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WHAT HAPPENED TO THE STAR AND LAMP? You may notice that this edition of the Star and Lamp is a little different. In November, 1971, the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi voted to combine the summer edition of the magazine with a new membership directory. This was done for several reasons . It has been tradition for Pi Kappa Phi to publish a directory every four years. The last one came out in 1968. These directories have been of limited circulation because of the great cost involved. In the past, only those members initiated after the publication of the preceding directory received free copies, and other members had to purchase the volume. In essence, the National Council decided to increase the circulation of the directory and at the same time to reduce costs. This could be accomplished by taking the summer magazine, always a short edition, and incorporating its stock features into a membership list. Many alumni were surveyed and it was determined that a geographic listing of members would be of the most value. So, in the next 100 pages, you will find a current listing (up to July I, 1972) of all living members of your fraternity. If you have difficulty finding a particular member in this list, write to: Address Correction Office, Pi Kappa Phi, P. 0. Box 4608, Charlotte, N. C. 28204 and we will send you the specific information. It is anticipated that this format will be used in the summer Star and Lamp each Supreme Chapter year (biannualy). This new approach will provide every member with an updated list of Brothers for his personal use on a regular basis. Ii you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to write the editors. We hope you find this a useful and interesting aid in renewing and strengthening your ties with Pi Kappa Phi's around the world.

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