Full New Cities Summit 2012 Session Summaries

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will result in a multitude of innovations that cannot

Their free labor, in a way, helps companies like

be predicted. The crowd is now making our

Google, and city governments, like the City of

annotations, and there is an economic reason to

Paris, build powerful platforms. Meu Rio strives to

use this information, as well as civic hope.

make people aware of the power they have, to help people tell their own stories, and encourages

Jean-Louis Missika explained that if

citizens to curate their own information rather than

cities have been annotated for centuries, for

letting a few choose the data we use. The type of

example, through street signs or graffiti, the main

data also matters. While some data is given

difference is that today there is a mash-up of

freely, other critical pieces of information are not

information rather than a divide between

being released to people with the same ease.

information produced by the people and by

Because of this, people should demand the

government. Because of this, open data and

information that matters to them.

technology obliges city governments to interact with citizens, who are making tags online.

The discussion raised points to be thought of

However, a difficulty arises when you co-innovate

concerning the future of the annotated city. What

a city, as everyone in the city adopts the position

are the implications of this phenomenon on privacy

of “decision-maker”, rather than a select few.

issues? What infrastructure is needed to provide

Cities are now obliged to keep the old, but make

people with the tools for the annotated city, such

room for the new. However, making room for the

as free WiFi? Is access to information equal, or

new is not always welcome. For Missika, leading

are social inequalities further deepening? Overall,

the open data policy of Paris is not easy because

the role of data, and how governments, big

some leaders do not want to give away data

companies and citizens decide to handle its

freely, especially financial data. Because of this,

delicacy and transparency will affect the future of

Paris has started giving away geographical

how urban dwellers live in their city.

information first. Alessandra Orofino represented a critical perspective of the people, or “the new power.” Through Meu Rio, Orofino advocates for the voices of the people in Rio de Janeiro that are not being heard by encouraging their participation in the city. Part of the citizens’ fight in having their voice heard is fought in the realm of information. In this aspect, crowd-sourcing has changed the balance of power. Now, big companies and city governments are relying on people for their input. 11

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