Gondar Community School Times newspaper

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Community School Times University of Gondar Community School April, 2018 Vol. 1, No. 1

Crow and the Canyon comes to UOGCS

By Blen Mulugeta and Eskinder Mulugeta

A band from Portland in the northwestern U.S., Crow and the Canyon, visited with students at U.O.G.C.S on Wednesday , March 14. They came to have a concert with students and visit Gondar. In the morning there were about 400 students and teachers who attended the concert at the Gondar community school. The band played four songs. The band members’ names are – Leigh, Austin, Audra, and Jeremy. In an interview with the students, Leigh said, “We had an amazing performance. We liked the students’ high fives and shouting. When we perform at night, lights shining on our eyes and we can’t see the audience, but when we perform at the day, we can see the audience.” Students enjoyed the performance.

Crow and the Canyon band sings music at the Gondar community school on March 6. amazing. The voice of the singers “This was my first time attending was so interesting, especially Ausa concert with my friends. We had tin’s. The coordination was very a great time. The songs were great great. I was so happy about everyand we enjoyed them so much. Their instrument coordination was thing and I felt so lucky to particialso amazing,” said Fire Genet, 12th pate in such kind of concert,” she said. grader. 10th grader Hilina Abebe agreed. “This was my first time to participate such kind of concert. It was

11th grader Natnael Mulugeta agreed. “The music festival was so interesting. I’m glad we all got the privilege to attend such folk music. I’m hopeful we could have more of these music fests.” The concert was arranged by the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, and organized by Li Ping Lo.

Crow and the Canyon band comes to UOGCS on March14 with Sertse Dingle Frei Sibhat (left) looking on.

According to their web site, the band formed in 2014. Their first album is titled, “Leaving Soon.” After Ethiopia, they were going to Uganda and Tanzania.

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Community School Times

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Community School Times

Teachers play football game at UoG By Nigusu Muluye and Nathenan Nega

UOCGS students celebrated Unity Day on March 13 EC.

Unity Day celebrated at UOGCS By Henok Endalkachew and Yonel Atnafu On March 13 EC, students and staff celebrated Unity Day at the University of Gondar Community School. On Unity Day and the days before, students helped orphans and other support-seekers by giving money and clothes. Helping people is the most wonderful thing about Unity Day, especially when you help poor people.

Students at school give money and clothes to help others. They also got to celebrate. Students ate and drank many things like soft drinks, biscuits, and candy. Some students came to show a drama to show Gondar’s music and dance. Many students attended.

for helping and some like it to support the poor.

Grade 5 student, Amen Shiferaw, said, “I love the Unity Day when it comes because I eat and drink.” Another student said, “I like Unity Day because I help support others.” So, some students like Unity Day

At Unity Day, grade 8 students do not eat food because their teacher Abrham Aemene says, “If you want, we will give all money for the support seekers.”

Grade 8A chose to give all of the money to support seekers instead of having soft drinks and candy. Also, some students gave clothes that they had worn before.

Spelling bee list Congratulations to the following students who will be part of the 2010 Gondar Competition of the National Spelling Bee:

As part of Unity Day, Female teachers also played each other in football at the community school on Tuesday, March 5. The match was played at the high school pitch. The KG teachers beat the primary teachers 2-1.

3A Habtamu Asechilo 4A Temesgen Teshome 5A Bamlak Siraw 5B Lily Endalkachew 6A Bereket Amsalu 6B Seldewongel Eyoas 7A Ermias Adegnew 7B Negussu Muluye 8A Yohannes Birku 8B Etsegeret Khali

UOGCS male teachers played a football game with staff. There was a disagreement in the game between them. The game was played in UoG Stadium on 12/07/10 EC. There was mass sport game on UoG Stadium and the game was played by UoG teachers and GC staff. In the first 35 minutes, the staff was tougher than the teachers. The teachers stuggled because the formation 4-4-2 was not familiar to them. So the G.C. staff controlled the ball and got position. So GC staff had many shots on target and off target and the teacher’s goalkeeper saved those balls. GC staff made it 1-0 by scoring the first goal. When that goal was scored, the teachers got nervous but they didn’t give up. So they tried to score but they couldn’t in those 35 minutes before half.

UOGCS and GC teachers played football at UOG statium on 12/07/10 ED.

They went to half, and when the half finished, they went back to the stadium. The UoGCS teachers were confident to play another 35 minutes and the left defensive player, Solomon, was substituted for by Gubre, and the formation 4-4-2 changed to 4-5-1. Then the UoGCS balanced by formation and defeated the attackers from the GC staff. The UoGCS teachers played well except the first half. The keeper was still almost perfect. He continued saving hard balls and the defense of the UoGCS teachers defeated GC staff attackers. However. one man, Sintareu, was hard for UoGCS

Community School Times University of Gondar Community School April, 2018

Vol. 1, No. 1

The Community School Times is a newspaper produced by the 7th grade Newspaper Club at the University of Gondar Community School Editor in Chief--Eyasu Yeshiwas Staff writers and photographers-Blen Mulugeta, Eskinder Mulugeta, Amanuel Wassie, Mussie Tarekegn, Nigusu Muluye, Nathnael Nega, Yonel Atnafu, Henok Endalkachew Advisors-Peggy Landers, Habtie Marew, Steven Youngblood, Senafikish Melke

teachers to get under control. Then because of Dawit, UoGCS Yhonas scores, and Dawit assisted. Then it was 1-1. Many teachers weren’t disappointed with the draw. Peggy Landers, Fanos, and UoGCS teacher’s coach thought it will be like this. They said, “It’s not bad. It (the draw) is better than a loss.” The UoGCS teachers assister Dawit said, “As you see it “It’s not bad. was hard It’s better to defeat them in the than a loss.” first half, --Teachers but in the second half of the game we played good. We defeated each other.” UoGCS teachers were strong defensively. Gashaw, says, “They attacked us well and we see some bad emotion on their face, like they want to fight.” The coach said, “We did not get ready for that game. We did what we could for the game now. We didn’t lose or win. Let us see for another game.”

Community School Times

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UOGCS supplies vaccines to students By Nigusu Muluye and Nathnael Nega

Meb (Mebendazol) medicine is given in all schools in Ethiopia, including The University of Gondar Community School. Some people think its side effects are a big issue on a person who uses the medicine but others say the medicine is worth the side effects. Last month, a medicine that’s called Meb or Mebendazol got into Ethiopia and was given in whole schools, but the medicine has big side effects. As you know all medicines have side effects. Med’s side effects can include include: vomiting, malaise, fatigue, fever, rash, dizziness, itching, and nausea. The cause of the disease is germs created by rubbish. The medicine will be given to 5 – 19 year olds and the medicine is 500 milligrams. Persons who study about this medicine at UoG Community School are Teacher

Samie and Teacher Engadaw.

A zebra is painted on the main road. High school students start work there in the morning and afternoon, to help younger students go safe. High school students work by stop cars and allow students to go. The zebra was mainly painted for students, because students cannot go safely. More than 80 students cross that zebra daily. The zebra is mostly used for students so they go on foot. Before it was painted students could not cross faster and safely. But after, they can.

Teachers sent a memo home with parents asking if they would say yes or no for their kids to use the medicine.

There were more than 800 students that participated on this work. They mainly worked to make the school clean, fresh, and beautiful.

Grade 5 student Amen Shiferaw said, “High school students (helping are) very important for us. We can say the traffic zebra are useless without them. They help us to go easily because they stop cars when students want to cross.” This traffic team is very important to students. Teacher Solomon Genet is grouped this team to assist the high school students.

Students cleaned up the school to avoid common colds and to get satisfaction because the school was dirty.

Students said this work helped make the school attractive. Some students said this is good but students must drop trash in the basket in the future. Grade 7A student Eskinder Mulugeta said, “It is an honor to work to make clean our school, but this is not a sustainable solution for making clean our school. So the sustainable solution is to make it regular – at least once in a month.

Students clean the whole school’s trash using brooms at UOGCS on March 13.

In my opinion the work is good, but teachers should give advice for students not to drop trash out of the basket.” Grade 7B student Amanuel Mengist said, “It is best work to clean our school. It must progress in a small time range. When the time range is decreased, our school is more beautiful and our school cleanness

is more sustainable.” Cleaning Day was done with AntiCorruption Day. Students cleaned before they entered class. Some students worked by cleaning and some were carrying baskets. Students cleaned and dropped the trash in the basket. It is the best work for this school’s cleanness.

KG 1, 2 students visit Tseda greenhouse By Blen Mulugeta Gondar Community School KG1 and KG2 students visited a green area with plants and flowers at Tseda University on Tuesday, March 1 (EC). One reason for the visit was for students to get some pictures and videos for their graduation.

Grade 10 student Abel Mulugeta said, “It is very important for us. It is used for crossing easily and safely.” He also said, “It is used to go faster, but the zebra colour is erasing by cars wheel, so traffic police should be coloured in a certain time.’’ Grade 8 student Yohhanes Birku said, “It is the most helpful work to avoid traffic damages, because cars go quickly. In this fast moment drivers can’t stop their car. In this situation, damages may be happen but when drivers know there is a zebra they decrease their speed, so they can avoid damages.”

By Amanuel Wassie and Mussie Tarekegne

U.O.G.C.S students cleaned up the whole school compound of trash Thursday morning, March 20 EC.

Teacher Engadaw said, “It does not have a big issue. You see and hear outside noise. I agree with Samie.”

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School trash cleaned up by students

Teacher Samie says it is not like that. “The medicine has many side effects but the medicine is good for our health. The only reason we respect to use the medicine is because the medicine has been good (even with the) side effects. The side effects are simple. They are some effects that can be comes in our daily lifetime. The kid’s parents are coming to tell us do not give for the kid.”

Zebra that lies on main road is coloured By Amanuel Wassie and Mussie Tarekegne

Community School Times

Students cross in the afternoon on the main road’s zebra stripes, near the community school.

In the morning KG 1A, 1B, and 1C and KG 2A, KG 2B and KG 2C visited the green area. In the afternoon, reporters interviewed the KG students and it seems like all of

the students enjoyed the visit. “This was my first time to visit a beautiful green area like this. There is a lot of beautiful flowers and this made it to have cool air. Before we went to the farm place, there was a dancing ceremony. I loved it so much,” said Etsubdink Indalkachew KG 2 grader. KG 1 grader Arsema Yemataw agreed. “We had amazing time. I liked the visit so much especially the beautiful flowers. That was in-

teresting. We only visited the green area, but I wanted to visit other things but that wasn’t bad. I loved it and I want to thank my teachers.” KG2 grader Anania Getnet also said, “I was inspired to grow many plants after I saw that. That was cool. I refreshed my mind when I was there. I played with my friends. We have pictures when we were in that place. There was dancing. I was so happy I enjoyed it so much. Thank you, teachers.”

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