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Once upon … recently … there were children living in different countries of the world. They all loved books. And one day … … they decided to share their books. They told each other stories and showed the illustrations from their favourite books. And then … … the book heroes took the road to visit countries that they have never dreamed of to meet new friends. And what happened among new friends? Take a look!

By participants of eTwinning project: Books make Friends & Friends make Books, 2010 Mentors: Nelly Tiran, Slovenia (founder of the project); Teresa Prokowska (founder of the project); Valentina Marinova, Bulgaria; Fabienne Pokora, France; Ragna Gunnarsdottir, Iceland; Fernanda Cristina Gonçalves, Portugal; Catalina Sitaru, Romania; Ivana Čepová, Slovakia; Nadene Mathes, USA:

Усмихната приказка за приятелството

От група” група”Пчелица” Пчелица” ЦДГ” ЦДГ”Синчец” Синчец” Троян, Троян,България

Cat had a big dreamdream- to learn the secret of true friendship. friendship. мечта-да Котката имала огромна мечтанаучи тайната на истинското приятелство. приятелство.

She decided to go on a trip and ask around the people she met what real friendship was. Тя решила да пътува и да пита всеки срещнат какво в действителност е приятелството. приятелството.

-Dear Cat, welcome to our country! What you are looking for? -Мила котке, котке,добре дошла в нашата страна! страна!Разкажи ни защо си дошла. дошла.

-I have one big dreamdream- to learn the secret of true friendship. -Аз имам една мечтамечта-да науча тайната на истинското приятелство. приятелство.

-Let we tell you what we know about the friendship! -Нека ти кажем какво знаем за приятелството! приятелството!

Friendship is the word That joins people together People from around the world People just like us! us!

Приятелстово е дума, дума, Която събира хората заедно, заедно, Хора от целия свят, свят, Хора точно като нас! нас!

We know who we are By becoming better people When we have friends When I have you. you. Ние научаваме кои сме Опознавайки попо-добре хората, хората, Които са наши прители, прители, Опознавайки попо-добре теб! теб!

Lets say Yes Yes to you and me I want you in my world Friend you are my life. life. Нека да кажем да, да, Да за мен и теб! теб! Аз те искам в моя живот Приятелю, Приятелю,ти си моя живот! живот!

My life was empty before But now I know know What I needed most Was You in my life! life! Моя живот беше самотен преди, преди, Но сега аз знам От какво се нуждаянуждаяТова си ти в моя живот! живот!

The friendship is native home, mom and dad, wonderful flower, smiling sun, love and happy games with friends! Приятелството е роден дом, дом,мама и татко, татко,прекрасно цвете, цвете,усмихнато слънце, слънце,обич и весели игри с приятели! приятели!

Cats are symbol of the Gabrovo. Gabrovo. One town located nearly to our. People there say: “The world has survived because it has laughed! laughed!” May be cats there could to help you. Котките са символ на Габрово, Габрово,град, град,който е близо до нашия град. град.Хората там казват : “Светът е оцелял, оцелял,защото се е смял” смял” Може би котките там ще ти помогнат .

The friendship?! Приятелството?! Приятелството?!

The thing that goes the farthest Toward making life worth while, That costs the least and does the most, Is just a pleasant smile! smile! Онова,,което отива найОнова най-далеко, далеко, Което си заслужава да вземеш И което струва и малко и многомногоТова е просто красивата усмивка! усмивка!

What is the secret of true friendship? friendship? Cat found a lot of answers, but she did not stop to looking for the secret. Каква е тайната на истинското приятелство? приятелство? Котката намерила много отговори, отговори,но тя не спряла да търси тайната. тайната.

She says good bye to Little Bees and go on her trip. Тя се сбогувала с децата от група” група”Пчелица” Пчелица” и продължила своето пътешествие. пътешествие.

May she will meet you tomorrow and will ask you , too...what is the secret:secret:-) Може би тя ще срещне и теб и също ще те попита какво е приятелството :-) Special thanks to :the humor house in Gabrovo; National civic forum BULGARKA;all of kids ,which draw to our book!!!



In Paris

Snudra et Tudra étaient vraiment heureuses de visiter La France. Une fois qu'elles furent à Paris, elles décidèrent e passer une semaine dans la capitale. Elles virent les monuments, les musées et de nombreux endroits très beaux. Snudra and Tudra were really happy to visit France. Once they were in Paris, they decided to spend a week in the capital. They saw monuments, museums and lots of beautifull places.

A la fin de la semaine elles achetèrent un livre sur la France afin de planifier le reste de leur sÊjour. Le premier chapitre parlait de l'ocÊan et des mers. At the end of the week they bouhgt a book abot France in order to plan the rest of their journey. The first chapter was about ocean and seas.

The next chapter was about mountains. (Aples, PyrĂŠnĂŠes, Jura, Vosges) Le chapitre suivant parlait des montagnes.

Then they discover castles: Versailles, castles of La Loire... Elles dÊcouvrirent ensuite les châteaux

Il y avait aussi une chapitre sur le France des cathĂŠdrales que l'on compte par centaines et qui datent du MoyenAge. There was also a chapter about hundreds cathedrals which were built in the Middle Ages.(In Stasbourg, Paris, Reims, Chartres, Rouen...)

At least they could discover pictures of National Parks and they decided that they would visit one of them before they return to their country. Elles découvrirent enfin des photos des parcs nationaux. Elles décidèrent alors d'en visiter un avant de retourner dans leur pays.

France is not only a continent, it's also many regions and departments over seas such as Guyane, Gaudeloupe, Réunion... So the girls decided that this would be the place they would go when they come back next year. La France n'est pas seulement un continent, c'est aussi plusieurs départements et régions d'outre mer comme la Guyane, La Réunion.... Les filles décidèrent donc qu'elles choisiraient une de ces destinations pour revenir l'année suivante.

Livre réalisé par les élèves de la classe de CM2 Book realised by pupils from the CM2 form

Romain, Jérôme, Clémentine, Isoline, Jason, Noémie, Maxence, Cornélia, Lucas, Emilie, Léo, Ludivine, Gauthier, Simon, Alexis, Eric, Julie, Amandine, Chloé, Léa, Margaux, Anthony, Brenda, Océane, Iliséa, Nathan, Marvyn

Authors of Danka and Janka visit Iceland are all the pupils in first grade in Flataskóli. We talked a lot about where we have been and were we found interesting to take Danka and Janka and what to show them. Höfundar Dönku og Jönku eru allir nemendur fyrsta bekkjar í Flataskóla. Við töluðum mikið um hvar við höfum verið og hvert okkur þætti spennandi að fara með Dönku og Jönku.

After we picked Danka and Janka up from Keflavik airport we took them to our school Flataskóli. They stayed for a whole day at school and had lessons with us. We had maths, home economics, swimming, library session and icelandic. Danka and Janka had a good day Eftir að við sóttum Dönku og Jönku á flugvöllinn fórum við með þær í skólann. Þær voru með okkur í skólanum í einn dag og komu með okkur í tíma. Við fórum í stærðfræði, heimilisfræði, sund, bókasafn og íslensku. Danka og Janka áttu góðan dag.

After school we went for a walk in our town Garðabær. We walked around town and had a look at the church, the library, the clock tower and our sportscenter. In the end we took them to the icecream store and gave them icecream wich the loved. Eftir skóla fórum við í göngu um Garðabæ. Við löbbuðum um bæinn og skoðuðum kirkjuna, bókasafnið, klukkuturninn og íþróttamiðstöðina. Að lokum fórum við í ísbúðina og gáfum þeim ís.

Afet a good night sleep we took Danka and Janka to our capital, Reykjavík. We had a look at Perlan, we went to the pond and gave the ducks breadcrumbs and then we went to Hallgrímskirkja and took the elevator to the top and had a look over Reykjavík. It was really nice and we had a great day in Reykjavík. Eftið góðan nætursvefn fórum við með Dönku og Jönku til höfuðborgarinnar, Reykjavík. Við skoðuðum Perluna, fórum að tjörninni og gáfum öndunum brauð og fórum svo í Hallgrímskirkju og horfðum yfir Reykjavík. Þetta var mjög notalegt og við áttum góðan dag.

We decided to take Danka and Janka hiking because Iceland has lots of mountains eventhough thei are not really high. Danka and Janka were good hikers and liked it. Afterwards we went on a little trip and saw one of Icelands nices waterfalls, Gullfoss. Við ákváðum að fara með Dönku og Jönku í fjallgöngu því að á Íslandi eru mörg fjöll þó svo að þau séu ekki mjög há. Danka og Janka voru mjög duglegar að ganga og þeim þótti skemmtilegt. Eftir gönguna fórum við í smá ferðalag og þá sáum við einn af fallegustu fossum Íslands Gullfoss.

After a great day hiking we went for a long drive to Ísafjörður in the Westfjords. We went to the bakery and and then to the harbour because Ísafjörður is a fishermans town. Then we kept on driving all the way to the Eastfjords to Egilsstaðir and Lagarfjót. Some people say that in Lagarfjótið lives a big worm. Danka and Janka hoped to see the worm but no one saw it – maybe it´s just a legend.

Eftir frábæra fjallgöngu fórum við af stað í langt ferðalag til Ísafjarðar á vestfjörðunum. Við fórum í bakaríið og niður á höfn af því að Ísafjörður er sjávarþorp. Síðan héldum við för okkar áfram til austfjarða ti lEgilsstaða og Lagarfljótsins. Sumir segja að í Lagarfljótinu búi ormur. Danka og Janka vonuðust til að sjá hann en enginn sá hann – kannski er hann bara þjóðsaga.

On our way from Ísafjörður to Egilsstaðir we stopped in Akureyri which is the biggest town in the north. Danka and Janka really liked the all year christmas house we showed them in Akureyri. Danka and Janka thought it was amazing to see the volcanic eruption that was going on and took some ash with them as souveniers.

Á leiðinni frá Ísafirði til Egilsstaða stoppuðum við á Akureyiri en það er stærsti bærin ná norðurlandi. Danka og Janka kunnu að meta jólahúsið sem við sýndum þeim á Akureyri. Dönku og Jönku þótti ótrúlegt að sjá eldgosið og tóku smá ösku með sér sem minjagrip.

On our journey we also took Danka and Janka to see hotsprings and from distance the saw glaciers. Danka liked Ísafjörður a lot but Janka really liked Akureyri and also the hotsprings. Á ferðalaginu fórum við með Dönku og Jönku til að sjá hveri og úr fjarlægð sú þær einnig jökla. Danka kunni best vi ðÍsafjörð en Jönku þotti mikið til Arkureyrar koma og líka hveranna.

Our last day with Danka and Janka started in the icelandic farm animal. It´s a childrenspark in Reykjavík. We had great fun around the animals . Later that day we took Danka and Janka to the airport, it was time to go home. We had fantastic time with Danka and Janka and know the liked their stay. Síðasti dagurinn okkar með Dönku og Jönku hófst í húsdýragarðinum. Það er barnagarður í Reykjavík. Við skemmtum okkur vel meðal dýranna. Síðar þennan dag fórum við með Dönku ogJönku út á flugvöll, það var kominn tími til að fara heim. Við áttum frábærar stundir með Dönku og Jönku og vitum að þeim líkaði dvölin á vel.

Uczniowie Szkoły Podstawowej nr 1 w Bolesławcu

Przygody Touimsa w Polsce

Touims's journeys in Poland Bolesławiec – Polska, 2010

Wrocławskie krasnale zaprosiły swoich francuskiego kuzynów - rodzinę Touimsa – do swojego miasta. Zorganizowały wielką uroczystość – światowy zjazd skrzatów. Francuska rodzina wspólnie zadecydowała, że na zjeździe będzie ich reprezentował Touims ze swoją papugą.

Wroclaw's dwarfs have invited their french cousins - Touims's family - to visit their town. They have organised a big event - world's sprites reunion. French family together have laid down that Toims with his parrot will represent them during the event.

Zaczęły się przygotowania do podróży. Na lotnisku w Paryżu naszego bohatera żegnała cała rodzina. Po raz pierwszy jeden ze skrzatów opuszczał dolinę i ruszał w tak daleką podróż. Panowało wielkie zamieszanie i przez pomyłkę Touims, zamiast do samolotu lecącego do Wrocławia, wsiadł do innej maszyny.

Preparations before the travel started. In the airport in Paris whole family wanted to say goodbay to Touims. It was the first time one of the sprites was leaving the valley for such a long journey. There was a horrible muddle everywhere and, in the result, Touims got into an airplane heading to Warsaw instead of Wroclaw.

Podróż minęła bardzo szybko i samolot wylądował. Na lotnisku Touims zorientował się, że jest w Warszawie. Nasi bohaterowie nie wiedząc, co dalej robić, postanowili zwiedzić miasto. Dotarli do centrum i obejrzeli Pałac Kultury i Nauki, a później poszli na Stare Miasto.

The travel elapsed really fast and the airplane has landed. In the airport Touims stroke that he confused flights. Our characters didn't know, what to do, so they decided to go sightseeing. When they reached the city centre, the Palace of Culture and Science was first thing what they saw. Later they headed to the Old Town.

Zwiedzili Zamek Królewski, obejrzeli Kolumnę Zygmunta i, oglądając piękne kamieniczki, wędrowali po krętych uliczkach. Tutaj wydarzyło się nieszczęście. Papuga odleciała za daleko i zgubiła się. Zrozpaczony Touims długo jej szukał, aż znalazł się w pobliżu symbolu Warszawy – Syrenki. Wtedy zobaczył swoją papugę, gawędzącą z Syrenką.

They saw the Royal Castle, the Zygmunt's Column and they roamed through winding streets, admiring beautiful tenements. It was there where a woe happened. The parrot flied too far and it got lost. Distraught Touims was trying to find her for a very long time. Fortunately, when he was passing by the Warsaw's symbol - the Mermaid, he saw the parrot talking with her.

Uradowany Touims opowiedział Syrence o swojej podróży i pomyłce. Syrenka postanowiła pomóc francuskim gościom. Następnego dnia bohaterowie popłynęli Wisłą do Krakowa na plecach Syrenki. Na miejscu pięknie jej podziękowali i wyszli na brzeg. Zwiedzili Rynek, Sukiennice i poszli w kierunku zamku na Wawelu. Chcieli odwiedzić wawelskiego smoka.

Glad Touims joined the conversation. He explained to Mermaid the whole situation and she decided to help her french guests. Next day Touims with his parrot were traveling to Krakow down the Wisla on Mermaid's back. When they reached their destination, they thanked Mermaid politely and went to see the city centre, Sukiennice and they headed to the castle on Wawel. They wanted to visit Krakow's dragon.

Obejrzeli zamek i poszli do smoka. Ze zdziwieniem zobaczyli, że jest tam także Syrenka. To właśnie ona poprosiła zakochanego w niej smoka, aby zawiózł Touimsa i papugę do Wrocławia.

After they saw a castle, they went to visit the dragon. They were really surprised when they noticed, that Mermaid is also there. She asked the dragon, who was in love with her, to take Touims and his parrot to Wroclaw.

Rozpoczęła się więc podróż na grzbiecie smoka. Bardzo szybko cała trójka dotarła na miejsce. Tam już czekały krasnoludki. Podziękowali smokowi i ruszyli na zwiedzanie Wrocławia. Obeszli całe Stare Miasto, odwiedzając wszystkie krasnoludki w ich miejscach.

The travel on the dragon's back began. They arrived to Wroclaw really soon. There were dwarfs already. They thanked the dragon and then decided to go sightseeing. They went round all the Old Town, so they could visit every Wroclaw's dwarf.

Po zakończonym zjeździe, po francuskich gości przyjechali ich przyjaciele - uczniowie z Bolesławca, aby zabrać ich do swojej szkoły. Na opowieściach droga minęła bardzo szybko. Francuzi obejrzeli szkołę i miasto. My opowiedzieliśmy im o nas, naszych zwyczajach, Touims przybliżył nam Francję. Bardzo podobało im się nasze miasto oraz ceramiczne wyroby, z których słynie Bolesławiec.

After the reunion, friends of French visitors arrived. That were Boleslawiec's students. They took them to their school. Touims and his parrot really enjoyed visiting the school and the city. We told him about us and our habits, Touims recounted about France. They loved our city and ceramic's handmade products, which are Boleslawiec's proud.

Długo wędrowaliśmy po uliczkach, Rynku z Ratuszem, odpoczywaliśmy nad rzeką, podziwiając Wiadukt. Po kilku dniach pobytu nasi goście wrócili do swojej doliny, serdecznie zapraszając nas do odwiedzenia Francji. Już teraz zaczynamy przygotowania do wycieczki.

We were roaming through the streets, we saw the city hall. We enjoyed resting by the river and admiring the great, historic overpass. After a few days our guests came back to their valley. They invited us to see France. We are starting preparations to the journey right now.

Mentor: Teresa Prokowska, June 2010

A Visita a Portugal The visit to Portugal ‌ a story made by children from JI Tojais - Penafiel

Era uma vez cinco animais (rato, coelho, raposa, lobo e urso), que viviam na Bulgåria, resolveram fugir em aventura e visitar Portugal‌

Once upon a time five animals from Bulgaria visited Portugal‌ (the mouse, rabbit, fox, wolf and bear) in adventure.

Os animais chegam a Penafiel para encontrar as crianรงas portuguesas do JI Tojais.

The animals went to Penafiel to visit the portuguese children from JI Tojais.

As crianças convidam-nos a visitar o rio Douro e a região de Penafiel.

The children invited them to visit river Douro and Penafiel region, a wonderfull place…

Por causa da longa viagem que tinham feito atĂŠ Penafiel, resolvem descer o Rio Douro atĂŠ ao Porto (segunda cidade mais importante de Portugal) de barco.

Because of long journey to Penafiel they decided to go down the river to Porto (the second city more important in Portugal) by boat.

Este barco ĂŠ um barco especial (Barco Rebelo) que em tempos transportava o vinho do Porto para as caves para ser engarrafado.

This boat is special (Rebelo boat) because in another time, long time ago, they brought Porto wine to the cellars to be bottled.

No fim da viagem estavam com muita fome e cansados. Resolveram ir comer daquilo que mais gostavam.

At the end of the journey they had hungry and seem to be tired, They decided to eat the most things they liked.

Depois foram atĂŠ Ă praia brincar um pouco e passar uns bons momentos juntos em harmonia e amizade.

After a while they went to the beach to play a little while with eachother and share moments of pleasure and friendship.

Por causa do calor que tem feito em Portugal, não puderam ficar mais tempo e regressaram à sua terra, às montanhas, mas prometeram voltar!

Because of hotness that’s happening in Portugal, they decided not be in Portugal so much time, so they return to their land, to the mountains but promissing that they return soon.

Romania Pozitie geografica: Stat situat in SE Europei,la N de Penisula Balcanica,in bazinul inferior al fluviului Dunarea,cu iesire la Marea Neagra ,avand drept "coloana vertebrala" Carpatii Sud - Estici". Suprafata : 238.391 km2( locul 11 in Europa. Populatia : 22.607.620 locuitori( 1 iulie 1996). Capitala:Bucuresti - 2.037.278 locuitori( 1 iulie 1996). Limba oficiala : limba romana - limba materna a peste 89 % din populatia tarii. Sarbatoarea nationala : 1 Decembrie. Drapelul national: trei benzi egale,dispuse vertical rosu,galben si albastru. Imnul national : "Destepta-te,romane ",intrat in vigoare la 24 martie 1990. Natura - Romania este o tara carpatica si dunareana, cu iesire la Marea Neagra,avand un relief variat si armonios repartatizat: muntii 31% , dealurile si podisurile 33%,campiile 36 %. Clima - este tempertat-continentala moderata.

Geographic Position: State situated in SE Europe, Balkan N Penisula in the lower basin of the Danube river on the Black Sea, its "backbone" South Carpathians Area: 238,391 km2 (ranked 11 in Europe). Population: 22,607,620 inhabitants (July 1, 1996). Capital: Bucharest - 2,037,278 people (July 1, 1996) Official language: Romanian - mother tongue of over 89% of the population. National Holiday: December 1. National Flag: three equal bands, verticallyarrangedred , yellow and blue. National Anthem: "Wake up, Romanian", entered force on March 24, 1990. Nature - Romania is a country with the Carpathian Mountains, The Danube Ruver, bordering the Black Sea, with a varied landscape and harmonious repartatizat: mountains 31% , 33% hills and plateaus, plains 36%. Climate - moderate continental is tempertat.

Pentru a ajunge in Romania, bunicul traverseaza Dunarea la Ruse. Ajunge la Giurgiu cu vaporul si aici incepe calatoria sa In Romania.

Bine ai venit, bunicule! Добре дошли, дядо! Hello, grandfather!

Buna ziua, copii! Giurgiu Dunarea


Здравейте, деца! Hello , kids!

To go to Romania, grandfather crossed the Danube from Rousse. Arrive at Giurgiu by boat and here begins his journey in Romania.

In prima zi bunicul viziteaza orasul Giurgiu si este invitat la Serbarea Abecedarului de catre elevii clasei I A On the first day visiting the city of Giurgiu and grandfather is invited to the Feast of ABC by the students of first grade

Bunicul viziteaza cele mai importante monumente de arta din Romania, insotit de Andreea si Catalina, doua eleve din clasa I .

Castelul Bran Bran Castle

Palatul Parlamentului Palace of Parliament, Bucharest

Grandpa visit the most important art monuments in Romania, accompanied by Andreea Catalina, two students from first grade.

Arcul de Triumf The Arch of Triumph,Bucharest

Cetatea Rasnov Rasnov Castle

Castelul Peles Peles Castle, Sinaia

Bunicul doreste sa mearga la munte, unde aerul este curat si e racoare. Aici este intampinat de Robert si cainele Labus. O treime din suprafata Romaniei este reprezentata de Muntii Carpati. In Carpatii romanesti intalnim peisaje pitoresti unice in lume.

Balea Lac Balea Lake


Varful Toaca Toaca peak

Barajul Vidraru Vidraru Barrage

Iarna in Muntii Carpati Winter in the Carpathians

Grandpa wants to go to the mountains where the air is clean and is cool. Here is welcomed by Robert and his dog Labus. A third of Romania is represented by the Carpathian Mountains. The Romanian Carpathians have picturesque landscapes.

Maria si Ioana il intampina pe bunic si pornesc in vizita la manastirile din Romania. Maria and Ioana welcome grandpa and go to monasteries in Romania.

Andrei si bunicul merg la pescuit, in Delta Dunarii. In Delta Dunarii se afla specii rare de animale si pasari ocrotite prin lege. Natura este salbatica, fiind de o deosebita frumusete.

Lebede din Delta Dunarii Swan from Danube Delta

Sturion de Dunare Sturgeon on the Danube

Andrei and Grandfather go fishing in the Delta. Danube Delta are rare species of animals and birds protected by law. Nature is wild and is of great beauty.

Canal din Delta Dunarii Danube Delta Channel

Pasari Birds

Casa din Delta Dunarii House from Danube Delta

Bunicul viziteaza Litoralul Marii Negre. Aici se intalneste cu Matei si Elena. Plaja este superba, apa calda si ei se bucura impreuna de un joc cu mingea. Grandpa visits Black Sea coast. Here it meets with Matei and Elena. The beach is beautiful, and together they enjoy a ball game.

Statiunea Mamaia Mamaia Resort

Statiunea Neptun Neptun Resort

Aqua Magic Mamaia


Bunicul s-a simtit foarte bine in Romania. Numai ca ii lipseste casa sa din Bulgaria. S-a hotarat sa plece. Dar nu a plecat singur. El i-a invitat si pe copiii romani sa il viziteze si au plecat impreuna cu vaporul. Grandpa has had a great time in Romania. But it missed his home in Bulgaria. He was decided to leave, but not alone. He invited the Romanian children to visit and went with the boat together.

Ko je princesa Elizabeta zapustila princa Ronalda, si je vzela čas zase – prebrala je vse knjige, ki jih je že davno hotela, ogledala si je vse najboljše risanke, zapela vse svoje najljubše pesmi vsaj stokrat, se naplavala in nasmučala. In takrat enkrat jo je našlo pismo iz Slovenije, v katerem so jo otroci z OŠ Kolezija povabili, da jih obišče in spozna nove prijatelje. Princesi Elizabeti se je to zdela odlična ideja in za prevoz je prosila svojega znanca zmaja. After leaving Ronald Elizabeta took time for herself – she read all the books she has always wanted, watched all the best cartoons, sang all her favourite songs at least 100 times, skied and swimmed to death (almost) … and about then she got a letter from Kolezija firstgraders in Slovenia, who were inviting her to come over, so that she would make new friends. The princess thought the idea was excellent and asked her acquaintance – the dragon – to give her a ride.

Po tridnevnem potovanju čez Atlantik sta utrujena pristala na strehi OŠ Kolezija. Šolo sta našla brez težav, saj je bila to edina stavba v Ljubljani s pisano vetrnico na strehi. Princesa je bila precej premražena, na sebi je namreč še vedno imela le obleko iz papirnate vrečke. Po močnih stiskih rok in divjih objemih so jo otroci takoj odpeljali v garderobo k omari, v kateri hranijo najdene kose oblačil. Princesa si je izbrala zeleno majico in oranžno krilo, prvošolci pa so ji okoli vratu hitro privezali še rumeno rutico, da bo v prometu, ki ga ni vajena, varna. Medtem se je od nekod vzel še šolski zmajček in se spoprijateljil z ameriškim zmajem. Prijateljske niti so se tkale z veliko hitrostjo in princesa je takrat prvič pozabila na Ronalda. After 3 days of flying over the Atlantic they landed on the roof of Kolezija Primary School in Ljubljana. They found the school easily, because it was the only building with a colorful pinwheel on it’s roof. The princess was quite cold because she was still wearing the paper bag dress. After lots of huging and handshaking the children immediately took her to wardrobe, where she picked some clothes from the box with lost children stuff. She liked green T-shirt and orange skirt. Firstgraders also put a yellow scarf around her neck to make her more visible in the traffic. In the meantime the school dragon came around and made friends with American dragon. Friendships of all kinds were growing fast and it was the first time that Elisabeth forgot about Ronald.

Po kratkem počitku in okrepčilu (zmaj ni maral ničesar, ker mu niso ponudili nobene princese, niti najmanjše (npr. popečene na žaru)) so se vsi skupaj odpravili na Ljubljanski grad. “Živi tu kakšen princ?” je vprašala Elizabeta in bila nad odgovorom “Ah ne, kje pa!” majčkeno razočarana. Živel pa je na gradu ljubljanski zmaj in princesin zmaj je tako dobil drugega zmajevskega prijatelja v svojem življenju. Princesa se je medtem odpravila na stolp, da si ogleda mesto iz ptičje perspektive. A groza! Tako se ji je zavrtelo v glavi (najbrž je bila še utrujena od dolge poti), da so jo otroci brž odpeljali na Prešernov trg in jo potolažili z balonom. Med tigri, zebrami, mikimiškami, … si je izbrala balon v obliki srca. Zakaj, tega še sama ni vedela. (Ampak nam se kar zdi ☺) After a short break and a snack (the dragon didn’t eat anything, because he was not offered a single princess, not even a tiny one (roasted for example)) they left for Ljubljana castle. “Does a prince live here?” Elisabeth asked and “Oh no, not really!” answer made her quite sad. But another dragon was living there and an American dragon got a second dragon friend in his life. While dragon bonding the princess climbed on the top of the castle tower to see the town from the bird perspective. But … because of the hights she got terribly dizzy (she was probably still tired due to long over-ocean flight) and the children promptly took her to Prešeren Square, where the baloons of all sorts were offered to buy. The princess picked the baloon in the shape of a heart. Why – she didn’t know. (But we have an idea ☺)

Naslednji dan je nove prijatelje pot zapeljala pod zemljo. Ogledali so si Postojnsko jamo. Ne tam ne v Predjamskem gradu princesa ni našla princa, se je pa v jami peljala z vlakcem. Bilo je precej lepše in zabavneje kot na “vlaku smrti”. Občudovala je mogočne kapnike, ki v 100 letih zrastejo le za 1 milimeter, ter se čudila človeškim ribicam, saj takih živali ni še nikoli videla. Kako bi tudi jih, saj živijo le na tem območju sveta. Zmaju so se zdele podobne zmajevskim dojenčkom. Želel jih je pobožati, pa jih ni smel, saj so te živali zaščitene. Postal je kar malo otožen, a v tistem hipu mu je pot prekrižal jamski zmajček Jami. Skupaj sta se dolgo igrala skrivalnice. Prav vsi so se zabavali kot še nikoli v življenju, ameriški zmaj pa je celo pozabil, da je strahotno lačen. The very next day the group went underground – they took a tour to Postojna cave. And not a trace of a single prince anywhere! But the princess took a ride with a cave train and it was so much more fun than a roller coaster. She admired the stalactites, which grow for only one millimeter in hundred years. She was surprised over proteus (the blind, so called human fish - because of the colour of it’s skin). She has never seen an animal like this before. She couldn’t possibly, because this species lives only in this area. The dragon thought they looked like baby dragons. He couldn’t touch them, because they are protected and this made him a bit sad. But another dragon came along. His name was Jami and they played “hide and seek” for hours. The dragon had the best times ever, he even forgot he was terribly hungry.

Ker ima vsaka prava princesa rada konje, je bila Lipica pravi kraj za obisk. Takoj so se vsi strpali v kočije in se popeljali po poteh okoli pašnikov, po katerih so tekale črede prelepih belo-sivih lipicancev. Žal se je nad njimi kmalu razbesnela nevihta in na pomoč je prihitel šolski hišnik Rudi s svojim rumenim kombijem. V bližnji gostilni so jim postregli s potico. Tudi ameriški zmaj jo je poskusil. Pa ni pojedel le enega kosa, ampak kar 10 celih potic. “Morda pa princese le niso najboljša hrana svetu,” je pomislil prvič v življenju. Elizabeta pa je zaradi Rudijeve ustrežljivosti (držal ji je dežnik in ji odpiral vrata) ugotovila, da prijazni ljudje niso nujno princi. Every princess loves horses and that’s why they went to Lipica. They all took carriages to drive around the green fields of grass and observe beautiful flocks of grayish-white lipizzaners. Too bad the storm came but the schoolkeeper Rudi rescued them with his yellow van. In a nearby restaurant they took a snack – the Slovenian cake “potica”. Even the dragon shared a bite. Actually not a bite – he ate 10 whole potica cakes. “Maybe the princesses are not the best food in the world …” That’s the thought that crossed his mind for the first time in his life. And because of Rudi’s kindness (he was holding the umbrella for her and opening all the doors before her) Elisabeth discovered that being a gentleman and a prince does not necessarily come together.

Dnevi so bili zelo vroči, zato se je vsa druščina odpravila na obalo v prelep Piran, da se okopa. Imeli so srečo – pridružili so se jim delfini. In - ali je sploh lahko kaj lepšega, kot je jezdenje delfinov? Seveda ni smel manjkati niti čokoladni sladoled! Princesa je zagledala čednega fanta na skuterju, a ta je še opazil ni, preveč je imel dela z divjanjem po morju. Še dobro, princesa si gotovo zasluži boljšega moža. Ko je padla noč, si je Elizabeta poiskala kraljevski apartma v najboljšem hotelu daleč naokrog. Ker je bil zmajem vstop prepovedan, je princesin “leteči taksi” poiskal Jamija iz Postojnske jame in vso noč sta si pravila zmajevske šale. Končno jih je nekdo razumel in nasmejala sta se do solz. The days got quite hot, so the group decided to go to the sea side – in a wonderful old town Piran – for a swim. And they were very lucky – dolphins joined them and what could possibly be more fun than riding a dolphin? They didn’t miss a chocolate ice-cream either! A handsome scooter driver took Elisabeth’s attention but he didn’t notice her. It was a good thing, because she deserved much better husband than a crazy sea racer. When getting dark Elisabeth took a royal sweet in the best hotel on the coast. Dragons weren’t allowed to sleep over, so the princess “flying cab” found Jami, the dragon from Postojna cave, and they were telling each other dragon jokes all night through. Finally they found someone, who actually understood them.

Na morju je postalo prevroče, zato so vsi skupaj odšli proti goram – na Bled. Tokrat so s čolni pluli po jezeru in se ustavili tudi na otočku s cerkvico. Elizabeta ni zamudila priložnosti, da si ob cingljanju zvončka želja nekaj zaželi. (Vsi vemo, kaj, a ne ;) In kaj so si privoščili za malico? Kremšnite!!! Zmaju so teknile še bolj kot potica (raje ne omenjamo natančnega števila pojedenih slaščic) in od samega navdušenja mu je iz ust ušla neka neumnost (namreč, da ne bo več jedel princes), kar pa je poželo splošno odobravanje prisotnih in precej trepljanja po gobcu. Friends started to look for chillier places, so they left for Bled – a little lake town in the mountains. They took a boat and stopped on the cute little island with a church in the middle of the lake. Elisabeth climbed all the numerous stairs to ring a wishing bell. (We all know, what she wished for, right ;) And then what? Cream slices, a delicious desert!!! The dragon liked them even more than potica cakes (we’re not telling the exact number of pieces he ate) and out of a blue he said something really stupid (well, something like he will never ever eat a single princess again). The crowd around him greeted his words with an enormous HURRAY and patted his cheeks wildly.

Na najvišjo goro Slovenije – Triglav – še ni stopila nožica žive princese in to je bilo potrebno nemudoma spremeniti. Elizabeta si je obula pohodne čevlje, a še preden je dobro zagrizla v hrib, jo je že ujel Bedanec in jo privezal na drevo. Od nje je zahteval denar, s katerim si je želel kupiti najnovejše pasti na atomsko energijo za medvede. Ker je princesin zmaj zaradi slabosti ostal v dolini (kremšnite!!), so bile možnosti rešitve skoraj nične. A na drevesu se je skrival neustrašni Kekec, ki je Elizabeto ob prvi priliki osvobodil. Precej odrgnjeno je odnesel k Pehti in ta jo je s svojimi zdravilnimi kapljicami v nekaj dneh spravila k sebi. Triglav (2864 m), the highest peak of Slovenia, has never been stepped on by a living princess foot, so this was planned to change immediately. The princess got herself brand new tracking shoes and started to climb. But shortly after Bedanec, a wild and bad man from the woods (book character), abducted her and tighted her up. He wanted money from her to buy himself atomic traps for bears. Because the dragon stayed down the valley due to stomach pain (cream slices!!), the possibilities for getting rescued were about zero. But fortunatelly the brave boy - Kekec (book character) - was in the neighbourhood (on the tree, to be exact) and he got her free as soon as possible. He took her to Pehta (book character), who was a herbalist and she cured the princess with her healing drops.

Elizabeta je okrevanje nadaljevala v Kekčevi koči. Kekec jo je začel klicati Betka in Elizabeti je bilo to všeč. Zmaj pa je po vetru prejel sporočilo, da mu je zbolela edina teta. S težkim srcem se je odločil, da se vrne v Ameriko. Poslovil se je od svojih novih (in edinih) treh zmajevskih prijateljev in jim obljubil, da jim bo vsak dan napisal kakšen sms. Princesa pa ni hotela z njim. Presenečenje? Niti ne. Kolezijski otroci so postali njeni najboljši prijatelji, Kekec pa je bil sploh pravi fant od fare. Pa tudi – le kdo na svetu se mu ne bi želel pridružiti, ko bo Bedancu spet kakšno ušpičil? Elisabeth moved to Kekec place, where she recovered completely. Kekec started to call her Betka and Elisabeth liked it. They got along very well. But the dragon got delivered a message through wind way, that his only aunt got sick. He had to return to America. He said goodby to his new (and the only) dragon friends and promised he would write at least one sms a day to them. The princess decided not to return with him. A surprise? Not really. Kolezija children became her best friends and Kekec was the best boy she has ever met. Plus – who on Earth wouldn’t like to join him when teaching Bedanec a lesson again? P.s.: Is there still anyone, who doubts the secret power of a wishing bell? P.s.: Ali je še kje kakšen neumnež, ki dvomi v skrivno moč zvončka želja?

Mentor: Nelly Tiran, junij 2010

The Slipper Cat Visits the USA

by Ms. Mathes’ 1st Grade, Maine, USA

The Slipper Cat found out that her friends in the USA were not taking care of their

backpacks. They were throwing them on the

floor instead of hanging them on hooks. She flew across the Atlantic Ocean on the Ljubljana Dragon to visit Maine.

She found the backpacks all over the floor. “Meow, meow,” said the Slipper Cat. “I

don’t like this!” When we came in from lunch recess, we found all of our backpacks were gone! The Slipper Cat said, “I will give you clues to find them.” The Ljubljana Dragon said, “I will fly you around.” We love dragons, so this was a very exciting idea. The first clue: “Find a statue so big that you can climb up inside of it.”

The Statue of Liberty is 305 feet tall; about 93m! This is New York City Harbor. We

climbed way up to the crown. The Slipper Cat liked being up so high, and she ran up the stairs faster than we could! We looked and looked, but we didn’t see our

backpacks. The Slipper Cat said, “This was too easy! You knew your teacher grew up in New York City.”

The second clue: “Find a piece of the moon.”

There is a piece of the moon, in the Space Window of the National Cathedral, in

Washington, D.C. The National Cathedral is a house of prayer for all people, and

services are held in every religion. The Dragon flew us up to the window, and we saw beautiful colors. The Slipper Cat liked seeing the moon rock, but we didn’t see our backpacks.

The next clue: “Find an alligator.”

Alligators live in Everglades National Park in Florida. Alligators are interesting, but

very fierce, so we warned the Dragon not to get too close. We noticed the Slipper Cat had disappeared. We think she was afraid of the alligators. We took a special boat to look for our backpacks, but they weren’t here either. Maybe the alligators ate them? The next clue: “Cross a very big river and go to the Heartland.”

The Mississippi River is over 2,000 miles (3,220 km) long, and 4 miles (6.5 km) wide.

It’s fun to go on steam boat rides on the Mississippi River. The Slipper Cat liked riding on the top deck of the boat because it’s sunny up there. We think she took a nap too. Iowa is USA’s Heartland, and is famous for growing corn. The corn grows way over

your head. It was hard to look through the cornfields because the corn was so tall, and the Dragon kept wanting to stop and make popcorn. The Slipper Cat liked running

through the corn to hear it make noise. We looked and looked, but we didn’t see our backpacks.

The next clue: “Find a cowboy.”

Wyoming is cattle country. Cowboys take care of the cattle. There is lots of open

space. We rode horses all over Wyoming, but we didn’t find our backpacks. Some of us got saddle-sore. The Dragon just watched. He said, “Horses and dragons don’t

get along.” The Slipper Cat liked riding on a horse, because she had never done that before. She said, “Horses and cats do get along.” The next clue: “Find the biggest boot.”

This is L.L. Bean in Freeport, Maine. The

Slipper Cat is standing in the doorway and she was excited. We think she is going to tell us

about our backpacks now! We are going inside the store to look around. Dragons are not

allowed in stores, so he waited outside for us. The Slipper Cat said we could choose a new backpack if we promised to take care of it and hang it up. There were SO many backpacks, we didn’t know which one to choose! The Dragon wanted green, and the Slipper Cat chose blue. Which one would you pick?

Hayden & Corey Emilia & Heavenly

Chris & Ben Jenna

Michael & Dylan Cody

Hailey Harley, Ashley, Mary, Lauren


Ashton Matthew

We are excited about having new backpacks. We promised to hang up our backpacks every day. We thanked the Slipper Cat for our new backpacks, and waved goodbye.

She flew home on the Dragon. We have good friends in Slovenia, and we’d like to visit some day. Maybe the Paper Bag Princess could arrange it....

The End

The authors all live in Oakland, Maine, USA. Lauren - I’m 7 years old, and I like to write about whales. Heavenly - I’m 7 years old and I have a cat. Mike - I’m almost 7 years old and I have a kitten named Smokey. Ben - I’m 7 years old and I like to play on the computer. Chris - I have a dog, Sebastian, and a cat, Taz. Harley - I am 6 years old and I have a cat named Hemside. Ashton - I’m 7 years old and I like to look at our Book Blog at home. Jenna - I’m 7 years old and I like to jump on my trampoline. Matthew - I’m 7 years old and I like to play basketball. Cody - I’m 7 years old and I like to play football with my brothers. Ashley - I’m 6 years old and I like to ride my bike.

This is a picture of us with our favorite

Mary - I’m 7 years old and I have 2 dogs and a bunny named Henry. Charlotte - I’m 7 years old and I like to play ball. Dylan - I’m 6 years old and I like to play outside. Corey - I’m 7 years old and I like to play cards with my baby twin brothers. Hayden - I am 6 years old and I like to write stories. Hailey - I am 7 years old and I like to play with LPS toys. Emilia - I am 7 years old and I like playing on the monkey bars.

student teacher.

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