Isaiah bulletin jan feb 2018 lores (2)

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January & February Happenings Tu B’Shevat Seder Tuesday, January 30th 6:30 pm

Shir Joy Musical Shabbat Fridays, January 5th & February 2nd

Tot Shabbat Fridays, January 19th & February 16th

Sisterhood Mah Jong Madness Sunday, February 4th

Parents’ Association Family Bingo Saturday, February 10th

Sisterhood Baking Workshop Sunday, February 11th

Purim Service & Shpiel Wednesday, February 28th

and much more... Temple Isaiah Bulletin A Volume 53, Issue 3 A January / February 2018

Member Union for Reform Judaism

January 2018 / Tevet - Shevat / 5778



Monday New Year’s Day observed Office Closed

Friday Ushers 5 Goldstein 12 Adler 19 Meyer 26 Budnick

Tuesday Early Morning Study 6:30 am Religious School 4:30-6:30 pm Confirmation 6:30-8 pm

1 Religious School 9-11 am Sisterhood Mtg 9 am Tanakh Study at Jeffersons Ferry 10:30 - 11:30 am


Book Group 2 pm

14 Religious School 9-11 am 5th Grade Family Brunch Tanakh Study at Jeffersons Ferry 10:30 am-noon



15 Ritual Committee Mtg 7:30 pm


Religious School 9-11 am Brotherhood Mtg 9 am Tanakh Study at Jeffersons Ferry 10:30 - 11:30 am


2 Early Morning Study 6:30 am Religious School 4:30-6:30 pm 7th Grade RS 6:30-8 pm Hebrew Crash Course 7:30 pm

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Office Closed Board Mtg 7:30 pm SA Care Packages 9:00-11:00 am

No School

Wednesday Thursday



Social Action Committee Mtg 7:30 pm




Shir Joy Musical Shabbat Service 6 pm

Shabbat Morning Torah Study 8:30-9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am

Candles: 4:24


Candles: 4:32



Candles: 4:39



Candles: 4:48

13 Shabbat Morning Torah Study 8:30-9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am


Erev Shabbat Service Board Installation 7:30 pm


6 Shabbat Morning Torah Study 8:30-9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am

Tot Shabbat 5:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service 7:30 pm

Early Morning Study 6:30 am Religious School 4:30-6:30 pm 7th Grade RS 6:30-8 pm Hebrew Crash Course 7:30 pm



Erev Shabbat Service 7:30 pm

Early Morning Study 6:30 am Religious School 4:30-6:30 pm Confirmation 6:30-8 pm




20 Shabbat Morning Torah Study 8:30-9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am


Early Morning Study 6:30 am Religious School 4:30-6:30 pm Confirmation 6:30-8 pm Tu B’Shevat Seder 6:30 pm



31 2

Rabbi’s Reflections Rabbi David Katz Tu b’Shevat, the Festival of the Trees Jewish holidays rise and fall according to how relevant

Kabbalists of Safed that the holiday observance was

they are, relevant that is, to the social, political setting of

given more specific form. Nathan of Gaza created a Tu

their time. For instance, Sukkot is a harvest holiday and

b’Shevat seder modeled after the Passover seder. There

because most American Jews are not farmers, Sukkot is

were four cups of wine and special prayers and everyone

not appreciated as much as it was in ancient Israel when

took joy in the bounty of the earth.

most of us farmed the land. The same goes for Shavuot, another harvest holiday. On the other hand, Chanukah, Purim and Passover are holidays when we were victorious over oppressors. With modern Israel surrounded by hostile nations and anti-Semites still spewing hatred, these holidays still resonate with us.

Why has Tu b’Shevat come alive now? Vegetarianism, environmentalism, a new concern for healthy eating, and of course, the reestablishment of the State of Israel with its subsequent interest in the land’s flora, made the holiday ripe for renewal. The haggadah we use at Temple Isaiah was created by our own Rabbi emeritus, Adam

But what about Tu b’Shevat, the holiday of the Trees?

Fisher. Published in 1989, his brilliant piece of writing

Why is it celebrated so widely today? Can anyone say

brought into light a holiday waiting to be revived.

when America’s Arbor Day falls this year, or identify its national rituals? Tu B’shevat, on the other hand, is celebrated by many Jews in America today, and the question is “Why?” Here is some background...

Rabbi Fisher’s haggadah, entitled Seder Tu Bishevat, The Festival of the Trees, is filled with eating, drinking and making merry. There is a progression of wine servings that mixes colors from the first cup to the fourth, starting

“Tu b’Shevat” literally means “the 15th day of month

with all white wine and ending with all red (grape juice

of Shevat” and in the secular calendar it occurs some-

for the children, of course) representing the change of

time between mid-Janurary and early March. Though it

the seasons. And there are blessings over many types

is not mentioned in the Bible we know it was celebrated

of fruits – fruits with shells (e.g. etrogs, pomegranates,

in Rabbinic times some 2000 years ago because the

oranges, grapefruits), fruits with pits (e.g. dates, apri-

Talmud mentions it. (R.H. 1.1)

cots, peaches, plums), and entirely edible fruits (e.g. figs, raisins, strawberries, apples, pear and carob), each

How it was celebrated back then remains murky. Appar-

type representing a Kabbalistic principle.

ently it signified a new year for the bringing of tithes. Centuries later the observance changed. In Ashkenazic communities it was customary to eat 15 types of fruits on Tu b’Shevat with special preference given to the

On Tuesday, January 30 at 6:30, we will delight in all these blessings. Be there for a delectable meal. The joy of community will fill the air. Tu b’Shevat lives again!

fruits of Israel. But it was later, in the 16th century in


the Sephardic community, under the influence of the

Rabbi David Katz


A Note from Cantor-Education Director Marcey Wagner Wonder was Wonderful! Many times I get an idea in the middle of the night.

For those unfamiliar with the story, it is about a boy

Sometimes I sit straight up, sometimes I wake up my

named Auggie who is entering 5th grade. He was born

poor husband ( I try not to, but I must admit this has

with a condition that causes facial deformity and effects

happened). Often, I jot it down on a pad I keep by my

his hearing as well. We are never told what this condi-

bedside. It was one of these nights when I woke up with

tion is nor given an exact description of Auggie in the

a start after I had seen an ad for the movie Wonder.

book. What we are told is how people react to seeing

I had read the book during the summer of 2014. I was fortunate to have won a scholarship to attend the Princi-

Auggie. They stare, turn away, gasp, or worst of all, ignore him.

pal’s Leadership Center of the Harvard Graduate School

After being home schooled for his early grades, Auggie’s

of Education. It was an amazing two weeks of seminars

parents decide to send him to school for the 5th grade.

and training that truly helped shape me as an educator.

Auggie is very bright, funny and personable. They know

I was part of a cohort of Jewish educators funded by

he will face many challenges and feel that despite the

the AviChai Foundation, so I was able to experience the

expected bullying that will come his way, Auggie will also

session with both secular and religious colleagues.

experience many positive relationships and gain self-

One of the instructors was a middle school principal

confidence and increase his intellectual potential.

from New England. He had been working with gifted

The book follows Auggie’s journey and also sees this

students and just began a career change working with

journey through the lens of other individuals in Auggie’s

at-risk youth. He was passionate and charismatic and a

life, including several friends and his sister. This helps

wonderful lecturer – clearly everyone’s favorite. He sur-

us see what the ramifications of having a special person

prised us at the end of his mini-session when he told us

in your life are from multiple viewpoints. The lecturer

that nothing he said was all that important, but we could

was 100% correct – the book was transformative.

do one thing that would really make a difference in our schools – read the book Wonder.

As I sat up in bed, I thought how amazing it might be to take some of the religious school students to see this

Naturally, I was quite intrigued and went right to the

movie. The message of the book was SO powerful and so

campus bookstore and purchased the book. Wonder was

timely in the current world we live in. How meaningful

written as a novel for young adults, but anyone can be

it would be to see this film in a JEWISH context, with

moved by this captivating story. I took it with me on

members of your JEWISH community?!

vacation to the beach, read it in two days, and used a box of tissues doing it.

continued on page 6


Message from the President Phyllis Sterne YOUR Involvement is the Key to Our Success It is with great pleasure and excitement that I take this

activities that meet your needs as well as the Temple’s.

opportunity to welcome you to a new year! In this eight-

Please complete the survey when you receive it, and don’t

eenth year of the century, we embrace “chai”, and I wish

hesitate to call with any questions you may have.

you abundant good health and meaningful living. As your new president, I look forward to working with you as we join together to move Temple Isaiah forward in a positive and unified way. Our Board is eager to embark on this journey as we begin our search for a new permanent rabbi. We will communicate with you as we move through the process, keeping you informed all along the way. The Search Committee is in the initial stages of screening applicants, and co-chairs Gloria Snyder and Ellen Covino will be keeping you apprised of their progress.

At this time, I know you join me in thanking Jay Schoenfeld, our immediate Past President, for his dedication and hard work during the past two years. His commitment to the Temple has been, and continues to be, constant and enduring. We are fortunate to have had him at the helm. Furthermore, I extend my thanks to YOU for the trust and confidence you have extended to me by electing me to be your next president. I assure you that I will strive to do whatever is the best for our Temple, and I hope you will join me in this good and important work. We are fortunate

Please know that key to the success of our Temple is

to have had a dedicated and hard-working Board in the

YOUR involvement and participation, whether in our con-

past years and to have a new, current Board that is col-

gregational functions, on committees, in adult education

lectively rolling up sleeves and digging in already to the

classes, or simply by your presence at services or in our

work ahead of us. I invite you to connect with us, whether


by speaking to Board members who will contact you, or by calling with any questions or ideas, or by attending Board

You will soon be receiving a survey from our Engagement Committee that will be used to establish a profile of strengths and interests within our congregation. This will

meetings. All the best to all of us in 2018!

enable us to connect members, via dedicated “moments”,


to meaningful opportunities to participate in Temple

Phyllis Sterne, Ed. D.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Renaissance Club Attention Seniors! Our Renaissance Club meets once a month at the Temple. You are invited to come, make new friends, and share your ideas for speakers, outings, and events. Please call Lillian Goldstein at 862-1747 for more information.


Wonder was Wonderful! – Cantor Marcey Wagner continued from page 4 I started calling around movie theaters and potential

Debriefing the students on their way out, they all

donors. After some days of investigating, I was able to

uniformly loved the film. Many noted how different it

put together a viewing at the PJ Cinemas – wonderful

felt going to see a movie with their Temple community.

owner Phil was SO helpful – and the Brotherhood gen-

“I can’t explain it”, said one 6th grader, “but I felt a

erously agreed to pay for the students to attend. The

little bit more comfortable knowing that everyone in the

time frame was going to be tight, so we would not have

theater was from Temple Isaiah.” “It was so lovely shar-

a chance to discuss the film in the theater. So I decided

ing this movie with our community”, said one mom, “it

to send home a discussion sheet. I asked my colleagues

made a special movie even more special”.

in the Jewish education world if any of them had written a study guide for Wonder the book or movie. To my great surprise, no one had. I decided to write one, which I am attaching here, and I shared it with my colleagues on Facebook. My little sheet blew up. I got dozens and dozens of hits, clearly this topic resonated with many. The day of the showing arrived. I had to promise the theater owner 60 people. I was hoping we would get close to that many. To my great surprise and delight we had close to 100 people attending. Parents and siblings came with their religious school child. All of our teachers and Rabbi Katz attended. Our teachers were all at their posts guiding everyone efficiently through the popcorn

Instructing our students that their ‘Jewish selves’ can leave the walls of the synagogue is an important lesson. Using Hebrew terms and discussing Jewish values in a movie theater reinforces the important concept that what we teach affects them as whole human beings, not just for the few hours they are in this building. The success of this event has spurred me on to look into more trips like this in the future. Embracing opportunities for Jewish learning beyond the walls of the building is one way we strive to constantly think ‘outside the box’ at the Temple Isaiah Religious School. Engaging our students in new ways is always a priority!

and drink acquisition and seating process. I briefly intro-


duced the film, asking the students to see how powerful

Cantor-Education Director Marcey Wagner

and transformative a simple thing like Chesed – kindness – can be in people’s lives.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA The Rabbi Adam D. Fisher Library Please note: Our Temple library is open one half-hour before each Erev Shabbat Service.


A Jewish Perspective “Wonder” presents many precepts (rules to live by) from various traditions. Here are 2 quotes from the Jewish tradition. Look at them and see how they can help broaden your understanding of “Wonder.” 1) What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the entire Torah – all the rest is commentary.” Hillel, Babylonian Talmud: Shabbat 31a) This rule means that you should always treat people the way YOU want to be treated. Who followed this rule in the way they treated Auggie? Who did not follow this rule? Are there times in YOUR life when people did not follow this rule in the way they treated YOU? How have YOU used this rule? Have you always followed it, or are there times you have not? 2) Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, m’shaneh ha-b’riyot.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who makes different kinds of people.

This is a blessing from the Talmud, a very old book of Jewish wisdom and law. The sages (wise people) of the Talmud wrote this blessing to be recited over strange-looking people such as those of a different race, extremely tall or short people, and people with physical abnormalities – such as Auggie. It seems not very nice and very Un-PC. But think about it, one of the first hurtful reactions people have to someone like Auggie, is to ignore him, or turn away. We don’t know what to do or say when we see someone who looks differently than us, so we say and do nothing. This blessing forces us to notice this person. Notice that this person is also created by God. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and varieties. As Auggie’s mother tells him, he IS beautiful. This blessing tells us that he is not only beautiful, but created B’TZELEM ELOHIM – IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. Our job is to see people who are different from us and not avoid them , but celebrate them. Practice reciting the blessing in Hebrew. Think of a time in the past, when you saw someone different and you could have recited the blessing. How do you think reciting the blessing would have made you feel? Do you know someone who is or looks different? Do you think you might recite the blessing, either out loud or to yourself, the next time you see that person? Why or why not? So as we give thanks next week for the food we enjoy and the beauty in our lives, may we also find a way to appreciate and be grateful for the unexpected and the strange, who are not only gifts from, but reflections of our God. (based on Rabbi Sarah L. Wolf) Cantor Marcey Wagner




Social Action

of Stony Brook

As I write this article, I’m thinking of the old song

for students when anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism is

that begins,

encountered on their college campus.

It’s so important to

The Religious Action Center is under the auspices of

Make someone happy …

the Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism,

These last couple of months our congregation, through our Social Action Committee, has made many people happier!

a joint instrumentality of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and the Union for Reform Judaism with its various affiliates: the American Conference of Cantors, Association of Reform Zionists of Amer-

• We donated items to make holiday baskets for

ica, National Association of Temple Administrators,

National Association of Temple Educators, Men of

those people who are less fortunate.

• We participated in our “Giving Tree Project” and

Reform Judaism, Women of Reform Judaism, North

American Federation of Temple Youth.

purchased gifts for many Suffolk County children.

• We purchased items to fill boxes with Chanukah

gifts for our Jewish troops theough our Chai for

Chayalim project. (5 big boxes were sent!) • Our Religious School children took time from

their Chanukah celebration to make bags of trail

mix that were donated to the Children’s Action

Center. Indeed, these acts of Tikkun Olam brought some joy and relief to others.

Please visit the RAC website at for updates on actions the RAC is taking and which reflect our Jewish values. If you want your Social Action Committee to pursue one of these actions, please email or call Marian or me or come to a Social Action Committee meeting where all are always welcome! Social Action Chairpersons Iris Schiff

Our winter coat collection is now underway. Please

bring coats to the Temple so that they can be distrib-


uted to local shelters and other organiztions helping those in need.

Social Action Activism: On December 14th Temple Isaiah supported and joined with other local faith communities in a vigil to “End Gun Violence.”

Marian Guralnick 631-751-8830 Next meeting: Wednesday, January 10 at 7:30


Save the date for Mitzvah Day: Sunday April 29, 2018

In the near future we hope to engage a speaker from the organization Stand With Us to meet with our high school students and their parents for the purpose of discussing Israel, Zionism and resources


of Stony Brook Presents

Celebrate Shabbat with Interim Rabbi David Katz, Cantor Marcey Wagner & Pre-School teacher Diane Weitzman!

Music, Story, Challah, Juice, and Shabbat Fun! for Children Ages 0 – 6 and their families! Everyone Welcome! Special activities and music for young children!

One Friday Each Month at 5:30


Beginning Again In September

*Dates subject to change. Please watch eblast and website for updates.

Save these Dates: January 19th, February 16th, March 16th, April 20th, May 18th, June 15th

Help Us Beautify and Renovate Our Learning Spaces!! If you are doing cleaning or renovations and want to get rid of any of the following furniture in good or excellent condition please contact Cantor Wagner at • Small tables and chairs • Bean bags • Brightly colored rugs • Comfy accent chairs





Chesed means Kindness Honor the legacy of

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a morning of meaningful community service for all ages at Temple Isaiah. Make a difference in our own neighborhood and in our own communities, together with your family.

Chesed Opportunities for All Ages! Monday, January 15, 2018 9 am – 11 am Help us make soup and chili for friends in need. Please bring fresh onions and peppers and cans of corn, beans, chick peas, and tomatoes. For more information or to RSVP contact Cantor Marcey: or Iris Schiff, Social Action Chair:

We ARE our Brothers’ & Sisters’ KEEPERS! “The time is always right to do what is right.” Martin Luther King Jr.


Adult Education RSVP to Penny for all courses:

Shabbat Morning Torah Study Every Saturday: 8:30

– 9:30


Early Morning Study



Rabbi David Katz


Rabbi Adam D. Fisher

Tuesday Mornings: 6:30 – 7:30

Tanach Study



Rabbi Stephen Karol

Sunday Mornings: 10:30


Hebrew Crash Course


Tuesday Evenings: 7:30


– 11:45


Carole-Ann Gordon

January 9th and 23rd

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Sustaining Members & Friends of Temple Isaiah 2018 Please help us to maintain Temple Isaiah as a house of worship, a house of learning, and a house of assembly by becoming a Sustaining Member in 2018. It is here where you celebrate life-cycle events, and it is here where you will find support when you need it. It is with your strong financial support that Temple Isaiah will continue to provide education, worship services, and support for people who are experiencing loss, crisis, or illness. Won’t you perform the mitzvah of tzedakah at Temple Isaiah? If you are able to make a contribution as a Sustaining Member, you will be providing revenue for regular as well as unforeseen expenses, and you will be helping us plan for future generations. Please join our growing list of Sustaining Members!


Platinum Chai ($5,400 or above) Golden Chai ($3,600-$5,399) Silver Chai ($1,800-$3,599) Circle of Enrichment ($1,018- $1,799)


Circle of Growth ($540-$1,017) Circle of Hope ($360-$539) Chaverim ($180-$359) Mitzvah Partner ($118-$179) Chai or Multiple ($36-$117)


Shir Joy Musical Shabbat (“Shir” is Hebrew for “Song!”)

Fridays, January 5th and February 2nd

Pre-Neg Nosh • Wine & Cheese • Fun Treats •



Musical Shabbat Service 6 to 7


Everyone Welcome - All Ages! Celebrate Shabbat with Family, Friends, and Community!

Traditional and Contemporary Music • Participatory • • Reflective • • Spiritual • • Joyful • Some Congregants Enjoy Dinner Together After Shir Joy Services Why not organize such a group yourself? Or, if you’d like help creating a new group of friends, please let Morgan know at Please be sure to tell Morgan whether you would be willing to host a small pot-luck meal in your home. Or, if you prefer, plan to enjoy a meal together at a restaurant. 1404 Stony Brook Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790

A (631) 751- 8518 A A 12

TuB’Shevat Seder Tuesday, January 30, 2018 Seder 7:15 pm Dinner 8:00 pm Conclusion of Seder 6:30


Join your Temple family as we commemorate the birthday of the trees! • Family-Friendly • Fun Activities • Musical • Spiritual • Intergenerational Discussion for Adults and Teens We will celebrate the bounty of the earth us as we prepare for the spring. We use the format of a seder (Hebrew for “order”) to: taste a wide variety of fruits, nuts, juices and wines that grow in the land of Israel. We will be reminded that trees are the Jewish symbols for life and Torah.

Details: • Please bring your own Kosher-style dinner (no shellfish, pork products, or dairy-meat combinations). • Dessert, coffee, wine, fruit, and challah will be provided. • Cost: $8 per person / $25 per family. A portion of this donation will go to Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger. • Reservations for the TuB’Shevat Seder must be received by January 25th. RSVP to Morgan or,

Name _________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________________ # Attending _____________ Amount Enclosed _______________


URJ Biennial December 2017 by Past President Jay Schoenfeld Last month I was among the 6.000 Reform Jews

What?, Eating Sour Grapes: Innovation in the Bible,

who came to Boston for the 74th URJ Biennial. The

Congregations that Collaborate: Synergy in the Jewish

Biennial is the coming together of the Reform move-

Community, Birthright Israel: A Paradigm for Engag-

ment and takes place every two years. There are

ing Reform Jews, Making Sense of the Future, and A

meetings, seminars, worship, music, networking,

Presidential Challenge: Difficult Conversations.

policy making and other activities. There was also an exhibit hall with a variety of vendors including Judaica, temple services, publishers, Israel tours, educational services, and other Jewish organizations.

The classes were very good but to me the highlight were the Plenary sessions, where everyone gathers in the same room, a room that holds more than 5,000 people. It’s then that you realize that you’re part of

In a broad sense it’s kind of like going to Disney

something bigger than Temple Isaiah, bigger than

World – there are so many good things going on that

being a Reform Jew on Long Island - that we all are

you know you can’t do everything, but you try anyway.

part of a movement that has national and interna-

The first activities started at 7:30 the last ones ended at 11:30


each day, and


tional influence. At these sessions we heard from various speakers

There were some special opportunities for Congrega-

such as Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker,

tion Presidents and I took advantage of them. New-

Senator Elizabeth Warren, author David Grossman,

comers and first-timers were encouraged to try some

and actress Fran Drescher. We also approved resolu-

things outside our comfort zone and I did that too.

tions on Our Community’s Pursuit of Racial Justice,

I also had a chance to meet many of the people I’d

School Discipline and Academic Climate, Redistrict-

gotten to know over the phone or via email during

ing, Impacts of Climate Change, the Global Refugee

my term.

Crisis, and Student on Student Sexual Violence in

The early portion of the Biennial featured educational seminars led by clergy, URJ staff, and lay

Schools, and recognized various leaders for their achievements.

leaders. There were about 2 dozen sessions taking

Rabbi Rick Jacobs gave his State of the Union speech

place in each time block so you could only pick one.

at Thursday evening’s Plenary session, and I want

Broad subject areas included audacious hospitality,

to share some themes of his message with you. If

strengthening congregations, youth engagement,

you heard him speak at Temple Isaiah two years ago

Tikkun Olam, music lab, and transforming texts

you’ll remember he spoke about the need to focus on

(Torah study).

young families. That hasn’t changed, but it may not

I attended sessions on The New Normal: How to

be enough anymore.

Support and Engage Interfaith Families, Value

Rabbi Jacobs expanded on that topic, saying that we

Based Decisions When Facing Ethical Issues in the

(congregations, organized Judaism) need to be there

Congregation, After the Temple Presidency: Now

continued on page 15


URJ Biennial December 2017 continued from page 14 for people at whatever stage of life they’re in, whether

Besides being inspiring and moving, Rabbi Jacobs’

they are members of congregations or not. He talked

speech highlighted the difference between manage-

about the 20 or so year gap that our youth experience

ment and leadership by looking beyond how well

following Confirmation or camp until they marry and

we’re doing to what we need to be doing in the

become a young family. It is only then that most con-

future. Many of the speeches, resolutions, and

sider joining or rejoining a congregation.

materials from the Biennial are available on the URJ

The Reform movement, according to Rabbi Jacobs,


needs to be present at every stage of life, includ-

For me the Biennial was very meaningful and ener-

ing those in that gap where it is not today. So that

gizing and though not inexpensive, very valuable.

would include college, programs for young singles,

Upcoming Biennials will be in Chicago (2019) and

and maybe even helping them get married by con-

Washington, DC (2021). I strongly encourage every-

necting them with congregational clergy. All this

one to attend at least one to fully understand what it

whether you’re in a congregation or not. It’s not Field

means to be part of the Reform Movement.

of Dreams anymore, so building it doesn’t mean they will come. Reform Judaism needs to meet people

Jay Schoenfeld

where they are.

Past President

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Members of Temple Isaiah’s Social Action Committee help staff Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen at St. James Catholic Church (429 Route 25A in Setauket). Each Sunday afternoon, dinner is provided to over 100 adults and children, by teams of volunteers working on a rotating schedule. Although housed at St. James Parish, the group itself comprises participants from various community faith-based groups and organizations. Volunteers in this organization serve in a variety of ways, including food planning, cooking, serving and cleanup, as well as providing transportation, supervision of the nursery area, pantry and clothing distribution. To help with this mitzvah, please call our Temple office, or contact: Joyce Bonitch at (631) 941-2731 Where / When: Sundays at 3:00


in the church basement.


Breaking Bread With Brotherhood Happy New Year! It is my pleasure, as incoming Brotherhood President, to thank Alan Fisher for his eight years of service as President. Alan set the tone and guided our group to support Temple Isaiah in many different ways. We often raised funds for specific needs and provided the labor for events. Alan is both our raffle King and responsible for the annual “Comedy Night.� His individual efforts have resulted in his selection as Executive Vice President of Temple Isaiah. Please join me in both thanking and congratulating Alan on his new responsibilities. We completed our annual Latke Bash with exciting new games and programs designed by Cantor Marcey Wagner. Starting at 6


with several of our students, we made fresh Latkes for the event and made certain

the Bouncy House was ready to use. You can see our smiling faces in the accompanying photograph. The New Year will be busy and a lot of fun. Come join us at our once a month meeting, have breakfast provided by the Brotherhood, enjoy the camaraderie and learn how you can participate in supporting Temple Isaiah. Our next meeting is scheduled for January 28th at 9


For more information please contact: Rodger Jonas Mobile: 631-235-3115 Email:


Join the rebellion! Introducing‌

Star Wars: Episode Purim Calling all kids and adults interested in defending the Force

on Purim Night, Feb 28th (and being in the Purim Shpiel) Come to an Organizational Meeting/auditions THIS Sunday, Jan. 7th at 11 AM in sanctuary or Email Cantor Marcey at anyone willing to defeat the Dark Side 17

An Evening of Appreciation Celebrating Temple Isaiah’s Dedication to Tikkun Olam Photos from our December 9, 2017 Awards Ceremony and Dinner Dance


FROM THE FIRES VOICES OF THE HOLOCAUST Written and Directed by Jeffrey E. Sanzel

First They Came for the Jews First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. Pastor Niemoller

FROM THE FIRES: VOICES OF THE HOLOCAUST is a play based on extensive research on the era 1937 to 1945. It traces one individual girl’s life during this dark era and focuses on her experiences. The play is fiction-­‐ the times, the place, the experiences chronicled-­‐ unfortunately are not. Sunday, Feb. 11th at 10 AM At Theater Three Main Street Port Jefferson

We are fortunate to have a SPECIAL production for Temple Isaiah and guests at a reduced price of $10 per ticket. This production is suggested for students in 6th grade and up. Parents and guests invited to attend. 6th and 7th grade teachers will be in attendance for unescorted students. PLEASE RSVP to Cantor Marcey


Simchas & Tzures Whether you have happy news (simchas) or sad

If you would like one of our rabbis to officiate at a

news (tzures), we hope you will share it with us.

funeral, please speak to RabbiKatz before sched-

Rabbi Katz likes to know about births, engage-

uling. Our sanctuary is available for funeral or

ments, weddings, and other happy occasions, as

memorial services. If you call the Temple about

well as hospitalizations, sicknesses, or deaths.

a funeral and have to leave a message with the

Please let us know of any hospitalizations, so

answering service, please mention that you are

Rabbi or Cantor can arrange to visit or phone.

calling regarding a funeral.

Condolences A To Howard Kanowitz on the death of his mother Betty Kanowitz A To Mona Saidens on the death of her mother Bella Austin

Congratulations A To Suzanne Gabrielsen on the marriage of her daughter Rachel to Louis Borriello

Sunshine Funds

Beautification Fund

It’s always the "right time" to make a contribution to your Temple. It might be in honor of a living person or a recent event, or in memory of someone or something, or anything you want. Donations can be made over the phone, by email, or through the USPS. However you send the information, your donation can be added to your monthly Temple Isaiah invoice for easy bookkeeping. Sunshine cards require a minimum contribution of ten dollars.

The purpose of the Beautification Fund is to generate money to renovate and beautify our synagogue. All monies will go into a fund dedicated to this purpose.

Minimum contribution is $10 Prayer Book: $45 Chumash: $60 Tree of Life Leaf: $118 Pew Plaque: $250 Memorial Board Plaque: $360 Please call the office for more information regarding the above contributions.

To assist in this goal, a wall sculpture has been commissioned. This permanent work of art provides the opportunity to commemorate your support for Temple Isaiah. Plaques of different sizes will be available in the following categories: Contributor............... $250 per year for 3 years Sponsor.................... $500 per year for 3 years Patron.................... $1000 per year for 3 years Benefactor.............. $2500 per year for 3 years To make a contribution, or if you have any questions, please call the office at 751-8518.


Sunshine Funds & Other Donations Camp Fund In In In In In In In

memory of Fay Kaminsky Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Jerry Kaminsky Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Ida Weitzman Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Joseph Weitzman Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Sarah Forman Diane & Stephen Weitzman memory of Anna Rubin Diane & Stephen Weitzman honor of Ben Tuckmans Bar Mitzvah Iris & David Schiff

Cantor Discretionary Fund In honor of Installation of Cantor Marcey Ilene & Ivan Ensler Iris & David Schiff

Fund to Feed the Hungry In In In In In In

memory of Robert Lowett Amy & Mort Rosen memory of Clyde Buzzard Myra & Alan Rosofsky memory of Shirley Silberhartz Sheila & David Silberhartz memory of Glenn Orenstein, Milton Schiff Iris & David Schiff memory of Gurbachan Singh Sonya Singh memory of Mina Cymerman Diane & Jerome Cymerman

Israel Fund In memory of Morris Gerstein Millie Stern Ruth Stern Frank The Gerstein Family In memory of Rosalyn & Murray Kamen The Kamen Family

Joseph Karol Youth Scholarship Fund In honor of the marriage of Rachel Gabrielsen & Louis Borriello Rose French

Music Fund In honor of Alyssa Plotkin’s wedding Sisterhood Eileen & Joe Donnelly The Kamen Family In memory of Esther Kaplan Barbara & Bruce Meyer

Oneg Fund In memory of Leo Freilach Mark & Essie Freilach

Rabbi Adam D. Fisher Library In memory of Samuel Cohen Tamara & Gerald Stoller In memory of Claire and Murray Arrian Shelley & Howard Fleit In memory of Ruth and Samuel Samuels Pat & Jeff Muhlrad In honor of Rabbi Fisher Wishnia Family In memory of Bella Austin Barbara & Bruce Meyer Marge & Paul Weiser Judy Albano Irva & Saul Steinweis Eileen & Joe Donnelly Sisterhood Essie & Mark Freilach Phyllis Sterne Bonnie & Steve Katz


Sunshine Funds & Other Donations Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Special Projects Fund

In In In In

In memory of Rubin Zarestsky Barbara & Ira Zarett In honor of Ben Tuckman’s Bar Mitzvah Myra & Alan Rosofsky In honor of Jay Schoenfeld’s presidency Myra & Alan Rosofsky

memory of Sol Liebowitz and Molly Siskind Marion & Martin Liebowitz memory of Max Rosenzweig Arlene Gitter memory of Harry Dvorken Leo & Doris Dvorken memory of Kermit Kitter and Max Rosenzweig Ellen & Mark Koenig

Rabbi Stephen Karol Youth Lounge Fund In memory of Betty Kanowitz Claire Baer In memory of Solomon Feingold Sylvia Feingold In memory of Bella Austin Claie Baer

Rabbi Harvey Witman Religious School Fund

Tikkun Olam Fund In memory of Roslyn Feldman Pam Feldman In memory of William Charatan Harvey & Maureen Bernstein In memory of Bernard Behrendt The Kamen Family

Worship Fund In memory of Sarah Kaplan Barbara & Bruce Meyer

In memory of Esther Althaus Silvia & David Altman In memory of Ettie Altman Silvia & David Altman

Office (631) 751-0196 Cell (631) 807-7162

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Rabbi—David Katz, Interim

Brotherhood President—Rodger Jonas

Cantor-Education Director––Marcey Wagner

Parents' Association Co-Chairs—Ellen Covino &

Temple President—Phyllis Sterne

Ilene Horan

Administrator—Penny Gentile

Rabbi Emeritus—Stephen A. Karol

Sisterhood Co-Presidents—Paula Bennett

Rabbi Emeritus—Adam D. Fisher

& Eileen Donnelly

Cantor Emeritus—Michael F. Trachtenberg

Temple Isaiah (631) 751- 8518


1404 Stony Brook Road, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790 A Bulletin designed and edited by Gary Kamen

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