Structures and forces

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TOPIC: Structures and Forces Date:

subject:Science 7

Genreal Outcome: Investigate and analyze the properties of materials used in structures Specific Outcomes:  devise and use methods of testing the strength and flexibility of materials used in a structure (e.g., measure deformation under load) LESSON objectives: What will you be teaching? (Is if worth knowing? Is it essential Info?) Test the strength and flexibility of materials used in a structure.


teaching points

Assessment: Assesment for learning Exit pass at the end of class Context: This lesson is in the second week of the unit. Students have previously created bridges throughout the week specifically for this lesson. This unit should be taught in the spring time in order for students to go on a field trip outside to see structures.


6 min

10 min

4 min

5 min

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3 min

2 min

Anticipatory Set:  Students will bring the bridges that were previously made throughout the week  Teacher will model how to weigh the bridges properly before students start  Students will bring bridges up and place weights on the bridges to see how much weight can be put on them. Lesson Segment 1:  On the smart board the teacher will provide examples about stable, unstable materials and where the centre of gravity needs to be.  Students will have a fill in the blank style sheet in order for them to take notes Activity:  Students will discuss in their groups of 4 that they are sitting with about their bridges. 1. What materials they used and why?  As a group students we will discuss 1. What type of material did you use? 2. Is it a stable material for a bridge considering what you know now? Lesson Segment 2:  Smart board lesson about what tools do people use to measure the strength and flexibility of bridges built  What units do they use to measure the structures  Students will continue their fill in the blank sheet that was given at the beginning of class. Activity:  Students will reweigh their bridges and record how much their bridge is capable of holding.  Students will have a worksheet to fill out with the questions (Independent Practice) 1. What is your bridge made of? 2. How much weight is it able to hold? Please include the units 3. Please draw a diagram of your bridge and label 4. What changes would you make to your bridge for next time? Conclusion:  Check for understanding: Students will fill out an exit pass.  Why did you bridge hold or not hold a significant amount of weight based using the tools you learnt today?

Reminders:  Study for quiz on Thursday, which will cover everything up to today.

Model how to weigh bridges

Round Robin

Independent Practice

References(text or electronic & Which of the Displays/materials 20 Brain-Compatible Strategies will you use to deliver your content?) Materials: Smart board Learning styles and Multiple Intelligences: Science 7 textbook, Visual, Kinesthetic and auditory Student’s bridges Bodily Kinesthetic, Interpersonal Weights Fill in the blank worksheets to go with smart board lessons Technology: Smart board

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