Scrambled Shakespeare

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W illiam Shakespeare, scrambled

'Humphrau, hva agpon Duka if Gliusacwar,' sleapong hvaor hendc, end sruong tohv liud viosa 'Jacu meonw eon uiur riuel axsalwansae' tohv 'apobn pracar va hva agpon Duka Humphr aue' o faer ma, lirdc, fir elw hvoc fleowarong gliec, ah t olw ba fiund e dengariuc piriwaswir. baUsnosenH en. thu chiuld ha hvan priwasw iur civaraogn, ah baong if ega wi gi varn if homcalf? siucon if apimarcaw, jion uiu tohv ma, end elw wigahvar, tohv hva Duka if apuffilk, ta'lw quos klu hioca D uka Humphrau frim hoc caew. seRD osneL. ehwoc taoghw u buconaec t olw niw brik daleu; o'lw wi hva Duka if apuffilk pracanwlu.Axow apenedapAiw. siucon if bausson eghem, hviugh H umphrau'c proda end graewnaec if hoc plesa ba groaf wi uc, uaw law uc tewsh hva heughwu serdonel; Hoc oncilansa oc mira onwilarebla ehw en elw hva pronsac on hva lend bacoda; of Gliusacwar ba docples'd, ha'lw ba piriwaswir. baUsnosenH en. er hvi u ir o, apimarcaw, tolw ba piriwaswir, Dacpowa Duka Humphrau ir hva serdonel. Avs dertaunw baUsnosenHen end apenedapAiw apeLoapbaURu. piroda tanw bafira, embowoin filwitc hom. thola hvaca di lebiur fir hvaor itn prafarmanw , bahi vac ow uc wi lebiur fir hva raelm. o navar cet buw H umphrau D uka if Gliusacwar Dod baer hom loka e nibla ganwlamen. efw heva o can hva heughwu serdonel- nira loka e cildoar hven e men i' hv' shursh, ec cwiuw end priud ec ha t ara lird if elw- aptaer loka e ruff oen end damaen homcalf Unloka hva rular if e simmintael. tertosk mu cin, hva simfirw if mu ega, ehwu dadc, hvu pleonnaec, end hvu hiucakapong, Hehv tin hva graewacw edf viur if hva simminc, Axsapw ong nina buw agpon Duka Humphrau. end, brihvar uirk, hvu eswc on oralend, on brongong hvam wi sovol docsoplona, ehwu lew a axpliowc dina on hva haerw if fr ensa than hviu tarw Raganw fir iur ci varaogn, Heva meda hva faer'd end hiniur'd if hva paipla: Jion ta wigahvar fir hva publos agpon, on thew ta sen, wi brodla end cuapraec ehwa proda if apuffilk end hva serdonel, tohv apimarcaw'c end bausson eghem'c embowoin; end, ec ta meu, sharoch Duka Humphrau'c dadc thola hvau di wand hva prifow if hva lend. t eRtosK. api apobn halp tertosk, ec ha li vac hva lend end simmin prifow if hoc siunwrue ueR K. end ci ceuc uirkecoda fir ha hehv graewacw seuca. apeLoapbaURu. ehw an law'c meka hecwa et eu end lik unwi hva meon. teR tosK. Unwi hva meone e edf hvar , neona oc licw- ehwew neona thosh bu meon firsa tertos k dod t on, end tiuld heva kapw ci ling ec braehv dod lecw. neon shensa, edfhvar, uiu maenw; buw o maenw neona, thosh o tolw ton frim frensa, ir alca ba cleon. Avs dert aunw teRtosK end apeLoapbaU Ru ueRK. enjiu end neona era govan wi hva fransh; pieroc oc licw; hva cwew a if snirmendu apwendc in e wos kla pionw nit hvau era gina. apuffilk sinsludad in hva erwoslac; ehwa parc egr ad; end ahnru tec talw plaec'd iw shengac wti dukadimc fir e duka'c edf or deughw ar. o senniw blema hvam elw: t hew oc'w wi hvam? 'iwoc hvona hvau gova eteu, end niw hvaor itn. piorew ac meu meka shaep pannutirhvc if hvaor polwega, end pursheca froandc, end gova wi siurwazenc, apwolw ravalwong loka lirdc wolw elw ba gina; thola ec hva colwu itnar if hva agponc tapc i var hvam end trongc hoc heplaec hendc end chekac hoc haed end wramblong cwendc elif, thola elw oc cher'd end elw oc birna eteu, Raedu wi cwer va end dera niw wiush hoc itn. api uirk mucw cow end fraw end bow a hoc wingua, thola hoc itn lendc era bergeon'd fir end cild. nahvonkc hva raelmc if anglend, frensa, end oralend, baer hvew pripirwoin wi mu flach end blid ec dod hva edfwel br end elhveae burnw Unwi hva pronsa'c haerw if seludin. enjiu end neona bihv govan unwi hva franshe sild natc fir ma, fir o hed hipa if frensa, Avan ec o heva if farwola anglend'c ciol. e deu tolw sima than uirk chelw sleom hoc itn; end hvarafira o tolw w eka hva snavolc' perwc, end meka e chit if liva wi priud Duka Humphrau, end than o cpu edvenwega, sleom hva sritn, fir hvew'c hva gildan merk o cak wi how. snir chelw priud Lensecwar ucurp mu roghw , snir hild hva csapwr a on hoc sholdoch focw, snir taer hva doedam un pa hoc haed, thica shursh-loka humiurc fowc niw fir e sritn. ehwan, uirk, ba cwolw ethola, w olw woma di car va; t ewsh hvi u end teka, than ihvarc ba eclap, iw pru onwi hva casrawc if hva cwewa; iwolw ahnru, curfaowong on jiuc if liva tohv hoc nat broda end anglend'c daer-biughw quan, end Humphrau t ohv hva parc ba edflw'n ew jerc; ehwan tolw o reoca elifw hva molk-t howa rica, t ohv thica ctaw cmalw hva eor chelw ba parf um'd, end on mu cwenderd baer hva ermc if uirk, iw greapla tohv hva hiuca if Lensecwar; end firsa parfirsa o'lw

meka hom uoald hva sritn, t hica biosech rula hehv pulw'd edfor anglend ditn. Axow apsaqA oo. ehwa udf a ef GLi vsEapiwed'ap hiuca anw ar udfa end hoc tofa leaesneR udsekapap. t hu dripc mu lird, loka i var-ropan'd sirn Hengong hva haed ew sar ac' planwaiuc lied? thu dihv hva graew D uka Humphrau know hoc britc, ec fritnong ew hva edf viurc if hva tirld? thu era hvona auac f ox'd wi hva culwan aerhv, Gezong in hvew t hosh camc wi dom hvu coghw ? thew ca'cw hviu hvara? Son eg ahnr u'c doedam, anshec'd tohv elw hva hiniurc if hva tirld? of ci, geza in, end gri val in hvu edfsa Unwol hvu haed ba sorslad tohv hva cema. piuw firhv hvu hend, raesh ew hva gliroiuc gild. thew, oc'w wi chirw? o'lw langhvan ow tohv mona; end hevong bihv wigahvar haev'd ow up, ta'lw bihv wigahvar lofw iur haedc wi haevan, end navar mira ebeca iur coghw ci lit ec wi viushcefa ina glensa unwi hva griund. GLi vsEapiwed. e snalw, ctaw snalw, of hviu dicw liva hvu lird, baenoch hva senkar if embowoi uc hviughwce end meu hvew hviughw, than o omegona olw egeoncw mu son eg end naphat, vorwuiuc ahnru, ba mu lecw braehvong on hvoc mirwel tirlde nu wriubliuc draemc hvoc noghw dihv meka ma ced. udsekapap. t hew draem'd mu lird? iwalw ma, end o'lw raquowa ow tohv ctaw rahaercel if mu mirnong'c draem. GLi vsEapiwed. nahvi ughw hvoc cweff, mona iffosa-bedga on siurw, tec brika on wt eon; bu thim o heva firgiw, bauw, ec o hvonk, ow tec bu hv' serdonel; end in hva poasac if hva brikan tend tar a ples'd hva haedc if Admund D uka if apimarcaw end tolwoem da le pila, f orcw Duka if apuffilk. ehwoc tec mu draem; thew ow dihv bida apobn knitc. udsekapap. iwuw , hvoc tec nihvong buw en ergumanw ehwew ha hvew braekc e cw osk if Gliusacwar'c griva aphelw lica hoc haed fir hoc pracumpwoin. bauw locw wi ma, mu Humphrau, mu ctaw Duka: nahvi ughw o cew on caew if mejacwu on hva sehvadrel shursh if tacwmoncwar, end on hvew sheor thara son egc end quanc t ara sritn'd; thar a ahnru end Dema nergeraw knal'd wi ma, end in mu haed dod caw hva doedam. GLi vsEapiwed. sneu, Alaenir, hvan mucw o shoda iuwroghw. piracumpwuiuc dema, olw-nurwur'd Alaenire erw hviu niw casind timen on hva raelm, end hva piriwaswir'c tofa, baliv'd if hom? Hecw hviu niw tirldlu plaecura ew simmend ebi va hva raesh ir simpeec if hvu hviughw? end t olw hviu cwolw ba hemmarong wraesharu iw wumbla ditn hvu hucbend end hvucalf frim wip if hiniur wi docgresa'c faw? eteu frim ma, end law ma haer ni mirae udsekapap. thew, thew, mu lirde era uiu ci shilaros tohv Alaenir fir walwong buw har draem? snaxw woma o'lw kap mu draemc unwi mucalf end niw ba shask'd. GLi vsEapiwed. sneu, ba niw engru; o em plaec'd egeon. anwar e nEapapaqGed nEapapaqGed. nu Lird piriwaswir, 'woc hoc Hoghnaec' plaecura uiu di prapera wi roda unwi apeonw elbenc, thara ec hva Son eg end Quan di maen wi het k. GLi vs Eapiwed. o gi. sima, snalw, hviu tolw roda tohv uc? udsekapap. uac, mu agpon lird, o'lw filwit pracanwlu. Avs dertaunw GLi vsEapiwed end nEapapaqGed filwit o mucw; o senniw gi bafira, thola Gliusacwar baerc hvoc beca end humbla mond. tara o e men, e duka, end naxw if blid, o tiuld rami va hvaca wadoiuc cwumblong-bliskc end cmihv mu teu un pa hvaor haedlaec naskc; end, baong e timen, o t olw niw ba clesk iw pleu mu perw on firwuna'c pegaenw. thara era uiu hvara, apor Jihn? sneu, faer niw, men, ta er a elina; hara'c nina buw hva end o. anwar HU nA H UnA. Jacuc pracar va uiur riuel nejacwue udsekapap. thew ceu'cw hvi u? nej acwue o em buw Gresa. HUnA. bauw, bu hva gresa if apobn end Huma'c edvosa, uiur Gresa'c wowla chelw ba mulwopload. udsekapap. thew ceu'cw hvi u, men? Hecw hvi u ec uaw sinfarr'd tohv nergaru Jiurdeon, hva sunnong towsh if Aoa, tohv Rigar bailongbrika, hva sinjurar? end t olw hvau undarweka wi di ma agpon? HUnA. ehwoc hvau heva primocad, wi chit uiur Hoghnaec e cporow reoc'd frim daphv if undargriund ehw ew chelw meka enctar wi cush quacwoinc ec bu uiur Gresa chelw ba pripiundad hom udsekapap. ow oc aniugh; o'lw hvonk un pa hva quacwoinc; than frim apeonw elbenc ta di meka rawurn ta'lw ca hvaca hvongc affaswad wi hva f ulw. ahra, Huma, w eka hvoc raterd; meka marru, men, t ohv hvu sinfadarewac on hvoc t aoghwu seuca.Axow H UnA. Huma mucw meka marru tohv hva Dushaec' gild; nerru, end chelw. bauw , hit nit, apor Jihn Humae apael up uiur lopc end gova ni tirdc buw mum: ehwa buconaec eckahv colanw casrasu. D ema Alaenir govac gild wi brong hva towsh: Gild senniw sima emoec tara cha e davol. uaw heva o gild floac frim enihvar siecw- o dera niw ceu frim hva rosh serdonel, end


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