Full New Cities Summit 2012 Session Summaries

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composed of open green spaces and low-rise

Lavasa City Master Plan in their construction of

residential areas. The two main characteristics that

schools and village rehabilitation in the indigenous

make this city smart and competitive are efficient

villages around the site. The city’s mission is to

social interactions and a strong ICT network.

respond to rural-to-urban migration by diverting migrants through the new city.

Next, Fahd Al Rasheed presented the Again,

These “cities from scratch” face the same

the aim of this new city of two million people is to

questions and challenges about building a city

diversify the sources of economic growth, currently

from the top-down and incorporating the “bottom-

dependent on oil.

The government did not

up.” Due to their diverse experiences and contexts,

financially support the project, but allowed it to be

their responses to these challenges differ. For

developed through an economic zone with

example, while Skolkovo impressed upon the fact

specific regulations. Thirty global companies and

that they try to assemble all stakeholders to mix

10 billion euros have been transferred to King

bottom-up with top-down, Suzhou lamented the

Abdullah during the last six years. The city is now

government limitations in China inhibiting a lot of

entering its operational phase. The private sector is

bottom-up initiatives. Various visions are

able to evaluate this project through consumer

complimentary, however, such as the fact that all

behaviors, so that it can readjust and update

plans include mixed-use planning to increase the

throughout time.

amount of “products,” that is, experiences

King Abdullah Economic City example.

produced in the city.

Chen Xiaohui proceeded to outline the aspects of Suzhou Industry Park, located 20 minutes from Shanghai by train. The park acts as one of the most competitive in China with an annual GDP growth rate of 30%. The park aims to increase China’s international competitiveness by stimulating the economy with a shift from manufacturing to service industry and has already attracted 86 international firms. Lastly, Scot Wrighton presented Lavasa, a 100 square kilometer city located in the PuneMumbai corridor. The city is a completely corporate endeavor in that it receives no financial support from the Indian government. Wrighton highlighted the corporate responsibility of the 43

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