PMA 2013 Annual Report

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Visitor Experience and Brand Management Directed by the PMA Strategic Plan, the

create an array of well-designed materials

The PMA Store focused on featuring

Visitor Experience and Brand Manage-

for exhibitions and communications for the

local vendors, diversifying offerings, and

ment Department implemented several

museum. These items are intended to foster

reimagining the overall aesthetic and

major initiatives.

a conversation with our visitors and patrons

product mix. Local designers Might and

and invite them to engage and interact with

Main worked with the Visitor Experience

Working with local designer Ken Murphy

us on a different level, while simultaneously

and Brand Management Department to

from Murphy Empire and the communi-

broadening our outreach to new audiences.

design and produce a unique and compelling

cation agency Garrand, the PMA launched

range of merchandise related to Winslow

its new brand, which was implemented in

To better serve the number of visitors for

Homer and his work. Many of the products

stages. This identity enabled the department

Weatherbeaten: Winslow Homer and Maine,

were crafted locally. During this time, the

to jumpstart many projects, most notably

a centralized phone center was implemented

PMA Store launched a new website, doubling

the redesign and restructuring of the

to handle visitor inquiries and ticketing

web sales from previous years.

quarterly magazine for PMA members.

requests. The Selma Wolf Black Great Hall

Renamed Inside the Circle, this publication

was redesigned to accommodate the record-

The PMA CafĂŠ continues to be catered by

embodies the direction of the PMA brand

breaking number of visitors, providing a

Aurora Provisions, which is committed to

and identity.

more comfortable experience with additional

serving fresh, organic, locally sourced,

seating and plasma screens. During the year,

and artistically created food options to

Communication and outreach have been

the Visitor Experience Associates handled an

museum patrons.

streamlined into one department, focusing

unprecedented influx of phone calls and

on a holistic communications plan that

transactions, managed a sold-out season

Looking forward, the department will

emphasizes social media and web adver-

of the Winslow Homer Studio, and sold a

be developing and enhancing the PMA’s

tising while maintaining a traditional

record number of memberships.

identity and promoting the institution’s

advertising presence. The PMA works with

exhibitions, programs, and amenities in a

local designers in the Portland area to

holistic, strategic, and energetic way.

Facilities Recent upgrades of the museum's heating,

frequency drive, replaced the original tower

service calls, adding to savings and lessening

ventilation, and cooling equipment has

installed in the Charles Shipman Payson

the investment payback period. The PMA

improved the efficiency of our HVAC

Building in 1983. In January 2013, the PMA

has also signed contracts with independent

operations and enabled the PMA to realize

completed a gas burner conversion of the

energy providers for both electricity and gas.

significant energy savings. During summer

two main boilers for the Payson building.

The Facilities Department is researching and

2012, the chiller HVAC cooling system, with

This investment will help us realize savings

pricing costs to convert our three remaining

its new cooling tower, installed in December

in the reduced cost of natural gas compared

boilers to gas in order to improve efficiency

2011, was in use for the first time. The

to fuel oil. The clean burning of natural gas

while burning cleaner fuel.

cooling tower, which operates with a variable

will also require fewer boiler cleanings and

P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T



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