Newsday 2014

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Prince’s Herald

Wednesday 19th March 2014

Prince Henry’s High School

Wednesday, 19th of March 2014

Author Visit Page 6

Abbey Bridge Page 9

THE NEW POUND COIN: HOMAGE TO THE PAST AND A STEP TOWARDS THE FUTURE By Victoria Keeble A new pound coin, to be manufactured by the Royal Mint and said to be the “most secure coin in the world”, will begin circulation in 2017. Recently, worries have increased over the ability to counterfeit the current pound coin, which has been in circulation for thirty years. The Royal Mint – the body permitted to manufacture the coins used in the UK – believes that around 3% (over 45 million) of the pound coins currently in circulation are illegal copies and the move to make new pound coins will aim to ensure that no fakes can be made. The new coin will be roughly the same size as the current one and

will have a shape reminiscent of the old three pence piece, which had twelves sides and which was the first coin to feature a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. While the portrait of the Queen will be on the “heads” side of the new coin – as is tradition – a public competition will be held to decide what design to put on the “tails” side. Since the aim of the new coin is to prevent counterfeiting, the Royal Mint has had to design it so that it overcomes even the most advanced counterfeiting technology. The new coin will be made from two differentcoloured metals, which will have a special composition, and will feature the Royal Mint’s

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Integrated Secure Identification System (iSIS) – a revolutionary high-security currency system. John Sheridan, counterfeiting expert of the National Crime Agency, said “The issuing of a new coin with enhanced security features will make it more difficult for criminals to copy as well as presenting increased opportunities for law enforcement to investigate and disrupt the producers and distributors of counterfeit currency.” The impacts of introducing this new pound coin are being considered, since businesses may face costs from having to Continued on page 3.

The 2014 Budget: Osborne’s plans for a “resilient” economy By Victoria Keeble Today at 12:30GMT Conservative politician George Osborne will deliver his fifth Budget speech, in which he’ll outline plans to boost Britain’s economy and reduce the country’s deficit levels. From around 2000 onwards Britain’s national debt has risen, increasing steadily until around 2007 but then sharply increasing to record levels with the biggest increase being between 2008 and 2009. The national debt is a

term that’s not used as widely these days but which refers to the amount of money the government owes as a result of their borrowing through the issue of securities by the British Treasury and other government agencies. On the other hand the national budget deficit, officially referred to as the Public Sector Net Cash Requirement, is the rate at which the government borrows money. The figure is produced by the difference between the government’s revenue (profit) and expenditure. Currently the deficit is increasing due to a swelling gap between revenue and expenditure and this in turn increases the UK’s debt. Continued on Page 3

Prince’s Herald

Editorial Team Our editorial team is as follows: Charlotte Brown 13MS Editor Rob Maher 13SB Editor Jemima Barnett 13RMH IT George Claridge 13RG IT Louisa Davis 13JO Victoria Keeble 13JO Alistair Hutton 12SH Tabitha Byrd 11G Anna Garner 11L Jess Matthews 11O Evie Coltman 10O Jay Harris 10O Leah Middleton 10H James Noble 10O Sian Bird 9F Ellen Day 9H Laura Kelsall 9W Ellie Steel 9H Tom Parkin 9Z

Wednesday 19th March 2014

Doomsday Dungeness Editorial By Charlotte Brown and Rob Maher Dungeness nuclear power station is located on Kent‟s coast and provides power for about 750,000 homes. It is one of 8 operational nuclear power plants in the UK and the government plans to build 12 new reactors in the UK, in an attempt to reduce our carbon footprint. While these proposed plans have not been finalised, there is an increase in worry over the safety of nuclear power due to recent nuclear disasters such as Chernobyl and most recently Fukushima in March 2011.

It would seem that these concerns are well placed. On the 22nd May Dungeness was closed down for 5 months as experts found evidence that there may be a risk of a Fukushima-style disaster. The shingle bank sea defences were not as sturdy as once thought leading to worries about the defences being overwhelmed during extreme weather – an event that is occurring more and more often in the UK. Fukushima‟s meltdown was caused by a tsunami which towered over a 10m high wall surrounding the rooms housing the emergency generators. Subsequently three of the six nuclear reactors failed and the plant began releasing substantial amounts of nuclear materials into the atmosphere, resulting in the evacuation of the surrounding

Mrs R Bennington Mrs S Crenan Mr P Meehan

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Tony Benn: A Life Remembered By Tom Parkin

Tony Benn is undoubtedly one of the most controversial figures in modern political history. His flair for public debate and determination to campaign for socialism made him a statesman perhaps ahead of his time. But who was this man and how did he become one of the most respected politicians of the 20th century? Anthony Benn was born into an extremely successful political family. His father, William Benn, was an experienced diplomat who had served as a senior m em be r o f R am s e y McDonald‟s first Labour cabinet in 1924. His mother, Margaret Benn, was a leading feminist campaigner whose „radical‟ feminist policies caused great

criticism from leading religious figures such as the Archbishop of Canterbury. Like millions of others around the world, the Benns lost their eldest son to the war effort. Tony himself declared that it was the loss of his brother Michael that inspired him to enter British politics seriously. But it was Michael‟s death that threatened how Tony himself would enter Westminster as an MP. After having been elected as Member of Parliament for Bristol South East in 1951, Benn sat in the lower chamber. The death of his father in 1960 meant that Benn was in line to accept the family peerage and was therefore, required to leave the Commons after ten years as a backbencher. Benn‟s strong belief in representation and democracy led him to take the matter to court. Here, after months of discussions, he lost his bid to retain his House of Commons seat and a by-election was declared. Benn continued to stand in protest and proceeded to win with 70% of the constituency vote. However, due to standing law, his Conservative

rival was deemed the winner and Benn was elevated to the Lords for three years. Throughout the 60s and 70s, Benn rose rapidly though the ranks to become a true member of the Labour elite. His ability to „connect‟ with his party members made him a strikingly powerful and influential figure from within the movement. Often arguing against Thatcher‟s Conservative policy, Benn was renowned for holding contrasting views on key issues such as the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands in 1982 and Mrs Thatcher‟s economic policy. Benn was centred at the heart of a Labour crisis in 1981 when he stood against the incumbent Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. From what was believed to be a „self serving career move‟, Benn lost to a margin of just 1% - a difference deemed too small by the newly titled „Benn-sceptics‟ who now made up the majority of the new Labour cabinet. Benn left Parliament in 1983 when he failed to retain his seat. Again, this was another Conservative victory which left a scar on Benn and his party as

Prince Henry’s High School areas. Considering the consequences of such a disaster, it seems outrageous that EDF did not publicise the details of the shutdown at Dungeness and make the public more aware. The nuclear industry does not have as high a level of public awareness and as some other energy industries do. Bearing in mind the fact that none of the other energy industries handle nuclear radiation and waste, the lack of transparency does not appear to be in the public‟s interest.

Oscar Pistorius Trial: Day 13 By Jessica Matthews Double amputee sprinter, Oscar Pistorius, is on day thirteen of his trail for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp, who was shot last Valentine‟s Day at Pistorius‟s home in Pretoria. Pistorius has been charged with murder, but denies the charges, pleading not guilty. He admits that he shot her but claims that he mistook her for an intruder. In his statement he says that he panicked and ran to the bathroom before firing the shots at the “intruder”. However, the prosecution says he many predicted that a Labour landslide would be inevitable. It would be another fourteen years until Benn and his colleagues would have the chance to sit on the government benches. Here, Benn contested for the party leadership against the incumbent leader Neil Kinnock who had led Labour into its third consecutive electoral defeat. Benn lost with just 11.4% of the collective party vote for the last and final time. In reflection to this, Benn recognised that Labour had shifted its ideology towards the right of the party and that he had no place in what he called „too modern a politics‟. Since leaving the Commons, Benn has held various political positions which include acting as

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intentionally shot Steenkamp after an argument. Yesterday, a ballistics expert, who reconstructed the tragic event, claimed that Pistorius stood on his stumps, roughly three metres away from a locked toilet door when he opened fire, this differs to the prosecution who said that he was wearing his prosthetic legs when he fired through the door, claiming that the time he took to put them on was evidence of premeditated murder. Today the trial continues, and Pistorius continues to appear distressed in court, previously he has repeatedly been sick at the sight/ mention of his girlfriend‟s fatal injuries, and has spent much time hunched over, looking at the floor. If the 27 year old is found guilty, then the national sporting hero and double amputee dubbed “blade runner” could face a life time of imprisonment.

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President of the „Stop the War Coalition‟ and as the leading British ambassador who negotiated the release of a number of prisoners held under Saddam Hussein. It is clear to see that Benn‟s character and belief in principle was replicated throughout his achievements as an experienced diplomat, campaigner and politician. His determination and perseverance sets an example to all those that believe in justice and equality. Those from all sides must recognise that Benn was a true veteran and asset and was one of the last remaining „people‟ politicians.

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Prince’s Herald

Pound Coin Continued from page 1. change vending machines, supermarket trolleys and lockers at gyms and leisure centres. Chancellor of the Exchequer and Conservative politician George Osborne is revealing his Budget today at 12:30GMT which will highlight his plans for a more economically stable UK. Mr Osborne tweeted a picture of the proposed new one pound coin next to the Budget box with the caption: “Today I will deliver a Budget for a resilient economy – starting with a resilient pound coin.” The release of the new pound coin in 2017 will almost coincide with the release of banknotes made from plastic instead of cotton in 2016. The Bank of

Wednesday 19th March 2014

By Tabitha Byrd President Putin has told Russia's parliament that "in people's heart of hearts, Crimea has always been part of Russia". President Putin was speaking at the Kremlin, where he announced new laws for Crimea to join the Russian Federation and asked MPs to back the move. He also said that the vote is "more than convincing". Crimean officials say that 97% of

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England, which made the announcement concerning the banknotes earlier this year, said the move to change to material of the banknotes would “enhance the security and integrity of the currency”. These changes to the currency used in the UK aim to increase the security of our coins and banknotes, making them harder to copy and therefore increasing the public’s confidence in the currency. It’s a step towards a more secure financial future whilst using the past as an inspiration.

The Budget Continued from page 1.

In his final Budget before the 2015 general elections, Osborne will reveal his plans to reduce the country’s growing deficit and stimulate economic growth. It’s widely predicted that plans to raise the personal allowance above £10,000 (the level promised by the coalition) and offer a series of childcare subsidies will be revealed. Boris Included by kind permission of Johnson’s economic adviser Dr Gerard Lyons has said “The

Crimea Votes Russia!

Prince Henry’s High School

voters supported breaking away from Ukraine in a national vote on Sunday. However, the EU and the US have declared the vote illegal and have imposed sanctions on Russia. Russia has told the US that the Western sanctions are unacceptable and has threatened them with unknown "consequences". Funnily enough, France's Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, said that Paris had cancelled its planned ministerial defence and foreign relations talks, saying they would have been "ill-timed". Ukraine's foreign ministry, meanwhile, has issued a

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reality is that there is still a lot more to be done, but the way to get things done in terms of getting the deficit under control is to get the economy growing much faster.” However, despite the Conservative party’s predicted efforts to stabilise the country’s economy and reduce its staggering debt, Labour’s Ed Miliband has said that families had become worse off financially under the Coalition by around £1,600 and that the “Top priority for the budget must be tackling the cost-of-living crisis that millions of families are facing.” But, alternatively, it could be argued that the government’s current economic plan seems to be working, since the latest official figures, released last Wednesday, reveal that

unemployment fell by 63,000 in three months leading up to January. Treasury sources have said the government’s economic plan was working but that the “job was far from done”. Speculation is all very well but we’ll have to wait until the Chancellor makes his speech at 12:30. No doubt his Budget will be met with both encouraging and sceptical responses, but, as Mr Miliband said, a lot of people will be focused on the Budget’s implications for families, many of which are already facing difficult financial circumstances. “I hope we don't see complacency from the Chancellor today, because I think so many families across the country are incredibly hardpressed. What I hope we see is an understanding of the difficulties families are facing and a response to make life

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“decisive and categorical protest” against Russia’s action, saying they fell short of Russia's international commitments.

Despite these protests, President Vladimir Putin and the Crimean leaders have signed a bill to absorb Crimea into Russia. Kiev said that Ukraine would never accept the treaty and the US have called a G7-EU crisis meeting next week in The Hague. The US Vice-President, Joe Biden, has said that Russia's involvement in Crimea was nothing more than "a brazen military incursion" and that the annexation was "nothing more than a land grab". Image to the right: Included with kind permission of vogue. Image to the left: Included by kind permission of BBC News

Shocking death of Jagger’s ‘lover and best friend’ By Siân Bird The 49 year old US fashion designer was found dead in her New York flat in the late hours of Monday night after an apparent suicide attempt. Scott’s assistant received a text from Scott on Monday asking her to come by her home. When her assistant arrived at 10:02 a.m. Scott was seen on the living room floor dead. Mick Jagger was dining at a restaurant in the Australian city of Perth when his assistant told him that his partner of 14 years had been found hanging from her scarf. Jagger wrote on Tuesday “I am still struggling to understand how my lover and best friend could end her life this way”. L’Wren owned a fashion company which was in a lot of debt but surely as she was in a relationship with the lead singer of the Rolling Stones this would not be a problem, so we then have to question why she felt the only way to make her life better was to end it? The New York Federal police are continuing to investigating the mystery as to why she felt the need to take her own life. The former model has always been in her partner’s shadow until this terrible death which has caused the rock star to call off his tour in Australia and New Zealand. Always being overshadowed by her partner constantly could be very upsetting even though realising it was not deliberate, it might still have affected her. Jagger and Scott seemed very happy in front of the public but as with all couples nobody knows what happens behind closed doors and as Mick was often away with work Scott may have felt neglected or unwanted.

Prince’s Herald

Wednesday 19th March 2014

Sport Relief 2014 By James Noble

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It‟s that time of year again! Mid March is when Comic Relief presents its annual fundraising extravaganza as either Sport Relief or Comic Relief. This year it‟s Sport Relief, and it‟s being billed as a weekend where anyone can run, swim or cycle to support disadvantaged people all around the UK as well as in areas of the world such as Africa. The weekend will be kicked off in style on BBC One at 7pm on Friday evening, with a number of hours of fundraising TV that will even include David Beckham starring in an „Only Fools and Horses‟ special. It‟s not just celebrities who are contributing to Sport Relief this

A Staggering Win By Rob Maher Neil Trotter, 41, has become an overnight multi-millionaire, scooping a staggering £108 million in The EuroMillions Lottery. Eerily, the win has the Only Fools and Horses „rags to riches‟ twist written all over. Not only is the winner‟s name Trotter, the surname of the much loved Rodney and Del Boy, but also quoted Del-Boy a day before the win declaring, “This time

year either. On a more local scale, Prince Henry‟s Interact Club have organised a tug of war this Thursday lunchtime between teachers and students, as well as „A Question of Sport‟ on Friday lunchtime with a teachers‟ team, a Sixth Form team and a lower school team. Spectators can make a small donation of 20p to watch the eagerly anticipated tug of war in the Sports Hall. Students and teachers are also encouraged to come and watch the quiz in the Arts Centre on Friday with a donation of £1 to enter. A proportion of all funds raised will go to Sport Relief, with the rest going to Interact Club‟s chosen charities.

in 7 hours anything can happen. Within a few hours of flying the plane disappeared, it went off the grid. Malaysia says that the plane intentionally diverted its flight plan and either went in a northern or southern arc from where it was last seen. The flight transponder has been disabled, as most people know the flight transponder is what allows communication. Many rumours have arisen as how the flight disappeared. The first one is that the plane had a malfunction with the black box, in which an electromagnetic pulse could have been sent through the plane leaving it to crash and sink to the depths of

Prince Henry’s High School the ocean or an engine failing, or something like that causing the plane to crash. The second rumour is that this has been an intentional hijacking, Malaysia doesn‟t have that good security, and if someone has a fake passport and can just pass through unnoticed, then they can easily get onboard a plane and hijack it. Another part of this rumour is that the crew have something to do with the hijacking, or the plane disappearing. The next part of this rumour is the more disturbing part. In some extreme cases this might not just be a” normal” hijacking in which someone is going to demand some money. The more extreme case is that all

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the crew in the plane have been killed at some point during the flight, and then the plane was landed somewhere difficult to find and has been re-fuelled, and has the intent to be used as a terrorist weapon. Israel is preparing for an attack, and is waiting for any further news. This plane could be used as a replica of 9/11 and another country could be bombed to try and destroy that government‟s infrastructure. This is less likely to happen, but is still possible, and could be dangerous for anyone in the near future. The main question is, how did it disappear, and where did it go?

Plane from Malaysia to Beijing Gone Astray: By Jay Harris The mysterious disappearance of the plane going from Malaysia to Beijing is shocking the world, and searches have been expanded from just Malaysia, to the size of Australia. It started off a normal flight going from Malaysia to Beijing. The flight itself was due to take 7 hours, and tomorrow I‟ll be a multimillionaire!” The massive scoop has made Mr Neil Trotter Britain‟s fourth largest lottery winner. After being told to “shut up and stop being an idiot” by his partner after he declared that he had won, he telephoned his father to share the news and got the reply once again, “ Stop being an idiot … and stop drinking.” Once the ecstatic couple came to the realisation that they had in fact won the lottery, the shopping list

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began to grow; enough land to keep all of the cars that Neil intends to buy, while his long term partner for 8 years intends to keep horses and spend, spend, spend on everything and anything in the lucky lady‟s dreams.

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Fall in UK Unemployment By Tabitha Byrd According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the number of unemployed in the UK fell by 63,000 million to 2.33 million from October to January. The unemployment rate now stands at 7.2% of the population, down 0.2%fromtheprevious7.4%. The number of employed rose to a record total of 30.19 million. The number of unemployed 16 to 24-yearolds stood at 912,000 in January and there has been a drop of 29,000, reaching883,000, thelowest level since

2011. Average earnings have also increased, with the average pay up by 1.4% from 2013,asisreportedinJanuary. In February, the number of people claiming unemployment benefits fell by 34,600, to a total of 1.175 million. Over the course of a year, the number of people claiming unemployment benefits has dropped by 363,200 overall. An economist at BNP Paribas, David Tinsley, said that while the employment figures are promising, there are still some weak areas: "The level of employees actually fell by 60,000 overthequartertoJanuary, with a large rise in self-employment making upforthisdrop."

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Prince’s Herald

Matt Dickinson Everest Mountaineer visits school By Ellie Steel, Laura Kelsall and Sian Bird On Wednesday 5th March 2014 Matt Dickinson (writer and film maker) visited our school for World Book Day. He has created many geographical films whilst accomplishing his lifetime dreams. Along the way he has survived an avalanche in Antarctica and a killer storm on Everest. His proudest moment was filming on the summit of Mount Everest, having successfully scaled the treacherous North Face of the world’s highest peak. At what age did you start writing books? I was 15 when I wrote my first book. The only person who has ever seen this book is my mum and it is hidden in her attic because it is rubbish! What/Who is your biggest influence in your books? Lord of the Rings is very influential and Arthur Ransome (Swallows and Amazons) is my favourite author.

Fun with World Book Day By Anna Garner, Evie Coltman and Ellen Day World Book Day, otherwise known as the International Day of the Book, is a global celebration of authors, books, but mostly reading. It is traditionally celebrated in many different ways, such as book sales, reading competitions and dressing up as book characters. Book tokens and age-ranged Book Day resource packs are also sent out to schools across the UK full of ideas for joining in World Book Day. The event was first launched officially on 23rd April 1995 by UNESCO. However, it is celebrated on the first Thursday of March in the UK to avoid clashing with religious holidays, school holidays and to make sure it does not clash with other charitable activities. World Book Day is also a way of giving children the opportunity of having their own books so they can appreciate the pleasures of reading.

Wednesday 19th March 2014 How did you become interested in writing? Through reading, I have always loved reading from an early age. What was your last adventure and has it helped you to write your books? My last adventure was on the highest mountain range in South America where I got plenty of ideas for future books. What is your most recent book called? It is called The Everest Files – all about my experiences on Everest and was released on the 10th March. How long did it take you to write your first book? 10 years. I started writing it for my 16 year old son, and it took me 10 years to complete and was my first published book. What made you want to climb Everest? I had been asked by a film crew from the Geographical Channel to explore mountains and trek the world highest mountain range, and so this gave me the chance to undertake one of my goals. What do you think makes a good story? Conflict. Strong characters with a lot of conflict make for a great thriller story and make the reader continue to the end. Any ideas about your next book? I haven’t started it yet, but

I would like to do a follow up to The Everest Files. Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to become a writer? Starting your own blog or working for the school newspaper will be a great start for anyone wanting to become a writer or journalist. Who is your favourite author, and what is your favourite book by them? My favourite author is JRR Tolkien who wrote the Lord of the Rings. This has

How the media can change our perceptions

national pride. The question is: How do the media do this?

By Jessica Matthews The importance of media in the modern world is immense with the media having so much power and being extremely influential in today’s society. Have you ever paused to wonder how much the media influences you? Media holds the power to change our perceptions and evoke different emotions. It can make us feel sad and fearful during times of distress but on the other hand, media can also have a very positive effect on people, it can cause feelings of love, and

influenced me in my books

Ukraine: The Forgotten People By Tom Parkin .As the weeks and months unfold, the world has grown to understand that the Crimean ‘crisis’ is a situation which delves

There are many ways in which the media can change our perceptions; it can change our moods, our thoughts on what is wrong and what is right. Society is surrounded by the media, being sent different messages through a variety of devices, through the radio, TV, internet, and newspapers. We absorb this information both consciously and subconsciously. Our opinions are swayed through the language that is used, through the bias of reporters, and through the manipulation of information. We rarely see both sides to a story. However, is the influence of the

Prince Henry’s High School much deeper into the shared history of both the east and the west. With increasing economic and military threats from all sides, it seems that amongst the heat of this very diplomatic issue, various governments have forgotten that this is just as much a humanitarian problems as it is a political one. 2014 is an opportunity for Europe and other international partners to place humanitarian needs above political points. Cooperation is the key and bold moves from individual states will only elongate the process of uniting the Ukraine. But what can we expect within the next few days, weeks and months to come? A responsible move would be to have both Russia and the ‘caretaker’ Ukrainian government holding direct, open and detailed talks over the sovereignty of the Crimean state. Meanwhile, it would be the sole responsibility of the international community to drive a humanitarian aid package to protect the isolated and increasingly vulnerable Ukrainian economy. However, after a Russian military intervention, the country’s president, Vladimir Putin, has begun issuing the

Rupee (Russian currency) into Crimea, with a planned timezone change in the pipeline. America and European nations (including the UK) have also started to enforce asset freezes on senior Russian diplomats and business figures, with ‘further consequences planned’. Amidst this crisis, we – the international community – are choosing to forget that Ukraine belongs to the people of Kiev, Mariupol and Donetsk and not to Washington, Moscow or London. In order to prevent this delicate situation from escalating is to recognise that Ukrainians themselves are at the heart of the matter and so should be at the heart of any decisions taken. Above all, we have a duty to learn from our past. That is the only way in which the European continent can thrive. As all sides have agreed in moving from this current deadlock with a diplomatic solution, we should have the decency to hold legitimate, clear and open talks between the individual states involved. The last century has shown that political unrest similar to what has been witnessed in Crimea, is a weak and fruitless method to solving this intensely

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media a bad thing? You have to take into consideration the different sides. On the negative side the media has resulted in fear, bias information, and invasion of privacy. Conversely, it can help charities, support searches for the missing, raise awareness of health issues and reunite long lost friends. Whatever your views, there is no denying that media is having an increasing impact in our lives.

Switched by Amanda Hocking

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By Leah Middleton Switched is the story of Wendy Everly, who at the age of seventeen, discovers that not only is she a troll but the heir to the Trylle throne. She also discovers that she is a changeling which

partly explains her mother’s actions of stabbing and attempted murder of her at six years old. Wendy is then raised by her brother and her aunt for the next 11 years after this incident. She is then found at the age of seventeen by a Trylle tracker named Finn. Amanda Hocking skilfully combines mythology and romance in this novel. I personally love this novel as I have never read a book that holds so much tension. Every page holds a piece of information that keeps you enthusiastically turning the page. The ways that Hocking introduces the characters and storylines are beyond unique. The mythological aspect of this includes trolls and other creatures such as hobgoblins.

Prince’s Herald

Wednesday 19th March 2014

Interact: Making a Positive Difference By Victoria Keeble PHHS Interact has organised and hosted various fun charity events in and around the school in order to raise money for Caring Hands and Spinal Research, and they hope to hold many more events in the future! Formed in October 2013, PHHS Interact has already made its presence well-known throughout the school due to the many fundraising events it’s held, the proceeds of which go towards both their local charity, Caring Hands, and their international charity, Spinal Research, as well as other charities. Within just a few months Interact has raised money to support Macmillan Cancer Support, Children in Need and the Red Cross Hurricane Appeal, managing to gather a substantial donation and having fun while doing so! Interact’s most recent event – the Valentine’s Day appeal – was something the whole school got involved in and despite things becoming a bit hairy at the last minute, the team managed to pull together and make it a success.

Head’s Interview By Jemima Barnett & Rob Maher

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Some memorable achievements in my life include obtaining my PhD from the Medical School at Birmingham University; getting married to my wife Donna; having our children; but I have to say that I think the most significant and professional achievement has been gaining the Headship here at Prince Henry’s High School. What is your motivation and motto/mantra in life? Quite simply to do the best for my family, friends, colleagues and the people that I serve each and every day. I very much like the Prince Henry’s motto which is “Great things grow from

Interact members Georgie Carter, Charlotte Downs and myself with Diane Bennett from Caring Hands.

Interact’s local charity Caring Hands is based in Evesham and aims to give non-monetary aid to those who find themselves in difficult circumstances and the vegetable collection, which Interact carried out in December, went towards Caring Hands to help them prepare their annual Christmas dinner. Interact’s international charity Spinal Research aims to find a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and PHHS Interact is proud to have chosen such an important international charity to support in 2014. What makes Prince Henry’s Interact stand out from other clubs at the school is its diverse

range of members, since many students from across all year groups are part of the team. One of the major aims of PHHS Interact is to have a wide range of members, to allow for more communication and cooperation between different age groups to ensure that everyone has a chance to have their voice heard. The ideas and insights provided by members of various year groups have been invaluable to Interact and the group makes sure that everyone has an equal input and important role. For many, this diversity is one of their favourite things about Interact. Not only are meetings and events productive, but we also have a lot

something small”. I think my favourite motto, and I’ve used this in assembly many times, is “Play to win, but lose like a champion”. Who is your role model? You could think of a number here. If you look at the business world, you could think of Sir Alan Sugar or Sir Richard Branson. Turning to sport, there are the great Olympians such as sir Chris Hoy. In politics, you could think of Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela, and in terms of serving her community – Mother Teresa. I think the best role models in my life (and I’m going to change the question here), have been my parents. Without them, I certainly wouldn’t have got to where I am today. At times, there was a battle of minds, and I’m sure we have all had that with our parents, but they have certainly been my best role models. Would you like to be in school in 2014? Well, I am. I’m very lucky because as Headteacher, I’m fortunate to come to this school every day. But if I was a pupil in 2014, I would love to be at Prince Henry’s. Today, teenagers have everything going for them despite the challenges and pressures. School provides a safe

and secure environment to lay the foundations for a future career, and the opportunities provided now at school have never been greater. You might not realise this, but you are very fortunate to attend school in 2014. If the number of students has to increase in the coming years, what strategies will Prince Henry’s employ? Prince Henry’s is oversubscribed and of course, as you realise, the school is very full with over 1,250 students attending every day. However, should local demographics change so that we have to increase in size, we would need to talk to the government in order to provide the extra accommodation so that we could take on additional pupils. We would also need to focus upon recruiting additional teachers with the right expertise so that we can continue to provide the most appropriate curriculum for our students. What changes would you make to the education system if you were the Education Secretary? I would provide more funding for schools. State schools – especially rural schools in shire counties like Worcestershire -

Prince Henry’s High School of laughs and an immensely enjoyable time! Interact has held many events already since its formation last year, raising well over £1,000, but we hope to organise many more fund-raising occasions within the school and really make a substantial positive difference not only to the people of the Vale of Evesham through Caring Hands, but also to those affected by spinal cord injuries. The next upcoming events organised and hosted by Interact will be a tug-of -war between sixth form students and teachers on Thursday the 19th March, and ‘A Question of Sport’ in the ACE the following day. The proceeds will go towards Sports Relief, as well as PHHS Interact’s local and international charities. We hope both events will receive a large turnout and we hope both students and teachers will get into the competitive spirit and have a highly enjoyable time!

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Handing over the crown

By Leah Middleton After being on the throne for such a long period of time and being one of the most famous monarchs in the world Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II, aged 87, has started to gradually hand over some of her daily duties to the heir to the throne, her eldest son Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, now 65 years of age. Reports say that although she is allowing Charles to take up some of the responsibilities that consume her time, she will not be handing the throne over to Charles or stepping down from the throne anytime soon. This monarch has reigned for almost 61 years and intends to stay on for a while longer. With four children (Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward), eight grandchildren (William, Henry, Peter, Zara, Eugenie, Beatrice, Louise and James) and three great grand children (Savannah, Isla and George) and all of her duties she has got her hands full but she still manages her important duties as Included by kind permission of Queen. Bing images

deserve far more. On average, private schools get far more money per pupil that I receive for pupils to come to Prince Henry’s. I would like to see that funding gap narrowed, so that we have a fairer system. Our current Education Secretary, Mr Gove, wants to close the gap between the state and private sector. I believe Prince Henry’s provides an exceptional education for the funding that we receive, but I do sincerely believe that our students deserve more funding, and so long as I am Head, I will keep fighting to receive the funding that our students deserve. What would be your favourite technological advancement to be used in teaching and why? In my teaching career, I found my teaching changed enormously after I was provided with a laptop (about 12 years ago). It became easy to store lessons, enhance and develop the lessons, provide quality PowerPoints, video and media and link to the internet to get up to date information. It made a huge difference from carrying folders and files around. Technology has now moved on, and now I am fortunate to have the iPad and iPhone as small hand-held devices. I think the way in which the technological

world is advancing, I can see far more hand-held devices being used in schools in the future. Do you consider there to be any improvements on how the school is perceived by the public? We are very fortunate that the school has a highly regarded reputation already. I am very proud of the website and my colleagues who maintain this because I believe it showcases the school exceptionally well.. It is always important therefore that we remind ourselves to look very smart when we are representing Prince Henry’s, and be aware of how our image and behaviour in public can be perceived by the local community. What would be your favourite school event in the academic year? There are so many to pick from. The first day back in September is obviously a lovely day. The concerts, musicals and plays, exam results day, Speech Day; however my favourite event is the Christmas concert. It is such a magical occasion to see the talents of the students and staff come together as one, just before Christmas.

Prince’s Herald

Celebrate Earth Hour By Anna Garner, Evie Coltman & Ellen Day Earth Hour is the global lightsout event launched by the conservation team WWF to raise awareness of the possibility of climate change. There are a number of factors that cause climate change such as deforestation in parts of South America, Africa and Asia, power stations that burn fossil fuels, car engines and waste. This results in an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, ice caps melting in the North and South Poles and the loss of habitats. This is causing wild animals, such as tigers, pandas and leopards to become extinct in the wild, most of which are listed as critically endangered.

Wednesday 19th March 2014 Earth Day is a similar event, but runs slightly differently to Earth Hour. Earth Day, taking place yearly on 22 April, lasts for the entire day, where people run their homes efficiently for the day, such as recycling, turning off lights after use and walking or taking the bus rather than driving. Earth Hour, this year, is being held on 29 March 2014, beginning at 8:30pm. What will you do to make our planet a more efficient place? It could

make a real difference to our lifestyles.

On this day... By Alistair Hutton Today is 19th March. It seems an insignificant day, but what actually has happened on this day in history? On this day in 1892 Josué Jéhouda was born. He was a Russian Jew and a Swiss Zionist militant. He was also a French language writer and journalist and fought in the Jewish Legion

The idea of Earth Hour is for us to turn all our lights off, plus other electrical appliances, such as televisions, telephones and game consoles for an hour. However, candles and batterypowered appliances, such as wind-up torches can be used for light if they’re needed.

By Jessica Matthews A report released last year has stated that soldiers who join the army before the age of 18 are considerably more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder along with other mental health problems when leaving the forces. It was also mentioned that younger recruits have a higher risk of developing alcohol problems. Younger recruits can become depressed, and in worse case scenarios it can lead to

suicide. Over the past 20 years the suicide rate amongst male soldiers under 20 has been 82% higher than among civilians of the same age. This report comes from Forces Watch, who campaign for ethical recruitment in the armed forces. This argument has been going on for a while and various campaign groups have expressed their distaste at the recruitment age. They argue that the UK is one of only 19 countries that recruit young people at the age of 16. However, another point to be taken into consideration is the

fact that when people join at 16, they have two years of training in the use of equipment and what it means to be a soldier before they are sent off to a warzone. In contrast, when they join at 18, they have roughly 12 weeks of training before being sent to a warzone. Despite the difference in training time, arguments have continued to come forward. One being that 16 is still the age of a child, and that recruits at this young age have not developed enough emotionally and socially. Another campaign group, Child Soldiers International have

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in WWI. He lived to the age of 74 and interestingly also died on the 19th March 1966. Norman Haworth was a British chemist and Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1937 for his “investigations on carbohydrates and Vitamin C”. He was born in 1883 and died in 1950 on his birthday. He was knighted in 1947, but due to an ancient rule, he (like all other knights) lost his knighthood on the event of his death. Three very notable people share a birthday today. The late Tommy Cooper (famous comedian and magician), the late David Livingstone (medical pioneer and African explorer) and Gary Jules (American singer -songwriter) were all born on the 19th March. Pope Clement XI is a notable person who died on this day in 1721. In 1649, the House of Commons passed an act that temporarily abolished the House of Lords declaring it “useless and dangerous to the people of England”.

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Campaigners call to increase army recruitment age

Prince Henry’s High School

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Hungary. However exactly one year later (1945), Hitler was forced to order the Nero Decree which ordered German citizens to destroy anything that may be of use to Allied forces when they invaded. In 1962, Bob Dylan released his first studio album entitled “Bob Dylan” on the Columbia Record Label.

In 1944, Nazi forces occupied

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written to the Ministry of Defence, calling for them to raise the joining age from 16.

and searches at her home on Heworth Road.

The recruitment age is currently still 16, and may well to stay that way.

Clues about missing chef

The forensic work has extracted unidentified fingerprints in her house in York and a man's DNA found on a cigarette end in her car, both of which detectives believe may belong to whoever abducted Lawrence.

Detectives now believe that she By Tabitha Byrd Detectives searching for the 35 was murdered and an appeal was year-old Claudia Lawrence, a shown on Crimewatch at chef from York who went 9:30pm on Wednesday evening. missing five years ago, say that they have found new lines of inquiry but still no prime suspect. Image below with kind permisNorth Yorkshire Police say her sion of BBC News mobile phone was deliberately turned off the day after she disappeared in 2009. While their new major crime unit has been assessing the case, and have carried out new forensic work Image below with kind permission of BBC News

Prince’s Herald

Wednesday 19th March 2014

The Cloak of Invisibility By Charlotte Brown & Rob Maher Different methods of achieving invisibility have been around for centuries in fictional stories, myths and folklore. From Hade‟s cap of invisibility to Harry Potter‟s own cloak of invisibility, mankind seems to have been fixated with the seemingly impossible task of becoming invisible. With regard to this once fictional idea, as the famous philosopher Lewis Mumford once said, “if

modern science has taught mankind at least one lesson: nothing is impossible”. It now appears he was quite possibly right. This new method, in a style not dissimilar from Harry Potter in fact, has taken the form of an invisibility cloak. The cloak itself is made out of a new artificial material dubbed a “metamaterial”. Remarkably, this is able to bend electromagnetic radiation around an object, thus making the physical object appear invisible. The first fully functioning

invisibility cloak was made and tested in October 2006 where a small cylinder was cloaked. It was a resounding success. There was, however, one fundamental flaw. It was only undetectable or „invisible‟ with microwaves. To the naked eye in visible light, the cylinder was painstakingly obvious; on specific metamaterials can be invisible in specific frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. Recently, nevertheless, scientists inspired by metamaterials in the UK have managed to unlock the secrets to invisibility and successfully found the right

Prince Henry’s High School material, naturally occurring calcite crystals, to make a paperclip truly invisible to the human eye. This has inevitably led to breakthroughs in many areas. Metamaterials and calcite crystals are not only making invisibility cloaks a reality, but are revolutionising technology as we know it: from building better broadband connections and optical fibres, to developing new Smartphone lenses to use for the much loved “selfie”. It now seems that invisibility is not just limited to sneaking around Hogwarts in the middle of the night looking for forbidden mirrors and bumping into a three headed dog called Fluffy. Included with kind permission of The Evehsham Journal.

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Is the Abbey Bridge done? Not quite… By Alistair Hutton The Abbey Bridge re-opened a couple of weeks ago after a nine month closure that was planned only to be 10 weeks. But is the bridge really done? Work men are still working on and around the bridge, with one lane going out of town still closed. The traffic lights are not in use and temporary lights are still in place. The congestion out of town is still terrible and has only moved from Mill Street to Abbey Bridge. The question is though, when will the bridge really be

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Talk About a Wet Weekend! By Tabitha Byrd The B231on the Somerset Levels was engulfed by flood water and so consequently closed in mid-December and has now finally reopened. The road has been inspected by Council highways officers and was reopened last Friday at 5:00pm.

traffic lights in order to protect the carriageway and allow motorists to pass safely. A further inspection will take place early this week and the temporary traffic lights will be removed as soon as the remaining water has receded and the road judged to be safe, according to the Council. The Environment Agency‟s severe flood warning (meaning

before a sweeping and cleaning operation covered the 1.5 mile section of carriageway. The council, however, have said that the road closure on the A372 Langport Road will remain in place this week for the removal of the flood pumps. With improving weather conditions the large temporary pumps are no longer needed.

Solar Power for Uganda School By Tabitha Byrd Most rural schools in Uganda do not have any mains electricity or other reliable power supplies, leaving them cut off from learning from and about modern technology. Flood water that covered the A361 road. Included with kind permission of BBC News

The residents in the area saw their homes cut off and experienced long diversions to get to and from their homes as a result of the closure. There is, however, still some water on a short stretch of the B231 and the Somerset County Council has installed temporary

danger to life) on the A361 was removed from between East Lyng and Burrowbridge on the 10th March. The clear-up of the A361 started last Monday with the removal of fallen trees and the cutting back of damaged vegetation. Around 30 tonnes of used sandbags were removed

However, a project serving rural schools in Uganda is taking a direct approach to this problem. This project is run by an education charity, the Maendeleo Foundation, and uses the abundant African sun to provide electricity for mobile outdoor classrooms, using portable solar panels. This is a relatively low-tech answer to a hi-tech gap.

A sturdy Jeep drives to these schools, in rotation, each week rural schools with solar panels and reaches about 2,000 pupils. attached. These are not roads like any motorway, but earthen tracks, pressed down by Included with kind permission vehicles, villagers, goats, cattle of and plenty of vegetation. This means that each journey to a school is a slow progress. When the Jeep arrives at a school, an instant pop-up, mobile classroom is provided. It consists of a tent, chairs, desks and enough laptops for the class. The solar panels allow a computer lesson to last for several hours. The foundation currently has two Jeeps, each going to five A rural school in Uganda that is a part of the project. Included with kind permission of BBC News

Prince’s Herald

Wednesday 19th March 2014

A Potential Cure for Blindness By Victoria Keeble US researchers have enabled lab rats to develop a ‘sixth sense’ by giving them a brain implant that allows them to detect infra-red light. Could this be applied to humans to allow blind people to regain sight? At Duke University in North Carolina enabled lab rats to sense infra-red light by fitting them with an infra-red detector that was connected to microscopic electrodes, which were implanted into the rats’ brains. Infra-red light is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum which is normally invisible to mammals, but a lot of reptiles use infra-red vision, such as snakes. However, with the implants the rats were able to seek out and identify the invisible light source, meaning that they could effectively “see” in the infra-red spectrum. Although rats have a much simpler brain than humans, a rat’s brain has the same basic structure and circuitry, so the possibility of developing this

European Elections: Why They Matter To You By Tom Parkin On 22nd May, Britain, along with twenty seven other EU member states, will have the opportunit y to elect representatives to take their seats at Brussels in the new European Parliament. But what is the likely outcome and how will it make a difference to our lives? This election, however remote it may seem, will affect the political landscape of the entire continent as we approach a crucial period of economic uncertainty. The new parliament which is set to last until 2019, will be responsible for engineering the political strategy of over one billion people – this includes you. To break this down, the May elections will help to determine what Europe will be striving to achieve as one united force. This means that any changes made over the next five years will affect all aspects of your life from the price of your texts to your health and quality of wellbeing.

Prince Henry’s High School

The wedding bells ring for gay marriage

How a snake would see a mouse. Included by kind permission of

ability to detect infra-red light for use in humans is being explored by scientists. If the implants worked in the human brain, people with loss of sight would be able to see in the infra-red spectrum – they would be able to “see” the heat signatures of objects and so identify them. Another major discovery of the rat experiment was that the rats’ normal ability to feel was unaffected by its new ability to detect infra-red light. This could mean that parts of a rat’s brain could be reprogrammed to perform many new functions while still being able to perform their normal functions. In

relation to humans, the researchers that led this infra-red experiment said that in the future brain implants such as the ones they used on the rats could be used to give animals and humans that ability to see in any part of the electromagnetic spectrum and even “see” magnetic fields.

By Alistair Hutton In July 2013, the parliament of the UK ruled that same sex marriages would become legal and commonplace in England and Wales by 2014. On March 13th, gay marriages became legal with the first ceremony to take

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and a guesthouse owner. Andrew Wale and Neil Allard have said they don’t want to wait a second longer than they need to. They are due to be married just after midnight on the 29th of March. The couple have been together for 7 years and say it is a “privilege” to be the first samesex couple to be married in the Royal Pavilion.

Scientists are hoping that Included by kind permission of eventually brain implants can be developed for humans that allow motion to be restored to the paralysed and sight to the blind, place on the 29th of March. The "I feel so lucky to live in a along with increasing the range Scottish Parliament passed the country where human rights and same law in February 2014 and equality are moving in the right of human sensory perception. received Royal Assent on the 12th direction, and in a city with such of March. The first gay marriages an impressive history of tolerance in Scotland are expected to take and inclusion," Andrew Wale said. He continued by saying "To place in the autumn of 2014. Despite the positive reaction that be the first same-sex couple to most of the UK population has have the opportunity to be given in response to the passing married here is a great privilege. of these laws, the Northern We are very excited to be a small Ireland Executive has stated that it part of this huge step forward." does not intend to introduce Stonewall are a major lesbian, legislation allowing for same-sex gay and bisexual rights charity and have marked this new law as marriage in Northern Ireland. Included by kind permission of the BBC. In contrast to the majority of the “an historic moment for lesbian, UK now legalising gay marriage, gay and bisexual people, their So where is the political spending. division? Who is standing and what do each of the parties Liberal Democrats: The Liberal endorse as policy? Democrats are the only party which offer their complete Labour: That a referendum on support to staying within the Britain’s membership of the union. Again, like Labour, Nick union would only take place if Clegg (leader) acknowledges any more powers were that an increase in public transferred from Westminster to spending is the only option to Brussels. Labour also support lead Britain along with the rest of the idea of an increase in public the continent out of intense spending to specific areas in recession. order to stimulate the European Included by kind permission of economy which would result in Polls predict that 2014 is the year the development of long term where far right parties such as families and their friends.” They economic growth and the United Kingdom the USA are still predominantly also posted on the charity’s expansion. Independence Party will make outlawing homosexual website that “This Act will mean enormous gains. However, with marriages. Only 18 of the 52 that, for the first time, children Conservative: David Cameron two months until the ballot states currently allow same sex growing up to be gay in England and the Conservatives have boxes open, many polls support marriages with the remaining 32 and Wales will have full equality proposed that a renegotiation of the prospect of huge Labour states either entirely banning in law. We can now proudly Britain’s position within the gains from the Conservatives them or refusing to perform them claim to be a beacon to the world union would take place before and their coalition partners, the themselves. Despite the poor number of states which allow gay for gay equality.” Moving any referendum was held. Liberal Democrats. marriages, recent opinion polls forward, many gay couples will look forward to exchanging their UKIP: For a referendum on the Whatever the result, Europe is show that 33 of the US states vows in the beginning of a complete withdrawal from the sure to see groundbreaking new have a majority who are in favour beautiful and life-long European Union and other cross changes as we enter a new phase of same sex marriages. One of the very first gay commitment as already enjoyed country affiliations as well as a marriages to take place in the UK by many throughout the world. 40% increase in defence will be between a Brighton actor

Prince’s Herald

Children Of War By Jessica Matthews In recent months the violence in the Central African Republic has escalated massively. The United Nations have said that this is posing a threat to the children of the area. Since this increase in brutality two children have been beheaded and thousands of children as young as seven have been recruited as soldiers. Sixteen deaths have been verified by the United Nations since the chaos began in the capital of Bangui. Tragically, many other young children have been injured in the violence. The Central African Republic fell into chaos after a coalition of rebels named Seleka overthrew President Francois Bozizé in March last year, this is just the latest in a sequence of attacks against the government since the nation gained independence. The rebels accused Bozizé of withdrawing from a peace deal, and ordered him to step down. Months before the president stepped down, both sides had made a deal to form a unity government led by the President. However when the rebel coalition made its way toward the capital, the deal broke down,

The Slippery Slope of Genetic Engineering By Charlotte Brown & George Claridge Biotechnology and other biomedical areas of science have been rapidly advancing over the past decade. From being able to create artificial tracheas, the first of which was transplanted into a cancer patient in 2011; to a gel dubbed “Anti-HIV Gel” being produced for women, said to reduce the chance of infection of HIV up to 54%. However these technological advances are not just limited to modern medicine. In agriculture the pressure to produce livestock with the highest yield is extremely high. Typically, selective breeding methods are used to breed offspring with all the desirable traits. Although more recently another avenue has been explored cloning. While being very controversial, it is just the next step in producing even higher yield animal produce at a much faster rate. Typically the method of cloning used is embryo splitting, where a multicellular embryo is split at an early stage of development to

Wednesday 19th March 2014

Prince Henry’s High School

and then the rebels finally infiltrated the capital Bangui, which caused Bozizé to flee to Cameroon. Since this ordeal, the political turmoil has raged on, and this brutal violence has spread, influencing many lives, and causing the deaths of many adults and young children. The United Nations is now becoming more concerned as the death total rises. They believe there is risk of genocide. The main concern is however for the children whom are being forced to fight by the rebels. Should these children refuse to fight it can result in their deaths or even the death of family members. Late last year, the U.N. said the number of child soldiers in the nation had doubled to 6,000 as violence escalated. These children have to endure physical and psychological hardship from young ages. Souleymane Diabate, a UNICEF representative within the Central African Republic has said “We are witnessing generate identical offspring. This would obviously mean that instead of just one “elite” offspring being produced there are four. Are we unwittingly drinking and eating cloned produce? The answer to this is yes. The EU and the USA allow cloned produce to be manufactured and sold, without any form of labelling stating that it was from cloned animals. What other interesting things are scientists up to nowadays? There seems to be a lot of interest in transgenic animals (animals which have had part of their DNA replaced by another section of code). For example, they have engineered cows that produce milk with human proteins in it, sheep that have pharmaceutical chemicals in their milk, and goats which produce spiders silk in their milk as well. It is not just the milk scientists are interested in; they also like producing animals as disease models, the most wellknown of which is the “Harvard Mouse” that carries a gene which promotes the development of various human cancers, so that they carry out treatments upon them.

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unprecedented levels of violence against children. More and more children are being recruited into armed groups, and they are also being directly targeted in atrocious revenge attacks.” However for now the chaos continues.

access to housing benefits from April this year. Cabinet ministers said: "No longer can people come here from abroad and expect to get something for nothing." They said immigration had made a "tremendously rich contribution to our country, both culturally

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and in terms of the talent it brings - but it must be controlled". Home Secretary, Theresa May, and Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, explained that this would prevent the exploitation of the UK welfare system. Unemployed immigrants will also only be able to claim unemployment benefits for a mere six months, unless they have a "genuine" chance of work. Labour said it was "supportive" of the idea but requested for more details of the policy. A three-month ban on claims for out-of-work benefits came into force in January this year, after the restrictions on Bulgarians and Romanians working in the UK were eased at the beginning of the year.

Benefit Ban for Unemployed Migrants By Tabitha Byrd Senior government ministers warned that unemployed immigrants from within the European Union will be denied Is this all fair? There are many religious and animal rights movements which are set against animal testing. One of the most common arguments against animal testing comes from the Bible (Genesis 1:28) in which God says: “Have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”This emphasises the fact that we are the stewards of God’s earth and all his creations. Is it right and fair that we use animals to scientifically experiment and manipulate them to benefit us? Biotechnology and other biomedical areas of science have been rapidly advancing over the past decade. From being able to create artificial tracheas, the first of which was transplanted into a cancer patient in 2011; to a gel dubbed “Anti-HIV Gel” being produced for women, said to reduce the chance of infection of HIV up to 54%. However these technological advances are not just limited to modern medicine. In agriculture the pressure to produce livestock with the highest yield is extremely high. Typically, selective breeding methods are used to breed

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offspring with all the desirable traits. Although more recently another avenue has been explored cloning. While being very controversial, it is just the next step in producing even higher yield animal produce at a much faster rate. Typically the method of cloning used is embryo splitting, where a multicellular embryo is split at an early stage of development to generate identical offspring. This would obviously mean that instead of just one “elite” offspring being produced there are four. Are we unwittingly drinking and eating cloned produce? The answer to this is yes. The EU and the USA allow cloned produce to be manufactured and sold, without any form of labelling stating that it was from cloned animals. What other interesting things are scientists up to nowadays? There seems to be a lot of interest in transgenic animals (animals which have had part of their DNA replaced by another section of code). For example, they have engineered cows that produce milk with human proteins in it, sheep that have pharmaceutical chemicals in their milk, and goats which

produce spiders silk in their milk as well. It is not just the milk scientists are interested in; they also like producing animals as disease models, the most wellknown of which is the “Harvard Mouse” that carries a gene which promotes the development of various human cancers, so that they carry out treatments upon them. Is this all fair? There are many religious and animal rights movements which are set against animal testing. One of the most common arguments against animal testing comes from the Bible (Genesis 1:28) in which God says: “Have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”This emphasises the fact that we are the stewards of God’s earth and all his creations. Is it right and fair that we use animals to scientifically experiment and manipulate them to benefit us?

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Prince’s Herald

Fashion on a budget

Wednesday 19th March 2014 times and thrown away it’s a great way to keep up with the latest trends and not spend all of your money on the clothes.

By Leah Middleton This season is all about the 60’s as designers combine the much loved 60’s style with the latest vintage looks, but with prices over the one hundred pound mark, many of us can’t afford to splash out on these styles. So why not try and achieve all the latest looks at a price that won’t damage your pocket. This season’s styles explore the soft baby pinks and sky blues as designers attempt to get the new sixties look under way. Included by kind permission of As a modern spin on the old fashion style many of the patterns are used on more modern fabrics. Most of the designers have lost the high collar design and included v- necks and peter pan style collars. Flower designs and tie dye styles express the sixties styles in such a way that designers combine these styles with the modern look of bright colours. Cheaper brands which give you the same value but don’t empty your pockets from £15.00 from stores such as New Look from clothes that keep and £3.00 from Primark for fashion that can be worn a couple of

BRITS Pull in Lowest Rating Since it Became Televised Live By Alistair Hutton The BRITS hit our screens again on the 19th of February, and following the huge success of the 2013 BRITS the hopes were high for this years to be even better. This year the show was once again presented by James Corden who has said that this BRIT Awards will be his final as the lead presenter.

her mother a cushion. Alistair Hutton Alistair will buy his mother some marmite chocolates. Tabitha Byrd Tabitha will buy her mother some flowers and she is going to

make her dinner and a cup of tea. James Noble James will buy his mother some

Louisa Davis Louisa is going to cook a meal for her parents and she has made

The British Male solo artist award was presented by Noel Gallagher and the nominations were Jake Bugg, David Bowie, James Blake, John Newman, and Tom Odell. The award was won by David Bowie. The counterpart award for the British female was presented by Prince. The nominations were Jessie J, Birdy, Ellie Goulding, Laura Mvula and Laura Marling. The award was won by Ellie Goulding who also performed “Burn” and “I need your love” during the course of the night. The British Group award was presented by Lily Allen and the nominations were Rudimental, One Direction, Arctic Monkeys, Bastille and Disclosure. The award went to Arctic Monkeys. The International Group was presented by Cesc Fàbregas and Nicole Scherzinger and was won chocolates and make his mother breakfast in bed. Rob Maher Rob and his sister will take their mother out for a meal and buy

Why do we celebrate Mother’s Day? By Garner, Evie Coltman and Ellen Day This year, Mother’s Day will be celebrated on 30th March. Mother’s Day is celebrated in order to honour and show gratitude to our mothers and was first celebrated in the eighteenth century in England, when child slaves had one day a year reserved for them to be with their mothers and give them presents such as flowers. In the USA, Mother’s Day was not officially recognised as a holiday until c.1915. What are you doing for Mother’s Day?

The award had once again been redesigned, this time by the Irish designer Phillip Treacy who said his inspiration for the new award appearance was a genre of music that he felt was British, that genre being Punk. He designed the award with a black, glossy finish with a black and white hat that symbolises a Mohawk.

her some flowers, chocolates and wine. Ellen Day Ellen and her brother will try and

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Prince Henry’s High School by Daft Punk, however Nile Rodgers – Who collaborated with them on their popular song “Get Lucky” – collected the award on their behalf. The British Breakthrough Act award was presented by Fearne Cotton and Tinie Tempah, and in their second nomination for an award, Bastille won. The British Single of the year award was then presented by Katy Perry, who also performed her song “Dark Horse” on the night and was won by Rudimental for their single “Waiting all night” that also featured Ella Eyre.

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awards of the night are the Critics’ Choice awards and the MasterCard British album of the year. Only three artists were shortlisted for the Critics’ Choice award, Ella Eyre, Chlöe Howl and Sam Smith. The winner was Sam Smith. The Arctic Monkeys were presented with their second award of the night by Emeli Sandé when they won the MasterCard British Album. Overall, viewing figures for the night were only 4.2 with a peak of just 5 million compared to an average of 6.5 million last year with a peak of 7.5 million.

The awards for International Male Solo artist and International Female Solo artist were then presented by Kylie Minogue and Nick Grimshaw respectively and were won by the artists Bruno Mars and Lorde. Bruno Mars also performed “Treasure” during the evening. A new award was added this year, that being the British Video award. One Direction were the first to win this award for their video of “Best Song Ever” and were presented with the award by Jimmy Carr. Arguable the most prestigious be well-behaved for their mother and they will buy her some flowers.

How A Cat Named Bob Performed A Miracle By Evie Coltman In 2007 James Bowen lived in sheltered accommodation. He was a recovering drug addict and had been homeless for some time. One day he found an injured cat curled up on a step. He named the cat Bob and nursed it back to health. Bowen found that the cat followed him everywhere and the pair became well known in London, attracting the interest of a literary agent. In the last two years, Bowen has written three books about the cat that helped him overcome his drug addiction. The books: A Street Cat Named Bob, The

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World According To Bob and the children’s book: Bob: No Ordinary Cat have sold 1,082,025 copies altogether. “It’s incredible,” said Bowen, aged 35. “When I first saw Bob I never thought this is where I’d be today.” A Street Cat Named Bob was first published in March 2012 and has been in the UK top 10 best sellers list for the last two years. It has sold in 30 different countries including US, Brazil, Portugal, Turkey and Germany where it has also topped the best sellers list. “I think I’ve opened people’s eyes to things they never understood.” said Bowen. Bob’s story is to be made into a film and Bowen is currently working on a new series of children’s books. He lives in a rented flat but is buying his own property soon. “Lots of artistic people have cats.” added Bowen “Cats don’t have a master, and artists feel that way too sometimes. A person can find a cat their muse. Bob is my muse.

Prince’s Herald

A live dog, Public Enemy Number One, two Chinese gamblers . . . Anything Goes! By Louisa Davis Anything Goes tells the comedic story of a somewhat motley group of passengers aboard the S.S. American, sailing from New York to England. Included amongst them are a gangster

Wednesday 19th March 2014 (Moonface Martin), a wealthy debutante and her mother (Hope and Evangeline Harcourt), a nightclub singer/evangelist (Reno Sweeny), and a wealthy New York businessman and his stowaway assistant (Elisha Witney and Billy Crocker). Billy has stowed away aboard the ship to persuade Hope, who he met in a taxi, to marry him. Unfortunately, she is now engaged to a wealthy Englishman, Lord Evelyn Oakleigh. After a series of comedic happenings, Billy

manages to win back Hope. Meanwhile, Billy's friend, Reno, manages to seduce and win Lord Evelyn. All this happens while Moonface Martin attempts to escape the law and Hope's mother strives to maintain her social status. Having been treated to an advance viewing, I can safely say that Anything Goes is one of the best school productions that I have seen. Georgia Chandler in the starring role of Reno Sweeny gives the performance of her life,

Prince Henry’s High School in a dazzling array of costumes ranging from a red sequinned evening gown to a short, sailorstyle dress. Her shining moment comes in an early solo, „I Get a Kick Out of You,‟ where Reno declares her feelings for Billy (Brad Nash), despite knowing that he only sees her as a friend. Year 11 Brad Nash was perhaps a surprising choice for the lead male role of Billy, but shines in duets with both Reno and Hope, showing off his range with some very comfortable sounding high notes, and great chemistry with other members of the cast, most notably Year 12 Gigi George as Hope. Tom Watson (Moonface Martin) and Tom Simpson (Lord Evelyn Oakleigh) provide some hilarious moments of comedy in their respective solos „Be Like the Bluebird‟ and „The Gypsy in Me‟, exhibiting a great sense of comedic timing and a strong flair for the dramatic.

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really know their harmonies – for perhaps the first time in a PHHS production. Under the musical direction of Mr Bullas, Cole Porter‟s original music takes on a personality of its own, each song adding to the story told in its own distinct way. Another first for a Prince Henrys‟ show is the live dog – Moses – who is bound to be a favourite of the audience. He plays the role of Cheeky, belonging to Mrs Evangeline Harcourt (Olivia Gittens), and makes several cameo appearances throughout. Overall, Anything Goes is one of the best musicals that Prince Henry‟s has produced in recent years; under the direction of Mrs Cooke, each member of the cast shines in their own individual role, and the all-singing, alldancing ensemble are certainly not relegated to the background. It is a show to be proud for all involved, and is sure to be enjoyed by any who watch it.

The live band, featuring solos from Alex Browne on trumpet and Jamie Davis on trombone, provide a fantastic accompaniment to some very strong soloists, and a chorus who

Book Review By Ellie Steel and Laura Kelsall The Everest Files written by Matt Dickinson Matt Dickinson, who has climbed up the North Face of Mount Everest, whilst making a film has created a dramatic, spine chilling novel of his adventures called The Everest Files. This thoughtful thriller describes the dark side of the mountain and the dangers that you may come across whilst reaching your dreams of conquering the mountain.

gap year, who is called Ryan Hart. Ryan is an ordinary eighteen year old boy, who is working for a medical charity, when a local girl begs him to investigate the mystery of a sixteen year old girl, who climbed Everest and never returned. As Ryan independently takes a journey into the mountains, where he begins to work out what has happened to the mystery missing girl, there emerges a shocking tale, full of lies, betrayal and obsession. We recommend this book.

Set on the dangerous, beautiful mountain, the author could not have chosen a more dramatic setting for the basis of the story. Linking into Matt Dickinson‟s adventure, mountaineering up the world‟s largest mountain in 1996, he has followed up his brilliant Mortal Chaos trilogy by creating The Everest Files. The book becomes extremely enticing as soon as you open the first page, as the characters‟ personalities are introduced. The novel begins by showing the country of Nepal through the eyes of an American student on a

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Assassins Creed IV Review By Jay Harris Within Ubisoft saying that they were going to release another assassin‟s creed people around the world were either glad, or annoyed that they were releasing another. My first opinion on the new game was that it would be boring, because they would be running out of material to do a new storyline. I also thought that the multiplayer mode would be worse than it already was, and that there would be no new downloadable content for the game. After a week of its release I finally decided from the trailer and game play tutorials that this may be an “ok” game to play, so I bought the game to see what it was like. After an hour of playing I had finally made my overall decision on the game. Not only had Ubisoft made a very good game, but they had improved it. A lot of the game was focused upon graphics and its naval warfare which had made the overall game layout much better. I am a very large assassin‟s creed lover, so my general thought on all of the games are that they shouldn‟t be rushed and

Included by kind permission of: Ubisoft should focus more on the graphics and multiplayer, but obviously implement a better storyline. With the free-running you were able to climb trees. With the game having so many ways to move around, or escape an area trees added more to the game, because you could use them to be able to create new ways to escape. Finally the storyline. Ubisoft had a deadline, like most companies making games, but Ubisoft‟s deadline gave them less time to actually make the game, so in the time they had the storyline was much better than any of the others I had played. Even though they had cut off the “Desmond Miles” storyline there were bits of the game that show Desmond Miles and certain parts of previous games which made fans

much happier that they hadn‟t totally gotten rid of it. The storyline inside of the animus was also much more of an improvement upon the series. Above the fact that you were a pirate you could fight along with other famous pirates from pirate folklore tales, which influenced the game greatly as you would see which of these characters would be an ally, or an enemy. To conclude my general thoughts on the game I think it is one of the best games I have possibly played and other people should play it too. The graphics were amazing, and the storyline and the multiplayer were also rather good. This game is an improvement to the series and is enjoyed by the fans of the game.

Prince’s Herald

Wednesday 19th March 2014

Non-Stop Film Review By Jay Harris Non-Stop is a film in which an air marshal (Liam Neeson) that is an alcoholic and has lost a family member (his daughter) and is taking an everyday flight as part of his job to London, but something on the plane is wrong. Someone breached his private network on his phone, and is threatening to kill someone every 20 minutes, unless he deposits $150 million into his account. Lost and confused the air marshal is being threatened by his boss and is being accused of being a terrorist planning to hijack a plane. The air marshal soon discovers a bomb on the plane, and the countdown is rolling, and he is not able to disarm it, so is everyone going to die, or will he manage to save them in a mysterious turn of events. In my opinion I thought the film was well thought out, and the twist at the end is very shocking to the audience, but nonetheless still very good. Action films these days seem to be getting worse,

Your Daily and Annual Horoscopes. By Alistair Hutton Your Daily Horoscopes: Aries (March 21st – April 20th): Take life as it comes today and leave yourself plenty of time for social activities. Friends will pop by when you least expect them, so don't tie yourself down to too many things. Group activities are good for you – and enjoyable too. Taurus (April 21st – May 21st): Financial matters continue to require your attention. You might be trying to secure the longterm future or possibly trying to pay off a debt. It is also likely that someone (possibly a younger relative) will require you to challenge them. Gemini (May 22nd – June 21st): If you are the kind of Gemini who thinks about the meaning of life you will discover something of

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but the genre “Who Dunn It” and hack „n‟ slash made an overall decent film. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will probably buy it when it is released on DVD. One problem I have with the film is the age rating, much like Robocop there was quite a bit of violence in the film and I think nowadays what is considered a 12 rated film should be a 15, because of the violence and swearing, or any other reference that may be seen as offensive. But otherwise I didn‟t see many flaws with the film. I would recommend this film to anyone that is 12 years

interest over the next 24 hours. It may sound a bit unusual and way out but don‟t dismiss it out of hand. There‟s wisdom there. Cancer (June 22nd – July 23rd): A much brighter mood prevails, and you could find the energy to tackle tasks that really ought to be done on a daily basis, but which have been left aside for the last few days. The assistance of someone older may be helpful. Leo (July 24th – August 23rd): You‟ll be faced with more than one situation today that challenges you to think about the way you deal with people you live and work with. What you most need to learn is that compromise is not only possible but an absolute necessity. Virgo (August 24th – September 23rd): You may now be involved in a project which means stripping something back to basics. The assistance of a designer who understands the need

old, or anyone that likes a mystery, or action film.

Games Survey By Jay Harris I asked 40 people what their favourite games were and the results of the survey were interesting. Commonly the most

to preserve the past may be a help to you. However working within a budget could prove difficult. Libra (September 24th – October 23rd): Though you may now have the answers to some important questions, you may still be some way off making decisions. Discussion about new deadlines could take place. Contact with the world of the arts in probable and could offer some balance to the day. Scorpio (October 24th – November 22nd): The most important thing today is that you resolve any differences of opinion you might have with loved ones and family members. You may disagree on minor issues but overall you are still very much on the same wavelength. Build on that. Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st): Travel is on your mind and even if you can‟t get away right now you will be making plans for the summer.

Prince Henry’s High School favoured games in the world seem to be an FPS game (first person shooter). Games like Call Of Duty, or Battlefield get the most sales, and are played very often unlike most other games. Obviously this is only a sample of 40 people, but by using 40 people I have found out that the most favoured game is clearly Indie games, with a high score of 10. Ever since the first Call of Duty came out, first person shooter games have hit the storm, with masses of sales, but since Minecraft was released Indie games have been extremely popular for the last few years, as well as first person shooter games. Through viewing other surveys I have noticed that first person shooters and Indie games

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Newsday Birthdays: Today’s the day!

By Laura Kelsall, Ellie Steel and Sian Bird. Hollie Downey 10W and Liberty Scarpellini 10W celebrate their birthdays today! Both have turned fifteen on the 19th of March 2014- today! Hollie Downey: Have you done anything so far for your birthday? Yes, at the weekend I went to see Wicked as a surprise birthday treat. My parents drove me to see the show in the West End. What are your plans for today? Tonight, I am going to my Nan‟s house and we are having a special dinner. My family are also coming round tonight to celebrate with me. What have you asked for, for your birthday? I am not expecting much for my birthday, I have asked for my bedroom to be redecorated, with new desks and other furniture. Though, as I have already seen Wicked, I have had my main present. What was Wicked like? Wicked was amazing as I had always wanted to see it. When I found out I had tickets I was very excited, I was over the moon with excitement! Do you like having your birthday on school days? No I would Don‟t make plans just for prefer to have my birthday on a yourself – make plans for weekend as I could be with my loved ones too. Surprise friends and family at home. Althem with a mystery though I like to see my friends, vacation. and get lots of presents from them Capricorn at school. (December 22nd – Liberty Scarpellini: January 20th): You What are your plans for today? have started many new Tonight, I am going out for a meal things in recent weeks but with my family, though the venue now you need to decide will be a surprise, as I do not know which of your many where we are going to eat. projects is worth carrying Are you having a party? No I on with. am not having a party; instead I Aquarius (January am spending time with my family. 21st – February Luckily, my friends will treat me 19th): You could be at school by bringing in presents exceptionally busy and and possibly a cake. required to undertake What presents have you asked several short journeys. You for? I have not asked for anything might also find yourself at specific, I am mainly expecting odds with a close friend. It money from my family, to spend could be that they need on clothes. I am not sure what my your help and simply friends will buy me as I have not cannot focus on anything discussed it with them. other than their own Do you like having your birthproblems presently. day on a school day? No I would Pisces (February rather be at home on my birthday, 20th – March 20th): to be with my family or to go Your imagination shopping with my friends to buy will get the better of you new clothes. today, and that‟s no bad thing. You do some of your best work when you shut yourself off from the “real” world, so by all means let your mind‟s eye roam free.

Prince’s Herald

Wednesday 19th March 2014

strong defence and a fast attack heavy rain is predicted between which meant we won the match. these hours. So far we have had a good start On Friday rain is predicted to start at 9am which will be on and to the netball season winning a off during the day which may few matches and we are hopeful leave a chance of a rainbow as By Sian Bird, Ellie Steel to improve as the season the sun will be out during most and Laura Kelsall progresses. We have only played of the day. After 9pm all rain is indoor cricket so far and been predicted to end and a cloudy very successful as a team due to night will lie ahead. the fact we have 3 County Most will wake to heavy rain on Cricket players on our team; Saturday morning but around Catherine Vose, Bethany Powell 9am the rain will clear up and and Rachel Fenny. So far Year 9 we will be left sun and cloud but are a year group with some the brief appearance of the sun is Included by kind permission of sporting potential and we have short lived as rain will be Miss Mifflin and Mrs athletics and rounders to look appearing at noon staying until Heywood forward to in the summer and all 6pm, when sun and clouds will appear and we will have a dry At Prince Henry‟s there are of the above sports next year. night ahead of us. many talented young athletes, from hockey to netball and The Four Day cricket to football, there is Forecast something for everybody! The Year 9 hockey team were By Leah Middleton very strong this year with key The weather for Wednesday 19th players like Catherine Vose, March 2014, starts as a warm Lucy G Smith and Tegan day with sun, but then gradually Included by kind permission of Trowbridge securing a good cools down throughout the day game and making us hopeful for to leave a cold night with highs some good results. The football of 8°. Hull City Name team have only had one match Thursday morning starts as a Change Set To Be cloudy day with highs of only so far but are hoping to have 11° but then as the day Rejected more in the summer. In the one progresses it turns into a rain By James Noble match we played in, we had a storm as from 2pm until 7pm as The last couple of days have

Prince Henry’s Year 9 Girls all round sport achievers

What Do We Think Of England’s World Cup Chances? By James Noble The World Cup is fast approaching, and if there‟s a major international tournament on the horizon and England are involved, you can guarantee there will be almost constant debate regarding what we can hope for throughout the media. But what do we think? A survey of 40 people, including 34 PHHS students, looked to find out how far the majority of people felt England would get in the showpiece event this summer.

Final: 2.5% Winner: 2.5% The results seem to suggest a degree of optimism, as 75% of those who took part believe England will progress from what is a tough group, which will see us face Italy, Uruguay and Costa Rica. 20% believe we may even get to the semi-finals. However, it appears that few believe we will reach the final or win the tournament and a hefty 25% believe we won‟t make it out of the group. There is, though, a reasonable amount of confidence represented here.

Here are the results: Group Stage: 25% Round of 16: 22.5% Quarter-Finals: 25% Semi-Finals: 20% 3rd Place: 2.5%

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Rosberg Victory Suggests Times Are Changing In F1 By James Noble The eagerly awaited curtain opener for the 2014 F1 season did not disappoint. The Melbourne Grand Prix provided no shortage of drama as well as perhaps giving us a taste of what may be to come in what is viewed as a new era for the sport. The new turbo-charged 1.6 litre V6 engines have replaced the somewhat familiar roar of the old V8 engines with a slightly gentler grumbling. The new engines also host a number of energy-saving devices in order to make F1 greener. Some involved in the sport, including Bernie Ecclestone, don‟t approve of what they may well view as a breaking of tradition. One big change that these engines do make is that it is expected that the engines themselves will be the deciding factors in terms of car performance, as opposed to aerodynamics. It is this fact that has made the Mercedespowered teams favourites and has led to much doubt over the

Prince Henry’s High School

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provided a new development in It is viewed by many as another the long running and example of a foreign owner controversial story regarding a biting off more than he can chew potential name change for Hull at a football club. Cardiff City City A.F.C, as news broke on owner Vincent Tan also became Monday evening that the FA had widely unpopular amongst his been advised by its membership club‟s supporters by changing committee to refuse the formal the club‟s famous blue shirts to request by the club to change red, a lucky colour in his home their name. country of Malaysia. He also It is news that will no doubt put sacked the club‟s popular smiles on the faces of the manager Malky Mackay in majority of the club‟s fans. Over December. the past months, supporters have These kind of situations, where constantly expressed their strong owners become deeply opposition to the name change unpopular amongst fans, often through banners bearing phrases due to radical decisions, are such as “The history is in the becoming worryingly common name”, and regular chants across British football. However, expressing their frustration. It has for now, it looks like the Hull been the one damp patch on a City fans will win out in the latest season that has brought about a battle between supporters and an successful return to the Premier owner. League as well as a long FA Cup run that will see the club play in a Wembley semi-final next month. The club‟s owner, Egyptian Assem Allam, is seen as the main driving force behind the bid. He feels that by rebranding the club „Hull Tigers‟, it will make investment in the club more attractive. He has also expressed that he feels that Hull‟s Included by kind permission current name is “common”. He of has threatened to sell the club if the name is not changed. chances of the Renault powered teams, now including Red Bull. The events of the Australian Grand Prix appeared to support the pre-season predictions. Nico Rosberg, one of the Mercedes drivers and, for many, the favourite for the Driver‟s Championship this term, powered to a comfortable victory which saw him finish a dominant 25 seconds ahead of the chasing pack. The race was packed full of incident, as eight drivers failed to finish. Unfortunately for Sebastian Vettel, it wasn‟t a surprise that he was one of those, following Red Bull‟s nightmares in testing. He retired due to engine failure trouble after three laps. Surprisingly, polesitter Lewis Hamilton, and one of the much-fancied Mercedes drivers, was also amongst those to retire, after a cylinder failed to fire from the very start of the race. He pulled out a lap earlier than Vettel.

position for the rest of the race and by the time he greeted the chequered flag at the finish line he had shown everyone in the world of Formula 1 just why Mercedes, and more specifically himself, were this season‟s favourites. The only silver lining on the day for Red Bull was Daniel Ricciardo‟s podium finish in his home grand prix on his Red Bull debut. But even this was snatched from their grasp as he was disqualified a number of hours after the race for breaching fuel consumption rules. That event, as well as Rosberg‟s dominance on what he described as “an amazing day”, confirmed that red Bull, along with the other car manufacturers, have a lot of catching up to do on Mercedes.

Rosberg had overtaken Hamilton virtually as soon as the race began, speeding out in front Included by kind permission of of everyone else at immediately dominant pace. He stayed in first

Prince’s Herald

85 Days To Go… Brazil’s World Cup Stadia Race Is On By James Noble The 2014 World Cup is fast approaching. There are now just over twelve weeks until the big kick-off and Brazil is still working at full pace to get the final few tournament stadiums completed. There has been increasing concern about the venues over the past few weeks, especially since the countdown to the tournament entered double figures earlier this month. Nine of the twelve venues due to host matches at world football’s premiere event this summer are

Wednesday 19th March 2014 officially open and completed, with some needing finishing touches in order to be fully prepared for the event and every demand that will come with it. Understandably, much of the focus regarding the stadiums has been on the three yet to be completed and declared open. One of the three, the Arena de São Paulo, is where the opening game on 12th June between Brazil and Croatia is due to be played. A crane collapse in November, which killed two workers and severely damaged part of the ground, is the main reason that FIFA’s end of year deadline (for stadiums to be ready) was missed and that work in São Paulo is still ongoing.

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As well as the controversy over the readiness of Brazil’s stadiums, headlines have also been made by the deaths of six workers at the venues. Two came at the Arena de São Paulo as a result of the aforementioned crane collapse, one in Brasília, at the Estadio Nacional and three at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, where England will play their first game of the tournament against Italy. This has led to some general safety concerns over a number of the grounds and even caused the workers at the Arena Amazonia to go on strike until they were assured that working conditions were safe, following the latest death at the stadium in February of this year. The venue has since been officially opened, with it recently hosting its first game between two Brazilian club sides, although finishing touches are still needed as fans complained of huge queues for food and some toilets not being fully completed. Problems such as those that remain in Manaus should be long since sorted by the time the tournament begins. But from now until what looks like the

English Pain is Irish Jubilation By Louisa Davis It’s safe to say that England did not get off to a flying start in this year’s RBS Six Nations, with a narrow loss away at the Stade de France where the visitors conceded a try in the very first minute, and were down 16 points to 3 after only twenty minutes. However, a somewhat controversial English line-up – omitting winger Chris Ashton and favoured scrum-half Ben Youngs – fought back valiantly to lead 24-19 with only four minutes remaining. A souldestroying missed tackle by otherwise faultless full-back Mike Brown – who himself had scored his first try earlier in the match – led to a try by France’s

Gael Fickou which claimed probably the most important victory of French coach Philippe Saint-Andre’s unsettled tenure. However, after an easy win (020) against Scotland, English fans were feeling rather more optimistic; and when they clung onto the lead against a determined and sentimental Ireland – as it was legend Brian O’Driscoll’s last home game before retirement – there was definite cause for celebration. Subsequent to the third round of matches, there was still all to play for however, as all four of the teams in serious contention for the title at the start of the tournament (England, France, Ireland and Wales) had equal records of two wins and one loss. As it had been for the previous few years, the England-Wales

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match was again the one everyone was watching: if England could beat Wales – which they hadn’t done for the previous two years – they would remain in contention for the title, and Wales would be oput of it all together. A final score line of England 29, Wales 18, meant that England also clinched their first Triple Crown in more than ten years – a proud moment for fans who had been crossing their fingers to avoid a repeat of last year’s defeat. So as usual, it all came down to the final weekend, and a thrilling match against Italy. England needed to win by at least 50 points, plus the margin between Ireland and France when they played later the same day, in order to snatch a win in the championship. This always looked to be unlikely, with an unwavering Ireland team set on victory in honor of their muchloved outside-half, O’Driscoll. A nail-biting match in Rome had England inching ever closer to that vital margin – but a breakthrough try by Italy’s scrum -half Sarto close to the end of the match put paid to any English dreams of overall victory. The final scoreline of Italy 11England 52 fell just short of the

Prince Henry’s High School middle of May, when all three remaining stadiums are expected to be completed, the focus will no doubt be firmly fixed on the progress being made at the Arena de São Paulo, the Arena Pantanal in Cuiabá and the Arena da Baixada in Curitiba, the three stadiums yet to be completed. Another issue constantly making the news is the disgruntlement of many in Brazil at the amount of money being spent on preparations for the World Cup when many feel that the money would have been better spent on public resources such as schools and medical facilities. Despite Brazil being one of the world’s fastest growing economies, it still has a huge poverty problem. The aim of Brazil and FIFA is to present a successful and sustainable World Cup that will further boost the economy of Brazil as a whole and many of the country’s cities, enabling Brazil to make progress towards bringing a number of families out of poverty and putting more children in school. It is hoped that the tournament will captivate a nation known for its passion for football, before giving it a noticeable push upwards that will be felt by all Brazilians. If this

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turns out to be the case, then the tournament should only be good for Brazil.

Rivaldo Announces Retirement at the age of 41 By James Noble Rivaldo, an icon for a generation of football fans in Brazil and around the world, has announced that he is hanging up his boots after a scintillating career that stretched over two decades and included appearances for fourteen club sides. He won 74 caps for Brazil and was a pivotal member of their World Cup winning side in 2002. He also won a number of league titles in various countries as well as picking up a Champions League medal in 2003 with AC Milan. He was also voted FIFA World Player of the Year and Ballon d’Or winner in 1999.

Generally an attacking midfielder or winger, he was well known for having a superb left foot, his ability to make telling passes and score breathtaking goals on a regular basis made Rivaldo a player who was universally admired. His most successful period as a player came during his time with the Catalan giants Barcelona necessary point difference, but between 1997 and 2002 where he told the story of an English team scored an extremely impressive who had done everything they 136 goals in 253 appearances. could. An equally thrilling finale in Paris “With tears in my eyes today I would like to thank God, my meant that many English fans family and all the support, the actually had their fingers’ crossed affection that I received during for a French win – at half time, those 24 years as a player.” That English hopes were still alive – was how Rivaldo expressed his but only just, as France led by heart felt gratitude to those who one point. However, it was not to helped him to be so successful, in be for England this year, as the a statement on a social networking site. score at full time was France 20 – Ireland 22: England had fallen He is a player who certainly short by only ten heart-breaking won’t be forgotten. points. Still, it was impossible to begrudge Ireland the win in the year of their star’s retirement – Brian O’Driscoll, the most capped international player ever. Included with kind permission of

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