GUG Newsletter No:3

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G OZ O W EEK GUG is embarking into a new venture for this year as part of giving a new image to this orgnisation, to strengthen the voice of Gozitan youths and to create opportunities for such youths, GUG is organizing the ‘Gozo Week’ at the campus of the University of Malta from the 27th of February to the 2nd of March 2012. This week will consist of stands and activities to promote Gozo and educate people about Gozo. During this important week, GUG will also launch other initiatives such as the Degree Plus on Gozitan Studies that will be the first official course about Gozo. GUG will also hold debates on issues and topics related to Gozitan students and PRESIDENT youths.


STU D E N T SU RV E Y GUG will carry out a survey on Gozitan students studying in Malta. The survey’s aim is to gather useful

and direct information about the lifestyle of these students and their experience at the University. The survey will help in updating the information about several aspects that somehow or another are affecting the students’ quality of life. Measures will then be proposed by GUG on the data gathered in order to improve the mentioned student lifestyle.


The survey will be divided in 6 sections: University Degree, Transport, Accomodation, Grants and Expenditure, Activities and General questions. More information can be found on or on GUG’s Facebook page. id=dd79e3bc-c5b1-4ba1-b05f-76beebae6b5f


Gozitan Youths take part in the Youth Parliament 2011 On September 15th 2011 GUG was part of the Youth Parliament in which Gozitan youths presented


propositions for a better Gozo. The message was to improva gozo's economic and environmental aspects. This included over five hundred matters that discriminate

Gozitans from Maltese counterparts, for example, the benefits Maltese workers gain for travelling to Gozo for one day’s work as opposed to the indifference towards Gozitan workers who travel to Malta all year round. Unfortunately this was perceived by fellow Maltese students as us wanting independence from Malta. It is not about wanting independence from Malta. What Gozitans are trying to do is gain what is rightfully theirs- be equals with Maltese, nothing less and nothing more. It is useless trying to justify that Gozitans and Maltese people are one, are equal because this shows clearly that it is not true. We need to push Gozo further and by whom can this be done if not by those who know and feel what Gozo is lacking?

It is true that the Government invested millions of euros on infrastructure and investments to promote Gozo but is 0.6 million in 10 years as private investment enough for Gozo and Gozitan business men? No wonder every business opportunity that arises for Gozitans is immediately transferred to Malta. Business men are not the ones to blame as they would be stupid not to open up shop in Malta but can't we turn that around? Is Gozo really ageing? Of course it is. All the students graduating from University have no choice other than working with some big shot firm in Malta. Gozo has none of these. Why? The question remains unanswered but today's youths believe in Gozo. They know that if something is done NOW, things may turn around. This is why GUG continues working towards a better future for Gozitan students even if it comes in little changes but at least we are moving forward, to what we believe in and want for our country.


MEETING WITH HON. DOLORES CRISTINA On the 4th of January, GUG held a mee5ng with the Educa5on Minister Hon. Dolores Chris5na in which GUG’s concerns and proposals were presented. GUG discussed with the Minister many maCers such as: the new Na5onal Curriculum Framework, the Gozo University Campus and the

current Examina5on issue debate. The highlight of this mee5ng was the issue of giving Gozitan students the possibility of op5ng to do their examina5ons in Gozo. GUG gave the Minister a wriCen report in which GUG states what needs and should be done for this ongoing maCer to be solved in a reasonable and logis5cal manner without causing any extra expenses; reasons why and how the framework should be handled were also stated in the report. The Minister was enthusias5c with the commitment, dedica5on and fervor shown by the GUG execu5ve; especially towards achieving their sought aNer objec5ves. Finally, the Minister promised us that she will delve personally in this maCer and will voice our concerns. GUG strongly desires to inves5gate and find reasons behind this perpetual issue. GUG is perplexed by the reality of the case; that this issue has been idle for the past ten years and nothing has been done to amend this. GUG is doing everything that is within their power to make changes and it hopes that these uCered concerns do not fall on deaf ears. As with regards to the University Gozo Campus, GUG believes that there could be beCer use of this Campus. GUG suggested that this Campus should be made more ac5ve and that there should be more courses introduced. GUG put forward the idea of using video conferencing and also presented the idea of using the Gozo Campus for foreign exchange students; in which foreign students are sent to study in Gozo. This will obviously boost and help the Gozitan economy and apart from that, it would also increase tourist aCrac5on. GUG expressed their strong believes in the genera5on of more work and more investment opportuni5es in Gozo; to ul5mately create new op5ons for Gozo and Gozitans. GUG also gave the NCF report to the Minister present for it to be considered in the ongoing and current debate on the new Na5onal Curriculum Framework. The Minister accepted our report and will eventually give it to the people concerned.


Interview during "Lura d-Dar", a program on Radju Bambina GUG was invited to participate in a program radio on Radju Bambina, the parish radio of Xag침ra. The program "Lura d-Dar" is presented by Mrs Carmen Bajada. Mrs Bajada started the program by congratulating GUG on the work that is being done towards Gozitan students. The President, Ryan Mercieca gave a brief history of GUG was given together with a description of the aims and objectives that GUG has mainly the transition between Malta and Gozo. During the program various aspects were discussed, including the say that GUG had on the transport reform, the issue related to exams being held in Gozo and the increase in allowances for Gozitan students which was discussed during the budget. The website was also mentioned in which one can search for accommodation and second hand books together and also the Facebook page which is used to promote events. The members shared their experiences of their time in their respective positions with the listeners of Radju Bambina and gave a brief description of what their roles entail.

Youth open to Life ‘Zghazagh miftuha ghall-hajja’ (Youth open to Life) is the theme chosen by the Italian Bishop’s Conference for the Pro-Life Day 2012. Dar Guzeppa Debono, which offers various services and provides support to single mothers, fathers and their families, said that it is organising various interesting initiatives in order to spread ‘the culture of life’ among the various categories of Maltese society and will celebrate this Day with various activities because it believes entirely that “authentic youth exists and flourishes among those who do not close themselves in before life.” In fact, there are many youths who are doing voluntary work within this Gozitan entity. On Sunday, the 5th of February, at 5.00pm, the Bishop of Gozo, Mgr Mario Grech, will be presiding on a Solemn Concelebrated Mass at Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary. An hour before, at 4.00pm, the general public is invited to participate in a symbolic walk in which volunteers and students from various Gozitan schools will participate. The walk will start from next to the tree at the very beginning of the road that leads from the Gharb crossroad to the Sanctuary. During this walk, reflections by Fr Richard N. Farrugia on various themes related to the value of life will be read. These stops will be animated with a choreographic presentation by the students of the Academy of Dance. ‘Number Nine’ has been chosen on purpose to symbolise the months e m b r a c i n g pregnancy. On the same day, leading to the of Gozo, coloured the entrances to in order to message on life. Mass will notice Eucharistic prayers will also intention of Life.

on the precincts or stairs various Parish Churches ‘steps’ will be signalling these places of worship announce a positive Those who enter for the message, various adorations and special take place with the spreading the Gospel of

The last activity for the Pro-Life Day this year will be aimed towards youth. Fr Richard N. Farrugia, a young priest studying Moral Theology in Rome and Dr Margaret Spiteri, a GP specialised in Gynaecology will lead reflections on the meaning of life during a special meeting for youth. They will consider the theme of life from a bioethical and physical health perspective. This meeting will take place on Saturday, the 11th of February, at 2.00pm, in Dar Guzeppa Debono, Ghajnsielem. For more information please visit or phone on 21552595. Dar Guzeppa Debono “offers various services and provides support to single mothers, fathers and their families in the most professional way.” The Home said that it has recently, in collaboration with the Ministry of Gozo and Agenzija Appogg, extended the Home-Start service for the island of Gozo, it has also produced a full-colour publication with resources for teachers in primary schools with the theme ‘The Beauty of Life,’ thanks to funds by the eco-Gozo scheme.


International Year of Youth (IYY)



“Youth should be given a chance to take an active part in the decision-making of local, national and global levels." United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

As part of its activities for the International Year of Youth, JP2 Youths in collaboration with

GUG took the initiative to publish “The world is YOUth”. This online publication consist of

articles by youths on the various issues and themes related to this year and to the United

Nations. The youths tackled these issues and themes with regional, national, european and

global perspectives. The articles looked at culture, youth rights, education, employment,

globalisation, volunteering, sport, climate change, health, ICT, finical management and more.

The President of the European Youth Forum Peter Matjasic made the forward. The publication

also included the Pax Romana’s Speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the

launch of the International Year of Youth. international_year_of_youth_document

Classic Song


Stan getz, coming to prominence in the late 1940s with Woody Herman's big band, is described by critic Scott Yanow as "one of


the all-time great tenor saxophonists". Check out some of


his jazz skills in hits like "the girl from Ipanema" Electronic Song

Gayle San, a prominent Dj coming from Singapore, pioneered yet innovative techno sounds in Britain in the 90s. Resident Dj is many clubs in London, especially the south side, San made her name for herself perfecting her Djing skills.In 2000, she was voted number 6 of the most popular international Djs in Germany. Remaining in the top ten list has been a regularity ever since. U guys can catch a glimpse of her groovy techno sounds in "Game Over"'s upcoming event.

Alternative Song Does Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros ring a bell? Well it should, because they are firing up some important charts. Vocalist Alex Ebert and his Massaic figure have created an aura of energy interracting with the rest of the Zeros maintaining a distinct sound and very out of - the - ordinairy tunes. Call it country music? your call - but its definately something you should check out, try this h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v=rjFaenf1T-Y

Julia Camilleri Julia is a Faculty of Health Sciences student in the second year of studies. She is an average nineteen-year-old Gozitan – living in Msida when not in her home in Victoria. Reading a B.Sc. course in Applied Biomedical Science, is just one part of her life as she is involved in various activities outside University. Julia enjoys using free time to explore different talents, particularly where music and performing arts are concerned – and have been doing so for as long. Once she started school – like most girls her age – She was enrolled in ballet classes, which kicked off her love for dancing. Although later switched to jazz and, more recently, contemporary dance, She managed to keep training and performing under various tutors. Her latest performances with the Naupaca Dance Factory involved main roles as Ophelia in The Dream and the Queen of Hearts in Aliceʼs Adventures Underground, which took place just last December.

Music has always been important to Julia, and from a young age she attended piano and theory lessons at the Gozo School of Music.

Despite being hard work, this

course helped her to build on her knowledge of music to support other abilities, particularly singing. In fact, she has been a part of my parish choir Laudate Pueri for over ten years, taking part in concerts locally and across Europe, and also performing in annual opera productions. However, these activities ended up taking a backseat to acting, which she started in her teens and immediately discovered a passion for. As a member of the Gozo Creative Theatre Club, She first played Anne Frank in the 2007 play In Holland Stands A House. Since then, Julia have performed leading roles in several productions including Cindy: The Musical (2008), Agnes of God, Unheard Melodies and Springʼs Awakening (2011). For her, drama is not just another hobby; each role she undertakes is a chance to learn new ways of expressing herself and conveying a message to the audience. Admitting itʼs hardly easy to fit all this into her studentʼs schedule. Then again, Julia said, “every minute spent practising, training, and rehearsing is worth the effort simply because I love performing - being on stage is an amazing sensation, unique in the emotions it evokes. Music, drama, and dance allow me to break free from everyday student life and continuously challenge my abilities”. While determined to stay focused on getting her degree and pursuing a career in science, she is also looking forward to upcoming productions in the performing arts. Developing her talents is a fulfilling experience that will undoubtedly take years to achieve – and she plans to enjoy every second of it.

RED, WHITE AND BLUE, WE CHALLENGE YOU 1st EURO-MINI-JAM held in ICELAND It was the first of its kind, and little knew what waited in Iceland upon their arrival. However five scouts from the Victoria and the Xaghra Scout Group took up the challenge and set out for this truly wonderful Icelandic adventure.


After a full day of travelling, the Maltese contingent finally landed in Iceland and together with the other contingents from the scout associations of Iceland, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Faroe Islands and Monaco, headed out to the Ulfljotsvatn Scout Centre,. The aims behind the Euro-Mini-Jam were to create a common platform for the members of the NSOs to experience and embrace the similarities as well as the differences between nations and to strengthen the relationships between Scouts and Guides from the small states of Europe (national associations hailing from countries with less than one million population), whilst introducing their different cultures to each other.. Participants were encouraged to reinforce their individual development through joyful experiences, and to give the possibility to challenge themselves and compete amongst each other in Scouting/Guiding games. At the Ulfljotsvatn Scout Centre, participants were divided into international patrols that had to perform various activities that included a campsite project, a 24 hour hike in the Icelandic natural environment, swimming, community service, and taking part in a decathlon consisting of 10 scouting challenges. Within their national contingent, participants were encouraged to participate in a triathlon where three challenges consisted of the building of a catapult, transporting an egg from the top of a tower to the ground without breaking, races and retrieving puzzles from the lake using paddle boats. International nights where the respective contingents presented their national dishes, song and dance also formed part of the event’s itinerary, whilst in turn the Icelandic Scouts and Guides presented interesting facts on their country’s culture, history and beauty. Campfires gave the opportunity for each contingent to present their song, stunt or dance, whilst water activities, in which no one escaped dry, added extra value to an action packed programme. Participants were also given the opportunity to swim in the hot thermal springs most famous in Iceland. Every beginning has an ending, and unfortunately the first Euro Mini Jam had to come to an end, with nobody wishing to return home after a week of living together under tentage, where participants were treated more like family than friends or scout/guide colleagues. “Goodbyes”, were extremely hard with both participants and leaders pledging to do their utmost to meet again in the future. All participants thanked the Icelandic Scout and Guide Association as well as the EuroMini-Jam organising team for all their efforts following such a wonderful experience.


Skills for Independent Life

The Oratory Dun Bosco in collabora5on with Youth in Ac5on and EUPA is holding a five month project star5ng in November and ending in March, called “Skills for Independent Life”. The main aim of this project is to tackle the various challenges that Gozitan students have to face when they move to study in Malta. With different sessions we aspire to prepare students who have to go to Malta in the future year, and those who are currently there, to have a good and compa5ble life independent from their families. Sessions are vast and include mee5ngs with GUG regarding contacts and prac5cal 5ps for seCling in Malta, interac5ve sessions which deal about living independently and living with your flat mates -­‐ while dealing with issues that arise when living in a group -­‐ and others dealing with more prac5cal issues such as how to manage resources like 5me and money. The highlight of this project will be a live-­‐in weekend, where Group Dynamics exercises, and prac5cal sessions related to basic skills required when living alone such as preparing some fast and healthy meals, will be given. There are around 50 students taking part in the project, and at the end of the project they will be presented by a cer5ficate. The Oratory Don Bosco aims and will work hard so that this project can serve as a pilot plan, and projects like this will be held annually.

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