Message Of The Stars

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stomach, gas and flatulence. URANUS IN LEO gives a tendency to palpitation, spasmodic heart action, spinal meningitis and infantile paralysis; by reflex action from Aquarius similar effects are now observable. URANUS IN

VIRGO gives a tendency to flatulence, and abdominal cramps.

URANUS IN LIBRA gives a tendency to intermittent action of the kidneys venereal eruptions of the skin; by reflex action in Aries, sudden violent headaches, shooting pains in the head, and hallucinations. [PAGE 566]

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URANUS IN SCORPIO gives a tendency to miscarriages, abortions, and venereal diseases, and in the Fifth House he causes painful and difficult parturition, generally involving the use of instruments and often the infant is severely or fatally injured or stillborn. URANUS IN CAPRICORN usually works by reflex action in Cancer, but as children with this position are still young (this is written in 1918) full effects are as yet unknown.

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PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF NEPTUNE Neptune, the octave of Mercury, works principally upon the nervous system (ruled by Mercury) and at times produces frenzy where the person is beside himself on account of religious or other excitement. At other times he produces lethargy, coma, catalepsy, trance or mediumship, where the bodily energies are in abeyance while the psychic powers are in a state of hyperactivity. He rules the spinal canal, which is filled with ether during life. (It is true that surgeons tap it and draw out a fluid, but they may also draw water from a steam boiler because the steam condenses to water.) This luminous gas is called THE SPINAL SPIRIT FIRE by occultists, and by vibrating the pineal gland, also ruled by Neptune, spiritual sight is produced, but it depends upon the rate and pitch of these vibrations what the person sees. By prayer, concentration and meditation, a state of ecstasy may be [PAGE 567]


produced where he sees the celestial hosts, or if a lower rate of super-normal vibration is produced by drink or drugs he sees demoniac shapes as related by sufferers of delirium, which is due to Neptune, especially in the watery sign Pisces. The pathogenic influence of Neptune is most evil in the Sixth House (or the sixth sign, Virgo) indicating disease, or in the Twelfth House (or the twelfth sign, Pisces) which governs sorrow, trouble and self-undoing. If these two houses are occupied by Taurus and Scorpio,

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