Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327

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Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 Related

Adding a Black Box to my Car Insurance? I am a new, young driver, and in order to reduce the cost of car insurance I am looking into the Black Box (I am aware of both the benefits and drawbacks). However, when finding a more" Insurance plans for family? where can i get complete family insurance plans for lowest premium rates Auto insurance for drivers with little/no credit history? While shopping for car insurance, I usually use a fake name/address with all my real information (DOB, driving record, etc) just so I don't get a bunch of annoying calls/emails from every company I get a quote from. The fake email address I always use got an email the other day, which basically said that when they ran a credit check they consumer reporting agency couldn't provide a full credit history (not surprising seeing as they were checking on a name that doesn't exist). The thing that concerns me is that being only 19, I also don't have much of a credit history (the only credit I do currently have is a card I got a month ago). I couldn't really tell from the email (since I didn't read it too closely, I was really just clearing out the fake inbox) but I'm not sure if they were saying We couldn't get a credit history on you, if we had been able to, the rate you were quoted could have been lower or something more drastic like because we couldn't find a credit history, the quote we gave is no longer valid and either they won't cover me or will charge way more. I'm concerned because the email came several days after I got the quote. When I decide which company to use, and I get a quote with my real name/contact info and buy it right way online, am I going to get an email in a few days saying the because of my lack of credit they either want more money or are cancelling my policy?" Best car insurance companies? I am 22 and needing to get car insurance for a 1996 Ford Escort. I only want Liability. Any suggestions? Can i get insurance then put modifacations on my car? Hi i am getting a mk 2 golf and will be modding it out with rims tint lights and lowering suspension. If i get the insurance quote at 4grand and then put the mods on the car is it a year of cheap insurance or do i need to tell them i have altered the car? Thanks. Car insurance quotes for a young male driver?

I finally passed my driving test (yesterday :D) and yeah I wasn't expecting to be able to get cheap car insurance, but i thought it would at least be somewhat affordable! I have used 3 different websites and filled out there forms. I have been quoted around 4000 to insure a Pegueot 106, Zest 3, 1.1L (1998-2003) model. What a joke. Is there something im doing wrong here? Is there a way to get it knocked down to something affordable? 2000-3000 at the most! I have seen the co-up young drivers insurance and that seems to put it at a affordable price, but I really don't want to have a smart box installed. Id hate to feel constantly paranoid about my driving and risk it going up due to mistakes. It would have to be a last resort. So far Ive looked at the Vauxhall corsa SXi, Renault Clio hatchbacks and of course the Peugeot 106's. So guys if you have any knowledge on cars that are best to insure for young drivers and the cheapest insurance companies, please could you help? It would be really appreciated as its very important I get a car and insurance as soon as possible. Thankyou!" Nissan 350z owners how much do you pay a month for car insurance? Nissan 350z owners how much do you pay a month for car insurance? Health insurance question? so i just got health insurance for me and my family for the first time ever and i dont understand what the deductible is, will the insurance cover anything until we pay the deductible?" Can a employer make you get health insurance? My boss told me that if i do not prove that i have my own health insurance, i have to get the health insurance the job offers, i would like to know if it is legal for them to do that? force me to get health insurance? now i know that with President Obamas Health law, in 2014 all people over 26 who do not have insurance will be subject to tax. but it is not 2014... its 2012 and i do not want any of my money being taken out of my check for something i do not want at this time." Why is it cheaper to obtain car insurance for self + spouse that for just self? Why is it cheaper to obtain car insurance for self + spouse that for just self? Where can I find a good car insurance? I leave in Los Angeles. at the present time I have insurance with Farmers but I want to change it because it is expensive. I'm thinking about Progressive Insurance, What do you think and what else do you suggest? Thanks" Where do insurance companies get all the money? How does an insurance company afford to pay out all that money on insurance claims? "21 Year old, Need Car, Low Insurance Please Help! :(?"

Ive now had 3 years driving experience initially on my car, under my mothers no claims, then my (then) girlfriends 2 cars. However, during that time I have accrued no no claims and it has been a year since I've been insured on any. I know how to drive, I need a car. Since then it is not possible for me to get a quote on any car I try which have included family cars, small cars and even extended to classic cars in order for classic car insurance. My grandfather said I could use his no claims, however my quote goes up?! No one else has any NCB years for me to use. I have had no prior crashes, I also live in a good area for insurance. At this stage I will gladly accept a car that would get be under 1.8k on the insurance, So I'm looking for any suggestions! PLEASE HELP :(" Medical insurance question? I'm 21 and under my parent's military insurance, I had to be a full time student in order to be back under their insurance. I got my new ID, I'm back on medical insurance but I'm struggling intensively in one of my classes, and I can't find tutoring for this specific class. There's also no book or feedback from my professor, thus making me withdrawing from it. Withdrawing from the class would leave me with 11 credits. Since I already have my ID card, and I'm under medical insurance and have my insurance card and everything, will this effect my eligibility or will I still have medical insurance under my parents?" Do i have to register my car under my moms name for it to be cheaper? I just bought this car and I'm 18 years old I want to have cheaper insurance so I'm putting the insurance under my moms name but would I have to register it under her to too in oder for it to be cheap? Or can I register it under my name and still have it be less money Car Insurance. I've been in a car accident and need advice. Please helppp!!!!? I got into a car accident, and am dealing with both of our car insurance companies. I was not at fault or ticketed. I need advice. They are telling me I must pay my deductable, and receive it back later. Same with the rental car! But I don't have the cash to do all this? Please, offer advice!!!" Will my Insurance go up because this is my second speeding ticket? Just got another speeding ticket going 50 in a 35...It's 125 dollar ticket..Do you think my insurance will go up? Am a 20 year old female how much car isurance should i pay? i mean of course i can go on insurance companies and check it out but they take too long! i want to know how much should i pay for a 1.1 or 1.2 Corsa or cleo for my age and i have only had my licence for 2 months. whats the average/ lowest / highest should i pay? btw i know am a good and responsible driver, i don't drive to show off, i drive for my pleasure and work :) UK answers please" What is the average car insurance for young males with a black box installed?

I'm in the UK and my friend who is 17 who recently passed his test said his car insurance was just over 500 per year, as he had black box installed. (Also, not on his parents insurance either) I've read average figures for car insurance for young males is in the 3000-5000 range. So can the box really bring insurance down that much? I know figures vary for type of car and all that. But we're talking average here. I imagine most young people are not going to be able to afford brand new cars, and will be cost-concious, so will go for older models anyway. So the 3000+ figures still seem incredibly high for an average figure." What is the diffrence between the full tort and limited tort auto insurance? i have just moved to nj from england and im trying to get insurance on my range rover i have just bought here but your insurance is totally diffrent to ours what is full tort and limited tort (etc) on progressive i can get my range rover insured for $200 a month but then it says recommended $450 and plus package $570 we dont have these diffrent packages i have no idea what bodily injury is and it goes on about all these thousends of dollars on property damage and lawsuits and uninsured its all so confusing can someone please help and break it all down im only 20 but im 21 tomorrow i moved here in april this year so i dunno if it will be cheaper when im 21 tomorrow i know it drops in england when your 21 but im not sure about here any advice would be appreciated thanks p.s love the country :) How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate? I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking How can I locate the Insurance Company that provides coverage for a California resident? How can I locate the Insurance Company that provides coverage for a California resident? What about of 200% my current rates is supposed to be affordable? The only way the Affordable Health Care Act can be affordable is if Bernanke works those printers even harder then they are now. Do i need car insurance? i am turning 16 soon and i am wanting to buy a cheap truck that's about $1500. I wont be able to afford insurance since i will have to be on my own insurance plan and it would be about $200 a month. since i wont care about the truck if it gets damaged and since its so cheap i didn't know if their is a way i could just get like liability or something? also I live in missouri. Thanks If you are in the military does your car insurance rate go down? If you are in the military does your car insurance rate go down?

Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 Can my parents buy insurance for me? if i move to California and there in Louisiana? Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ? Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!" Cheapest way to get car insurance ? I need to insure my car in order to be legal, but i do not want to pay a lot for insurance if the car isnt worth anything, its not worth much but its AWD and gets me where i need to go. Are there any companies that offer low payments for a piece of paper showing i have insurance that i can show a cop if i get pulled over so i wont owe 1500 bucks to the state?" "Car insurance, 17 year old.?" in the state of NJ, do you know around how much car insurance for a 17 year old would cost monthly? or if you know of any other state? i just want a rough estimate. thank you" "Im 16 and i want to get a R6, i want to know how much it would cost for insurance?" I live in the U.S, Florida and i am taking the MSF course." SR-22 Insurance only exists in Washington state?!? Is this true? I have to get one of them expensive insurance in order to get my license back, but soon I'm leaving this ugly state of Washington. is it true that SR-22 only applies to residents of Washington state?" Can a 16 year old get auto insurance without being under a parents name? I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm buying my own car. My parents and i don't get along at all (stepfather hates me, mom isn't on my side). So can i get auto insurance without being under their name? Also, would it cost a lot more? I'm an honor roll student." How much is small business insurance?

Hi I am doing a project for school and I was wondering how much insurance is for a small business. It will be a temporary food vendor. I am looking at owner, liability, product liability, and auto insurance. I just need an estimate if you could help. Thanks!" Is it possible to get 3rd party insurance for an unregistered car? I know it is pointless since being an unregistered car it would not be covered during an accident on the road, but will the insurance company approve 3rd party insurance on a car that is unregistered?" Would financing your first car make your insurance go up? would financing your first car make your insurance go up? As in, a payment plan for a used car." Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker? Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker How much will insurance go up? I backed into to my friends car in our driveway and where i hit it it made is back door screw up pretty bad the door closes but anyways he went and got it estimated and they said approx. 3500 in damage about how much will this make my insurance go up i havent had any prior accidents and im 19. Car insurance can be annoying.? heres the situation... my boyfriend and i recently broken up.we are having our first child together,im 20 hes 23.we both decided to go in an get a new car for me,but since his credit was a lil better then i.his name was first as in the car belonged to him,and i became cosigner.i make the car payments,and pay half insurance.his responsibility was to pay for the other half insurance,and now that were not together,hes not willing to pay.well at first he said he wasnt willing he i able to refinance the car and put it in my name,and insurance.i dont want him to think he can pay when he wants or not,becuse were not together im trying to find ways,so that car is mine,and he has no way of taking it or what not.i need it not just for me,but for our child.any advice?" A GOOD first car that is great for insurance? i need a car that will b a good first car for a 16 year old male. it has to be reliable, safe, low cost, and has to have low insurance. any suggestions?" I'm trying to get Heath care insurance? I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ?

Car insurance Questions!! HELP!!!? My wife and I bought a used car the other day. The car dealership didnt require us to have insurance on it before we left because we paid cash for it. Well on the way home she got into a wreck. It was her fault. Someone said that the dealership covers the car up to 30 days from the time you bought it?? Does anyone know abt this? Or know how I can have it covered? Thanks Why do insurance companies pay out low payments? i was expecting a good amount from my fathers life insurance after all he's been paying into their policy for almost 40 yrs. but i get a letter that after paying the funeral home, i will only get 89.00" 2012 mustang gt vs 2009 bmw 335i coupe for insurance and reliability? im am wondering what would be cheaper on insurance but most off all what would be the most reliable please no bias, although i am a ford fan boy you cant argue with a bmw but i hear they arnt to reliable being twin turbo v6, and also because if they arnt reliable i dont want to be stuck with expensive a## parts to buy... im 19 with a clean driving record" How much will be my car insurance? (I'm serious)? Guys please take this question seriously and don't even try to answer unless u r going to answer thoroughly I'm 18 and will be 19 in october And I'm getting driver license in a month My parents are not citizen and they don't live in US But I'm citizen and go to high school I heard that my car insurance is extremely expensive since my parents don't live in US But I really NEED to drive my own car ( Not i want to, i NEED it!) I'm aware that the insurance fee depends on companies ***So what I want is approximation or similar examples or similar cases (My GPA is over 4.0 so probably there will be discount... *** if there is, i need every info for discount) And only my mom got her license when she stayed here for few month last year She needs to renew it and she is registered to my uncle's car (I live with my uncle) ***Does this affect my fee? I'm working in city recreation department How can I go work if i don't have car? Now...I ride bike for 4miles to go there... Please help me" Will my speeding Ticket affect my insurance rates? I live in Iowa, I am 17 years old, and I just got a speeding ticket from a state trooper for going 84mph in a 65 zone. I am insured with State Farm and have no history of any accedents or tickets. Right now I am recieving the good students discount and the safe driver discount and I was woundering if this would affect my insurance rates on a 1996 Mercedes-Benz black with aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks" Help with car insurance please :)? Around how much would car insurance for a 'W REG VW BEETLE 3 DOOR HATCH BACK 2.0L PETROL' be? I am a young driver too. Thank you :)

17 Yr Old Car Insurance? Im 17yr old MALE and insurance is stupidly ridiculous 8,000? my best quote is 4500 Churchill are Idiots, theyll insure me on 1 car but not the other. Ecar seems to be the best so far. Can anyone give me a good insurance company for FULL UK licence holders. And tell me how much you pay" How much will car insurance be for my 146 year old mother? How much will car insurance be for my 146 year old mother? I have a Texas Driver license but I'm staying in California for about 6 months? So I moved to California and I'm only staying for six months because of work. I'm also buying a new car to get around. Because I am only staying for six months, I don't feel the need to change to a California license. Can I still buy car insurance and do everything I else need to do with just a Texas driver license? It doesn't expire till 2014." How long does it take for an auto insurance claim to clear you record? I currently have USAA and back in Nov 2005 I hit a piece of tire on I-25. The tire ripped out my wheel well cover and took the electrical system with it. I made a claim that came out to 1K including my deductible. When trying to change insurance this claim came up and uppped my 6 month policy by 300 dollars. It is not on my DMV driving record, can I still get the cheaper insurance thru Thanks a bunch." Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 Is my Car Insurance Valid? If i use my Aunty name (dose not live with me and lives one mile away from my home) as the Main Driver and my name as the second driver on our car insurance policy (as it saves me some money and even i will be the main driver) will my insurance is valid? Please help me. If it is not, please tell me how can i save money by using her name as she is an experienced driver. Many thanks." Can i sue my car insurance company.? I have had an car accident and made a claim through my car insurance, however they have failed to compensate me for the accident and rather than compensating me they have cancelled my policy claiming that i had provided them with incorrect information, which were genuine minor mistakes on my part, however i did not find out about any of these indiscripancies until my accident as my insurance company had not initially provided me with documents showing all the information i had provided to them to make sure everything was correct, they only provided me with the certificate. Since they didn't provide me with these details and a form to sign to say all the information is correct. Are they allowed to cancel my policy as i wouldve corrected this information if i had found out about it. And do i have any grounds to complain to the financial

ombudman." Where is the cheapest (most affordable)place in ma for car insurance? I am new to boston and need car insurance..any ideas? My car is a new 2008 Toyota.. Who should get my fathers life insurance? My father passed away on Jan, 5th 2013. He has a paid in full policy amounting to $100k. When we figured out that my mother (his ex wife) was left the sole benifecary, we filed a claim. The insurance provider (John Hancock) denied our claim based off of a CA law that states if the claimant had been divorced, they essentialy get nothing. However, it clearly states in their dissalution of marriage, that life insurance should not be affected. My father would have wanted his children to have this...What action can I take, or should I just forget about it?" What is the most affordable health insurance in NYC? My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?" Can I cancel my obamacare insurance at anytime? I plan on getting covered through my job, but that is after the Obamacare deadline. Can I apply for obamacare insurance now and cancel at anytime later. When and how can I cancel. The stupid site doesn't say an the crappy phone line is busy and just hangs up on you instead of having you wait (probably because the wait times are embarrassingly long.)" Where can i get cheap auto insurance? hi, im 18, looking to get cheapest insurance possible liability only, any recomendations?" How does the insurance know who's driving the car? My dad want to buy me a car I'm 16 got my liscence a month ago. My uncle wants to sell him a 2008 Mitsubishi lancer evo. He wants to put in the insurance that I'm driving my moms car and she's driving the evo. But I'm going be the driver. Well they be able to tell I'm the driver? And we'll insurance be cheaper that way? Health and Maternity Insurance.? My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin"

"On average, how much does it cost professional liability insurance for a CPA?" I want to start my own CPA practice. I am 50 yrs old. I want to know what costs are involved in the process. I am not aiming to nothing complicated. Just an accounting practice. How much does it cost, on average, the professional liability insurance for a new CPA?. I will be just myself. Thank you." Will tint ticket show up on insurance? not talking about increasing rate? This question is not asking about if my rates will go up! i know its a non moving violation. I was driving my dads 911 turbo and i got stopped for illegal tints. I barely drive car this btw. my dad does not want his insurance company to know his son drives his car for obvious reasons. my question is will a ticket like this show i was driving this car? do insurance company's even look at non point tickets ? thanks! Im confused about car insurance process? Does any body know if its standard for the other person car insurance company to know the social security number of the not at fault person? Also, can they deny paying all the medical bills for the accident? Thanks for your inputs." How to get cheap car insurance in my region? i m little bit worried abt the insurance... Will my car insurance monthly payments increase AFTER i rent a vehicle (READ BELOW)? I already own a 4-door sedan, which I cover with monthly insurance for a reasonable value. Although recently, I had to rent a pick-up truck from Enterprise Rent-A-Car to move some furniture from a friend's house to my place. Upon sigining of the necessary rental documents, the rental car agent and I came across the section about insuring the rented vehicle; as Enterprise Rent-a-Car will always offer their own insurance services, I mentioned to them that I already have car insurance of my own, of which I can look forward to saving the additional $39 which Enterprise Rent-a-Car originally offers. I encouraged Enterprise Rent-a-Car to contact my insurance provider so that both of us can be sure that my car insurance provider will cover the pick-up truck I am about to borrow from them. (Full coverage that is) Everything went smoothly and Enterprise Rent-a-Car agreed to insure their truck under my own car insurance. My car insurance provider also approved of my intention to borrow the truck and cover the said truck using my insurance. Two weeks later came the insurance bill, and to my wondering, I saw that my following monthly insurance payments all jacked-up their prices to one dollar addtional per month! Huh?!?!?! What could have caused this? Could it be the fact that I have had the rented pick-up truck and the request to insure the said truck under my own car insurance resulting to a somewhat considerable claim of some sort? Any opinions or personal experience you may have had? Thanks Alot YaHoO Readers/Responders! A vote comes to the most sensible and brainstormed answer!" Where can i find affordable car and renters insurance?

i plan to move out and rent an apartment very soon and i really need to find somewhere that i can afford with good coverage? I live in Georgia "If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?" If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?" CAR ACCIDENT WHOS AT FAULT AND DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH INSURANCE? I was in a car accident yesterday a very minor one, the damage to my mother in laws BMW was just a cracked head light, and damage to theres was hardly apparent although the man said there was a tiny bump in door and a scratch. what happened was i was leaving a duel carriageway and on the side lane one lane was closed and a cone was in the road i swerved to miss going into work access (plenty of room as cones missing ETC cos of bad weather) then i pulled straight back out into correct lane having dragged the cone and seeming to leave it in work access... although all this happened in matter of seconds when i pulled back out i have hit the car that was originally behind me in the side door he obviously didn't break in time to stop when i swerved... i have a feeling because it was me that hit him that i am at fault? problem is i don't want to really go through insurance as it means both me and my mother in law will lose our no claims and because it was me driving not my mother in law excess is 600 as i am only a named driver.... I would rather just pay for damages if i am at fault than give my mother in law all the much do you think it will cost? only thing is when i said this to the man he said he needs to notify insurance anyway and mine which i have been told will lose our no claims anyway... any ideas info please as im quite confused?" How much does it cost do get a lawyer to file for Bankruptcy (Chapter 7)? I am a single person, low income (waitress), just suffered a major medical expense and no insurance. I have lots of credit card debt, no car, house or student loan debt. How much would it cost a lawyer to file my case with bankruptcy court? Thanks!" What is a good cheap sports car for a teenager? I just learned to drive a manual transmission so now i am interested in a more sporty car. I want something that is initially fast and doesn't require modificatons. I have a limit of about 5 or 6 grand. I'm wondering a car insurance random question? Hello, my brother has a cheap honda civic like $6 thousand .. He was driving and got in a car accident with a $200,000 dollar car.. The back bumper of the $200k car is wrecked and my brothers car is fine.. He has insurance .. Does the insurance cover everything.? Thanks" If i cahnge car insurance after 7 days of getting it due i have to pay the full amount?? Heres the deal i got a car and put safe auto on it. i then wrote the postdated check for 7 days from then. well today (5 days after getting my car) i found a lot cheaper

insurance. CAn i canel the saufe auto and not have to pay the full amounnt??? or do iahve to essentially pay 2 full months of car insurance???? Hi how much does it cost for a moped licence in spain and how much is insurance? im 15 and i know you can get a licence at 14. do you have to take a test? Do I have to tell insurance about my ticket? I got a speeding ticket about a year ago. My question is I'm trying to get an insurance quote, do I have to tell them about my ticket even though I went to traffic school and did not effect my current insurance rates? Thanks!" Does taking DUI class help reduce insurance rate? I'm working on getting a driver license and wondering whether my prospective insurance rate will be lowered (even just a tad) if I take some DUI classes. I'm 19 and abiding in Georgia. Car insurance amount? How much valid car insurance do you need to get a new vehichle tax disk? Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 What is a cheap insurance? I am a student and i dont want to pay a lot for car insurance i want the cheapest Car insurance compared to motorcycle insurance? exactly on an average, with no tickets and a first time driver, how much cheaper is motorcycle insurance." How long will my insurance quote last for? I got a quote for 2184 on a car, but i haven't the car as of now, soon to get this week, no doubt the insurance will rise over the week so im wondering if my 2184 quote will expire straight away or i have a month or so to claim that 2184 insurance quote. Using Money Super Market." Whats the rough cost of insurance for a 17 yr old new driver? im looking to buy a car like a corsa or 306. summin like that but just wanted to know what the cost of insurance will roughly be. and no dont tell me to 'get a quote' caus you need like all the details and full licence etc, that i dont have yet"

Can someone else put insurance on my car? I have two cars and one of them is parked right now due to gas prices. So I took insurance off of it for the time being. One of my friends car is messed up and she does not have a ride, I am thinking of letting her borrow my car until she can get hers fixed. So can she put insurance on it and drive it?" Questiong regarding motorcycle insurance? I was wondering since im 19 years old how much insurance would be? i have 0 tickets and 0 wrecks. Is it possible to get insurance for like a summer then stop paying it for the winter time when i wont be riding it? How do you check an auto insurance company name by policy number? Hello, Policy number is 4021851060 Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks so much!!" Insurance for Yamaha enticed 125? I'm Looking at buying a Yamaha enticer but insurance is very dear as I haven't been riding a year yet but I'm Moving up from a 50cc Moped. If anyone had been in this situation and found cheap insurance deals for 125's please let me know. Does an insurance consultant in Massachusetts need to be licensed? It is corporate insurance, not personal." Do I have to include my husband on my auto insurance policy? Without him on it, my monthly bill would only be $44. With him on it, it's $135. Do I legally have to include him on the policy?" What is the best health insurance in NY? In the boroughs...NOT most affordable best... JUST the best, anywhere accepts." I got a ticket which doesn't put points on my license. Could it affect my insurance rates? I was a passenger in my friend's car when he was ticketed for having an open container of alcohol in the backseat. This occurred in Illinois, and the text of the relevant law is at the bottom. He was ticketed for violating section A; I was ticketed for section B. I confirmed with the very nice lady at the DMV that no points will be placed on my license since I was the passenger, but she was unsure as to what kind of report will be sent to the Secretary of State's office to be added to my driving record. So, here's my question: since I'm not getting any points for this, is it likely to affect my insurance rates? I can see both possibilities - on the non-affect side, it's a non-moving violation, but on the yes-affect side, it involves alcohol (albeit peripherally in my specific situation). If the consensus is that it will make my rates go up, I am going to

try to get court supervision. If not, I'll try to save the extra money that would cost. Sec. 11-502. Transportation or possession of alcoholic liquor in a motor vehicle. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no driver may transport, carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor within the passenger area of any motor vehicle upon a highway in this State except in the original container and with the seal unbroken. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no passenger may carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor within any passenger area of any motor vehicle upon a highway in this State except in the original container and with the seal unbroken." Average car insurance for me? Im a guy. Senior in high school. I don't have a 3.0+ gpa to reduce insurance. I'm prolly gonna drive a 96 blazer or 97 jeep grand Cherokee. Roughly, how much would my insurance be?" How do I figure how much life insurance I will need? How do I figure how much life insurance I will need? "What is the least expensive car insurance in Thousand Oaks, California? Thanks! How to find free medical insurance? i m cheap person who work partime and i can t afford to pay alot money so do u guys know any free medical insurance or dental ? What is the cheapest auto insurance ? Is safe auto cheaper than pronto insurance? What is the cheapest car for me to buy in regards of insurance? I passed my test in mid may 2009. So nearly a year and a half ago. I have a pass plus certificate. I know the best cars are obivously the ones with 1.0 engines and other small sizes. Im getting some horrible quotes, so I figured I would ask the community. Vaulkal corsas are the cheapest so far. But unknown brands like plutos are coming up quiet cheap. It is my first car, no one years claim bonus. I dint insure a car straight away because I was getting quotes for over 5 grand due to being 17, now im 2 years older and had more time holding a licence its obivously droped, but not by much. Any thoughts on cars?" Car Insurance..6 Points..(read on)? I got 6 points back in 2009 for speeding with a drink drive ban the same night! I don't need any lectures. I can easily say biggest mistake of my life! I done my time and still paying for it. I done a insurance quote without the 6 points and it was 600, with them it is 1300! (the drink drive ban included in both quotes) It is comming up to the 4 year mark where I can now get them removed from my licence, but I have to still declare it

to my insurance even though there not on my licence any more..? (rehabilation offenders act..?) I have changed my ways and I drive very sensibly in low litre cars! Never want a fast car! (I am 23) I just use it for work my annual mileage is around 10k. These 6 points have raised it dramatically! Are there any insurance companies out there where I can only declare it for the 3 or 4 years? Or do I have to even declare it atall insurance companies are asking for 5 years, but they are completely off my licence after 4..I would of thought under the rehabilitation act I served my 4 year sentence now a 3rd party company (the insurer) is asking for 5..? Help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks" How much should I pay for liability insurance for a non-profit? I'm from a non-profit volunteer organization that wants its volunteers to teach a 16-session class. Normally, we teach in a local high school, but given the time in the school year, I would like to teach in a public/community setting over the summer. In order to get a public place (library; community center) to host this class, I need to take out liability insurance. I've asked my supervisor whether our organization has liability (no response yet). If we don't currently have it, what is an affordable company to buy it from? How much should my organization pay for a minimal premium?" Should we keep health insurance or get rid of it? anyone know the pros and cons of either getting rid of health insurance or to keep it? Cheapest auto insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? Health Insurance/Student emergency card help!? I'm currently filling out a Student Emergency Information Card and I'm stuck on the Health Insurance portion... For the portion, it only says Insurance #, I have HealthNet but I don't know whether to write the group number or the subscriber number.. I'm kind of sure it's the subscriber one, but I need some assurance. Also, it asks for Medi-Cal straight after that with Yes/No.. How do I know if it's medi-cal or not?" What insurance is available for those who are between ages 18-24 and can't qualify for Medicaid? Any low cost health insurances out there? Crowdsourced car insurance company? Would you join? If I were to set-up a crowdsourced car insurance company would you be interested in joining? I appreciate how much money is required when starting a car insurance company but I seriously think that with a concentrated effort and a crowdsourced company then we could beat the large companies at there own game. The way I envisaged it working was that the idea attracts as many people as possible and each person pays a membership fee. In return for the fee the person gets a share in the company with certain voting rights. The share doesnt entitle you to free insurance, but seriously reduced in price. Insurance policies are only available to members, the main

benefit being to keep insurance costs down people would hopefully be less likely to claim. When the company generates profits, those profits would go into a pot and at the end of the year the pot would be sent out to members in the form of dividends. Anyone interested?" Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327 Dupont Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98327

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