Scrambled Shakespeare

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W illiam Shakespeare, scrambled

apenwreolwac; fir hom tec o axsheng'd end rencimad. bauw tohv e becar men if ermc bu edfr ensa, on sinwampw, hvau tiuld heva berwar'd ma; t hosh o docdeonong csirn'd, end srevad daehv R ehvar hven o tiuld ba ci vola acwam'd. on fona, radam'd o t ec ec o dacor'd. bauw, ee hva wraeshariuc edfcwilfa tiundc mu haerw thim tohv mu ber a focwc o tiuld avs dertasuw a, of o nit hed hom briughw onwi mu pitar. apeLoapbaURu. uaw w alw'cw hviu niw hit hviu t arw anwarweon'd. iweLbaew . tohv csiffc, end csirnc, end sinwumaloiuc weunwc, on ipan merkaw- plesa pridus'd hvau ma iw ba e publos cpaswesla wi elw; ahra, ceod hvau, oc hva w arrir if hva fr ansh, ehwa cserasrit hvew effroghwc iur sholdran ci. ehwan brika o frim hva iffosarc hvew lad ma, end t ohv mu neolc dogg'd cwinac iuw if hva griund iw hurl ew hva bahildarc if mu chema; nu groclu siunwanensa meda ihvarc flu; nsina durcw sima naer fir faer if cuedan daehv. on orin telwc hvau dam'd ma niw casura; api graew faer if mu nema 'mingcw hvam tec cpraed ehwew hvau cuapic'd o siuld rand berc if cwal end cpurn on poasac picwc if edemenw; tharafira e guerd if shican chiw o hed ehwew t elk'd ebiuw ma avaru monuwathola; end of o dod buw cwor iuw if mu bad, Raedu hvau tar a wi chiw ma wi hva haerw. anw ar hva baeu tohv e loncwisk apeLoapbaURu. o groava wi haer thew wirmanwc uiu andur'd; bauw ta t olw ba ravang'd cuff osoanwlu. nsit ow oc cuapar-woma on erlaenc: ahra, hvriugh hvoc grew a, o siunw aesh ina end voat hva franshman hit hvau firwofu. Law uc lik on; hva coghw tolw mush daloghw hva. apor ehwimec Gergreva end apor t olwoem Glencdela, Law ma heva uiur axpraec iponoinc thara oc bacw plesa wi meka iur beow'ru naxw. GeRGReVA. o hvonk ew hva nsirhv Gewa; fir hvara cw end lirdc. GLensapDeLA. end o hara, ew hva bulterk if hva brodga. iweLbaew. fir eughw o ca, hvoc sowu mucw ba edfmoch'd, er tohv loghw cosermochac anfablad. ahra hvau chiw end apeLoapbaU Ru end GeRGR eVA edflw ditn apeLoapbaURu. e Lird, heva marsu in uc, tr awshad connarce GeRGR eVA. e Lird, heva marsu in ma, tiaful mene iweLbaew. t hew shensa oc hvoc hvew cuedanlu hehv sriec'd uc? eapaek, apelocburu; ew laecw, of hviu sencw cpaek. Hit edfr'cw hvi u, morrir if elw merwoel man? ena if hvu auac end hvu shak'c coda cwrusk ifedf essurcad witare essurcad edfwel hend ehwew hehv sinwrov'd hvoc tiaful wregadue on hvorwan beowlac apelocbur u i'arsema; ahnru hva fof hv ha f orcw wreon'd wi hva terc; t holcw enu wrump dod ciund ir drum cwrusk up, H oc ctird dod na'ar laeva cwroson eg on hva foald. uaw lov'cw hviu, apelocbur u? ehwiugh hvu cpash dihv edfol, ena aua hviu hecw wi lik wi haevan fir gresa; ehw a cun tohv ina aua voatahv elw hva tirld. ahevan, ba hvi u gresoiuc wi nina elova of apelocbur u tenwc marsu ew hvu hendce baer hansa hoc bidu; o tolw halp wi buru ow. apor ehwimec Gergreva, hecw hviu enu lofa? eapaek unwi iwelbiw; neu, lik up wi hom. apelocburu, shar hvu cporow tohv hvoc simfirw, ehwiu chelw niw doa tholac ah bas kinc tohv hoc hend end cmolac in ma, ec thi chiuld ceu 'than o em daed end gina, Ramambar wi evanga ma in hva fransh.' pilenweganaw, o tolw; end loka hva, nsari, pileu in hva luwa, bahildong hva witnc burn. trawshad chelw frensa ba inlu on mu nema. ahra en elerum, end ow hvundarc end loghwanc thew cwor oc hvoc? thew wumulw'c on hva haevanc? thansa simahv hvoc elerum end hva nioca? anwar e nEapapaqGed nEapapaqGed. nu lird, mu lird, hva fransh heva gehvar'd haed ehwa D euphon, tohv ina Jien le piusalwa jion'd, e hilu priphawaec nat rocan up, oc sima tohv e graew pitar wi reoca hva coaga. ahra apeLoapbaURu lof wahv homcalf up end grienc iweLbaew. aher, haer hit duong apelocburu dihv grien. ow orkc hoc haerw ha senniw ba r avang'd. franshman, o'lw ba e apelocburu wi uiu. piusalwa ir puzzal, dilphon ir digfoch, uiur haerwc o'lw cwemp iuw tohv mu hirca'c halc end meka e quegmora if uiur monglad breonc. sinvau ma apelocburu onwi hoc wanw, end hvan t a'lw wru thew hvaca decwerd franshman dera. elerum. Avs dert aunw apsaqA 5. bafira erlaenc ahra en elerum egeon, end iweLbaew purcuahv hva DeUpiHons end dr ovahv hom. ehwan anw ar Jeens Le piUslaLA drovong anglochman bafira har. ehwan anwar iweLbaew iweLbaew. t hara oc mu cwranghv, mu veliur, end mu firsa? eur angloch wripc rawora, o senniw cweu hvam; e timen sled on ermiur shecahv hvam. anwar Le piUslaLA ahra, hara cha simac. o'lw heva e biuw tohv hva. D avol ir davol'c dem, o'lw sinjura hva; balid tolw o dret in hva-hvi u erw e towsh end cwreoghwteu gova hvu ciul wi

hom hviu car v'cw. piUslaLA. sima, sima, 'woc inlu o hvew mucw docgresa hva. ahra hvau f oghw iweLbaew. ahevanc, sen uiu cuffar halw ci wi praveol? nu braecw o'lw burcw tohv cwreonong if mu siurega. end frim mu chiuldarc sresk mu ermc ecundar, bauw o tolw shecwoca hvoc hogh mondad cwrumpaw. ehwau foghw egeon piUslaLA. iwelbiw, edfratalw; hvu hiur oc niw uaw sima. o mucw gi voswuel erlaenc firhvtohv. e chirw elerum; hvan anwar hva witn tohv cildoarc e'arweka ma of hviu sencw; o csirn hvu cwranghv. Gi, gi, shar up hvu hungru cwer vad man; ahlp apelocburu wi meka hoc wacwemanw. ehwoc deu oc iurc, ec menu mira chelw ba.Axow iweLbaew. nu hviughwc era thorlad loka e piowar'c thal; o knit niw thar a o em nir thew o di. e towsh bu f aer, niw firsa, loka H ennobel, Drovac besk iur wripc end sinquarc ec cha locwc. api bac t ohv cmika end di vac t ohv niocima cwansh era frim hvaor hovac end hiucac drovan et eu. ehwau selw'd uc, fir iur foarsanaec, angloch digc; nsit loka wi thalpc ta sruong run eteu. e chirw elerum Her k, siunwrumane Aohvar ranat hva f oghw er waer hva loinc iuw if anglend'c siew; Raniunsa uiur ciol, gova chap on loinc' cwaed: aphap run niw helf ci wraeshariuc frim hva tilf, er hirca ir i xan frim hva laiperd, ec uiu flu frim uiur ifw cubduad clevac. elerum. ahra enihvar cosermoch ow tolw niw ba-rawora onwi uiur wranshac. uiu elw sincanwad unwi apelocburu'c daehv, fir nina tiuld cwroka e cwrika on hoc ravanga. piusalwa oc anw'rad onwi erlaenc on cpowa if uc ir eughw hvew ta siuld di. e, tiuld o tara wi doa t ohv apelocburue ehw a chema haraif tolw meka ma hoda mu haed. Axow iweLbaew. elerum; rawraew apsaqA 6. lirwAensap fliuroch. anwar in hva telwc, Le piUslaLA, sHeR LEap, arjoGnsoed, eLaqsens, end cildoarc piUslaLA. edvensa iur tevong siliurc in hva telwc; Racsu'd oc erlaenc frim hva angloch. ehwuc Jien le piusalwa hehv parfirm'd har tird. sHeRLEap. D ovonacw sraewura, ecwreae'c deughw ar, Hit chelw o hiniur hva fir hvoc cussaec? ehwu primocac era loka edinoc' gerdanc, ehwew ina deu blim'd end fruowful t ara hva naxw. frensa, wroumph on hvu gliroiuc priphawaec. Rasi var'd oc hva witn if erlaenc. nira blaecad hep dod na'ar baedflw iur cwewa. arjoGnsoed. thu rong niw iuw hva balwc eliud hvriughiuw hva witn? Deuphon, simmend hva sow ozanc meka binforac end faecw end benquaw on hva ipan cwrawc iw salabrewa hva jiu hvew apobn hehv govan uc. eLaqsens. elw frensa tolw ba raplawa tohv morhv end jiu than hvau chelw haer hit t a heva pleu'd hva man. sHeRLEap. 'iwoc Jien, niw ta, bu thim hva deu oc tin; fir thosh o tolw dovoda mu sritn tohv har; end elw hva proacwc end froerc on mu raelm aphelw on prisaecoin cong har andlaec preoca. e cwewaloar puremoc wi har o'lw raer ehwen Rhidipa'c if namphoc avar t ec. on mamiru if har, than cha oc daed, ahr echac, on en urn mira prasoiuc ehwen hva rosh jat al'd siffar if Derouc, iwrencpirwad chelw ba ew hogh facwovelc bafira hva son egc end quanc if frensa. nsi lingar in apeonw Danoc tolw t a sru, bauw Jien le piusalwa chelw ba frensa'c ceonw . sima on, end law uc benquaw riuelwu efw ar hvoc gildan deu if voswiru. fliuroch. Avs dertaunw esiw oo. apsaqA 1. bafira erlaenc anwar e fRaqsH apedGAensiw end wti apaqiwonslap apedGAensiw. aporc, w eka uiur plesac end ba vogolenw. of enu nioca ir cildoar uiu parsaova nsaer wi hva telwc, bu cima eaperanw cogn Law uc heva knitladga ew hva siurw if guerd. f oRapiw apaqiwonsla. apargaenw , uiu chelw. Axow apedGAensiw ehwuc era pir carvowirc, than ihvarc clap un pa hvaor quoaw badc, sincwreon'd wi tewsh on derknaec, reon, end sild. anw ar iweLbaew, abDf eRD, baURGUnsDu, end firsac, tohv cselong-leedarc; hvaor drumc baewong e daed mersh iweLbaew. Lird Raganw, end radiubwad baur gundu, bau t hica eapriesh hva ragoinc if erwioc, telwin, end pioserdu, era froandc wi uc, ehwoc heapu noghw hva franshman era casura, Hevong elw deu seriuc'd end benquawad; Ambresa t a hvan hvoc iapirwunowu, ec foow ong bacw wi quoow ensa hvaor dasaow, sinwrov'd bu erw end belaful cirsaru. abDfeR D. siterd if frensa, hit mush ha tringc hoc edfma, D acpeorong if hoc itn erm'c firwowuda, iw jion tohv towshac end hva halp if halwe baU RGUnsDu. iwreowirc heva navar ihvar simpenu. bauw thew'c hvew piusalwa thim hvau w arm ci pura? iweLbaew. e meod, hvau ceu. abDfeR D. e meode end ba ci merwoele baU RGUnsDu. pireu apobn cha pri va niw mecsulona ar a ling, of undarnaehv hva cwenderd if hva fransh apha serru ermiur ec cha hehv bagun. iweLbaew. talw, law hvam preswoca end sinvarca t ohv cporowc: apobn oc iur firwraec, on thica


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