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Ba~~e Rrticl e

by my good fri end, "Mel" M etcalfe, " Free ly Ye e.~eived . . .. ," is so tr~.e, a commendable article, so Frate~~. The Prestdent Speaks -]. AI. H ead-he h as the Seattle tty near ht s btg heart. Heard h1m at th e meet1ng tn there ' a rea l pleasure to hear and meet him and rhe oth ers hirn at th e we ll -attended meeting. We are fortu nate to have as our President. tirnei

Caroli ~'

pu~IhICIe. Zeadrticle, "Which Way, Youth?" is one that should be m . many p Iaces . I t IS . most t1me . Iy m . our nattOn . aI unrest think·1 and g1ves the reassurance that our future leaders are thou ~g, and thinking sou ndl y. I do not know if you have cu iaf td of reprinting this articl e, but it should be, a nd cirsynd·1 ze • where it will be read . Why not send it to newspaper not ~cates and ask that it be reproduced? W e so metimes do as top~~k up enough, are too docile. This article is a revelation Arne . e fut ure we can expect from the new leaders of o ur T:~ca unless the pub li c is made aware of the sit~ation . iustifi d rest of the ISSue reassures me th at there IS real and Amerfc encouragement th at there is hope in the future of a. Fraternally yours, JOHN W . SHLEPPEY, Phi '25 U niversi ty of Tu lsa Commendation for Brother Owen's Address

434 N. Col01·ado Ave. D eLand, Flo,.ida ear Edit y on: este rday, The Star cmd Lamp ca me and , as usual , I quit rnost 1w 1lat I was doing to read it. I want to compl iment yo u the e/ ghl y on the ta lk you made at Salem. Your ana lysis of additi~ s ttng cond iti o ns coinc ides w ith my thinking exactly. In ny roor You w~' w hen one consid ers the stud ent riots mentioned by ng. 'fl Co 1~ 1<:n qu oting Bob Ruark, one beg ins to wondering if (which such 111a utnl st agents· co uld in cite stud ents in such a manner, unl ess firepl~· wher; ct s were tacitl y ap proved by most members of the faculty see th he lnc1dents occ uned. T he hea rt of our problem, as I mary e matter, lt es _in item 4, "Wake Up, America!" Our pri~d 111C i :KaP[ give and foremost enemy is here at home w ith us. M ay God unde{oud th e strength to persevere in your effo rts to help o ur in e detail Fratergrall uates and alumn i retain so me semblance of sa nity. na Y yours, 1i. ,I\1U (Sig ned ) BARRY BARRY CRIM, Lambda '24 'I grna . University of Georgia 11

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:·which Way, Youth?" Termed "Wonderful"

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1529 D em011brerm St. Dem· E . Nas/Jt;il/e, Teml. "'Whi chd;;;;·s: I read with a great deal of interes t your articl e, Lamp I ay, Yourh ?" in the Febru ary issu e of T be Star m1d copy ~f it _was a wo nderful article, and I wou ld like to have a to buy bt, tn fact, 1f yo u have any copies made up I would ltke a out 100. As You With 0 are we ll aware, we have got to fight this menace gettin ur youth in school today because they certainly a re ~y \V~rknough from the other side in t!1 eir regu lar cl ass:s . In VIsits I With Kappa Stgma, I have SIX chapters, and 10 my You sa·dam constantly ta lking with rhem about th e very things 1 \Vh ich 1 and lea:ve with them literature, and that is the use to woul d l1ke to put your articl e. Cordia ll y, HORTON F. EARLY Di strict Grand M aster District XII Kappa Sig ma Fraternity

D epartment of Geology Princeton University Dea.1 B Pt·inceton, N. f. roth 0 PUblished _er wen: In reference to your Fou nd ers' D ay address, compl ete tn the February issue of The Star and Lamp, I am in ~tep W'th agreement that our young men appear to be o ut of 'plumb\ine~ur trad itions, and I a lso agree that they need a touches b Wtth which to a lign themselves. As rh is matter Was wei [ 0 _ody so deep ly as it does a fraternity, your speech B -o n ented. . as itoweve is d r, I ca nnot agree with your concept ion of a plumblme eve loped in your add ress. I feel that you have g iven

I h~Ay,


Communism too mu ch credit for th e current wave of student rebe lli on, and have given too litt le to the st udents themse lves. After all , if a fea r of mand atory loya lty oaths, a fee ling th at compulsory ROTC is unnecessary, and a conviction th at nuclear weapons should be ban ned, are in dicat ions of Communist sympathy, th en we can damn large numbers of educators, mi litary leaders, and theo log ians too. If these are a ll to be in the same boat, it had better be a large boat. [BROTHER OWEN' S COMMENT: The pt·agmatic ideals of James, as well as tbe materialistic thougbts of Marx, Huxley. etc., seem to be directed towards the all imfJortant "e11d t·esults," atld the method of app,·oaching this end, hc111ing little- consequence. Tbe modem "libet·al" thought seems to be guided by this same expressiml. l disagree and violently so. To o[1pose compulsory military trainh1g as a mal/er of princifJal is PI'O/Jet· fot· the individual so inclined, hower•er. the t·emlting dett·iment to our nation, if overtly exp ressed, cannot be condoned, even if the opposition is delt'imental to the end t·esult of "ft·eedom of thought." To oppose the cellsm·e of a professor for teaching "free lot;e' · is all right if an individual is so h1clined to fJractic e same. Howevet·, if as a by-/Jroduct of his o[Jposition, we are endangering the m orals, health, respect, etc., of our young people, and also et·eating a correspondh1g decline of the family tmit, then l must contend that the stimulation of thought as an end result is 110t jttStified.} You are quite correct when you say that students are "easiest to tempt." Th is makes freedom of thought all the more necessary during co ll ege. This is the time for a Jot of ideas, some good and some bad. The problem is not to protect the student from these ideas, but to deal w ith them openl y, to help the stud ent Jearn to judge what is good and what isn't. It is not enoug h to keep him from thinking for fo ur years, in hopes that he wi ll be too busy and too h appy to think later . Fratern iti es, ou rs among th e rest, are losing gro und precisely because they do not enco urage fresh new views. D o you really want the idea li sti c, rad ica l boy to turn hi s ideas and efforts to good use? Then make the fraternity a haven for new ideas and a place where young minds ca n sift va lues and decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. And always keep before your young minds the fact that trad iti ons must be a backg round for thought; th ey must not rep lace it. It is good to fee l th at our fraternity is g iving such problems thoug ht, and I can only hope th at acti on wi ll be fitted to thi s thought. Th e fraternity system is und er attack, but it can w in the support of edu ca tors very simply, by showin~ that it is wholehearted ly behind the goa l of ed ucators: the st1mulatt0n of thoug ht among the yo ung people who are best equipped for it. ROBERT T . D ODD, JR., Psi '55 Fraterna ll y, Corne ll U niversity

Good Word for Scholarship Awards H eadqttat'let·s Eighth United States Army APO 301 San Francisco, Calif. D ear Editot-s: H ave been enj oy ing The Stat· alld Lam[J h ere in Korea. T he exce ll ent features and th e chapter news have been like scenes from the past for me. I was p leased to see in_ th e February issue that Pi Kappa Phi is still actively interested 1n the scholarsh1p of th e und ergraduate chapters . The two new awards- the K ar l M. Gibbon_Award and the Wi ll E. Edington Award-w dl prov1de added mcenttve to rhe und erg radu ate chapters . Fraternally yours, BRUCE E. FORKE, Beta Sigma '58 Pfc., US 55 683 094 In spector G eneral Section

Thanks for Obituary 1603 Valley'Rd. Columbia, S. C. Dem· Editors: My fami ly and I are deeply. appreciative of your thoug htfulness in sending us the February 1ssue of The Star a11d Lamp. W e sha ll always cherish the tribute paid our loved one in this issue. Sincerely, WINNIE A. EASTERBY (Mrs. ]. H.) 3

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