hope for the future

starts here.

leading the way to a brighter future In the U.S., 1 in 7 children live in poverty and 40% of all American children will spend at least one year in poverty before turning 18. The Salvation Army’s Pathway of Hope aims to disrupt generational poverty and improve quality of life through a goal-oriented, research-driven approach to case management. Our case managers work with families to create goals, connect with resources, and celebrate successes along the way. Empowering Independence

We help families overcome barriers like unemployment, unstable housing, and lack of education to achieve self-sufficiency and financial stability. Improving Conditions

Case managers assess functioning across the 5 Social Determinants of Health (Economic Stability, Neighborhood & Built Environment, Healthcare Access & Quality, Education Access & Quality, and Social & Community Context), then work with families to set goals. Nurturing Hope

Hope is essential for achieving sustainable success, and our goal is to nurture and inspire it throughout a family’s journey.

To learn more about Pathway of Hope in your area, visit our website.

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