NaJuWo 2019

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CISV Germany Building global friendship

CISV Germany Building global friendship

CO N F L I CT & R E S O L U T I O N VS .

S U S TAI NAB L E D E VE LO P M E N T 06.12. bis 08.12.2019 im CISV Haus in Hamburg NaJuWo is short for National Junior Weekend — but the name is quite ironic as the NaJuWo is far from being a national event. It has actually become one of the biggest international JB events. Anyone from anywhere over the age of 15 is welcome to join, even if they are new to CISV, so bring your friends! This is a great opportunity to meet up with friends from your last camp!

Infopack #1

CISV Germany Building global friendship



CISV Germany Building global friendship

CISV Germany


Building global friendship

We are trying to make the NaJuWo as affordable as possible by reducing the participation fee for anyone traveling from far away. This is to counter their increased travel costs.

Got School on Friday? If you need an explanation/course dispensation letter (Schulbefreiung), to get permission to miss a day of school/university, we can provide you with one.

The participation fee is set up in three steps based on linear distance to Hamburg: → If you arrive from further away but within a radius of 850 km you‘ll pay: 35 €

Contact us:

→ If you arrive from even further away you‘ll only pay: 20 €

Where is it?

Sign Up!

In the CISV House in Hamburg!

Registration Link:

→ If you arrive from within a radius of 450 km you‘ll pay: 45 €

Sarenweg 12-14 22397 Hamburg

CISV Germany Building global friendship

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