RAIS Catalogue 2013 /2014

Page 46

HEAT ACCUMULATION Finnish natural stones retain the heat... From ancient times it has been a well-established fact that heated stones retain the heat. The same thing happens when you line a wood-burning stove with Finnish natural stone: the stove accumulates heat and gives off radiant heat for a long time, thereby utilising the firewood better. For example: you get eight hours of afterheat if you place four kg of firewood in a PILAR 172 equipped with 94 kg of stone. Heat accumulating stones are available for RAIS PILAR, RAIS VIVA 120, RAIS Q-20 and RAIS JUNO.

GLASS PLATES RAIS can offer elegant floor plates in hardened glass, fitting the form of the stove. Please note that the plates simply can be placed around the stove, for easy cleaning under the plate. Glass plates are available for Q-20, Rina, Viva 98, Viva 120 and Juno. A beautiful and simple solution Γ’€“ or even a perfect finish, when nothing is left to chance.


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