Otc aug2013

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August 2013| $6.00 The Tool Issue

Tools of the Trade DRM-JPC Brands Manufacturer Profile

OTC Store Interview Inside G & A Beauty Supply - GA

Mizani & Jinny Corp. Join Forces Industry Updates

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CONTENTS August2013 in this issue

Editorial Letter.................... 10 Plug in to the Excitement of the Beauty Industry 미용 산업의 즐거움을 만끽하세요

Expert Advice.....................12 Beating Dry and Damaged Hair

MarketPlace........................16 Tools of the Trade

How Should You Sell It?......22 Sun Protection for All

어떻게 판매할 것인가?

Feature Article The Summertime Tune-up ��������������������������� 64 by Bill McBean

Summertime and the livin’ is easy…or so the song goes. But as the days grow longer and warmer, small business owners might want to be careful about taking it too easy during June, July and August. The reality is that the season is actually a great time to do a half-year review and make some smart moves for your business while some of your competitors are in a summertime lull.

이번 달의 판매 초점은..... 모두를 위한 자외선 차단제이다!

Urban Call Briefs.................45 Black Celebrities on Magazine Covers (Part II)

King of Locs........................63 The Loc Journey

Clipper Tips......................... 84 Go Deep!!!

Therapy Trends....................86

Retailer Profile

G & A Beauty Supply �������� 76 by Tony Bae 스토어 브랜딩

Do-it-Yourself Devices

Tonsorial Times ..................88 Poor Grooming or Medical Concern


Jinny News .........................98 Industry News .................100 Coupons..........................105 Show Calendar................108 Ad Index..........................108 Reader Feedback.............. 110 Product Spotlight............. 112 Motions® Straight Finish™ Sealer 4

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

On The Cover The Excel Ultra clipper from Andis features a quiet, cool, smoothrunning rotary motor. Lighter than comparable detachable blade clippers, it features a specially designed hair guard to protect against hair build-up. Blades detach in seconds and clean easily. Learn more at www.andis.com.

CONTENTS August 2013 Knowledge To Know What is Essential to Know about Hot Hair Brushes?... 32 by John Oldbrook

Hot air brushes are a type of heated hair styling tool that is powered by electricity. Generally, they are used like a hair brush and blow dryer at the same time, thereby leaving one hand free while a person styles his or her hair, which is very convenient.

핫 헤어 브러쉬에 관해 알아야 할 필수 사항 핫 에어 브러쉬는 전기로 작동되는 가열된 헤어 스타일링 기구의 한 형태이다. 일반적으로, 헤어 브러쉬와 드라이어를 동시에 사용하는 것과 같다. 자신의 헤어 스타일을 만드는 동안 한 쪽 손은 자유로울 수 있는 아주 편리한 기구이다.

Hair Dryer Attachments ��� 36 by Michelle Scott

Hair dryers are one of the most useful inventions for styling hair, but sometimes they work best when not working alone. If you’ve noticed all of the hair dryer attachments available and wondering what they’re for, here’s a brief explanation of each one.

Finished Product

Professional Hair Hot Rollers Review �������������� 28 by Kellilynn Marie

Hair hot rollers, invented in the 1920s, are still a beauty favorite used by women around the world. Learn more about this easy way to achieve beautiful, uniform curls in minutes—no matter your hair type or texture.

Business Tips

Making Dollars and Cents ������������������������������������������52 by Elizabeth Yong You perfect your barbering skills; see your maximum number of clients a day in the shop, yet you wonder how you can make more money. Stepping out of the shop may sound crazy, but offering mobile barbering services could be a way to work smarter, not harder.

이윤 증대를 위해서 매장 밖을 고려하라. 당신의 이발 기술은 완벽하다. 당신 가게의 하루 최대 고객 수를 보라, 당신은 여전히 돈을 더 벌 수 있는 방법을 알고 싶을 것이다. 가게 밖으로 나가라고 한다면 아마 정신나간 소리같을지도 모르지만, 이동식 이발 서비스는 현명하면서도 어렵지 않은 방법이 될 수 있다.

What is the Difference Between a Curling Iron and a Marcel Iron? �����������������������������������������������������56

헤어 드라이어 부착품

by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

헤어 드라이어는 헤어 스타일을 내기 위한 가장 유용한 발명품 중 하나지만, 때로는 다른 것과 함께 사용할 때 더

Curling irons and Marcel irons are similar tools, yet they are very different in how they are used to style hair. Learn all about both types and why offering them in your store is beneficial to sales.

효과적이기도 하다. 그 동안, 헤어 드라이어 부착품들의

컬링 아이언과 마셀 아이언의 차이점?

용도에 대해 궁금해 했다면, 이 기사를 읽음으로서 이해에

컬링 아이언과 마셀 아이언은 비슷한 듯 하지만, 그 쓰임에 따라 사실상 굉장히 다르다. 두 기구에 대해 알아보고 판매시 도움이 되는 조언들을 얻어보도록 하자.

도움이 될 것이다.

Manufacturer Profile Show Coverage

Carolina Beauty Expo.......... 90 by Tony Bae

제 1 회 Carolina Beauty Expo 성료 길고 험한 준비과정이었지만, South Carolina 미소협 회원들은

DRM-JPC Brands ���������������������������������������������������������72 by Haley McNeal “For the ethnic consumer, [the OTC beauty industry] is the place where, historically, they are introduced to new brands, line extensions and trends,” explained Rich Lombardi, CEO of DRM-JPC Brands. Undoubtedly, this is one of the many things that makes the business great, and Lombardi shares with us what part DRM-JPC plays. A prominent component of the industry, this company was recently formed by three well-known brands integrating to grow even stronger, together.

제 1회 트레이드 쇼를 성공적으로 개최하기 노력해 왔고, 그 결실을 행사 당일 날 확인 하였다. 이날의 행사장으로 들어가

“에스닉 소비자들에게, [OTC 미용 산업]은 역사적으로 새로운 브랜드와 확장된 브랜드 라인,

보도록 하자.

트랜드를 소개받는 장소입니다.” 라고 DRM-JPC의 CEO인 Rich Lombardi는 말한다. 의심의 여지없이,

NFBS 6th Trade Show......... 92 by Tony Bae

업계 최대의 쇼임을 다시한번 입증` 업계 최대규모 쇼의 위상을 자랑하는 NFBS 총연합회의 6차 트레이드쇼 성료 6

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

이것은 비즈니스를 더욱 번창시키게 만드는 많은 것들 가운데 하나이며, Lombard는 DRM-JPC가 어떠한 역할을 하는지에 대해 우리와 이야기를 나누었다. 업계에 두드러진 한 업체로써, 최근 더욱 강한 성장세를 보이는 3개의 브랜드를 갖고 있다.


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Earl Cole

Art Director:


Advertising & Sales Coordinator:


Contributing Writers:

Mimi Aringo Cyrus Jackson Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Kellilynn Marie Bill McBean John Oldbrook Michelle Scott Elizabeth Yong


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

Post Master:

Please send address changes to:

OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

Editorial Letter

Plug in to the Excitement of the Beauty Industry 미용 산업의 즐거움을 만끽하세요


lug and play. Technically this is a computer term that

플러그 앤 플레이. 기술적으로 이 말은 전자 장치에 연결하고

refers to being able to plug in an electronic device and

환경 설정에 대한 걱정없이 바로 재생할 수 있음을 언급하는 컴퓨터

instantly play, without worrying about configurations.

용어입니다. 컬링 아이언, 스트레이트너, 클리퍼, 그리고 헤어

Curling irons, straighteners, clippers and hair dryers may

드라이어 등이 비디오 게임은 아니지만, 나는 그것들이 사용자에게

not be video games, but I’m willing to argue that they offer

최대한의 즐거움과 독창성을 제공할 수 있다고 언급하고 싶습니다.

users just as much fun and creativity as the best of them.

This month we explore an array of beauty tools

것입니다. 단지 주목받는 신제품(16페이지)뿐만 아니라, 어떻게

within the industry. Not only are new items highlighted

하면 기구들을 좀 더 다용도로 사용할 수 있는지, 또 이 분야의

(page 16), but we explore a few in detail, learn about how

미용업계에서 제품 선택을 다양화시키는 것은 무엇인지까지 좀 더

attachments make some tools extremely versatile, and what

세부적이고 자세하게 알아볼 것입니다.

attributes diversify the product selection in this segment of

the beauty industry.

설정은 필요치 않겠지만, 사용 전 숙지해야하는 단계들을 익히는

Although configurations may not be needed when

것도 중요합니다. 예를 들어, 건조함이나 스타일링으로 인한

utilizing these tools (as mentioned above) it is important to

손상으로부터 모발을 보호하는 것이 왜 중요하며, 어떻게 할 수

know the steps necessary to take before using them. For

있는 지와 같은 것을 알아볼 것입니다! 저는 OTC 뷰티 매거진을

example, why is it important to protect hair from dryness

특정한 도구로 사용할 뿐 아니라, 여러분의 비즈니스 운영에 필요한

and styling damage, and how can you do so? We explore

사용설명서 역할도 하기를 바랍니다. 이번 호의Business Tip

that! It’s something to think about, and I urge you to let

과 Feature article(64페이지)부분을 꼭 참조하시기 바랍니다. 잘

OTC Beauty Magazine be your instruction manual—not

읽어보시고, 그 속에서 또 다른 즐거움도 찾아 보시기 바랍니다!

이번 호에서 우리는 업계 내의 미용 기구들을 탐구해볼

이런 제품들(위에서 언급한)을 사용할 때 비록 환경

only for tools, but for your business practices as well. Be sure to check out this month’s Business Tips section and the

Feature article (page 64). Read on, and plug into the excitement!

Editor hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com 10

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

June 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice by Mimi Aringo

Beating Dry and Damaged Hair

There is something about today’s generation that can’t seem to settle with their hairstyle. People with straight hair want to get a perm and those with curls want to have straight hair. All the processing and chemical applications put a lot of stress on our hair and ultimately, dries it out. The worn-out look is never a good look for anyone, dear. Yes. Like people, hair experiences stress too. Imagine what it has to go through between hairstyling and coloring, then hairstyling again. After quite some time, our hair becomes dry and damaged. Dry and damaged hair breaks easily, looks dull, and feels lifeless. Dry and damaged hair can be caused by many factors including poor diet, but it is most commonly due to over hairstyling, excessive use of hot hairstyling tools, and too much hair treatments with strong chemicals. Fortunately in most cases, dry and damaged hair is not permanent and can be reversed through the right hair care. Treating dry and damaged hair can be made easier when the right hair care products are used.

Hair Care Tips for Dry and Damage Hair 1. For hair with split ends, make sure to trim them – at least one cm from the tip. Trimming prevents split ends from going upwards – thereby causing more damage. Remember to do this hair care tip at least once every six to eight weeks. 12

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

2. Nourish your hair with hair supplements. Every hairstyle needs proper nourishment to achieve its most beautiful state. Biotin, Vitamin B, Niacin, and Amino Acids are said to be important for a healthy hair growth. These nutrients prevent hair from becoming dry and brittle. Water is also an important hair care must-have. It provides the proper amount of moisture to one’s hair. 3. Use hair care products that are known to treat dry and damaged hair. Moisturizing shampoos, deep conditioning treatments, leave on conditioners, as well as split end repair serums all help to revive dry and damaged hair. Hair sun blocks are also available nowadays to protect hair from being damaged by the sun. Other products include thermal protectant sprays applied before blow drying, straightening, and curling with hot irons; shampoos and conditioners for color treated hair; as well as, mousse,and hair polish for wavy and curly hair. Proper hair care and nourishment are sure to beat all the signs of dry and damaged hair. You need not sacrifice beautiful hairstyle for a well-nourished hair. For more hair care tips, consult your hairstyling expert.

Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-articles/beating-dry-and-damaged-hair-6264819.html

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


s l o Toof the



To be successful with any job you

undertake it is essential that you have the correct tools. Here we have gathered a handful of the hottest ones in the industry. Make sure your shelves are well-stocked with the tools of the trade.

e d a r

Pivot & Flex Technology

A close, comfortable shave is easier than ever to achieve with Remington®’s R4. Featuring pivot and flex technology, the blades adjust to the contours of the face. Rechargeable and corded, the versatile razor also boasts durable titanium coated blades, a battery gauge, pop-up trimmer, and it is washable. www.RemingtonProducts.com

One Iron for All

From fragile, thin strands to wavy, thick hair, the one ‘n only® Argan Heat™ 1 ½” Argan Ceramic Straightening Iron is perfect for styling it all. Argan heat smoothes the cuticle to eliminate frizz for brilliant shine and healthy-looking hair. It also preserves color and integrity as it helps to revitalize and condition hair. www.babylissus.com 16

OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December August 2013 OTC 2008

Free Rider™ Its name may suggest that this clipper is simply along for the ride, mooching off the results of other shaving products used, but those assumptions are all wrong. The Free Rider™ professional adjustable pivot clipper from Oster boasts an adjustable steel blade, powerful picot motor, streamlined balanced design for all day cutting and textured housing for easy gripping. It also comes with a free extra fine cutting blade! www.osterstyle.com

Brazilian Heat™ Create beautiful waves while drying hair with the Brazilian Heat™ by Mega Hot® 43mm Thermal Ceramic & Ion Brush. The orange stripes on the brush head change color to alert stylists when it is at optimum heat for styling hair, and it eliminates static. The ceramic barrel of the brush heats up fast, causing less damage to hair. www.belsonproducts.com

UltraEdge Created to satisfy your greatest cutting expectations, the Andis UltraEdge® blade is perfect for any “tool box.” Carburized steel extends the life of the blade, and a chrome finish resists rust. This product fits all Andis AG, BG, MBG and Oster® 76, 111, A-5 models. www.andis.com August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Steam Conditioned Curls The Caruso® Professional Molecular® Steam Hairsetter was invented to give women long-lasting curls and volume they long for while keeping hair healthy, shiny and in great condition. Through its revolutionary process, tiny molecules of steam penetrate the hair shaft, reforming chain bonds to create beautiful curls. It’s also great for hair extensions and wigs—natural and synthetic. www.CarusoHairsetter.com

Cool Breeze Go green with Fresh Cool™ Breeze from Barber Shop Aid®. Perfect for use after shaving or for cooling relaxer burn, it is the ultimate antiseptic, aftershave and astringent. Cool down from more than just the summer heat with this great post-tool use product. www.barbershopaid.com

A True Icon Wahl encourages you, “don’t be average, be an icon!” The Icon clipper is ultra powerful, full size, and excellent for heavy-duty cutting, tapering, fades and blends. Equipped with a v9000 motor, this clipper runs faster and cooler than a standard electromagnetic motor clipper. www.wahlpro.com


OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine August December 2008 OTC 2013

August2008 2013 OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

sun protection for all! It may be August, but summer remains in full swing and people are still out enjoying the sun. Sunscreen is an important beauty product for people of all skin tones, and as a store owner it is important that you keep it on your shelves year-round. AMBI Skincare questioned Dr. Jeanine Downie, MD, about this important subject and we are sharing her insight with you.

We know that the extra melanin in darker skin tones offers some protection, but should women of color still be concerned about the aging effects of the sun?

“Absolutely. Sun can damage everyone’s skin including darker skin tones. Therefore, everyone needs an SPF 30 everyday, rain or shine, January through December, regardless of ethnicity. Sun damage causes fine lines, wrinkles and patchy pigmentation, which can make you look older than you actually are. And of course, overexposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer. 4.2 million people will be diagnosed in 2013, up from 3.7 million last year, according to the skin cancer foundation.” Dr. Jeanine Downie, MD, Dermatologist AMBI Skincare www.ambiflawlessskin.com

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the September issue! 22

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

모두를 위한 자외선 차단제이다! 태양이 한창인 8월이지만, 사람들은 여전히 태양을 즐기러 밖으로 나간다. 자외선 차단제는 모든 피부 타입의 사람들에게 중요한 미용 제품이며, 매장 운영자들에게도 1년 내내 진열해야 하는 중요한 제품이다. AMBI 스킨케어는Dr. Jeanine Downie, MD에게 이 중요한 주제에 대해 질문했으며, 우리는 그녀의 통찰력을 여러분과 공유하려 한다.

짙은 피부 톤에 있는 여분의 멜라닌이 몇 가지의 보호 기능을 제공한다는 것은 알고 있습니다만, 유색 피부를 가진 여성들은 여전히 자외선의 노화 영향에 대해 염려를 해야하는 건가요?

“물론입니다. 태양은 짙은 피부톤을 포함한 모든 사람들의 피부를 손상시킬 수 있습니다. 그러므로, 모든 사람들이 비가 오든 맑은 날이든, 1월부터 12월까지 인종에 상관없이 매일 SPF30의 자외선 차단제가 필요합니다. 자외선으로 인한 손상은 잔주름과 주름, 얼룩덜룩한 색소 침착을 야기하고, 이것은 당신을 실제보다 더 늙어 보이게 만들 수 있습니다. 물론, 과도한 자외선의 노출은 피부암을 유발하기도 하죠. 피부암 재단에 따르면, 2013년에는 420 만명 정도가 피부암 진단을 받을 것으로 보이는데, 이것은 작년 370만보다 증가된 것입니다. “

Dr. Jeanine Downie, MD, Dermatologist AMBI Skincare www.ambiflawlessskin.com

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 9월호에 게재됩니다!


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

April 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Kellilynn Marie

Professional Hair Hot Rollers Review Using hot curlers, also called a hairsetter, is a fast and

Depending on how hair is rolled, and in what direction,

easy way to achieve beautiful, uniform curls, which is

hair rollers can create a number of different curls and

why women of all cultures use them religiously. Hot


rollers help achieve a desired look in a matter of minutes,

leaving a long-lasting style that will stay throughout the

common place. Women would shampoo and condition

day. While many still prefer using curling irons, hair

their hair, then apply rollers made of Styrofoam, plastic

rollers are a popular beauty product for women who

or metal to damp, almost dry hair. They would cover the

want to look their best! The great thing is: hair curlers

curlers with a hairnet or bandana and sleep with them

are good for almost every type of hair and texture.

in their hair, removing them in the morning. This was

uncomfortable to say the least, and far less effective than

A hot hair roller, or hair curler, is a small,

Many moons ago, the use of cold curlers was

cylindrical metal gadget. It is applied to the hair after

hot rollers.

being heated by a central unit plugged into an AC

outlet, which is where curlers are stored when they’re

and a set of hair clips or pins to keep them in place.

not in use. Hair rollers are wrapped around individual

There are several different sizes of hot roller sets, so pay

sections of hair, creating perfect, bouncy curls all over.

attention when you buy new curlers. Keep in mind that


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

A set of hot rollers comes with four to 40 curlers

the smaller the curler, the tighter the curl, and the jumbo

sizes can actually be used to create waves. Most hot

in place, hot rollers will usually stay on for about 30

rollers have diameters that range from about an eighth of

minutes. Each curler is then removed carefully, one

an inch to one-and-a-half inches.

by one. Hair is then styled as desired. A lot of women

choose to leave their curls intact, going for a good girl

Although you can use hair hot rollers on hair that

Once of the hair is curled, sprayed and secured

is completely dry, they can also be placed on damp hair.

look, like Shirley Temple. Others will brush the curls out

If the hair is dry, you will apply each curler by twirling

to create wavy, voluminous and chic tresses. There are

hair around the curler and then rolling it from the tip of

also a lot of women who like to tease out the curl with

the hair to the root. Once curlers are secured in place,

a pick or comb for bigger hair. There are a number of

use some hairspray to help lock in the curl for longer-

fantastic brands that make hot rollers. They come in all

lasting performance. When applying hot rollers to damp

styles, colors and sizes, and even a glam girl on a tight

hair, you should also use a blow dryer to heat the hair as

budget can afford a set of curlers.

you put the rollers in place. Use hairspray liberally. Article courtesy of articlesbase.com.

Kellilynn Marie is the in-house pro at BeautyStopOnline.com, the editor of YourBeauty411.com and a professional cosmetologist. You can find this article online at http://www.beautystoponline.com/Hair-Hot-Rollers-Review-s/201194.htm. August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by John Oldbrook

What is Essential to Know about Hot Hair Brushes? 핫 헤어 브러쉬에 관해 알아야 할 필수 사항 Hot air brushes are a type of heated hair styling tool that is

핫 에어 브러쉬는 전기로 작동되는 가열된 헤어 스타일링 기구

powered by electricity. Generally, they are used like a hair brush

의 한 형태이다. 일반적으로, 헤어 브러쉬와 드라이어를 동시

and blow dryer at the same time, thereby leaving one hand free

에 사용하는 것과 같다. 자신의 헤어 스타일을 만드는 동안 한

while a person styles his or her hair, which is very convenient. A vented barrel is such a common feature of a thermal hairbrush, that they are often called vented hairbrushes. When hot air from

쪽 손은 자유로울 수 있는 아주 편리한 기구이다. 환기성의 배 럴에 열이 나는 헤어브러쉬의 일반적인 형태인데, 종종 환기성 헤어브러쉬라고 불리기도 한다. 전기 드라이어에서 나오는 뜨 거운 공기가 환기구가 있는 브러쉬의 배럴 구멍을 통과할 때,

an electric blow dryer passes through the holes in the barrel of a

이 공기들이 한 쪽 방향으로 지속적인 흐름을 형성하게 된다.

vented brush, this creates a constant unidirectional flow.

구 조건을 맞출 수 있는 열 조절이 가능한 세팅을 갖고 있다.

A good hot air brush usually will have adjustable heat

성능이 좋은 핫 에어 브러쉬는 흔히 모든 사람들의 요

settings that will suit everybody’s requirements. If you have

만일 당신의 모발이 굵고 두껍다면, 보다 고온까지 온도를 높

thick hair, a hot air brush with a higher temperature limit could

일 수 있는 핫 에어 브러쉬가 더 좋을 것이다. 저온은 가늘고

be a better choice. A lower temperature is preferred if it is fine and limp, as higher temperatures can cause breakage. The barrel 32

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

힘없는 모발에 더 적당하며, 고온은 이 경우 모발 손상을 야기 할 수가 있다. 배럴의 크기 또한 아주 중요하다. 넓은 배럴의 핫 에어 브러쉬는 한 번에 넓은 부위를 커버한다. 큰 배럴은 일

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K size is also of a great importance. A hot air brush with a wider

반적으로 긴 모발이나 웨이브를 만들 때 가장 좋다.

barrel will cover larger areas at a time. The larger barrels typically

are best used with long hair or for creating waves.

경우 다양한 형태의 브러쉬 털을 선택할 수 있다. 이런 브러쉬

Also, there are barrels that have removable bristles, which

allow a person to choose different bristle types. The majority of such brushes are easy to use and keep hair in good condition.

또한, 브러쉬 털을 탈부착할 수 있는 배럴도 있는데, 이

들의 대부분은 사용이 쉽고 모발의 좋은 상태를 유지할 수가 있 다. 머리를 감고 손질하는데 보통 최소한 1시간 정도가 소요되 는데, 이렇게 멋진 기구들을 사용한다면 15분에서 30분 정도면 가능할 것이다. 이 기구들은 아주 부드럽고 전문가적인 헤어 스

Hair washing and styling used to take an hour minimum. With

타일을 아주 신속하게 만들어 주기 때문이다. 이런 스타일링 기

such awesome devices it now takes from 15 to 30 minutes,

구들을 사용하는 사람들의 만족도는 매우 높은 편이다. 또한 여

because they do the job of creating a very smooth professional

행용 가방에 넣을 수 있을 정도로 크기 또한 작다. 대부분의 이

hairstyle very swiftly. The users are extremely delighted with the

런 제품들은 전압 선택 기능이 있어 외국에서도 사용이 가능하

performance of such stylers. Such brushes are small enough to fit

여 해외 여행에도 이상적이다.

it an overnight bag. Most of them have a voltage selector, which means it can be used in any country—thus is ideal for holidays abroad.

비록 이런 기구들의 사용이 간편하고 그 기능 또한 매

우 만족스럽겠지만, 모발 보호를 위한 몇 가지 방법들은 명심해 야 한다. 열 손상으로부터 당신을 보호하기 위해서는 보호용 스 프레이를 핫 헤어 브러쉬와 함께 사용할 수 있다. 만일 매일 핫

Though you may be very satisfied with the devices being

에어 브러쉬를 사용한다면, 시간이 지남에 따라 모발의 손상을

easy to handle and doing what they are meant to, you should

초래할 수도 있다. 보호용 스프레이는 모발에 보습막을 형성하

keep in mind some tips in order to protect your hair. Protective

고 열을 차단한다. 이것은 일반적으로 브러쉬 사용 후 까실까실

sprays can be used with hot hair brushes in order to protect you

하거나 잘 날려 손질이 힘든 모발에 도움이 된다. 한가지 더 조

from heat damage. If you use hot air brushes daily, over time it

언을 하자면, 컬링과 스트레이트닝을 매일 반복하지 말라고 말

can cause damage to the hair. The protective spray seals moisture

하고 싶다. 모발에도 휴식을 주어야 하기 때문이다.

and blocks the heat. This typically will help with fizzy or flyaway hair after using the brush. And one more tip: do not get carried into curling, straitening and smoothing every single day. Give them a little rest.

John Oldbrook has been working as a hairdresser since graduating from London National Beauty Institute. For this reason he does not lack knowledge and experience in hairdressing and in hair brushers. Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-articles/what-is-essential-to-know-about-hothair-brushes-4505636.html

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OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013


Knowledge to Know by Michelle Scott

Hair Dryer Attachments 헤어 드라이어 부착품 Hair dryers are one of the most useful inventions for styling

hair, but sometimes it works better when not working alone. Hair dryer attachments are everywhere and their sole purpose is to assist you in creating better styles with your hair dryer, so if you’ve been noticing all these weird looking accessories made for hair dryers and wondering what they’re for, then here’s a brief explanation of each one.

헤어 드라이어는 헤어 스타일을 내기 위한 가장 유용한 발명품 중 하나지만, 때로는 다른 것과 함께 사용할 때 더 효과적이기 도 하다. 헤어 드라이어 부착품들은 어디서나 볼 수 있는데, 그 것의 목적은 헤어 드라이어와 함께 사용하여 더 나은 헤어 스타 일을 연출하는데 도움을 주는 것이며, 만일 여러분이 헤어 드라 이어를 위해 만들어진 이상하게 생긴 액세서리를 보고 무엇을 위한 것인지 의아해 한 적이 있다면, 지금부터 그것들에 관한 간략한 설명들을 잘 읽어 보도록 해라.

Concentrator: This hair dryer attachment is the most popular to come along with the actual hair dryer. The concentrator is a kind of narrow nozzle that, well, concentrates the airflow to make styling smaller sections of hair such as bangs a lot easier. It can also be used to straighten your hair if pointed downwards and working along with a round bristle brush. If you have a professional hair dryer that offers a cool shot function, then use a concentrator to direct the airflow to the ends of your locks and seal the cuticles for added shine.

노즐: 이 헤어 드라이어 부착품은 헤어 드라이어에 따라오는 가 장 인기있는 것이다. 노즐은 가는 분사구의 일종으로, 앞머리와 같이 모발의 작은 부위를 아주 쉽게 손질하기 위해 공기의 흐름 을 모아준다. 또한 노즐의 끝이 아래쪽으로 향하게 하고 둥근 드라이용 브러쉬와 함께 사용해서 모발을 스트레이트하게 할 수도 있다. 만일 여러분이 찬 공기 기능이 포함된 전문가용 헤 어 드라이어를 갖고 있다면, 모발의 끝부분에 공기가 직접 닿고 표피층에 윤기를 더할 수 있도록 노즐을 사용하라.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine






Diffuser: This plastic and cone-like attachment is the most gentle and beneficial hair dryer attachment so far. A regular hair dryer without the diffuser can cause damage and frizz, but with a diffuser the airflow is distributed indirectly over your hair, making the heat’s effect gentler. The prongs or “fingers” on the wider side of the diffuser are used to lift up your hair during the drying process to save time and enhance the natural texture of your hair. This is great for girls with a slight curl or wave in their hair that they would like to define, and it’s also ideal for naturally straight haired girls who want a volume boost. These come in all sizes and the bigger sections of hair you want to diffuse, the bigger the diffuser. Pick: This attachment is much more popular among African American girls since it’s used to create volume and to add lift to any style. Plus, it’s also great for straightening curly hair. The pick, or pik, allows you to comb your hair while you’re drying which helps straighten locks while preventing kinks to provide a quicker drying experience. Shorter hair needs a shorter pick, and for longer hair look for longer prongs. If you purchased a professional hair dryer then you probably already have one of these useful attachments. But don’t leave it in the box to collect dust—whip it out and start discovering all the fabulous styles it can help you to create!

디퓨져(공기 확산기): 플라스틱 원뿔 모양의 이 부속품은 지금 까지 가장 부드러우면서도 유익한 헤어 드라이어 부착품이 다. 공기 확산기가 없는 일반 헤어 드라이어는 모발의 손상 이나 푸석함을 유발할 수 있는데, 공기 확산기를 함께 사용 하게 되면 뜨거운 공기가 모발에 간접적으로 접촉되어서 좀 더 부드러운 열 효과를 만들수 있게 된다. 공기 확산기의 넓 은 면에 있는 접지단자는 드라이를 하는 동안 모발을 들어올 리기 위해 사용되는데, 시간을 단축하고 모발의 자연스러운 질감을 향상시킨다. 이것은 약간의 컬이나 웨이브가 있는 여 성들의 모발 손질에 아주 효과적이며, 긴 생머리에 적절한 볼륨감을 주고자 할 때도 이상적이다. 다양한 종류의 사이즈 들이 있으며 모발의 넓은 부위일수록 큰 디퓨져를 사용한다. 픽: 이 부속품은 어떤 스타일이든 모발을 들어 올리고 볼륨 을 만드는데 사용되기 때문에 아프리카계 미국인 여성들 사 이에서 아주 인기가 있다. 게다가, 곱슬 머리를 곧게 펴는데 도 아주 좋다. pick 또는 pik이라고도 하는데 드라이하는 동 안 모발을 빗을 수가 있어서 곧게 펴진 모발이 엉키지 않도 록 드라이 시간을 줄여준다. 짦은 모발은 짧은 픽이 필요하 고 긴 모발에는 긴 것을 사용한다. 만일 여러분이 전문가용 헤어 드라이어를 구매했다면 이 유 용한 부착품들 중 하나는 이미 갖고 있을지도 모르겠다. 그 러나 먼지가 쌓이도록 박스 안에만 두지 말라. 이런 부품들 이 수많은 멋진 헤어 스타일을 연출하는데 도움이 될 수 있 음을 발견해 보도록 해라!

Michelle Scott is a professional stylist with five salons, and part time writer for My Hair Styling Tools. My Hair Styling Tools supplies the best titanium flat iron and best hair cutting shears at great prices and free shipping.

Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-articles/hair-dryer-attachments-5599925.html


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs

Black Women in

“Role Model Beyond Beauty” T

Art Exhibit

hirty black women are among those honored in the newly launched Role Model Beyond Beauty art exhibition. Several were featured at the Sawtooth School for Visual Art opening event, including Sandra Miller Jones, founder of Segmented Marketing Services (SMSi) Inc. and three women who are leaders in the National Black Theater Festival (NBTF): Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin, Mabel Robinson and Gerry Patton, who was a former director at Segmented Marketing Services (SMSi). The pastel portraits are from the personal collection of Lafayette Jones and Sandra Miller Jones, executive partners of SMSi-Urban Call Marketing. The exhibit opened in the Davis Gallery of the school, located in the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts in Winston-Salem, NC. “This event will be a great visual arts complement to our community’s most exciting theatre arts event,” said Lafayette Jones. “Leo Rucker’s portraits have strong appeal to local audiences as well as out-of-town visitors before and during the theatre festival. We wanted to display these pieces in a location that would be convenient to the downtown performance venues and hotels, and we found perfect partners in the Sawtooth School and the Arts Council.” Nearing its 177th edition, Role Model Beyond Beauty has featured celebrities like actress Sheryl Lee Ralph and singer Patti LaBelle. It has honored black women in a wide range of fields from civil rights leader and icon Rosa Parks to dance artistic director Judith Jamison of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater of Harlem to Carol Mosley Braun, the first African-American woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate. Beauty industry leaders include speaker and educator Crystal Wright; Katie Catalon, PhD, national president of the National Beauty Culturist’s League (NBCL); M3 Cosmetics founder Mary Joshua; Geri Jones, executive director, American Health & Beauty Aids Institute; “My Nappy Roots” film producer, Reggie Kimble; Cheryl Broussard, “Sister CEO” author and Jet

Lafayette Jones

Set Celebrity Hair Extensions founder; Renee Reynolds, Sally Beauty stores director; Eunice Dudley, CFO Dudley Products; Sonja Luster Munis, vice president, Luster Products; Roslyn Chapman, CEO, The Chapman Edge; Susan Taylor, Essence magazine emeritus editor in chief; Sholanda McBride, Design Essentials vice president; Denise Gardener, former marketing vice president, Soft Sheen Products; Miriam Muley, author and former executive vice president, SoftSheen-Carson; Renee Cottrell Brown, former executive vice president, Johnson Products and Unilever’s ProLine Corporation; Robbie Bronner, Bronner Brothers founding executive; Taydra Mitchell, former vice president, Mizani and Revlon; Anika Robins, Anika Cosmetics founder. The collection was developed over 20 plus years through Lafayette Jones’ column, “Role Model Beyond Beauty” in the Sophisticate’s Black Hair Styles and Care Guide, the best selling hair care magazine for women of color with an international readership of 1.6 million monthly. The magazine is directed by Bonnie Krueger, produced by James Spurlock and edited by Jocelyn Amador. It is estimated that 200 million people world wide have seen the role models in the magazine which is popular at black beauty salons and can be purchased at major retailers like Walmart, Walgreens, K Mart and CVS. The publication and column has a readership in the top 50 markets in the United States and global readership in West Africa (Ghana, Ivory Coast); South Africa (Capetown, Johannesburg), London, Paris, Milan and the Caribbean. The estimated value of the portrait collection is around a half million dollars. “But to us it is even more valuable as the largest art collection of African-American women giving back in their communities,” said Jones. Following the debut at Sawtooth, the exhibit is scheduled in 2014-2015 to visit large scale special African-American events in major metropolitan areas including Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, D.C., New Orleans and Charlotte.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com.

The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author. August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs Sandra Miller Jones Role Model: Sandra Miller Jones* *Biography: Sandra Miller Jones is president of the YWCA board of Winston-Salem. She is a graduate of Winston-Salem Paisley High School, Howard University in Washington, D.C. and was the first black woman to earn an MBA from the Kellogg School of Business at Chicago’s Northwestern University. She was a group product manager for Quaker Oats and promoted the Cap’n Crunch cereal brand before founding SMSi. Lafayette Jones, a P&G, Kraft, General Mills-Pillsbury, Johnson Products and Johnson Publishing marketing and sales executive, joined her as a business and life partner. Together they are the executive partners who lead SMSi-Urban Call Marketing. Their clients include General Mills, Aetna, General Motors, Johnson and Johnson, US Postal Services, Unilever and many Fortune 50 brands.

Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin Role Model: Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin, Executive Producer, National Black Theater Festival Biography: Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin is the executive producer of the North Carolina Black Theatre Festival (NBTF) and is also the director of the Forsyth County Public Library. She is co-founder with her late husband Larry Leo Hamlin of the biannual NBTF which draws more than 60,000 theater lovers to Winston-Salem, N.C. and impacts the local economy by more than $10 million during the week-long event.

Dorothy Height Role Model: Dorothy Height, Chair and President Emeritus, National Council of Negro Women Biography: Dorothy Irene Height was an administrator, educator, civil rights and women’s rights activist focused on the issues of African American women. She was president of the National Council of Negro Women for 40 years, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1994 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 2004. She was counsel to American leaders including First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. She encouraged President Dwight D. Eisenhower to desegregate schools and President Lyndon B. Johnson to appoint African American women to positions in government. In 1974, Height was named to the committee which published The Belmont Report, revealing the abuses of the infamous “Tuskegee Syphilis Study.”


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

Gerry Patton Role Model: Gerry Patton, Executive Director, North Carolina Black Repertory Company (NCBRC) Biography: After working many years as a volunteer for the North Carolina Black Repertory Company and the National Black Theater Festival, she now serves as its executive director. This follows her many years in the business arena, holding several administrative and training analyst positions during her 16 years at Wachovia Bank and Trust before joining Segmented Marketing Services (SMSi) as director of client operations.

Fantasia Role Model: Fantasia Biography: Fantasia Monique Barrino, commonly known as “Fantasia,” is an American R&B singer and actress. She rose to fame as the winner of the third season of the reality television series American Idol in 2004. She released “I Believe,” which debuted at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Her debut album, Free Yourself, was certified Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America and garnered Barrino three Grammy nominations in 2006. Her second album, “Fantasia,” featured the single “When I See U.” She played the part of Celie in the Broadway musical “The Color Purple, winning a 2007 Theatre World Award. Her third studio album, Back to Me, won a Grammy for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance. Barrino has sold more than 2,842,000 albums and 1,425,000 tracks in the United States.

Rosa Parks Role Model: Rosa Parks, Civil Rights Icon Biography: Rosa Parks became nationally recognized as the “Mother of the Freedom Movement” during a turning point in America. In states like Alabama, sections of public buses were reserved for whites only. Black passengers were expected to give up their seats. One day, Rosa Parks was too tired to do that. For failing to comply, she was arrested and fined $14. The action she took and endured with courage, dignity and determination triggered the 381 day Montgomery Bus Boycott that brought Martin Luther King, Jr. to national prominence and ultimately redirected the course of American history.

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs Judith Jamison Role Model: Judith Jamison, Artistic Director of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater * Biography: Judith Jamison, renowned dancer and highly regarded choreographer, was artistic director for the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. She helped assert the prominence of art in black culture. Born in Philadelphia, her father taught her to play the piano and violin. At the age of six, she began her dance training at Judimar School of Dance. By the age of eight, Jamison was dancing en pointe. At age 17 she graduated from Judimar and began collegiate studies at Fisk University. Jamison premiered with Alvin Ailey Dance Theater at Chicago’s Harper Theater Dance Festival. She toured Europe and Africa with the company, observing African culture firsthand, a valuable experience for the dance maven.

LisaRaye McCoy Role Model: LisaRaye McCoy, Actress, Model, Reality TV Star* *Biography: LisaRaye McCoy, a native of Chicago, is an actress, known for her role in the CW Network television series “All of Us,” a comedy inspired by the domestic adventures of Hollywood power couple Will and Jada Smith. She also played Diana “Diamond” Armstrong in the film “The Players Club” and Keisha Green in the VH1 romantic series, “Single Ladies.” For a time she was the First Lady of the Turks and Caicos Islands as when she was married to its premier, Michael Misick. Commonly known as LisaRaye, she has also become a fashion designer launching jeans, the LisaRaye Collection, and a wig, weave and extension line-LisaRaye Glamour.

Role Model: Tonya Pinkins, Actress, 2013 National Black Theater Festival Celebrity Co-Chair Biography: Chicago-born actress Tonya Pinkins was interested in the arts at a young age. She earned an undergraduate degree from Columbia College followed by graduate work at Carnegie Mellon’s Music Theater Music Program. Her career skyrocketed after she landed a role on the CBS network soap opera, “As the World Turns.” She also played Attorney Livia Frye Cudahy on ABC network’s daytime drama, “All My Children.” Pinkins earned a Tony Award for her Broadway role in “Jelly’s Last Jam.” Role Model: Mabel Robinson, Author, Artistic Director, North Carolina Black Repertory Company (NCBRC) Biography: Mabel Robinson is artistic director of the NCBRC. Robinson taught elementary school, college and university classes. She taught advanced fiction writing workshops at Columbia University in New York City. Robinson also taught at Constantinople College in Istanbul, Turkey and conducted research for the Carnegie Foundation in New York City. She is the author of children’s books and contributed short stories to periodicals including Delineator, Portal, St. Nicholas Magazine, and The Youth’s Companion. Two of her books were designated Newberry Honor books by the American Library Association.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

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Ammonia-Free, semi-permanent color. • Can be used on relaxed or color-treated hair. • Shiny Sheer Color in vibrant shades. • Commitment-free color lasts 1-2 washes, or 4-6 washes if heat is applied.

special Savings Duo Pack


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August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

What is the Difference Between a

Curling Iron and a Marcel Iron? 컬링 아이언과 마셀 아이언의 차이점?


curling iron is manipulated by controlling the shell that comes in contact with the rod and the thumb. A Marcel iron, named after its French inventor, has two revolving handles of equal length—one to control the shell and one to control the rod. The space between each handle is sufficient to allow a finger to fit, in order to control the movement of the iron. The stove heated Marcel iron is considered to be much more professional than the curling iron, because when working with a curling iron, the area of the hair shaft that comes in contact with the shell and pin (in the closed position) will stay in constant contact with the hair until released by the thumb. This is because the shell is held in a permanently closed position by a spring, which is released by the thumb’s pressure. The only way this pressure can be released during the curling procedure is when the thumb controller comes back around into position to be released. The rod and the shell of the Marcel iron can be kept in constant motion of opening and closing during the entire curling procedure, thereby disallowing hot spots to occur that could permanently and seriously damage the hair; this is especially important on relaxed hair that is already weakened from the procedure. A good example of this is a hot potato. If someone throws you a hot potato and instructs you to catch it but not drop it, then you will automatically juggle it from one hand to 52

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

컬링 아이언은 엄지 손가락으로 막대 부분과 접촉되는 쉘을 제어하는 것으로 조작이 된다. 프랑스 발명가의 이름에서 따 온 마셀 아이언에는 같은 길이의 회전 핸들이 2개가 있다. - 쉘을 제어하기 위한 것과 막대 부분을 조절하기 위한 것. 두 핸들 사이의 공간은 손가락으로 아이언의 움직임을 제어하는데 충분하다.

스토브에 가열하는 마셀 아이언은 컬링 아이언보다는

훨씬 더 전문적인 것으로 간주되는데, 그 이유는 컬링 아이언을 사용할 때, 아이언의 쉘과 접촉하는 모발 부위와 핀(엄지 손가락으로 누르기 전에는 지속적으로 모발과 접촉하는 닫힌 상태) 때문이다. 쉘은 스프링에 의해 영구적으로 닫힌 상태로 고정되어 있으며, 엄지 손가락의 압력에 의해 열리게 된다. 헤어 컬링 중 이 압력을 열 수 있는 유일한 방법은 엄지손가락 조절 부위를 열린 상태로 두는 것이다. 마셀 아이언의 막대와 쉘은 전체 컬링 과정 동안 열림과 닫힘 동작이 지속적으로 유지된다, 그로 인해 모발의 영구적이고 심각한 손상을 초래할 수 있는 핫 스팟을 만들지 않게 되는 것이다; 이것은 특히 릴렉서 사용으로 이미 약해진 모발에는 아주 중요하다. 이것의 좋은 예로 뜨거운 감자를 들 수 있다. 누군가 당신에게 뜨거운 감자를 던지고는

떨어트리지 말고 받을 것을 지시한다면, 당신은 손을 데지

the other in order not to become burned. This juggling process will keep the hot potato from coming in constant contact with your hands, also allowing the cooling effect of air to circulate between the potato and the hands, and thereby circumventing your hands from becoming burned. The Marcel iron allows this same kind of action to occur on the hair so you may curl using high heat without seriously burning the hair. For this reason, the Marcel iron is a safe, effective and professional device—much more so than the curling iron. The Marcel iron comes in two forms: (1) conventional, for use on the stove, and (2) electrical. Many of the electric models do not have equal sizes and shapes of handles. One may be much larger than the other on the same iron in order to house the thermostat and heat generating devices. As a result, most electric curling irons will not allow you as much

않기 위해서 자동적으로 양 손을 번갈아가며 저글링을 하게 될 것이다. 이 저글링 과정은 감자가 지속적으로 당신의 손과 접촉하게 함은 물론, 감자와 손 사이를 순환하는 공기의 냉각 효과를 갖게 한다. 그로 인해 당신의 손이 데는 것을 피할 수가 있는 것이다. 마셀 아이언이 바로 모발에 이와 유사하게 작동하기 때문에 심각한 모발 손상없이 높은 열로 컬을 만들 수 있는 것이다. 이러한 이유로, 마셀 아이언이 보다 안전하고 효과적이며 컬링 아이언에 비해 훨씬 더 전문적인 기구가 되는 것이다.

마셀 아이언에는 두 가지 형태가 있다: (1)

스토브에서 사용하는 재래식 (2) 전기식. 대부분의 전기식 모델은 핸들의 모양과 사이즈가 다르다. 온도 및 열 발생 장치를 수용하기 위해서 같은 아이언이라도 어떤 핸들은 다른 것보다 훨씬 클 수가 있다. 그 결과, 대부분의 전기 컬링

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


아이언은 스토브에서 사용하는 타입보다 움직임과 제어가 훨씬 덜 자유롭다. 일반적으로 두 핸들 사이에(닫힌 상태에서) 손가락을 위한 충분한 공간이 없다. 또한, 전기식 모델에서는 오직 막대 부분만 가열된다. 스토브에서 가열하는 컬링

freedom of movement and control as the type used on a stove. Generally there is not enough space between the two handles (in a closed position) for your fingers to fit between. Also, only the rod is heated on the electric models. On the stove heated curling iron both the rod and shell are heated evenly, resulting in both sides of the strands receiving equal heat.

아이언은 막대와 쉘 모두가 균등하게 가열되는데, 결과적으로

Why do stove heated irons work best on coarse and Afro hair? Asian, Hispanic, Indian and all such types of hair have a cuticle that is twice as thick as most other straight hair, resulting in this type of hair requiring more heat to bend the cuticle to form a curl. The thickness of the cuticle accounts for the courser hair. Most Afro hair has overlapping cuticles in its natural form, resulting in the hair having twice as many cuticle scales in any given area. This is caused by the hair drawing up in its natural form (reversion) causing in the cuticles to overlap. For this reason, the type hair eluted to here is best served with the stove heated marcel iron. Electric irons utilize endothermic heat, meaning they are heated from the inside out. The outer surface of the stove heated Marcel irons comes in direct contact with its heating source—exothermic. For this reason stove heated irons have a more intense heat. One of the main reasons that an electric iron cannot maintain the high temperature is because the metal of the barrel is very thin. The barrel of the stove heated Marcel iron is made of a much thicker iron or steel, and in some cases is solid tempered, meaning the material can hold heat evenly from one end to the other.

생머리보다 두 배는 두꺼운 표피를 가지고 있다, 결과적으로

모발의 양쪽면이 모두 균일한 열을 받게 되는 것이다.

왜 스토브에 가열하는 아이언이 거친 모발이나 흑인들의 모발에 가장 잘 작용할까? 아시안, 히스패닉, 인디언들의 모발은 대부분의 다른

이러한 유형의 모발들은 컬을 형성하기 위해 표피를 구부리는데 더 많은 열이 필요한 것이다. 표피의 두께가 두꺼울수록 모발은 더욱 굵어진다. 대부분의 흑인 모발은 선천적으로 중복된 표피로 형성되며, 그 결과 같은 부분을 비교했을 때 다른 인종보다 두 배는 더 많은 표피층을 가지고 있다. 이것은 원래의 상태(회귀)로 돌아가려는 모발이 표피층을 겹쳐지게 하는 이유가 되기 때문이다. 이런 이유로, 여기에서 말하는 형태의 모발에는 스토브에 가열한 마셀 아이언이 가장 잘 작용이 된다. 전기 아이언은 내부에서 외부로 가열되는 흡열성 열을 사용한다. 스토브에 가열한 마셀 아이언의 표면은 발열성의 가열 물체와 직접 접촉하게 된다. 이런 이유때문에, 스토브에 가열한 아이언이 보다 강한 열을 갖게 되는 것이다. 전기 아이언이 고열을 유지할 수 없는 주된 이유 가운데 하나는 배럴의 금속이 매우 얇기 때문이다. 스토브에 가열하는 마셀 아이언의 배럴은 이 보다 더욱 두꺼운 철이나 강철로 만들며, 어떤 경우 solid tempered(미리 달구어져 단련된 강철)로 만들기도 하는데, 이것은 물체가 한쪽 끝에서부터 다른 끝까지 균일하게 열을 저장할 수 있음을 의미한다.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D.C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Tricology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazine drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologist and students encounter on a daily basis. Contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aim.com or call 310-323-7100. 54 54

OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine August August 2013 2013

September 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Elizabeth Yong

MAKING DOLLARS ANd CENTS Think outside of the shop for increased profits

수입 올리기 이윤 증대를 위해서 매장 밖을 고려하라. 당신의 이발 기술은 완벽하다. 당신 가게의 하루 최대 고객 수를 보라, 당신은 여전히 돈을 더 벌 수 있는 방법을 알고 싶을 것이다. 가게 밖으로 나가라고 한다면 아마 정신나간 소리같을지도 모르지만, 이동식 이발 서비스는 현명하면서도 어렵지 않은 방법이 될 수 있다.

Does it Make Cents? There are lots of things to consider before offering mobile services. Your client is paying for their convenience, your inconvenience, time and service. “I explain to my students to charge their worth,” says Rodrick Samuels, owner of Profile Barber Institute in South Carolina and Andis Educator. “If you have to travel to see a client, whether they be a celebrity or a friend down the street, make sure you account for your time. Time is money.” Kenny “the Professional” Duncan, owner of Main Attraction Unisex Salon in Philadelphia and Andis Educator,

그 방법으로 수입을 올릴 수 있을까? 이동식 서비스를 제공하기 전에 고려해야할 것들이 많이 있다. 당신의 고객들은 자신들의 편리를 위해, 당신의 불편함과 시간, 서비스에 대해 지불하는 것이다. “나는 학생들에게 가치에 맞게 청구하라고 말합니다,” Profile Barber Institute in South Carolina 의 대표이자 Andis 교육 강사인Rodrick Samuels가 말한다. “만일 고객들을 만나러 직접 다녀야한다면, 그들이 유명 연예인이든 거리에서 만난 친구이든 당신이 할애하는 시간에 대해 반드시 설명할 수 있어야 합니다. 시간이 곧 돈이니까요.” Main Attraction Unisex Salon을 운영하는Kenny “전문가” Duncan은 최소 시간과 서비스 시간 당 최대

You perfect your barbering skills; see your maximum number of clients a day in the shop, yet you wonder how you can make more money. Stepping out of the shop may sound crazy, but offering mobile barbering services could be a way to work smarter, not harder.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

adheres to his mobile price list that lists time minimum, maximum number of people per hour of service, and he increases the prices accordingly. He also lists food expense, mileage, tolls and his requirements of lodging if necessary. “Having a set mobile price list makes sure there are no misunderstandings between both parties,” he says. Duncan encourages other barbers and stylists to be proactive and create their own opportunities. “Keep apprised of music shows and events coming to your area,” he says. “Plan for some flexibility in your schedule because when you network, you never know who may need your services.” A true professional, Duncan is also courteous to his salon clients by giving them at least a week if he needs to reschedule. “At Main Attraction, we only book appointments, so that makes it easier to plan ahead for going mobile.” Cut and Go For the ultimate flexibility as a mobile barber, invest in a cordless clipper and trimmer. After a few mobile cuts, your cordless tools should start paying for themselves. “Take care of your tools and they will take care of you,” says Samuels. “Buying quality tools is paramount. Be sure you properly store and clean them.” Celebrity-barber Angel Lucas A.K.A. monster99 the barber of baseball, is exclusively on the go. “I’ve cut hair on the golf course, on a plane and in a car,” he says. “You never know where your client wants a haircut.” Although he sets up shop where his clients need him, he often leaves a set of clippers and trimmers at stadiums or homes that he frequents often. “Leaving a set there makes it easier for me to travel and some people just prefer their own clipper.”

고객 수를 명시한 자신의 이동 서비스 요금표를 확실히 지키고, 그에 따라 요금을 인상한다. 또한 식사비, 자동차 운행 거리, 고속 도로 요금, 필요할 경우 숙박비까지 목록에 넣는다. “이동 서비스 요금을 책정할 때는 고객과의 사이에 오해가 전혀없어야 합니다” 라고 그가 말한다. Duncan은 다른 이발사들과 스타일리스트들이 능동적으로 자신의 기회를 만들기를 권장한다. “여러분 지역에서 있을 음악 쇼나 이벤트를 지속적으로 소개하세요”. 그가 말하기를, “당신의 스케줄을 약간은 유동적으로 계획하세요. 어떤 고객이 당신의 서비스를 필요로할지 모르니까요”. 진정한 전문가인 Duncan은 자신의 일정을 변경해야할 경우, 적어도 일주일 전에 자신의 살롱 고객들에게 정중히 알린다. “가장 큰 장점은, 저희는 사전 예약을 받기 때문에, 이동식 서비스를 미리 계획하기가 쉽습니다”. 컷 앤 고 출장 이발사로서 최고의 유연성을 가지려면, 무선 클리퍼와 트리머에 투자해라. 몇 번 출장 서비스를 제공하고 나면, 당신의 무선 클리퍼는 스스로 제값을 하기 시작한다. “ 기구들을 잘 보살피면 그것들이 당신을 보살펴줄 것입니다” 라고 Samuels가 말한다. “품질 좋은 제품을 구매하는 것이 가장 중요합니다. 반드시 기구들을 제대로 보관하고 깨끗이 관리해야 합니다”. 유명 연예인들의 이발사인Angel Lucas A.K.A. monster99는 이동 서비스 분야에서 독보적이다. “저는 골프 코스나 비행기, 차 안에서도 헤어컷을 합니다” 라고 그가 말한다. “당신의 고객이 어떤 장소에서 헤어컷을 원할지는 모르는 일이죠” 물론 현재 헤어샵을 운영하고 있지만, 그는 클리퍼와 트리머 세트를 운동 경기장이나 집에 남겨 두고 있기도 한다. “작업 세트를 그곳에 두면 제가 이동하기가 더욱 편리하며 어떤 고객들은 자신이 갖고 있는 클리퍼를 더 선호합니다”. August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips Duncan plans on leaving a trimmer for different reasons. “Often I’m asked about what to use for personal grooming; I suggest the new Andis Trim’N Go cordless personal trimmer. It runs on an AA battery and you can build it in the cost of the mobile service. It’s a bit of customer appreciation and it leaves a good impression.” He also suggests retailing the Trim’N Go at salon and barbershop checkouts to increase profits. “By retailing the Trim’N Go, you offer your clients a complete grooming experience without having to see uncharted territory.” Making the transition from inside the shop to on the go barbering can be successful as long as you charge accordingly and do not alienate your existing clients. Samuels stresses, “Make sure you keep your skills sharp to create the demand for your services, both inside and outside of the shop.”

Duncan 은 “저는 종종 개인적인 모발 손질을 위해 어떤 제품을 사용하면 좋겠냐는 질문을 받습니다. 저는 Andis Trim’N Go의 신형 무선 개인 트리머를 제안합니다. AA 건전지로 작동하는데 이동 서비스 비용으로 충분히 충당할 수 있습니다. 그것은 고객에 대한 일종의 감사로서, 좋은 인상을 남깁니다”라고 한다. 그는 또한 미용실이나 이발소에서Trim’N Go를 판매하는 것도 이윤을 높일 수 있는 방법이라고 제시한다. “Trim’N Go를 판매하면, 당신은 고객들에게 잘 알지 못하는 분야를 파악하지 않고서도 완벽한 모발 관리 경험을 제공하게 되는 것입니다.” 실내 헤어샵에서 외부 이발업으로 전환하는 것은, 당신이 적절하게 요금을 청구하고 기존의 고객들을 소원하게 만들지만 않는다면 성공적으로 해낼 수 있다. Samuels은 “ 당신의 서비스를 원하는 수요를 지속적으로 창출할 수 있도록, 이발소 안에서든 외부에서든 당신의 실력을 갈고 닦아야 합니다.” 라고 강조한다.

Elizabeth Yong has more than 14 years in the salon industry and currently heads up her own firm, Forever Yong Public Relations.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013


OTC Beauty Magazine July 2012


King of Locs by Cyrus Jackson


Natural hair care is all the rage in the market place, but

no other style truly represents the passion and commitment to natural ethnic beauty than the classic loc. Many people refer to the style as dreadlocks, but to have such an array of styles, lengths and variety as we do today, the term seems a little too limiting. Ethnic hair in its natural state is strong and beautiful. The use of quality products only enhances its rich brilliance. So let’s take a look at what defines the new stylish loc and which products customers seek out to maintain the style. Locs have been worn since ancient times and many of the ingredients and practices to start the process are used to develop products today. To loc the hair takes time and given the misconceptions and limited quality products, the process can quickly turn into a self defining journey. Locs are normally begun as a twist and secured with a holding agent. Over the years, bees wax has been used to secure the hair, but given the length of time between shampoos build-up is all too common. Many products have taken the same concept and produced naturally based products that eliminate the sticky build-up. Jamaican Mango & Lime carries a Locking Creme Wax with the hold of beeswax and the soft conditioning effects of cream. For those that prefer a lighter formula, the Locking Gel is moisture based and sure to hold twists in place. Once the hair is twisted, it should remain in this state for three to seven months until the natural curl pattern weaves within itself, forming a loc. During this time the scalp can be cleansed, but the hair should

not be vigorously shampooed until it is completely locked. For this reason, products with natural fruit extracts like mangos and lime are ideal as citric acid is a natural cleanser and astringent. As new growth comes in, it is twisted into the developing loc. Moisture is important for all natural ethnic hair. Since the hair will not be brushed or combed, there is less stimulation in the scalp and the body’s natural oils will not be distributed throughout the hair. Products with plenty of natural humectants and oils help to prevent damage of dry brittle hair and scalp. There is much to consider when deciding to grow locs. The process is a true commitment and most people like to experiment with the hair in its natural state before committing to the style. One can go several months before their hair locs; this depends on the hair type. The hair should be free of chemicals and the tighter the curl pattern of the hair, the shorter the time the hair will take to loc. Still, locs remain the number one natural style worldwide today. Beauty supply stores should keep this in mind when stocking new items to meet the new demands for natural hair products. Consumers and suppliers should stock trusted products like Jamaican Mango & Lime to meet the complete needs of locs and twists. I can tell you that the process is complex, but I know from personal experience and over a decade in the natural hair care business, it is all worth it for long, strong and healthy natural hair.

Cyrus Jackson has had a successful career in the hair care industry for over 30 years including sales, marketing and product development with companies such as World of Curl, D-Orum Products and Leisure Curl. Jackson is the owner and president of Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. makers of one of the first complete products lines in the industry for the care and maintenance of natural ethnic hair types, Jamaican Mango & Lime. Jackson’s continued development and promotions of quality products for natural ethnic beauty has made him the self proclaimed King of Locs. August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Bill McBean

The Summertime Tune-up:

Seven Reasons to Perform a Half-Year Review and Let the Sun Shine on Your Business This Summer If you’re a business owner and you’re thinking about kicking back and taking it easy this summer, think again. I recommend using the season to do a half-year review of your business and take advantage of emerging opportunities while your competition rests. Summertime and the livin’ is easy…or so the song goes. But as the days grow longer and warmer, small business owners might want to be careful about taking it too easy during June, July, and August. The reality is that the season is actually a great time to do a half-year review and make some smart moves for your business while some of your competitors are in a summertime lull. I’m not saying you have to work yourself to death this summer. I’m suggesting you work smarter, not harder. Often, business owners think they can just wait and review their business or implement needed changes after they’ve enjoyed the summer. But what happens is, owners come back from their vacations and they are “slammed” trying to catch up and dealing with past problems, instead of looking for market opportunities or getting ready to ramp back up after Labor Day. They end up trying to succeed with the same troubled systems, processes, and/or employee(s), so nothing changes; suddenly the year is almost finished, and valuable opportunities have passed them by. But trust me, there are many benefits to taking the time 64

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to do a half-year review right now—before time runs out to adjust to the market and make conquest sales to improve your bottom line. Summertime is a great time to “mash the gas” on improving your strengths and eliminating any weaknesses that have cropped up since the beginning of the year. The key here is to identify what can be done quickly and implemented easily. The more difficult challenges begin once you get these initial improvements in place. It’s also important to check in on the goals you made earlier in the year and make adjustments as needed. Read on for a few tips from my book, “The Facts of Business Life: What Every Successful Business Owner Knows That You Don’t,” on why you should do a summertime check-up on your business: Some important changes will take a while to fully implement. If you want to make changes in your operation, like ordering new inventory, hiring and training new employees, or putting a new marketing

Feature campaign together, it will take time to really get them rolling. “You might think, Oh, as long as we get this or that going by fall, we’ll be good to go for the rest of the year.” But why wait until fall? You probably have a little extra time right now to make things happen. So take advantage of it!

answers to some of those important questions. Most importantly, now that you know what you didn’t know, you can look at what it means for your business and make decisions accordingly.

You have the opportunity to regrip the reins. As a business owner, you must You can take take control of your action while your business. Owning and competitors are managing a business procrastinating. Most is not a democracy— owners and their it’s more like a managers say, “Thank dictatorship. When God we got through you aren’t ruling over the winter months, your business, chaos and we are now in the will reign, and you will meat of the market! have upset employees Things should get and customers. better now…at least, Success begins with I hope!” Then, they great leadership. kick back and wait That means you to see what happens and your appointed during the next few leaders—managers, months. But not you. department heads, and The important team leaders—must thing to understand operate and stick to the is that while your processes you put in competitors are taking place every day, all day. this approach, you have a market advantage and an If employees aren’t following your processes, you must opportunity for conquest sales and more profit. But only get them on board. But if they won’t, the employee has if your changes are smart and you begin the preparation made a decision for you—unfortunately, you will have to now. Set a goal to take action on at least one or two let them go. important goals. Do it while your competitors are sitting Nothing good comes from waiting to look at your on their hands, and there will be conquest sales and a numbers. Are your sales up or down compared to bigger payoff for you and your business. last year and what you had forecasted for this year? Now you know what you didn’t know in December/ Why or why not? Is your overall local market economy doing better than last year? If it is up, what products January. Hopefully you did an end-of-the-year or or services can attract this added disposable income in beginning-of-the-year review back in December or your market? If it is down, what do you need to do to January. That review probably raised some important questions. For example: What will the hottest products protect your business? Is your industry up nationally and be this year? Will my biggest competitor’s expansion regionally? Sure, sitting on a beach somewhere will be gamble pay off? What’s my biggest threat? And so on. a lot more fun than running these numbers, but when Now, almost halfway into the year, you should have you’ve owned up to them, you’ll have the peace of mind 66

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Feature of knowing where your business stands and what you need to do to get it (or keep it) on track. One important thing to note: Most business owners look at sales revenues, expenses, and bottomline net profit. But don’t forget the importance of gross profit and the products and services that generate it. In reality, gross profit is what creates your net profit and provides meaningful measurement of sales and expenses. It is a factor that every business owner should be studying in detail. It’s a great time to go after new opportunities. New opportunities are always presenting themselves. By running your business through a summer check-up, you’ll be able to reevaluate the products and services that could add value to your current customers while attracting new ones, and as a result increase profits for your business. When you’re thinking about going after new opportunities, ask yourself a few important questions. In what areas can you gain market share because your competitor is struggling? Have you attacked the customer base and gross profits of your competitors? And so on. By going after new opportunities now, you can take a bigger piece of the business pie in the coming months and enter next year

in a stronger position both from sales and from the profits they generate. There’s no better time to remotivate employees. Most business owners probably look at the summer as the time their employees check out for a bit. They go on vacation or daydream about it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Great business owners know how to use the summer to remotivate their staffs. With new information comes knowledge, and a summer check-up is a great way to gather the latest information about your business and market. If you’re the first to harvest this information, you will be the first to use it to boost your business. You’ll have the chance to attack the market—where it’s hot and where it’s not—before your competitors. Sure, you can always think of excuses not to do something. But you also have the ability to take advantage of opportunities, jump on them, and maximize them. Use the summer to gather new information about your business and capitalize on it while your competition is in “the relaxed mode”—it’s what all great owners do.

Bill McBean is the author of “The Facts of Business Life: What Every Successful Business Owner Knows That You Don’t” (Wiley, October 2012, ISBN: 978-1-1180949-6-9, $24.95, www.FactsOfBusinessLife.com). A graduate of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, and Mount Royal College in Calgary, Alberta, Bill has started several successful businesses. He is currently general partner of McBean Partners, a family-owned investment company. He is also partner and chairman of Our-Mentors, a company that works with owners to improve their businesses for long-term success, and Net Claims Now.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013


Profile by Haley McNeal

“For the ethnic consumer, [the OTC beauty industry] is the place where, historically, they are introduced to new brands, line extensions and trends,” explained Rich Lombardi, CEO of DRM-JPC Brands. Undoubtedly, this is one of the many things that makes the business great, and Lombardi shares with us what part DRM-JPC plays. A prominent component of the industry, this company was recently formed by three well-known brands integrating to grow even stronger, together.

DRM-JPC 브랜드 “에스닉 소비자들에게, [OTC 미용 산업]은 역사적으로 새로운 브랜드와 확장된 브랜드 라인, 트랜드를 소개받는 장소입니다.” 라고 DRM-JPC의 CEO인 Rich Lombardi는 말한다. 의심의 여지없이, 이것은 비즈니스를 더욱 번창시키게 만드는 많은 것들 가운데 하나이며, Lombard는 DRMJPC가 어떠한 역할을 하는지에 대해 우리와 이야기를 나누었다. 업계에 두드러진 한 업체로써, 최근 더욱 강한 성장세를 보이는 3개의 브랜드를 갖고 있다.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): In your opinion, what is the most interesting aspect of the OTC beauty industry? RL: The variety of products offered that meet the consumers needs from natural to relaxed and the growing segment of those who are transitioning give the industry its most interesting spin. OTC: The Company just underwent quite a change to become DRM-JPC. Please explain this transition, how it came to pass and what it means for the future of the company. RL: The merger that took place earlier this year has diversified two very strong brand portfolios. We now have the leverage to touch every demographic in the ethnic hair care market. The future is anchored in the company’s refined vision to become the fastest growing innovative global personal care company that women of color will trust to help them look and feel beautiful. OTC: What traditions have each part of DRM-JPC brought to the new entity and how will they be nurtured in years to come? RL: The Dr. Miracle’s brand brings with it a unique positioning that differentiates it from all other players in the market place. Our ownership of the “doctor’s” concept gives us a firm foothold in the treatment category. Gentle Treatment has long since been the “go to” brand for women in an older demographic. Products that focus on grey and sensitive scalps set the brand apart from both general market and other ethnic brands on the shelves. Ultra Sheen Supreme offers a space for our portfolio in the value segment speaking directly to the savvy consumer who is conscience about ingredients. By refreshing the current product offerings and developing innovative new items to introduce to the market, we will continue to build upon the traditions of all three brands. OTC: How are customers being informed about the transition? RL: We will be subtly introducing our new branding, including the corporate logo into our products, sales, marketing and POS materials. In addition, as new items

OTC 뷰티 매거진(OTC): 귀하의 견해로 볼 때, OTC 뷰티 산업에서 가장 흥미로운 측면은 무엇입니까? RL: 제품의 다양성은 자연 모발부터 릴렉서를 사용한 모발, 그리고 전환의 시기에 있는 소비자들의 요구를 충족시켰으며 이것이 업계에 가장 흥미로운 점을 제공하고 있습니다. OTC: 귀사는 최근DRM-JPC로 거듭나기 위한 상당한 변화를 겪었습니다. 이 전환에 대해 설명부탁드리며, 어떻게 진행이 되었고, 회사의 미래를 위한 어떤 의미를 갖는지도 설명 부탁드립니다. RL: 올해 초에 시행된 합병은 두개의 아주 강력한 브랜드 포트폴리오를 다양화시켰습니다. 저희는 이제 모든 타민족 헤어 케어 시장을 접촉할 수 있는 영향력을 갖게 되었습니다. 새롭게 정비된 비전으로 회사의 미래가 출범되었으며 이로 인해 다양한 피부색의 여성들이 신뢰를 갖고 자신의 아름다움을 보고 느낄 수 있는데 도움이 될 수 있는 가장 빠르게 성장하는 혁신적이고 범세계적인 개인 관리용품 기업이 될 것입니다. OTC: DRM-JPC의 각 부분을 새로운 독립체로 탄생시킨 전통은 무엇이며, 앞으로 수 년동안 어떻게 이것을 육성해 나갈 계획이신지요? RL: Dr. Miracle’s 브랜드는 시장의 다른 모든 제품들과의 차별화로 독특한 위치를 갖고 있습니다. “doctor’s” 브랜드 컨셉에 대한 저희의 소유권은 트리트먼트 분야에서 확고한 발판을 저희에게 제공합니다. Gentle Treatment는 높은 연령층의 여성들에게는 늘 찾는 브랜드로 오래 지속되고 있습니다. 흰머리나 민감성 두피를 겨냥한 제품들은 매장 진열에 있어서 일반적인 시장 및 다른 타민족 브랜드와 차별을 시켰습니다. Ultra Sheen Supreme은 제품 성분에 정통한 소비자들에게 확실하게 어필할 수 있는 요소들을 갖추고 있습니다. 기존의 제품을 새롭게하고 혁신적인 신제품을 개발하고 시장에 소개함으로써, 저희는 이 세 가지 브랜드의 전통을 지속적으로 설립해나갈 것입니다. OTC: 고객들은 귀사의 이러한 전환을 어떻게 알게 될까요? RL: 기업 로고가 표시된 제품과 판매, 마케팅 그리고 매장용 광고 물품들을 포함한 다양한 방법으로, 새로운 브랜드에 관해 적절하게 소개할 것입니다. 신제품이 출시될 때 또한, 저희의 메세지를 강화할 수 있는 기업 커뮤니케이션 안내문이 배포될 것입니다.

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile

are launched, they will be accompanied by corporate communication pieces that will reinforce the message. OTC: Briefly describe the brands that make up your product portfolio. What tips do you have to help retailers incorporate these items in their stores? RL: Dr. Miracle’s is our premium treatment based brand powered by science and nature. Gentle Treatment is our mid-priced nature inspired brand with the mature consumer in mind and Ultra Care Supreme, also inspired by nature, is the value brand in the portfolio. By taking advantage of our sampling programs and in-store communications including branded displays and POP materials, retailers will have the tools necessary to consistently move product off the shelves. OTC: If you had to pick one product (or a couple) that is most symbolic of your company, what would it be and why? How is it differentiated from other products in the market? RL: Dr. Miracle’s Temple and Nape Gro Balm Super is one of the most well-recognized products in the line. It continues to perform for the consumers who continue to share their praise of the product for its promotion of hair growth stimulation in these sensitive areas and is set apart by the treatment heritage that the product represents. Gentle Treatment is well represented by its Style Revital Fabulously Grey Yellow Out Conditioner. One of the few products in the ethnic segment to address the neutralizing of brassy tones in grey hair, it is a unique offering with an exclusive formula. The value positioning of the Ultra Sheen Supreme No-Lye Relaxer Kit makes it the foundation product on which the brand has been built and stands out today as its most recognized item. OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores? Why? RL: Promotions that involve sampling work best for the brands in our portfolio. Continuing to offer the consumer an opportunity to test before they purchase lends itself to the grassroots techniques that traditionally build consumer trust and loyalty. OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how is the company meeting consumer demand for it? 74

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OTC: 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하는 브랜드들에 관한 간단한 설명 부탁드립니다. 이 제품들을 매장에서 취급하고 있는 소매업자들에게 도움이 될 조언이 있다면? RL: Dr. Miracle’s는 자연과 과학으로 만들어진, 저희의 프리미엄 트리트먼트를 기반으로 하는 브랜드입니다. Gentle Treatment는 성숙한 소비자들을 염두한 중저가의 자연 친화적인 브랜드이며, Ultra Care Supreme 또한 자연 친화적인 제품으로 포트폴리오의value brand입니다. 저희의 샘플 프로그램을 활용하고 브랜드 디스플레이와 POP 물품들을 포함한 매장 커뮤니케이션을 통해, 소매업자들은 제품을 진열장에서 지속적으로 밀어내는데 필요한 도구들을 갖게 될 것입니다. OTC: 귀사를 가장 잘 상징하는 제품을 한 두개만 선택한다면, 어떤 것이며 이유는 무엇일까요? 시장의 다른 제품들과는 어떤 차이점이 있을까요? RL: Dr. Miracle’s 의 Temple and Nape Gro Balm Super는 이 라인에서 가장 잘 알려진 제품입니다. 민감한 부분에서 모발의 성장을 촉진하는 이 제품의 효능에 관한 소비자들의 지속적인 칭찬이 이어지고 있으며, 제품을 대표하는 트리트먼트로 따로 구별되고 있습니다. Gentle Treatment는 Style Revital Fabulously Grey Yellow Out Conditioner로 잘 알려져있습니다. 흰머리와 황동색 톤의 중화를 해결해주는 에스닉 제품 중 몇 안 돼는 제품 가운데 하나로, 이 제품만의 독창적인 성분을 제공하는 독특한 제품입니다. Ultra Sheen Supreme의 No-Lye Relaxer Kit는 기존에 잘 알려진 브랜드에 기초하여 만들어 졌으며, 그 명성을 이어가고 있습니다. OTC: OTC 매장에서 가장 효과적인 제품 홍보 형태는 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? 그 이유는? RL: 샘플을 통한 제품 홍보가 가장 효과적입니다. 고객들에게 구매 전에 제품을 시험해 볼 수 있는 기회를 지속적으로 제공하는 것은, 고객의 신뢰와 충성도를 구축하는 전통적인 방법입니다. OTC: 귀사가 포함된 뷰티 산업의 분야 내에서 가장 최근 성장하는 트랜드는 무엇이며 회사는 이에 대한 고객의 요구를 어떻게 충족하는지요? RL: 네추럴 헤어 트랜드가 업계의 정점에 도달하고 있습니다. 저희는 소비자들과 직접 대화할 수 있도록 Dr. Miracle’s 포트폴리오에 하위 브랜드를 추가했습니다. Dr. Miracle’s의 컬 케어는 코코넛, 카렌듈라, 알로에, 호호바 등의 천연 성분을 결합한 브랜드의 슬로건인 “자연 성분을

RL: The natural hair trend is reaching a peak in the industry. We have added a sub brand to the Dr. Miracle’s portfolio to talk directly to that consumer. Curl Care by Dr. Miracle’s combines natural ingredients like coconut, calendula, aloe and jojoba to encourage moisture and healthy hair growth with the brand’s signature “feel it formula” to ensure consumer recognition and encourage converts. OTC: What is DRM-JPC doing to ensure excellent customer service to OTC retailers? How can they benefit from working with you? RL: Our VP of Sales, Boris Moore, and his team are overseeing the transition. Their familiarity with the inner workings of the OTC customer gives us the confidence to know that it will be managed with excellence. We will use this transition as a way to go back to our roots. We will look to OTC retailers as our partners to roll out new and innovative products. OTC: What are DRM-JPC’s goals for the rest of 2013? Are there any big plans you can share? RL: The latter part of 2013 will bring several new launches for all of the brands in the portfolio. Dr. Miracle’s will put a spotlight on scalp health with two new Scalp Care items, Ultra Sheen Supreme will launch four styling products and Gentle Treatment’s relaxer refresh will also be released. OTC: Is there a central belief that serves as the driving force behind the company? If so, what is it and please explain. RL: The force driving the company is its vision to emerge as a global leader in ethnic beauty. Through the merging of nature and science, each brand has a unique opportunity to grow its current consumer base and increase brand loyalty through the development and introduction of products that continue the treatment heritage on which they have been built. OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about DRM-JPC? RL: DRM-JPC Brands is a beauty company whose Leadership Team encompasses nearly 45 years of combined industry experiences working major consumer beauty brands including L’Oreal, Coty and Alberto Culver, and many more. Boris Moore, VP of Sales, and CMO Kimberly Hairston have added a level of experience to our team that ensures the innovations will continue and be properly brought to market. 2013 and 2014 will be a time of rapid, structured growth for our portfolio that will benefit our customers and our consumers equally.

느끼자” 에 걸맞게 보습 효과를 높이고 건강한 모발 성장을 촉진시킵니다. 이것은 소비자들의 인식을 확고히 하고 저희 제품으로의 전환 또한 장려하게 되는 것이죠. OTC: DRM-JPC는 OTC 소매업자들에게 우수 고객 서비스를 보장하는 어떤 일들을 하고 계신지? 그들이 귀사와의 거래를 통해 얻을 수 있는 혜택은 무엇입니까? RL: 저희 영업 부사장인Boris Moore와 그의 팀은 전환을 감독하고 있습니다. OTC 고객들과의 내부적인 업무에 관한 그들의 친숙함은 아주 우수하게 관리가 될 것이라는 확신을 줍니다. 저희는 이 전환을 우리의 근본으로 되돌아가는 방법으로 이용할 것입니다. 저희는 OTC 소매업자들을 혁신적인 신제품을 출시하기 위한 저희의 파트너로 볼 것입니다. OTC: 2013년 남은 기간 동안의 DRM-JPC의 목표는 무엇입니까? 저희에게 미리 알려줄 수 있는 큰 계획이 있는지? RL: 2013년 후반기는 저희 포트폴리오에 포함된 모든 브랜드들의 새로운 제품 출시들이 있을 것입니다. Dr. Miracle’s는 새로운 2 가지의 두피 관리 제품으로 두피 건강 부분에서 스포트라이트를 받게 될 것이고, Ultra Sheen Supreme은 4가지의 스타일링 제품들, Gentle Treatment은 relaxer refresh를 출시할 것입니다. OTC: 회사의 원동력 역할을 하는 중심적인 신념이 있습니까? 그렇다면, 무엇인지 설명바랍니다. RL: 회사의 추진력은 에스닉 뷰티업계에서 글로벌 리더로 도약하겠다는 비전입니다. 자연과 과학의 합병을 통해, 각 브랜드들은 그동안의 방법으로 유산처럼 내려온 트리트먼트 방법들을 이어가는 제품의 개발과 도입을 통해 고객 충성도를 높이고, 현재 소비자 기반을 성장시킬 수 있는 독특한 기회를 갖게 되었습니다. OTC : DRM-JPC에 관해 OTC 독자들과 마지막으로 공유하고 싶은 생각이 있으시다면? RL: DRM-JPC 브랜드는 L’Oreal, Coty and Alberto Culver 등을 포함한 많은 주요 소비자 뷰티 브랜드와 거의 45년 이상 어깨를 나란히 하는 뷰티 업체입니다. 영업 부사장인 Boris Moore 와 CMO인 Kimberly Hairston은 지속적인 혁신과 그것의 적절한 시장 적용을 확신하는 저희 팀에 그들의 경험을 보탰습니다. 2013년과 2014년은 고객과 소비자들에게 동등하게 혜택을 제공하려는 저희의 포트폴리오를 위한 더욱 신속하고 체계적인 성장의 시간이 될 것입니다. Company Name: DRM-JPC Brands Address: 183 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Website: www.drmiracles.com Year in Business: 11

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Profile by Tony Bae

스토어 브랜딩. G & A Beauty Supply • Duluth, GA 대중들에게 많이 알려져 있는 회사나 제품들은 저마다의 브랜드가치를 가지고 있다. 세계에서 가장 브랜드 가치가 높다는 코카콜라는 그 이름의 가치 만으로도 689억달러 에 다다른다고 한다. 그러한 브랜드 가치를 높이기 위해 서 각 회사들은 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 삼성이나 현 대 같은 기업은, 한국에서는 모두 알고 있는 대표기업 이 었지만, 불과 20여년 전만해도 한국 외에서는 굉장히 낮은 인지도를 가진 기업이었다. 하지만 이제는 전세계적으로 Samsung 이나 Hyundai 를 모르는 사람은 별로 없을 것이 다. 이는 그들이 꾸준히 제품의 질을 높여 판매를 증진시 켜 시장 점유율을 높인 것과 같이, 자신들의 브랜드를 성 장시키기 위해 엄청난 노력을 한 결과인 것이다. 브랜딩이란 꼭 어떠한 제품이나 대기업들만이 신경 써야 하는 것이 아니다. 자신의 이름을 건 미용실처럼, 본인 스 스로를 브랜딩 할 수도 있으며, 하나의 스토어도 대규모 체인 스토어처럼 브랜딩을 할 수 있다. 브랜딩이라는 것 이 그리 거창할 필요는 없다. 단순히 고객들에게 친절히 하는 것이나, 스토어의 특정한 개성을 살려 항상 같은 이 미지를 심어주고자 노력을 하는 것을 브랜딩이라 할 수 있 다. 예를 들어, 월마트는 가격이 다른 곳 보다 싸다는 인식 을 심어주는데 주력하고 있다. 사실, 요즘은 월마트나 타 켓의 가격차가 거의 없다고 볼 수 있지만 사람들은 은연중 76

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에 월마트가 더 싸다는 생각들을 가지고 있다. 이러한 것 도 일종의 브랜딩이라 할 수 있는 것이다. 뷰티 서플라이 운영에서도 스토어 브랜딩을 함으로 해서 고객들에게 스 토어만의 특별한 이미지를 인식 시켜주고, 이를 판매증대 로 연결할 수 있는 것이다. 이번에 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서 인터뷰한 둘루스, 조지아에 위치한 G & A Beauty Supply 의 Grace Lee 사장은 자신의 스토어 이미지를 착실히 쌓 아가고 있는 오너 중 하나이다. Lee 사장이 내세우는 G & A 뷰티의 브랜딩은 좋은 품질과 신선한 제품이라 한다. 그 러한 스토어 브랜딩을 하기 위해 그녀가 어떠한 노력들을 하고 있는지, 인터뷰를 통해 알아보도록 하자.

남다른 시작 Lee 사장은 30여년전에 가족 이민으로 미국으로 건너왔다고 한다. 미국에서의 첫 직장은 은행이었으며, 멤피스 테네시주 에서 95년도에 뷰티 서플라이 스토어 운영을 시작하기 전까 지는 뷰티 서플라이에 대한 지식이 전무하였다고 한다. “처음 에 스토어를 인수 하면서 전 오너로부터 2주간 트레이닝을 받 은 것이 전부였습니다” 라는 Lee 사장은, 그 뒤로 스토어를 3 개까지 늘렸다고 한다. 그 후 스토어들을 정리하고 조지아로 이사를 오게 된 Lee 사장은 스톤 마운틴 지역에 스토어를 열 어 경영을 하였지만, 아이들과 보다 많은 시간을 갖기 위해 과 감히 스토어를 정리하고, 2006년에 집에서 멀지 않은 현재의 위치로 스토어를 이전하였다고 한다. Lee 사장은 “성장기의 아이들과 보다 많은 시간을 보내고자 하는 마음도 컸지만, 지 금 스토어가 있는 지역이 유난히 맘에 들었습니다” 라며, 뷰 티 서플라이의 주요 고객층인 흑인 지역이 아닌 현재의 위치 에 스토어를 오픈하였다고 한다. G & A 가 위치한 둘루스 시 티는 흑인들 보다는 아시안과 히스패닉이 더 많은 지역으로 구분되는 곳이다. “처음엔 지역적 상황만 보고 많은 주위사람 들이 모두 말리는 실정이었습니다. 하지만, 그 때 당시만 해도 주위에 뷰티 서플라이 스토어가 거의 없었고, 5년간의 인구이 동 데이터, 대부분 직장생활을 하는 중산층의 흑인들, 그리고 대형 마트인 Kroger 를 방문하는 흑인 손님들을 보며 확신을 갖게 되었습니다” 라는 Lee 사장은, 스토어를 오픈한 이후로 주위사람들의 우려를 불식 시키며 나름대로의 기반을 갖춰나 가기 시작하였다고 한다.

상질의 제품으로 스토어 이미지 업그레이드 G & A Beauty Supply 스토어를 들어서면, 유리로 만들어진 선반과 깨끗이 정돈되어 있는 제품들로 인해 쾌적한 쇼핑환경 을 제공하고 있다. “처음에 스토어를 오픈할 때 첫 인상이 중 요한 것 같아서, 신문지로 모든 창문을 가리고 그랜드 오프닝 정리가 끝날때 가지 오픈을 하지 않았습니다” 라는 Lee 사장 은 스토어의 이미지 구축에 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다고 한 다. 제품의 신선함과 선반에 제품이 떨어지는 품절현상을 막 August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Retailer Profile

기 위해 일주일에 두 번씩은 꼭 도매상을 방문하여 비워있는 선반을 채운다고 한다. 반대로 오래된 제품들을 스토어에 놔 두면, 스토어 이미지에 손상이 될까 우려되기 때문에 그냥 소 각을 시키기도 한다고 한다. 이는 스토어 안의 제품들은 항상 신선한 상태를 유지하고, 고객들이 필요로 하는 제품들은 항 상 구비를 하고 있다는 인상을 심어주기 위한 Lee 사장 노력 의 일환이기도 하다. 스토어의 내부환경과 스토어에서 판매 된 제품들이 스토어 이미지를 구축한다고 믿는다는 Lee 사장 은, 제품들 또한 가격만 싼 것들 보다는, 가격이 조금 비싼 제 품이라도 품질이 좋은 제품들을 취급하려 한다고 한다. “비슷 한 모양의 쥬얼리 제품이 있으면, 가급적 조금 더 고가의 제 품을 구입하여 판매하고 있습니다. 조금이라도 비싼 제품의 도금이 조금이라도 오래가는 것 같기 때문입니다” 라고 Lee 사장은 덧붙인다.

신뢰를 통한 고객과의 소통방식 “저는 케미컬 제품과, 헤어제품, 그리고 잡화 제품들이 동등 한 비율을 이뤄야 한다고 생각합니다” 라는 Lee 사장은, 요 즘 헤어의 비중을 늘리고 있는 다른 스토어들과는 조금 다른 생각을 가지고 있었다. 약은 마진이 상대적으로 적기는 하지 만, 뷰티 서플라이 스토어에 있어서는 주식과 같은 것이라고 생각한다며, “흑인 소비자들은 10개중에서 하나만 없어도, 9 개를 내려놓고 다른 스토어로 가는 경우도 있습니다. 그래서, 가급적 저희가 취급하고 있는 케미컬 제품들의 재고를 떨어 트리지 않으려고 합니다” 라고 한다. 취급하던 제품을 항상 상비한다는 것은 고객과 무언의 약속 이기도 한 것이다. 그러 한 약속을 지키는 것이 고객들과의 신뢰를 쌓아가는 중요한 요소인 것이다. G & A Beauty Supply 에서는 고가품의 제품 들도 뒤쪽의 진열장에 넣어 놓지 않고, 손님들이 직접 손으로 만져보고 살 수 있게 만들어 놨다고 한다. “이렇게 함으로 해 서 고객들을 존중하고 신뢰한다는 느낌을 주는 것입니다” 라 78

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며, 고객을 믿는 마음이 고객들에게 전달이 되어 좋은 반응을 얻고 있다고 한다. Lee 사장은 너무 크지 않은 스토어 규모 또 한 오히려 장점으로 생각한다고 한다. “저희 스토어는 커다란 대로에 있는 것도 아닐뿐더러, 스토어 규모가 그리 크지도 않 습니다. 하지만 스토어를 방문한 고객들에게 바로 반응을 해 줄 수 있기 때문에 고객들이 편안함을 느끼는 것 같습니다”. 고객들이 한 두 가지의 간단한 제품을 구입하고자 할 때는, 아 무래도 커다란 규모의 스토어 보다는 작은 규모의 스토어를 선호하기도 한다. 이는, 바로 제품을 구입하고 나올 수 있다는 편리함 때문일 것이다.

현재 스토어에는 70% 정도만 흑인 고객들이며, 나머지는 백 인, 히스패닉, 심지어 한국사람들도 방문을 한다고 한다. 그러 다 보니 그러한 다양한 고객들을 위해 여러 가지 제품들을 구 비해 놓는다고 한다. “예전에는 흑인 고객들도 본인이 사용해 본 것만 사용하였는데, 이제는 많은 미디어를 통하여 정보를 얻고 새로운 제품들도 과감하게 사용을 하는 편이라, 새로운 제품들이 나오면 가급적 취급을 하려고 합니다”. 새로운 제품 들이 홍수같이 쏟아지는 요즘, 새로운 제품을 취급한다는 것 이 여간 어려운 일이 아니다. 하지만, 그러한 리스크가 없다 면, 그만한 영광도 없을 것이다. 본인의 경영방침을 확고히 세워놓고 유지한다는 것은 말처럼 쉬운 일이 아니다. 시간이 지남에 따라 매너리즘에 빠지거나, 초심을 잃는 나태한 마음가짐 때문인 것이다. 하지만, Lee 사 장처럼 자신의 신념을 꾸준히 지켜나간다면, 고객들에게 신 뢰를 얻음은 물론, 시간이 갈수록 스토어의 브랜드 가치가 높 아짐은 의심할 여지가 없을 것이다. G & A Beauty Supply 의 앞날에 건승을 빌어본다.

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine




Sponsored by Andis Co.

Go Deep!!!

The Andis T-Outliner is known for creating clean lines when the blades are adjusted to the liking of the barber using it. The rich history of the T-Outliner blade has kept the blade design from changing until recently. Andis has created an alternative blade for the T-Outliner that has many benefits that are worth the switch. Let me list the changes to the blade and the benefits of each change made. 1. The stationary comb blade has deeper cut teeth that allow more hair to feed through the comb blade which allows more hair to be cut with less effort. This is important when trimming thick nape lines or heavy front lines that usually require more effort. Also when outlining around the ear, using the Andis T-outliner turned sideways with the tips of the “T” of the blade touching the skin, the new deep tooth blade trims faster than the standard T-Outliner blade. Also, the Andis Deep Tooth Blade has led to faster dry shaving because of the increased about of hair allowed to feed through the teeth. 2. The tips of the teeth are rounded to prevent scratching skin in sensitive areas such as the nape area. Because the teeth are rounded, increased pressure can be applied to create clean lines instead of always desiring to zero gap the blades. The end result is increased client comfort without sacrificing the quality of the services provided. 3. A larger area in which cutting action can take place. With deeper teeth, the parallel placement of the cutter blade can be positioned with tips of the teeth anywhere within the size of the comb blade teeth. This makes the process of adjusting a blade much more forgiving and quicker than adjusting the standard T-Outliner blade. Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through www.ClipperEducation.com, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 84

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit www.racosmetics.com.


Therapy Trends Do-it-Yourself Devices

Styling tools and at-home implements will have to move over to make room for high tech, do-it-yourself beauty devices. These new gadgets are affordable alternatives to dermatologists’ treatments. Imagine your OTC customers using the tools of the trade to improve acne, enhance cleansing and to penetrate anti–aging product. Beauty tools are growing into a $3 Billon Global business according to Kline and Company statistics presented at the 2013 HBA Global Expo. They are available in fun and fashionable colors and patterns. Some are sold in combo packs or kits. Consumers are seeking the same professional aesthetics typically found in the doctor’s office. Nonsurgical beauty devices are attracting consumers that are 30 years old or older. Distribution of these articles is particularly growing fast in the televised shopping networks and in the higher end department stores. Even mass outlets are offering these products. Some tools deliver immediate results like hair removal tools or styling tools. Others will spend time and money to use thermal and sonic powered products to penetrate below the topical skin level. Results will be evident over time. Products that vacuum, vibrate and massage the skin and scalp stimulate blood flow for a rejuvenating look or feel. Your customers are aware that Botox, dermabrasion and filler treatments are reserved for their physician. Any other motorized or ultrasound beauty tool will be welcome for at home between visits. New age beauty tools aid in diagnosing and dosing right in the comfort of their home. Battery operated gadgets will stimulate purchases in a wider range of beauty tools. Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com. 86

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

In Swahili “Zuri” means “Beautiful”. Zuri is an international brand offering an extensive selection of make-up, foundations and lipsticks specifically designed for the woman of color. The Zuri name has come to mean excellence, variety and a rich range of shades for every skin type. Our make-up and foundations offer a wide choice of buildable shades that provide excellent coverage and color correction for a smooth, flawless looking complexion. Zuri Lipsticks offer a rich and creamy consistency with 21 long wear shades that can match any mood or look from bold and brassy to subtle and reserved. ZURI strives to inspire confidence and individuality with professional results at affordable prices. Distributed by FISK Industries, 50 Ramland Road, Orangeburg, NY 10962. To order call (845) 398-3340.

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.


TONSORIAL TIMES Poor Grooming or Medical Concern Men’s typical grooming routines are quick and straightforward: a daily shower and shave, a comb through the hair, and a clipper to the nails when needed. However, according to Paul W.Wallace, M.D, a dermatologist specializing in ethnic skin care and the medical half of the Bump Patrol Smooth Crew, if a man notices a change to his nails, hair or skin, it should cause him to pause. He recommends an annual skin exam if they notice any of these five skin, hair or nail issues: NAILS: show a change in texture or shape. It could be an early sign of arthritis or dietary deficiency. A change in color, be it a small dot or change to the whole nail, could be a sign of a fungus, which should be addressed early to prevent nail-root involvement. It could also be a sign of melanoma, the leading cause of death from skin disease. For African-American men, melanoma is found most often under the fingernail or toenail. HAIR: unexpected changes in texture, color or rate of hair loss. It could indicate underlying medical issues. Hair can serve as a window to the general health of an individual and provide an early warning of medical problems, such as thyroid disease or vitiligo. SCALP: feels tender to touch or groom.This is not normal. If it becomes pink, red or white (depigmented), feels soft or lumpy, or develops bumps, pustules or sores, visit a dermatologist. BEARD: feels overly irritated, has unexpected hair loss or changes in texture. Shaving might not be the cause. However, when bumps or whiteheads go untreated, shaving could exacerbate the problem. MOLES: changes in size, color or shape. It could be a warning sign of evolving skin cancer. Also, when a mole experiences any trauma, bleeding, pain or constant itch, a dermatologist should examine it. Even the darkest-pigmented skin runs the risk of skin cancer. Special thanks to Bump Patrol for this vital information. Visit www.bumppatrol.com.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com. 88

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

by Tony Bae

by Tony Bae

제 1 회 Carolina Beauty Expo 성료 길고 험한 준비과정이었지만, South Carolina 미소협 회원들은 제 1회 트레이드 쇼를 성공적으로 개최하기 위해 정말 열심히 준비를 해왔다고 한다. 그러한 결실은 지난 6월 30일 행사장에서 여실히 들어났다. 오전 10시경 테이프 커팅식으로 시작된 이날의 쇼에는, 30여개의 벤더들이 50여개의 부스를 채우고 손님들을 맞이 하였다. 제 1회 쇼이다 보니, 인지도나 참여도 면에서 조금 어려운 점이 있지 않을까라는 우려와는 달리, 오전에 서서히 들어오던 손님들이 점심시간을 지나면서 행사장을 채우는 듯 하더니, 오후가 되도록 계속해서 새로운 손님들로 행사장을 채워 갔다. 대부분의 쇼 방문자들은 보통 2~3 시간이 지나면 행사장을 벗어나는데, 이번 Carolina Beauty Expo 에서는 오전에 방문하여 행사 마감까지 머무는 손님들도 어렵지 않게 볼 수 있었다. 참가 손님들이 쇼장에서 많은 시간을 보낸다는 것은 그만큼 많은 거래를 이끌어낸다는 반증이 아닐 수 없다. “이번 쇼를 알리기 위해, 수 많은 스토어들에 초대장을 보내고, 일일이 전화를 걸어 쇼장으로 초대를 하였습니다” 라는 SC 미소협 최윤식회장은, 참가한 벤더들과 손님들에게 감사한 마음을 전하느라 당일 행사장을 종횡무진 뛰어 다녔고, 행사도우미를 자청한 협회 회원들도 매끄러운 진행을 위해 구슬땀들을 흘려 댔다. 점심시간이 지나 쇼가 무르익을 때인 오후 2시부터는 참가한 업체들의 세미나가 중앙 무대에서 열렸다. 특이한 점은, 보통 트레이드 쇼에서 세미나가 있으면 행사장 한곳에 마련된 밀폐된 장소에서 열리기 마련인데, Carolina Beauty Expo 에서는 행사장 중앙에 마련돼있는 중앙 무대에서 공개적으로 열려, 행사장내의 손님들이 쉽게 세미나에 참석할 수 있는 환경이 마련 되었다. 때문에, 2시에 Beauty Plus사를 시작으로, 3시에 Amekor사, 그리고 4시에 열린 뉴지구사의 세미나까지, 행사장내에 많은 사람들이 관심을 갖고 세미나에 참석을 하였다. 세미나 중간 중간에는 추첨을 통해 협회에서 마련한 $1,000, 김치냉장고, 바하마 크루즈 티켓, 그리고 그 외에 많은 상품들을 나누어 주었고, 푸짐한 아차상도 마련하여 참석한 손님들 모두에게 나누어 주기도 하였다. “쇼에 참석한 벤더들이 생각보다 좋은 판매를 만들어냈다고 합니다” 라는 협회 최형석 고문은, 그간의 노력이 좋은 결과를 만들어낸 것에 대해 상당히 고무적인 표정을 감추지 못하였다. SC 미소협은 이번이 제 1회 트레이드 쇼 임에도 불구하고 성공적으로 치뤄 냄으로써, 협회의 단결은 물론, 그 위상을 좀더 높이는 계기가 되었을 것이다. 이번 경험을 바탕으로 앞으로 더욱 발전하는 트레이드 쇼로 거듭나기를 기대해 본다. 90

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

Carolina Beauty Expo

the Golden Supreme booth

An AFAM Concept/J.F. Labs representative waits to speak with customers.

the Salon Concepts booth

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OTC Beauty Magazine

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by Tony Bae

NFBS 제 6차 트레이드 쇼 업계 최대의 쇼임을 다시 한번 입증. 지난 7월 21일, 뷰티 업계의 최대규모 쇼의 위상을 자랑하는 NFBS 총연합회의 제 6차 트레이드 쇼가 뉴저지에 위치한 Meadowlands Center에서 개최되었다. 케미컬, 잡화업체들, 그리고 헤어 업체들이 벤더로 참가한 가운데 열린 이날의 쇼는, 시장의 불경기에도 불구하고, 전국 각지에서 많은 스토어 오너들이 참가하여, 명실상부 업계 최대의 쇼임을 다시 한번 입증하였다. 보통, 점심시간 이후에 많은 사람들이 모이던 예년과는 다르게, 쇼 개장과 동시에 아침 일찍부터 많은 참가자들이 쇼장을 활보하며 부스들을 찾는 모습에 협회 행사위원들은 안도의 숨을 내쉬며 반색 하였다. 9시에 테이프 커팅을 시작으로 막을 연 쇼는, 300여개의 부스가 참여했으며, 대략 1,800여명의 방문자가 행사장을 찾아, 쇼장의 북적대는 분위기를 연출 하였다. 매년 쇼가 끝난 저녁 시간에 한국의 연예인을 섭외하여 공연을 하던 것과는 달리, 올해에는 맨하튼 브로드웨이에서 상영하고 있는 유명 뮤지컬 (Monkey: Journey to the west) 로 대처하였다. 예년과 같이 추첨을 통해 최고 상품인 한상대회 참가권 및 고가의 상품들이 참가자들에게 돌아 갔다. 유중현 총회장은, 추첨이 끝난 후 참가자들을 향해 “현재 협회가 직면하고 있는 현안들을 해결하기 위해 많은 노력을 하고 있으니, 참가자 여러분들도 이를 이해하고 동참하여 협회에 힘을 실어줄 것을 당부합니다” 라고 말하였고, 참석자들과 벤더들에게 감사의 말도 잊지 않았다.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

NFBS 6th Trade Show

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the Golden Supreme booth


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

An AFAM Concept/J.F. Labs representative waits to speak with customers.

the Salon Concepts booth

NFBS 6th Trade Show

the Golden Supreme booth

An AFAM Concept/J.F. Labs representative waits to speak with customers.

the Salon Concepts booth

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



클리브랜드 협회 클리브랜드 협회는 지난 6월31일 Boulder Creek 골프클럽에서 장학기금 마련 골프대회를 개최했다. 이날 행사에는 중앙협회 유중현 총회장 및 각 부회장, 중서부 광역협회 홍병길 회장, 그리고 여러 협회 회장들이 참석하였다. 이날 행사는 장학기금 마련을 목적으로 한 것으로, 행사를 주관한 클리브랜드 협회는 목적달성에 도움을 준, 대회장 한명 호 협회이사장, 부회장 피터김, 재무 그레이스 박, 총무 송영규, 장병길 전회장 및 많은 도움을 준 협회원들에게 감사 의 뜻을 전달 하였다. 공창배 협회장은 “저희 협회는 매년 장학기금 마련 골프대회를 개최하기에 내년 대회는 올해 미비한 점을 더욱 보강해 보다 나은 대회가 될 수 있도록 노력 하겠습니다. 혹여 미흡한 점이 있었더라도 참석해 주 신 귀빈 여러분께서 넓은 아량으로 이해해주시길 바랍니다. 다시 한번 도움을 주신 여러분들께 감사 드립니다” 라며 행사를 마무리 하였다.

NFBS 총 연합회 NFBS 협회는 지난 7월 21일, 뉴저지 Meadowland Exposition Center 에서 제 6회 트레이드 쇼를 개최하였다. 300 여개의 부스가 1,500 여명의 참가자들을 맞은 이날 행사는 업계의 불황이라는 말을 무색하게 만들 정도로 활기찬 모 습을 보여주었다. 그 동안 여러 차례 쇼를 치른 협회 임원들은 이날도 부드러운 행사진행으로 참가자들을 불편 없이 제품 구입에 집중할 수 있는 분위기를 연출하였다. 또한, 이날 행사가 끝난 후 500여명을 초대하여 뉴욕 브로드웨이 에서 상영하고 있는 뮤지컬 (Monkey: Journey to the west)을 단체 관람하기도 하였다. 한편, NFBS 협회는 쇼 당일 날, 쇼장에 마련된 회의실에서 유중현 총회장이 배석한 가운데, 지역협회장 및 임원들 30여명이 참석하여 간담회를 개최하였다. 이날 간담회의 주요 안건으로는, 현재 뉴욕, 뉴저지 지역에서 운영되고 있 는 뷰티 서플라이 스토어들의 인접한 지역에, 여러 개의 새로운 스토어를 오픈하려는 업체에 대한 대책 방안을 마련 하는 것이었다. 이러한 피해가 예상되는 지역의 임원들은, 현안이 진행된 상황들을 서로 공유하며 대책 마련을 구체 화 시키기 위해 열띤 토론을 하였다. 유중현 총회장은 “여러분들이 저를 믿고 따라 주시면, 오늘 쇼를 마친 이후 이 러한 사안들을 해결하는데 총력을 기울이겠습니다” 라고 말해, 참석자들의 박수를 받았다. 그 동안, 지역을 막론하 고 업계에 이러한 사안들이 많이 있어 왔지만, 원만히 해결된 사례가 거의 없어, 이번 NFBS 총 연합회의 행보에 귀 추가 주목되고 있다. 96

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

ShowReport JinnyNews

MIZANI Joins Forces with Jinny Corporation to Expand Nationwide Distribution

MIZANI, the professional authority for all curl textures, announced they will expand their U.S. retail reach by partnering with the largest multi-cultural and professional salon/barber distributor, Jinny Corporation. Distribution of MIZANI haircare and styling products is planned to hit 1,000 doors in major markets within the third quarter and fourth quarter of 2013 and will reach over 2,500 doors by 2014. “We are thrilled to announce MIZANI’s partnership with Jinny Corporation,” said Pat Parenty, President of L’Oréal USA Professional Products Division.” As a major industry player with a long-standing commitment to customer service, Jinny provides an exciting new point of access for MIZANI to reach the professional beauty supply community and consumers.” MIZANI’s partnership with Jinny Corporation will significantly increase consumer touchpoints in domestic markets, and provide greater purchase access for both professionals and consumers. In addition, MIZANI


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

is continuing to expand through professional salons and hairstylists. Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny Corporation, noted: “We believe that MIZANI products are a perfect fit for Jinny’s OTC clientele: professional beauty supply stores that care about high quality, high performing multicultural haircare and styling products. Jinny Corporation is honored to be the authorized exclusive OTC distributor of the MIZANI brand, and we look forward to the continued success of this partnership.” Founded in 1981 by Tae Hoon Jhin; Jinny Corporation has an illustrious history in the industry servicing with over 6,000 beauty supply stores with its seven distribution centers totaling 1.28 million square feet of warehouses located across the U.S. in major cities, including: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami and Oakland. A Maryland location is set to open by mid-August 2013, and additional distribution center expansion is planned for 2014.

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



NEW Supra 120 ion™ Professional Hair Clipper No longer constrained by cords or conventionality, the new Supra 120 ion™ adjustable blade professional clipper from Andis sports a longer lasting, detachable lithium ion battery that provides nonstop grooming for 120 minutes; and fully recharges in a quick, 30 minutes. With 5,300 cutting strokes per minute, and a powerful rotary motor, the Supra 120 ion™ has a removable 5-position blade that adjusts from #0000 to #1. The dual voltage 10.5-oz clipper has a break resistant soft grip housing and is comfortably designed to reduce wrist pain. It comes with a charging stand with indicator

light; four attachment combs 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8” and 1/2” and blade oil. “This medium duty clipper is a favorite of hair professionals,” says Karen Formico, vice president of marketing for Andis. “It lets stylist and barbers work smarter and quicker, whether they are in the shop or on location. The lithium ion battery runs full power up to the point of recharging; the blades never lose cutting speed.” The Supra 120 ion™ is made in the USA and has one year warranty. Replacement blade (#200014), battery (#68220) and charger (#68215) are available. Visit www.andis.com.

Inspired Beauty Announces the Launch of Naturals by Hask Inspired Beauty Brands, Inc. is pleased to announce the new salon inspired Naturals by Hask® professional haircare line. Naturals by Hask uses high quality exotic botanicals to create the perfect balance and blend for your hair. These luxurious formulas, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, are all free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, drying alcohol, gluten and artificial colors. The products are safe for color-treated hair and are never tested on animals. After one use, you will be hooked on either of the innovative Weightless Dry Oil formulas. With a truly instant absorbing, weightless blend of high quality, exotic botanicals each with their own incredible qualities, Naturals by Hask® Dry Oil will treat your hair type, finishing any style with an incredible shine. The thick, rich hair Masques use each of the exotic blends, specially chosen for their unique properties to benefit your hair type, to infuse your hair with nutrients, leaving it soft and shiny. Use of both Masque and Dry Oil in combination will yield best results for your hair. The Weightless Strengthening Dry Oil and Strengthening 100

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

Masque are specially formulated for normal to dry hair to strengthen and infuse essential nutrients and stimulate healthier hair. Avocado oil and Bamboo & Maracuja extracts fortify and balance hair health while restoring life and vitality. Avocado provides nourishment, Bamboo provides extra strength and Maracuja infuses antioxidants. Weightless Repairing Dry Oil and Repairing Masque treat and help heal your dry, damaged hair while leaving it hydrated and soft. Camellia oil and Monoi & Dragonfruit extracts combine to give your hair the protection and shine it needs to look and feel healthy and vibrant. Camellia provides moisture and shine, Monoi provides softness and Dragonfruit provides antioxidants. The Dry Oils are offered in a display of 12 vials (14.5ml / 0.5 fl.oz. each). The portable vial is perfect for travel and a great value. The Hair Masques are offered in a display of 12 packettes (50g / 1.75 oz. net wt each). The single use packette is perfect trial and travel size. Visit www.inspiredbeauty.com to learn more.

April 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews Tom Hood Group LLC, Celebrating 40 Years in the Beauty Industry! “Thank you” to my customers, colleagues and friends Little did I know when I entered the beauty business out of college in the summer of 1973 that 40 years later I would still be here. WOW -­-­-­ what a ride! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support, guidance and friendship. Too often we overlook the things that have really helped us succeed. Technology is off the charts, travel is incredibly fast and

the Internet has given us opportunities we had no idea we would find. With that said, I must say, it is still the business relationships, friendships and teamwork that guide me. When our paths crossed I hope things worked out well for you and that I was helpful in some way. I wish you and yours all the best. Thanks again! Tom

Bronner Bros. Hair Show by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

in Atlanta to Feature a Unique New Feature

This year the show will host a brand new movie premiere as part of the many activities associated with the show. The Bronner show is the largest show of its kind in the world. This year is the 66th year and will feature a trade show with over 300 exhibitors as well as 150 educational free classes on subjects such as advanced hair cutting and coloring, Trichology, business and computers, weaving, extensions, wig making, relaxing, curly perms, press and curl, and much more. Over 60,000 hair stylists and barbers are expected, all in a 350,000 square foot space at the Georgia World Congress Center. This four day event is from Saturday, August 17 to Tuesday, August 20. The trade show will run Saturday through Monday; Tuesday will be extended education. The gala movie premiere will be on Sunday evening at the show sight. The name of the movie is “Laughing to the Bank.” Be

there for all of the red carpet excitement! The Korean influence has been, and still is, a growing aspect of the show, most especially in the area of commercial hair and all forms of hair augmentations. Some of the largest, most impressive and attractive presentations are from the Korean displays of showmanship, artistic presentations, and product knowledge in a very unique entertaining array of singing, dancing and crowd pleasing musical accompaniment. So if you plan to attend, remember that it will take at least two of the three show days to take it all in with the classes, displays and many other attractions that encompass the show. See you there. For more information regarding the premiere at the show, call 404-577-4323, ext. 268.

AHBAI Ethnic/Multi-Cultural HBC Conference Scheduled August 12-14 The American Health & Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI) has scheduled its 2013 Ethnic/Multi-Cultural HBC Conference for August 12-14 at the Cosmopolitan Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV. More than 75 top retail executives in the ethnic HBC category are expected to attend this major industry event. “The Ethnic HBC industry continues to show excitements with hot new products in hair dressing, color, styling, skin care, natural hair care and shaving products,” said Geri Duncan Jones, Executive Director, AHBAI. The industry is experiencing growth in some key areas and information presented during the conference will provide great strategies for increasing profitability in Ethnic HBC. “Attendees can expect to receive pertinent statistical data regarding the ethnic HBC category and the African-American consumer,” Jones added. Conference topics include: “The Legislative corner: Proposition 65, EU Regulations & More,” “Maximizing Profits Utilizing Social Media,” “OTC Stores: Maximizing Profits & 102

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

Opportunities for Growth in the HBC Category,” and “The Ethnic/ Multi-Cultural HBC Shelf Space Allocation: Should Retailers have Separate Sections for Multi-Cultural vs Ethnic HBC Products?” Manufacturers will have private one-on-one meetings scheduled with key retailers, OTC wholesalers, beauty and barber suppliers, and distributors to showcase hot, new items and review 2014 marketing strategies to enhance business growth. “Manufacturers have prepared some unbelievable ‘Conference Show Deals’ for attendees and everyone involved in the ethnic HBC category needs to take advantage of these show specials only offered at the AHBAI Ethnic/Multi-Cultural HBC Conference,” Jones said. “We look forward to the 2013 Conference being the best ever.” AHBAI is an internationally renowned trade association representing the leading manufacturers of ethnic HBC products. For more information on the AHBAI Ethnic/Multi-Cultural HBC Conference, please contact AHBAI at PO Box 19510, Chicago, IL 60619 or call 708-633-6328.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013


Ad Index

August: 4-7 ASD Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV www.asdonline.com

17-20 Bronner Bros. Mid-Summer 2013 Atlanta, GA www.bronnerbros.com

September: 7-10 9th Annual Beauty Fair Sao Paulo, Brazil http://beautyfair.com.br/us/

8-9 World’s Fair of Cosmetic Arts & Sciences San Antonio, TX www.worldsfairhairshow.com

22 NAILPRO Sacramento Sacramento, CA www.nailprosacramento.com

22-23 Image Expo Los Angeles, CA http://theimageexpo.com

29-Oct. 1 Bronner Bros. International Hair Show Arlington, TX www.bronnerbros.com

Advanced Beauty Systems ����7 JM Products – Isoplus ����� 67, 87 Refinery Hotel ������������������������ 99 www.advancedbeautysystems.com www.isoplus.com www.refineryhotelnewyork.com American Dawn .................... 84 KAB Brands, LLC ��������������� BC www.aphogee.com American International ..15, 41 www.aiibeauty.com King Research ����������������Poster www.barbicide.com Andis Co. ������������������� Cover, 49 www.andis.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products ��59 Belson ������������������������������������37 www.liquidgoldbonding.com www.belsonproducts.com L’Oreal Technique ................. 55 Bonfi Natural/Wet-n-Wavy...53 www.lorealtechnique.com www.wetnwavy.com M&M Products ...................... 13 Brock Beauty, Inc. �����������������43 www.mmproducts.net www.brockbeauty.com Makari .................................... 21 Conair ��������������������������������� IBC www.conair.com Miss Jessie’s .......................... 88 www.missjessies.com Dream World, Inc. ������������30, 42, 60, 61 Mitchell Group ����������������������23 www.mitchellbrands.com Dudu Osum Group ��������������33 Murray’s Worldwide �������������14 Ecoco, Inc. ������������������������ 27, 69 www.murrayspomade.com www.ecocoinc.com ORS ����������������������������������������39 Fantasia Ind. ��������������������������31 www.organicrootstimulator.com www.fantasiahaircare.com Oster Prof. Products ............. 5 Fisk Industries ..................35, 86 www.osterpro.com www.dandrdirect.com POS Unlimited ................... 101 Helen of Troy �������������������������11 www.posunlimited.com www.hotus.com Procter & Gamble ����Insert, 80 High Time Products, Inc. ������82 www.pg.com House of Cheatham �������������25 Professional Products www.houseofcheatham.com Unlimited ���������������� 62, 83, 107 rastagroup.com Imperial Dax �������������������������85 www.imperialdax.com Queen Helene �����������������������58 www.queenhelene.com JBS Beauty Club ������������� 50, 86 RA Cosmetics .............. 84, 103 JBS Hair ��������������������� 20, 40, 97 www.racosmetics.com www.jbshair.com JF Labs/AFAM ����������� 19, 51, 81 www.jflabs.com


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

Royal & Langnickel ������������������� 8 www.royalbrush.com Scolding Locks/Hollywood Hair Accessories ����������������������������� 26 Sensitive By Nature ����������70, 71 www.sbnusa.com SMSi-Urban Call Marketing, Inc. ����������������� 44 www.segmentedmarketing.com Smooth Care ������������������������ 111 SoftSheen-Carson ������������ IFC, 1 www.softsheen-carson.com Spilo Worldwide ��������������������� 68 www.spilo.com Starlet International ������������ 104 Straight Arrow/Mane ‘n Tail ����� 3 www.manentail.com Strength of Nature ��������������� 109 www.strengthofnature.com Taliah Waajid/Black Earth Products ������������������������� 9 www.naturalhair.org Unilever ���������������������������������� 112 Xtreme Beauty International ������������������������2, 89 www.xbi.co

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What is the most popular hair styling tool in your store? 1. 여러분의 스토어에서 가장 잘 팔리는 헤어 스타일링 제품은 무엇입 니 까?________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you have any tools available for customers to hold and examine outside of the package? Does this help move product from shelves? 2. 여러분의 스토어에는 박스에서 꺼내놓고 고객들이 직접 만져볼 수 있게 하는 제품들이 있습니까? 그렇다면, 그러한 방식이 판매에 어떤 도움을 주고 있습니까? _______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you offer an array of heat protecting products for hair? If so, what is the customer reaction to this product selection? 3. 열로부터 보호해 주는 제품들을 구비해 놓으셨습니까? 그렇다면, 손님들의 반응은 어떠 한지요? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name (성함) _________________________ Store Name (스토어 이름) ____________________ State (주) _____________ 110

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com


OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine




Straight Finish™ Sealer

The new Motions® Straight Finish™ Sealer is a heat straightening elixir infused with Keratin protein and nourishing Almond Oil. The heat sealing formula helps retain moisturization and control frizz. Leaves hair silky and smooth with lightweight body and shine. Sealing the shaft of each strand, this product minimizes wiry ends and leaves locks with a luminous shine. Apply the Sealer through clean, fully blow dried hair before applying heat to hair in small sections, being careful to smooth from root to tip. 112

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2013

Standing as step three is a series of other products in the Heat Styled line—Straight Finish™ Cleanser and Straight Finish™ Leave-in Conditioner—it is the perfect setter for any hairstyle. The line offers styling versatility to women with natural hair from curly to straight and back again. It also helps alleviate natural hair concerns such as shrinkage and provides optimal straightening and nonpermanent results. Learn more at www.motionshair.com.

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