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winter/spring 2011

News from the Field Saratoga P.L.A.N. 112 Spring Street, Room 202 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-587-5554 www.saratogaplan.org

The Hennig Preserve A special oasis of over 600 acres to be opened to the public Saratoga P.L.A.N. has accepted a gift of a beautiful six hundred and fourteen acre property in the Town of Providence. The property is entirely forested and is located on Centerline Road. Bob Hennig, Penny Steffen and Barbara Hennig lovingly cared for this property for over 50 years, and have now entrusted its care to Saratoga P.L.A.N.

You can make the difference. We can’t do it without you. Please send a generous contribution today! I want to ensure that special places and open spaces will be conserved in Saratoga County. Enclosed is my contribution of $ ________________.



“We are so pleased that Saratoga P.L.A.N. has agreed to accept the

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donation of our land and will provide stewardship in coming years.


I prefer to receive news from Saratoga P.L.A.N. by e-mail, saving trees and costs.

clean water clean air local food security nature education scenic landscapes economic prosperity property taxes

I want to volunteer. Please contact me. My special skills are: recreational trails wildlife habitat fishing, hunting boating, swimming smart growth quality of life other: ________________________


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Fundraising Event Coordination Preserve Stewardship GIS Other: _______________________

“P.L.A.N. is honored that the Hen-

This will ensure that a large tract of land in the town of Providence

nigs have asked us to become stewards

will be preserved” said Bob Hennig.

of their land. This is the largest preserve

Saratoga P.L.A.N. will manage the property as a natural area for

I care about:

pass in 2011” said Fyfe.

that P.L.A.N. has ever managed and is a

Bob Hennig

native forest and wetland flora and fauna. Eventually, this property

milestone for land conservation in Saratoga

will be open to the public for passive recreation such as hiking and

County. It is exciting to think that a 1,100-acre block of unfragment-

walking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and nature study. A

ed forest will eventually be open for the public’s enjoyment. And the

restrictive conservation easement placed earlier on the property, as

land has been so well cared for – the Hennigs were active stewards

well as on 140 additional adjacent acres, prevents all other uses.

who walked the land regularly and knew every special patch of na-

Stewardship Director, Andy Fyfe, and a corps of volunteers have been scouting out the best trail locations and trailheads, integrating 476 acres of contiguous county forest land into the trail network. “I’m

tive flora. Their caretaking will be missed but P.L.A.N. will try and live up to their standards” said Maria Trabka, Executive Director. When asked about the Preserve Barbara Hennig said “During the

very grateful to Bob Hennig, Penny Steffen and Barbara Hennig for

years that we were adding to the Preserve, I kept telling people that I

preserving this land over the years, and I intend to make sure that

was saving land for “the little people of the forest.” Today, if you’re a

their vision, of a nature preserve with well kept public trails, comes to

good hiker, you can experience the same solitude deep continued on pg. 6

New Coldbrook Preserve Offers Protection to Turtles, Recreation to Residents

Creekside Farm

Leadership Saratoga Leads Effort to Establish Recreational Trails

Wilton property. The fields and woodlands of this farm

Susan Miller, a vegetable farmer and retired teacher has donated a conservation easement on her 82-acre buffer both banks of the Snook Kill, protecting its water quality and provide abundant aquatic and terrestrial

Turtles and outdoor enthusiasts

is especially pleased that residents will soon be able to access trails

process of raising an additional $25,000 in private donations

wildlife habitat. Thanks to Susan’s gift this property

alike will be pleased at the news

connected to Nature Conservancy and Kalbus-Perry County Forest

required to match those grants, complete the project, and perform

known as Creekside Farm will continue to produce

of our newest public nature

through the Coldbrook trails. Leadership Saratoga’s class of

the maintenance and upkeep necessary to keep this property

vegetables and provide pasture well into the future!

preserve. Located off of

2010-2011, volunteering through a leadership training program of

available for walking, hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, education and

Homestead Road in the town of

the Chamber of Commerce, is currently hard at work laying the

research for generations to come.

Northumberland, the 63-acre

groundwork for those trails and recruiting neighborhood volunteers.

Coldbrook Preserve will critical

In addition to hosting work days to plan and design the trails

Saratoga County to be made possible by P.L.A.N. With preserves

about protecting the property she has grown to love. “I

buffer to wetland habitat for the

system, Leadership Saratoga will host public meetings to give

in all corners of the county, along with six additional trails open to

love it here and feel that this land is worth preserving. I

Blanding’s turtle, a New York

the public, no county resident lives more than a few miles away

want to protect these 82 acres and provide a sanctuary

State-threatened species, and

from outdoor recreational opportunities, thanks to Saratoga

for whoever walks this ground, long after I am gone”

the spotted turtle, as well as research opportunities for scientists to

P.L.A.N. Individual maps for each preserve and trail are available

says Miller. Always an avid gardener and animal lover,

study the species. The Blanding’s turtle population was discovered

on their website at www.saratogaplan.org.

Jim and Christine McKnight

in the area in 2003. Prior to that time, the only locales in New York

The new Coldbrook Preserve is the ninth public preserve in

Saratoga P.L.A.N. will hold a “grand opening” celebration at

State known to harbor the threatened species were in Dutchess

the new preserve this spring on a date to be determined. Anyone

County and the St. Lawrence River Valley.

interested in directly supporting the Coldbrook Preserve through a

“Many people worked for many years to make this preserve a

financial gift, volunteering to help build the trail system, or in

reality,” said Saratoga P.L.A.N. Executive Director Maria Trabka. “We

attending any of the upcoming public meetings on the project,

are grateful to all who have played a role along the way in helping us

should contact the Saratoga P.L.A.N. office at 587-5554.

Growing up, Susan always wanted to live by a creek or stream. After seeing how quickly the areas around her farm were developing, Miller contacted P.L.A.N.

“I loved the idea of protecting this parcel from development and I am so pleased that my little piece of paradise will be conserved.” susan miller

protect this forestland and wetland for the sake of the rare wildlife

Susan is somewhat new to farming and says she has

there, and we are proud to be able to provide the residents of

learned a lot from the local farmers in her community.

Saratoga County a ninth public preserve for outdoor recreation.” The land was purchased from Jim and Christine McKnight, who

“When I moved here and began working the land, my residents the opportunity to ask questions and provide input. The

friends thought I was crazy, but I consider this a labor

obtained it 30 years ago with the long term goal of conserving it in

first meeting is scheduled for the evening of February 9th at the

of love and a lifestyle” explains Miller. “This land is

some manner. Over the past three decades, they considered farming

Bacon Hill Reformed Church.

wonderful, not only does it include my gardens and

it, but it was a Saratoga P.L.A.N. seminar several years ago about

The Coldbrook Preserve has thus far been made possible by

provide pasture for my animals, it is home to an

conservation options for landowners that really got them thinking

grants from Saratoga County, the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation

abundance of wildlife whose homes should be

about selling it to the conservation agency as a public preserve.

and Historic Preservation, and the Land Trust Alliance’s Conserva-

protected.” Today Susan operates a popular seasonal

tion Partnership Program with the New York State Department of

farmstand on Strong Road and raises Hereford cattle,

without selling it for development,” said Christine McKnight. “This

Environmental Conservation. The latter two grants were made

goats and various other animals.

has really been a dream 30 years in the making. Jim and I are

possible by the state’s Environmental Protection Fund.

“That seminar really showed us all the possibilities for our land

particularly excited to be able to play a role in protecting the

Susan Miller has entrusted P.L.A.N. with the

“This project is a great example of how a modest investment of

protection and conservation of this property in perpetuity.

Blanding’s turtle, and we salute the leadership at Saratoga P.L.A.N.

the state’s Environmental Protection Fund can leverage numerous

Saratoga P.L.A.N. raised $25,000 in private funds for the

for helping us see our vision for the property through,” she added.

public and private partners around the common goal of preserving

ongoing stewardship of the easement. Simply put, a

In addition to wildlife

environmentally sensitive land for public benefit,” said Alane Ball

conservation easement is a recorded legal agreement

protection, the preserve will

Chinian, Regional Director, Saratoga/Capital District Region, New

outlining restrictions on the future use of a property. The

provide opportunities for

York State Parks and Recreation.

responsibility to enforce the restriction is given to a

walking, hiking, snowshoeing

Did You Know? The Blanding’s Turtle was listed as a threatened species in New York in 1983?

“By bridging the current network of recreational trails and

tax-exempt charitable conservation organization such as

and cross-country skiing for area

protected areas of the Wilton Wildlife Preserve and Saratoga

Saratoga P.L.A.N., or to a government agency. A

residents and connects land

County Forest, this new preserve will provide both critical habitat

conservation easement protects the natural resource

owned by The Nature Conser-

protection for wildlife and healthy outdoor recreation for Saratoga

qualities of land, such as habitat, soils, water, and scenic

vancy, Saratoga County Forest,

County families and residents,” said Bill Peck, Saratoga County

views. In its most basic form, a conservation easement

and Wilton Wildlife Preserve. A

Supervisor for the town of Northumberland.

will protect land against future real estate development,

devoted trail runner, McKnight

Saratoga P.L.A.N. is currently about midway through the

industrial use, and many potential commercial uses. A

Did You Know? The Blanding’s Turtle reaches maturity at 14-21 years and can live to be over 70 years?

Saratoga P.L.A.N. acknowledges the generosity and conservation ethic of Bob Hennig and Penny Steffen and Barbara Hennig, who are voluntarily protecting their land. Such land conservation is a lasting legacy, a testament to their commitment to the land, and an outstanding gift to the community. “hennig” continued from first page

back on the property (which is less

than 20 miles from downtown Saratoga Springs) that a drive up into the Adirondacks gives you. And, yes, you can get lost.” Saratoga P.L.A.N. received a grant from the Dockstader Charitable Trust to cover the transaction and initial stewardship start-up costs associated with accepting the property. “We were delighted

Beautiful Wing Road Farm is Conserved

to be involved in such a worthy project” said Dusty Rhodes of the Dockstader Charitable Trust. Additional stewardship endowment funding of $45,000 was raised privately to ensure that Saratoga P.L.A.N. will be able to care for the land in perpetuity.

We are proud to announce the conservation of a 50-acre property in

Road, and South Greenfield

the Town of Greenfield. Now protected by a conservation easement,

Road to Middle Grove Road,

Wing Road Farm boasts a little bit of everything – a working farm, a

includes a large patch of

pond and wetland, a stream with an old mill dam, and woodlands.

woodland, a beautiful wet-

The conservation easement was donated in June by Linell Lands Inc. which purchased the property in 2004. Barbara Glaser of Linell Lands hopes “that the preservation of Wing Road Farm

land, a flower farm, a veggie Aaren Hatalsky, Chris Harris, and Barbara Glaser

will inspire others to consider conserving their property for future

farm, a vineyard, which also is protected by a conservation easement, an alpaca farm, a

generations.” Barbara Linell Glaser and her husband Paul Zachos

small dairy with mixed animals, and a trail riding business- all 5

established the small development company to conserve local

miles from downtown Saratoga. Wing Road Farm is a special place

farmland and model a style of development that preserved tradi-

and we are glad to tend it for years to come.” Chris and Aaren grow

tional agricultural uses and rural scenic vistas while also demon-

many heirloom vegetables as well as Italian specialty crops, herbs,

strating a profitable business model.

mushrooms, and cut flowers and tend a flock of laying hens and

Aaren Hatalsky and Chris Harris acted as caretakers of the farm

network and at the Saratoga Farmers’ Market on Wednesdays. They

for their vegetable operation. “Chris and I are proud to be a part

also offer birthday parties on the farm for groups of children.

of an effort to preserve this amazing piece of Greenfield” says new owner Aaren Hatalsky. “Our little block from Grange Road, to Wing

Save the Date

Saratoga National Golf Club

Wild Lupine Planting Party family


Karner Blue Butterfly Management Area Ushers Rd, Clifton Park Saturday, April 16th

For more information on the Wing Road Farm, please visit their website at www.wingroadfarm.com.

September 15th, 2011

along with two other property owners who protected their land at our annual benefit Feast of the Fields which was held last September at Saratoga National Golf Club. Including this property, Saratoga P.L.A.N. has protected over 3,310 acres of farmland, natural areas, trail corridors, water resources and historic places in Saratoga County. For more information on the importance of land protection, conservation easements, or if you would like to help with the trail planning at the Hennig Preserve please contact Saratoga P.L.A.N. at 518-587-5554 or visit www.saratogaplan.org.

Join us Outdoors

ducks. They distribute their harvests through a CSA subscription

from 2007-2010 and recently purchased a portion of the property

They were honored as Conservation Heroes

Join us as we plant Lupine seeds and learn about the history of Glacial Lake Albany, the Saratoga Sandplains, The Karner Blue Butterfly, and what all of this means for gardening in our own backyards.

Learn to Fish for Trout Kaydeross Preserve, West Milton Saturday, May 7th Fishing with Bob Thomas, Trout Fisherman and Paul Sinicki, President of Capital District Fly Fishers. We’ll take the short hike into the Creek together, where we’ll learn all about trout fishing, discuss fly fishing techniques, and spread out along the 2500’ shoreline to try it out. Attendees must have a fishing license.

For more information on any of these events please call 518-587-5554

Guided Kayak Trip family


Lake Lonely Livery to Saratoga Lake Saturday, May 28 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (eat lunch en route)

We’ll go over basic kayak skills, and discuss various local places to put in. Next we’ll take a leisurely group trip down to the Kaydeross, and then to Saratoga Lake, taking note of the flora and fauna along the way. We’ll stop for lunch on The Manning Cove Preserve Dock before heading back.

“Wild” scavenger hunt for all ages family


Galway Preserve, Crane Rd., Galway Saturday, June 11th 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Scavenger hunt: 3 p.m. Bonfire: 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. We’ll test your knowledge of local flora and fauna with a wild outdoor scavenger hunt. Don’t worry it will be a team effort! Prizes will be awarded. Scavenger hunt followed by bonfire and hotdog/hamburger roast at the Galway Preserve (in controlled fire ring). Education Building. Free to the public, donations appreciated to offset food/beverage costs.

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