Issue 39

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Is Google Plus a “Plus”? By Mike Sharp from Mike's Online Academy reported in March 2015 that Google Plus has 300 million active users which is 20 million more than Twitter! Google Plus is not as trendy as Twitter or Facebook as a social network but the clue to it's importance is in the first word of its name. GOOGLE! Google provides many online services and products such as Gmail, Blogger, My Business, YouTube, Google Maps and of course Google Search! And the great news is that all these services are compatible with Google Plus which is a big plus! You can have a personal profile on Google Plus for your personal networking needs and you can set up a Google Plus Business page where you can showcase your business to the world! A good place to start is to to go to Google My Business at here you can get your business on Google for free and once you have entered your business details you will be given a Google Plus business page by default. When your business is on Google and you are literally on the Google Map people will check out your Google Plus business page and you don't want it to be empty! Here are 10 tips to help you get the most from your Google Plus business page: 1. Make sure your Google Plus business page profile has a good description of your business and make sure you add keywords to help get found on Google search.

you could create a “customers“ circle and a “prospects“ circle and post different content to each circle. 5. Help people. Don't just promote yourself but help your followers with their problems and questions. 6. Host a “hangout”. A hangout is a feature of Google Plus where you can talk to up to 10 people at a time using video. Great for building relationships with customers and other businesses and adds a powerful visual element to your social media marketing. 7. When you create a Google Plus business page you will get the opportunity to create a dedicated YouTube channel for your business allowing you to separate your personal YouTube videos from your business YouTube videos. 8. Embed your Google Plus posts on to your blog to give them longevity and an even wider audience. 9. Use professional photos and get a graphic designer for your profile and cover photo. 10. Work on adding at least 1 follower per day and your efforts will begin to pay off. If you haven't tried Google Plus yet go to and get started. If you already have a Google Plus account then I trust it will inspire you to do more with it. If you need help please feel free contact me for 1 to 1 coaching on how to use Google Plus.

2. Use your personal Google Plus personal profile to share posts from your business page and reach even more people. 3. Adding a Google Plus badge to your website/blog makes it easy for your visitors to follow you. 4. A great feature of Google Plus is that you can segment your followers into “Circles” which helps to keep your posts relevant to a section of your followers. For example

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