North Leeds Life Magazine. May 2014 edition. LS6 LS16 LS18

Page 35

Plans to mark the 40th anniversary of Leeds Concord Interfaith Fellowship are underway, thanks to support from local Councillors Jane Dowson, Sharon Hamilton and their colleagues who provided £300 in MICE money. Concord is the longest running interfaith organisation in the city and one of the oldest in the country. A wide variety of projects and events is planned to celebrate. One of these will be led by Leeds Women of Faith, who are encouraging women across the city to come together to create a commemorative textile banner, to celebrate not only the anniversary, but also Leeds multi-faith and multi-cultural diversity. The project will last a year with workshops being held across

This project will bring together women from a variety of backgrounds to work together and learn from each other

the city. The completed banner will be shown at various interfaith events before being displayed at Leeds City Museum for six months. It will also be shown at Leeds Story Gallery and various places of worship. Councillors Dowson and Hamilton hope that the project will help to bring together women from a variety of social and religious backgrounds to develop their skills, learn about each

other’s faiths and cultures and make new friends. The Councillors went along to a recent session to have a go with some of the women taking part. “I am excited to see this project with Concord and Leeds Women of Faith develop over the next few months”, said Councillor Sharon Hamilton. “It will bring together women from a variety of backgrounds to work together and learn from each other.”


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